Saturday, April 28, 2012

Blasphemy: German Parish Displays Pornographic "Art"

Diocese of Münster:  The hate of the Conciliar Sect in the Church is put on display -- it shows itself in sexual depravity and an aversion to the holy.  In the Diocese of the Lion, no less..

(, Münster) From the 26th of February to the 15th of April a pornography expedition was held in the church of St. Erpho in Münster, Westphalia.

The pornography expedition bore the misleading title "Between Caritas and Eros -- Love".

Really Infamous

One of the church sponored "paintings" features a woman raising her shirt to reveal her bare breasts that's been smeared on an old Mass book.  The page on which this is done is August 9th, the Feast of St. John Vianney.

Women are portrayed as playthings in various nakedly erotic themes in sick sex fantasies.  Of course, you can bet that the argument against philistinism will be employed.

Kreuznet goes into some detail about the various paintings and has pictures at its website, they are clearly pornographic and blasphemous.

It's one thing when those who are not Catholic mock our beliefs, but it's especially incredible when those who are sworn to defend and declare the Catholic Faith, as clearly the pastor of this parish was sworn to do, promote such blasphemy themselves.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Old Liberal Bishop of Salzburg to Retire: Conservative Replacement?

Edit: this from Cathcon.  On a brighter note, some of you will remember that Linz Auxiliary Bishop designate Father Wagner was summoned to Rome recently.

Expect a big fight over the Archbishopric of Salzburg Kothgasser to retire - General News - Austrian Times Online News - English Newspaper:

 "Alois Kothgasser, the archbishop of the Diocese of Salzburg, has decided to apply for retirement. Kothgasser announced yesterday (Weds) that he informed Pope Benedict XVI. about his wish in a letter. Kothgasser, 75, added he hoped for a private conversation with the Pope to discuss who could succeed him. 
A decision is expected for autumn. Kothgasser is regarded as one of the Austrian Church’s leaders who try to ensure a healthy balance of the influence of members with a modern approach and the clergy’s conservative circles.
 News that he wants to resign due to his age hits the Church in the midst of what some analysts think could lead to a cross-country rebellion." Cathcon- there is no healthy balance possible with rampant modernism now breaking out into open disobedience to the Vicar of Christ.

Graz: Easter Rabbit at the Podium During Mass

Austria. On Easter Monday the infamous Pastor Josef Reisenberger of Hartberg in the Diocese of Graz said a Mass including an Easter Bunny. He showed it in pictures on the website of his parish. The two and a half meter high Easter Rabbit dressed man stood during Mass at the Ambo.
Video from Catholic Church Conservation:

Dissident Jesuit Welcome in St. Paul Archdiocese

What, no Collar?
Edit: In addition to a chancellor at St. Mary's College in Winona pushing for women priests on anti-Catholic Fox News recently,  a pro-homosexual Jesuit named Father John Dear, was permitted to spread error at two Twin Cities parishes earlier this month.

Falling hard on the heals of a story about a Jesuit indicting homosexuality, here's a story of a Jesuit endorsing it.  We expect that there are more Jesuits endorsing homosexuality than preaching against it.  Here's  Father Dear who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Desmond Tutu for his alleged efforts on behalf of "peace" and "justice".

After having some help doing a cursory search of Father Dear's internet presence, it was admittedly a little difficult to find out anything about what he's been up to.  "Peace and Justice" is usually a good cover for dissidents.  It gives them the appearances of doing valid pastoral work when they are in fact promoting a Marxist agenda,  but most people understand that those who promote homosexuality can't possibly be Catholic, can they?

We've been led to understand that the Arhdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul, despite harboring one of the most anti-Catholic Colleges in the Midwest, has been improving as of late.  

Both of the Parishes where Dear appeared,  Pax Christi and St. Frances Cabrini, are widely known for promoting teachings that are in direct contradiction to Catholic teaching.  Heaven forbid that they  offered a Latin Mass, because they might have been closed down by another homosexual enabler,  Father John Bauer,  whose Basilica has a presence at a homosexual event in Minneapolis every year.

A month ago, Father Dear wrote the following on his website,  showing a dissatisfaction with the course the Church is taking.  That can only be a good thing:

As I travel the nation these days and meet good people everywhere, over and again I hear how good people feel betrayed by church leaders whether in regard to issues of justice and peace, women and gays and lesbians, or local parish closings or administrative issues. So many feel betrayed. So many are hurt. So many are angry. So many are walking away.
Of course, his solution to the problem is to ordain women and homosexuals.  Hasn't that been tried and found wanting?

Given the dramatic shortage of priests that will hit the Church in the next two decades, change is inevitable. Sooner or later, whether in ten years or one hundred, the Church will ordain women, allow clergy to marry, permit local communities to elect bishops, welcome gays and lesbians and respect other religions. The tide of history cannot be stopped. The changes will help the Church become healthier, more faithful, and more loving.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don Nicola Bux: Vatican II Can be Discussed it is Not a Superdogma. The Society can do Good for the Church

Edit: here's is the translation from and Giuseppi Nardi, which itself is from the Italian. 

Alessandro Gnocchi and Mario Palmaro held an interview for the newspaper "Il Foglio" with Nicola Bux  born 1947 Theologian Liturgist, Consultant for the Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Pope and Consultant for the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith which was published today.  Don Bux is considered to be "very close" to the Pope.  In March 2012 he showed his concern with a letter to the General Superior and Priests of the Society of St. Pius X for their consideration, in which he encouraged them to accept Benedict XVI's outstretched hand.

Keen observers have decided that the Pope is very insistent about this reconciliation.

This conclusion is as correct as it is imprecise at the same time.  It is correct because Benedict XVI desires this reconciliation and is convinced that there is no other conceivable solution for the Society founded by Msgr Lefebvre.  It is imprecise, because it misses the political significance.  In the thinking of the Pope, there is nothing closer.  Ratzinger is a man who does not think or operate according to  ecclesiastical-political categories.  For this reason he is often misunderstood.  This is valid all the more in the questions of the Society of St. Pius X.  For him there is only the final and complete return of many of his sons and daughters, who could afford good for the Church.  For that reason certain versions will limp accordingly from the left or the right but it will not be easy to defuse itself from within the Church.

How should a Catholic view a development like the reconciliation between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X?

It is necessary to read carefully what Benedict wrote on March 10 2009 in his "Letter to the Bishops",  in which he explained his lifting of the Excommunications for the four Bishops consecrated by Msgr Lefebvre. "Can we be completely indifferent to a society in which there are 491 priests 215 seminarians, 6 seminaries,  88 schools, 2 University Institutes, 117 Brothers and 164 Sisters ?  Should we really be satisfied to drive them away from the Church?  [...] What will happen then?"

Here we see the heart of Benedict XVI. I think, if many men in the Church have been treated according to this heart, then they couldn't be otherwise, than to be overjoyed by a positive decision in this situation.

Perhaps the opposition against the will of Benedict XVI for this indicates that a reconciliation with the Lefebvrists is the same as derationation [Desavouierung] of the Second Vatican Council.

The first "agreement", if we can call it that, succeeds from the Council of Jerusalem between Saint Peter and St. Paul.  In that case the debate, so long as it leads to the health of the Church, is not so scandalous.

A further declaration:  Those, for whom the Second Vatican Council is overvalued as isolated from the history of the Church and in contradiction to its own intentions, should not appoint themselves as critics, for example, of the First Vatican Council or the Council of Trent.  There are those, who maintain, the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Filius of the First Vatican Council is replaced and suppressed by the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum of the Second Vatican Council.  That is Fantasy-theology.   It seems to me on the other hand that every good theology, which themselves follow the value of the documents, is placed in their teaching and their meaning.  At the Second Vatican Council there are documents of different importance and for that reason also of varying binding power, which allow different levels of discussion.  The Pope spoke in 1988, when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger, of the danger to metamorphose the Second Vatican Council into a "Superdogma".   Now, he has offered a standard with the "Hermeneutic of Renewal and Continuity",      in order to undertake questions of value and not to shut them out.  One should not be more papal than the Pope.  The Council, all Councils and not only the Second Vatican Council, is meant to be accepted in obedience, but one can criticize each of the various parts, which belongs to the doctrines of the Faith.  It is no accident that Benedict XVI has called a "Year of Faith".  The Faith is the measure by which we conceive the life of the Church.

What do we, as Catholics, if our hearts are obedient and beat to that of Benedict XVI.  can expect on the final reconciliation between Rome and the Fraternity of St. Pius X.?

Certainly not the revenge of one group over another, but a step forward in faith and unity, which is the only witness to the world may believe. What sense would  a dialogue with atheists, agnostics and so-called "heterodox" have, if you were not happy about the reconciliation with your brothers in the faith? Our Lord has taught us: It is not the dialogue with the world, which will convert the world, but our ability to be agreed. During this time I keep coming back to a prayer by Cardinal Newman:

"who, when Thou wast about to suffer, didst pray for Thy disciples to the end of time that they might all be one, as Thou art in the Father, and the Father in Thee,
look down in pity on the manifold divisions among those who profess Thy faith,
and heal the many wounds which the pride of man and the craft of Satan have inflicted upon Thy people.
Break down the walls of separation which divide one party and denomination of Christians from another.
Look with compassion on the souls who have been born in one or other of these various communions which not Thou, but man hath made.
Set free the prisoners from these unauthorised forms of worship, and bring them all into that one communion which thou didst set up in the beginning, the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Teach all men that the see of St Peter, the Holy Church of Rome, is the foundation, centre, and instrument of unity.
Open their hearts to the long-forgotten truth that our Holy Father, the Pope, is thy Vicar and Representative; and that in obeying Him in matters of religion, they are obeying Thee,
so that as there is but one holy company in heaven above, so likewise there may be but one communion, confessing and glorifying Thy holy Name here below."

Link to original...

20,000 Polish Conservatives Rally to Church

Poland.  On the 8th of June the Polish opposition party 'Law and Justice' is pllanning a demonstration at the European soccer championship in Poland 2012 against the refusal to grant a broadcasting license to the Catholic television station "Trwam'.  This was reported by the Polish newspaper 'Rzeczpolita'.  Recently 20,000 people demonstrated in Warsaw last Saturday for the granting of a license.

Also link here...

Graz Bishop Wages Total War on Behalf of Homosexuality

In the Diocese of Graz-Seckau every erroneous teaching is welcome.  Actually, if a priest criticizes the moral and anti-Church homosexual ideology, the current hireling Bishop will become brutal and abusive.

(, Sankt Veit am Vogau)  The Old Liberal Bishop Egon Kapellari (76) of Graz-Seckau ridicules the Catholic Faith.

At the same time he defends the immoral homosexual ideology as if it were a Dogma of the Church.

Recently, he threatened the pastor of Sankt Veit am Vogau, Fr. Karl Tropper (75) with "ecclesiastical consequences".

This happened according to reports from  Ex-Reichsender [Nazi Radio in Vienna]  Vienna (ORF)  to Austrian journalistoids.

Diocese of Graz:  Homosexuals up From Hell

Fr. Tropper had maintained in an article in the parish newspaper that the homosexual disorder is an "error in drive".

He referred those stricken to the healing of their sexual neuroses.

Last week [16 April] , the Diocese of Graz struck very officially in a press release against the clergyman.

On April 18th, Msgr Kaleppari addressed the situation personally.

Brittle Bishop: "Pastor suffers from the rigidity of old age"

The brittle Bishop was right abusive.

So he portrayed the Bishop publicly as having "rigidity of old age".

If Fr. Tropper cites the moral teachings of the Church once more or cites the Bible, he will be dealt with according to "Church law".

At the same time Msgr Kapellari explained that it is the purpose of the Bishops' Conference, to conduct a  dialog with the anti-Church media and the one man show "Pfarrer Initiative".

In the Conciliar Church There is no Place for the Bible

Fr. Tropper told the newspaper 'Kurier', that no one was discriminated against.  He only stated a basic truth:

"The teaching of the Church has always been against homosexuality.  Homosexuality is a perversion according to the Bible."

The clergyman declares the right "to be able to say what is in the Bible."

Link to original....

The Not Exhaustive List of Recent Related Stories:

German Greens Spearhead New Pedophilia Campaign

This child and anti-family decadence-party may claim the right for itself to be called the historical defender for child abuse.

(  The youth organization of the Antifa-Neonazis want to legalize sexual depravity and pedophilia within the family.

This was reported by the Berline weekly "Junge Freiheit" on April 13th.

Thus, "sex beetween parents and their children" should be allowed.

The Defense of Children is Old Fashioned

The antifa-neonazis are justifying their pedophile campaign with apparently overhauling and "old fashioned moral standards" of Germans:

"The prohibition on incest in Germany is a crass imposition by the state in the private sphere and of people to determine their own manner of life"  -- explained the Green Antifa-Neonazis.

With a view to the significant handicaps of children from incestuous relationships the comrades state:  The state doesn't have to be concerned with the "purity of the people's heritage".

With Vehemence

The comrades of decadence of the Green Bundesfraktion are supporting the proposal.

The speaker on legal issues, Comrade Jerzy Montag (65) explained it this way, "the legal persecution of sexual relations between relatives and siblings" is an "anachronism".

The previously convicted terrorist defender and Green official, Comrade Hans-Christian Ströbele was vehement on this point, to allow sexual relations between siblings:

"Two grown men should be able to decide between themselves, if they want to have sexual intercourse."

The Sexually Depraved Antifa-Neonazis

The Board of the so-called "Green Youth" is:

- The speaker Sina Doughan (24) from Tegersee in Southern Bavaria
- The speaker Karl Bar (26) from Tegersee in Southern Bavaria
- The political business manager Freia Then (19) from Berlin
- Treasurer Jens Parker (23) from Frankfurt

Co-Chairs are:

-Dimitra Kostimpas (20) from Nurnberg
-Felix Banaszak (22) from Duisburg
- The Nepalese Timeela Mandhar (19)
-Felix Deist (26) from Essen

Original, here....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ancient Siegburg Monastery Swamped by Swarms of Bargain Hunters

Edit: bargain hunters (locusts) swarmed the monastery, took everything and left a pittance behind.  Consecrated items may NOT be sold, so the monk in charge allowed the throng to take what they wanted in return for a good-will offering... what ensued was a disgrace.

 Clearance sale in the moribund Benedictine Monastery of Siegburg: The bargain hunters have nearly broken down the doors.

( About 700 interested -- above all flee market sellers and other salesmen from alll of the North Rhein - Westphalia area stormed the Abbey flee market in Siegburg on Sunday afternoon on the 15th of April.

This was according to the online edition of Bonn's 'General-Anzeiger'.

Giant Rush

The flee market was supposed to have begun at 11:00.  Actually a newspaper gave 10:00 as the start.

Thus, the doors were opened a half-hour earlier.

The rush was so largeg, that visitors had to be rejected.

"Carlesss Pushing and Shoving"

705  objects were up for sale -- from spoons to religious oil paintings.  In less than ten minutes, everything was gone.

300 crucifixes were dragged away in crates.  A loud argument broke out around a single picture.

The 'General-Anzeiger'  spoke of a "carless pushing and shoving".

Someone tore a crucifix from the hand of an eight year old boy.

Covers from the tables were torn off, which weren't even set up for sale.

Everything for a donation

The event didn't quite follow the prescriptions of canon law.

This reads that religious objects, which are not to be used any longer are either destroyed or must be given for private use.

A sale of objects is not allowed.  For that reason, a donation is asked.

4067 Euro all together came from that.  They should flow into the retirement fund of the former Siegburger monks.

Like a Closeout Sale

The flee market was directed by Brother Linus (27).  He has the task of liquidating the Abbey.

His commentary:  "People came around like at a closeout sale at the Galeria Mall."

After this experience, Brother Linus wants to organize the book market planned for June "completely differently".

There are about 60,000 books.

Link to original...

Happy Birthday Your Majesty!

Edit:  nothing is more maddening to the republican and nominalist mindset than the idea of hereditary sovereignty.  Similarities analogies can be drawn between the libertine confronted  by moral theology, or an Anabaptist or Anarchist confronted with a beautiful stone edifice.

The crown prince is 38 today. Here's the google of the original French with some editing:

The prince was born April 25, 1974 in Madrid. He is the youngest son of Prince Alfonso, Duke of Cadiz (d. 1989) and The Duchess, born María del Carmen Martínez-Bordiú. He was titrated at birth Duke of Touraine.

He is the eldest of the Capetians and the legitimate successor of the kings of France. As head of the House of Bourbon, he is a direct descendant of Henry IV, king of the first branch of the Bourbons.Ten generations connect it directly to Louis XIV.

November 6, 2004, Prince married Maria Margarita Vargas Santaella. From their union were born Princess Eugenie, March 5, 2007, and May 28, 2010, the Princes Louis, Duke of Burgundy, and his younger brother, Alfonso, Duke of Berry.

Link to Institute Duke of Anjou....

5th Anniversary of US Military Recognizing "Paganism"

Edit: this is the religious liberty you've heard so much about.
The Wiccan pentacle has been added to the list of emblems allowed in national cemeteries and on government-issued headstones of fallen soldiers, according to a settlement announced Monday.
A settlement between the U.S. Department ofVeterans Affairs and Wiccans adds the five-pointed star to the list of "emblems of belief" allowed on VA grave markers.
Eleven families nationwide are waiting for grave markers with the pentacle, said Selena Fox, a Wiccan high priestess with Circle Sanctuary in Barneveld, Wis., a plaintiff in the lawsuit.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Cardinal Koch: SSPX Has to Accept Vatican II

Edit: does this mean that the SSPX will have to give hearty assent to the vague and novel formulations which have no substantial foundation in Church history or doctrine before the 1960s according to Cardinal Koch?

Vienna ( Pope Benedict XVI is dealing with the reconciliation of the Society of St. Pius X as a theologian and one who knows Church history.  "Because he knew that till now every Council had a schism in its wake, it is for him a consideration , in avoiding anything, that he would not want this to repeat where he is responsible": That was quoted from the President of the Vatican Council for Ecumenism, Cardinal Kurt Koch, at a press conference in Vienna on Tuesday.  "Now it falls upon the Society to answer definitively,"  says Koch.  This touches specifically on their position on the Council.

The two answers of November and March which were known to him were considered insufficient: the most recent of the 17th of November is "not known to him."  What is clear, however, is that it won't be enough "if they reject 65 percent of the Council".  The second Vatican Council, which opened 50 years ago and in which the present Pope had functioned as an adviser, forms for the Swiss born President for Unity the great test in ecumenism.  But what is clear after 50 years, "is that the unity needed more time than we thought then".

Today there is an uncertainty over the goal.  Many protestant leaders only want that "all church properties are recognized as Church".  A deeper unity in this case then falls from view.

An important voice, namely the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, is quick to remind that the forms of consensus seeking in important questions of life like peace or environment would not be everything.  Patriarch Bartholomeos is one who seeks after a true unity of the Church.  But he also stresses:  "We need time".  One has "lived through 1,000 years apart".  Many points of divergence are not even theological, rather much more of a historical and cultural type, which never the less don't have easy solutions.

Open Problems in Ecumenical Dialog

In view of the barriers to unity, Cardinal Koch, noted "the Office of the Papacy",  which inn relation to Orthodoxy presents even more problems than with the churches of the Reformation.  Because Orthodoxy has theological arguments against the Papal Office, because it is a jurisdiction without sacramentality. Evangelical theologians and some Catholics like Hans Kung seek on the other hand after a primacy of honor similar to the Anglican Primate.  This is precisely the present breaking test within the Anglican Communion but is also a good example for this, that such a symbolic office functions "only in good weather".

Fundamentally all of the more deeper running steps toward unity need a first gesture of mutual forgiveness and reconciliation, said Cardinal Koch.  One fundamental problem is that most Christians don't see division as a sin and a scandal. In dialog meetings with Orthodox representatives  this is painfully evident that the Orthodox side will not offer small gestures of reconciliation like a kiss of peace because these in Orthodoxy are a precondition for Eucharistic communion.

Considerations of the Reformation with Offers of Reconciliation?

Even the upcoming "Reformation Jubilee" will only bring ecumenical progress, "if it is bound with a mutual recognition of wrongdoing".    As an archetype for reconciliation is Pope John Paul II in the Holy Year of 2,000; "I hope that just that takes place in 2017".

One shouldn't speak then of a 'Jubilee' but of a Reformation Memorial, because we couldn't celebrate a  sin".  It is also known to him that this expression has earned him the description of "anti-ecumenicist".  If, however, 2017 involves this common understanding, then there will be on his side openness to the question, "what greater signs could be set".

Koch went also addressed a widely disseminated falsehood, where Benedict XVI. gives more priority to ecumenism with the Orthodox than the Reform churches.  This is historically false because Joseph Ratzinger has already worked a great deal in Reform theology.

It is also true that Ratzinger had been the one who saved the 1998 Augsburg "Common Declaration on Justification" (1999), a milestone of Ecumenism between Catholics and Lutherans.  The current Pope is since traveled to Regesburg since 1998, where he participated with the assembled Lutheran church worldwide.  The result was approved and highlighted in a document on understanding in the clarity of the  unmistakable and fundamental truth of the teaching on justification.   It was still further stressed that the mutual doctrinal condemnations of the 16th century do not concern today's Church.  In this sense it is pointedly clear that people are justified and saved by grace alone.

Cardinal Koch expressed himself in a press conference also on relations to Judaism, especially on missionary work with the Jews.  Catholic belief is that the bond with the people of Israel is "an important",  at the same time is however "become something new with Jesus" .  How that will happen, is not something easily addressed "in a half minute during a press conference".  Because of this complex interaction the Church looks upon it as an explicit mission to the Jews.  The individual witnesses of Christians to their faith is however a requirement for Evangelism in that which also depends on the belief that the Gospel must be preached to the Jews.

Link to original...

Vienna Cathedral Number 2 Has Account on Homosexual Dating Site

40 Year old Employee of the
 Archdiocese of Vienna on 'gayromeo'

Edit:  In light of the Vienna Cardinal's recent attacks against a priest who attempted to guard his parish against scandal, it seems appropriate to air this.  It's unclear whether or not the "employee" is a member of the clergy or not, but he's clearly not suited to work for any Diocese, not even one as corrupt as Vienna.

An employee of the decadent Archdiocese of Vienna searches a hookup site for homosexual partners, in order to wallow in his depravity.

(  A leading member of the Viennese Archdiocese has a profile at the homosexual  hookup site 'gayromeo'.

Sodomites look for Aids contacts with strangers.

The site is one of the largest spreaders of Aids in the world.

Frequently changing partners in depravity is a sure component of  homosexual degeneracy.

The Number Two Man in Vienna's Cathedral Parish

One of the gommorists, who prostitutes himself on the publicly accessible hustler site, is C. D. H.

He is the chancellery director of Vienna's Cathedral and the right hand of Vienna's alchohol and boulevard Cathedral Pastor Anton Faber.

H. operates a profile on 'gayromeo' with the name "iucundus".

The word "iucundus" is latin.  It means, pleasant, attractive or enjoyable.

For sure

H's user account registers 45 people as "personally known".

On the other hand, he is known personally by 994 people.

The homosexual homepage describes the profile as "guaranteed true".

Only abstinence serves against Aids

Besides his activity in the chancellery, H is active with "Maltese Aids Service".

According to some information in the city center of Vienna, is 1.83 meters high and weights 76kilos.

He smokes and has no tattoos or metal piercings.

He Trusts the Fallible Condom

H. uses the logo of "Dark Angel" on the hookup site.

That means that he will only have sex with the fallible condom.

As a rule only gommorists do this who are infected with the homosexual disease, HIV.

Paint and Leather

H. is looking for partners in fornication between the ages of 26 and 40.

There are things he will not do with strangers, however.

He tells the world that he likes to dress as a punk, soldier or policeman.

Otherwise he loves skin-tight textiles made of paint and leather.

A decided homosexually disturbed person 

In his description he praises himself as "sensible", "careful", "attentive", "clever",  "endowed" and "talented" and "decisive" as well.

He is not one who "quickly and easily makes friends".

But he is "extremely loyal" to his homosexual friends.

H. has to admit that the self-praise might sound "somewhat crass":  but it's "simply" the truth.

Throw life away

The "dream of his life", before putting his finger on his eternal damnation: "I have lived and loved and will be loved".

The visitor to H's hustler site is asked to press the "sex pig" button which is provided.

Those shy perverts can push the button that reads "Only when drunk".

Link to original....

Edit: One of the commenters from writes about the self-inflicted nature of Aids in Germany (and presumably elsewhere)

Jubärens 17:30:28 | Dienstag, 24. April 2012 "Over 90 percent of the new infections in Germany are transmitted sexually.  Approximately three quarters of new HIV infections in 2011 were according to estimates from men who have sex with other men;  about 20 percent from heterosexual contacts.  Only five percent of new infections were traceable back to intravenous drug use.  New infections passed on from mother to child were reduced to a few isolated cases."  (Spiegel Online 2011 as a Commentary to the RKI- Press service)   This means that about 75 percent of those infected with HIV are active homosexuals.  The estimated figure of homosexuals in Germany from 2,000 is about 1.6% as well as 2.5 % bisexual.  This means that about the 1.6% of the homosexual population is responsible for 75% of the new Aids cases.

Sun is Setting on Modernist Abbey

Looking more like the inside of a masonic lodge or the set of a dystopic  zombie movie, the term modernist is more than a convention, it's an accurate theological appellation as well when it comes to describing the vandalism of these Cassinese "monks".  Keen observers of the Catholic Faith will note that modernism is a heresy condemned by the sainted Pope Pius X and quickly come to the conclusion that the connection between the artistic term and the theological one is more than coincidental.  In fact, Collegeville's modernist Abbey is conceived around Liturgical approaches condemned until the seventies, despite being conceived and built even before the Vatican Council met in 1961.

The Abbey does not allow for easy identification of the Blessed Sacrament, and has virtually absented any distinction between the sanctuary and the nave.  It is a thoroughly revolutionary structure which has subtracted almost all distinctively Catholic dimensions, including beauty.

A Profane House

Amid the almost universal acclaim for the admittedly modernist design of the Abbey church at a decaying American monastery, there is a moment of truth where authors describe the architectural design conceived by Jewish architect, Marcel Breuer, as modernist.

There are no professional criticisms for this attempt to render a church in any professional architectural digest, paper or publication.   The silence is a reminder of the unpopulated if unpopular, courts, surrounded by brutal Courbousier tenements like out of a novel by Anthony Burgess .  You will find no detailed criticisms of it anywhere, in fact, at least nothing direct.   Perhaps nothing direct is necessary, for like the designs of Courboursier and Gropius, they seem to repel the people they were intended to house.  .

Despite the current almost uncritical praise for the design, at least the critics were honest enough to describe it accurately as modernist.

As the contemporary silence upon the dubious achievement of the modernist church endures, an increasing silence grows around the Abbey church as the monks it was intended to serve decay and wither away without much hope of replacement.  The church itself was conceived even before the Pastoral Council and its subsequent ravages as if a landscape was prepared for national emulation to poison the well of devotion which once inspired truly great works of art and lives spent in piety and gravitas.

If there are no direct criticisms of the Abbey, there are others less direct, but just as devastating when we turn across the Atlantic to the fashionable Hamsted neighborhood where the literary Catholic, Evelyn Waugh was inspired   as much as he was amused by Hungarian modernist architects of Jewish extraction from the Bauhaus school.

Marcel Breuer was a designer of Ikea-like furniture for a UK based company called Isokon in the 30s.  He even lived in hideous modernist flats of the same name, designed by the company in posh Hamsted not too far from Evelyn Waugh whose satirical portrait, Otto Silenius, must have been a composite of Breuer himself and his mentor, Gropius, and other sinister architects in 'Handful of Dust'.

Isokon was also the name of some ugly flats which was the nest of Doctor Deutsch, a Central European Communist, who recruited the Cambridge  5.
Isokon Flats from the 30s

It's not just the literary world which offers criticisms of Breuer's handful of concrete and dust, but it's nature herself an the hierarchy of the Church.  The first Mass said at the Abbey church, and the building itself was not without controversy.  Indeed, if one of the late monks can be believed, a former Olympic wrestler who abandoned his dreams of gold medals to become a priest, said that a crack opened up during the first Mass and that "I was afraid of what was going to come up out of that crack."  As one Bishop Brady of Sioux Falls once prophetically remarked, " will not get by with the building of that church you are planning.”   [cf. Commonweal, The Monks and the Modernism]

Truth be told, like the company founded by Gropius and Brueuer, as well as the dilapidated Isokon flats themselves, is defunct and desolate, a fate which will soon be shared by the modernist  St. John's Abbey which seems destined to become as desolate and lifeless as the bottom of the Dead Sea.

Turkish Catholic Church Calls for Return of 200 Confiscated Properties

Edit: Turkish newspapers have greeted this request, without any apparent irony, using such terms as "greedy".

Istanbul (AsiaNews) - The Turkish Catholic Church is trying to regain possession of 200 properties confiscated by the government in Ankara in the 1930s. But several elements of the community think the church should focus its efforts on the legal recognition of the community.

 A few days ago, some Catholic bishops, including Msgr. Ruggero Franceschini, president of the Episcopal Conference, met with the Commission for Reconciliation of the Turkish parliament. The Commission has been working to study the return of properties confiscated by the government of Ataturk to non-Muslim communities (see: 29/08/2011 Historic decision: Erdogan returns seized property to religious minorities). But Catholics are not in the list of "non-Muslim communities" because at the time they were recognized as a "foreign" community.

The Turkish Church has submitted a list of over 200 properties (churches, schools, orphanages, hospitals, cemeteries, ...) based on a list drawn up in 1913 between the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire and France, erstwhile protector of the Church Catholic.

Read further, Asia News....

Monday, April 23, 2012

Graz Auxiliary Bishop Blesses Lego-Altar

With the modern Clown-Bishops, anything goes:  "Is God an Ikea-Mainstream-Clown,  for whom  we can prepare a hot dog on this camping table?"

(  On the 10th of April the Graz Auxiliary Bishop Franz Lackner (55) blessed a shiny red, single legged, Lego table in a so called Welsh church.

This was reported by Msgr Lackner himself on the self-promotion website, ''.

He published several photos of a Novus Ordo blessing ceremony.

The lego table has been set up in the late baroque church for Novus Ordo Masses.

The Auxiliary Bishop Lacker has celebrated disco Masses in the past and even "consecrated" pancakes.

Under the Rod of a Known Destroyer of Churches

The Welsch Church is situated in the fifth city district of Graz.   The church is a baroque jewel from the 18th century.

"Welsch" means in this case, "Italian" and shows the ancestry of the builder.

The damaged Church belongs to the Graz parish of St. Andre.

Its pastor, Fr. Hermann Glettler, is a known destroyer of churches.

Where are the Beer Mugs?

The lego table has been severely criticized on ''.

One "Andrea Maria Cervenka" asked if "the red thing" is really an altar.

The furniture reminded her of a flat washing table with a tall stool.

On the table top there are visible indentations "Resi Rasers" as setting places for beer mugs.

The beer beer cadies reminded one user "Lefi Nosi" of airline tables.

Plastic and Elastic

"Hans Mohrmann" took a look at the pictures of the altar blessing.

His commentary: "National health service glasses, over stole,  Mass servers in night shirts, flower pot in wine red".

More humorous comparisons later... original, here...

Tyrolean Priest Refuses Communion to Public Sinner

Edit:  you may have noticed the Doctor Peter's defense being used by the Monsignor who isn't defending his priest at all and is probably preparing disciplinary action against him.  It certainly looks like there's a cabal of clergy that is intent on destroying Catholic priests who do their jobs too well.  Anyway, wherever Old Liberal Bishops abound, it's open season on faithful priests.
© Christian Klingler, Wikimedia,CC

(, Imsterberg)  Pastor Stefan Müller refused Holy Communion to a public sinner who lives in a civil marriage.

This is at least what the anti-clerical newspaper 'Tiroler Tageszeitung' claims while foaming at the mouth.

The paper has never had a special concern for Holy Communion before.

Insterberg is a 753 population community about sixty kilometers from Innsbruck.

Those Who Are Able Are Shoved to the Side

The community is known for its above average Mass attendance.

Even young families participate in Divine Liturgies.

But this would be reason enough for the Innsbruck Diocesan nomenklatura  to have  put him on the chopping block.

It has already happened that Fr.Stefan Müller has been exiled to Imsterberg because of his Catholic convictions  and his pastoral success.

Anti-clerical News Coverage

The 'Tiroler Tageszeitung' has gotten involved to finish the clergyman.

For that reason the paper insulted the pastor because he celebrates the Old Mass.

Recently,  Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, who lives in Rome, celebrated the Pontifical High Mass in his parish.

The Background 

Last Sunday, the Pastor celebrated White Sunday.

Among the first communicants he found the illigitimate daughter of Karina Rudolf.

Miss Rudolf is living with a man she is not married to.

The Transparent Approach of the Priest

As a priest, Father Müller is obliged by Church law to defend Holy Communion from impenitent sinners.

This was reported by the "Tiroler Tageszeitung' that the Pastor had explained "that only those who are worthy should go to Communion".

Se knew herself why she may not go to Communion:  "I am only civilly married".

She had gambled away her own worthiness

Now Miss Rudolf sulks with self-pity.

She had her "human worth defamed" by the priest's treatment, she complained.

The "Tiroler Tageszeitung' spread rumours that the Pastor had even refused a second woman Communion.

Pastor Müller did not let himself be led by "Tiroler Tageszeitung'.

He did not give the Church-haters an interview.

The Diocese is on the side of the powerful

This decadent Diocese of Innsbruck stabbed the priest -- as is usual for Austria-- in the back.

The Bishop's Vicar,  Msgr Erich Sauerwein, tried to ignore the public sins of the impenitent concubine:

"The one giving Communion can not knonw the immediate condition in the conscience of the person concerned."

In any case, the Monsignor explained that "serious sin excludes you from the reception of Communion."

The Eucharist is "the highest good, which one should only receive with the deepest reverence".

The Self-Justification of the Impenitent Sinner

The mortal sinner has even said that he has no intention of fulfilling her Sunday duty in the future.

She is indifferent to being on the way to Hell.

Link to original...

UK Priest Turns Church Into Profane Hall

"When we enter ornate and clean Basilicas, adorned with crosses, sacred images, altars, and burning lamps, we most easily conceive devotion. But, on the other hand, when we enter the temples of the heretics, where there is nothing except a chair for preaching and a wooden table for making a meal, we feel ourselves to be entering a profane hall and not the house of God" -St. Robert Bellarmine (Octava Controversia Generalis, liber II, Controversia Quinta, caput XXXI).
An Anglican So Broad He's Completely Flat

Edit: Jesus might have attended festivities and cheered sinful guests in an edifying way, but he didn't turn the Holy of Holies into a beer garden.  The same priest has used a bar for Mass last year.

Thousands of real ale lovers are being welcomed into an East Yorkshire church for a beer festival.
The Hull Real Ale and Cider Festival is being held at Holy Trinity Church, in the city centre, for the first time.
Pioneer minister the Reverend Matt Woodcock said he thought it was the kind of event Jesus would have enjoyed.

German Jesuit Sees Causality Between Homosexuality and Abuse

The director of the Institute for Psychology at the Jesuit Gregorian University in Rome has spoken.
Fr. Zollner SJ on German Jesuit Site

(  Child abuse isn't a problem for the Catholic Church.

This is what the Vice Rector of the Jesuit led Papal University of the Gregorian in Rome, Father Hans Zollner, said to Polish news ‘Rzeczpospolita’.

The Jesuit leads the 'Institute for Psychology' at the Gregorian.

This is independent of the Church

For example the Jesuit mentioned the Islamic Schools in England, in which five hundred children were sexually abused in 2011.

The abuse of children is a general problem -- independent of religious back ground.

Seventy percent of the cases occur in the family.

Homosexuals present a greater danger

Probably for political reasons, Father Zollner disagrees that there is a direct connection between homosexuality and the abuse of children.

Not "every" homosexual is a danger for children -- he stated palpably.

Then he comes to the point:  there is a greater danger from homosexual disordered persons than from those who are healthy.

Homosexually Related

He referred to abuse cases registered by the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith.

That revealed that seventy percent were not children, but sexually mature youths.

Many cases of abuse in the ecclesiastical area are "homosexually related".

In contrast most of the offenses outside of the Church involve girls.

Additionally, the priest concluded that the share of homosexual perpetrators in the Church is greater than in the world.

Removing Homosexuals is Justified

The Jesuit referred to the emotional and moral maturity of the priestly candidates.

When these err, then there are many problems after a few years.

Fr. Zollner does not want to limit the problem to homosexual abuses.

He pointed to alcoholism, to sexual addictions or unstable personalities who are inclined to rebellion.

Link to original...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mel Gibson Answers Director's Accusations

Mel Gibson vs. Joe Eszterhas 
Mel Gibson has fired a return volley toward Joe Eszterhas in the jousting over why Warner Bros. rejected the screenwriter's screenplay for a proposed movie about Jewish warrior Judah Maccabee. 
The studio said Wednesday that it was not proceeding with Eszterhas' script and was “analyzing what to do with the project.” 
The news prompted the “Basic Instinct” writer to allege in a letter posted by the Wrap ( that Gibson, who was to produce and possibly direct the film, never wanted to make it because, as Eszterhas said of Gibson, “You hate Jews.” 
The actor and filmmaker, in response, sent Eszterhas a letter of his own, also sent to the Los Angeles Times, alleging that Eszterhas' script was “substandard” and “a waste of time.” 
The full text of the letter follows:
I have your letter. I am not going to respond to it line by line, but I will say that the great majority of the facts as well as the statements and actions attributed to me in your letter are utter fabrications. I would have thought that a man of principle, as you purport to be, would have withdrawn from the project regardless of the money if you truly believed me to be the person you describe in your letter. I guess you only had a problem with me after Warner Brothers rejected your script.
I will acknowledge like most creative people I am passionate and intense. I was very frustrated that when you arrived at my home at the expense of both Warner Brothers and myself you hadn't written a single word of a script or even an outline after 15 months of research, meetings, discussions and the outpouring of my heartfelt vision for this story. I did react more strongly than I should have. I promptly sent you a written apology, the colorful words of which you apparently now find offensive. Let me now clearly apologize to you and your family in the simplest of terms. 
Contrary to your assertion that I was only developing Maccabees to burnish my tarnished reputation, I have been working on this project for over 10 years and it was publicly announced 8 years ago. I absolutely want to make this movie; it's just that neither Warner Brothers nor I want to make this movie based on your script. 
Honestly, Joe, not only was the script delivered later than you promised, both Warner Brothers and I were extraordinarily disappointed with the draft. In 25 years of script development I have never seen a more substandard first draft or a more significant waste of time. The decision not to proceed with you was based on the quality of your script, not on any other factor.  
I think that we can agree that this should be our last communication. 

Taken from the Miami Herald, h/t cathinfo...