Saturday, October 13, 2012

Promoting Homosexual Marriage Hasn't Improved the Protestant Church's Lot

Edit: here's a graph from Stella Borealis about membership rates of ELCA (Evangelical Luthern Church of America), which shows how well they've done for themselves by resonating with the Zeigeist, ordaining women, open homosexuals and promoting Sodom.  The results for parts of the Catholic Church which similarly collaborate with evil in this way are also declining rapidly as wealthy, albeit elderly Liberal parishioners die out.  The end is near.   Stats to decadent Lutheran source, here:




* Only congregations existing on December 31 are included in the overall membership statistics. Prior to 2002, all congregations that existed during the course of the previous year were included.

Germany Picture of the Week, Butcher Block Altar!

Here's a picture of the week from the site of the SSPX German District. The deformation of the churches just doesn't seem to stop.

 This is a wooden block with a hole in it which is supposed to be an altar, and a cross with a corpus which recalls a stick man. The Holy Ghost Chapel in the Elder Hostel in Wiesbaden has earned the rubric "Picture of the Week".

Friday, October 12, 2012

Vatican Radio Statement on Joe Biden's False Assertion

Edit: here's a statement from Vatican Radio on the USCCB's statement regarding claims made by Joe Biden in last night's presidential debate. Will they also excommunicate him?
The Bishops of the United States have reacted forcefully to claims made by Vice President Joe Biden in last night’s vice presidential debate.
During the debate, Biden, a Catholic, said that a health insurance mandate issued by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) would not force religious institutions to pay for or provide contraception: “With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
In their statement, the Bishops respond bluntly: “This is not a fact.” The Bishops go on to explain that, even after proposed exemptions, religious organisations would serve as vehicles for contraception “because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients.” They will have to pay for these things, the Bishops continue “because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.”
The US Bishops have vigorously opposed the Obama administrations’ mandate since it was announced last year, denouncing it as a violation of religious liberty. In their statement, the Bishops urged the Department of Health and human services “in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.”
Below, please find the complete statement of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Last night, the following statement was made during the Vice Presidential debate regarding the decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to force virtually all employers to include sterilization and contraception, including drugs that may cause abortion, in the health insurance coverage they provide their employees:
“With regard to the assault on the Catholic Church, let me make it absolutely clear. No religious institution—Catholic or otherwise, including Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital—none has to either refer contraception, none has to pay for contraception, none has to be a vehicle to get contraception in any insurance policy they provide. That is a fact. That is a fact.”
This is not a fact. The HHS mandate contains a narrow, four-part exemption for certain “religious employers.” That exemption was made final in February and does not extend to “Catholic social services, Georgetown hospital, Mercy hospital, any hospital,” or any other religious charity that offers its services to all, regardless of the faith of those served.
HHS has proposed an additional “accommodation” for religious organizations like these, which HHS itself describes as “non-exempt.” That proposal does not even potentially relieve these organizations from the obligation “to pay for contraception” and “to be a vehicle to get contraception.” They will have to serve as a vehicle, because they will still be forced to provide their employees with health coverage, and that coverage will still have to include sterilization, contraception, and abortifacients. They will have to pay for these things, because the premiums that the organizations (and their employees) are required to pay will still be applied, along with other funds, to cover the cost of these drugs and surgeries.
USCCB continues to urge HHS, in the strongest possible terms, actually to eliminate the various infringements on religious freedom imposed by the mandate.
Link to Vatican News...

Newsbytes -- Berlin's Cardinal Woelki Nominated for Homosexual Award

Celebrant in the Old Pontifical Mass in the St. Peter's Basilica -- Berlin's Cardinal Honored by Homosexual Organization -- Israeli Military Vehicles Enter Gaza Strip -- Reconciliation with the SSPX not Desired -- Legionaries of Christ Under New Leadership

Vatican.  The Traditional Pontifical Mass on the 3rd of November celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica will be celebrated by the Prefect of the Liturgy Commission, Antonio Cardinal Cañizares Llovera.  This will be reported by the organizers shortly.  There are several thousand pilgrims expected for the pontifical Mass.  At first there were rumors circulating that Pope Benedict XVI was going to celebrate the Mass.

Berlin Cardinal Nominated for Homosexual Prize

Germany.  Berlin's Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki has been nominated for a dubious homosexual honor.  This was according to the Berlin association "Bündnis gegen Homophobie".  The alliance is advertised on the homepage of the anti-Church association "Lesbians and Gays Germany".  The Cardinal is on a list of nominees with the singer Gabi Decker, the Turkish feminist Seyran Ateş and the infamous German urine showered David Berger.  At the end of November one will be chosen.  Cardinal Woelki was nominated because at the Katholikentag (an festival event going over days with a lot of "ecumenism" which could be described as unCatholic) in Mannheim in harsh contrast to the Faith, he recognized homosexual unions:  "If two homosexuals responsibly take care of one another, if they are stable and true with each other, you must see that in a similar way like heterosexual relationships."

Israeli Military Vehicles Drove into Gaza Strip

Occupied Palestine.  Israeli military vehicles drove this Wednesday several hundred meters into the area of the village of Sofa over the border zone-- east of the 71,000 population city of Rafa on the southern border of the Gaza Strip.  Two bulldozers accompanied the border guards as usual.  They were greeted by massive rifle fire fro the houses of those surprised living nearby.  Then as usual, the fields, which were full of crops just before the harvest, were rolled over.  This occurrence was followed by an air attack by the Israelis on the 60,000 population city of Beit Lahya in the north of the Gaza Strip.  A rocket attack destroyed homes there.   There was panic among the inhabitants.

No Reconciliation is Desired With the Society of St. Pius X

Vatican.  It is up to the Society of St. Pius X to reconcile itself.  That is what the Faith's Guardian, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller said for the Catholic newspaper 'Tagespost'.  The Pope has exhausted all possibilities:  "We could not persuade them."  The Vatican is supposed to never have sought a compromise in doctrinal questions:  "The Church is not a negotiating partner where the truth is convened."  They don't wish their separate parts to return as part of negotiations.  There are no compromises possible in doctrinal questions -- explained the Archbishop, known for his own doctrinal errors.

Legionaries of Christ Under New Leadership

Mexico.  The General Superior of an order troubled by the abuse scandal,  'Legionaries of Christ', Father Alvaro Corcuera (55) has been put into retirement.  This was reported by the Order in a press release.  The reason was because of necessary health and ability, to lead the Order in this historical moment. Transitionally, the General Vicar, the German Sylvester Heereman (38),  will lead the Order.  The Papal delegate of the Order, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis (76), stressed that this is not an official ouster and that no new director will be elected.

Link to

"Nostra Aetate" Masks the Evil of False Religions

Edit: the Holy Father seems to be doing exactly what many thought the SSPX would have been unable to do. Surely, these criticisms are timely and apt.
The Pope Criticizes the Conciliar Texts

The Pastoral Council talks about false religions "only positively and leaves out the sick and distorted forms of religions, which are historically and theologically of significant consequence."
Konzilsväter des Zweiten

© Lothar Wolleh (1930-1979), Wikipedia, CC-SA-BY

( Today, the in the Vatican, the seventh volume of the "Collected Writings" of Joseph Ratzinger was published.

Within are contained the publications of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger during the Pastoral Council (1962-1965).

The forward of the volume was written by Pope Benedict XVI on the 2nd of August in Castel Gandolfo.

Born of Clerical Euphoria

He enthused about the opening of the Council on October 11, 1962.   That had been -- with a solemn procession of over 2,000 Conciliar Fathers -- a dazzling day:

"This was a moment of an extraordinary expectation.  Something great had to happen."

The Pope mentioned that John XXIII. (+1963) summoned the meeting, "without asserting its concrete problems or programs."

What is Modernity?

The Pope wrote about the progression of the work of the so-called XIIIth Schema, from the Pastoral Constitution "Gaudium et Spes" -- about the Church in the World of Today.

The Conciliar Fathers wanted to revise the "ambiguous" concept of "World of Today".  The goal of that had been to ascertain the relation of the Church to so-called modernity.

The Pope objected: "In order to clarify, it would have been necessary, to more precisely define the essential and constitutional elements."  Actually that was not successful in Schema XIII.

Benedict XVI. wrote that "Gaudium et Spes" allegedly accomplished more important expressions for the understanding of "world" and "important contributions to the question of the Christian ethic".  Actually this clarification in the nature of modernity has not been presented.

Benedict XVI. believed therefore that the encounter with the "great themes of modernity" had taken place in the highly controversial "declaration on religious freedom" and in "Nostra Aetate" --  to the documents on non-Christian religions.

Religion Was Left to the Area of the Subjective

For the "Declaration on Religious Freedom" the Holy Father wrote that the Conciliar Fathers  thought that the "teaching of tolerance, as it was initially developed by Pius XII., in view of the development of philosophical thought and the self-determination of modern states" was no longer sufficient.

It has become a freedom to choose a religion, to change and practice.

The Pope saw a difficulty in this, that "it could appear as if the modern statement on religious freedom presupposes the unapproachability of reality for people and restricts  the basis of religion in the area of the subjective."

The Problem Masked

The document on non-Christian religions, "Nostra Aetate",  is denoted by the Pope in all seriousness as "precise and extraordinarily compact".

At the same time he saw in the "in itself excellent text" a "weakness":

"The document speaks of religion only positively and ignores then the sick and distorted forms of religion, which historically and theologically are of great significance: the Christian faith was for that reason from beginning to the end and inside out also critical of religion."

Pius XII would not Recognize the Church

Finally, the Pope asserted that the Conciliar Fathers would not have wanted to create any other Church and -- supposedly --- also could not have created: "For that we have neither the power nor the mandate."

Because it can't be, what may not be, the Pope views "the hermeneutic of break" as absurd.  It is "against the Spirit and against the wills of the Conciliar Fathers."

All the same, it is a fact that Pius XII.  would not recognize, what remains of it, his Church.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Accusations Against Modernist Monastery's Legal Counsel: Another Monk Hides Out in Ireland

Modernist Architecture
Modernist Behavior
Edit: Have just received this from the Pine Curtain site and  we are citing the stories below with supporting documentation linked to that site. 
Two Monks who'd been previously mentioned here, Father Mel Taylor who has just fled to Ireland during a current investigation of multiple cases of misconduct, and Father Dan Ward, a canon and civil attorney for the Abbey who also counsels monks on dealing with sexual abuse. Father Ward figured predominantly in the initial accusations against the Modernist Monastery, and categorically denied them then. It's becoming increasingly difficult for them to avoid, or worse, to malign those who have called their conduct and status as Catholic figures into question.
Father Mel Taylor was expected to continue parish work in the United States after leaving the Bahamas where that monastery was closing down, but he will not be going back to parish work, owing to an investigation against him.  
It's thought in some very well-informed circles, that certain Liberal institutions and figures within the Catholic Church have worked with the media to create the perfect storm.
Not to confuse things, but it seems that the disobedience, Leftist agendas and the promotion of a homosexual subculture by figures like Father Bob Pierson are intimately linked to the conditions at schools like St. John's where students are not only trained not to think, but are sometimes even used as playing pieces in a political and religious farce.

Here is the information we've received from the Pine Curtain with no editing, and the early video showing Father Dan Ward denying the allegations by the blog's author, Pat Marker, against Father Dunstan Moorse and other monks:
*** Father Dan Ward, OSB
Father Dan Ward, OSB served as assistant to the University president for legal service. (See file: 1978-1979 Winter SJU Alumni_Wollmering_Ward.pdf) He was also an Assistant Professor of Theology and Government at Saint John's University for over ten years (See file: dan_ward_education_1984.jpg).
Father Ward is a canon and civil attorney and a member of the Minnesota Bar (See file: ward_mn_bar.jpg).
In August of 1991, the first day that allegations against monks at Saint John's were made public, Father Ward represented offending monk Father Dunstan Moorse is a case of sexual abuse. See 1:50 mark of this video: 
Father Ward now counsels religious on matters of sexual misconduct worldwide. (See file: RCRI_Web_Site.jpg )
I received notice that an investigation had been commissioned regarding Father Dan Ward on October 4, 2012. Abbot John Klassen and Bishop Kinney were cc'd to that email. (See file: 20121004_Airdo_Email.pdf).
At least five men and one woman (CSB student) have alleged misconduct by Father Ward.
One of the allegations against Ward (see file: Ward_1970s_2.pdf) was disclosed in my October 8 letter to Sr. Sharon Euart, executive director of the Canon Law Society of America. (See file: 20121008_Marker_to_Euart.pdf)
All six of the allegations against Father Ward were disclosed in my October 9 letter to the Minnesota Bar Association.
Father Dan Ward is scheduled to speak (on three of the four days) at RCRI’s national conference in Orlando next week.
*** Father Mel Taylor, OSB
On June 8, 2012, Bishop John Kinney from the Diocese of Saint Cloud (MN) announced that Father Mel Taylor would be the next priest at Saint John the Baptist in Collegeville. Source:
Prior to that announcement, on June 3, 2012, Father Mel Taylor was confronted by one of his victims. The confrontation occurred during Father Mel Taylor's last mass in the Bahamas. Background and a video of that confrontation is available here:
On June 26, 2012, I wrote an email to Bishop John Kinney, requesting that he, "reconsider the appointment of Father Mel Taylor as pastor at Church of Saint John the Baptist, Collegeville, Minnesota." (See file: 20120626_Marker_to_Kinney.pdf )
On June 29, 2012, Bishop Kinney wrote a letter (See file: 20120629_kinney_letter_re_Taylor.pdf) stating that Mel Taylor was under investigation.
Father Mel Taylor was a prefect, chaplain and residency dean at the Prep School in the 80s. (see file: Taylor_Res_Dean_82-83.pdf)
Misconduct against Mel Taylor is outlined in a notarized document dated August 30, 2012. (See file: 20120830_Misconduct_re_Mel_Taylor.pdf)
Just days after the Father Mel Taylor investigation began in August, Father Taylor fled to Ireland.

Dissident Priest Continues to Defy Archbishop on Defense of Marriage

Shown at a previous parish in Bloomington, 
the Rev. Mike Tegeder serves [served] in Minneapolis.
Brian Peterson, Star Tribune

Editor: Whether Father Mark Tegeder and his aging and decaying Cabrini Parish are supporting Leftist causes with front-groups like the ACLU to fight against voter id registration or promoting unrestricted immigration with all that entails, he can also be relied upon, without fail, to attack his lawful superiors and the rulebook by which he's expected to live as a Catholic priest.

We were watching Father Mark Tegeder, the 68er Revolutionary who has, unaccountably, been a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for a very long time. Despite frequent attempts to keep him in check by repeated warnings, the outspoken advocate for sins which cry out to heaven for vengeance, [Genesis 11: 13] he continues on, unpunished.  Until now it seems.

The article by the anti-Catholic 'Minneapolis Star and Tribune' doesn't talk about how he mismanaged his parish or fundamentally contradicts the teachings of the Church to which he claims to represent.  They're more interested in portraying Tegeder as a brave hero facing an implacable hierarchy.

Tegeder currently "ministers" to two communities,Gichitwaa Kateri [Which typically serves a dozen aging 68ers, claiming to represent American Indian spirituality was the creation of another Leftist destroyer, Father Notebaart, now mercifully retired] and St. Francis Cabrini which are well-known for Liturgical abuses and deviation from Church teaching.

Father Tegeder is asked "if it will last", we certainly hope not:
"I'm a good poker player," [card cheat?] said Tegeder.
"But I don't need to prove anything. If [Nienstedt] wants to throw me out, I'm fine with it."
"The intensity of his determination I think is very praiseworthy," said Flahavan. "He's ratcheting it up. A lot of current priests believe he's on the right track, but some think he may have gone too far. Some say he's difficult to work with, which means he's sometimes out there alone."
Flahavan compared the struggle of priests like Tegeder to that of Sir Thomas More, "weighing the promise to obedience against wondering when to cross the line."
I asked Tegeder if he had a Plan B. At first he said no. But just before he got ready to bike through the cold to his home in Richfield, he pulled out his driver's license.

A reader responds:  "Tegeder is the exact opposite of St. Thomas More.  He defended marriage against a tyrannical Protestant King and Tegeder is trying to destroy it on behalf of something even worse."

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Modernist Monastery Provided A Nest For Alleged Serial Predator Over Decades

It's the New Springtime!

Edit:  here's still more insight into why the decadent monastery of St. John's Abbey won't support the Archbishop's Defense of Marriage campaign, or obey lawful authorities.  It's breathtaking that they can even continue to operate as they do with impunity.  The case of Roger Julkowski is like a horror story, and the very credible testimonies of certain victims implicate the winningest coach in football history of doing nothing while evil men did their work.

Having attended Catholic schools for most of his education, Roger Julkowski became an instructor in the Literature Department at St. John's University in the late sixties where he invited students, both male and female, to live with him in an "experimental" colony known as "The Farm".  Although he was reported by football coach Jim Gagliardi for allegedly molesting a student he was introducing the campus, Julkowski kept his property in the nearby Flynntown enclave of St. John's for the better part of the years we affectionately refer to as the New Springtime where he was able to molest and grope his way through many years of alcoholism and possible suicide when he finally died in 1993.

Despite Gagliardi's knowledge of this man's proclivities, he did nothing as the serial molester lurked around the campus in search of sexual liaisons with students, faculty or whomever.  Age wasn't an issue either.  He was active in fellow molester Msgr Dale Fushek's Teens Encounter Christ, movement, which provided him with easy access to one of his victims.

Ex-Monsignor Dale Fushek 

Here's the account from the Pine Curtain, shocking for many different reasons, including the fact that it doesn't seem it will make it on any of the major news outlets, despite the gravity and obvious impunity with which the predator was able to take advantage of his presence in and around Collegeville, St. John's University and Abbey:

[Pine Curtain] As previously disclosed on this web site, Mr. Roger Julkowski is an alleged perpetrator of misconduct at Saint John’s. His name first appeared on this web site in 2007.
It wasn’t until Saint John’s University football coach John Gagliardi shared a story of misconduct, dating back several decades, that Julkowski was properly investigated.
Meet Roger Julkowski
Roger Stanley Julkowski graduated De La Salle High School in Minneapolis in 1956. He graduated from Saint John’s University in 1960 and received a masters degree from the University of Detroit in 1962.
Yearbooks confirm that Julkowski was a teacher at the University of Detroit during the1962-1963 and the 1963-1964 school years.
Saint John’s University
In 1964, Roger Julkowski joined the English department at Saint John’s University.
According to a family member, Julkowski’s father (a prominent lawyer and politician) loaned Julkowski the money to purchase a home in “Flynntown”, an area just beyond the Saint John’s University campus in Collegeville, Minnesota. [ View Map ]
Red Arrow Marks "The Farm",  Providing
Close Access to Students  -Tancred
Other faculty members, including John Gagliardi, also lived in Flynntown.
During the 1965-1966 school year, Julkowski was faculty advisor for the Sagatagan, SJU’s yearbook. Julkowski had taken over for Father Hugh Witzman, who held the position for only one year.
To the left is a photo of Julkowski from the 1966 SJU yearbook. He is listed as an English professor.
Departure from Saint John’s University
When and why Roger Julkowski left Collegeville in the mid-1960s is still unknown. According to one of the students who worked on the yearbook in 1966, Julkowski “left abruptly”.
Julkowski lived within walking distance to his job as an English professor and yearbook advisor.
Why would he leave?

Attack on Pope Benedict XVI is Prevented -- Islamic Terror Cells Arrested in Lebanon

(Berlin)  As it has now been revealed, a planned Islamic terror attack upon Pope Benedict XVI had been planned during his Papal trip to Lebanon.  This was written on a site of the Shi'ite website close to Hezbollah.  The terror cells were arrested on September 16th on the last day of the Papal visit.

The Lebanese security service was able to locate and neturalize the terror group, according to the report from the Shi'ite news site Elnashira which is associated with Hezbollah,  which appeals to a "high-level  information source".  The attack is supposed to have been carried out by two cells, whose members were arrested in the early morning of the 16th of September by Anti-Terrorist units.  On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI celebrated a solemn Mass of departure for 350,000 faithful.

According to Elnashra the Lebanese security services held information, that terrorists clothed as security service officials would gain access to the area for the Papal Mass. The police employed an entire unit, in which the terrorists had infiltrated, near other armed units, but without live ammunition.  The internet site reported additionally that the Vatican security forces were immediately informed at the point of time which they were informed about the exact position of the anti-terrorist operations, but that the Pope in any case wanted no alteration of the program.

On Saturday, the 15th of September Pope Benedict XVI directed a dramatic appeal for peace to the world.  He demanded the building of a "culture of peace" and for the creation of a "new model of brotherhood".  The head of the Catholic Church demanded in addition a stop to every attack on human life.  On the following day, he is to have been murdered by Islamic terrorists.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Paroquia de Martins/Tempi
Translation: Tancred

Link to Katholisches....

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

CDF Archbishop Mueller to Tackle LGBT-Masses

(Vatican) The New Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith Gerhard Ludwig is determined to end the problem of Mass for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transexuals. The offensive event is offered two times every month in a Novus Ordo Eucharist in Warwick Street in the London district of Soho. The Homosexual-celebration takes place with the approval of the current Archbishop of Westminster, Msgr Vincent Nichols.

London LGBT-Mass with the Approval of Archbishop Nichols

London Catholics have turned after futile attempts to address the Ordinary, to Rome.  Several contacts in the Roman Curia have shown themselves concerned by the action and have looked for an explanation of the London Andersrum-Service.  Thereupon, the principle aspects were discussed principally in terms concerning pastoral validity and a ghettoization within the Church, if such specifically prescribed group-services are celebrated.

Catholics Pray the Rosary at the Church -- Their Petitions Unheard

London Catholics were especially offended by the form in which the Mass was celebrated. In a petition already sent a long time previously to Archbishop Nichols,  several Roman Congregations were made aware, that they complained that in the preaching, the condition of homosexuality was justified and with that there was a position taken which contradicts the teaching of the Church.  The Catholics then complained that with every positive approach toward pastoral support of people with homosexual inclinations it will then be nullified.  The Catholic teaching of penance, contrition and forgiveness  is not taught, but the "otherness" is celebrated  as being-as-it-is.

In the Catholic Church in Warwick Street there are significant portrayals of the rainbow flag of the homosexuals.  The rainbow flag, originally portrayed representing God's manifestation in the rainbow as a symbol of peace,  has been usurped by homosexual groups in recent years to be perceived as a militant symbol of an offensive homosexual movement.

Altars and Holy Statues Draped with Flags and Banners

The Catholics of the English capital complained in their petition that numerous flags and banners of dubious content were draped over crosses, altars, Mary and Saints statues and other religious symbols in the Church.   Most were  encouraging transvestites and transexuals to declare themselves.

The Church of Our Lady of the Assumption and St. Gregory is covered in a dazzling twice a month, so that it veils from the faithful,   not only the Catholic Faith, but also a holy place.  As there is no one among the authorities, neither pastor, nor Archbishop to whom the faithful can give an ear but to "hustle and bustle", the faithful have resorted to self-help.   They gather during the homo-Masses in front of the church and on the street and pray the rosary as a sign of disapproval, above all in any case as a gesture of reparation.

Archbishop Nichols Confirmed the Homo-Mass in February

Archbishop Nichols confirmed first in February 2012 the intention, to continue "pastoral care for Catholics with same-sex orientation" in the church on Warwick Street.  The action was brought to life under his predecessor Cardinal Cormack Murphy O'Connor.  On the internet site of the Archdiocese  corresponding documents by Cardinal Murphy O'Connor and Cardinal Basil Hume are exhibited. The pastoral reality looks however clearly different.  At the yearly "Gay Pride" there is a "Pride Mass" celebrated in Warwick Street for interested participants from the Gay Pride March through London.  "The spectacle which is played out in our church is revolting", complained a Catholic from Soho.

In Great Britain as in several states in the western world the relatively small homo-lobby attempts, supported by strong left-Liberal powers to introduce legal equality of homosexual-"marriage" and the right of adoption.  The "Soho-Masses" will be seen as a part of this homosexualization of society, which have introduced themselves into the Catholic Church,  which shows the most resistance to the attack on marriage and family, on children and the social order.  The question of the LGBT-Mass of Soho has then a religious dimension in relation to Catholic doctrine, evangelization and pastoral care, but even a political dimension.

Anglican "Concurence" influences the Catholic Ordinary

In nearby St. Anne Church, there is also Anglican "competition" with extended pastoral "services" for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. A "competition" that is not of the praying in front of the Catholic Church Catholics understood as such, but which was perceived at the diocesan level and has contributed to the establishment of a Catholic "counter offer".

From Rome, Archbishop Nichols, who is among the contenders for Cardinal, already suggested several times to act cautiously and complies with his duty of supervision. He was also warned that Rome would otherwise take over the duty of monitoring. The "advice" has recently have become more intense, because recently, the Archbishop of Westminster has publicly stated that everyone should be careful not to judge others.

Cardinal Levada let the matter sleep - Mueller wants to act

The former Prefect of the CDF, William Cardinal Levada, who asked in 2011 to be released from office for health reasons, let the matter lie in the final months of his term. His successor, the new Prefect of the CDF, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, wants to clarify the matter, however, and with determination, because the case is not as isolated as Soho. There are other churches in other countries, where dubious gay counseling takes place.

The homosexual issue is a hot button issue for the Church. It has developed into one of the major challenges for the Church and a central point of attack against the Church the last 15 years.  Self-conscious homosexuals want to rebuild society, but they also wish to alter the legal order and to overcome the Christian teaching on homosexuality. In the last year, the appointment of Rainer Maria Cardinal Woelki as Archbishop of Berlin was perceived in the national media almost exclusively in terms of the gay question. That's surely the case because of the media's reportage, but it is also due to the contorted, rarely clear words of religious leaders with which they represent the Catholic Faith and the Catholic position.

Link to original...

Grass Roots Orthodox Group Seeks Ban on Homosexual Propaganda

Edit: it's a gradual restoration of the values of Christendom. Here's the article from interfax:
Orthodox activists demand closure of gay clubs, ban on homosexual "propaganda" in Moscow

Moscow, October 9, Interfax - Orthodox activists will be seeking a ban on homosexual "propaganda" in Moscow.

"Homosexuality and its propaganda are grave sins. We will be seeking the closure of gay clubs in Moscow and a general ban on same-sex 'love,'" the Orthodox public movement Narodny Sobor (People's Council) told Interfax-Religion.

Narodny Sobor believes Moscow parliamentarians could follow the example of their colleagues in St. Petersburg and other cities, where the propaganda of homosexuality among minors has already been banned.

A law envisioning administrative liability for the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia among minors became effective in St. Petersburg on March 17, 2012.

Legislation banning the propaganda of homosexuality has been passed in some regions of Russia, specifically, in the Ryazan, Arkhangelsk, Kostroma, and Novosibirsk regions.
Link to interfax-religion...

Monday, October 8, 2012

California Bishops Praise Labor Leader Statue While Obama Speaks at Dedication

Edit: Here's yet another unhappy meeting between two groups of individuals who are supposed to be at odds with each other. Many people criticized Archbishop Dolan of New York for inviting Obama to the Alfred Smith Dinner, which it was thought, gave him credibility he didn't deserve. Well, it continued as Obama comes to honor a community organizing type named Cesar Chavez.

Everyone wants to co-opt these ambiguous types as if their non-violent, community organizing and collaboration with Communists and association with other sainted activists of the time give them the status as areligious holy men.

Obama promptly drops a rose at the grave site and lauds the continuing work of Chaves' organization. The trendy US Catholic reports on this:
The monument was dedicated in Keene, the birthplace of the UFW. Thousands were present at the dedication, which included an address by President Barack Obama.
With the president were Helen Chavez, Cesar Chavez's widow; Paul Chavez, his son and president of the Cesar E. Chavez Foundation; UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta; and current UFW president Arturo Rodriguez.
Also present at the Oct. 8 dedication were two Hispanic Cabinet secretaries, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis and Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, as well as U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, D-Ariz., and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
Link to US Catholic...

Benedictine Hermits of John the Baptist -- New Community of Tradition

(Asuncion, katholisches) On the 15th of August on the Feast of the Assumption, in the South American state of Paraguay, Estevão Maria Salto was ordained a deacon by Msgr. Rogelio Livieres Plano, the Bishop of the Ciudad del Este.  Brother Estevão Maria is the founder of a community of Benedictine hermits.  The young community cultivates exclusively the Liturgy in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.

The Benedictine hermits live lives of eucharistic reparation in the Hermitage of St. John the Baptist.  They cultivate a life of penance for sins for sacrilege against the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.  The community is made of brothers and priests, who live as hermits.  They can also belong in a separate class also as celibate or married laity, who live in the world, but are devoted however as is suitable to them to make reparations for sacrileges against the Eucharist.  "Our main purpose in the Church is the serveice to honor the Most Holy Eucharist and reparation.  We sacrifice our lives for the good of the Church and the entire people of God",  says Brother Estevão Maria.

Link to katholisches...

Maronite Cardinal Warns Against Abolishing Priestly Celibacy

Philippe Cardinal Barbarin

Of all things the Greek-Catholic Bishops, whose clergy is married,  have warned against abolishing celibacy.

( On the 27th of Septemer Philippe Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon at the French magazine 'Paris Match' commented on the slow burning media issue of "celibacy".

"Don't squander this treasure"

The Cardinal recalled that Pope Benedict XVI had addressed this already in the first Bishops' Synod.

It was then that the former Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Cardinal Sfeir (92) spoke especially caustically about the abolishing of celibacy.

"Even with us, the Maronites, priests may marry"  -- explained the Cardinal:  "During the war in Lebanon, all of the married priests left with their wives and children."

No one blamed them for that: "Actually, the only ones remaining behind, were those who were married to their communities."

He continued: "Don't squander this gift".

"What do you want me to tell you?"

'Paris Match'  grasped in the air that supposedly twenty percent of the clergy live with a woman.

"A High statistic" -- cried Cardinal Barbarin:  "That is, as we would say, that thirty percent of husbands   betray their wives."

"What do you want me to tell you?" -- was the Cardinal's pugnacious reaction.

It would be natural to desire that people who are married are faithful:  "Even the Republic wants that."

Cardinal Barbarin recalled then that even civil servants officiating civil marriages in the mayor's office use the words "respect" and "faithfulness".

Swiss Army Prepares for Unrest in Europe

On the Left: Ueli Maurer is concerned for the security of
Switzerland (Photo: Flickr/Bundeswehr)
Switzerland estimates powerful unrest in Europe because of the Euro-crisis and expects to increase its defense of national borders.  Maneuvers are preparing for the serious case of unrest, demonstrations and refugees.

The Swiss Army expects a dramatic escalation in the situation with EU states locked in crisis with effects on the security of Switzerland.  This was reported by "Schweitzer Zeitung" on Sunday.  The reason:  because of diverse austerity measures the armies in southern European states are weakened.  Therefore the modernization of neighboring militaries remain on hold.  Thus, if the armies were weakened, then the states of Europe could be liable.  The Swiss Defense Minister Ueli Maurer said this Sunday during a meeting:  "I will not rule out that we we will need the army in the coming years."

The Defense Department VBS shares Mauerer's views.  The European crisis increases the potential for violence.  In Spain, Greece and Italy, massive unemployment  and radicalization of the population is threatening.  So regard is given to the warnings of the Greek Premier Antonis Samaras.

Because Switzerland fears intrusion of possible unrest on its soil, it is arming:  100,000 soldiers, 5 billions euro for military spending and the combat jet Gripen are planned for the defense of the Confederation.  Against potential unrest, demonstrations and streams of refugees from neighboring European neighbor states, the 2,000 highest officers have been preparing with the maneuver "Stabilo Due".  Army Chief of Staff Andre Blattmann has prepared for that reason, with four military police battalions and about 1,600 men to secure four areas on the national border.

Link to Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten...

He was a Great Franciscan and Explorer and Probably a Saint

Presently, America is celebrating Columbus Day. In many other parts of the world it is celebrated on the 12th, which is also the Feast of the Pillar of Our Lady. Unfortunately, many of countries have attempted to transform the great feast into a politically correct melange, reducing the glory and wonder of this feast, falling as it does after the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

The tomb of Christopher Columbus- considered a saint by many- in the cathedral of Seville. The statues bearing the reliquary represent the kingdoms of Castile, Leon, Aragon and Navarre. -JDB

A good source for debating your less-than-manly opponents around the water cooler, would be to start with an excellent article by New Advent, which challenges a lot of the myths and gives a very unemotional account, unpolluted by malicious contemporary commentators.

Here's a nice writeup from TFP:

  Five Myths About Christopher Columbus
1. MYTH: Columbus was sailing to prove the world was round.
FACT: Every educated person at the end of the fifteenth century knew the earth was a sphere, a fact known since antiquity. What was in dispute was the earth’s circumference, which Columbus underestimated by one-fourth.
2. MYTH: Queen Isabella sold her crown jewels to finance the first journey.
FACT: The royal treasury of Spain was depleted after the completion of the conquest of Granada early in 1492. However, Luis de Santangel, the royal treasurer, was able to secure funding by reaching out to the Crusading societies throughout the Mediterranean, as well as other financial backers from Spain and elsewhere. The crown put up very little to finance the journey.
3. MYTH: There was a priest on board the Santa Maria in 1492.
FACT: Because of the dangers involved, there were no priests or friars on the first voyage, despite the deep piety of Columbus. Many of the paintings of the first landfall in the new world on San Salvador show a priest with Columbus—contrary to the facts. There were five priests on the second voyage: Benedictine Father Buil; the Jeronymite Father Ramon Pane; and three Franciscans.
4. MYTH: Columbus introduced slavery to the New World.
FACT: Slavery was already widespread among the native Indians when Columbus arrived. Columbus was insistent on the fair treatment of the Indians, a policy which gained him many enemies as governor of Hispaniola. Bartolome de las Casas, a Spanish friar who worked for the protection of the Indians, is quick to excoriate his fellow Spaniards in their grave abuses, but is filled with nothing but respect and admiration for Columbus. The mass subjugation and importation of Africans to the Americas did not begin until a generation after Columbus’ death.
5. MYTH: Columbus died a pauper, in chains, in a Spanish prison.
FACT: Despite the fact that the Spanish crown retracted some of the privileges promised to Columbus, he was relatively wealthy at the time of his death. Although he returned to Spain in chains in 1500 after his third voyage, the King and Queen apologized for the misunderstanding and had them removed.

Benedict XVI: No Unauthorized Changes in the Liturgy

Vatican City (KNA) Pope Benedict has spoke out against unauthorized alterations in the Liturgy. 
Because of the universality of the Church with its "rich tradition and creativity" the Liturgy "is not to be  distorted by communities or experts",  the Pope said this in his general audience at St. Peter's Square. 
(photo:  today in Germany this can be found almost everywhere:  the laity play in sanctuary theater) 
It's not the individual priest or believer who celebrates the Liturgy, but it is God,  who is the center of the Church, he stressed. 
For that reason these forms must be true to the universal Church.  The religious service is about the living presence of Jesus Christ and not for the recollection of something past, said Benedict XVI further. 
If the celebration doesn't proceed with Christ as the center,  then it doesn't concern Christian Liturgy.   The Liturgy of the smallest community also has the entire Church present, the Pope stressed.

An example for alterations in the Liturgy can be found in a video presentation at a Carnival "Mass" in Ochsenhausen.

From the German District Page of the SSPX...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

German Federal Court tries to protect outdated Church-tax-system

Regensburg Cathedral

Edit: Excommunicating someone for not paying the Church-tax means nothing to people who go to church for purely cultural reasons, or aren't really concerned about being married or buried with a Catholic ceremony.  Apparently, you don't even really need to be Catholic to be truly honored in German-speaking parts like Vienna, you just have to be a famous Communist "artist" who ridicules the Catholic faith.  For those people who are loyal Catholics, it means a lot, and they're willing to expend a lot of time and money to ensure their Catholic names, even though those in charge are working against them.

Doctor Andreas Janker is a Regensburg, Germany born Engineer. He's also, for the time being, a Catholic in good standing with some serious concerns about the way the Catholic Church in Germany does business.

We'll get back to him in a moment. You see, like the United States and the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops, the German Bishops also support abortion, the use of birth control and other forms of non-transparent activities, they hope no one really will question. The Catholic Church in the United States, like the German Church, also receives substantial Government largesse in the form of Student Loans and Grants. Catholic Charities alone receives over $2.9 billion dollars a year from the Federal Government, which accounts for about 70% of its revenue.

While America's Bishops receive substantial amounts of money from the American Government just like the German Bishops do, American citizens are selectively taxed for these gracious offerings as they are in Germany. Each German Catholic , who pays income tax (i.e. of all catholics only every third catholic) has to pay about 8% of his income tax on a Church-tax, which the German Government collects on behalf of the Church and itself keeps a 3-5% fee for managing it.

Many people object to what both the Catholic Bishops in Germany and the US do with the money, and with good reason too, since they both support programs which in various ways, violate Catholic moral tenets and even honest business practices. But while a few American Catholics opt out of Catholic systems by refusing to give money to their Diocese, (Unfortunately, they have to continue paying taxes which support Catholic organizations who misbehave), they don't have to worry at this point about being excommunicated as faithful German Catholics do who try to buck the system.

There should be nothing wrong with the government supporting the Church. It's an ancient practice probably going back to the days of the Apostles. (Since the Apostles had wealthy Roman patrons and benefitted from Roman Law in various ways too.) But what happens when the individuals running the Church and the government start working against the Church's favor, and even continued existence? Should individuals be dragooned into supporting this auto-leisionistic (self-destructive) system?

People are probably familiar with the situation where the German Catholic Bishops have produced a document effectively excommunicating Catholics who opt out of the German Church-tax for any reason. They do not specify special cases, like those involving Zapp or Janker, as the famous Canonist Father Gero Weishaupt explains .

At present, this document threatens to alienate some of the only people in Germany who actually have Catholic belief and are courageous enough to want to see it lived out in its institutions. One such man, we've already talked about is Canon Lawyer Prof. Harmut Zapp, who, counter to the way it's been reported in the official German Catholic media, at KNA for example, just won his case against the German Bishops. Strangely enough, the National Catholic Reporter has accurately reported on his case, here. Zapp's Diocese, Friburg, has sued his town of Staufen-im-Breisgau and lost its case.

Basically, the Federal Administrative Court in Germany has decided that for the GERMAN state the Church as "community of believers" and the "Church as a Statutory Body" is the same thing. But it has also decided that his declaration only to leave the Statutory body of the Church is valid because it makes a declaration not invalid if somebody declares he wants to leave the statutory body. It can only be the task of the Church to decide about the consequences of doing so. So the Church who fought 5 years against this kind of declaration has now been lost and has to pay the bill, while Zapp won his revision and is now able to conduct this discussion, being at the same point he was five years ago, within the Church this time.  Which is actually what  he wanted a long 5 years before.
Zapp's case is also vitally important for another courageous Catholic, the aforementioned, and widely discussed, Dr. Andreas Janker. Janker, like Zapp, wants to opt out of the Church-tax system. He currently gives money to Catholic and charitable causes he trusts, so it's not about making the sacrifice.  He also has no desire to leave the Catholic Church and believes in God, certainly he believes in God more than he does the German Bishops.
Not wanting to see the money he's worked so hard to earn misspent, he's decided to opt out of what he regards as a "non-transparent" system. He does not want 8% of his yearly income tax to go to unworthy causes that lack transparancy and whose incompetence he's witnessed first hand, like the Lutheran-Catholic medical insurance organization 'Ecclesia', for example . In Germany, both "churches" (the Evangelical and the Catholic Church) are owners of one of the largest insurance brokers in Europe, the 'Ecclesia GmbH', which also settles liability claim cases for non-church companies. The cases can have nothing to do at all with any, any Church affairs! And they understand the protection of the financial assets of their clients - which are big insurance companies - as Christian value! With such a business goal they operate against legitimate claimants - which Janker has personally experienced with his helpless mother, who was treated very badly in a state hospital. [Note also a kind of parallel, between this situation and the 'Weltbild' scandal, which has the German Bishops profiting directly from the sales of pornographic literature, for very large amounts of money.]
Doctor Janker, His Wife Karin with his Mother

At present, Doctor Janker has not paid Church-tax since December 17, 2009 and is currently back in the Church after various legal paths over years up to the the highest court in the Catholic Church, the Apostolic Signatura and to Monsignor Francesco Coccopalmerio, the current President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts begging for help according Art. 158 PASTOR BONUS. As it was mentioned in the German Catholic news that his case is already at the Apostolic Signatura, then in Germany, in the city of Regensburg the entry in his baptism register was removed only to make his cause in Rome "without grounds", and to keep the ball in the German field.
Ordinarily, the situation had been settled but the General Vicar of the current Archbishop Mueller of the CDF, who was his Bishop, intervened in turn to (vindictively in our opinion) put Dr. Janker back on the Church-tax rolls at the Civil Registration Office, urging via the Bavarian State that the civil-registration office has - after nearly 2 years - to withdraw his declaration of 2009. Dr. Janker has to sue against this withdrawal of the declaration, that it will not become valid and that his old declaration will become invalid,  and Janker has also argued successfully for a stay in order to await the decision of the highest court in Leipzig (Zapp´s identical case).
Consequently, the Civil Registration Office has been waiting  for the related case of Harmut Zapp to be ruled upon in the Federal Administrative Court at Leipzig. Now that the Federal court case has been decided in Harmut Zapp's favor, it should have a favorable result in that now Janker's case will be treated the same way, but very probably Janker and maybe Zapp also will be very soon "excommunicated" (again) by the German Bishops, i.e. the same punishments as before but described as "this is NO excommunication, that's just how you feel!"

Did Condemning Sesame Street Star to Hell Drive Finally From the Internet?

Edit: Germany's largest Catholic internet site, generating at least a 100,000 visits a day, is down.  After spending the morning perusing a few articles, it was noted in their news updates that one person was moved to threaten legally. does actually violate German laws regarding alleged "hate speech", but since it does not operate on German soil, escapes the prohibitions. But just maybe, ridiculing a famous comedian has pushed some over the edge on behalf of the late 51 year old comedian.

[The Hollywood Reporter] The cause of death was not immediately known, but a police spokesman said there was no evidence of foul play.
Self-trained, Bach started in the independent theater scene in his home city of Cologne before moving to television, where he became one of the most familiar and enduring faces on the small screen. The rotund actor and entertainer's national breakthrough came with the sitcom Lukas, on which he played a single dad who lives with his father and daughter. The show, which ran for five seasons, was hit with both audiences and critics. It was groundbreaking in German television in its depiction of homosexual characters and alternative lifestyles.
Other prominent roles including the Pepe on the German version of Sesame Street and, most recently, co-host of hit reality show I'm A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here!

Indeed, after posting an article hailing the death of a German Comedian, Dirk Bach, as a homosexual who hated the Church and insisting that he was in [boiling there, in fact, as one commenter corrects] Hell and hated children while he was alive,  the post generated over a million hits and prompted 1,500 or so messages in at least one combox covering the story.

Surprisingly, or not, over half of the thousands of e-mails received were encouraging.

Already earlier today, a post had appeared in's News Reports, describing an "Illiterate Homosexual" who planned on paying back for condemning homosexual depravity and speaking ill of the dead.

Also, has been under attack from 'Anonymous' which has been unable to unhorse this intrepid blog after frequent unsuccessful and ineffective attacks as is often happy to report.

We've never noticed off line before.  It's never off line, but in case you might be wondering what became of it, there are certainly no shortage of people on the wrong side of things who'd love to see it gone forever.


Photo: Getty Images

The Victory of Lepanto and The Feast of the Holy Rosary

[Wikipedia]The Battle of Lepanto took place on 7 October 1571 when a fleet of the Holy League, a coalition of southern European Catholic maritime states, decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman Empire in five hours of fighting on the northern edge of the Gulf of Corinth, off western Greece. The Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their naval station in Lepanto (Turkish: İnebahtı; Greek: Ναύπακτος or Έπαχτος Naupaktos or Épahtos) met the Holy League forces, which had come from Messina.

With the unexpected but hoped for victory over the Turks, St. Pope Pius V commemorated God's gift by commemorating this as a feast.