Friday, August 31, 2012

Pope Smiles Upon Altar Girls and Women Priests?

Edit: earlier last year, the Holy Father was talking about ordaining women to the office of Reader. Cardinal George, last week, was apparently encouraging a woman that he would discuss the office of Deacon for women when he went to Rome.

This week, the Holy Father addresses a co-ed group of altar servers and disturbingly says, addressing both the boys and the girls present:
And, if one day you feel called to follow the path to the priesthood or religious life, respond generously,” 

Fact: Diocese, parishes, Catholic religious societies, which don't have women serving on the altar during Mass are not in demographic free fall. There is no vocations crisis there.

As the Church continues to make concessions to the irrationality of the zeitgeist, She will continue to falter and be the willing victim of the media and their political masters. Wherever the Church resists these forces, like feminism, Marxism, and so forth, She is strong.

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (CNS) -- Marking the feast of the martyrdom of St. John the Baptist, Pope Benedict XVI said Christians must not bow to the pressure of the powerful who demand a denial of Christ or of the truth he taught.

"The truth is the truth and there is no compromise," the pope said at his weekly general audience Aug. 29, the day the church remembers St. John the Baptist's beheading.

An estimated 2,500 people gathered in the town square just outside the papal summer villa in Castel Gandolfo for the main part of the pope's audience.
Link to CNS...

 H/t:: The oblivious Deacon's Bench...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

British Journalist: "Ugly Elitism of Gay-Marriage Lobby"

Edit:  HOW DARE YOU!  That's been the response so far.  What critics of the following article lack in clarity, organization of thoughts into coherent arguments, they more than make up for in sheer, blazing incoherence and rage, like this article here.

Brendan O'Neill just makes a statement of fact, and now he's the anti-Christ.

[Telegraph] Apparently if you oppose gay marriage you are a dumb, ill-informed, brainwashed, knuckle-dragging hick and bigot. At least that’s the message coming out of liberal circles in America this week, as supporters of gay marriage look with disgust upon the people of North Carolina for voting in favour of Amendment 1. A majority of North Carolina’s voters – 61 per cent – voted for the amendment to the state’s constitution, which says: “Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognised in this state.” For doing this, for having the temerity to say that marriage should stay as it is, they have been subjected to extraordinary levels of abuse and ridicule.

The media says they’re all “bigots”. Apparently they were driven by a typically Southern hatefulness. In fact, according to the LA Times, “even by Southern standards, [this was a] remarkably mean-spirited initiative”. The LA Times went so far as to argue that President Obama’s newly stated support for gay marriage is “similar” to Abraham Lincoln’s support for the emancipation of slaves, the implication being that it is massively disappointing that modern-day blacks in North Carolina, those ungrateful beneficiaries of Lincoln’s stance, did not vote to “liberate” gays today. Maybe they’ve been brainwashed into hating homos. According to the New Civil Rights Movement, one of the main pro-gay marriage groups in America, in North Carolina “ignorance and hate has enveloped ordinary citizens”, and the support for Amendment 1 shows how “ill-informed, mis-informed and just plain ignorant the citizenry… truly are”.

The idea that hatred and ignorance have “enveloped” the people of North Carolina is widespread. The gay advocacy group Faith in America said voters had been “duped” by religious leaders; they were “uninformed or deceived”. The only reason Amendment 1 passed, says Faith in America, is because of “the populace’s misunderstanding about sexual orientation”. Of course it isn’t possible that voters simply had a considered moral objection to gay marriage – no, they were clearly all brainwashed by religious crazies. The passing of Amendment 1 shows that voters should not be trusted to rule on sensitive moral matters, says the LA Times. Apparently these kind of “anti-gay” votes will continue until “people of conscience put a stop to it by asserting that tyranny of the majority is wrong”. In short, let’s leave the creation of morality to those good people who act on “conscience” rather than to those “ordinary citizens” who have been enveloped by “hate and ignorance”.

Read further....

Jesuit Refused His Dying Wish

Father Hugh Thwaites SJ

Edit: the beloved Traditional priest, Father Hugh Thwaites SJ has requested in his will that his Requiem Mass be in the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, or the Tridentine Mass as it's popularly known.

It's unfortunate, it's terrible and demoralizing, but not entirely shocking that the Jesuits are choosing not to fulfill their brother's dying wish by burying him in the Rite he loved and embodied as a priestly victim. It's just the sort of thing that the Jesuits are known for these days.

Father is to be buried tomorrow, and he certainly needs our prayers for his good and our own, for we don't know wither he is now.

Here is a copy from Linen on the Hedgerow, with a person to contact regarding this injustice:

A number of you have responded to my message (below) expressing 'disquiet' about the fact that Father Thwaites' wish will be frustrated. I would suggest that you send a 'nice' message to the Jesuit Provincial at His name is Father Dermot Preston SJ

There's also a petition at Juventutem London which you can sign.

Also taken from Hermeneutic of Continuity.

Late Antique Bishop's Palace Discovered in Austria

[] Archaeologists from the Carinthian Museum jointly with the Universities of Klagenfurt and Padua have excavated in the province of Carinthia and uncovered the late classical Bishops castle complex in Virunum. This was reported by news agency 'Catholic press'. The former Roman city is located on the territory of modern Zollfeld north of Klagenfurt. The building complex is over 7,500 cubic meters and includes a double church facility and an episcopal palace. The complex includes over 7,500 square meters. All finds are older than 1,700 years. The city was founded by the Emperor Claudius and the site extends for some 1000 km^2.

El Paso Diocese Attacks Priest With Catholic Message

All Are Not Welcome

Edit: Some may remember a few gallant priests who have  preached  in a very uncompromising way the truths of the Catholic Faith a little while back, in addition to Father Marcel Guarizo, who was not only reprimanded publicly but attacked by Quasi-Canon Peters and fired from his job.  Defending the Catholic Faith can be a perilous business in places like Portland, Maine, Washington D.C. and El Paso, Texas, just to name a few.  You're not even safe on the internet.

Along with approved bloggers like Mark Shea, there are several Bishops in the United States, who are sending a message that seeks to relativize the long-standing condemnation of sexual activity outside of marriage for the sake of false charity. These 'defenders' of niceness waste no time viciously attacking, or just walking away from, Catholic priests who defend Catholic teachings, however.

Mark Shea looks like he's taking a very familiar trajectory, like Gerald Augustinus of "The Cafe is Closed" who underwent a dramatic (or contrived?) shift from defender of orthodoxy, to cafeteria Catholic in about two short years. You'd think men like Mark Shea would treasure courageous priests, but they don't, they just shill for the Archdiocese. Why are these people attacking those who defend Church teaching?

It is just possible that a Diocese would love to have a fervent, zealous priest at the helm of a big parish, nope, not if he's preaching sexual chastity.  Fr. Micheal Rodriguez is doing just that.  He's actually too inoffensive and makes too many concessions to political correctness in our opinion, but that doesn't matter.  Not to the Diocese.

Not surprisingly, the Diocese insists that Father's message isn't the Catholic Church's message, but they don't specify how that is.

It's stories like this that reinforce the impression there is a group within the Church that will no suffer to hear the Catholic truth of the ages, as Lifesite reports:

“Without question, God loves all of His children, regardless of sexual ‘orientation,’” he continued. “We Catholics must show charity, respect, and understanding towards our homosexual brothers and sisters. Above all, we are to show love and compassion towards homosexuals by leading them to the truth, and helping them to reject sinful homosexual activity.”

In the final essay, Rodriguez faults modern culture in harsh terms for framing the breakdown of the family as an advancement for society, and criticizes El Paso officials for “acting immorally” by promoting gay domestic partnerships.

“Here in El Paso, certain City Council members have remained obstinate in promoting public recognition and legitimization of homosexual unions,” he wrote. “Whether they realize it or not, their actions are objectively immoral and gravely harmful to marriage and the family. It should be obvious to all Catholics what our duty is with respect to these members of City Council.”

Meanwhile, in Liberal Maine, the usual kinds of people are out advocating "change", more of the bad kind, as they attempt to redefine marriage outside of the Church's teachings. As you can see in the photo, most of them are elderly baby boomers out to cause trouble. In their self-adulation, it probably never dawned on them that their personal views are at variance with the Church's actual teachings and that if they were right, there would be no point in being Catholic.
Baby Boomers

Meanwhile, is there any response from the Bishop of Maine?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Relics of Saint Alexander Nevsky Stolen

[Novite] Relics of 13 saints including those of 13th century Russian national hero Knyaz Alexander Nevsky have been stolen from a church in St Petersburg a law enforcement source reported on Wednesday. An employee of St Catherine the Martyr Church on Vasilyevsky Island reported the theft to police on Tuesday RIA Novosti reported. On Monday night the perpetrators entered the church through a window on the first floor and went to the office of the rector where they stole relics of 13 saints including those of St Alexander Nevsky.

They also stole a communion cup of white metal with the image of saints and five baptismal crosses of yellow and white metal the source said The Russian police have opened a criminal case into the theft. The relics of St Alexander Nevsky the 13th century Russian knyaz who defended Eastern Orthodox Christianity against the Catholic Teutonic Knights were supposed to arrive in Bulgaria on Wednesday for veneration by believers at the cathedral in Varna.

On Tuesday however a day before the theft is reported publicly the Varna Bishopric of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church said the display of the St Alexander Nevsky relics had been put off for November.


CSU Politician: The Gay Lobby is "Aggressive and Intolerant"

Attacks against the opponents of  marriage being equated with  homosexualy disordered relationships show that the sodomists who cry the loudest for tolerance are those who can not bear opinions other than their own.

( In the debate about marriage equality of homosexual depravity the CSU Bundestag representative, Norbert Geis (72) complains about the "aggressive and intolerant" manner of discussion.

Is it possible to reasonably discuss anything with homosexuals?

The attacks against the opponents of homosexual marriage often demonstrate, "that precisely those who cry the loudest for tolerance, could not bear opinions other than their own."

This was written by Geis in a commentary for the edition of the Berlin weekly, 'Junge Freiheit' for the coming Thursday.

A factual discussion is not possible for that reason.

The privilege of the family is in the Constitution

The demand that the state has to protect marriage and families in a special way, is in the German Constitution.

This can not be distorted into discrimination against homosexually disturbed couplings.

Then this allows the "small, but vocal homosexual lobby no opportunity, to force equality with marriage and family",  criticized the law expert.

This tendency to leveling is unfortunately reinforced by various decisions in the Federal Constitutional Courts.

Link to

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Holland: Catholic Grade Schools to be Abolished

School Federation:  "The connection to the Church is already minimal at present" -- Auxiliary Bishop:  This enables the foundation of  "truly Catholic" grade schools, which the state had frequently suspended many in existence with disapproval.

Amsterdam (  A large part of the Catholic grade schools in the Dutch diocese of s'Hertogenbosch will remove the description Catholic during the foreseeable year of 2013.

As the newspaper >>Trouw<< online (Monday) reports, that according to the determination of the scholastic board Signum, a large number of the 24 schools will eliminate the word "Catholic" from its self-description.

"The connection to the Church is already minimal now", stressed the Signum president Jan Timmers.  Of a break with the Church one could not say.  "We have been disengaging from the Church for years", says Timmers.  So, the schools will also celebrate the Islamic Ramadan at some time between Easter and Christmas.  Also the description of the scholastic mission statement will no longer be relegated directly to the Catholic Church, but to the "individuality of each child".

The Auxiliary Bishop in s'Hertogenbosch, Rob Mutsaerts, informed the report the following that it is better to
remove the designation "Catholic", because it doesn't correspond any more to the school's concept and moderating content.

This may enable the foundation of "truly Catholic" grade schools.  Till now the state has denied such new foundations and it has adversely managed numerous existing Catholic grade schools.

Bibles in the Fiction Section at Barnes and Noble?

Edit:   In a market where copies of the world's best selling book are up, at least one Barnes and Noble sees fit to cram Bibles into the Christian Fiction section.

This is a Barnes and Noble store and the photo appeared in an Atheist message board at reddit. The location of the store is currently unknown but there have been similar stories cropping up from time to time that Barnes and Noble had decided to place the Bible in the fiction section.  It's not the most auspicious linkage, and of course, the atheists were eager to make much of the negative associations in their usual saturnine way.

As one commenter in an Israeli blog called "Jewlicious" stated when Barnes and Noble seemed to do the same thing in 2008, "will they do the same thing to the Koran?"

Barnes and Noble is a major corporation, and major corporations have a habit of being fairly unsympathetic to religious points of view in a gradual, sort of inevitable kind of way. Indeed, their arrangement with Starbucks certainly points in that direction.  Like Target, for example, which has braved boycotts to support Planned Parenthood and is now supporting the legalization of gomorrist couplings.

Maybe there's no room for Christianity in McWorld?

Monday, August 27, 2012

In Ukraine Two of Three Applicants to Seminary Are Turned Away

(Lemberg/Lviv)  Half of the applicants for entrance in the west Ukrainian seminary are turned away because of a shortage of places:  In the Ukraine it is not the exception but the rule.  Jaroslav Pryriz, the Auxiliary Bishop of  the Greek Catholic Eparchy of Sambir-Drohbytsch, explained in Konigstein at the international headquarters of the Pontifical Aid Agency, Kirche in Not [Church in Need], that for every seminary place in the Catholic part of Ukrain there are three applicants.  In several parts of western Ukraine two out of three applicants are not accepted in the seminary, because the Bishops and the regents of the seminary don't know where they can accommodate the large number of young men in the seminary, who feel themselves called to the priesthood.

Since the collapse of Communism the number of applications has grown steadily.  The Bishops of the  Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church united to Rome have introduced strict standards for selection.  Every applicant has to undergo four acceptance tests.  Only the best will be taken, so long as there are places available, and they are much too few, says Auxiliary Bishop Pryiz.

Already in 2001 Kirche in Not published the documentary film  Die Saat des Glaubens about the growth of the faith among Catholics in the Ukraine after the end of the Bolshevist dictatorship.  The Greek-Catholics untied to Rome celebrate the Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite.  They are concentrated in the western parts of Ukraine, which belonged up until the end of the First World War, to the Austrian Empire.  Since 2011 the Senior Archbishop Syjatoslav Schwertschuk of Kiev and Halytsch is at the forefront of the Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine.

The relations to the Russian Orthodox Church is traditionally tense.  The Catholic Ukrainians are considered by the Orthodox Church because of their union with Rome as apostate, although in the 16th century they did not join in complete union with the Moscow Patriarchate.  During Communism, all Greek-Catholic churches were confiscated and -- as far as they remained churches -- were given to the Orthodox.   Historically -- if also from other grounds -- there was also stress in the relationship between the Roman Catholic Poles and the Orthodox Russians.  Through a common declaration of the Patriarch of Moscow Kyrill I and the Catholic Primate of Poland, Josef Michalik, an easing of tension was reached.   The Greek Catholics of the Ukraine also hope and wish the same.   Archbishop Schewtschuk explained on August 19th:  "It would be my deepest wish, that something similar will also take place in Ukraine.  I've already stated this many times.  It would be very pleasing to us, if personal dialog on the level of our Churches could take place, so that the Patriarch of Moscow could recognize the UGCC as his dialog partner.  Because till now, we are talked over  to the Holy Father in the Vatican, and really it's always without us."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo:  UGCC

Link to katholisches.....

Vimeo Restores Video Exposing Predatory Gomorrist

Adam Flanders is a Maine homosexual who in 2008 sexually assaulted a minor and attacked his father with a knife.  Since then, Flanders has been attempting to get a letter he wrote against a local homosexual youth group, accusing them of promoting sex with minors in 2007 on Pro-Family, and is recently had a civil suit against them for the amount of 1 million dollars thrown out, as reported by LifesiteNews.

Interestingly, Flanders attempted to relativize the abuse, citing a police official who described his offense as "stealing a candy bar" during an interrogation.  The police official distanced himself from Flanders by saying that during an interview, it is standard procedure to sympathize with the accused's point of view to obtain a confession.  He would not himself describe Flanders' criminal behavior in those terms.

In addition, the cowardly '' has removed hundreds of videos posted by Road Kill Radio without informing them, including one pertaining to Mr. Flanders. Clearly LifesiteNews, Mass Resistance, Sun News Network and, have done a lot to raise the profile of this deplorable bullying on the part of homosexual groups and their allies.

Vimeo has since reversed its decision and has restored the videos on line with the help of Kill Radio's legal representation.

Here's an interview with Brian Camenker, who was being sued for $ 1 million.

We'll post the video as soon as it becomes available.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Liturgical Abuses This Way in San Jose!

Edit: there's going to be a big ho-down with several of the big name operators in terms of the continuing alienation of the Liturgy from its historical locus.  In other words, a group of people are going to go to a conference in San Jose, California to "develop" the Liturgy.  We heard this from Creative Minority Report who says,
How can I put this? I am sure that many of these folks mean well, bless their hearts. Its just when it comes to a liturgy that has for two generations been tied down, beaten, and forced to wear women's clothing, this video does not inspire confidence that the restoration is coming any time soon.

GIA Publications, Oregon Catholic Press and Liturgical Press (See the rebellious "Pray, Tell" blog for details) will be there.  Fast forward to around the 2:50 mark to get a look at the various representatives of these organizations, especially the guys from Collegeville...  The guys standing in front of the Modernist Monastery's Abbey Church, at Collegeville, don't inspire much confidence, and the local ordinary, Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath, doesn't either.

After suffering through the video, viewers might get the sense that these Liturgical experts who are bound to create and publish Liturgical books for the Parish to use are strikingly unfamiliar with and unconcerned about the historical, philosophical continuity with authentic Catholicism.  They are determined to keep Catholics in the dark about what Christianity means.

After being subjected to such people who have given the laity over forty years of heteropraxis, it's not hard to see that the trendy trend to keep Catholics in the dark about doctrine, unconcerned about their moral failings and in the case of many serious minded people, out of the Church entirely.

The Bishops seem less concerned about the continuing lack of understanding on the part of Catholics for their Faith and practice of it, than they are of assuring that the process which has led to the wholesale ignorance of most Catholics of their faith, along with the declining vocations and decay, continues.

Pope's Angelus Address: Comparing Judas to LCWR?

Edit: who could he be referring to in this passage?  He describes the Bread of Life narrative as many of His disciples follow him no more because they did not understand what he said accept in a "material sense",  few remain behind, for, as St. Peter affirms, "thou hast the words of eternal life".   There was another, easily comparable to certain parties within the Church today, who were less sincere than those who didn't believe and left and those who believed and stayed.  

There was one who stayed and did not believe, like the LCWR nuns.  It's difficult not to see in their refusal to be sincere "the mark of the devil":

Finally, Jesus knew that even among the twelve apostles there was one that did not believe: Judas. Judas could have left, as many of the disciples did; indeed, he would have left if he were honest. Instead he remained with Jesus. He did not remain because of faith, or because of love, but with the secret intention of taking vengeance on the Master. Why? Because Judas felt betrayed by Jesus, and decided that he in turn would betray Him. Judas was a Zealot, and wanted a triumphant Messiah, who would lead a revolt against the Romans. But Jesus had disappointed those expectations. The problem is that Judas did not go away, and his most serious fault was falsehood, which is the mark of the devil. This is why Jesus said to the Twelve: “One of you is a devil” (John 6.70). We pray to the Virgin Mary, help us to believe in Jesus, as St. Peter did, and to always be sincere with Him and with all people.

Link to the Angelus Address.... 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Map of SSPX Mass Centers Throughout Central Europe

"The earth would sooner last without the sun than without the holy sacrifice of the Mass,"  said Padre Pio once upon a time.

Everything on earth must serve to spread the true Sacrifice of the Mass of the Catholic Church.

A technically versed Catholic has programmed a new presence on the internet.  On this site "Churches and services of the Society of St. Pius X"  one can find all the Mass centers in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Benelux, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

All of the Mass centers are shown according to Diocese and also shows in one column the times of all Masses of the current day.

Link for the homepage "Kirchen und Gottesdienste der Piusbruderschaft"

The programer who set up this page himself and gave the link to post, asks a hearty God bless.

Overview of Mass centers from

Cardinal Meisner Oversteps Mandate: Condemns the SSPX

He excommunicates his own people:  "Whoever rejects completely or partly doctrinal statements, can not be in full communion with the Church".
Joachim Kardinal Meisner
Pressebild Erzbistum Köln

(  The Society of St. Pius X is schismatic.

This nonsense is maintained by the Neoconservative laissez-faire Cardinal Joachim Meisner of Cologne on his website ''.

The Neoconservative Prince of the Church, who allows Old Liberals to do as they please, has shown himself  to be a bitter enemy of the Society.

Second Vatican Council:  "Abortion is a horrible crime"

In his Diocese the Cardinal lets the Devil dance.

So does the aid agency 'Caritas' which is under his supervision, link to the Nazi founded anti-Church child murdering chain 'pro familia', despite numerous protests.

'Caritas Cologne' propagates its gender madness and would like that children live in abnormal sexual role models.

The Catholic pregnancy counselor of the Archdiocese of Cologne  sends pregnant mothers to advice counseling, which issues death certificates for child slaughter.

From Cardinal Meisner's own people, there is no demand of the acceptance of the statement of the Second Vatican Council that abortion is a "horrible crime".

Stupid statements and completely out of the question

The text of the Cardinal consists of bowing and scraping to the Pope and various problems against the Society of St. Pius X.

Benedict XVI. has experienced a setback, he winced:  "Only think of the stupid and completely unacceptable statements of Bishop Williamson."

It is related to a legitimate historical request, which hasn't received till today an answer.

Yet he still has no problems collaborating with an Old Nazi organization like 'pro familia'.

Did Christ not Die For the Jews?

The Holy Father has "always made it clear" that the Society must unmistakably accept the Magisterium -- writes Cardinal Meisner of the Pope.

The recognition of the Magisterium contains acceptance of all of the Councils.

To that belongs -- the magisterially sparsely binding -- Decree 'Nostra Aetate' on the relationship of churches to non-Christian religions.

This is distorted today by the supporters of Cardinal Meisner in a distorted anti-Semitic meaning related to the Jews , that Christ did not die for the Jews.

Vague Allegations

Cardinal Meisner complains that the Society should withdraw its "criticism of the Holy Father.

They have -- supposedly -- said, that the Pope is "not right believing".

It is completely unclear what the Cardinal is accusing the Society of doing.

Dusted off the schism club tucked away before the Council

The Prince of the Church even had the insolence to project things which are really applicable only to the Conciliar Church of German, onto the true believing Society.

"Whoever rejects partially or completely the doctrinal expressions of the Council,  can not have complete communion with the Church."

Cardinal Meisner's unjust condemnation against the Society is in reality a break with the Conciliar Church.

Conciliar Church without a Future

They remain "thus they are suspended and continue as a schismatic group along with their bishops" - rants the Cardinal, but has nothing to say about the gay-friendly Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin.

 The state of the Brotherhood will only change when they fully recognize the "Second Vatican Council" fully, including its decrees on religious freedom, the relationship with the Jews and the currently valid form of the Liturgy of the Catholic Church."

 The problem is that before that happens, the dogmatically unbinding Pastoral Council, together with the Conciliar Church, will be long since piled up on the trash heap of history.

Link to original

Cardinal George Encourages Innovation of Liturgical Deaconesses

Women Readers Are Also an Innovation
Edit: despite the evidence to the contrary and the well-established fact that accommodating women in Liturgical roles like Reader [women are still not ordained as Readers although there have been suggestions to make it so], and has a negative effect on new vocations and is wholly an unprecedented innovation, Cardinal George is encouraging a woman to enter into the Deaconate.  He's saying that he will bring up the issue on his visit to Rome.

One nun, however, is discouraging this mistaken notion.  This notion that ordaining women to the Diaconate will ease alleged discontent over the issue is a fatuous one, for when have revolutionaries ever been satisfied with merely a concession.   What's lacking here is an understanding of reality.  Women were never legitimately functional in the Liturgy and they never will be.   A nun from Mundeline puts it this way.

Sister Sara Butler, a professor of systematic theology at the University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary, said the role of women deacons in the early church was never the same as that of male deacons. Female deacons had separate duties such as ministering exclusively to women, and they received their ordination in separate rites, she said.

"I don't think there's any precedent for inviting women into the form of permanent diaconate," she said.

Women with ministerial roles also never completely disappeared, she said. Butler believes women deacons morphed into abbesses or leaders in monastic communities.

Link to Monteray County Herald.... 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Old Jesuit Church Taken Over by Traditionalist Order in Ireland

Edit: Sacred Heart in Limmerick was once a church run by the declining Jesuit order. Other orders, however, are growing and in a very symbolic way, the Institute of Christ the King is taking over the old church and restoring it to its proper use. Here we cite from Conleth's Catholic Heritage Association:

The prior of the Church of the Sacred Heart is a 38 year-old priest, Canon Wulfran Lebocq, choir-master of the Institute and permanently resident in the diocese since 2010. For the time being, the community in Limerick is composed of four members, whose average age is 32.

In Limerick, the Institute of Christ the King, supported by many local residents and a large group of friends in Ireland and abroad, intends to restore the Church of the Sacred Heart to its original purpose as a vibrant spiritual and cultural centre and a beautiful place of worship through a dynamic and open community life as a spiritual family. However, this will require a careful historical restoration before the Church may be opened once again to the greater public.
The Institute of Christ the King celebrates the classical Roman Liturgy, the Latin Mass, in its Extraordinary Form according to the liturgical books promulgated by Blessed Pope John XXIII in 1962. This liturgy, promoted by Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI in various documents, attracts today an ever greater number of people, especially young adults, students and families. The Institute is accustomed to see a lively family of faithful in its churches and wishes to bring the uplifting beauty of sacrality and genuine culture to all.

This beautiful church at the Crescent is still today a special architectural jewel, and many deplored its closing and long-term vacancy. The Institute of Christ the King, which has a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, truly desires to reopen this church for the benefit of all, in close collaboration with the local civil and ecclesiastical authorities. In this way, yet another sign of a brighter future will again come alive in Limerick.

Link to Conleth Catholic Heritage Association website...

 Here's a video and brief description complete with shots of the church:
This iconic building is situated at the Crescent, on O'Connell Street, Limerick, and was completed in 1868 and opened for public worship on January 27th 1869. The architect was William Corbett and the church is in the parish of St Joseph's. According to some reports, it was originally intended to be dedicated to St. Aloysius but when it was formally dedicated in 1869 it was called the 'Church of the Sacred Heart'. 
The façade of the church is Classical/Grecian in design and was renovated in 1900. There are no aisles in the church but the nave had two rows of pews. The nave was extended in 1919. The ceiling of the church is panelled with floriated ornaments in Stucco work. The high altar was designed by William Corbett and is made from 22 types of precious marble. On the floor around the high altar, there are the symbols of the four writers of the Gospels. The angel represents Matthew, the lion represents Mark while Luke and John are represented by the bull and eagle respectively. Some of the stained glass windows throughout the church show the letters 'IHS'. These letters are the first three letters of the Greek word for Jesus which is IHSOUS. In Latin the letters stand for Jesus hominum salvator which translates as 'Jesus, Saviour of men'. There are nine mosaics above the high altar. 
The central mosaic is of the Sacred Heart ascending in the presence of St Margaret Mary Alacoque and Blessed Claude la Colombiere. It is surrounded (from left to right) by depictions of St Francis Jerome, St Francis Borgia, St Francis Xavier, St Ignatius, St Stanislaus, St Aloysius, St John Berchmans and St Francis Regis. 
Sadly, the church (& residence) formally closed in 2006 and is currently for sale - again!

Satanic Mockery in Brazil

Edit: here's something from a 15th Birthday Mass where the bride is standing with the priest and holding up the Eucharist during the Agnus Dei.  She later gives Holy Communion to her father. This Satanic mockery took place in Brazil, in the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, recently.

Here's the link to Catapulta....

(Image taken from " CATAPULT "sacrilege postconciliar (August 2012)" in Brazil, 18/8/2012 ", reported by Andrea Carradori in his facebook profile.)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sister Lucia to Jesuit: "No, Father, Many, Many Are Lost"

This is the great error of the faith of the Conciliar age: "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and few there are who go in thereat."
Dante und Virgil in der Hölle.
Gemälde des französischen Malers
 William-Adolphe Bouguereau (+1905).

© gemeinfrei

(  Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller -- the faith gardener of Benedict XVI. -- is of the opinion that there are only few in hell.  Writes the site of the Society of St. Pius X,  '' early in August.

Are Most "Individuals" in Hell?

The site pointed to Msgr Müller's rambling book "Katholische Dogmatic: für Studium und Praxis der Theologie".  It reads:

"Who, as many and indeed the generality of people, offers a radical resistance against love till death, escapes from our knowledge not only accidentally but in principle as well. We should however hope and pray that generally, every man comes to goal of the outreached desire of God's salvation."

And: "Humanity definitely comes in Christ to God as its only goal, may perhaps also remain at odds with God."

Jesus Christ:  Many will not succeed

This assertion from the Gospel contradicts Msgr Müller, where Mathew in Chapter 7: 13 says:  

"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.  How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!"

Or Luke, Chapter 12: 23-25:

"The life is more than the meat, and the body is more than the raiment.  Consider the ravens, for they sow not, neither do they reap, neither have they storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them. How much are you more valuable than they? And which of you, by taking thought, can add to his stature one cubit?"

If the contentions of Msgr Müller true, then Christ would have had to say the following to '':

"Narrow is the gate and strait the path that leadeth to destruction, but hardly anyone finds it".

The idea of Hell is salutary

On page 562 Msgr Müller maintains that Christian theology perceived "the teaching of the eternity of the torments of Hell as the crux of the Gospel".

Actually '' shows, that that isn't true.

The salvific medications on Hell have led countless people to penance.

The greatest Grace of their lives

The website mentioned the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (+1556).  There the consideration of Hell plays a very important role.

According to St. Ignatius it drives one on that "if I were to forget the eternal love of God because of my errors, the slightest fear of those punishments assist me in not falling into sin."

St. Theresia of Avila (+1582)  observed her vision of Hell as one of the greatest graces of her life.

In times of spiritual dryness the thoughts of Hell made more of an effective help against the selfishness in sin than the thoughts of the love of God.

In Fatima the Mother of God even showed little children Hell, in order to fill them with fervor to pray and do penance for the salvation of sinners.

Fearful Consequences

The site also mentioned the destructive influence, which the baseless assertions of Msgr Muller have on the salvation of souls.

Because:  "If the only people in Hell are a few human beasts like Hitler, Stalin or Jack the Ripper and that one may even hope for them, that they sing Hallelujah in the chorus with their victims, then the average man doesn't need to worry about his salvation."

The Church optimistic of salvation will be an instrument of the devil, that the sinner is deceived by this, and that he is actually in acute danger of falling into Hell.

 Such a Church makes it unnecessary to prove the present developments.

 But there's always the hope of salvation?

 The seer of Fatima, Sister Lucia de Jesus dos Santos († 2005) said in an altercation with the the salvifically optimistic Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi: "Father, there are many who are lost."

The Jesuit objected: "Sure, the world is a cesspool of vice and sin. But there's always the hope of salvation. "

The nun protested vigorously: "No, Father, many, many are lost."

Link to

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can Masons be Members of Knights of Columbus?

Edit: we'd earlier identified a possible cooperative action between the Knights of Columbus and the Masons, where a pancake breakfast benefit sponsored by the Masonic Lodge was being permitted at a Knights of Columbus Hall, giving the very clear idea that they were cooperating and approving of each others aims and goals.

In an October version of a Knights of Columbus circular flier in 2008, there was this admonition on the bottom, really more of a CYA after the fact.  How many Knights have actually read it at the bottom of the page?

James Terwedo is the Knights Counsel (who is listed as the contact person in the 2008 explanation) and is the same one who made the incredible argument that since the Knights don't technically own their brick and mortar that they'd have to rent them to homosexual organizations as long as they don't overtly oppose Church teaching.

In any event, it's interesting that Mr. Terwedo was aware of the prohibition against Knights belonging to the Masonic Lodge in the context of the planned  benefit.  What follows is the excerpt from the Knight's flier:

Can Masons be members of the Knights of Columbus?  The answer is no!
Why not?  Because, the constitution of the Masons is in conflict  with the
precepts of the Catholic Church.  In order to be a member of the Knights of
Columbus, a person must be a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See.
The Holy See is the Vatican.  A person can be a practicing Catholic, ie goes to
church, takes communion, etc., but not necessarily be a practical Catholic.  A
person who is a Mason can not be a practical Catholic because he belongs to an
organization that has a written constitution contrary to the teachings of the
Catholic Church. A Catholic who is a Mason can resign his membership in the
Masons and thereby become eligible to become a KC. Most of us know some
good Christians who are our neighbors, fishing buddies, relatives, etc. and they
are Masons.  But even Catholic Masons, can not join the Knights of Columbus.
If you have any questions, please contact State Advocate, Jim Terwedo at 952-