Thursday, August 9, 2012

Russian Feminist Activists Admit Mistake to Protest in Cathedral

Moscow, July 30, Interfax - One of the Pussy Riot girls Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, charged with hooliganism for a punk prayer at Christ the Savior Cathedral, admitted that the action was an ethical mistake.

"The fact that we did not plead guilty in line with Part 2, Article 213 of the Russian Criminal Code does not mean that we are not ready to explain our actions and excuse for sorrows caused by our performance," a Pussy Riot lawyer Violetta Volkova said citing Tolokonnikova's appeal to the Khamovnichesky District Court in Moscow on Monday.

"My ethical assessment of the Pussy Riot prayer is as follows: our ethical mistake was that we allowed ourselves to hold the action in a church in this genre. But we did not even think that our actions could be insulting to anyone," Tolokonnikova said.

Vagus Clergy and Dissolution of Clares of Immaculate Heart

The media often report on news to do with the negotiations between the Holy See and SSPX, founded by Mgr Lefebvre, who in his lifetime only consecrated four bishops without a papal mandate, in 1988. Their excommunication was lifted by Benedict XVI in January 2009, reports Vatican Insider.

Even less is said or known about the hundreds – some say a thousand – of “episcope vagantes” wandering around the world: bishops who have been illicitly consecrated as Christian bishops and who thus have apostolic succession but are not in communion with the Pope and as such are formally schismatic.

The Diocese of Fiesole has come under the spotlight in recent weeks because its Bishop, Mario Meini, issued a decree for the dissolution of the private association of faithful, the “Clarisse del Cuore Immacolato di Maria” (Clares of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), a new monastic community founded in 2008 and based in the convent of St Francis, in San Giovanni Val d’Arno, Italy, offered by the Franciscans.
Link to cathnews...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer Celebrated the Old Mass

Edit: some will remember that the founder of The Work, refused to celebrate the New Mass and obediently obtained an Indult so he wouldn't have to.
(Santiago de Chile), Opus Dei will take a further step in the classical form of the Roman rite. Last Sunday, the 5th of August Don Federico Monckeberg, a Chilean priest of the Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei Prelature in a branch of Santiago de Chile, celebrated the Immemorial Mass of All Ages [Katholisches calls it the "Classical Roman Rite or the Extraordinary Form, which grates]
Father Mönckeberg celebrated Mass at that altar,  where the founder of Opus Dei, St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer said Mass on his visit to Chile in 1974.
Since the First Sunday in Advent in 2011 at the Basilica Sant'Eugenio, the parish supervised by Opus Dei in the city of Rome, the Holy Mass is regularly celebrated in both forms of the Roman rite.
On 11 February 2012 Curial Bishop Juan Ignacio Arrieta Ochoa de Chinchetru,  gave the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, who is also a member of Opus Dei, in the seminary of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter in Wigratzbad, the Lower Orders and subdiaconate in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church.
Translated: Tancred
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
image: Accion Liturgica

GLBT: Auxiliary Bishop is OK With Committed Relationships

Edit: echoes of Cardinal Schonborn.

German Bishops are actively participating in supporting the homosexual decadence of their land. 

( The Old Liberal Hamburger Auxiliary Bishop Msgr. Hans-Jochen Jaschke (70), he does not want to weigh in on the planned privilege of homosexual couplings.

The Homosexually disturbed supposedly ought to have the "right" of a "appropriate treatment and equality in our society."

The Auxiliary Bishop would not explain why everyone doesn't have a right to the privilege of marriage.

A meaningless bending of the knee

The concrete form of homosexual privilege is something Msgr. Jaschke want to be "well thought out and balanced".

He is "not in any case a friend of homosexual marriage".  Marriage must remain something "completely special".

It is related to a society of man and woman, to which belong children.

Society would be poorly advised, if married people "were equated" with gomorrists.  The comes the big but.

The Auxiliary Bishop Doesn't think Much of Abstinence

The Auxiliary Bishop wants "to do justice" to those who are homosexually perverse.

Actually, for that he should invite them to his confessional and recommend a good psychiatrist.

But Msgr Jaschke expressly doesn't want "everyone"  --- thus no one -- "to say to homosexuals:  you must reach the goal of abstinence in any case."

A gomorrist must see how he might live and embrace "Christian responsibility" -- he said beating about the bush.

The dirty fairy tale of committed homosexuals

Msgr Jaschke told the dirty fairy tale of homosexual fidelity.

He considers it better if a man lives in a "secure, stable relationship", in "responsibility for each other, than when he lets his sexuality tramp around."

That is a complex and supposedly completely personal question.

That must be "something for each individual to decide for himself".  With his lewd manner of speech, the Auxiliary Bishop contradicted Holy Scripture.

He rites about homosexual privilege:  "If a homosexual pair find themselves in love, fidelity, preparedness to commit, then it must be recognized in accordance with the law."

Eager Beaver: is he for homosexual adoption as well

Msgr Jaschke didn't shrink back from the child abuse of handing over of children to homosexually disturbed individuals.

He is indeed supposedly against it essentially.

But: "It would surely involve exceptions, that with homosexual partners can recommend or enable them at once for adoption."

It may only "in no case" be the rule.


Cardinal Levada Affirms Apostolic Origin of Clerical Chastity and Celibacy

Here it is as follows from canonist Peters' website. It's unclear what the need for a hereneutic might be. It's pretty simple, isn't it? The teaching of clerical celibacy which is often attacked by Protestants as being unscriptural is not only scriptural, but has a Patristic and Apostolic origin. More surprising is that it should come from the somewhat controversial Cardinal Levada:

1. In general, many of the Church Fathers in the Patristic period engaged in speculative theories about the possible marriage of one or other Apostle. But the Fathers are unanimous in saying that those Apostles who might have been married gave up their marital lives and practiced perfect continence. Cochini calls this “common opinion” of the Fathers an authoritative hermeneutic of the scriptural texts in which reference is made to the detachment practiced by Christ’s disciples, especially Matthew 19: 27 and Luke 18: 28-30.

2. Peter … says to Jesus, “Look, we have left our homes and followed you.” And here is Jesus’ reply: “Truly I tell you, there is no one who has left house or wife or brothers or parents or children, for the sake of the kingdom of God, who will not get back very much more in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” Cochini comments that the common opinion of the Fathers that the “giving up everything” meant that the Apostles left their wives (if they indeed had been married). This common opinion was the official preaching of the early centuries in major Christian centers, beginning with Clement in Alexandria and Tertullian in Africa. Cochini calls it “the expression of the collective memory of the apostolic Churches with regard to the example left by the apostles for future generations – an argument from Tradition that cannot be overlooked.”

3. Perhaps the most suitable conclusion to this section would be that of Father Cochini, whose meticulous studies allowed him to “conclude that the obligation demanded from married deacons, priests, and bishops to observe perfect continence with their wives is not, in the Church, the fruit of a belated development, but on the contrary, in the full meaning of the term, an unwritten tradition of apostolic origin that, so far as we know, found its first canonical expression in the 4th century.”

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

And Now, The Erotic Liturgy

That Homily Spoke to Me
Edit: This "Liturgy" is protestant, but it would be easy to see something similar going on in many parts of decaying Germany's Catholic institutions.

If you ever really wanted to keep people from going to Mass, this is it!  Mass attendance in Germany and the West in general of course is catastrophic, and this is a significant part of the reason why.  This Liturgy is actually a lot more underwhelming, embarrassing and nauseating than it is erotic.  

It really underscores the delusion on the part of the presumably ( says he is) homosexual pastor and the people who tolerate him.

A Nassau-Hessian homosexual Pastor:  "We are crying for God with desire."

Wiesbadent (  In order to make a powerful media echo, about 200 [Mostly over 60] visitors packed a church to have an "erotic Liturgy" on the 5th of August in the Wiesbaden city district of Mainz-Kastel.  It was held under the motto, "In the Vineyard of Love".  Numerous media reported about the service in the internet editions, by "Frankfurter Rundschau", the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", the "Suddeutsche Zeitung", "Die Welt", "Stern", "Focus" and of course "Der Spiegel".

Edit:   The local was unimpressed, but the pastor's language is quite deplorable and odd.  Why should people be subjected to this sort  of thing?

Ralf Schmidt of the Erlöserkirche ("Church of the Saviour") in Wiesbaden, western Germany, had promised a service celebrating the divine element of physical love, news magazine Der Spiegel reported on Sunday. 

"There is no life without eroticism, and no life without God," he said during his sermon, the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper reported. "Taste each other, look at each other, feel each other, feel how friendly life can be. My backside, my hands, my tongue, my penis, my earlobes are the landing spots of love. In this way we want to enjoy what God has given us, even though we don't have paradise anymore. Because love comes from God, not the devil." 

Later, he led his 200-strong congregation in a swaying dance as they held hands to foster a sense of intimacy, while the organ played Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender."

Link to the Local.... 

1924 Film Version of >>Quo Vadis<< Discovered in Vatican Archive

In the Vatican film archive a copy of an early filming of the novel >>Quo Vadis<<  by Henry Sienkiewicz was discovered.

Vatican City (  IN the Vatican film archive a copy of an earlier film treatment of a novel by >>Quo Vadis<< by Henry Sienkiewicz has been discovered.   It is a German-Italian production by Gabriellino D'Annunzio and Georg Jacoby from 1924, as it was reported by the Vatican newspaper "Osservatore Romano" on Tuesday.  The silent film was not cataloged all this time.  It is was stored with other highly flammable celluloid films in low temperatures, now the rare find must be transferred to safer material, it read.

The discovered film also included, said the paper, a remake of  Enrico Guazzonis' monumental film from 1912.  The most famous adaption of the love story of a Roman general for a Christian is the US-American production of 1951 with Peter Ustinov as Kaiser Nero.  The Vatican film archive was established by Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) to collect and preserve films of church life and cultural significance.  The collection contains more than 7,000 films.

Link to

Monday, August 6, 2012

Political Activists Ignore Obvious Link Between Homosexual Activity and Sex-Abuse

Edit:  while continuing to attack the Catholic Church as the culprit in child sexual abuse, despite the fact that such crimes committed by priests have been and continue to be rare, media and political forces ignore the obvious culprit in the Sandusky case while promoting the very same thing themselves.

The following article throws some interesting light on the Sandusky case and its relationship with the Catholic Church's alleged issues with sexual abuse.

Many will probably remember "President" Obama's Safe Sex (with kids) Czar Kevin Jennings, defending turning a blind eye to a young man who came to him for counsel when he was being molested by an adult. From Creative Pundit:

The explosive report posted here and here outed Obama’s ‘Safe Schools Czar’s sickening promotion of child porn books to school children.

Since then Jennings has been cited for promoting sexual activity with children in the most blithe fashion, but this has gone largely unnoticed.

Certainly, the same people advocating for the arrest of Kansas city's Archbishop Finn for allegedly neglecting to report the appearance of child pornography on the computer of one of his priests, aren't the same people advocating for excusing the behavior of Kevin Jennings.

And while Jeff Anderson vociferously attacks the Catholic Church, he remains silent on the assistant and abettor of child-abuse, Kevin Jennings himself. Perhaps it's not a good idea to bite the hand that feeds you, since Jeff Anderson's political alignment is no mystery if his campaign and political contributions are any indication.

The following is from WND exclusive interviewing radio talk-show personality Micheal L. Brown who's one of the few commentators identifying what most people, including the homosexual activist and his allies, who is willing to identify the problem:
Brown said the stance is consistent with the homosexual community’s role in public schools for years. 
“Also, since homosexual activists push so hard for Gay Straight Alliances in schools, many of which have clearly introduced younger gay boys to older gay men, it is difficult for gay activists to take the high moral ground when it comes to exposing and condemning Sandusky,” the conservative pundit contends. 
The American Family Association of Pennsylvania concurs that concealment and silence were key in protecting homosexual behavior at Penn State. 
The group alleges former Penn State President Graham Spanier supported the homosexual lifestyle on campus as never before. AFA President Diane Gramley recently cited the Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan report issued last month as confirmation of the silence that allowed homosexual behavior at the scandal-plagued university.

Energetic Female Religious Running Out of the Church

Detroit — Nuns from Michigan and throughout the nation are assembling in St. Louis this week to prepare their response to a Vatican crackdown that criticized their loyalty and accused them of "radical feminism." This spring, the Vatican ordered a review of the umbrella group of the nation's 55,000 nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, claiming the sisters had gone rogue, focusing on social justice issues and neglecting church teachings on subjects including contraception, abortion and homosexuality. The rift, which has sparked a split among the faithful and a wave of sympathy for the nuns, is being felt in Metro Detroit.
From The Detroit News:

The Media Bosses Don't Want the Old Mass

That the devil has something against the Mass of All Ages, can not be gainsaid.
The Devil Hates the Old Mass
© Lawrence OP, Flickr, CC

(  On July 12th the anti-Catholic newspaper 'Donaukurier' disparaged the blooming of the Old Mass in Germany.

Old Liberals Aren't Catholic

The paper used language like "churchgoers will understand"

In reality there are no church-goers in the entire history of the Church who are as much without understanding as the participants of the New Rite.

Or:  "In Germany we have only a few Catholics who have an interest in the celebration of the Mass in the Latin Rite."

The Problem:  The paper is indicating grey haired Old Liberals fallen from the Faith as Catholics.

These gentrified circles were even described by the "Donaukurier" as "Catholic Reformers".

The Liturgical Apparatus Doesn't Want
There is no advocacy of the Old Mass expected also from Stephan Steger -- the Old Liberal Liturgist for the  Diocese of Wurzburg.

Two Old Masses int he Diocese are enough for the Old Believers -- he hopes.

Completely, totally few

In the Archdiocese of Freiburg there are "but six Parishes" with the Old Mass -- he further attested for the 'Donnaukurier'.

In the Diocese of Bamberg it is only celebrated in five churches.

In the Archdiocese of Bamberg it is only celebrated in five churches.

In Eichstatt one speaks only of a "handfull of Churches" and an allegedly "small group".

In the Diocese of Mainz the Old Mass is only given in six parishes.

The Archdiocese of Paderborn is open for the Old Mass only in "few churches".

The Diocese Don't Want It

The Reality is more brutal.

In the Archdiocese of Freiburg there are about two Mass locations where the Old Mass is celebrated every Sunday.

In the Archdicoese of Bamberg there are Old Masses celebrated only at 8am or at 7pm.

In the Diocese of Eichstatt and in the Diocese of Mainz there are four locations with the Old Mass on Sunday, in the Archdiocese of Paderborn, one.

A thorn in the side

Naturally, Diocesan priests, who celebrate the Old Mass, have to deal with reprisals from their superiors and parish communities.

Actually:  Despite the general resistance to the Old Mass people --- in contrast to the softly core of the New Believers -- are highly motivated Catholics.

It is then no wondewr that the Old Liturgy is a thorn in the side of the enemies of the Church.

Link to

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Freiburg: Three First Masses in Three Years!

A close, close examination reveals:  not a single one of the new priests did himself enter into the absurd seminary in their home diocese.

(, Villingen) Last Sunday Father Francesco Riegger of the Priestly Society of St. Peter celebrated his first Mass in the Old Rite in the medieval Cathedral of Villingen-Schwenningen.

This was reported by the German lay community, ''.

Father Rieggger grew up in Villingen.  The 80,000 population city of Villingen-Schwenningen is in south western Baden-Wurttemberg.  It belongs to the desolate Archdiocese of Freiburg.

The Normal Sunday Mass

The first Mass took the place of the usual Sunday Mass.

Father Jérôme Bücker of the Societhy of St. Peter explained the differences and similarities of the Mass of All Ages at the beginning of the Mass to 350 faithful.

In the traditional Rite Communion is received only on the tongue, explained Father.

The drawback

The pastor at the Cathedral in Villingen is the Dean Josef Fischer.

He informed people during the greeting that he would shell out modern hand Communion in the clerestory.

This is forbidden in the Old Mass.

A priest glut?

In Villingen-Schwenningen is the home of origin for nine new priests "almost unheard of any more" -- explained the site '' this Friday.

Because in the last two years there were two home parish first Masses.

IN 2010 Fr. Marius Simiganovschi and last year Fr. Marc Kalisch were ordained.

 They're all refugees from the Diocese

Surely, none of the priests saying their first Masses (Primizianten) came from the Old Liberal seminary of Freiburg.

Fr. Simiganovschi and Fr. Kalisch belong to the Archdiocese of Vaduz.

They were ordained by the battle hardened Msgr Wolfgang Haas of Liechtenstein.

Link to

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Will Pope Say Upcoming Pontifical High Mass in Rome?

(Rome)  The past five years the existing parishes, groups, societies and movements have shown themselves to be strongly alive.  The various traditional lay groups in Rome founded  the Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum. The first concrete accomplishment of Coetus Internationalis is the formation of an international pilgrimage of Tradition to Rome, which will take place during Pope Benedict XVI's proclaimed year of faith.  The public statement for the event has planned for the 10th of September.  The international pilgrimage of the Pro- Summorum Pontificum -- groups will conclude on the 3rd of November with a Pontifical High Mass in St. Peter's  Cathedral.

Pilgrimage and High Mass should be an expression of gratitude for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, and provide a large public for the classical form of the Roman Rite.  It is said in Coetus Internationalis, that a personal gesture is hoped for from Pope Benedict.  The unspoken hope for some is that the Pope himself will celebrate it himself for the first time as head of the Church.  It would in any case be the first High Mass in the old Roman Rite, that has been celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica.  On the 17th of May 2011, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller celebrated a Mass at an event for Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in Rome. The German Cardinal didn't celebrate over the crypt of St. Peter, but at the altar behind St. Peter's chair.

According to internal Vatican statistics the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said according to the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum is said in about 1,500 locations with the Old Mass. In addition there are also 700 Mass locations of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X which aren't included in the statistics.

The lay group which has brought life to the pilgrimage, Coetus Internationalis Pro Summorum Pontificum, belong to ...the Italian umbrella organization of Summorum Pontificum.

Link to katholisches....

Edit: also, Southern Orders thinks that a Papal Mass in the old Rite would be too complicated to pull off. There's some truth to this for we were told by a priest that it would require almost a year of planning to put together the event.

To Boldly Go Where no Liturgy Has Gone Before

Edit: There was a lot of liturgical and architectural experimentation going on before the Second Vatican Council.  Here is one such attempt, sixty years hence.

This is the 60th Anniversay of the 35th International Eucharistic Congress in Barcelona --  this is a monumental altar which is today the Plaza of Pius XII along The Avenue of the Generalissimo (now Diagonal) in Barcelona.  It was the first Eucharistic Congress after World War II.  Courtesy Francisco de Morandé

Friday, August 3, 2012

Only One Donkey Scratches Another: Blasphemy in Bamberg Cathedral

Edit: also covered by Christopher Gillibrand's Cathcon.

(Bamber) "Asinus asinum fricat", (Only a donkey scratches another donkey) thus says old philology and journalist Francesco Colafemmina about the exhibition "Moderne Kunst in Dom" (Modern Art in the Cathedral)  in the romanesque Cathedral of Bamberg, to which no one took umbrage, as Colafemmina complained.  I the Frankish episcopal city, both curators Bernd Goldmann and Roland Baierl, the latter as project expert for the Archdiocese of Bamberg, invited 13 contemporary  artists,  to give 35 modern "interpretations" likewise in contrast to many different old artworks.  The special part of the exhibition is in the "opposing".  The Catalan Jaume Plensa set the enormous marble head "Awilda in Bamberg" against the "Bamberger Reiter".

Archbishop Ludwig Schick stated that the exhibition is an "invitation" to "review and to intensively inspect" the available art of the 1,000 year old Cathedral, but also "to observe" and "to evaluate" contemporary art.   With the exhibition, says the Archbishop, "one receives a sign", that "art is not at its end",  not even the "religious art".  After 2002 and 2004, this is the third exhibition of "modern art" in the Bamberg Cathedral.

In the Archdiocese, the canon Norbert Young, director of the Department of Art and Culture in the diocesan ordinariate is featured, who is responsible for the exhibition. Jung emphasized that the Cathedral is "not a museum" but "a testimony of the 21st Century living faith."

Doubts about the sincerity of this statement were harbored by the classical scholar and Catholic journalist Francesco Colafemmina, who offered an utterly sharp criticism of the exhibition. On the blog Fides et Forma , which deals mainly with religious art and architecture, among other things, he deplored the lack of reverence as Colafemmina says, for Saints, particularly in the House of God. "Usually, to prostitute the sacred places that have the new church of the 21st Century even German believers managed (there are only a few, to be honest) to convince them that the house of God can occasionally be transformed into a stronghold of the ridiculous and tasteless. "

It was "obvious" that "good taste and common sense" in certain places were no longer at home, said Colafemmina. The author of multiple books complains that the conflict between believing perception and of contemporary art "always the latter" would rule, because, says Colafemmina, in some Church circles a point of view prevails where the aesthetics of the Catholic is completely foreign to it and even confronted with hostility.

Colafemmina throws an example of the artist Volker März and represents those responsible for the Church with "hypocrisy". In the Bamberg Cathedral, a series of  März 's sculpture installations followed, figures riding on a donkey, a man standing on the shoulders of a woman, several dolls that hang with burning heads from the vaults of an aisle. It was "hypocritical," that the critics that have objected to the artists and curators in the Bamberg Cathedral at the exhibition of his sexist figures and installations, including the representation of a monkey in a sexual position with a woman. Colafemmina sees this as an expression of relativism. The fact that a cathedral would be misused as an exhibition space points to an indifference to the sacred, which can not be glossed over by "wordy empty phrases". Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Wikicommons / Fides et forma    

Detroit Archbishop Lauds Priest Trampling the Faith

 The Late Cardinal Bernardin to Windy City Gay Men's Chorus

Edit: In case it was thought +Vigneron was an improvement over his hapless predecessor,  perhaps it was a bit naive to have entertained the thought that at last, after many years, the dry desert of Detroit, which truly is a post-modern wasteland by the way, was passing by.  Not so.

One of his priests is campaigning for a local Pro-Abort Democrat. He's ok with that.

Archbishop Vigneron is also an exponent of the "seamless garment" like his spiritual masters, like the late Cardinals Bernardin and  Cushing.

If you want to trample on the Church's teachings, that's ok, but just don't try and put on a priest hat and try and do-it-yourself like Micheal Voris did, or there'll be trouble.   As reported from the American Dream Talkshow:
Detroit archbishop OK with priest’s radio endorsement of liberal candidate

By Jay Mcnally on July 31, 2012

For long-time Detroit Catholics it is barely news that Detroit Archbishop Allen Vigneron is permitting a prominent left-leaning pastor, Fr. Norman Thomas, to publicly endorse a liberal candidate for Congress in advertisements on a major radio station. 
The new page in the continuing saga of the archdiocese’s participation in the Culture of Death — even as it simultaneously panders to the pro-life movement – is the public endorsement of pro-abortion candidate for Congress, Hansen Clarke. He is running in Michigan’s 13th District, which covers a large swath of the city of Detroit. Fr. Thomas is pastor of Sacred Heart Church, which is located in Detroit. 
I discussed this scandal on my radio talk show last Saturday, on WAAM 1600.While I normally broadcast live from the plush WAAM studios in Ann Arbor, I called in to my radio sidekick and fill-in, attorney Chip Kleinbrook. To hear my commentaryclick here on these links. The commentary is in two parts, the first two minutes of the first link are about the swelting Kansas heat, then Chip and I discuss the scandal of the political endorsements.

Warsaw Archbishop: Madonna Concert 'Vulgar and Self-Indulgent"

The protest was also held against the timing of the concert in Poland, on the memorial of the murder of 200,000 of their countrymen  in the 1944 uprising against the Germans.

Warsaw (  A Madonna concert on the anniversary of the Warsaw uprising has been condemned by the Polish capital's Archbishop Henryk Hoser in his reflection on the event.  The churchman described the show for the Warsaw radio station as "blasphemous, vulgar and self-indulgent".

The call for the freedom of art with may not justify the "deafening bedlam" on this day.  "There's no excuse for this",  said Hoser according to Polish news agency HAI's report.

Every year Poland recalls its countrymen on August 1st who were murdered when the Nazis put down the uprising.

The correspondence of the Madonna's appearance was criticized by many Poles.  Around 55,000 people supported the protest of the conservative youth organization "Youth Crossing".  They also criticized that the pop star insults the Catholic Faith.

Because of the Catholic protest the Warsaw city council insisted that the singer run a two and a half minute information video on the Polish Uprising of 1944.  This was reported by Cathnews USA.  This also happened to the applause of thousands of fans. [groan]

The national statidum is in the Archdiocese of Warsaw-Praga not far from the Cathedral of Archbishop Hoser.  Already in 2009 the Poles protested against a Madonna concert on the Assumption.  The Catholic Church then declined the Catholic right-wing committee to have a Mass for the protest.  It was not opportune, was the reasoning.

(C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved.

Pope Benedict supports Knights' religious freedom efforts :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Edit:  these kinds of endorsements are kind of lopsided.
The Knights of Columbus “have worked tirelessly to help the Catholic community recognize and respond to the unprecedented gravity of these new threats to the Church’s liberty and public moral witness,” the July 19 letter said.

Pope Benedict supports Knights' religious freedom efforts :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Old Liberal Bishop Trautman of Erie Resigns!

Edit: We found out about this from the German Traditionalist site,, who picked up on the nickname of the Bishop, "Trautsperson", which he earned for being an advocate of inclusive language.

Does anyone know anything about Bishop Lawrence Brandt?  Most people are aware of the inclusive language, enemy of Traditionalism in one of the most desolate Diocese in the Western world.
Pope Benedict XVI has picked a canon lawyer in the Greensburg diocese to succeed retiring Erie Bishop Donald Trautman. 
Monsignor Lawrence Persico is the vicar general, meaning he's second only to Greensburg Bishop Lawrence Brandt in heading the four-county diocese east of Pittsburgh.
Trautman, who is now 76, sent his mandatory letter of resignation when he turned 75 last year but has continued to lead about 220,000 Roman Catholics in the 13-county Erie diocese in northwestern Pennsylvania. 
Persico, who is 61, was ordained in 1977 and has served as a canon lawyer under Brandt and two previous Greensburg bishops, William Connare and Anthony Bosco.
Pope Benedict elevated Persico to monsignor two years ago and he's been vice president of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference since 2006. 
It was not immediately clear when Persico will be installed as Trautman's successor.
Link to Sacramento Bee... 

Read more here:



"In Medjogorje the Gospa Waits" -- for the Homo-Porn Cardinal

Edit: Just to head you off at the pass, the accusation being made below that this Cardinal is protecting the Austrian abortion industry and promoting homosexuality is well documented.'s opinion of the intelligence of Neoconservatives you can infer for yourself.

A Pious Entrance for the Stupid Neoconservatives

Kirche in Medjugorje
© gnuckx, Flickr, CC
The Viennese Cardinal --- who protects sodomy and the violence of abortion -- has renewed his defense of the Medjugorje time bomb.

(, Medjugorje)  The Old Liberal Vienese homosexual-pornography Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has a flowery word of greeting to a youth festival to the false Marian apparition site Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

This was reported by the Archdiocese of Vienna.

Interfering in the Affairs of a Foreign Diocese

The youth festival took place this week.

With the words of greeting, Cardinal Schönborn stabbed his colleague who has forbidden pilgrimages to the false apparition site.

The Loving Closeness of the Lie

Yet still the Cardinal sent the youthful apparitionists his blessing which he inserted effeminately in a disordered way:

"It fills me with joy and admiration that you take all the trouble you to come to this so hot and secluded place where you do not expect a sea beach, no pool, but where a mother is waiting for you, Our Lady who each of you knows and loves. "

The prince of the church wishes the young people at the false apparition site, the experience of the "so loving closeness" of the Gospa.

The Biggest Hoax in Europe

With the statement that Medjugorje is supposedly, "the largest confessional in Europe" the homo-porn Cardinal said, that confession in the Conciliar Church has been abolished in most European countries.

He expressed his hopes for the youth that they have "a wonderful time in the community of the Church, which is living and brings us home".

 They will like being sent "by the Gospa and her Son".

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Lawsuit Against Conservative Archbishop Flounders

Edit: a Catholic priest in the Archdiocese of conservative Archbishop Finn owned a computer with child pornography on it.  That's a fact.  Yet there is no description or understanding how they got there.  Like many other priests accused of such things, he was assumed to be guilty and suffered immediate consequences, and his superiors who were in the process of investigating the claim, were likewise accused of negligence. The appearance of digital images on a computer without demonstrable proof that it got there for this priest's "enjoyment" should not be enough to destroy a man's reputation, let alone a Catholic Archbishop's reputation.

There are a lot of questions, which are never posed in any of the coverage we've seen so far in this case.

How did the knowledge of the images' presence find their way to the Diocesan authorities?  Who sent them?

Apparently, the Judge has more sense than Anderson and Associates.  This case and others like it coming to light are an indication that this current assault on the Catholic Church, to the general exclusion of other institutions in society, on behalf of rare cases of child abuse, is starting to provide diminishing returns.

Also, most of the accusations stem from the years of moral relativism's triumph in 1968 when trendy revolutionaries were taking over and gutting Monasteries, Seminaries and churches for their own self-gratification and lust for power.  Many lefty j(There are now few Catholic religious in positions of authority, since they've been virtually hounded out of education) ournalists chaffed at the suggestion when the Pope made it, but it's absolutely true and those who scoff at it are unwilling to look at the actual data which justifies the claim.