Sunday, July 8, 2012

Leadership Change at the Institute of the Good Shepherd: Not Vatican II Enough

Das Institut vom Guten Hirten
Edit: A Visitation for the Good Shepherd and not Collegeville?

( The traditional Institute of the Good Shepherd which is situated in Bordeaux has a new General Superior.

 The Institute was founded in September 2006. The six founding members were all former clergy of the SSPX.

A New General Superior

Till now the General Superior has been Father Phillipe Laguérie.  His successor is Father Roch Perrel.

The first assistant was Fr. Paul Aulangier, second assistant Fr. Leszek Krolikowski, third assistant Fr. Stefano Carusi and forth assistant Fr. Louis-Numa Julien.

The new General Superior was recently the Rector of the Institute's Seminary St. Vincent de Paul and previously the Superior of the Institute in Brazil.

Something isn't right

The site 'katholisches.infoo' reports that on the internet site of the Institute was a notification which states that the only messages that are validity are those published by the official internet site.

It was published on the 6th of July.

The notification was signed by-- not identified by name -- the Secretary of the new General Superior.

There is not a word on the General Chapter and the new election.

This is what Rome exxpected

This clearly demonstrates, according to '', a crisis of leadership within the Institute.

A younger generations has taken leadership.  Actually, a part of the Institutes appears not to recognize the changes:

"An invocation from Rome against the validity of the General Chapter can't be excluded."

Unclear Situation

The site referred to the blog of the past General Superior.

In an entry on the 6th of July he wrote knowingly in connection with the election:

"All ways lead to Rome, even especially  the most tenuous...

For that reason,  very soon!"

It is unclear, if the results of the election is connected with the most recent Vatican Visitation.

This expected from the Institute a better connection of the Pastoral Council and the new doctrinal office in priestly formation as well as the recognition of the 'Catechism of the Catholic Church.' [Would that be the same one published by Weltbild and edited by the Viennese Cardinal?]

Link to original...


Saturday, July 7, 2012

There are More Muslims in Brussels Than Catholics

Via De Morgen, VRT (Dutch):
25% of the residents of Brussels are of Muslim origin, which makes Brussels one of the European cities with the largest Muslim presence, comparable to Birmingham in the UK. This according to a sociological study ('L'Iris et le Croissant' - the Iris and the Crescent) by UCL. The study was conducted by Sociologist Felice Dassetto, who has been researching Muslims, radicalization and intercultural ism for more than 30 years.

In total there are 250,000 to 300,000 Muslims in Brussels, about half the Muslim population of Belgium. 10-15% of the Muslims are practicing and active within religious associations.

Islam is also increasingly visible: there are more moques and minarets, more veiled owmen and more Muslim organizations.

After football, Islam mobilizes the most people in Brussels, more than the Catholic Church, political parties and unions. There are more than 200,000 Muslim organizations in Brussels, including 77 mosques. Dassetto speaks of a 'religious over-socializing' among young Muslims.
Link to Islam in Europe...

Friday, July 6, 2012

Vatican Denies Paternity of Cardinal

Paternity of a Cardinal, "obviously wrong" 

Vatican. The Vatican is evaluating, taking legal action against a claim of the Italian boulevard magazine 'Panorama', whereby a sitting Cardinal  has a thirty-year old son . The spokesman said the Vatican press room, Father Federico Lombardi, yesterday, according to the German 'Catholic News Agency. "  A name was not mentioned by the magazine. If it were a Cardinal, with charge of finance and had been friendly with the Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, he would have been the President of the estate management of the Holy See, Cardinal Domenico Calcagno or the head of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs, Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi. The Vatican Secretariat of State said that the report as "patently false".

Bishop Algermissen: Backup or no Backup: That is the Question

Bischof Heinz Josef Algermissen
© Pressebild Bistum Fulda
(  In September 2010 Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen of Fulda expressed himself to the 'Fuldaer Zeitung' about so called reforms in the Church.

The time is ripe for a new Council -- he said and complained about the backup in the Catholic Church.

He argued in favor of the ordination of homosexually disturbed persons as priests although eighty percent of the abuse cases in the Church are due to the same tastes.

What Now?

Actually as a proper Conciliar Bishop, Msgr Algermissen said everything and the opposite of everything.

In his "current Bishops' word"  for the coming Sunday he prattled on the concept of "barriers".

This is a sign of the worldliness of the Church.

Therefore it's only a catch word

In his own words, Msgr Algermissen:

"In secular institutions it is always the situation that there are necessary reforms.

Some in our communities accept the catchword "backlog" for the Church, unreflectively.

You do not notice that in this particular way of conception make they make the Church more worldly and it no long is  >>in Christ in the same way as Sacrament, that is called a sign and a tool for the innermost unity with God as well as unity with all people<<."

The citation used by Msgr Algermissen came from the Church Constitution of the Pastoral Council.

The best reform measures

Bishop Algermissen does not deny that there is a need for reform: "Only it falls on us."

For that reason he writes:  "We begin immediately to remove the barriers to reform from our own doorstep."

The regular participation in Holy Mass will help the most to remove the "barriers".

He loses the way

In Fulda it is known that Bishop Algermissen doesn't have a personal opinion.

That's why he doesn't contradict himself very often.  Correspondingly, he doesn't travel in a straight line either.

Msgr Algermissen doesn't have the courage to assert himself against the homosexual promoters and Rector of the Seminary, Fr. Cornielius Roth or against his Rotarian-General Vicar Gerhard Stanke or against Liberal priests.

Link to

Msgr Bux Doesn't Think +Mueller's Error is Significant: Daniel Maguirre Permitted to Deny Vatican II

Edit:  Perhaps you might remember when Kung became a Sedevacantist.  Well, now it appears that Daniel MacGuire is joining the ranks and all of this in contrast to an amazing mis-statement by Msgr Nicola Bux.

Now that Msgr. Nicola Bux has entered the fray, insisting that Archbishop Mueller's statements  in contradiction of the Dogma of the perpetual virginity isn't really a contradiction, or at least not worth worrying about, I thought I'd describe a man who does think traditional Catholic teachings, apparently defended and promoted now by the Catholic Bishops of the USA now put themselves outside of the Catholic Church, according to the putatively and his impunity, Father Daniel Macguire of the Marquette University, yet another allegedly Catholic Jesuit school.

How is it that Daniel Maguire is allowed to ignore Vatican II and actually anathematize the Bishops of the US for simply restating a Catholic belief about marriage and sodomy? 

This is what Msgr Bux has written, incredibly as reported by the traditionalist website, Rorate:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that the physical aspect of virginity is due entirely to the fact that Jesus was conceived without human seed, but by the action of the Holy Spirit. It is a divine work that exceeds all understanding and human possibility. The Church professes the real and perpetual Virginity of Mary but does not enter into physical details; neither does it seem that the Councils and the Fathers stated otherwise.
So, you're PRETTY sure?  Does not SEEM that the Fathers state otherwise? This is the following from where a Mariology is cited by a Dominican [emphasis ours].  There are no defide dogmatic statements without Patristic substantiation.  We'll find them.  I believe St. John Chrysostom too begin with:

(Cathcon- I can always send the new CDF a copy of Mariologia by Father Benedictus Henricus Merkelbach OP. It has three extensive chapters on these matters.
The first begins
Dogma fidei est Matrem Dei fuisse Virginem ante partem et in ipsa conceptione Filii sui
(it is a dogma of the Faith that the Mother of God remained a Virgin before birth and in the Conception of her Son.

The second

Dogma fidei est Matrem Dei esse virginem in partu (it is a dogma of the Faith that the Mother of God remained a Virgin at birth)

The third Dogma fidei est Matrem Dei esse virginem post partu (it is a dogma of the Faith that the Mother of God remained a Virgin after birth)

In summary!

Triplex Virginitas Mariae scil ante partum, in partu, est post partum est de fide. He can return it only if a a letter is attached saying that he gives assent to the teaching of the Church in all ages but our own).

Contrary to what Msgr Bux is suggesting, the dogmas denied by Archbishop Mueller are DE FIDE, which means they are required of belief of every Catholic now living.  Anyone who denies it is at least holding a position that is materially, if not pertinaciously and therefore formal, heretical position.

It is interesting to contrast this current misunderstanding with another false position by the long-time and unpunished Father Daniel Maguire SJ from the Badger Catholic, as follows:

Daniel Maguire, the theology professor at Marquette University, seems to like getting media attention. He certainly gets it… often! And his friends in the media are more-than-willing accomplices. 
Last month, Maguire wrote in an email to The Daily Beast“The bishops will stand with Dolan and the U.S. Catholic Conference, but on this issue, they are in moral schism since most in the Church have moved on [to] a more humane view on the rights of those whom God has made gay.” 
Now, a month later, having been out of the news for a while, he’s quoted in The Columbus Dispatch“There’s a moral schism going on in the Catholic [C]hurch, and the bishops are the schismatics, broken from the laity and theologians.”

We can only wonder in amazement that priests and Bishops who not only accept the teachings of the Vatican Council but hold the office of the Holy Father more obediently than most if not all the Bishops allegedly in union with the Roman Church,  are somehow outside of the Church.

It seems to us, Msgr Bux's protestations not withstanding, that the only real Catholics in the world are often cast out in the darkness, or dying unmourned in remote places ignored by the intelligent newspapers and enlightened minds.

Munich Diocese Gives Prize For Insulting the Church

Desecration of bodies:  the fatted calf of Munich and Freising has earned his local church some well deserved ridicule and mockery.
Kardinal Marx von München und Freising
© Dieter Schmitt, Fulda DSC, Wikipedia, CC

(  The Berlin film producer, Philip Scheffner (45) hates the Church and is also a homosexual ideologue.

Because of that the Old Liberal Archbishop of Munich and Freising, Reinhard Cardinal Marx, gave him the 'Fritz Gerlich Film Prize'.

The Name of the Victim of the National Socialists is Defiled

The dubious distinction is awarded with 10,000 Euros.

It defiles the name of the convert and arch-Catholilc NS victim Fritz Gerlich (+1934)

The prize money comes from "Tellux Film GmbH", the majority of whose associates are Old Liberal Bishops.

Canonized Slave Traders

Scheffner was honored for a two hour long tear rending film "Revision".

It manipulated the death of two Romanian gypsies, Grigore Velcu and Eudache Calderar.

The two wanted to escape illegally over the German-Silesian border on June 29th 1992 at dawn.

It was then that they were shot by hunters, who mistook them for wild animals.

It was then learned that the two deceased belonged to a ring of slave traders.

The Feeling was undercut

Irrespective of the sad film, collective German shame and guilt were incited.

The main instrument for that was a maudlin and painful sentimentalism to which German audiences are known to fly.

He was "incredibly angry" then that the members of the victim's family were not informed informed by the German authorities -- Scheffner continued to play his sentimental strings while receiving the prize.

The acting,  he addressed his film "with the halting voice" to the relatives of the dead.

Ambivalent greed 

Scheffner made no secret of his hatred for the Church during the reception of the prize:

"The conception of accepting  a Catholic film prize -- and I also interpret this prize that way -- for our film "Revision" has for me, and the entire team and our surrounding community, has triggered ambivalent feelings."

Really, it's not every day one gets 10,000 Euro.

The Calves Applaud

And so Scheffner decided to take the money and strike the one who gave it at the same time.

He praised the powerful homosexual forces [referring to a demonstration earlier where Vienna's police did nothing in the face of a violent and illegal homosexual counter-demonstration on June 16th] and made the victim into a perpetrator and the perpetrator into a victim:

"The position of the Catholic Church to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgenders represents a massive discrimination against people" -- he cursed like a demon.

The applauding public, who drummed up the fated calf of Munich and Freising, recalled Bertold Brecht (+1956):

"Behind the drums come  the calves.  The drum's skin it would provide itself."

Philip Scheffner's Necrophilia

Scheffner's tirades were an outrageous for of necrophilia.

Fritz Gerlich -- after he was named for film prize didn't care one bit for homosexuals -- they would have dealt him a resounding canning for that.

And for the dead gypsies, manipulated by Scheffner there is nothing more to their times alive than a shameful disgrace and dishonor to be portrayed by his homosexual filth.

Link to

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ironies: The SSPX Now Faces the Same Force as Father Feeney in 1945

Edit:  It's unclear what took place in the curia that now presents such a hostile and irrational position to the Society of St. Pius X.  It recalls Father Malachi Martin's chilling description of a superforce ruling in the Vatican.

Indeed, few of those Catholics who now hold the Pope explicitly responsible [e.g., Mundabor, CFN etc...] for the volt face that has returned us to the "point of departure" as Bishop Fellay describes it, would deny that there have been forces in the Vatican, predating the Council, who have often worked behind the scenes to the confusion of the faithful.

We go now from the encouraging words of Msgr Nicola Bux and others, to this cold, uncompromising and anti-rational insistence that 2 + 2 = 5 and that a document which almost no one in the clergy or the episcopacy obeys is somehow binding on the SSPX.

 After reading that the new head of the CDF is like a goat to a gardener, by his own admission.  I further noticed that he also likes a version of the "big tent" analogy often employed by American pro-abort politicians like Nancy Pelosi or any of their dissident confreres with collars and Sr. next to their name who refuse to leave the Church for greener, or at least more lunar, pastures spiritually speaking.

It is now an irony that the Society of St. Pius X, which was friendly to the Saint Benedict Center in better days, now finds itself at that same juncture which Father Feeney and the Saint Benedict Center found themselves in 1945, ranged against a mostly insensitive and unintelligent but effective opposition against the dogma that "there is no salvation outside of the Catholic Church", so flatly denied by Cardinal Cushing and the Jesuits who attempted to silence Father Feeney.

Cardinal Cushing was perhaps one of the earliest exponents of the Seamless Garment issue and continuing on in the Americanist tradition of his Irish forebears ++Gibbon and ++Ireland. He was interested primarily in satisfying the concerns of his Jewish friends, upset that Father Feeney and his band took the Apostolic Mandate to go forth and convert all nations seriously, were angry that their children were being brought under the Catholic fold.  Certainly, the famous interaction of Bobby Kennedy, who was not friendly to the Center, was a significant concern to cause the "Court Chaplain of the Kennedies" to act decisively.

[True Compass A Memoir by Ted Kennedy] discussed it with our father one weekend at the Cape house. I well remember the conversation.
Dad could not believe that Bobby had heard Father Feeney correctly. “But,” he said, “if you feel strongly that you did, I’m going to go into the other room and call Richard. Maybe he’ll want you to go up to Boston and see him.”
“Richard” was Richard Cardinal Cushing. Dad and the cardinal enjoyed a long and profound friendship. . . .
Bobby said he felt strongly indeed. Bang! Dad called up “Richard” and arranged for Bobby to visit him. The cardinal, as nonplussed as Dad, sent some of his people over to hear Father Feeney’s Thursday evening lecture. When he found that my brother was right, Cushing banned Feeney from speaking there; Feeney refused to obey the order, and in September 1949 the archdiocese formally condemned the priest’s teaching. . . . In February 1952, Father Feeney was excommunicated.

It was one of many crude misrepresentations of the Catholic Church to come.

In 1945, Father Feeney was only taking Christ at His word and hadn't yet formulated his famous opposition to the theorizing of scholastics in the form of Baptism of Desire, Blood and Invincible Ignorance.  Yet this was enough to get the SBC banned or fired from Boston College and Father banished from the Jesuits who had called him in 1942 to another position.

The words of Cardinal Di Noia and Archbishop Muller should be familiar to many in this controversy, for they are essentially the same words as employed by Cardinal Cushing and many detractors of both the St. Benedict Center AND the SSPX.

He says, incredibly:

The Council did say there are elements of grace in other religions, and I don’t think that should be retracted. I’ve seen them, I know them — I’ve met Lutherans and Anglicans who are saints.

SSPX Priest Urges Bishop Williamson to Come to General Chapter

Edit: Now the pieces have to be picked up and the men have to be rallied for other battles in the future against the spirit of Modernism.  I found a translation of the letter at the Bellarmine forum, here.
Altar bei der Piusbruderschaft
© Jim, the Photographer, Flickr,CC

A unification did not take place --- but perhaps it will produce at least a division?

(  On the 29th of June Father Charles Moulin -- the prior of the Society of Saint Pius X in the 340,000 population city of Nice in the southernmost part of France -- has written an open letter to Bishop Richard Williamson.

 The letter is a reaction to the exclusion of the Bishop's appearance from the next General Chapter in Econe.

Good wishes only for the enemy?

Father Moulin is a fellow student of Bishop Fellay.

He notes on this that the "enemies of yesterday" have been treated with enormous friendliness:

For that reason it is also the case that his old "brothers in arms" who have, after so many years, could be excused a certain lack of obedience.

The freedom to defend the true Doctrine

Father Moulin stresses that the freedom to speak of Bishop Richard Williamson would be an enormous benefit to the General Superior.

Finally, he was very concerned about future prospect of independence of the Society in Apostolate and speech during  the negotiations with the Vatican.

This freedom, to defend the true doctrine, is a "true and traditional privilege of every Catholic Bishop".

Attack on unity

Father Moulin can also not imagine that the General Superior by the next chapter would bypass the wisdom and insight of Msgr. Williamson.

He recalled then that Msgr Fellay as a seminarian was one of the most acute listeners of the "masterful lectures" of Bishop Williamson at the seminary in Econe.

The Father can also not imagine that the General Superior would want to shut a Bishop out from the Chapter, whom Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (+1991) himself chose.

That would break the close unity of the Society which the Archbishop desired.

He knows the enemy.

For Father Moulin, Msgr Williamson is an effective bulwark as a convert from Anglicanism, to prevent the "ever possible" protestantization of the Society.

He described Msgr Williamson as one of the greatest students of the subversive tactics of the Modernists, Old Liberals and enemies of the Church.

Solidarity of the Other SSPX Bishops?

Finally, Father feared even that the two other Bishops, Msgr Bernard Tissier de Mallerais and Msgr Alfonso de Gallareta, will stay away from the General Chapter out of solidarity.

The Father wishes that the participants of the General Chapter will find time to observe the words of St. John Chrysostom:

"There are more reasons to trust the wounds inflicted by a friend, than the kisses bestowed by an enemy."

Link to

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Modernist Monastery Perpetuates its Rank Evil

Father Mel Taylor
Edit some may recall when Father Taylor, an Irish born monk from the Modernist Monastery,  was accused of misconduct back in the 80s. Here is another, somewhat more dramatic response.

 The Modernist Monastery has a long history itself of deception.  They present themselves as Benedictines, acting with the approval of the Pope. Despite this, they have refused to support the Archbishop's recent defense of marriage campaign as reported by Lifesite.

A show of docility and obedience to their lawful superiors would go against the agenda of disobedience and depravity they've long established for themselves.

An important dimension of their plan of deception is sending predators to the Bahamas where they can lay low. One of Collegeville's most vicious molesters is Father Alllen Tarlton, who's actually a native of the Bahamas and has been sent there since the 60s for "health reasons".

Father Taylor is one of the last monks to be sent to St. John's Bahamas resort getaway now that it's closing forever.

  From the Pine Curtain:

Father Mel Taylor reportedly left the Bahamas on Monday, June 4, 2012, a day after he was confronted during mass by a young man who claimed Father Mel Taylor had pursued him (for a sexual relationship) over a year and a half period. The man used the church’s microphone after communion to make the accusations.

Father Mel Taylor was not scheduled to leave the Bahamas until June 24, 2012 but reportedly left early “for health reasons.”

Father Mel Taylor arrived in the Bahamas in 1980, following allegations of misconduct in Cold Spring, Minnesota. Father Mel Taylor served as associate pastor of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral in Nassau, Bahamas for one year.
Link to Pine Curtain...

The Walls are Closing in on the Golden Monk

This and other revelations from the Modernist Monastery bring the seething and indignant letter by Collegeville's artist in residence, Jerome Tupa, who features statues with phalluses made of gold, who accused the Pine Curtain and the school newspaper of slander.

His remarks actually prompted a former student to write a letter which appears on the Pine Curtain.
I’m very disgusted by the whole thing, especially given that we just went through this recently and we were assured that the place was fixed and in good hands. It is even more disturbing to read of monks who are indignant at people writing articles that try to bring the info out in the open. If I were a monk at St. John’s, I would not be bragging about how long I have been on campus, apparently blind to the … abuse going on under your nose. Try eating a piece of humble pie before getting people fired from their jobs at the Record.
Unsurprisingly, Jerome Tupa has been accused credibly of sexual abuse, but is being moved around. When they're caught, they respond and say they're sorry, and then go back to doing what they were doing before with a few modifications. They're still being moved around and protected. What's the common factor in all of this?

Tupa's "Art" $3500

Palpable Shift to Old Liberal Decadence in the Vatican

Edit: Here's a which entertains the point of view that the palace conflict surrounding Vaticanleaks has yielded these Old Liberal appointments.

Bischof Gerhard Ludwig Müller
© Presse.Nordelbien, Flickr, CC
Qualified Capitulation:  The Pontificate of Benedict XVI. is crumbling beneath the blows of the Old Liberal document thieves.  Benedict XVI has enraged Catholics this week with  scandalous appointments.

(, Vatican)  The Regensburg  Heresy Bishop with a problematic character, Msgr Gerhard Ludwig Müller, is the new Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Reform of the Reform isn't present

The Vaticanist Andrea Tornielli spoke last week about this, that the Pope has shuffled the cards in a "less conservative" way with the recent wave of appointments.

In other words:  The Old Liberal decadence has returned to the Vatican.  The much praised Reform of the Reform is not among them.

Tornielli has described a "deadlock" in the Catholic wing of the Roman Curia.

Benedict XVI has returned to the prudent opportunism which has guided him his entire life.

A replacement for the in the meantime very weak Secretary of State, Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone, is not anywhere on the horizon.

Catholic he is not

The new President of the Papal Council for Family Bishop Vincenzo Paglia is described by Tornielli as an Ecumenist.

He is especially attached "to the poor".

In ecclesiastical political terms Msgr Paglia is clearly in the Old Liberal camp,.

Is this what the Pope means by "Reform of the Reform"?

The new Secretary of the Congregation for Liturgy, the English Bishop Arthur Roche is seen by Tornielli as a "modern Bishop".

He is -- as ever --- a proponent of the Pastoral Council and has "surely no traditional program".

The well-known English blogger '' published a negative opinion of him in 2009. [A member of the Magic Circle]

For the new Secretary of the Liturgy Congregation as the Breakaway Bishop of Leeds had closed down many churches.

He is an enemy of the Old Mass.

His episcopal chapel consists of a supper table in the middle of the room with a blue upholstered television chairs around.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Old Liberal Archbishop of Tyrnau Dismissed

Edit: some good news along with the bad.

From the clear blue sky:  no one knew what he brought to the dignity of his office.   But apparently money was involved.
Cathedral of Tyrnau

(  Pope Benedict XVI has dismissed Archbishop Robert Bezak (52) from Tyrnau in Slovakia.

The Archbishop was appointed in February 2009 to his office.

The 66,000 population city of Tyrnau lays in western Slovakia -- north east of the capital of Bratislava.

The Vatican demanded that Msgr Bezak vacate his office and leave the Archdiocese.

Announcement at Sunday Mass

Officially, there is no reason for the dismissal of the Archbishop.

Yesterday, Msgr Bezak read a letter in the Cathedral of Tyrnau, in which he announced the Vatican's dismissal.

He also had received a letter from the Nuncio in Slovakia, Archbishop Mario Giordana.  In that the Nuncio demanded his resignation.

Many Questionable Signs

Msgr Bezak claimed to the faithful not to know why he was being dismissed.

The Vatican had asked him not to talk to the media bosses.

The letter from the Vatican speaks of "serious complaints".

A speaker from the Slovakian Bishops Conference refused to give a statement.

Darling of the Media

Msgr Bezak suspected that a reason for his dismissal was his criticism of his predecessor, Archbishop Jan Sokol (78).

Msgr Sokol was, because of his courageous defense of Catholic behavior, very much hated by the media bosses.

The naming of Msgr Bezak was greeted, on the other hand, by the media bosses with jubilation.

Earlier Complaints Against His Predecessor

Msgr Bezak entered the Redemptorists in 1979.

He was ordained a priest in 1984.

Pope Benedict XVI named him as Archbishop of Tyrnau on the 18th of February 2009.

At the beginning of March the newly appointed Bishop had criticized the previous management of the Archdiocese for financial irregularities to the Vatican.

Msgr. Sokol and his Financial Director challenged the charge.

The Resistance Formed

In February of 2012 the Vatican ordered a visitation.

The object of the investigation was the "management of ecclesiastical goods" as well as "personnel matters".

The evidence was not then published.

The administrator of the Archdiocese is the present General Vicar, Auxiliary Bishop Jan Oorosch.

This evening, supporters of the Archbishop are going to stage a protest march in the city center of Tyrnau.

Link to kreuz....

Cardinal Levada Set to Retire With Longtime Intimate and San Francisco Colleague

Edit: many elderly retirees think of spending their golden years with a loved one.   Now that Cardinal Levada, a controversial figure in San Francisco, is about to retire, there's a relaxed feel about the prelate.  Perhaps it can be said that the present appointment of a neo-Pelagian Bishop to CDF from schismatic Germany, at least, is a zero sum game?

On the other hand, it's interesting, if not encouraging, to note where the outgoing prelate will  be spending at least some of his time as he retires, and with whom.  Whispers in the Loggia has noted that the Prince of the Church will share a house in Long Beech. The quote from Robert Brown which +Levada read at his brother prelate's golden jubilee was particularly touching.

Speaking of retirement, while the new prefect-emeritus has long been understood as keen to return to the West Coast, Levada will remain a member of several key Curial offices until his 80th birthday in June 2016.[Ugh]
For many years, the cardinal has owned a condo in his hometown of Long Beach, sharing the getaway with his closest friend of nearly 60 years and successor in San Francisco, Archbishop George Niederauer, whose own transition from office is likewise expected in short order.
Referring to the nearing end of their ministries in his homily at the San Fran Mass marking Niederauer's golden jubilee of priesthood in late April, Levada quoted the poet Robert Browning: "Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made. Our times are in his hand who saith, 'A whole I planned, youth shows but half; Trust God: See all, nor be afraid!'"
Having ordained this year's class of priests and transitional deacons just yesterday in his now-former charge, the incoming prefect will take up residence in Rome in time for the Curia's mid-September return from the traditional summer recess. Müller was scheduled to hold a press conference on his appointment as the announcement was made in Rome.

If you read further into the article by Whispers in the Loggia, you'll notice that Rocco insists incredibly that Cardinal Lehman is a conservative.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cardinal Schönborn "I see the danger of a Schism"

© Thomas Beranek, Pressefoto
Austria's Media Bosses Leak Priest Council Protocols

The Old Liberal Viennese Cardinal has turned against the "Ungehorsams-Initiative" in a cosmetic sense. For example: "Please cease travelling: I hope I don't have to put this request in the form of a command."

 (, Vienna) Today the Viennese daily "Kurier" published excerpts from the protocols of the meeting of Vienna's priest council of the 10th of May. There the founder of the 'Ungehorsams-Initiative" [Call to Disobedience] , Father Helmut Schuller, is also a member.

 The Viennese Cardinal Christoph von Shonborn announced at the meeting that he will not name any more deans who are members of the "Ungehorsams-Initiative": "I can not say, you are going to be a Dean and act at the same time in the Call to Disobedience."

  No serious consequences 

Additionally the Cardinal forbid the members of the Ungehorsams-Initiative, from travelling through the land and holding events advertising the Disobedience Initiative.

 For that reason, there couldn't be any missions.

 He asked "for a pause in the "travelling apostolate" in the next months": "Please cease travelling: I hope I won't have to put this request in the form of a command."

Cardinal Schonborn is in a glass house

Cardinal Schonborn indicated that it was unusual that the Pope had preached about the Initiative on Holy Thursday.

"We aren't just in our local church, but are a glass house to the entire world."

The Austrian church will be "very closely watched" -- said the Schism-Prince of the Church.

"I see the danger of Schism"

Fr. Schuller doesn't believe that the Archdiocese of Vienna can find a solution for his hyped questions.

"We don't want to climb out of the boat, but we to stand at the helm and discuss the course".

Cardinal Schonborn had addressed this, that these disobedient ones are creating an alternate structure: "I see the danger of a schism".

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SSPX Ordains 2 Priests in Regensburg Diocese

(Zaitzkofen)  Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta has ordained two priests, Franz Amberger and the Czech Ludek Cekavy at the Priestly Seminary of the Heart of Jesus (Zaitzkofen).  Auxiliary Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta preached in French which was translated into German by the Rector of the Seminary, Father Frey.

The Bishop preached about the priesthood:  The priest has been chosen from among men to mediate the divine for men.  His mission is primarily of a supernatural nature.  The center of the priestly life is the Holy Mass.

He complained that the Bishop of Regensburg was named yesterday (30 July) [sic] to be the head of the Congregation of the Doctrine and the Faith, even though he denied Mary's perpetual virginity.  It is not acceptable that the leader of the Congregation holds a heresy.

Upon this [the Virgin Birth] it did -- says Msgr Muller -- "not  deviate from physiological particularities in the natural process of birth (such as something like the non opening of the birth canal, the non-injury of the hymen and not experiencing the pains of birth), rather it's in the healing and saving influence of the Grace of the Savior on human nature."

Bishop Muller ordained five priests on Saturday.

Trans: Tancred
Text: Dieteer Volkerts/Linus Schneider
Photo: Dieter Volkerts

See more photos, here at Katholisches...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

SSPX Benedictine Says Mass at Desolate 1,000 Year Old Monastery


Pius Benedictine Saying Mass at
Michealsberg Monastery
At the end of the thousand year history of the Benedictine Abbey on the Michealsberg there is yet another Old Mass being said for which the old monastery had been built in the first place.

(, Siegburg)  On May 25th the SSPX Benedictine Bernhard Huber said the levitical High Mass in the Abbey Church of St. Michealsberg in Siegburg.

The 40,000 population city of Siegburg is some 35 km south east of Cologne.

The local Benedictine Abbey has been closed after an almost 1,000 year history.  It will in the meantime be transformed into a hotel and serve as an Old Liberal adult miseducation.

The house full of glory is in desolation

Father Huber celebrated Mass at the Michealsberg as part of a pilgrimage with about 100 traditionalists from the surrounding area.

At the end of the Mass they sang the hymn "A house full of glory shines far over the land, from every stone built by God's mighty hand."

The text of this song was written by the poet and priest, Fr. Joseph Mohr (1848 +), at the moment he saw the now dissolved Abbey on the Michealsberg.

The Vatican is helping the Archdiocese of Cologne Hop

The Old Mass at the Michealsberg was clearly only possible after an intervention from the Vatican.

This is from a report at the German website of the SSPX ''.

Because in his sermon, Father Huber thanked the Vatican authorities for the permission to be allowed to celebrate the pilgrimage Mass.

It was not mentioned that tho authorities of the Archdiocese of Cologne were causing difficulties.

Link to

In an Indian Diocese the Number of Catholics Has Grown 40%

(New Delhi) In the Diocese of Itangar in the Indian province of Arunachal Pradesh the Catholic Church is experiencing extraordinary growth. The main reason for this are unexplained healings, which the Diocesan Bishop, Msgr John Kattrukudiyl reported on his visit to Germany, to which he was invited by the Papal aid organization "Kirche in Not".

 Since 1980, the number of Catholics in the outlaying areas in north east India has grown 40 percent. The Bishop has continually received reports of healings, which "amaze". On first reaction one is inclined to "skepticism" said Msgr. Kattrukudiyl, "really the persons concerned are absolutely convinced that they have been healed by divine intervention."

 The Bishop described a man who seeked out the Church after he had married a Catholic wman. "Upon becoming a Catholic one asked him to pray for a cripple. The next day, the cripple stood up and went on his own feet to Church". After his conversion, he's been an especially active member of the Catholic community.

Msgr. Kattrukudiyl is familiar with the skepticism, which which many in Europe would greet these reports of miracles. He has received this mainly in western countries. But against all of these doubts, "there are many healings, reported to me, which we simply can't ignore." The Bishop has looked for an explanation in the rellative youth of his Diocese. "It is the experience of a very young Church, which is experiencing the same grace, as in the times of the Apostles," as miraculous healings were common, as reported by the New Testament.

 A common pattern is shown by the various unexplained healings. The miracles happen, after the faithful gather in a house to pray in common where someone is sick. "People, who have been sick for a long time, were healed. These people are living the experience of the early Church." The healings through prayer have led the Church to spread quickly. The situation of the Church in this area has improved significantly.

The Church isn't just tolerated, but is recognized and praised for its humanitarian activities. About one fifth of the population confesses Christianity.

Translated: Tancred
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Wikicommons


Friday, June 29, 2012

German Press Says +Müller Next CDF

Edit: some may remember that Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller was out of the running for the office of the CDF and that there were other Bishops being considered for this important job.  The Bishop of Regensburg is hostile to Tradition if not just traditionalists.  He does not maintain the orthodox position with regard to Our Lady's virginal character.  He is also a creature of +Lehman.

At present, the German press is cheering for this man.  The German press has been poorly informed before and are almost invariably partisans of the Left.

La Stampa is also reporting that he is back in the running, but they've been wrong before as well as reported at the G. Gilbert site.

Let's see if they are wrong as they have been before.

Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller will apparently be the new Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith --- the decision will be made next week.

Regensburg (  The die has clearly fallen. The Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller will apparently be the new Prefect for the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith.  This has been reported by several German papers.  An official report is at present unavailable.  As far as can learn, this decision, important for the Church worldwide, will be announced next week.  Bishop Muler is at present active in several Roman boards and may be the successor to William Joseph Cardinal Levada.

Link to in original German...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Hiatus

Will be off for a while longer this summer.

Thanks for fallowing along!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Bishop Fellay States What's Been Evident All Along About Vatican II

Edit: remember when we pointed to the fact that the Holy Father was willing to accept the SSPX's reservations about Vatican II?
Bishop Fellay: ‘total acceptance of Vatican II’ no longer prerequisite for full communion with Holy See [br]

CWN - June 08, 2012[br /] [br]Stating that discussions with the Holy See “have allowed us to present clearly the various problems that we experience with regard to Vatican II,” the superior general of the Society of St. Pius X said in an interview that “what has changed is the fact that Rome no longer makes total acceptance of Vatican II a prerequisite for the canonical solution.”

“The attitude of the official Church is what changed; we did not,” said Bishop Bernard Fellay. “We were not the ones who asked for an agreement; the Pope is the one who wants to recognize us. You may ask: why this change? We are still not in agreement doctrinally, and yet the pope wants to recognize us! Why? The answer is right in front of us: there are terribly important problems in the Church today.”

Asked about religious liberty, ecumenism, and other doctrinal issues that have been points of disagreement between the Holy See and the Society, Bishop Fellay said that.

Link to CWN...

Monday, June 4, 2012

Germany: Faithful Priest Cancels Nuptial Mass

"In such an atmosphere I can't celebrate Mass."

A pastor in the Diocese of Munster was not prepared to conduct a marriage  for a Godless public to play along with a show-Mass.

(  On June 1st a certain Irene Stock spread a blatant propaganda article against Pastor Heio Weishaupt.

Fr. Weishaupt is a pastor in a Catholic community of 38,000 population city Haltern am See in the Diocese of Munster.

In any event he celebrated his 25th priestly jubilee -- and was praised and celebrated by his community.

Emotions Instead of Facts

The emotionally drenched article by Miss Stock put emotions in the place of facts.

Fr. Weishaupt had "simply cancelled" a wedding Mass on the Saturday before last in the Sixtus Kirche.

This turned the "most beautiful day" in the life of a Halterner bride and groom into a "nightmare" -- howled the woman.

The pair were a Gladbecker grade school teacher with ecclesiastical responsibilities as a Catholic religious instructor and an active soccer player from Hamm-Bossendorf.

The priest refused the wedding party Communion and cancelled Holy Mass.

Erratic Allegations

Miss Stock's allegations against Fr. Weishaupt are erratic and chaotic.

The pastor supposedly "deliberately refused to use the microphone".  In that way he was hardly understood by community.

To start with the celebration by Fr. Weishaupt had been clearly "indignant",  because those present "were not participating".

The text for the marriage vows had been placed on the altar so that the bride could hardly read them.

The pastor announced "before the Eucharistic celebration" that he could not give out Holy Communion, "because she didn't go to Church".

He also -- supposedly -- gave no "concluding blessing".

"Very little interest"

Miss Stock didn't make any effort to hear the other side.

This was caught up on the website ''.

"I went to the celebration in a good mood and a sense of inner peace" -- said the clergyman concerned  according to the site:

"As I noticed the very little real interest in singing, responses and liturgical actions, my emotions were on a carousel."

Unnecessary Apology

For that reason he addressed the Godless present at the concluded wedding with the following words:

"The most important thing in this hour has happened, that the bride pair has received the sacrament of matrimony.  I also take it as true that what has taken place here is very unfamiliar to many here.  That isn't an accusation, that's the way it simply is.  I can not celebrate Holy Mass in such an atmosphere."

For that reason he concluded the wedding liturgy following the intercessory prayers, prayers for peace and final blessing.

Father Weishaupt has written the married couple in the mean time to apology -- it remains unclear why.

The pair has accepted his apology.
