Friday, August 24, 2012

Satanic Mockery in Brazil

Edit: here's something from a 15th Birthday Mass where the bride is standing with the priest and holding up the Eucharist during the Agnus Dei.  She later gives Holy Communion to her father. This Satanic mockery took place in Brazil, in the Archdiocese of Sao Paulo, recently.

Here's the link to Catapulta....

(Image taken from " CATAPULT "sacrilege postconciliar (August 2012)" in Brazil, 18/8/2012 ", reported by Andrea Carradori in his facebook profile.)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Sister Lucia to Jesuit: "No, Father, Many, Many Are Lost"

This is the great error of the faith of the Conciliar age: "Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and few there are who go in thereat."
Dante und Virgil in der Hölle.
Gemälde des französischen Malers
 William-Adolphe Bouguereau (+1905).

© gemeinfrei

(  Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller -- the faith gardener of Benedict XVI. -- is of the opinion that there are only few in hell.  Writes the site of the Society of St. Pius X,  '' early in August.

Are Most "Individuals" in Hell?

The site pointed to Msgr Müller's rambling book "Katholische Dogmatic: für Studium und Praxis der Theologie".  It reads:

"Who, as many and indeed the generality of people, offers a radical resistance against love till death, escapes from our knowledge not only accidentally but in principle as well. We should however hope and pray that generally, every man comes to goal of the outreached desire of God's salvation."

And: "Humanity definitely comes in Christ to God as its only goal, may perhaps also remain at odds with God."

Jesus Christ:  Many will not succeed

This assertion from the Gospel contradicts Msgr Müller, where Mathew in Chapter 7: 13 says:  

"Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.  How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!"

Or Luke, Chapter 12: 23-25:

"The life is more than the meat, and the body is more than the raiment.  Consider the ravens, for they sow not, neither do they reap, neither have they storehouse nor barn, and God feedeth them. How much are you more valuable than they? And which of you, by taking thought, can add to his stature one cubit?"

If the contentions of Msgr Müller true, then Christ would have had to say the following to '':

"Narrow is the gate and strait the path that leadeth to destruction, but hardly anyone finds it".

The idea of Hell is salutary

On page 562 Msgr Müller maintains that Christian theology perceived "the teaching of the eternity of the torments of Hell as the crux of the Gospel".

Actually '' shows, that that isn't true.

The salvific medications on Hell have led countless people to penance.

The greatest Grace of their lives

The website mentioned the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola (+1556).  There the consideration of Hell plays a very important role.

According to St. Ignatius it drives one on that "if I were to forget the eternal love of God because of my errors, the slightest fear of those punishments assist me in not falling into sin."

St. Theresia of Avila (+1582)  observed her vision of Hell as one of the greatest graces of her life.

In times of spiritual dryness the thoughts of Hell made more of an effective help against the selfishness in sin than the thoughts of the love of God.

In Fatima the Mother of God even showed little children Hell, in order to fill them with fervor to pray and do penance for the salvation of sinners.

Fearful Consequences

The site also mentioned the destructive influence, which the baseless assertions of Msgr Muller have on the salvation of souls.

Because:  "If the only people in Hell are a few human beasts like Hitler, Stalin or Jack the Ripper and that one may even hope for them, that they sing Hallelujah in the chorus with their victims, then the average man doesn't need to worry about his salvation."

The Church optimistic of salvation will be an instrument of the devil, that the sinner is deceived by this, and that he is actually in acute danger of falling into Hell.

 Such a Church makes it unnecessary to prove the present developments.

 But there's always the hope of salvation?

 The seer of Fatima, Sister Lucia de Jesus dos Santos († 2005) said in an altercation with the the salvifically optimistic Vatican spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi: "Father, there are many who are lost."

The Jesuit objected: "Sure, the world is a cesspool of vice and sin. But there's always the hope of salvation. "

The nun protested vigorously: "No, Father, many, many are lost."

Link to

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Can Masons be Members of Knights of Columbus?

Edit: we'd earlier identified a possible cooperative action between the Knights of Columbus and the Masons, where a pancake breakfast benefit sponsored by the Masonic Lodge was being permitted at a Knights of Columbus Hall, giving the very clear idea that they were cooperating and approving of each others aims and goals.

In an October version of a Knights of Columbus circular flier in 2008, there was this admonition on the bottom, really more of a CYA after the fact.  How many Knights have actually read it at the bottom of the page?

James Terwedo is the Knights Counsel (who is listed as the contact person in the 2008 explanation) and is the same one who made the incredible argument that since the Knights don't technically own their brick and mortar that they'd have to rent them to homosexual organizations as long as they don't overtly oppose Church teaching.

In any event, it's interesting that Mr. Terwedo was aware of the prohibition against Knights belonging to the Masonic Lodge in the context of the planned  benefit.  What follows is the excerpt from the Knight's flier:

Can Masons be members of the Knights of Columbus?  The answer is no!
Why not?  Because, the constitution of the Masons is in conflict  with the
precepts of the Catholic Church.  In order to be a member of the Knights of
Columbus, a person must be a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See.
The Holy See is the Vatican.  A person can be a practicing Catholic, ie goes to
church, takes communion, etc., but not necessarily be a practical Catholic.  A
person who is a Mason can not be a practical Catholic because he belongs to an
organization that has a written constitution contrary to the teachings of the
Catholic Church. A Catholic who is a Mason can resign his membership in the
Masons and thereby become eligible to become a KC. Most of us know some
good Christians who are our neighbors, fishing buddies, relatives, etc. and they
are Masons.  But even Catholic Masons, can not join the Knights of Columbus.
If you have any questions, please contact State Advocate, Jim Terwedo at 952-

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Disciple of +Lefebvre: Benedict's Liturgical Renewal is Tridentine

(Paris)  In the French publisher Godfroy de Bouillon is a book about Pope Benedict XVI's changes in the Liturgy reform since the beginning of his pontificate.  The author of the book it he priest Paul Aulangier.  The book contains more of his preliminary steps to put the theme together and serves as a knowledgeable synopsis of the last seven years of liturgical renewal.   The basic starting point of the introduction is the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of 2007, which had reintroduced the classical form of the Roman Rite as the "extraordinary form" in the Church and had set it next to the "ordinary form".  Aulagnier showed the steps leading to how the "Old Mass" had experienced its return in the Church since its implementation through the Motu Proprio.

The author did not only deal with the question as to how Summorum Pontificum was implemented, rather also the previous history as to how it became the Motu Proprio.  Already in 1986 a commission of Cardinals appointed by the Pope then expressed itself for the return of the Tridentine Mass and also that the Pope did not stand against it.  Some Bishops Conferences wanted therefore to prevent the entire enterprise with all of their resistance.   So the Church had to wait till 2007 when the recognition of the Mass of All Ages was possible.

Aulagnier has published and analyzed all of the important documents  and came to the conclusion that Pope Benedict XVI, with his reform of the reform, envisioned in the future on the other hand only a single form of the Roman Rite one next to each other.   The Pope wrote already in the Motu Proprio about the "mutual enrichment".  In the concepts themselves which were still recognized by the hierarchy, there is a deferment taking place, which shows a shift in language toward appreciation for the "Old Mass".   Benedict XVI's goal is that he wants that both forms intermix and become one and do this from Tradition.  Where Pope Benedict has persistently since the beginning of his pontificate taken the steps of liturgical renewal, this is Tridentine, says Aulagnier.

The author shows that Benedict XVI would have undertaken the renewal more quickly with more steps, but there was strong resistance from the ranks of the Bishops, those of the French and the German episcopate before the publication of the Motu Proprior Summorum Pontificum, and this resistance is still there, although it is weaker.  The Pope had slowed his pace, because he wanted to win and convince.

Perhaps more importantly, said Aulagnier, as the papal documents are the Pope's  model for the practical implementation of the reform. There is an "educational" approach of the Pope by his example, that would be slow, but it has an extension throughout the world. The number of  sites where the Old Rite is offered take place everywhere. Nevertheless, during this pontificate no substantial change in the Missal of Paul VI was accomplished., from which you can see from the new translation of the Missal into English from. Aulagnier closes with a reference to a speech by Bishop Athanasius Schneider in Paris over the five wounds of the liturgy. The author says that it was long difficult to imagine that two Missal would co-exist equally, it still needs many steps to overcome this situation.

A book that understands itself as "an inventory", will be  much discussed. The author, Paul Aulangier was one of those seminarians in the French Seminary in Rome, who turned for help in the post-conciliar period to Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and followed him. Consecrated in 1971 by Archbishop Lefebvre as a priest, he was among the founding members of the Society of St. Pius X. From 1976 to 1994 he was the District Superior of France and was involved instrumentally in building the Brotherhood in their "home country".  In 2004 he was expelled from the SSPX because he supported the unification of the Apostolic Personal administration of St. John Vianney in Brazil with the Holy See. Father Aulagnier founded the Institut du Bon-Pasteur, a new home which Pope Benedict XVI been established as an institute of pontifical right.

Link to katholisches original...

Fr Hugh Thwaites RIP

Edit: it's very sad to see Father Hugh Thwaites SJ go, but there's great hope too.  He was a great son of St. Ignatius and an inspiring speaker and an authority on the demonic.

"When people want to know why God created the world, I can't think of a more plausible reason than Our Lady."

Thanks to Father Tim Finegan and Linen on the Hedgrow...also listen here to several of his talks.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Anglicanorum Coetibus Hailed as a Failure

Edit: While it may be true that only a few thousand Anglicans have joined the Catholic Church worldwide, it remains also true that the Anglican Communion from which an admittedly small number are leaving, is quickly dying anyway due to very possible indifference. But the Catholic Church got some very enthusiastic converts, particularly, Our Lady of Walsingham in UK.   Unfortunately, the transition to the Church has been handled by individuals who were somewhat less than inspiring.  As Daily Episcopalian reports:

From a sociological perspective, the Episcopal Church (TEC) has suffered both a striking numerical loss in membership (almost 30%) and an even larger decline as a percentage of the nation’s population (almost 60%). In 1960, TEC had 2.9 million members, equaling 1.6% of the U.S. population. Forty-eight years later, TEC had fewer than 2.06 million members, or only 0.65% of the U.S. population.

From an organizational perspective, TEC struggles with declining revenues. For example, the national Church budget for the 2010-2012 triennium is $23 million smaller than for 2007-2009. The current recession, especially for entities such as TEC that are heavily dependent upon endowment income, has accentuated financial difficulties. Underlying the recession, the real cause is declining membership.

Here's the Article:


TankWhen the idea of an Anglican Ordinariate was announced in September 2009 in the apostolic constitutionAnglicanorum Coetibus, theTimes of London ran the headline 'Vatican Parks Tanks on Rowan's Lawn'.

It seemed an apt image at the time, for all sorts of reasons: one was the spectacularly undiplomatic character of the act, which was opposed by some in the Vatican and by very senior English Roman Catholics; another was the personal affront to Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, whose progressive leanings have never hidden a genuine admiration for the wider western catholic tradition of which his own Anglicanism is a part.
But the other implication of the image was one of a serious and lasting shift in power, a re-drawing of boundaries or movement of populations. Three years later it is more as though the Pope had, uninvited, sent over a Fiat cinquecento or two to pick up some stranded friends and their bags. As they leave the Lambeth Palace gates there is probably relief on both sides.

Clown Masses Are Outdated, You Say?

Edit: someone was just saying the other day that the clown Mass was an outdated thing which is no longer in use.  These things happen all the time in various locales.  This one is taking place in Germany and was reported by the German District's official website.

This story comes hard on the Sicilian Bishop who wears ugly Armani vestments, and the Dominican who wears a Steelers stole.  Heresy Hunter wonders if the company that made the ugly stole is an official church goods supplier?

We must also timidly ask if Herr Pfarrer Eulenspiegel will also have to sign a Doctrinal Preamble?

[piusinfo] The picture of the week shows the pastor of Hopfen am See (Ostallgäu)at the ambo dressed as a Merry Trickster (Eulenspiegel).

At evening Liturgy on Saturday, so reported the newspaper, and at the Mass on Sunday, the Catholic clergyman preaches in this clothing at the Parish Church of St. Peter and Paul.

One really doesn't have to be a traditionalist to recognize the the cheap attempt to curry favor which is taking place here in the house of the most Holy.

 In the commentary of Mr. Guratzsch on ( reports)it reads: "Where communities give up their buildings, the altar becomes a cooking table, the Liturgy is replaced by breakfast, the retreat to self by degrees is a cumulative process." It's exactly as one could say: where the pastor believes he can make the pulpit into a carnival stage then the holiness is lost. Because the people know exactly that at the actual carnival something else completely takes place, and that the pastor is only trying obsessively to cut the carpet, at the cost of his real mission.

 Poor Catholic Church.  How much longer?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Is this Benedict XVI's Reform Cardinal?

Vatican. [] The President of the Pontifical Council For Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, sees apparent anti-Jewish tendencies in the Church. He told the Jewish weekly magazine 'Tacheles'. The chief Cardinal see anti-Jewish tendencies in Traditionalists or theologians who teach that the Old Testament has been abolished by the New Testament. The teaching criticized by the Cardinal corresponds to the teaching of Jesus Christ, the New Testament and the faith of the Catholic Church.

Edit: He's made other statements regarding Jewish-Catholic relations that are controversial, which points decisively to a powerful incompatibility between those who are in positions of power and those in the periphery or in some cases, out in the cold. Here he implicates the Catholic Church in the German persecution of the Jews during World War II:
On the Catholic side, the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council on the relationship of the church to the non–Christian religions, “Nostra aetate”, can be considered the beginning of a systematic dialogue with the Jews. Still today it is considered the “foundation document” and the “Magna Charta” of the dialogue of the Roman Catholic Church with Judaism, so my tour d’horizon of the Jewish–Catholic conversation must begin there. It did not develop in a vacuum, since on the Christian side there had already been approaches to Judaism both within and outside the Catholic Church before the Council. But after the unprecedented crime of the Shoah above all, an effort was made in the post–War period towards a theologically reflected re–definition of the relationship with Judaism. Following the mass murder of the European Jews planned and executed by the National Socialists with industrial perfection, a profound examination of conscience was initiated about how such a barbaric scenario was possible in the Christian–oriented West. Must we assume that anti–Jewish tendencies present within Christianity for centuries were complicit in the anti–Semitism of the Nazis, racially motivated and led astray by a godless and neo–pagan ideology, or simply allowing it to run its course? Among Christians too there were both perpetrators and victims; but the broad masses surely consisted of passive spectators who kept their eyes closed in the face of this brutal reality. The Shoah therefore became a question and an accusation against Christianity: Why did Christian resistance against the boundless brutality of the Nazi crimes not demonstrate that measure and that clarity which one should rightfully have expected? Have Christians and Jews today the will and the strength for conciliation and reconciliation on the common foundation of faith in the one and only God of Israel? What significance does Judaism have in the future for churches and ecclesial communities, and in what theological relationship do we stand today in connection with Judaism?

Vatican Punishes Priest and Critic of Saint Vincent Officials

Edit: it looks like a priest who has a Liberal agenda, who none the less has valid complaints against the administration, is being set up by an inept and probably criminal administration to be removed. St. Vincent's of Latrobe Pennsylvania is the mother house of the Modernist Monastery of St. John's at Collegeville.

The Abbot has two accusations of sexual abuse against him at present

August 16, 2012 - 3:00am
The long, disturbing tale of the Rev. Mark Gruber and Saint Vincent College has apparently come to an end, with a Vatican-imposed penalty barring the former faculty member from the priesthood in response to allegations -- disputed by his supporters and by civil authorities -- that he downloaded child pornography. Gruber, a longtime and widely respected monk and professor of anthropology at the Benedictine college in Pennsylvania, was one of the few campus officials who publicly criticized leaders there during a governance controversy in 2008, reportedly angering the then-president, James Towey, and the Right Rev. Douglas Nowicki, who headed the board of the Saint Vincent Archabbey.
The following fall, college officials barred him from the campus and reported him to local police, saying they had found child pornography on a computer in a common area outside his office. The charges were dropped after police concluded that no images on the computer had been of men under the age of 18, and that the computer was in a common area and many people had access to it. The following year, another Saint Vincent employee came forward and took responsibility for having downloaded the images.
Despite the lack of evidence of wrongdoing by Gruber, Saint Vincent officials continued to push for his ouster as a priest through the Vatican. In a statement Tuesday, the Saint Vincent Archabbey said the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had found him guilty of "canonical crimes" of possession of child pornography, "production of materials which gravely injury good morals; abuse of the Sacrament of Confession (but not a violation of the sacramental seal); and defamation of a legitimate superior." It ordered him to live the rest of his life in prayer and penitence in a residence chosen by the Vatican, barred him from "exercising any public priestly ministry," and restricted him from any contact with anyone under the age of 18.

Read more:
Inside Higher Ed 

Dominican Bad Vestments for Football Season

Edit: here's Father Dismas Sayre, who is the Parochial Vicar of the Hispanic Ministry for the Dominicans in California.  He's attired for football season in a stole with a professional football team on them.

Chris Gillibrand showed us a link where this man shows a penchant for Lifeteen Liturgy too,which is famous for Arizona's own sexual predator and Modernist Msgr Dale Fuschek.

What's the big deal, you ask?

If you don't know what's wrong with this, a dictionary definition probably won't help, but perhaps you might object if he showed up wearing this for a relative's funeral.  Part of the definition of Sacrilege from New Advant's Catholic Encyclopedia as follows:

Sacrilege is in general the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object. In a less proper sense any transgression against the virtue of religion would be a sacrilege.

Theologians are substantially agreed in regarding as sacred that and that only which by a public rite and by Divine orecclesiastical institution has been dedicated to the worship of God. The point is that the public authority must intervene; private initiative, no matter how ardent in devotion or praiseworthy in motive, does not suffice. Attributing a sacred characterto a thing is a juridical act, and as such is a function of the governing power of the Church.

It is customary to enumerate three kinds of sacrilege: personal, local, and real. St. Thomas teaches (Summa, II-II, Q., xcix) that a different sort of holiness attaches to persons, places, and things. Hence the irreverence offered to any one of them is specifically distinct from that which is exhibited to the others. Suarez (De Religione, tr. iii, 1-3) does not seem to think the division very logical, but accepts it as being in accord with the canons.

Sympathizers of Moscow Cathedral Anarchists in Cologne Cathedral

On Sunday morning a masked group of three sympathizers disturbed services in the Cathedral of Cologne.  Already this Friday there were demonstrators in Vienna's Stepensdom holding high a banner.  

Cologne (  "Expressions of sympathy" for the anarchists in Moscow took place in Germany and Austria.  On Sunday morning a masked group of three supporters disturbed the church service in the cathedral.  At the beginning of the Eucharistic prayer, they stormed in after the offertory with colorful costumes towards the altar.  With prayer-like gestures and slogans they tried to disrupt the Eucharist.

It added that it took a few minutes before cathedral security could usher the two men aged 23 and 35 and a 20 year old woman outside.  Bishop Heiner Koch, who presided over the church remained standing at the altar during the disturbance.  He then explained that they are also concerned with the people in Russia and join them in prayer.  Above the main door of the cathedral there were three demonstrators who continued to protest with a banner which read "Free Pussy Riot".

As the Cologne police said on inquiry, there was a criminal complaint against the three disruptors for violation of the Assembly Act, tresspass and for disturbing religious worship.  Restraining orders against the three were also issued.  On Friday there were some sympathizers in Vienna Stepensdom as well who held up banners chants and slogans to disturb the church service, however, they were stopped quickly by the staff of St. Stephen's.

Video on and

Bishop Fellay Will Miss Fulda Pilgrimage this Year

The General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X can't come to the most important yearly event of the German District.  Was he expected in the Vatican?

(, Fulda)  Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Pristly Society of St. Pius X was expected to participate in this year's Fulda pilgrimage of the German district.

This was reported by the site ''.  The yearly pilgrimage of the German District has taken place nine times.

This year it is being held under the motto, "The Church -- our joy, our love, our pride".

The pilgrimage will renew the consecration of Germany to the Mother of God.

Is he being drawn to Rome?

Msgr Fellay has refused by reason of "other important obligations".

It is unclear which short term meeting is more important than the most important annual event of the German District.

The Bishop Celebrates in the Hotel

Instead of the General Superior, the French Society Bishop Tissier de Mallerais will appear instead.

He has proven himself an opponent of a diplomatic solution being reached without clarification of the dogmatic questions.

Msgr. De Mallerais is to celebrate the Mass in the large feast hall of the Orangerie in Fulda.

The celebration in a Fulda church would clearly not be allowed by the Old Liberal Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen.

Link to

Friday, August 17, 2012

Archbishop Nienstedt Silences Modernist Benedictine?

Edit: Archbishop Nienstedt told the priests of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to remain silent if they had any reservations about his extensive efforts to protect marriage by encouraging Catholics to vote "yes" on the Protect Marriage Amendment in early January of this year.  He was especially concerned with the Monastery Gone Wild.  We were watching one priest to see whether he'd remain silent.  He didn't disappoint.

Father Tegeder Needs Haircut 
Mark N. Kartarik
This priest is one of the most vocal opponents of the Archbishop, the unteachable Father Mike Tegeder.   It was expected that he wouldn't be heard from in some quarters, but he managed to voice his dissenting opinions for the local art rag City Pages in June. He doesn't want Catholics to vote for the marriage amendment because, as Father Tegeder insists, defending marriage will lead to homosexuals being bullied.  We e-mailed the Archdiocese and have heard nothing back from them at this point as to what, if anything, they've done with this destructive priest.  Although he hasn't been heard from since then, it would be encouraging if he were laicized and sent packing without any benefits like a lot of traditionalist priests were treated throughout the years.

Meanwhile, in central Minnesota at the Modernist Benedictine Monastery in Collegeville, which houses  a cast of free range sexual predators and other deviants, the infamous Father Bob Pierson feels free to speak his mind.  But something has apparently been done with regard to the habitual dissident.  He has been silenced, he claims.

He is currently the Guest Master at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota and attempted to host a gay naked retreat with guru.  It was cancelled.

Father Pierson, in addition to his penchant for nude gurus, has a Facebook relationship with another dissident silenced by the Archdiocese, Lucinda Naylor, who was terminated as "artist" in residence at the Basilica of St. Mary's in downtown Minneapolis by Archbishop Nienstedt's direct intervention and attempted to create a piece of modern sculpture out of DVDs of the Archbishop's talk, defending marriage.   Miss Naylor asked the Modernist Monk about his situation, and he wrote about how the Archbishop responded to his public statement as part of the decrepit CALGM:

Dear Lucinda: That sounds great! Thanks for your words of support. Yesterday I finally heard from Archbishop Nienstedt. “He is not amused.” In fact, I no longer have permission to minister anywhere in the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis. Abbot John is supportive of me, but wants me to avoid any more public talks. The amount of negative publicity has been over-whelming. These rightwing Catholics are a really vicious bunch of people. Anyway, in August I am free on August 7, 14, 15, 28, 29,& 30. I hope one of those dates works with Dale’s calendar. He and I have met briefly before, but it will be good to visit over dinner, and wonderful to be with you and Maura as well. THANKS for the invitation. Blessings!

Father Pierson is positively livid and has some choice words of his own to describe those who take issue with his habitude disobedience.

So far nothing has surprised me except for the vehemence of some very nasty “right wing nuts” as I like to call them. Very unchristian in their words. I am around all of October, though I do have commitments from October 4 to 7 and again on the weekend of October 19-21. Blessings!

Unfortunately, Collegeville is still what it is.  Moreover, they will not support the Archbishops' effort to defend marriage and seem more eager to thwart it and treat him with disrespect for simply doing his job.

Kirchensteuer: The Diocese of Chur Breaks Away!

Edit: Bishop Huonder strikes a tremendous blow against the Liberals in his Diocese as he effectively cuts their means of support.  The official Swiss Church is dominated in its administration by Leftists, and they created many problems for Bishop Huonder's predecessor.

Bishop Huonder is very traditional friendly, often says the Mass of All Ages and is often identified as being a harsh reactionary and is attacked even by his own priests.

He has remained in his position however, and continues to close in on the Old Liberal apparachiks on his Diocese, showing as much magnanimity, intelligence and liberality, by cutting the rotten state church off at its knees.

(  The Swiss national court stated on July 9th:

A person can belong to the body of the Catholic Church without belonging to the state church body of the canton.

This decision was commented on by the press speaker of the Diocese of Church on the 14th of August.

His statement bore the title:  "The real Church does not demand steuer (tax) for membership".

Free Contributions instead of a Forced Tax

The judgement confirmed for Bishop Vitus Huonder the "Chur Model" introduced in 2009 -- explained Gracia.

It offers the possibility to offer free contributions instead of Church-tax as an endowment of solidarity to the Diocese.

If a person decides to leave the State Church, it is not expected of him that he is distancing himself either from his Catholic Faith or the Church:

"Also in these circumstances he will not be threatened with refusal of the Sacraments."

Communion with Christ Instead of Church-steuer

The Diocese complained about the lack of transparency:

"Still many don't know that the Catholic Church as such demands no Kirchensteuer (tax) and that in almost all the other countries are unfamiliar with a system comparable to that of Switzerland."

Worldwide, 95% of all Catholics are free regarding donations and other obligations to support-- without a comparable steuersystem:

"In order to respect this freedom, there may also be no forced imposition between the steuersystem -- on the side of the "national church" or the Church community -- and complete communion with the Catholic Church."

This community isn't bound by a financial system, but on being bound with Jesus Christ.

Canon law actually speaks of material solidarity:  "The manner and means, how this is effected, remains however up to the discretion of the faithful."

Decadent Guerilla Activists Are Sentenced to 2 Years in Prison

Edit: the people lining up in defense of them are the usual suspects, the pornography vendors, various defenders of filth, but also significant figures who have a stake, as Alexander Dugin says, in debasing and derailing the Byzantine restoration ongoing in Russia.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Brazilian Traditionalists on Pilgrimage

More than a thousand words:  As a Mass for the healing of the clergy was held, a crucifix began to bleed.  by Maria de Lourdes Couto, Rio de Janeiro

(  On July 28th Traditional pilgrims betook themselves of the famous Sanctuary of  Jesus Crucified  in Porto das Caixas in the capital of Rio de Janeiro in southern Brazil.

The pilgrims were accompanied by Fr. Anderson Batista da Silva from the Archdiocese of Niteroi.

He celebrated the Old Mass at the sanctuary in the piety of a Missa Cantata.

A poor place

The pilgrims journeyed in one bus.  They came from the cities of Rio, São Gonçalo und Niterói.

Porto das Caixas is a very poor and unsightly place.

It was made famous in 1969, however, as a crucifix above the altar began to bleed during a Triduum for the healing of the clergy.

Flecks of blood on the altar cloth

Because there was no sacristan, the priest then had to prepare the altar himself.

At that moment, he noticed a red mark on the altar cloth.  He believed at first that it was just a stain.  So he he just cleaned the spot away.

Then he celebrated Holy Mass.

Human Blood

As Mass finished some faithful noticed that blood was dripping from the crucifix.

They notified the priest of it.

The blood ran from the wounds of Jesus.  A laboratory confirmed with certainty that it was human blood.

Till today, the Sanctuary of the Crucified Jesus is visited by numerous visitors.

To honor the Precious Blood

The Mass for the pilgrims was celebrated to honor the Precious Blood of Jesus.

Fr. Anderson Batista gave a brilliant sermon.

He is a great promoter of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.

After the blessing the pilgrims had an opportunity to eat  and meet each other.

Finally, Fr. Batista gave a catechetical lecture, in which he emphasized the importance of personal repentance and the crime of abortion.

Portuguese Sermon during the Old Mass in Poto das Caixas

Revised Traditional Missal Planned for Next Summer in Rome?

This is a translation from the usually well-informed German, who says that their own well-informed source has some information about the new Missal, which was coupled with their announcement of the good news of the formal recognition of Papa Stronsay at the Diocese of Aberdeen in Scottland.

The less good news is that the work on "a new edition of the Old Missal" has so far progressed enough that it will be published next summer so that it can be used in 2013.  The key points of alteration:

-  Allowance of the usage of new prefaces for all feasts, which correspond to the Novus Ordo prefaces;

- General allowance of the Traditional Mass to be celebrated "versus populum";

- Permission to say the Liturgy of the Word in the language of the people [which facilitates the use of the Cramner table];

The desire for "liturgical engineering" in the appropriate Vatican authorities therefore seems unchanged -- at least in so far as it relates to a direction "away from Tradition".

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nuncio Complains that German Church Does Not Listen to the Pope

Bonn (kath.,net/KNA)  The ambassador of the Pope in Germany is concerned about the future of the Catholic Church in the Bundesrepublik.  "The Pope suffers from an persistently closed attitude toward him in Germany," said the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Jean-Claude Perisset, in an interview published in the "Zeit" on Wednesday.  It is a "great loss", that the Church in Germany hears the Pope so little.

The Nuncio expressed himself critically about the dialog process in the Catholic Church. "Conflict in the Church is the wrong way.  But dialog is not a conflict, but the opposite".  Whoever only values his own position,  doesn't engage in dialog.  It would be a courageous step of the Bishops, to seek a discussion with the people of the Church.  "Only those who want to turn the Church on its head, are those who do not want dialog."

With a view to the debate surrounding the Kirchensteuer [Church tax], the Nuncio said, the Church in the Bundesrepublik is "sometimes is too concerned with managing resources and forgets the announcing of the good news.".  As to the question for the reason for empty churches and few priestly vocations Perisset recalled that this is not a malfunction of the institution of the Church;  the reasons lay in the mentality of people and in erroneous beliefs.  "We need a new culture of community, of believing together.  For that reason we need also great celebrations like World Youth Day or Papal Masses in the Olympiastadion.  They show: you are not alone."

At the same time, Perisset insisted that the Church must adjust itself in its announcing the faith in today's environment.  "We say things that people don't understand any more.  We must return to the basic elements of the Faith and freshly explain these with simple words in colorful language."  The restoration of the faith has to "come again from the family, so that we might remake the Church.  If the grandparents don't take their grandchildren along, if the adults do not discuss the faith, if the faith is not developed in the family, then there is no future."

Romanian Christians Want Lady Gaga Concert Banned

Orthodox and nationalist groups in Romania are calling for a ban on Lady Gaga’s concert in Bucharest, alleging that some of her songs are against “Christian morals” and encourage homosexuality.
Around 3,500 people have signed a petition urging the authorities not to allow the presence of the American pop star in Romania.
“We are a Christian people. Blasphemy and the negation of the God are sins, which cannot be forgiven. Lady Gaga is a malign person and her presence in Romania should be forbidden,” the petition says.