Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Father Schmidberger: There Isn't Much More to be Expected From the Pope

Father Franz Schmidberger: Volte Face in the Vatican

"What use is the Motu Proprio to the Old Liturgy if a year thereafter, one of the worst opponents of this Liturgy is given a key position?"

(  There are rumors that in the case of the regulation of the Society of St. Pius X that a certain western European country will have its ambassador to the Holy See threatened with resignation.

This was explained by Father Franz Schmidberger, Mathematician and German District Superior of the Society in an interview with the Catholic monthly 'Kirchliche Umschau'.

The Vatican Appeared Satisfied with the Answer

The clergyman recapitulated the most recent history of the negotiations of the Society with the Vatican.

On the 16th of March the CDF attempted to give an ultimatum to Society General Superior, Bishop Bernard Fellay, to accept the Dogmatic Preamble of September 14th.

Thereupon Bishop Fellay published a dogmatic text, which stressed the persistence of the Society in the Catholic position:

"The proposal of Msgr. Fellay went as far as we could, to satisfy the side of the CDF's position, and on the other side not to give up any of our positions."

The text found, according to Schidberger, "clearly the approval of the Holy Father and also the agreement of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith".

Pressure Was Put on the Pope

Then there came an unexpected change of position: Bishop Fellay received a new text on June 13th frot he CDF.

The new demands contained within were described by Father Schmidberger as "very surprising".

 The Pope was not made happy happy, according to the CDF, with a subsequently specified interview, which Msgr Fellay gave on the recognition of the the Society.

At the same time, there was probably pressure put on the Pope.

Not Acceptable

The new demands bound the recognition of the legitimacy of the New Liturgy.

That was not acceptable according to Father Schmidberger: "How can one recognize a Liturgy as legitimate, which flees from the Catholic Faith and not to it?"

The second demand touched upon the Pastoral Council: The Society many only still discuss particularities of the Council.

They must then -- against their convictions -- attempt to reconcile it with the continuity of the earlier Magisterium.

Bishop Fellay had answered this text according to the statements of Father.

The Pope Speaks and Negotiates With a Forked Tongue

Father Schmidberger believes that the appointment of the heterodox Archbishop Gerhard Luwig Müller as guardian of the Catholic Faith was responsible for a change of course toward the Society in the Vatican.

He also criticized the appointment of Archbishop Arthur Roch as Secretary of The Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments:

"What is the point of a Motu Prorprio about the Old Liturgy, if you appoint one of its worst opponents to a key position, which will counteract the Traditional Mass?"

Catholic, Roman Catholic

However, Father Schmidberger decisively rejects any separation with Rome.

He cited the founder of the Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre: "Neither Liberal nor Modernist, nor schismatic, rather Catholic, Roman Catholic!"

This devise of the Archbishop called for almost a daily tightrope walk for the society in view of the Church crisis.

A Pilgrimage for Lefebvrists?

The future of the negotiations with the Vatican would be dependent upon Archbishop Augustine Di Noia and his scope of negotiations.

Father Schmidberger discerns then that the Society still has to remain in its current position of misunderstanding.

He appealed to the faithful, not to be bitter toward the Holy See, rather to preserve love.

Some prelates in and out of the Curia have pleaded for the Society:  "They have recognized how important the effect of the Society in the official area would be."

Father Schmidberger thinks:  "Would the consideration not have value, if it meant the pastoral care of a pilgrimage or another seminary?"

The Errors Are Finally Discussed Openly

Father Schmidberger can't imagine a renewal of the Excommunication of the Society.

At the same time he insists that Msgr Muller is "really not our friend".

He demands the acceptance of the the errors, which have led to the Conciliar and post-Conciliar decline.

The recognition of the Society would mean for the ecclesiastical confession, that certain expressions are to be corrected and requires the Traditional Mass for the healing of its members.

Father Schmidberger expects little of the Pontificate of Benedict XVI.:  "Humanly, since his last personal decisions in Rome, there is not overly much to be expected."

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI to Visit Ukraine?

Pope Benedict XVI may possibly visit the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Kiev, Swjatoslaw Schwetschuk in the Ukraine.

Arcbishop Schwetschuk
Vatican City (  Pope Benedict XVI may possibly visit the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Kiev, Swjatoslaw Schwetschuk in the Ukraine, according to him.  The possibility about such a visit was already discussed for this year, said Schwetschuk on Monday in informal talks during the Bishops' Synod.  With a view to the social importance it is being descried as a "delicate matter".

As to the question if the Pope might come to his country, Schwetschuk said: "I believe yes".  The Catholics in Ukraine are awaiting Benedict XVI., says the head of the Greek-Catholic Church in Ukraine.  The possibility of a papal trip to the Ukraine has been speculated upon for quite some time; an invitation has been extended by the Catholics united with Rome.

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Photo: C) 2012 KNA Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Bored by Synod: Cardinal Meisner Encourages Going to Confession More Often

"Since then, it hasn't been going forwards, but backwards."

Edit: in other words, it's not just going to confession, but having a good resolution to do something about your obligations and the state of your Diocese.

Nothing besides the Sacrament of Penance:  Joachim Cardinal Meisner recommends going to confession more often -- instead of solving the problems in the Church.

(  "We have sat here since the past week and have listened to the interventions from early morning until the evening -- which are very interesting."

The Neoconservative Cardinal Joachim Meisner Cologne reaffirmed this yesterday for his Old Liberal Flamer-Site '' [They were preaching out against the "sins" of homophobia, earlier and Cardinal Meisner hasn't done anything to correct them.]

When he was asked to explain "very interesting", he explained:  "Everyone has the opportunity, to give an intervention.  This makes the work a bit laborious.

Because: "Getting down to business" in discussion circles -- where the Germans stew in their own juices.

Bla-bla Isn't Enough

The Cardinal spoke of a "disappearing faith".

One has to ask "very seriously":  "What have we done wrong?"  -- he asked.

He described himself as a veteran of synods who has participated in ten such gatherings.

Only: "Since then, it hasn't gone forward, but backward."  -- insisted the Cardinal soberly.

Certainly he could not bear the hard reality for long, but  quickly got out of it by talking about the "Holy Ghost".

Despite which -- according to his own account -- the ten Bla-bla Synods he had gotten through, he still effused optimism:  "I am of good hope that the Snod can have a good result."

More Penance?

His website  attempted to hack back into it:  "Can you talk about what has been done wrong up until now?"

Cardinal Meisner retreated:  "I can only say what I've done wrong."

Or:  "And that's something you must also ask yourself."

Here is a solution:  "Are we going regularly to confession, that the sins of our life will be effaced and we will make room for the Holy Ghost?"

Fact: At least based on the situation of the Church in Cologne and in Germany it can be concluded that Cardinal Meisner isn't going to confession enough.

The Problem is not the World

He cited John Paul II:  "The conditions in the secular society have become significantly more difficult."

Still, the problem isn't the world, but the priests and bishops who've become more worldly -- and its vanishing faith.

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Diocesan Conference Hosts SSPX Italian Superior to Talk on Vatican II

Edit: Don Secci Alberto is a Diocesan Priest in Novara, Italy invites a surprise guest who held everyone enraptured by the clarity of his discourse and the Apostolic fire of his zeal.  Here's a brief stab at some google translate with some editing for the ever dependable Messa in Latino blog.  The following is an account of the Third Conference of Tradition in Verbania in the region of Piedmont, Italy:

We have received and published in the common perspective of "thinking with the Church". We thank the author for sending to us the article. AC 

"To deny the very serious crisis in which we find the Church is to deny the evidence ... as a result, those who say things as they really are, is considered an enemy of the Church."

With these sorrowful words  Don Secci Alberto opened the Third Conference of the tradition that took place, as planned, at the hotel "The Cloister" of Verbania. The conference room was packed with an audience and so the same Don Albert celebrated Holy Mass in the chapel at 17.30.

"While we deny the evidence" - continued the courageous priest of Ossola - "it often leads us to be astonished at the face we see in the mirror.

Coming to Verbania they listened to, for example, a radio interview with a Roman prelate. He went so far as to declare that ... this crisis has enabled the Church to provide, as always, the right medicine."

This medicine is called the Second Vatican Council. ... How do you get to this point?"

Shortly after he was presented, then the keynote speaker of the event was announced. A surprise came to the table and it was Don Pierpaolo Petrucci, the top guy of the Italian District of the SSPX: "We invited the Society of St. Pius X" - said Don Alberto - "because no one has in more than forty years of study and sacrifice, has been able to further investigate the reasons and meaning of this frightful crisis. The same Roman authorities, agreeing to discuss formally with the SSPX, have implicitly admitted that their positions are important and worthy of attention." [WOW!]

Don Pierpaolo Petrucci's summary then, in his clear speech about the historical reasons that led to the current situation: "The cause of all the troubles of the Church, throughout its history, is obviously Satan.

He, to act, however, needs of employees and always human, unfortunately, has found in the course of the centuries. "

He then summed up the history of heresies, and especially those that have plagued Christianity humanism forward.

"Luther, in practice, said: Christ yes, the Church no.

Then came the French Revolution and Liberalism have gone a step further: God yes, Christ no.

Finally, the atheistic Marxism: God is dead. "

Until the mid-nineteenth century all these heresies were rife in the world but the Church opposed it vigorously.

Then began a slow penetration, subtle and creeping into the Bride of Christ. St. Pius X was able to vanquish the modernism, the synthesis of all heresies, but after his death, the process continued slowly, until it explodes during and after the Second Vatican Council.

"Archbishop Lefebvre" - said Don Pierpaolo - "he told us, as indeed also stated, in the opposite perspective Card. Suenens, that the Council had been in 1789 the Church. In it imposed the three revolutionary motto: Liberté ( religious freedom), Fraternity, with ecumenism, Equality with the principle of collegiality. "

At the end of his speech, the Italian Superior of the SSPX has answered many questions presented by the most numerous and attentive audience.

Finally Don Alberto Secci concluded its work inviting everyone to "pray and respond."

"Of course, we pray that every grace comes to us from Heaven, but we also have to respond with clarity: many priests, usually in private, admit many of the considerations that we have done, but then, perhaps for understandable reasons of respect for the authorities, they were not the courage to expose themselves in the first person.

But we have to pray and respond with the proper methods but react! "

-Marco Bongi

Monday, October 15, 2012

News Bytes -- Cardinal Lehman Refuses to Obey Rome

Cardinal Karl Lehmann makes joke -- 27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory -- Miracle Recognized -- Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children -- That's What Americans Want

Cardinal Lehman's Little Joke

Germany.  The Old Liberal Cardinal Karl Lehman of Mainz says he would like to see a "Reform" of the Vatican,  to the anti-Catholic 'Deutschlandfunk': "The governing style must be changed."  The Vatican apparently takes too much influence from the local church.  As an example he criticized that the Vatican is "censuring pettily" the German Missal and the work of the hymnal "Gotteslob" [Divine Praise].  That is an "incursion in Liturgical law", which Cardinal Lehmann himself "isn't going to take".

27 Pro-Lifers on the Abortion-Pillory

Belgium.  A combine of anti-life EU-Parliamentarians have published a list of Pro-Lifers.  This was according to the Protestant news agency 'idea'.  The Comrade Community self-importantly describes itself as "European Parliamentarian Forum for People and Development".  It operates as a network, which is based upon the US-Slaughterhouse concern 'Planned Parenthood'.  The list of those from the German-speaking world include Johanna Gräfin von Westphalen, Sophia Kuby, Tobias Teuscher, Gudrun Kugler, Paul Herzog von Oldenburg, Matthias von Gersdorff und Ewald Stadler.

Miracle Recognized

France.  A healing, which took place in the year 1965 in the Marian pilgrimage shrine Lourdes, has been recognized as a miracle.  It was then that the Mother of God healed a lame Salesian, Sister Luigina Traverso, from the Diocese of Monferrato in Northern Italy.  The cloistered nun, born in 1934,  suffered from a lame left leg.  In Lourdes, she received a spontaneous healing.  The international Commission of Physicians of Lourdes described the healing in November 2011 as unexplainable.  Bishop Alceste Catella of Monferrato confirmed the miracle.

Scotland: Homosexuals Insult Children

Scotland.  In Scotland even children are insulted as being "Nazis" or "fanatics", if they criticized homosexual liaisons.  This was explained by a representative of the Scottish Bishops' Conference, John Deighan, recently in Brussels to the site '' .  Deighan's own 12 year old child was called a "Nazi".  The inhuman homosexual network want for a very high level of antagonism against every critic, observes Deighan.  Politicians in Scotland in fear of their careers do not dare to say any more against the homo-lobby.

That's What US Wants

"High ranking political members, the Syrian-Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, Mar Gregorios, knows that the government, party and military will remain as a guarantee for stability and order.  Only President Assad and his family must go.  The Egyptian solution: the president goes, the military will govern and the old power structure will remain."

From an article on the 25th of September from the online-edition of 'Springer' news 'Welt' about the foreign terrorists being spun into a Syrian civil war.

Turkish Film About Fall of Constantinople Incites Hatred of Christians

(Beruit) The Turkish film, Faith 1453 tells of the dramatic, and for Christians traumatic, sack of Constantinople by the Mohammedan Ottomans in 1453.  Constantinople which was the Capital of the Roman Empire for more than 1,100 years was with Rome the most important city of Christendom.  The    $17 million-dollar-film which drew enthusiasm in Turkey, incited hard critics from Christians in the Orient.  The film has numerous historical errors and barbs of hate against Christians.

The film is to be shown in theaters in Beruit.  The Christian community of the Land of the Cedars have thus called for a boycott   They are calling it a "Propaganda film".  The 160 minute production of the Turkish director Faruk Aksoy begins with a flashback to Mohamed in exile from Medina, promising his  followers "eternal happiness" if they conquered the Byzantine capital.  The Ottoman Sultan took up this prophesy of Mohamed symbolically, according to the film, and began his operations against Constantinople which had defied Islam for 800 years.

Politico-Religious Propaganda Film Far Removed from Historical Reality

The combination of religious prophesy and Ottoman conquest in the film clearly speaks to Turkish national pride, as sold-out theater sales since February show.

One historical appraisal praised the film, say critics, but didn't stand.  The historical errors represented therein have rewritten the glorification of Islam and the Sultan's politico-religious leadership.  With that the film is not only a historical, but also more in a poltical dimension. A political dimension which which occurs in the re-islamicization of Turkey and connected with the beginning of the 20th century's declining Ottoman Empire and Turkey as a great power in the Orient.

Rodrigo Khoury, the founder of the Christian Lebanese party Al-Machreq is among the first to see the film in a preview.  The Lebanese Christians were shocked.  He forwarded an introductory film review with a detailed explanation of historical errors to General Surete, the censor of the Lebanese government.  Khoury addressed himself to numerous journalists, to allow the release of the film in the name of freedom of expression and art.

The Film Shows the Struggle Between Christian and Muslim Culture --- Christendom is a Grotesque Caricature

"The Film" says Khoury, "doesn't tell the struggle between two kingdoms, as the subtitle maintains, rather it's the struggle between two cultures, the Christian and the Muslim.  The Christian culture is distorted as a grotesque culture and the origin of all evil, while the Muslim culture on the other hand as perfect, faultless and portrayed therefore as the superior culture."  The young Christians of Lebanon are rejecting this film, because it "clearly calls for open hatred against Christians", says Khoury.

Father Abdo Abou Kassem is of the same opinion as the press agent for the Catholic Church in Lebanon.  "The Christian religion will be disparaged through numerous and substantial historical errors, and unjustly portrayed."  One scene shows, says the Catholic priest, how Sultan Mehmed (Mohammed) II entered the Basilica of Hagia Sofia and pushed among thousands of faithful, who had fled there in terror.  The Sultan hugged and silenced then a child and explained that the conqueror will also be a protector.  "As we know from the chronicles and the history, this is absolute fabrication.  As the Sultan entered the largest church in the city, he gave the order to slaughter all of the Christians there, more than 3,000, and let his soldiers rape Christian women there as a sign of the occupation.  The Basilica was then turned into a mosque," says Father Abdo.

"Fetih 1453" was released some weeks after protests against a short private film against Mohamed in Arabic lands. Because of a "blasphemous" disparagement of Mohammed and of Islam hundreds of thousands of Muslims in many states went to the streets.  The protests which were at times violent, costed more than 50 human lives, among them the American ambassador in Libya and hundreds of wounded.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Asianews

Link to Katholisches ...

Obéissance or Explusion -- Bishop Williamson Receives Ultimatum

(Menzigen)  The break, indicated since October 2011 between Bishop Richard Williamson and the Society of St. Pius X has come to an end phase.  The General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Bernard Fellay, should have issued an ultimatum to his English colleague in the office of Bishop.  With the document he demanded that Msgr. Williason, within ten days, accept the legitimate authority of the General Superior.  This was reported by Andrea Tornielli.  Should Bishop Williamson continue to maintain his disobedience,separation would be the logical consequence.

The relations between the General Superior and Bishop Williamson has been in a dive since the previous year.  Williamson is the most famous and combative opponents of the General Superior and his efforts in preparing to reconcile with the Holy See.  The seriousness of the quarrel was shown with the reconciliation talks between the Society and the Holy See was shown in Autumn of 2011, as Msgr. Fellay called all superiors of the Society to Albano Laziale, in order to inform them about the "Doctrinal Preamble" of the Holy See, and to discuss continued procedures.  The General Superior demanded Msgr Williamson then not to participate in the Council.  Actually, the insubordinate Bishop did not come to Albano Laziano near Rome.  Since Spring of 2012, the General Superior told +Williamson not to give any more lectures, to act pastorally or to act in the distribution of Sacraments.  At the General Chapter of 2012 Msgr. Williamson was again not invited.

Then the definitive moment of clarity took place, according to which Msgr. Williamson active in Brazil definitively against the will of the Society.

Because of Williamson's 2009 statements about the "Shoah", Rome was given observable stomach pains about a reconciliation with the Society and also to his recognition and acceptance as Bishop.  The exclusion of +Willaimson from the Society did not directly affect the reunification talks with Rome, but would certainly be taken with lightening toward recognition.   After that it became known that the other Bishops had written a severely critical letter against their General Superior and against unification with Rome, and  the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith explained that the position of Bishop Williamson, Tissier de Mallerais and de Gallereta would be handled independently in a possible unification.

For the General Superior of the Society, there the question in any case is not the mental state of Rome, rather the continued disobedience which Bishop Williamson shows to date.  The sedevacantist fringe of the Society has exerted a process of eroding on the Society for months.  In the USA there is in place a new type of "Society", which is now describing itself as the "true" Society of St. Pius X.  Its members insist that Msgr. Fellay is the legitimate successor of Archbishop Lefebvre,  whom they never the less refuse to obey, and who wish to enact in miniature, the situation between the Society and Rome.

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News Bytes: The Rotten Fruits of the Council -- Will the Church Become a Mosque?

France:  The Rotten Fruits of the Council -- Will the Church become a Mosque? -- Homosexual Bullying Bears Fruit -- Went off Quickly Without a Hitch -- Now Come the Clones

France.  In 1961 -- a year before the start of the Pastoral Council -- 35% of the French went to the Latin Mass of the Roman Rite every Sunday.  Fifty years later, after the start of the Second Vatican Council only 6% of the French -- at least once a month -- attend the New Eucharistic Celebration.  This is from a study of the public opinion researcher 'Ifop'.  In 1961 over 90% of Frenchmen were Catholic.  Now about 80% are baptized.  In all, about 30% of those under 35 are approximately 30% heathen.

Will the Church Become a Mosque?

France.  One Church in the 27,000 population city of Vierzon in central France may become a Mosque.  In the city there are six churches and 300 practicing Catholics.  That's why the church, St. Eloi, built in 1955 will be sold.  The buyer shows itself to be the "Union of Moroccans".  It will transform the church into a Mosque.  The Diocese of Bourges explained that it is still not decided to whom the will be sold off for peanuts.

Homosexual Intimidation Bears Fruit

Austria.  On Saturday the Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun celebrates his 70th birthday.  On his jubilee, a homosexual website congratulated him.  Msgr. Laun has refrained from commenting on the disorder.  Recently he even expressed himself in friendly terms to homosexuals and spoke of a "loving interaction" with them.

Trial Went off Quickly Without a Hitch

Vatican.  Was there secret fixing involved with the Pope-traitor Paolo Gabrielle?  This question came from the anti-Church German weekly 'Zeit'.  It is incidental that the actors of State Attorney and defense announced the judgment:  "There will possibly be a verdict before the trial's end."  Gabriele's attorney has praised the judgment as balanced.  Also, there is still the big question if there is another suspect besides Gabriele.  The Journalist Marco Ansaldo from the Italian news 'Republica' described the trial as a "fixed trial".

Now comes the Clone

Sweden.  In this year there are two stem cell researchers, the Japanese Shinya Yamanaka and the Brit John Gurdon, who will win the Nobel Prize for Medicine.  They are to receive the dubious honor for the back development of cells of a grown person from embryonic stem cells.  For that it will no longer be necessary to grow and kill more children, in order to experiment with their cells.  Archbishop Anton Losinger of Augsburg warned 'Munich Kirchenradio', that this may lead to the technique of making identical clones.

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Melkite Archbishop Injured in Attack

Erzbischof Jean Clément Jeanbart
© Pressefoto
On Thursday, a Catholic Archbishop was injured in an attack in north Syria.

(  Archbishop Jean Clément Jeanbart (69) of Aleppo was wounded in an attack on Thursday.

This was reported by the site '' on Thursday.

Particulars are not presently known.

His Residence Was Plundered in August

The crime was perpetrated by imported jihadists, who are supported by Western regimes.

Msgr. Jeanbart belongs to the Melkite Catholic Church.   These are Byzantine Catholics who speak Arabic.
Already in August the residence was plundered by Islamic terrorists.

Aleppo is a 1.7 million population city in outer northwestern Syria.  It is located 150 km from the Turkish border.

Approximately 15 to 20 percent of the population is Christian.

Assad is increasingly popular

A collaboration between Saudi and Turkish secret services in the attack is not ruled out.

The US CIA, British MI-6 as well as the German 'Bundnachrichtendienst' deliver weapons and communications equipment to the terrorists.

In the course of the battle Assad is considered even more popular and heroic with the general population, regardless of religion, as he ever was.

He can depend on the help of Russia, Lebanon, Cyprus, China, India as well as Shi'ite Iran.

He Warns the USA

The Western Jihadis are leading a brutal campaign against the minorities -- especially against Christians.

Their most serious enemies are the various Bishops, who call for peace, or the various Sunni Imams, who call for dialog with the government of the Alawite President Baschar al-Assad (47).

As the US imputed that his country had weapons of mass destruction and so that they could support Iraq in 2003, Archbishop Jeanbart explained:

"That the USA has designs is very possible, and we must prepare ourselves, because they spread disinformation."

Link to original...

Salzburg Archbishop in Confrontation With the Pope

Erzbischof Alois Kothgasser
 von Salzburg

© Pressefoto
Obeying and signing theological preambles are only for the Traditionalists.  Papally appointed Bishops may do and are left to do what they want.

(, Brixen)  From the 2nd to the 4th of October, a Conference of Deans took place in the south Tyrol city of Brixen.

Archbishop Alois Kothgasser of Salzburg and Bishop Ivo Muser of Bozen-Brixen are taking part.

At the end of the conference the correction of the words of consecration of the chalice was discussed.

They Don't Obey the Pope

Already in 2006 the Papal Liturgy Congregation asked for a correction in the false translation of the words of consecration for the chalice till 2009.

Because the German Bishops so Benedict XVI had to personally mend it on April 14th because the German Bishops refused to comply with it.

He demanded in a letter to the Bishops, that they finally correct the words of consecration.

That has to happen before Advent of 2013 due to practical considerations.  Because then the new German song book "Gotteslob" (Divine Praise) which contain the Mass texts.

No Official Decision?

Because of the new song book the Deans' Conference occupied itself in Brixen with the translation of the consecration of the chalice. (Where the words "for many" are used instead of "all")

Msgr. Kothgasser chimed in on the theme.  He explained that till now "only a letter"  with the Pope's "wish" is at hand.

The document of the Pope was swept off the table as an "inducement".  It is being handled apparently as not consisting of an official decision.

He is hiding behind the Italians

This still must fall to the German Bishops themselves before the printing of the Divine Praises (Gotteslobes)

Msgr. Kothgasser recalled that he Italian Bishops had decided for the incorrect translation of "for all".

He was silent though that this agreement took place before the Pope's letter of April.

The Archbishop Wants "For All"

The Archbishop himself clearly expressed  his commitment  to use for the false translation "for all".

He based his defense of the false translation with a false understanding of the universal salvific will of God.

At the same time he has to understand, that in the meantime he depends on a single man, to accept the offered salvation or not.

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Promoting Homosexual Marriage Hasn't Improved the Protestant Church's Lot

Edit: here's a graph from Stella Borealis about membership rates of ELCA (Evangelical Luthern Church of America), which shows how well they've done for themselves by resonating with the Zeigeist, ordaining women, open homosexuals and promoting Sodom.  The results for parts of the Catholic Church which similarly collaborate with evil in this way are also declining rapidly as wealthy, albeit elderly Liberal parishioners die out.  The end is near.   Stats to decadent Lutheran source, here:




* Only congregations existing on December 31 are included in the overall membership statistics. Prior to 2002, all congregations that existed during the course of the previous year were included.

Germany Picture of the Week, Butcher Block Altar!

Here's a picture of the week from the site of the SSPX German District. The deformation of the churches just doesn't seem to stop.

 This is a wooden block with a hole in it which is supposed to be an altar, and a cross with a corpus which recalls a stick man. The Holy Ghost Chapel in the Elder Hostel in Wiesbaden has earned the rubric "Picture of the Week".

Friday, October 12, 2012

Vatican Radio Statement on Joe Biden's False Assertion

Edit: here's a statement from Vatican Radio on the USCCB's statement regarding claims made by Joe Biden in last night's presidential debate. Will they also excommunicate him?
The Bishops of the United States have reacted forcefully to claims made by Vice President Joe Biden in last night’s vice presidential debate.
During the debate, Biden, a Catholic, said that a health insurance mandate issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would not force religious institutions to pay for or provide contraception: “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
In their statement, the Bishops respond bluntly: “This is not a fact.” The Bishops go on to explain that, even after proposed exemptions, religious organisations would serve as vehicles for contraception “because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients.” They will have to pay for these things, the Bishops continue “because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.”
The US Bishops have vigorously opposed the Obama administrations’ mandate since it was announced last year, denouncing it as a violation of religious liberty. In their statement, the Bishops urged the Department of Health and human services “in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.”
Below, please find the complete statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Last night, the following statement was made during the Vice Presidential debate regarding the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force virtually all employers to include sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion, in the health insurance coverage they provide their employees:
“With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
This is not a fact. The HHS mandate contains a narrow, four-part exemption for certain “religious employers.” That exemption was made final in February and does not extend to “Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital,” or any other religious charity that offers its services to all, regardless of the faith of those served.
HHS has proposed an additional “accommodation” for religious organizations like these, which HHS itself describes as “non-exempt.” That proposal does not even potentially relieve these organizations from the obligation “to pay for contraception” and “to be a vehicle to get contraception.” They will have to serve as a vehicle, because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients. They will have to pay for these things, because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.
USCCB continues to urge HHS, in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.
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