Friday, July 27, 2012

Descendant of Saxon Kings Has Died

A promoter of the Old Mass

He saw to it that through his example and engagement that Catholic tradition should take root again in his homeland after Communism and Council.

( Maria Emanuel Prinz von Sachsen, Duke of Saxony (86) died on July 23rd.

He was the head of the former royal house of Saxony, Wettin's Albertian line and called himself the Markgraf of Meissen.

His grandfather was Friederich August III (+1932) and was the last Saxon King.

Armed with the Sacraments

The Prince died on Monday at the age of 86 in his house in the 11,000 population community of La Tour de Peitz on the shores of the Genfersee in west Switerland.

He was well provided with the Last Rites of the Church to step before the judgement seat of God.

Childless Marriage

The Markgraf was the recipient of numerous distinctions.

He bore the grand cross of the Sovereign Order of Malta as well as a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece.

The deceased is survived by his bride, Anastasia-Louise Markgraf of Meissen.  Her marriage was childless.

The Successor

The new head of the House of Wettin will be the adopted son Alexander Prince of Saxony -- Duke of Saxony.

He lives in Germany and Mexico.

Prince Alexander is the son of the deceased's sister.

Visitation in Tyrol

The viewing of the Markgraf will be in the new Saxon Royal Chapel in Imst-Brennbichl in the Tyrolean highlands with close family members.

The crypt is on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, where the grave of the Apostle James is located.

Closely Bound to Saxony

The Prince remained true to his homeland in Saxony.

He visited the residential city of the House of Wetting in Dresden, so often as his health allowed.

There he regularly arranged a Holy Mass in the Tridentine Liturgy for his relatives.

He visited the grave sites of his predecessors, who were interned in the local church in the crypt of the Wettin family.

49 members of the Albertian line of the House of Wettin as well as their marriage partners and children found their last resting place, among others the King of Saxony, Friedrich August I. (+1827), Friedrich August II. (+1854), Albert of Saxony (+1902) and finally Friedrich August III., the grandfather of the deceased.

A Promoter of the Old Mass

Maria Emanuel was a supporter of the traditional Liturgy and tradition of the Church, according to reports from the website ''.

Through his example and engagement, he saw to it that the Catholic Tradition in his homeland would set down roots again.

Through his influence the Immemorial Rite of the Mass was celebrated again in various locales.

Link to

++Burke Man Promoted to San Francisco

Edit: amid a flurry of positive, even enthusiastic comments, one poster bleats sorrowfully that this appointment will be "divisive".    Is divisive a code word for Catholic?   From the National Catholic Dissident:

WASHINGTON -- Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the resignation of Archbishop George H. Niederauer of San Francisco and named Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of Oakland, Calif., to succeed him.
Carlo Maria Vigano, apostolic nuncio to the United States, announced the appointment and resignation Friday in Washington.
Niederauer, 76, had led the San Francisco Archdiocese since 2005. A priest of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, he also served as bishop of Salt Lake City for 10 years.
Cordileone, a 56-year-old native of San Diego, was an auxiliary bishop in that diocese from 2002 until his 2009 appointment as bishop of Oakland.
NCR will have more on this story as the day progresses.

San Francisco archbishop retires; Bishop Cordileone to succeed him

Thursday, July 26, 2012

German Philosopher Wants Blasphemy Law

Robert Spaemann calls out the blasphemy law:  "The denial of the murder of six million Jews should be as small a crime as the denial of the crucifixion of Jesus in the Koran."

(  The German courts are mute abou the religious people that can be publicly mocked with impunity.  The German philosopher, Robert Spaemann criticized the German daily newspaper 'Frankfurter Allgemeine'.

It's rare to find a judge who will punish one who insults religions.

That's even more valid than defamation, which disturbs "public peace", said Spaemann critically.

"That means in German: Only the Muslim religion enjoys the protection of the law, not Christian."

After all, the Muslims defend their religion, unlike the Christians, by force.

Botched Argumentation

Spaemann desires a blaphemy paragraph which doesn't defend the honor of God, but rather the feelings of the faithful.

In secular law things only deal with the person.  God -- who protects all -- doesn't apparently need any defense.

But: "People must be protected, whom God approaches, people who believe in God."

They would be commonly insulted with their religion -- "more deeply and seriously than through the insult to their own person".  Because: "God is holy to them".

Protect the holy, not those who honor it

Blasphemy, Spaemann observes is apparently not an official transgression, where it doesn't matter whether anyone is really offended.  It requires a plaintiff.  But having his feelings offended, should not be the only criterion, because it would reward an absurd sensitivity.

As a solution Spaemann naively trusts in "a measured room for play".  That is valid for every insult.

The Holocaust as the most holy of the secular muzzle Republic

The Philosopher explained that the secular German State, despite its religious neutrality in the German "genocide of the Jews" recognizes a quasi sacrality "like the crucifixion of Jesus".

The "denial of the murder of six million Jews" should be as punishable, says Spaemann --  even as little "as the denial of the crucifixion of Jesus for example in the Koran".

Holocaust denial is "simply a false statement of facts":  "Yet for questions of truth, however, the state is not the decisive entity."

The ridicule of the victim is something Spaemann "holds as an objective defamation, which may not be punished under the law".

Actually, distinguishing the death of Jesus from the murder of the Jews, there is apparently "in no way ascribed a salvific character", believes the philosopher.

Link to

Randy Engel: Systematic Tolerance for Evil Among the Bishops

Edit: salus on fisheaters cited the following sober comment from Randy Engel at  in a comment on an article posted there from Les Femmes.  It describes a situation familiar to most people living in mostly large metropolitan Diocese, like Sydney, Westminster, New York City, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and others where departures from the norm are tolerated and cultivated.  Complaints to the local ordinary are often ignored, complaints to Rome about these festering locales also seem to have fallen on deaf ears.
randyengel says:
 July 26, 2012 at 4:26 PM Based on my years of research on the Homosexual Network, it appears that AmChurch, with the approval or tacit agreement of the Vatican, has cut a deal with the U.S. “gay” leadership. The agreement provides large metropolitan areas with homosexual/lesbian/transgender/bisexual/pederast parishes to colonize and call their own, aka, Most Holy Redeemer in the Castro in San Francisco and St. Xavier Parish in Manhattan, the latter called one of the greatest churches in the world, that’s right, “the world” by homosexual Cardinal Egan when the church was rededicated a few years back. Countless letters of complaint have been sent to Rome concerning the sodomite activities at these churches, some Catholics even managing to fly over with suitcases of “evidence,” but to no avail. The fix is in. Catholics should not plan on a decline of clerical pederast crimes any time soon for the history of homosexuality has always been tied to pederasty. Catholics who do not have the guts to speak up, and withdraw their financial support from any diocese sporting a homo parish should simply shut up and get out of the way of Catholics willing to do battle for God, family, and country.
Randy Engel, author, The Rite of Sodomy
 In the meantime, Voris talks about the continuing hostility from elements in the Church, affiliated with the above mentioned deviance where he talks about "Killing Traditional Catholics".
"Faithful, orthodox Catholics who try to be faithful to the Pope and the Magisterium are under attack from within the Church."
He identifies the problem that lies with the unwillingness of allegedly conservative prelates to condemn any departures from Catholic teaching, and even to punish those who are faithful to it. 

Have, as Voris says, over 90% of Catholics throughout the world have given up the Catholic Faith?

If it is true, it's because the Bishops have stopped talking about the truths of the Catholic Faith, particularly as regards sexual morality.

The Resignation of Italian Archbishop a Riddle

A delicate mission: For the Archbishop who resigned on Friday, there wasn't even a farewell Mass.

(  The naming of the Archbishop emeritus of Milan, Dionigi Cardinal Tettamanzi (78) as Diocesan Administrator of Vigevano is a riddle.

Bischof Vincenzo Di Mauro (61)
© Diocesano, Wikipedia, CC
This was reported by the Milan newspaper 'Corriere della Sera' this Wednesday.

Last Friday, Bishop Vincenzo Di Mauro (61) resigned out the clear blue sky.

Officially, he resigned for health reasons,  Indeed, this version of events convinced no one at 'Corriere'.

He suffers from Diabetes

"Msgr. Di Mauro's problems with diabetes have never disappeared"  -- said the newspaper, citing Fr. Emilio Pastormerlo, the speaker of the Curia of Vigevano.

But:  "Actually, we were the first to be surprised by the unexpected resignation."

He recalled then that his predecessor, Bishop Claudio Baggini, himself could only be moved with a bottle of oxygen.

Too Big For the Post

Msgr Di Mauro was named Coadjutor Bishop of Vigevano in December of 2010.

He brought the best qualifications for this Old Liberal surrounding.  He had been a colleague of Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, had an education in Business Administration and was the Prefect for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See.

According to reports by 'Corriere' he was over qualified for the little Diocese of Vigevano.

Difficult Financial Problems

Actually, in the Diocese of Vigevano there were enormous problems shortly after his arrival.

In March of 2011 Msgr Mauro took over the direction of the Diocese.

No one was ordered out, but shortly thereon Fr. Elio Caspani -- the Diocese economist was dismissed.

A few days later he was found dead in his own house.  He was had clearly fallen down the stairs.

Like a Tsunami

His governing style hit the quiet Diocese of Vigevano like a Tsunami.

The new Bishop encouraged the priests, replaced the people in the Diocesan Curia and other boards.

He revived the Collegio Negroni and transformed it into the largest and most active youth gathering in the city.

A Fan of Milan

Msgr Di Mauro opened a personal 'Facebook' profile.

One of the things he began was the so-called 'Happy Hour', where the youth gathered in the Diocesan Curia.

During his sermons he liked to use football vocabulary.  He was a fan of Milan.

Unusually Quiet

Actually, after his surprising resignation on Friday, there is an unusual silence about him.

He wrote a short letter, in which he validated that the reason for his resignation was for poor health.

He did not even celebrate a farewell Mass.

On Thursday he still took part in a public debate about the Mafia, which had been organized by the Communist Workers Trade Union.

The appointment of Cardinal Tettamanzi was Diocesan administrator was observed by 'Corriere' thusly:  "His mission is clearly delicate."

Link to

Bishop Williamson Suggest There May be Nuclear Attack Against Olympics

H/t: Catholic Church Conservation

New CDF Positive About Reconciliation With SSPX

Edit:It should be pointed out that the press is really eager to torpedo this deal and that certain comments from Archbishop Mueller, with respect to the level of mental agreement the SSPX is meant to have of the Second Vatican Council, have been sorely misquoted, or at least toned down in later statements.

Rome remains eager to hear the SSPX's response.

When Archbishop Mueller says that the Vatican Council is non-negotiable, he's referring to those parts which reaffirm the previous Councils. Being fixated on alleged "ideological" differences, +Mueller concedes, echoing Pope Benedict and Msgr. Nicola Bux that not all of the documents of the Council are of the same weight, and that the Vatican Council is not a "super Dogma".

The following is an excerpt from Louie Verrecchio, writing for Renew America, a very balanced and fair analysis of the situation, particularly in the following.

"There was no need to call a council merely to hold discussions of that nature," he continued. "What is needed at the present time is a new enthusiasm, a new joy and serenity of mind in the unreserved acceptance by all of the entire Christian faith, without forfeiting that accuracy and precision in its presentation which characterized the proceedings of the Council of Trent and the First Vatican Council."

This being the case, if one adheres to "the entire Christian faith" as expressed in the doctrinal pronouncements that preceded the Council; then clearly one must be walking on solidly Catholic ground. This, according to my understanding, is precisely where the SSPX stakes its claim.

If this be true, then it's reasonable for us to wonder what the nature of the discord truly is.

Look, no one disputes the fact that confusion surrounds certain aspects of the conciliar text. As the communique from the Vatican Information Service (VIS) stated at the outset of the discussions "[the Holy See] leaves open to legitimate discussion the examination and theological explanation of individual expressions and formulations contained in the documents of Vatican Council II and later Magisterium."

Pius XII in Inspiring Color Images

Edit: It's in German, but it's about the images, primarily.  It's simply wonderful.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bishop Preaches Against Cohabitation

Edit: usually, we're so inundated with Bishops who omit to teach the hard sayings, that when someone actually does follow through, it's almost shocking.

Why it would be controversial that a Catholic Bishop would say something like this, especially in Ireland, we don't know, but we're glad he did.  Aren't you?

I suppose it shouldn't be shocking that an anti-clerical Irish newspaper finds a Bishop doing his job quaint, but here it is.

Next thing you know, the Bishop will say that the wages of sin is death.
[West Meath] The Bishop of Elphin Christopher Jones has come out strongly against cohabiting couples this week, saying that it brings children into an "unstable environment" where the couple are unwilling to commit themselves to marriage. 
The bishop made the controversial comments at a marriage jubilee celebration in Ss Peter and Paul's Church, Athlone, on Sunday afternoon attended by hundreds of people, including a large number of married couples from all over the diocese and their families. 
In his homily, Bishop Jones highlighted the importance of marriage and family for the health of the couple themselves, for their children and ultimately, for the citizens of society.
Link to original... 

The SSPX Calls "Indispensable" Conditions -- Rome Sees Willingness to Talk

(Vatican/Menzigen)  After Msgr Fellay of the Society of St. Pius X received a newly revised "Doctrinal Preamble" on June 13th for signing, the reconciliation talks between Rome and Econe have been at a standstill.  Some on both sides have spoken already of a collapse of the talks.  A less than friendly exchang also took place between the Society and the new Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith.

The General Chapter of the Society at the beginning of July ended with a strengthening of the General Superior, who attempted, to strengthen the unity of the Society.  Regarding the discussions with Rome there was nothing concrete to convey.  This is a sign that the talks have still not collapsed.  It is the Society founded by Marcel Lefebvre in 1970 to take its turn to address the "Preamble" of June 13th from Rome.  Such a response has not yet been received by the Vatican.

Curial Archbishop Mueller, the new guardian of the Faith of the Catholic Church is on vacation for the next few weeks.  The same applies to the curial Archbishop de Noia appointed to be responsible for the SSPX as the Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei.  Bishop FEllay could therefore wait for his answer yet.  In August, not much of consequences happens in the Vatican often.  Basically, the Roman side seems to have no intention of excercising pressure for its part.

From the context of the CDF it means that the new edition of the Preamble of Pope Benedict XVI in May during the general assembly of the CDF would be sanctioned.  At the same time the contention has been contradicted, in the edition of the Preamble which Cardinal Levada gave the Society on June 13 which corresponded significantly to that of 2011 and put for that reason a step backward, because the alternate proposals and desires of the Society had not been taken into account.

Two points of the Preamble were the desire of the Pope or the Prefect of the CDF were included again in the Preamble.  The first point touched on the post-Conciliar form of the Roman Rite, the Novus Ordo.  Rome expected that the SSPX not only recognize the validity of the New Mass, but also its legitimacy.  That does not mean that the liturgical abuses may not be criticized, and those of translation may not be discussed.

The second point touched on the Second Vatican Council.  In the Vatican there is strong resistance against the presentiment that the Conciliar documents are even only described as being "erroneous" in parts.  For that reason the Society is expected to distinguish  between the Conciliar documents and their interpretation, and recognize, that the Magisterium may not be judged by any other authority, also not the Society.

It drives the issue, to put it bluntly, where the healthy Catholic way is between the idea that the Second Vatican Council was a kind of "super Council" or even a "super dogma", although it itself made no such claim, and the idea that the SSPX gets the role of a "super Magisterium" to which would be appended the Church's Magisterium.

"The aim of dialogue is to overcome the difficulties in the interpretation of the Second Vatican Council, but we can not negotiate the revealed Faith, that is impossible.  An Ecumenical Council, according to the Catholic Faith is always the highest Magisterium of the Church, "Said the new Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith in an EWTN interview.  Specifically, he added: "The claim that the authentic teachings of the Second Vatican Council can be in contradiction to the Tradition of the Church is wrong."

While you're waiting in Rome for the response of Bishop Fellay, the internal Society circulars are finding a lot of attention, which -- was immediately published by Internet leakers -- once more.  Father Christian Thouvenot, the Secretary of the Superior General released the proceedings of the General Council together. It was determined that the three conditions as the "sine qua non" of the agreement made reconciliation with Rome impossible.  The formulations, such as the one found in Rome, leave room for negotiation.  Among other things, the claims will be affirmed, that the Society's priests will only celebrate the classical form of the Roman Rite, but said nothing about the legality of the ordinary form of the Roman Rite.

The demand for free and public criticism of the "error or the innovations of modernism, liberalism, the Second Vatican Council and its consequences", could ultimately be read less harshly than it might seem at first glance.  "Everything will depend on the response sent to Rome by Msgr Fellay", like the Vatican, as Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli is heard to be continuously repeated these days.

The question of exempt status of the SSPX, to be free from the influence of Diocesan Bishops, the concession to have a bishop as head of the Society and other questions are held in Rome as "solved".

Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
Image: Le Barroux

Link to original...katholisches...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Devilish "Energy Drink" Blasphemes the Mass in Poland

Edit: We got this from an organizer at Polish Facebook group Satanizm nie przejdzie - bojkot produktów Agros Nova, to ban satanic advertisement of an energy drink and its insult to the Mass in Poland of all places.  It just goes to show you that things are getting bad all over.

Catholics, Christians, all believers in God! Poland is under an assault of corporate-sponsored satanism in the form of the "Demon Energy Drink" advertisement campaign. Our young are being corrupted with praises of demonic values and occult symbolism. We have to put an end to it! Our page promotes a boycott of all the grocery products of Agros-Nova, a company that makes "Demon Energy Drink" in Poland. The more likes we have, the bigger chance we have to be successful. I urge you to add your "like" to this page [called "Satanism shall not pass - boycott of Agros Nova products"], even if you are not from Poland. This is very important! Satan is attacking the last major Catholic country in Europe. We need to stand up and defend it!

Contact information, here.

  • Agros Nova Sp. z o.o.
    al. Stanów Zjednoczonych 61 a
    04-028 Warszawa
    tel. 717 17 00
    faks 717 18 00
  • Agros Nova Sp. z o.o.
    Zakład w Łowiczu
    ul. gen. Wł. Sikorskiego 5
    99-400 Łowicz
    tel. (46) 830 27 00
    faks (46) 837 54 37
  • Agros Nova Sp. z o.o.
    Zakład w Tymienicach
    Tymienice 88
    98-220 Zduńska Wola
    tel. (43) 823 53 22
    faks (43) 825 38 33
  • KZPOW Włocławek Sp. z o.o.
    ul. Wieniecka 27
    87-800 Włocławek
    tel. (54) 236 0081 - centrala
    (54) 236 4301 (tel/fax)
    (54) 236 0228 - Dział Sprzedaży
    faks (54) 236 4256 - Dział Sprzedaży

  • The Conservative Priestly Fraternity St. Pius X Starts New School in Antwerp

    Edit: thanks to google x-late and some editing.,
    The school - kindergarten and the grades of primary school - is open to boys and girls. The school days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
    • © epa.
    In the brochure about the new school was spread, it states that it is a 'free Catholic school with a traditional pedagogy, which has paid off and with a family atmosphere by the support of parents." The leaflet also refers to several articles from the canon law, especially to Canon 1374, which stipulates that:

            "Catholic children should not frequent non-Catholic, neutral, or mixed schools, namely, those that allow non-Catholics to attend. Only local Ordinaries can make decisions in accord with instructive norms from the Apostolic See concerning circumstances of things and any necessary precautions that will prevent the danger of perversion, [and] whether these things can be tolerated and such schools used."

    H/t: MH

    Feast of St. James, Slayer of Moors

    Edit: he came to Spain on the battlefield and gave aid to the defenders of Christendom in their hour of need. May he ride again and make our enemies tremble with terror!

    From the wikipedia:
    “ St James the Moorslayer, one of the most valiant saints and knights the world ever had ... has been given by God to Spain for its patron and protection. ” —Cervantes, Don Quixote

    Bishop Williamson: "Get Rid of Bishop Fellay"

    Bishop Williamson spoke just briefly before the General Chapter in a video that appeared on youtube between the 10th and the 19th on youtube.

    Oh, But Cardinal Schönborn Can Criticize the Council

    If the Society of St. Pius X had said the same, then all hell would break loose.  But the Viennese Cardinal one knows, that he will say everything and especially the opposite of everything.

    Kardinal Christoph von Schönborn
    © Pressefoto 
    ( July 20th the Old Liberal Viennese Porn-Cardinal Christoph Schönborn had an appearance at the neo-conservative Jungfamilientreffen [Young Family Gathering] in the 2000 population community of Pöllau in the Diocese of Graz-Seckau.

    As if the World Were Still in Order

    The Cardinal previously entered the Order of the Dominicans in 1963.  With him were 18 novices.

    Then the instruction was in Latin, he recalled.

    He is supposed to have received a classical Dominican education.

    With the Second Vatican Council the Crisis Came

    During the Council -- in the years 1964 or 1965 -- the "great Church crisis" began.

    There were unbelievable "upheavals, ruptures, but above all ruptures".

    The Church had seen ruptures, launches, transitions and beginnings, spluttered the well-spoken Cardinal.

    Total Collapse

    In the novitiate of the Dominicans the most recent reports from the Council were read during mid-day.

    An unbelievable mood of enchantment reigned.  The largest however:

    "Withing a few years, the Cloister almost lost half of its number.  The vocations dropped radically.

    Brothers who had been years in the Cloister, married and went away.

    Within ten years 80,000 priests in the Catholic Church left their offices to marry.

    You must understand that my euphoria about the rupture of the Council simply from that, what I had experienced, is very defined.

    It was much more in view of the rupture, but it was a powerful rupture. It was a powerful downturn, also."

    The Council Heralded the Decline

    Cardinal Schönborn explained that the Austrian Dominican Province had closed the three of its four cloisters:

    "From the four Dominican cloisters, which were in Austria, only one would remain."

    Much of it which was then existing in the 50s and 60s are today, lost.

    A Clearly Non-Existent Generation

    Catholic children and youth found themselves to be in a minority.

    The Cardinal noted this from his own experience in the parishes.  There are "sometimes" even individual youth.

    Upon asking the children, who had more classmates in the school, who regularly went to Mass on Sunday, he received the answer:  "I am the only one".

    The Cardinal concludes from that one Generation - obviously non-existent - may grow, which is experiencing a radical experience of practicing Christianity as a minority.

    Link to

    Monday, July 23, 2012

    Fearless Voris Says: "Gays are the Problem"

    Knights of Columbus and Masons Have Pancake Breakfast!

    Update: State Advocate for the Minnesota Knights of Columbus made the following disingenuous statement: "We would allow gay and lesbian use of the KC Hall as long as they were not publicly opposing church teaching."

    Perhaps the folks at CPCSM would be interested in renting a hall in the future, or perhaps the Ku Klux Klan?

    You can call Mr. Terwedo at (952) 492-2200. 

    Edit:  Isn't it great when two fraternal organizations whose mutual association would be frowned upon by the Catholic Church, look past all that to break bread in an official capacity?

    FYI, from then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger via here:

    It has been asked whether there has been any change in the Church’s decision in regard to Masonic associations since the new Code of Canon Law does not mention them expressly, unlike the previous code.

    This sacred congregation is in a position to reply that this circumstance is due to an editorial criterion which was followed also in the case of other associations likewise unmentioned inasmuch as they are contained in wider categories.

    Therefore, the Church’s negative judgment in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the doctrine of the Church and, therefore, membership in them remains forbidden. The faithful, who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.

    It is not within the competence of local ecclesiastical authorities to give a judgment on the nature of Masonic associations which would imply a derogation from what has been decided above, and this in line with the declaration of this sacred congregation issued Feb. 17,1981. 4 .

    In an audience granted to the undersigned cardinal prefect, the Supreme Pontiff John Paul II approved and ordered the publication of this declaration which had been decided in an ordinary meeting of this sacred congregation.

    Rome, from the Office of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Nov. 26, 1983 English translation from Latin. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Prefect. Father Jerome Hamer, O.P., Titular Archbishop of Lorium, Secretary."Declaration of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith"; 26 November 1983.5 .
    This is from "Minnesota Masons Facebook Page':

    Templar Lodge No. 176 in St. Louis Park is hosting a special fundraising event for their Master, W. Brother Scott Anderson. Scott is 42 years old and recently suffered two strokes. 
    The medical bills are high and the lodge is trying to raise some money and then go to the Grand Lodge for some matching funds in an effort to help him out.
    The pancake breakfast is on Sunday, August 12th, 9:00 a.m. until ...1:00 p.m. At the Marian hall, Knights of Columbus, 1114 American Boulevard West, Bloomington. Cost is $7.00 a plate and includes pancakes, sausage, milk and juice. 
    Can’t make it but you would still like to contribute? Please feel free to send a donation to Templar Lodge No. 176 Secretary Michael Dunn, 7400 Beard Ave N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443-3534. 
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Doug --
    Douglas Campbell - Grand Secretary - Grand Lodge of Minnesota 

    Mason photo credit: The Pennsylvania Freemason 
    Pancake Photo Credit: consumer news.

    Direct Complaints to:

    Knights of Columbus Headquarters
    1 Columbus Plaza
    New Haven, CT 06510
    (203) 752-4000

    Sunday, July 22, 2012

    Cardinal Burke Complains of Resistance to Summorum Pontificum

    Edit: does this mean that Bishops who do this will be disobedient and "extra ecclesiam"?

    Within the Church there is still resistance to the Mass in the extraordinary Rite [Immemorial], said Cardinal Raymond Burke.  The both Rites should enrich each other.

    Rome (  Five years after the publication of the papal letter "Summorum Pontificum", there is still ongoing resistance against the Extraordinary Rite of the Mass by Pope Benedict XVI., said Raymond Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura.

    There is stil much to do so that the Traditional Liturgy can be available to the faithful, said the Carinal in an interview with Catholic News Service (CNS).  Resistance comes from within the Church, he said.  Some are of the view that the Extraordinary Rite damages the Church.  Others which to express their protest against the Holy Father with that.

    In an accompanying letter to "Summorum Pontificum" the Pope had written, he hopes, that both forms of the Liturgy might enrich one another.  The readings in the national language is a "great gift", said Burke.  They could also be built into the Tridentine Mass.  The prayers at the foot of the altar and the prologue of the Gospel of St. John at the end of the Traditional Mass are elements which the Ordinary Rite could be enriched by, said the Cardinal.

    Link to

    Saturday, July 21, 2012

    Bishop's Congregation Had the Goods on Dismissed Archbishop From Slovakia


    Edit: It looks like Cardinal Ouellette is taking this assignment very seriously, and taking the wolves down to size.  These Bishops are fairly small potatoes.  It will be interesting to see more visible and powerful prelates fall to this kind of treatment.

    A Slovakian television broadcaster has published a letter between the Archbishop of Tyrnau and the Bishops Congregation.

    (, Trnava)  Yesterday, Archbishop Robert Bezak of Tyrnau, dismissed on July 2nd, took leave during Mass in the chapel of his former Episcopal Palace.

    This was reported by the Austrian news agency 'kathpress'.

    The Media Bosses Know the Background 

    Msgr. Bezak celebrated the New Mass.  The new Diocesan administrator, Auxiliary Bishop Jan Orosch, concelebrated.

    At present Archbishop Bezak is located, according to press reports, in a cloister of the Redemptorists in Bratislava.

    The Slovakian television station 'TA3' will publish before long, the background of the dismissal.

    It's All True

    The broadcaster presented an exchange of letters between Msgr Bezak and the Roman Bishops Congregation.

    The documents contain information of an query of the Archbishop regarding his financial situation, his faithfulness and his manner of life.

    The president of the Slovakian Bishops Conference, Archbishop Stanislav Zvolensky of Pressburg, confirmed the truthfulness of this information in a press conference.

    Previously to that, he met with the Slovakian nuncio, Archbishop Mario Giordana, for four hours.

    Who it was that brought the confidential documents to light, he did not say.

    This Inquiry Came Too Late

    The Bishops Congregation asked Msgr Bezak -- in hindsight -- about the state of his priestly ordination, about euthanasia, abortion, premarital infidelity and women's ordination.

    The Archbishop worked prior to his ordination as Bishop in April 2009, as an Old Liberal Professor of Moral Theology.

    Still further, the Bishops Congregation charged that Msgr. Bezak is said to have "presented himself in secular clothing (jeans and shirt, sweat suit)".

    Still, the secular style of the contemporary clergyman (zeitgeistlichen) was well known before his ordination to Bishop...

    As Everywhere:  He promoted the Vermin of the Diocese

    The Bishops Congregation informed Msgr Bezak also about the financial situation of the Archdiocese and about the conduct of a female business manager.

    Msgr Bezak had to justify himself further, because he had surrounded himself "with colleagues of dubious reputation".

    The situation related to homosexual clergy and priests living in concubinage. 

    The Bishops Congregation presented information -- and photographs --, where the Archbishop visited "gyms, saunas, baths and public showers" with dubious persons.

    Back or Homosexual Problems?

    In the response to the last criticism, Msgr Bezak criticized the sharp tone of the Congregation.

    He didn't know what a "public shower" was, has no times for baths and is not interested in saunas.

    He was simply at the sports center because of his back problem.

    New CDF Prefect Insists on Hermeneutic of Discontinuity

    The CDF's New Doctrine Gardener!

    Edit: Isn't defining doctrine the job of an ecumenical Council or a Pope? has noticed it.  Here, the new head of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, stops nearly short at declaring the unprecedented doctrines ancillary to the Second Council as dogmas.
    The following is an interview which the new Prefect for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller in the today's anti-Catholic Suddeutsche Zeitung.

    With all the problems with Catholic Bishops denying central tenets of the Catholic Faith, there was still no mention by the journalist of the fact that most of the Church's Bishops don't really abide by the Vatican Council.

    It would be equally nice if they asked the Archbishop about how it is he can deviate from orthodox teaching himself and call himself a defender of orthodoxy, or how he managed to get away with moving a predator priest around his Diocese in order to protect him.

    Can one who can't even protect the children of his Diocese be expected to defend the doctrine of the Catholic Faith, which he himself doesn't seem to hold in its entirety?

    [Suddeutsche Zeitung] Another work area which you have undertaken, are the negotiations with the Traditional Society of Pius X [sic]. They have rejected the terms by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith for a return to the Catholic Church. Is this the end of the negotiations?

    One belongs to the Catholic Church when one has to fill certain requirements -- above all an orientation to Holy Scripture, the Tradition and to the Church's teaching office. Whoever does not accept parts of that, puts himself then in a certain distance from the Church, even if he describes himself as Catholic. If the Society wants to resolve this separation, they must accept, what belongs to Catholic teaching -- and that means that the Second Vatican Council is binding. Naturally: one can discuss the relationship to the media. The statements on Judaism, religious freedom, the human rights have, in contrast, dogmatic implications. These can not be rejected without militating against the Catholic Faith.

     The General Superior of the Society has put already put you under suspicion of heresy. Is that finally nipped in the bud?

     We must await the official explanation froim the Society. Our position is clear. [No it's not]

      The Society has stated otherwise: that the Pope is eager to unify with the Society. Only the CDF is against it.

     That is only media politics, which doesn't have anything to do with reality.