Saturday, June 2, 2012

News: Italian Cardinals Stand Behind the Pope

Vatican.  Several Italian Cardinals are standing themselves behind Pope Benedict XVI in view of the disappearance of documents in the Vatican.  This was reported by 'Radio Vatican'.   The emeritus Archbishop of Ravenna, Ersilio Cardinal Tonini (97), asks that the Pope be left in peace.   He doesn't understand why "some rogue is allowed to throw dirt".  The President of the Pontifical Council for Peace and Justice, Cardinal Peter Turkson (63) explained to 'ansa' that the selection of employees is a delicate situation and goes on in the Vatican as in other governments.  The President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Immigrants, Antonio Maria Cardinal Verglio  (74), spoke of a "moment of sadness and of chaos."

Why is this Impossible in Germany?

Italy.  Today, Bishop Giuseppe Zenti (65) of Verona celebrated the Immemorial Mass for confirmation in the parish church of St. Fermo Minore de Bra. This was reported on the site ''.  The website '' asks itself why similar things aren't possible in Germany:  "Apparently, there is are  "sub-castes" in the Bishops' Conference, where one is put when one is suspected of being receptive toward the desires of the Pope."

It's not a senseless meeting for a change

Germany.  From November 28th to December 1st the "15th Cologne Liturgical Meeting" will take place.  This was reported by the site ''.  At the event the Ordnary of the anglo-Catholic Ordinariate "Our Lady of Walsingham", the priest, Father Keith Newton, will celebrate a pontifical Mass according to the Anglican 'Book of Divine Worship.  The aforementioned program of the event is available online.

Reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X: "In God's Hand"

"We have on our side done what duty has laid before us:  the pursuit of a visible union with Rome, but under the protection of the full Catholic Faith.  Everything else is in God's hands.  If it comes to a canonical solution, we thank God;  if it doesn't happen, then the time is just not yet ripe.  Then we remain without any bitterness, still longer in exile, pushed there by the anti-Christian powers within the Church, till God's hour strikes.

Father Franz Schmidberger -- German District Superior  of the Society of St. Pius X -- in the forward of the June edition of the monthly newsletter "Mitteilungsblatt".

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Friday, June 1, 2012

The Fruits of Gaudium et Spes: What's Going on in the Vatican?

[katholisches, Roberto de Mattei] What's happening at the Vatican? The Catholics all over the world ask themselves, stunned by the sense of the messages that are springing up from the ground into the papers and seeming to reveal the impression of an internal church war which is raging within the Leonine walls, and which is inflated artificially by the media. If it is not easy to understand what happens, you can at least try to understand why all this happened.

The fact is not without significance that this self-discharge exactly on the 50th Anniversary of the Second Vatican Council made. Among all the documents of the Council, is a particularly emblematic and perhaps the most controversial, namely, the Constitution Gaudium et Spes, which the theologian Joseph Ratzinger did not like. In that document, with optimistic irenicism, the embrace between the Church and the modern world was celebrated. It was the world of the 60s, drenched in consumerism and secularism, a world on which lay the shadow of Communist imperialism, which the Council would not discuss.

The Second Vatican Council saw the positive seeds of modernity, but not their threats and refrained from denouncing the errors and refused to recognize its anti-Christian roots. It wanted to hear the world and tried to read the "Signs of the Times" in the conviction that history means a continuous, indefinite progress. The fathers seemed to be in a hurry to finish with the past, in the belief that the future would be beneficial to the Church and humanity. But that was unfortunately not the case. The vertical post-Conciliar momentum was replaced opposed to the transcendent principles by a chasing after the earthly and mundane values.

The philosophical principle of immanence was transformed into a horizontal and sociological point of view of Christianity, symbolized - in the liturgy - through the people's altar. The conversion to populum, the price has been paid in the unprecedented  destruction of the artistic, has transformed the image of the mystical body of Christ into that of a social body, the soul has been emptied of its supernatural. But if the Church of the supernatural and the transcendent turns Her back  to the immanent, it is to turn the teaching of the Gospel on its head, which should be "in the world but not of the world". It ceases to Christianize the world and is secularized instead of this.

The kingdom of God is thus predominantly a pure power structure in the political calculus and reason of human passions and minor interests. The "anthropological turn" brought much human presence in the Church, but left little divine. When we speak of the Church, we are referring, of course, not the Church itself but to the people who belong to Her. The Church has a divine nature, which may not be marred by anything and She will always be pure and untainted. Her human dimension but can be covered by that soot, which Benedict XVI. at the Via Crucis before his election described as "filth" and recalled Paul VI. in view of the Council's fissures and crevasses referring unconsciously to those prophetic words as "smoke of Satan", which has infiltrated into the house of God.

The smoke of Satan is behind the weaknesses and miseries of the people, especially the heretical speeches and ambiguous explanations or those modified since the Second Vatican Council, that would not have started the work that John Paul II called the "purification of memory", and which we call simply "conscience" in order to understand what we did wrong, what we have to correct, as we must reflect the will of Jesus Christ, the only savior is not only of his mystical body, but a company that drifts. The Church is going through a time of crisis, but is also rich in spiritual resources and holiness, that glow in many souls. The hour of darkness in the story is always accompanied by the hour of the light that comes on.

Roberto de Mattei was a Professor of Modern History at the University of Cassino, now a professor of Church history at the European University in Rome, he was adviser to the Italian government in foreign affairs, deputy chairman of the National Research Council (CNR) of the Republic of Italy, director and editor of the magazine Radici Cristiane and Catholic News Service Corrispondenza Romana, author of the Council's history: The Second Vatican Council - a Hitherto Unwritten History, Kirchliche Umschau Edition Church, for which he won in 2011 by the Italian historian Price Acqui Storia. [Nothing in English as we yet know]

Translation from German: Tancred
Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: Corrado Giaquinto: Satan Before the Lord (1750)

 From Katholisches...

French Historian Blames John Paul II for Current Crisis

France.  The Council Blessed John Paul II let important tasks slip and his successor "to pay the price for this incompetence".  French historian Philiippe Levillain (71) said this in an interview with the Catholic news 'La Croix'.  Levillain named as examples, the abuse-hoax, the Legionaries of Christ and the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X.

Link ...

Cardinal Turkson Warns of War in Syria

Radio Vatikan berichtete (Latein: Gero P. Weishaupt)

To protect its people is the most important rule of a government, especially Syria's government.  This was said by Curial Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson this Thursday t the news agency "Sir".  He hopes that the Syrian government will heed UNO-delegate Kofi Annan, to initiate a new initiative for peace in Syria, said the director of the Papal Council for Peace and Justice.  His plea came on the conclusion of a meeting of his Council  as part of the Jubilee for the Encyclical "Pacem in Terris" by Pope John XXIII.  To Radio Vatican he stressed the roll of the Church in "peacebuilding":  The Church is itself  "by nature a Peacebuilder, her founder was a Peacebuilder" ... (rv/sir 1.6.2012)

Translation from Latin into German by Father Weishaupt.
Translation to English: Tancred

In Latin:  

Cardinalis Turkson de bello in Syria inchoando monuit

Moderatorum civitatis, moderatorum quoque Syriae, maxime est proprium populum protegere. Hoc Petrus Cardinalis Kdwo Appih Turkson, Cardinalis Curiae Romanae, Iovis die procuratoris sedi nuntiis divulgandis, "Sir" titulo, dixit. Se spe esse affectum fore, ut moderatores Syriae Kofi Annan, qui a Foedereratarum Nationum Consilio mandatum accepit quique inceptum iterum ipse inchoavit paci restiuendae, ut Praeses Pontificii Consilii de Iustitia et Pace notum fecit. Cuius monitus fine cuiusdam conventus eius Consilii de anniversaria memoria Litterarum Encycliarum Summi Pontificis Ioannis XXIII, quae a verbis "Pacem in Terris" incipiunt, prolatus est. In Statione Radiophonica Vaticana percontatus partem in memoriam revocavit, quae Ecclesiae in pace conferenda agit: Ecclesiam ipsam suapte natura pacem fovere, Conditorem eius enim pacem constituisse". ...

US Women Religious Still in Denial

Edit: "I'm not a feminist", she cried, despite the full length poster behind her advertising NOW and the autographed photo of Gloria Steinem. This is a fanciful portrayal of a spokesman today who insists that US Women Religious, amazingly, that they're being unfairly treated.  It's just this kind of response that demonstrates a profound absence of humility in the face of adult supervision and portrays a breathtaking ability to ignore the facts and deny them show that this spokeswoman, and the women she claims to represent are delusional.

In light of the demographic, doctrinal and moral collapse of women religious, it's difficult to understand how they expect people to believe them.

They probably expect that public opinion will still remember them when they used to wear their habits, tirelessly instruct young children and told their prayers on a rosary rather than sitting in the lotus position in a Buddhist temple somewhere.

Whether you're talking about Obamacare nuns and the six-figure salary Sister Keehan, or you're talking about the more garden variety type of nun who resides in various parts of the United States with only an obscure cross-shaped item prominently hanging around her bent neck.

These women religious are defiant and convinced that their manifest departure from Catholic belief and practice is acceptable.  They're defiant even when they're caught red handed, as was one nun of the Dominican order called the Sinsinaua.  They only apologized after tremendous public outcry, but a trip to their web site shows little improvement and a worldly left of center, 1968 feel that reminds one more of elderly hippies trying to relive their heyday than a legitimate religious association.  It's a good thing they don't like the Latin Mass and wear traditional habits.
Sister Donna Quinn
Assisting in the Slaughter at
Here's what the anti-Catholic Washington Post had to say:

Leaders representing most American nuns pushed back on Friday against a stinging Vatican report that was issued in April and called for their “reform.”

After a special meeting this week in Washington, the 21-member board of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious issued a statement calling the Vatican report “unsubstantiated “ and saying it has “caused scandal and pain” and exacerbated polarization throughout the Catholic church community.

The board of the conference, whose members represent the vast majority of the 57,000 nuns in the United States, met for three days to consider how to respond to the Vatican report accusing the group of “radical feminism” and of publicly undermining the leadership of the bishops.
The thing about this is that despite being smaller in number, male religious are an even more serious problem and will be no less defiant and in denial than these recalcitrant women are.

Link ...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bishop Schneider Says: Communion in the Hand is a Great Wound in the Church

A reform of the Church is advanced by an end to Communion in the hand and supper tables.  Proceedings and Old Liberal committees will play a completely subordinate role.
Auxiliary Bishop Schneider
on der Homepage of the
Shrine of Maria Vesperbild.

(  "The more committees, the more proceedings, the more fear of public opinion and the politically correct, the less there will be real reforms in the Church."

This is what Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider from Astana in Kazakhstan said on Pentecost Sunday at the Swabian pilgrimage Maria Vesperbild.

For Msgr Schneider it is "more than clear that the Church has experienced a great crisis."

Communion is Handed out Like Bread

The crisis  shows itself in its most gripping in the declining Liturgy, for the prelate:  "Today's manner of receiving Communion spread throughout the world is a great wound."

The body of Christ has been received "without recognizable sacral gestures of worship".

Hand communion leaves one with the impression as if one is taking a regular meal, which "one puts in ones' own mouth".

The Bible gives a different example of reverence

Msgr Schneider recalled that the angel and prophets in Holy Scripture knelt before Jesus Christ:

"How great is the contrast between  today's widely spread form of handcommunion with the minimalistic signs of reverence on the one side and the glorious examples in Holy Scripture and the examples of Catholics frm the past two thousand years, and  also the edifying examples of our own associates, parents, grandparents on the other side."

The example of the Pope

Msgr Schneider recalled then that Pope Benedict XVI has been distributing Holy Communion in the mouth since Corpus Christi of 2008 to the faithful on their knees:

"A true Catholic, and even more a Catholic Bishop, can not ignore the Pope's  gestures."

That would be a true renewal

For the Auxiliary Bishop it would be a poignant sign of Faith if all the Masses world-wide "were brought back to clear signs of reverence, silence, the holiness of the music".

He criticized the supper table very carefully:  priests and people should interiorly and exteriorly look together upon Christ -- he said.

All faithful should "receive the body of Christ self-evidently in the state of sanctifying grace, having gone too confession, and  to receive it directly in the mouth with the piety of a child."

In this Msgr Schneider sees "powerful sings of a true renewal in the Church".

In such Masses a God fearing man should fall on his knees and say:  "Verily,  God is among you"  [1Cor 14 24-25]

A Church of Believers -- not of Church-tax payers

The Auxiliary Bishop explained in his sermon an example of reform from Kazakhstan.

In the city of Karaganda the Catholics built one Church every 35 years under the Communists.

The authorities allowed only a lowly, utilitarian building without towers or a cross.

For two years the faithful -- also the elderly and the children --- were occupied with the building.

They dug even in the earth, in order to put the church deeper in order to allow for a larger interior space.

Without Discussions or Commissions

After the completion of construction there was no Bishop far and wide who could have blessed the church.

Actually the parish priest -- he was called Pater Alexander Chira by everyone -- promised the faithful that God would send a Bishop.

On the day of the blessing he appeared himself with a mitre and shepherd's staff in the church.  He was a secret Bishop.

According to a woman who witnessed the event, there were even more tears flowing than holy water.

The church blessing is an example for Msgr Schneider "of true reform of the Church without a lot of commissions and discussions."

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cardinal Burke is in Line for Big Job?

Cardinal Burke as Crown Prince?

 Vatican:[] Pope Benedict XVI may put the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, Raymond Cardinal Burke (63) into a position of responsibility. According to reports from Roman circles, the Cardinal is in consideration to be the next Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, or the new Cardinal Secretary. Photo...Institute of Christ the King.

Muslims Burn Down Two Churches in Zanzibar

(Doboma) Hundreds of Muslim separatists burned two churches in Zansibar to the ground.  The group of islands around the main island of Zansibar  with more than a million inhabitants belongs to Tanzania. The inhabitants of the autonomous island group are 98% Muslim.  This was reported by Reuters.

On the mainland, however, while the coastal region is predominantly Muslim, but the interior is predominantly Christian. In addition there is an ever-shrinking group of followers of indigenous religions. The number of Christians, mainly Catholics is estimated with more than 45 percent. The Muslims are supposed to be around 40 percent. Exact details are not known. Since the independence of the East African state in 1964, the religion of the state is not applicable because the question is considered too explosive for the cohesion of the state. In the wake of decolonization, the mainland territory of Tanganyika and the island group on the new state of Tanzania was united.

Muslim separatists demanding independence of Zanzibar and fight simultaneously for the Islamization of which is directed against the tiny Christian minority, which makes up just one percent of the population.

In the night from Saturday to Sunday the separatist group UAMSHO (Association for the Mobilization and Proliferation of Islam) burned down two Christian churches. This led to open clashes with the Tanzanian police. A church was burned down completely. The second was saved by the prompt intervention of the security service from utter destruction.

The UAMSHO calls for a referendum on the withdrawal of Zanzibar in Tanzania. For 2014, the East African country is scheduled to receive a new constitution. The UAMSHO will use this opportunity to lead the archipelago before the new Constitution to independence.
Link to katholisches...

Pope Complained of German Bishops Forsaking Him

The Vaticanleak Book is a Hastily Built, Chaotic and Untrammeled Thing

It is to laugh:  As the Church-hate media use Bishop Richard Williamson as a pretext to get started on the Pope, he expects backing from the German Judas-Bishops. 

(, Vatican)  The book from Italian journalist Gianluigi Nuzzi, armed with books from the 'Vatican Leaks', is a hastily knit messy framework.

This was established by the German news "Welt" yesterday.

Nuzzis' book is entitled "Sua Santita -- Le Carte Segrrete di Benedetto XVI" -- Or, His Holiness -- the Secret Letters of Benedict XVI.

It was published two weeks ago.

"Only civilly married"

Nuzzis' book cites hundreds of secret documents or memos and handwritten notes from the Pope.

The facsimile of thirty confidential letters are in the appendix at the end.

Many of the  papers are confidential letters concerned only with Italian affairs -- "a dinner between the Pope and the President of Italy, also the dismissal of the chief editor of 'Avvenire', the newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference,"  says the newspaper.

At dinner with the ex-Communist and Italian President Giorgio Napolitano they discussed family law, euthanasia, abortion and children.

There is only one note about the Italian president on the Vatican document, "Only married civilly."

Massive Donation Slump

Another letter comes from the emeritus Cardinal Paolo Sardi (76) -- the Pro-Patron of the Order of Malta.

He criticized the poor coordination of the various departments in the Vatican.

A letter of the Papal delegate to the beleaguered congregation of the Legionaries of Christ, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis (76) reported on the massive donation slump of the order and their severe financial situation.

A protest against the Pope insultress

A memo to the German Nuncio, Archbishop Jean-Claude Perisset, asked for "a clear word of protest" directed at the Bundeschancellor Angela Merkel.

This statement refers to her interference in the lifting of the Excommunications against the four Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X in 2009.

The chapter on the German Chancellor contained seven pages.

Benedict XVI noted himself in his report the word "media tsunami".

In Nuzzis' book, there were also conflicts specified  between the Old Liberal Mainz Cardinal Karl Lehmann and the Pope.

But there's even more -- at 'Weltbild'

In an interview with the German 'Tageschau' Nuzzi said that onoly some documents in his book come from the Pope himself.

During the media scandal regarding Bishop Richard Williamson the Pope personally criticized to the German Nuncio that the German Judas-Bishops did not defend him. [Remember when Father Schmidberger of the SSPX did just that?]

Nuzzi explained still more that there were still more documents regarding "Weltbild" [The pornography distributor of the German Bishops].

This information could be included in a planned German version of the work.

News Reports: Cardinals Interrogated!?

Cardinals interrogated

Vatican. In addition to the papal chamberlain Paolo Gabriele, several other people were questioned. This is what the speaker for the Vatican press bureau, Father Federico Lombardi, told reporters yesterday. The Italian press is reporting that Cardinals were also interviewed. According to Father Lombardi, the valet is merely accused of grand larceny. Gabriele's motives are still unclear. Father Lombardi called the revelation of scandal, "a severe charllenge for the Pope and the Curia."

The Curia was belittled

Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI. was very saddened about the current scandal revelations. Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu (63) - the substitute, second husband, the Secretary of State - said to Vatican newspaper 'L'Osservatore Romano'. When asked about the visible rifts in the College of Cardinals as revealed by the documents the substituted demurred. Disputes are not unusualin all institutions where decisions are made: "In short, we are not mummies" Different points of view or even conflicting views are normal.

Abortion brutalized society

Germany. In Germany every week on average three children die through violence or neglect. The reports of the German station ''. Last year, 146 children under the age of 14 died in this way. 114 of the victims were under the age of six years.

A manager with "a little prayer or something"

Germany. Many things in the everyday life of Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin are comparable to the daily routine of a manager - "only the income is not." The cardinal told the ''. He tries to structure his daily routine to spiritual needs generally. "I take my time for personal prayer, as a break." Usually he uses car trips, "to pray a little bit or something." Cardinal Woelki describes himself as a conservative , "Because I am conservative in not looking at it as something negative but as something necessary." He wants to preserve the origins and sources.

Unfortunately true

"The fact that Benedict XVI. has no knack for personnel decisions we know from his days as a university professor. That it was unwise to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State, to appoint him as the head man of the Curia - and there is no doubt about that. Bertone like Ratzinger as a theologian in the CDF, as a "man for dirty jobs" [man fuers Grobe] who had helped much, but he lacks the managerial skills to direct an administrative authority and any political sense. "

From a hate article by Paul Kreiner in the 'Stuttgarter Zeitung'.

Link too

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Iowa Bishop Bans Sports

Above: Auxiliary Bishop Richard Pates of the Archdiocese of St Paul/Minneapolis and Rev. James Pennington  of Spirit of the Lakes United Church of Christ – Monday, May 14, 2007 standing together behind infamous Rainbow Flag.
Bishop Richard Pates of Des Moines, former Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis, seeks to limit “creeping incursion” of sports into church activities

prohibit any Catholic school from holding activities not related to religious services or religious education on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.

May 28, 2012 By Dar Danielson

The state’s largest Catholic Diocese is implementing a policy to create a separation between church and sports. Bishop Richard Pates of the Des Moines Diocese has approved a policy at the request of the priest council that would prohibit any Catholic school from holding activities not related to religious services or religious education on Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings.

“Our priests especially are experiencing the fact that it’s kind of a creeping incursion Wednesday evenings and also Sunday mornings, particularly in terms of their participation related to youth leagues related to sports, etcetera, soccer and that sort of thing,” Pates says.

The Bishop says a young person confronted with the possibility of playing sports or going to church, they would naturally want to play sports, and the puts pressure on the parents that want them to go to church. The other Catholic Dioceses have varying policies that seek to accomplish the same end.
Link to original...
H/t: Stella Borealis

Anniversary of the Fall of Constantinople 1453

Edit: today is the 559th anniversary of the fall of Constantinople.   Here is a painting by Theophilus of Lesbos whose innocence and purity portrayed mythical paintings of Greece's history.

Goal: "Celebrate the Old Mass in All Churches"

Deutschland.  Yesterday the Society Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais conosecrated a new church in the 21,000 population city Schramberg--- fifty kilometers north east of Freiburg.  About 300 traditionalists were present.  The newspaper '' noticed that "quite a few young families" were present.  In his sermon Msgr Tissier de Mallerais, encouraged the rebuilding of the Church step by step.  The goal is to celebrate the Old Mass again in all Catholic churches.

"The Pope Wants to Recognize the SSPX"

The General Superior of the Society spoke at the Chartres Pilgrimage about the efforts toward reconciliation with the Vatican.
Bischof Fellay bei der Wallfahrt nach Orléans.

(, Orleans)  Since Saturday and till Monday the Society f St. Pius X marched from Chartres to Orleans.

In the last year, Paris was the pilgrim's goal.

But this year the Society are recognizing the 600th birthday of the French national heroine, St. Joan of Arc (+1431)  who was born in Orleans.

Shennanigans of the City

The Pius Pilgrims didn't know for long where the concluding Mass would take place in Orleans.

The authorities of the city were really intent on sabotaging the event.

The Society requested some land near the Cathedral in the center of the city.   The authorities expressed their concerns about that.

Then the place agreed upon and the Society began with its planning.

Two weeks before the beginning of the pilgrimage, a denial came out of the blue.

The concluding Mass would therefore have to take place on the peninsula of Charlemagne on the harbor of Loire at the doors of the city.

The Church is at an End

On Pentecost Sunday Bishop Bernard Fellay -- the General Superior of the Society -- celebrated Holy Mass for the pilgrims.

He preached long in French, English and German.

The General Superior touched upon the subject of the destruction of the Church and talked about the Pastoral Council.

Humanly speaking the distorted figure of the Church can not be saved from this crisis -- he said.

Actually, one can't think humanly.  The Church will remain, because She is the bride of Christ.

Bishop Fellay Can't see all the Cards

The Bishop explained that the Society is full of mistrust and fear in the things of the discussion with the Vatican.

One sees how poorly the traditional societies reconciled with the Vatican have been managed -- even those, who have only a light inclination to tradition.

The Society have to proceed with great intelligence.

Somehow or other:  The Society will fight on

At the same time Bishop Fellay sees the possibility that the Society will be recognized.

If the reconciliation threatened the existence of the Society, then it would be rejected.

At the same time it's not a question of imposing God's will.

Will the Pope Follow Through to the End Despite Opposition?

Of one thing is Msgr Fellay certain:  "The Pope wants to recognize the SSPX."

The Bishop then put the question if Benedict XVI is in a position to bring the situation to a conclusion:

"Will he give in, if he is confronted with pressure, with opposition?"

Lack of Unity in Faith

At present there are many open questions.

Msgr Fellay mentioned the Dogmatic Discussions and the various ways of weighing the Pastoral Council.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pentecost Chartres-Orleans -- +Fellay: Recognition by Rome? Trust in God's Foresight

Edit: Usually, there's not much to add to what Rorate has done.  This time we have some overlap.

(Orleans)  More than a thousand pilgrims covering the second leg of their yearly international pilgrimage of tradition on foot.  On the occasion of the 600th birthday of St. Joan of Arc, rather than travelling from Chartres to Paris, they went from Chartres to Orleans.

Msgr Bernard Fellay, the General Superior of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, celebrated a Pontifical High Mass for the Pilgrims at this feast beneath the open sky.  For the German speaking pilgrims he added personally a sermon in German to the content of the Mass.  In that, he drew a comparison between  the relationships which dominated the time of the Maid of Orleans and those of today.  Then as today "Chaos" dominated.

A young girl showed then what it meant to accept God's will and to do.  Also then to accept, when one might not understand in a human sense.  Humanly it is not apprensible, why God allowed that Joan was burned at the stake.  But God had even given up even His only Son for the salvation of man.  There had to be a savior of France, in order to mature the soul.  That's how it always is with the healing of the soul.  God accomplishes this for the salvation of souls.

For this reason, the faithful also now rely on divine providence and not according to human reckoning.  This also applies for the question of the recognition of the Society by the Holy See.  It means to throw yourself into trusting God's guidance and let go.  In this regard the Superior General re-emphasized, contrary to rumors,  that there is no document from Rome before him that must have a yes or a no.

On Pentecost Monday, the Pilgrims will end their last leg in Orleans, where the current international pilgrimage will conclude their 100 kilometer journey on foot with Holy Mass.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Saint Louis Boulogne
Translation: Tancred

Link to katholisches...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

SSPX Unification Postponed

Edit: with figures like +Zollitsch, +Koch or +Schoenborn around, it's not surprising there's a postponement from the expected date of Pentecost. 

It just is what it is.

Mary Altar of the Society
Church of St. Joseph in
© Wikipedia-Benützer ‘Bene16’,CC
( Pope Benedict XVI. will only  take care of the dossier "Society of St. Pius" in summer vacation -- therefore after the High Feast of St. Peter and Paul.

This is what Europe's largest Catholic internet site '' has learned from Vatican circles.

Because of the current difficult inner-Church situation that is involved with the reconciliation with the SSPX must be immediately managed before there can be a unification. 

Till now observers originally thought that the Vatican would have made known the reconciliation between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X on Pentecost

Sinn Fein Silences Pro-Life Members

Edit: we've just learned from Sinn Fein member that increasingly, the political wing of the IRA, Sinn Fein, has shown a very radical, indeed, Revolutionary inclination.  Like many political organizations that throve beneath the Catholic umbrella throughout the tumults of the last 200 years, they have increasingly shriven themselves from the origins which justified their existence in the first place.

Sinn Fein will find it difficult indeed to exist without its Catholic identity, but that is true of other organizations which have done so as well, even to the point of silencing its pro-life members.

It may also be supposed that now Sinn Fein is revealing itself from its Revolutionary and Socialist, even Communist influences revealing what it was all along, a Revolutionary organization.

Reports have been coming from Ireland that Sinn Fein is silencing its pro-life membership. Of course, like Ted Kennedy, they are also serious dissenters on the Catholic teaching against abortion. We found some substantiation for this in the following report, here at the Devin McAlisky blog entitled, "Is Sinn Fein Sort of Revolutionary?"  (They've always been that)

Probably the best evidence that some very large majority of SF members are feminist is their position(s) on abortion (bear in mind, there would be a lot of SF members who are pro-life but nonetheless feminist).
1) In 1985, although it was apparently a very unrepresentative vote, SF did, for one year, adopt a pro-choice position.
2) Although Sinn Fein MLAs did vote for a Democratic Unionist Party motion, which opposed the extension of the Abortion Act to N. Ireland (abortion is almost completely illegal there). It’s not that simple. A member of the Women's Coalition proposed an amendment that radically changed the resolution so that it simply referred the issue to the Health-Care Committee for further research, discussion, and debate. SF members spoke (starts half-way through, you'll want to look at this to see who's who) and voted in favor of this, and when they spoke, they made it clear their party is not fully committed to the pro-life position.
3) In 2004 (possibly 2003, but I'm pretty sure 2004) SF Youth came within one vote of adopting a pro-choice position. 
4) SF's current abortion position is that they support abortion when the life or health of the mother (I think that might also apply to the fetus as well) is at risk, in cases of rape or incest (in the 2002 Abortion referendum in the South, SF also were okay with abortion when the woman is suicidal). They also feel very strongly about not criminalizing women who have abortions. 
5) They support “comprehensive sex education, full access to child-care and comprehensive support services, including financial support for single parents.”

German Archbishop Says Interest in Old Mass Very Small

Archbishop Zollitsch Underrates the Old Mass

Germany. With the Motu Prorio 'Summorum Pontificum' the Pope wants to show that he is doing "everything possible in order to avoid a definite schism." The Old Liberal Bishop Archbishop Robert Zollitsch said this in an interview with the newspaper 'Welt'. He fears that the reconciliation aims "God have mercy" will not be reached: "Point is that the interest in the Old Mass is much, much smaller in the Church than it looks like from the discussion."

  New Mainz Auxiliary Bishoop?

Germany. The Mainz Cathedral Rector Hans-Jurgen Eberhardt might shortly become the successor of the deceased Auxiliary Bishop Werner Guballa oof Mainz. Prelate Eberhardt is considered to be an Old Liberal protege of Cardinal Karl Lehmann.

A form of lifestyle?

Germany. Homosexual soldiers "should stand by their convictions as much as possible". That's what neo-conservative Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck of Essen recently told a soldiers' pilgrimage to Lourdes. One must be careful "not to be formed by public opinion" -- he cryptically explained. This is valid not only for "this form of lifeestyle, but for others as well."

The secret at issue is this: that one sacrifices the world with God's sacrifice, that the betrayal of the religion must entail also the betrayal of the culture after it. Western culture will live just as long as Western religion. 

 From the book "The Angel's Wreath" in the year 1946 by the famous author Gertrud von Le Fort (+1971)


Lord Monckton with Alex Jones: David Cameron Bans Crucifix

Lord Monckton joins Alex in-studio today, Wednesday, May 23. Monckton is a British politician, public speaker, former newspaper editor, and a spirited critic of the globalist theory of anthropogenic global warming. Mr. Monckton is in the United States to attend the libertarian Heartland Institute's conference in Chicago.

Insensitive "Ale Mary's" Bar Owner Continues the Hate

Edit:   Here is one of the bar owners, Tom Rivers, with a smug and irrepressible grin on his face in a recent article in a local Baltimore paper. As of yet he hasn't said he will open up a Simonbar Schul and call it Mad Dog 20/20.

It's been interesting that despite the prima faciae hate speech being directed against the Catholic Church that it continues

In a way it's not surprising, since the bar owner has proven to be vulgar and disrespectful in the extreme as when the concerned forum owner of Fisheaters approached him in a very friendly way. I don't think he'd tolerate anyone talking to his female relatives the way he wrote to her by completely unnecessary verbal putrescence.

It's also not surprising that the media, both local and national has been unsympathetic and even disrespectful in their own right.  Local Baltimore Fox affiliate lied when it said that it tried to contact leaders of the group opposed to "Ale Mary's" blasphemy initially.  They still haven't contacted anyone.  They also weren't interested in Tom River's threatening and offensive behavior either.

Despite attempting to justify this farce, they've appealed to the Archdiocese which gave far less than a resounding endorsement, and claimed to have a certificate that justifies the objects use.  We've tried to respectfully contact the Archdiocese, but no further clarification has been given.  

We'll assume that is a green light for more prayer and fasting.

There is going to be a rosary said before the bar on the Sunday after Corpus Christi at 230pm.  All Catholics and non-Catholics who find this sort of thing detestable are invited to attend and show solidarity.

Here are some of the other blogs:

Women of Grace Joan Benkovic

Pink Plastic Statue

Here's the back story from a local blog:

My eyes scan the ecclesiastical accoutrements of the surroundings and fixate on the pink Jesus statue on the center of the bar that appears to be watching over the inhabitants of this small earthly kingdom. During the course of the afternoon, our good-natured host and owner of the establishment, Mary Rivers, relates a story about a time when this Fells Point flock was deprived of its rubicund protector. Apparently some pub crawling philistine had the audacity to pilfer the good shepherd.

A thorough inquiry into the matter was conducted by Mary’s husband and co-owner, Tom Rivers. His investigation uncovered evidence that suggested the likely suspect had covered the expenses incurred that day with plastic. A careful audit of the receipts revealed the culprit, and an amount, proper and in keeping with the seriousness of the transgression was added to the offender’s credit card. Of course it wasn’t long before there was a call received at the bar questioning and protesting the apparent seizure of funds. But after a tactful interrogation a full confession was made, and a suitable penance was imposed. It was agreed that the attached monies would be returned if Jesus was restored to his rightful place, and that a public act of contrition be offered up to the local patrons. As to how this second coming played out, I can’t quite say. That part of the story got lost in the pleasant fog encountered after several pints of Brewer’s Art Resurrection Ale.