Thursday, May 17, 2012

Immemorial Mass of All Ages Celebrated in MIdwestern Seminary

Beautiful Image Stolen From NLM
Edit:  This would have been unthinkable 10 years ago at St. John Vianney Minor Seminary.  This was arguably one associated with one of the worst seminaries in the world at one point, the notorious St. Paul Major Seminary.

Some of the local 68ers must be absolutely downcast and inconsolable.  We can be sure that the 60s songster, Father Micheal Joncas will be weeping and wailing now this has come to pass.

Oh the humanity!

Link to New Liturgical Movement: St. John Vianney College Seminary in St. Paul, MN

Softball La Stampa Interview: Vienna Pornography Cardinal Justifies Himself

The incredibly duplicitous Porno-Cardinal is at it again and Tornielli lets him off the hook. The way that some of these official news sources stage handle the bad guys is really beyond the pale.

Edit: The Vaticantista Andrea Tornielli at La Stampa's 'Vatican Insider' asked some difficult questions but not the most obvious one, and allowed Prince Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn, to create a pretense of personal orthodoxy which is belied by this Cardinal's various public actions in years past. His treatment of a pastor who +Schönborn overruled, when he rejected the election of Florian Stangl, remains a disgrace that remains unatoned for. The priest later resigned after being hung out to dry by the Cardinal.

When Tornielli asks for an explanation of the Cardinal's feelings about Stangl, he demurred this time citing Stangl's privacy as a primary concern. This hasn't prevented the Cardinal from praising Stangl in the past.

What's even more disgraceful is that when asked about his dealings with Stangl, he claims he simply chose not to intervene. This again is not the truth. He intervened on behalf of Stangl against the pastor's decision.

+Schönborn also suggests, incredibly, that we're all sinners and that the Church's teaching on sodomy hasn't changed. Unfortunately, this isn't going to satisfy many on either side, but surely, many will regard this wink and a nod as am excuse. The Cardinal also dooesn't explain, nor does Tornielli ask how being an unrepentant homosexual living in homosexual concubinage qualifies one to be in a leadership position in Church. Surely, we're all sinners, some of us, like the Cardinal, tell blatant falsehoods, and others of us cause scandal by giving the active appearance of approval for sinful activity. The Catechism reads:
2284 Scandal is an attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil. The person who gives scandal becomes his neighbor's tempter. He damages virtue and integrity; he may even draw his brother into spiritual death. Scandal is a grave offense if by deed or omission another is deliberately led into a grave offense.

Surely, the Cardinal is referring to himself when he justifies an unrepentant homosexual holding a position of authority in a Catholic parish, that being in a state of sin is no reason to remove a man from office?

Some dissent is ok, as the Cardinal dissembles about how he's going to non-handle other dissidents in Austria.  Surely, since he is preparted to discipline one-man-show, Msgr Helmut Schüller of Call to Disobedience and the Pfarrer's Initiative. Surely, he should be ready to NOT interfere and allow his pastor to do his job?

Will his neo-conservative supporters in the United States come to his aid, we wonder....

Vatican Downslider....

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Canadian Bishops: Religious Freedom is no More

[From CCCB Statement] Unfortunately, religious freedom is far from being effectively guaranteed everywhere. Sometimes it is denied for religious or ideological reasons. At other times, although it may be recognized in law, it is hindered in practice by a legal system or social order which enforces strict control, if not a monopoly, over society.

According to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, more than 70 percent of the world’s countries impose legal or administrative restrictions which in practice annul the rights of individual believers and religious groups. Among these restraints are the forced registration of religious groups, prohibition of conversions, restrictions on foreign missionaries, favouring one religious group over another, fines, and harassment.
More subtle threats to religious freedom arise from the cultural predominance of radical secularism and “a subliminal relativism that penetrates every area of life. Sometimes this relativism becomes aggressive when it opposes those who say they know where the truth or meaning of life is to be found.”
Paradoxically, this relativism often posits the absolute relativity of all knowledge and meaning and then seeks to impose this absolutism on others, often in violation of conscience and religious belief. Whenever and wherever the right of freedom
Link to UCCB site...

Davenport Bishop Compromises with Evil

Edit: after doing the right thing initially, the Bishop of Davenport materially cooperates with moral evil and strikes a compromise with homosexual pressure group.

A young man receives an award from the group and no one seems to be worried about his immortal soul.

Patriarch Kirill Blessed Putin for Highest Office in Russia

Moscow, May 11, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia prayed for Putin's wise governance on Monday, the day of his inauguration.

"Majority of our people deliberately, reasonably and freely have chosen you the President of the Russian Federation. Today we ardently prayed in this old Kremlin, where many of your pious predecessors were blessed for the highest work for the Motherland, so that the Lord would be merciful to you and our country, give you spiritual and physical strength, wisdom, courage and strength of spirit," the Patriarch said addressing Putin after a prayer service in the Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral.

According to the Primate, to make the work successful, it is necessary to hear people's voice.

Read further at interfax...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bishop Fellay Speaks Through USCCB

Edit: the video is an attractive presentation with slick graphics.

Antifa-Neonazis Attack SSPX Church

Paint Ball Attack on Pius Church
in Stuttgart

( "In the night of the 9th to the 10th of May we attacked Society of St. Pius X structures located in Stuttgart-Feuerbach."

That's how the Antifa-Neonazi website '' bragged on the 10th of May.

The entrance was made against the enemies of freedom and the open society.

The Headquarters of the German District

The Priory of St. Athanasius has been located in  Stuttgart-Feuerbach since 1981.

Since 1984 it has served as the Headquarters of the German District of the Society of Pius X.

The largest component of this Priory is the now Antifa-Neonazi painted Baroque church of St. Mary of the Assumption.  It was under construction from 1990-1995.

An Israeli Speaker

The occasion for the crime was a lecture at 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' on the theme "Self-Destruction of Europe".

The lecturer was the Israeli enemy of Islam, publicist Manfred Kleine-Hartlage (45) from Berlin.

Kleine-Hartlage publishes the blog ''.

Communist Church Destroyer

"Who insists that the state is trying to orchestrate an event against the right, to legitimize the street troops of the Antifa, suffers from paranoia." --- explained the website ''.

The 'Conservative Action Stuttgart' explained:

"Probably for the first time since the end of the Brown and Reed dictatorship in Germany was a sacred structure attacked and damaged by Communist sympathizers."

Link to

Islamists Take Over Syrian Town -- Drive Out All Christians

Edit: thank you Obama, Hillary and Western press for allowing this to happen!

(Damaskus) Islamists have taken the village of Qastal al-Burg in the Syrian province of Hama and driven all Christians from the area. This was reported by the Arabic language internet site UPI. The Jihadis attacked the village and forced ten families living there in the place to leave the vicinity. The Christians were not once given the opportunity to retrieve their property to take with them. The churches of the area were desecrated and used as command centers by the Islamists.

  Link to original...katholisches...

Sacked Australian Bishop Replaced

Edit: Is it open season on the dinosaur set stuck in the 60, following old scripts that no one is moved by any longer? His successor may not be much better.
[The Australian]
THE Pope last night announced the appointment of a NSW priest as Bishop of Toowoomba, replacing Bishop Bill Morris, who was effectively sacked last year.

The new bishop will be Monsignor Robert McGuckin, 68, a senior priest of the Diocese of Parramatta, where he is Episcopal Vicar for Health and Social Welfare.

He is also a part-time lecturer in the School of Law at the University of Notre Dame and has degrees in theology and church law.

After leaving school he worked in banking for several years before studying for the priesthood and being ordained in 1973.
Link to Australian...

Monday, May 14, 2012

Accompany the Last Phase of Reconciliation with "Prayer and Silence" --- says +Fellay

This Wednesday on the 16th of May the Congregation for Doctrine will confer in a principle meeting on the canonical recognition of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.  Then Pope Benedict will give the last word.

The General Superior of the Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, who has a large majority behind him in striving for the reconciliation with the Holy See acknowledges that the reconciliation no longer excludes the separation of a part of the Society provoked by the reconciliation. In a CNS interview Msgr Fellay stressed that he considers the offer of Pope Benedict XVI as "straightforward" and that the Pope is the driving force behind the reconciliation.  Fellay himself wants to still wait till things can be more clear.  Probably also because the canonical structure of the Society will have to undergo a practical test for unity:  "But it probably really appears as though the Holy Father wants it to happen now."

The General Superior defended his course of reconciliation toward Rome in the CNS interview.  At the same time he cautions: "We don't want to commit suicide".  There is still no reunification, the Superior is cited as saying,  "It's still not too late."  There is above all the necessity of clarification whether the Vatican "proposed structures and qualifications are practical",   so that the Society may be "free to develop" itself.

A few days earlier the General House recognized the unauthorized publication of internal documents as "worthy of condemnation".  Those responsible were accused of a breech of trust amd to have "committed a serious sin",  which will "further strengthen the agitators of division".

In view of the delicate situation in the Church with the unification process, Catholics should respond with "prayer and silence", says Msgr Fellay and to accompany this phase of the talks with the Holy See with "doubled prayers, so that only God's will happens, for the good of the Church and the salvation of souls."

Link to katholisches....

Cardinal Attacks Catholic Philosopher at Academy for Life

Edit: WOW!  He must be really bitter he wasn't appointed to Milan.

Whoever distances themselves from the child holocaust,  is a "fundamentalist" according to the Old Liberal Curial Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.

(  The Austrian philosopher Joseph Seifert (67) is a noteworthy thinker and a member of the 'Pontifical Academy for Life'.

At the beginning of May he protested in an open letter against the February General Congregation of the 'Academie'.

There were several speakers who were propagating the immoral artificial insemination.  Other praised the early abortion anti-baby pill.

Stridently Anti-Clerical Vocabulary

Cardinal Giancarlo Ravasi -- the President of the Pontifical Council of Culture -- silenced Seifert as if he were a schoolboy.

In the usual tone of anti-clerical slanderers, he denounced the renowned philosopher indirectly as a "fundamentalist".

It is necessary to have a "precise indentity" -- he explained according to reports from US-Website '' on the 11th of May.

It was then he proceeded to say the opposite:  "This identity is serius and well founded, not simply fundamentalist."

The Fear of the Old Liberals

The Cardinal defended against the opinion of critics, that the Academy should give no forum to the enemies of humanityh.

He supported them with a "fear for dialog".

This stems from the fact that a person can not be in the situation to defend and justify his own principles:  "For that reason he will not listen to others".

The Vatican Doesn't Need Any More Enemies of the Church

There was no understanding of the scandalous statements that the Cardinal had for Belgian moral theologian, Prelate Michel Schooyans.   He is in any case, a member of the Academy.

Speakers in the Vatican were invited to have an opportunity to spea against Catholic teaching, "to refute the respective Church teaching on human life."

"When one begins compromising at the Vatican, then a process is initiated which confuses public opinion.

Link to

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Last Minute Sabotage Attempts --- A Few Days Before Benedict's Decision

(Vatican/Menzigen)  The scenario is known.  There have been attempts of sabotage in the last months as the Society of St. Pius X and the Holy See reconcile.  Attempts which have shown themselves to come from both sides.  One yesterday from the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung belonged to a public statement by Cardinal Kasper just as much as the deliberate publication of some internal correspondence between the General Superior of the Society, Msgr Fellay, and the other three Bishops of the Society.

The statements of the Curial Cardinal Kasper seem more of a rear-guard action, which coming to the resigned understanding of what can no longer be prevented, but at least to make some signals to the other side of the Church, which is skeptically disinclined to  a reconciliation which at least he and probably also other high princes of the Church are of the same opinion.

The indiscretions from the series of letters had brought to understanding that there are some intriguing elements at work, which want as much to damage the Society as they do the Catholic Church.  It may be the case that these intentional violations of confidence may be led back to the group which was already criticizing Msgr. Fellay sharply in Autumn of 2011 as he asked Msgr Richard Williamson to cease from abusing him.

The mandate and responsibility for the reconciliation talks with Rome in the Society are the General Superior and his two assistants.  They have accorded a decision and in any case immediately sent Msgr Fellay's answer to Pope Benedict XVI on April 17th.

In the mean time there are only a few days till the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith will deliberate on the most recent modified "Doctrinal Preamble" proposed  by  Msgr Fellay on May 17th .  Then Pope Benedict XVI as generally expected will make known his decision within the course of the month.

Then it will be shown who in the Society will turn from the path of schism to reconciliation with Peter, while for the greater majority of the Society the "bigger task and challenge" will then begin, as Msgr Fellay described it.  That not a few high members of the Church would not be unhappy, if Msgr Richard Williamson remained "outside", is generally known.  It is also known that Pope Benedict XVI, however, doesn't think in political categories.

Link to original katholisches...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

"There Are No Doctrinal Obstacles to Reconciliiation" -- Opus Dei Bishop

Msgr Ignacio Arrieta, the Secretary of the Papal Council for Legal Texts, has stated that there are no doctrinal obstacles for the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X. “I think that we have clarified the doctrinal problems, bringing them in writing to paper, even when they are not simple. The real problem as it seems to me is that the division, the human distance, it goes back to the year of 1988.”

Msgr Arrieta, a Spanish Curial Bishop belongs to Opus Dei, and spoke last Monday on the 7th of May in Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium, according to the Belgian newspaper La Libre Belgique. Among other themes which Msgr Arrieta were the canon law questions related to the reception of Anglicans into the Catholic Church, who were seeking full union with Rome and the case of the former scandal Bishop Vangluwe of Bruges.

Msgr Arrieta is directly connected to with the reconciliation discussion of the Holy See with the Society. He is personally involved with the canonical regulation and with that the future canonical status of the Society.

The Spanish Bishop has been Secretary of the Papal Council for Legal Texsts since 2008. In February of 2012 he administered the lower orders and that of subdeacon to the Society of St. Peter in Wigratzbad.

Link to katholisches…

Evelyn Waugh on Picasso

Evelyn Waugh To the Editor of the Times
18 December 1945
Sir, -- Strong tea with what Mr. Dunlop describes as “a shot” of vodka is indeed a nauseating draught to those who are used to the fine wines of Titian and Velasquez. M. Saurat hs the root of the matter but I think he does not draw the right conclusion: “mankind is disillusioned with itself,” realizes it is incapable of the great feats of its ancestors, but instead of patiently relearning the forgotten lessons turns meanly towards “something new.”

Senor Picasso’s painting cannot be intelligently discussed in the terms used of the civilized masters. Our confusion is due to his admirers’ constant use of an irrelevant aesthetic vocabulary. He can only be treated as crooners are treated by their devotees. In the United States the adolescents, speaking of music, do not ask: “What do you think So-and-so?” They say: “Does So-and-so send you?” Modern art, whether it is Nazi oratory, band leadership, or painting, aims at a mesmeric trick and achieves either total success or total failure. The large number of otherwise cultured and intelligent people who fail victims to Senor Picasso are not posers. They are genuinely ‘sent.’ It may seem preposterous to those of us who are immune, but the process is apparently harmless. They emerge from their ecstasy as cultured and intelligent as ever. We may even envy them their experience. But do not let us confuse it with the sober and elevating happiness which we derive from the great masters.

His letter to the Times was believed to be a hoax by his friend Robin Campbell who wrote to challenge Mr. Waugh and to discover if he were really engaging in, or the party to a clever hoax.

My letter to The Times newspaper was far from being a hoax. It was an attempt to defend friends such as yourself from the charge of depravity and affectation. I believe that we all have a secondarly and impure aesthetic sense. Tennyson delighted in smutty doggerel. Rushkin in Kate Greenaway, Betjeman in chapels and so on. I am keenly excited by 19th century book-illumination. I suggested that Picasso-addicts were similarly moved – that the excitement was harmless. Today I am not so sure. You have no doubt read Mr. Hobson’s letter printed this morning. He claims to have suffered the Aristotelian purge and further says that he emerged from Picasso’s exhibition ‘dazed’ and in a mood in which he could ‘hardly bear to look’ at the masterpieces of the middle ages and the renaissance. An appalling and significant admission. Mr. Hobson’s state is, of course, the very antithesis of purgation which must make all the perceptions sharper, the sense that the grass is greener and the birds singing more sweetly. An experience which dazes and leaves one blind to other beauties must be brutish.

To return to your letter. One must distinguish between uses of ‘new’. There is the Easter sense in which all things are made new in the risen Christ. A tiny gleam of this is reflected in all true art. Every work of art is thus something new. Just as within the moral framework there is space for infinite variations of behavior, so within the aesthetic framework. Most so-called innovators have in fact thought themselves revivalists, appealing to an earlier and purer virtue against what they consider the corruption of their immediate predecessors.

Picasso and his kind are attempting something new in the sense of something different in kind. Titian might have thought Frith intolerably common but he would have recognized that he was practicing the same art as himself. He could not think this of Picasso. Chaucer, Henry James and very humbly, myself are practicing the same art. Miss Stein is not. She is outside the world-order in which words have a precise and ascertainable meaning and sentences a logical structure. She is aesthetically in the same position as, theologically, a mortal-sinner who has put himself outside the world order of God’s mercy.

Picasso fails to be an artist in two essentials. First, in communication. He is hit-or-miss. Nothing is more ludicrous than the posturing of a Svengali who fails to put his Trillby under. The only criticisms valid for him are: ‘Ooh, doesn’t he make you feel funny inside’ or ‘the fellow’s a charlatan’. You do not hear people say: ‘I think the hand is coarsely painted, but what an exquisite angel’s head in the left hand corner. And what a lovely landscape through the window.’

He fails, it seems, in the content. Here I must judge at second hand because he fails entire to put me under, but his addicts tell me his message is one of Chaos and Despair. That is not the message of art. If it were any issue of the Daily Mirror would be a supreme aesthetic achievement. You cannot excuse him by saying it is the message of the age and at the same time deny that the age is decadent. Goya, incidentally, was an exact contemporary of Goethe. [Waugh was responding to Robin Campbell who suggested that Goya’s times were challenging as are our own, and therefore did not create a representational art.]

It is entirely historical to believe that cultures decline and expire. I believe Western culture to be in rapid decay and that Picasso and Stein are glaring symptoms. You have no authority for saying so jauntily that ‘there are a few million years yet’. It is one of the determining conditions of our existence that it may end at any moment, individually or generally but were it true, your assumption would have no bearing on the probability of a new ice-age. Incidentally again, I believe the sin the West is dying of to be Sloth not Wraith as is popularly assumed. It requires constant effort to keep within the world order and our contemporaries are too lazy to make the effort.

Poor Beachcomber, a man of high principle, a poet manqué, whom and impudent marriage has drawn into drudgery. I shall not have his good reason if I devlop his few defects. I would greatly prefer to have his virtues than Peter Watson’s.

Excerpted from:  The Letters of Evelyn Waugh, Penguin Books, edited by Mark Amory, 1980

Bishop Tells "Catholic" School They Can't Honor Gomorrist Group

Edit: When aren't "school officials" not clueless. Perhaps in earlier times they were more afraid of the clergy that hired them, now they're as absolutely fearless and insufferably proud as they are clueless. Fortunately, Iowa Bishop Martin Amos of Davenport, knows the Catholic Faith better than they do and stepped in.

The way the anti-Catholic Washington Post tells the story, you'd think that the Bishop was evil incarnate. They seem astounded that a Catholic Bishop would do his job. Many don't, but not in Davenport.

IOWA CITY, Iowa — Overruling [clueless] school officials, a Catholic bishop in Iowa said Monday he would not let a group that promotes equal rights for gays and lesbians [Gomorrists] present a college scholarship to an openly gay student during an upcoming award ceremony. [Arguably he should have been expelled and the administrators dismissed, but, brick by brick.]

Bishop Martin Amos in Davenport said the Eychaner Foundation would not be allowed to present the Matthew Shepard Scholarship to Keaton Fuller during the May 20 ceremony at Prince of Peace Catholic School in Clinton, saying the group’s support for gay rights [why even concede that such a thing as gay "rights" even exists?] conflicts with church doctrine.

The announcement comes after a school official signed a document last month that promised to let a representative of the foundation’s scholarship committee present the award to Fuller.

In an open letter released Monday, Fuller said he’s never felt so “invalidated and unaccepted” [Then don't go to schools where your behavior is challenged and questioned.] as he did when he heard that news last week. He said he and his family were asking the school to reverse its decision, and he launched an online petition Monday that was signed by hundreds of supporters within its first hours.
Link to Washington Post...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Great Kapellmeister Cardinal Bartolucci is 95

The Liturgical reform of the 60s was accomplished by dry people: "I repeat >>dry people<<.  I knew them."
© Fondazione Bartolucci, CC

(  Yesterday Domenico Cardinal Bartolucci 95th birthday.

The Cardinal was odained on December of 1939 in the Archdiocese of Florence.

From 1957 to 1997 he Directed the choir of the Sistine Chapel, who were ever younger, singing during the Papal Masses.

In 1997 he was defenestrated as lifetime Director by Pope John Paul II (+2005).

He learned of this during the naming of his successor.

After that, the dissmissed one sank into himself.

He survived John Paul II.

Indeed, the then Monseignor busied himself after that as a composure.   His works fill more than forty volumes.

In 2006 he directed in the Sistine Chapel for a choral piece written for Pope Benedict with the latin title, "Oremus pro Pontifice nostro Benedicto" -- let us pray for our Benedict.

The Pope raised the church musician to Cardinal in November 2010.

Sentimentalism and Craving for Change

The Cardinal is has never once in his priestly life presided over a new Mass.

He doesn't have a high opinion of the alleged liturgical reform of the 60s  in the last century.

It had been made by dry people, he explained in a summer 2009 interview:  "I repeat: dry.  I knew them."

The liturgical reform had been a "fashion":

"Everyone talked about it, everyone >>renewed<<, everyone wanted to be a little pope in the pursuit of sentimentalism and craving for change.

Circus Instead of Liturgy

Cardinal Bartolucci was a critic of the Liturgical decline during the pontificate of John Paul II.

The papal ceremonies and dances with drums had contributed to the process of disintegration.

Just before once such papal Mass Msgr. Bartolucci left it with the words:  "You can call me when the circus is gone."

The Third Eldest Cardinal

Cardinal Bartolucci is numbered among the older than 80 year old honored men, who because of special servicecs to the Church, were raised to the purple.

Currently he is the third eldest Cardinal in the Church.

Older than he are two of his countrymen Fiorenzo Cardinal Angelini (95) and Ersilio Cardinal Tonini (97).

Link to kreuz....

Baltimore Archdiocese Apparently Makes no Provisions to Protect Spiritual Legacy

 (Baltimore Sun photo by Kim…)
Edit: St. Peter the Apostle Church in the decaying Archdiocese of Baltimore  has been closed.   It was built over 170 yeas ago.   Now that it's been closed, there are serious concerns about integrity and oversight since it seems there is no coherent policy in place with respect to sacred objects of churches within the diocese which have been and are to be closed in futre.  Diocesan representatives are completely unaware of or at least uninterested in revealing what plans they have for disposing of a parish's res pretiosa.

It is legitimately feared that these objects will fall into the hands of those who have no respect for them. Especially since calls to the Diocese reveal that the staff has very little understanding of either the significance of sacred objects or their proper disposal and sale.  We'll quote again the appropriate canon: [cf. Western Catholic Reporter]
The law of the Church (canon 1171) indicates that blessed objects and those used for worship should not be put to inappropriate use, even if privately owned. These objects should be transferred to the diocesan offices where they may be given to another parish or otherwise properly disposed of. 
In the seventies, there was a lot of church building  and not so helpful renovation.  Now, after years of abortion on demand and a birthrate barely above replacement, Catholic institutions are being closed down and sold off.  Of course, the abuse-hoax doesn't help.   Also, many churches were denuded of much of their sacral character in this time period, as a new vogue of trendy ritualistic minimalism and a spirit of experimentation and curiosity took over the scene.

It needs to be said that no other institution, religious or otherwise, has had to bear the legal burdens the Catholic Church has.  Sex abuse scandals against public schools just don't get the attention, for obvious reasons.  Apparently, even the large publicly owned school districts can become targets for such litigation.

Litigation aside, Catholic Diocese are selling their properties and along with them, the sacred objects.  Unfortunately, these are not likely to be disposed of properly.  They are likely to be sold to secular parties who likely as no are eager to use the objects for disrespectful, indeed, sacrilegious purposes.

This was the case in Baltimore recently, where for the last seven years, a bar  called Ale Mary's has appeared which features Catholic sacred objects such as chalices, a monstrance, a holy water font which are used in a kind of faux-church setting where patrons often mock Catholic rituals, objects and personalities.

Monday, May 7, 2012

SSPX Storms Trier: Reconciliation Imminent

No Room in the Cathedral
Yesterday the Holy Robe experienced being stormed by the largest group of pilgrims.  The summit:  they were there as pilgrims and not as tourists.

(  On Sunday 2,500 Traditionalists pilgrimaged to the Holy Robe of Trier.

The Old Liberal Diocese refused them Holy Mass in Trier Basilica or in another house of worship.

For that reason the storm of pilgrims had to withdraw to the secularized St. Maximin Abbey church. [Another victim of New Springtime]

The Levites of the SSPX
In any event, the press speaker of the Diocese of Trier explained after the fact on the Diocesan website:

There "was a welcome to the pilgrims and pilgrimesses of this group."
Spouses of the Lord

Unity Doesn't mean Accommodation

The Abbey church was was completely full from the entrance doors to the transepts for the solemn levitical Liturgy.

Father Stefan Frey --- the Rector of the Society Seminary of Zaitzkofen near Regensburg -- preached for the feast.

It just so happened that he spoke about the negotiation of the Society with Rome.

It was there he assured the faithful that it did not mean that unification with the Vatican means that the battle for the Catholic Faith would be given up.

Another Drawer in the Conciliar Dresser

The piety of the faithful present was impressive.

In the sight of the struggle of the Old Liberal hardliners against the Faith, the pilgrims came to doubt in  the course of reconciliation with Rome on the pilgrimage.

Many fear that after the Society will be slowed down by an agreement with the Novus Ordo Conciliar Church and the German church-tax apparatus.

By contrast, Father Marc Gensbittel -- the Prior of Saarbrucken -- explained in a  lecture on Sunday morning that the Society will have a "reconciliation" with the Vatican, where they will have their own niche and have "freedom of opinion" in the Conciliar Church.

The Fears Remain

On the pilgrimage even academic Catholics showed themselves critical against the reconciliation.

The fear was aired that it could be accompanied with a betrayal of the faith and on the unbroken dogmatic tradition of the Church.

Too Few Places to Eat

The onslaught of the faithful was impressive -- although many Southern Germans and Bavarians were on other May Pilgrimages.

After Holy Mass there were even too few places to eat for the pilgrims in front of the Abbey church.

During lunch they were thanked privately by many of the older missionaries and priests,  who were drawn back to the time of their own priestly consecrations or encouraged again to remain true to them.

Linnk to original...

Also, from Cathcon, Liberal paper complains about SSPX taking over Trier.  Clearly, all were not welcome:

The arch-conservative SSPX makes a pilgrimage to Trier with about 2,000 followers. For critics, this does not fit the idea of ​an ecumenical pilgrimage - the SSPX among other things believe that all other religions are simply "wrong."

Blasphemy at Ale Mary's Continues: Diocese Pretends Not a Problem

Edit First of all, we'd like to announce that there will be another protest against the blasphemy at Ale Mary's on the Sunday following the Feast of Corpus Christi, June 10th, in reparation for the outrages against Our Lord, His Church and ministers in the post-Catholic town of Baltimore.  A peaceful Rosary will be said and that is all.  We're also happy to report that the last Rosary vigil was a great success and we look forward to doing this as long as it takes the bar to go out of business or for the owner to come to his senses.

Nothing Justifies this Act of Blasphemy

Just: a couple of things on this situation.  There has been a lot of coverage and the Archdiocese even got involved, or at least someone who claimed to represent the Archdiocese in this matter.  Both the Archdiocese and the perpetrators claim there is a "certificate for sacred use".  We'd like to see that and in any case don't believe it exists.   Even if it did exist, it doesn't permit the owners to abuse and commit sacrilege, and it doesn't excuse Diocesan officials from trying to ignore the issue as they apparently have for a long time.

Chalice Once Used in Holy Mass 

Diocesan Representative Intervenes and Says Nothing

We'll never tire of pointing out that whether or not these items are actually blessed is not important, but since the owners of the bar and certain individuals in the media are using a statement from Catherine Combier-Donovan to justify blasphemy, it's something which needs to be addressed.  Despite the fact that the Liberal run Diocesan newspaper made some stunningly interesting comments seemingly supportive of the blasphemy,  they  actually stopped short of giving an endorsement to "Ale Mary's".

Additionally, there are a few problems with what Ms. Combier-Donovan, the Diocesan representative,  is saying, however.  First of all, there is no ritual for "deconsecrating" objects that are consecrated as she suggests.

In fact, when she was contacted by phone, she demurred from saying what this "ritual" was.

The truth is, that Sacramental items should  be, according to Church law, either respectfully destroyed or buried.   Since her expertise is in modern Liturgy, perhaps she might not be aware of the importance of sacred objects, or any canons related to them.  Here is a citation for your edification, [Western Catholic Reporter], :
The law of the Church (canon 1171) indicates that blessed objects and those used for worship should not be put to inappropriate use, even if privately owned. These objects should be transferred to the diocesan offices where they may be given to another parish or otherwise properly disposed of. 
Inappropriate Princess of Randomness 

One local reporter named Amy Phillips [late forties], who is not only a self-proclaimed authority on catholicism, but an "Inappropriate Princess of Randomness",  went so far as to suggest that she understood that these items were important to Catholics, but go ahead and abuse them anyway, "it doesn't seem like a problem to me". Amy Phillips, who writes for the anti-Catholic 'Washington Times'  had a number of factual inaccuracies in her report as well, which ranged from the number of protesters who were ranged before the bar peacefully praying the rosary, to a description of the bar's owner, Tom Rivers, as "personable and friendly" and most egregiously of all that in her professional opinion that so much fun is being had at "Ale Mary's" bar, that there just can't possibly be anything wrong with it.

Even the Diocesan spokesperson, who is not qualified to judge the matter, did not give the endorsement the bar and its supporters seem to be looking for.  In the weaselly way of chancery employees who interact for the public, she was sure to attempt to cover herself when she wrote:

“Whether this is appropriate in a city where there is a large Catholic population may be not the best judgment,” Combier-Donovan said. “I think what happens is it’s shocking to people’s sensibilities. When it shocks, I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

Take note that the spokesman is concerned about the largeness of the Catholic population.  Is the being of an object suddenly dependent on a 2/3rds majority?

It shouldn't matter whether there are a large number of Catholics in a city.  You'd hope that a chancery official herself would not be guilty of espousing heretical ideas related to epistemology.  Yes, empiricist rationalism was condemned by the Catholic Church and just because you're not aware of something real, doesn't mean it doesn't exist or that it doesn't have qualities contingent to it depending on its form and state.  In any case, an item's sanctity has nothing to do with how many people there are who believe it to be so.  It either is or isn't.

She assures us that things that shock are "bad", but then she doesn't explain what it is that's shocking or why we should be concerned if it is.  She is eager not to take a position one way or another.

Another concerning thing is that she says that there is some kind of ritual related to "desanctifying" objects.   Actually, there is no such thing.  She suggests also, confirming the bar owner's story that there is some kind of "certificate allowing secular use for a de-sanctified sacred object".   This is a complete fabrication on the part of this woman and the bar owner.  There is no such document.  There is no such ritual in the Catholic book of rituals, the rituale.  In any case, since the owner by his own admission purchases so many of these items on the internet, can we ask if he received such certificates for all of these items?

In truth, merely selling them, which in itself can be a sinful and sacrilegious act, apparently effects the desanctification, the sullying of the object concerned.

The problem of theft isn't something we here had been concerned with.  Although now that it's been brought up by the owner, it's not a ridiculous suggestion, since theft does happen, sadly, not infrequently.  Does he know that these e-bay items aren't stolen themselves?

Regardless of whether or not these items were purchased brand new, never having been blessed.  Even if they were sold legitimately, they would have to be purchased with the notion that they would be used respectfully.

Somehow, using them as common drinking mugs, candy dishes or vulgar deocrations with Mardis Gras beands draped around them in a kitchy and often vulgar atmosphere, doesn't sound like respectful, and stretches credulity when those who operate the bar say it is.

A Question of Tom Rivers' Character and Temperament

In fact, the owner of the bar, who has been accused by bar patrons of being disrespectful and anything but friendly in the past, has made bigoted comments about Catholics and others.

In fact, when he was addressed respectfully, he was been very nasty.  Mr. Rivers says that he's been physically threatened in e-mails.  Considering the untruthfulness of his claims to be respectful to Catholics, that also seems difficult to believe.  It might also be possible that some of the nastier of his bar patrons are calling him up to give truth to the lie, or perhaps there are others who dislike Tom Rivers for other reasons unrelated to his blasphemy of Catholic objects.  That seems more likely than that the belligerent and disrespectful Tom Rivers has been threatened by law abiding and peaceful Catholics who've only asked him to stop abusing these objects and disrespecting them.

Here's the interaction he had with someone who addressed him respectfully,  and even said nice things about his bar and posted it on her Catholic forum Fisheaters:

Hi, I'm writing to express my concern and sadness over your using Catholic sacred objects in a secular way. I don't know why it is that Catholic ritual items and themes are OK to use in this way, or why it's deemed okay to even ridicule Catholics in ways that no one would dream of ridiculing Jews or Muslims. While my guess is that you have no intent to insult Catholics, you likely have picked up on this "zeitgeist" and, without thinking, just went along with the style of aesthetics you've chosen for your restaurant (whose menu looks yummy, by the way!). I ask you, though, to please consider how you would expect Jews or Muslims to respond if their religion were used in this way, and why you chose Catholic imagery but not that of another religion, and how you would feel and think if someone were to do this to your religion (or, if you are Catholic, why you would do this to the Lord's Church). Seriously: why Catholics? From Madonna's early work to Nicky MInaj, from "Piss Christs" and dung-spackled Madonnas, from Jay Leno to Bill Maher, from sitcoms to Hollywood movies -- our society routinely picks on Catholics, holds us and our religion up for ridicule, abuses our liturgies and sacred symbols -- all while (rightfully)  never doing such things to Jews or Muslims, and even reacting defensively those few times it IS done to those religions. Why is this? Do you really think it's OK? And would you consider stoppping being a part of that sad trend?

With all due respect, and wishing you the love and peace of Christ,

Tracy Tucciarone

Thomas Rivers responds:

Wow you really like to talk.. My god has a sense of humor.. Sorry yours is so closed minded. Have a nice day.

I wrote back:

So does mine. So let's make fun of Jews and Muslims!

He responds with:

I'm not making fun of anyone. And it's has taken over 7 years for someone to start complaining . This has nothing to do with faith... This all started because some thin skinned homophobic girl got her patties in a bunch for calling her out on a lie. You shouldn't believe everything you read. Open your mind!! Think for yourself  !!

So I say: 

Why do you think I believe everything I read and need to "open my mind"? Because I'm religious?

Are you using ciboria, chalices and holy water fonts in your restaurant for anything other than the Eucharist, the Precious Blood,  and holy water?  If you are, then what is that I've read that I shouldn't believe?

It sounds like my mind is more open than yours because I think you should have your waitstaff wear Jewish kippot, tefillin, and prayer shawls, and you should have mezuzah holding flowers on each side of your door! And play the Muslim call to prayer once an hour or so, or maybe call a particularly filling menu item "The Jihad" -- and reward the eating of it with a T-shirt bearing the likeness of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)!  Come on, man, open your mind!

It may have taken over 7 years for someone to start complaining because, like I said, it's par for the course to make fun of Catholics and Catholicism. That's likely so because we're not known to drive planes into establishments that offend us, or call Abe Foxman or the SPLC to get lawsuits going, charge people with hate crimes, and close restaurants down by yelling something comparable to "antisemite."  Instead we write letters, asking nicely, and get accused of needing to "open our minds," of being types who have no sense of humor, and of being people who are so stupid we believe everything we read.  Guess we're taking the wrong tactics with stuff like this.Alas.

Happy Easter.

And he says:

Opinions are like assholes everyone has one!!! I just keep mine to myself. I didn't  ask to see yours, but you seen to like sticking it in peoples faces. Put on some pants. Gods speed

Cute, huh? He doesn't answer any of my questions, doesn't take my and other Catholics' concerns seriously, insults Catholics when we complain we're being insulted, and -- the kicker -- is apparently a major pussy who only ridicules people who he knows won't fight back.  He seems to be too chicken to do to Muslims and Jews what he does to us. And WE KNOW IT. And so does anyone reading this.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cardinal Burke Writes Foreword to New Book by Nicola Bux

(Rome)  In the Italian Lindau Verlag (Turin) the outspoken book on current developments in the Church "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" with the subtitle "Secularized Liturgy and the Law" has appeared.  The 144 page book has been written by the famous Liturgist Don Nicola Bux and the Canon Lawyer Raffaele Coppola, and is concerned with the liturgical questions and legal questions about the Liturgy.   The introduction comes from Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, to further contributions by experts, who will participate in a seminar at the Juristic Faculty of the University of Bari.

Whoever reads this book will understand why there is need for a clear and significant seriousness in the area of liturgy.  A necessity, which arises from the Ius divinum (Divine Law) in order to restore the correct relationship between God and his creation inclusive of men, in the only part of earthly creation, which he has formed in His image.  Cardinal Burke then recalled that the Lord spoke of the Law:

 Do not think that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.  For amen I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot, or one tittle shall not pass of the law, till all be fulfilled. He therefore that shall break one of these least commandments, and shall so teach men, shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But he that shall do and teach, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven
The word of God declared the fundamental purpose of the law, to honor and to keep the divine law
and to honor and keep each commandment which God has imposed on the universe.

"All of the provisions aim to the correct relationship on which the salvation of the world depends and so it is God's ordering and it is not to be regarded as an invention of man.  After the fall man corrupted the divine law for human purposes",  says Cardinal Burke.  The latter is certainly the case of functionalism, with with which modern philosophy is saturated, as earlier, then Cardinal Ratzinger once noted.  It is so saturated with this that they have reduced the faith itself and even the divine cultus of the Sacraments to a "function".

Unity, truth, the good, beauty and justice are completely inseparable aspects of the holy reality and the Liturgy.   In this book of collected articles the problems and solutions, in part from a specifically technical view, is shown in order to rediscover the true and immediate nature of the holy cult, which is a direct application of the divine law. The Liturgy is the cult related to God, which is ordered  by the regulations of the Church congruent through the divine law and ordered with art and music.  An extraordinary resource, which teaches the liturgical, artistic, architectonic provisions and  contains the sacral vestments and objects, is the Rationale Diviniorum Officiorum publiced in the middle ages by Bishop Guillaume Durand (1230-1296) in the south of France, which was the standard work for the study of the Liturgy in use until the 17th century.

St. Charles Borromeo used the same method for his Instuctiones fabricae et supplettillis ecclesiasticae (1577), which appeared only 15 years after the Professio fidei tridentiae (1564) and an exemplar of a great number of similar documents which the Bishops of all of Europe were issued for their Diocese.

It is striking that this legal, liturgical and architectonic unity doesn't exist any longer today.  One asks oneself for that reason "if the collapse of the Liturgy and associated arts and previously still the Liturgy itself,  is not a part of the consequence of the separation of knowledge".

In the volume "The Empty Dance Around the Golden Calf" the teaching of the ecclesiastical tradition will be collected and represented, under that Council of Trent and the Catechism of Pope St. Pius X.  The volume combines principles, forms and uses, which repair that nominal order, where the liturgical subjectivism of the post-Conciliar times were spread with its abuses and serious errors among the clergy and the faithful, in which it developed into a cult which was no longer directed to the Lord, rather to dance about a "Gold Calf" or to express it another way, which is directed to man, who celebrates himself.

Text: Corrispondenza Romana/Cristina Siccardi
Übersetzung: Giuseppe Nardi