Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Muslims Remove Cross From Popular Football Team Logo

Edit: It's the little things they start to change.
The logo on the left is the typical one used by the massively popular Real Madrid soccer team. It is still the logo seen on the club’s web site. The one on the right is the new, edited version that will be used to promote the new, billion dollar Real Madrid resort island being built in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Did you notice that the small cross atop the crown was removed?
If you are not familiar with the soccer world, Real Madrid is on par with other globally-recognized professional sports franchises like the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys. They are a brand with annual revenues over $500,000 million and an estimated net worth of almost $2 billion dollars.
Read further.... 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

+Schönborn Gomorrah's White Knight

Edit: Look who jumps to the defense of the Cardinal, then build your enemies list.

Cadinal Schönborn Contradicts the Sixth Commandment

Austria. At yesterday's chrism Mass Christoph Cardinal Schönborn preached about communication with people, who are publicly or shamelessly living in sin.   It often leaves clergy powerless, he driveled.  Then suggested a "friendship with Jesus" in opposition to "adherence to Church teaching".  The Cardinal then alluded to three forms of bawdiness -- the wild marriage, the adulterous civil marriage and homosexual partnerships.  He believes, clearly referring to himself, that chastity is too little "lived, taught or demonstrated".   For that reason, clergy stand in a supposedly "very real difficulty of a complete incomprehension (the media bosses) for that, which the Church has taught over marriage, continence, fruitfulness and indissolubility."   This incomprehension is combined in that Cardinal Schönborn himself slaps the teaching in the face by his own actions.

Cardinal Schönborn is a Glimmering Hope for Homosexuality

Austria. The Salzburg elder-society 'Taxhamer Parish Community Initiative" praised the Viennese Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn for his complicity in enabling a homosexual Parish Councilman, Florian Stangl.  Ex-Reichsender (formerl a  Nazi radio station) was overjoyed with this.  "For me it is a glimmer of hope, because Cardinal Schönborn has shown that people are more important for him than rules"  -- declared the speaker for the elderly group, Leopold Prenninger.  Other Bishops should orient themselves on the Old Liberal Cardinal:  "Because Cardinal Schönborn is not just anyone."  With Prenninger's argument, the National Socialist movement could be justified.

Link to original...

Minnesota: St. Joan's Provides Platform for Dissent Against Archbsihop Nienstedt

Edit: The Land of 10,000 heresies strikes again! Take note that the actively Gomorrist church of St. Joan of Arc's is giving a forum for those attacking the Archbishop's program to support the marriage amendment. Recently, the Archbishop himself went on record saying that he will tolerate no dissension on this matter, but then, some people have to test the waters.

Another interesting question might also be: who are the speakers? Surely they're not from CPCSM! Even better!
Adult Learning Board Sponsoring Forum on the Marriage Amendment Update, from a reader:
This will be a “forum” and not a “debate”. The two sides - pro and con - will be represented by two constitutional law experts - Dale Carpenter, from the University of Minnesota Law School, and Teresa Collett, from the University of St. Thomas Law School. The program will be moderated by Lynda McDonnell, a faculty member at the University of St. Thomas.
Is either side or the moderator really Catholic? The only Catholic thing about Lynda McDonnell seems to be the Irish name and the fact that she teaches at a school that has "Catholic" on its billboard. A brief perusal of the internet gives cause for concern. Dale Carpenter is a homosexualactivist and contributes regularly to homosexual publications, including a book on the abrogation in the supreme court of Texas' sodomy law.
By the end of his book, Carpenter celebrates the 6-3 ruling in favor of Lawrence and Garner. The court, in essence, declared sodomy laws unconstitutional because they impinged on personal relationships.

The real surprise comes when we find out that he's being given a platform at an allegedly Catholic men's forum, AOTM [Argument of the Month Club]

Saint Joan's contends that at the end of the evening, parishioners should be able to make an informed decision about something which the Archbishop has already spoken in favor of by publishing a CD and making a number of public statements. But considering the curricula vita of both speakers, it seems that they are merely tailored to suit the decades-long hostility of St. Joan's pastors and parishioners on Catholic moral teaching.

It's a scandal that either of these speakers should be given a platform to confuse the laity further about an issue the Archbishop has more than amply held forth upon.

It even cost one parish employee, Lucinda Naylor, her job. How she ever got hired in the first place is quite a mystery. But will the Archbishop take this opportunity to clean house and do more than make a few symbolic dismissals?

[From St. Joan of Arc Bulletin] On Sunday, April 15, at 2 p.m. in the St. Joan of Arc Gym the SJA Adult Learning Board is sponsoring a forum on the constitutional questions around the proposed marriage amendment to the Minnesota constitution.

The format will be twenty-five (25) minute presentations by each side – [Oh my, it's only fair] for and against the amendment - and then written questions from the audience answered by the presenters. The purpose of the forum is to provide information on the constitutional law considerations surrounding the amendment and encourage each of us to form our conscience before we vote.

We hope you will attend the forum and support this first effort by our new Adult Learning Board.
This is St. Joan's program for Holy Week:
You just know that St. Joan's will have demonic puppets on hand and a "farmer's Liturgy"! Liturgical abuses will likely be in abundance!

Evil Puppetmaster Controls St. Joan's Liturgies

H/t: Stella Borealis

Contact: Fr. Jim DeBruycker 4537 3rd Ave. So. Minneapolis, MN 55419 Phone: 612.823.8205 Fax: 612.825.7028
Contact: Archdiocese 226 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651) 291-4400

Contemplative Dominicans Revive Dominican Chant

Traditional Dominican Nuns have awakened those timeless melodies, whose goose the Vatican Council has tried to cook, to new life. (Not of this Church)

(, Avrille)  The Traditional contemplative Dominicans of Avrille will celebrate soon their 25th year of existence.

This is according to their superior, Mother Marie-Emmanuel on '' the website of the French District of the Society of St. Pius X.

The 12,000 soul community of Avrille is near Angers in western France.

Not of this World

The life of the Dominican nuns is described by Mother Marie-Emmanuel as open, simple and balanced:  "It is filled with supernatural joy."

The lives of the Dominican nuns is "not of this world".

Free in the Prison of Love

On the way to heaven the same principle is valid as in the desert, in the arctic circle or climbing a mountain:  "To stay in the same place means death".

The cloistered nun says of the bars of the enclosure, that the sisters are prisoners of the love of God are unendingly free.

When a postulant enters the enclosure,   she is initially impressed by the silence, the simplicity and the love of neighbor.

The silence is filled with God's presence.

God Takes Away the Useless

The closer one comes to the source, the more the thirst for it grows.

A Dominican sister throws off all excess ballast, in order to find the face of Christ.

The divine bride simplifies the inner life of the soul and immediately takes the useless away.

Desire for Silence and Prayer

When asked about the call Sister explained that every soul has her own story.

She is a world unto herself and belongs to God.

When he calls, he gives everything that is necessary to follow the call.

For life in the Cloister it is necessary for the sister to have a thirst for God as well as a desire for silence and prayer.

The exteriorly inactive life uncovers an inexhaustible treasure.

Exclusively Facing God

A soul which has been called would find an active life dry and full of care.

It would not give everything that it could:  "It would seem as though she was stealing from God".

It is of the greatest importance, that God chooses some of His creatures to serve Him alone.

The Superior recalls that even with the hierarchies of angels, some are exclusively turned to face God.

They fertilize the -- increasingly non-existent -- Apostolate

Mother Marie-Emmanuel explains why the nuns in her cloister belong to the "Order of Preachers":

"The Dominicans take contemplation to the soul and the Dominican nuns carry the soul to contemplation."

The nuns preach in the silence of their hidden life.

They would never forget to pray for the holiness and blessings of others.

Their love is concerned with the -- very thin flow of-- apostolates of priests and missionaries.

No Competition 

The Sisters have good contacts with other traditional nuns -- Carmelites, Clares and Benedictinnes.

In the world of saints there is no competition. 

In a garden, which is apparently "so fruitful"  as the Holy Church, "every flower is happy with the spot that God has planted it."

She is happy for the beauty of all the other flowers.

For that reason, Mother Superior clearly knows, "that the foundations of the Church are shaken in this time."

The Old Sounds Are New

The Superior stresses, that her Cloister is restoring the Office of the ancient melodies of the Dominicans.

These tones were silenced after the catastrophe of the Council.

Finally, sister explained that her community is open to beginning anew.

Coronation of Haile Salassie, Emperor of Ethiopia

Edit: I can't really think of a better tribute to the Emperor than this one.  He fought against the Italians in 1935, but held onto his throne after the war.  It's still yet another example of what happens when the Jacobins murder goodness.  The Emperor himself was probably murdered by them. In the words of Prof A.:
On 3 Apr 1930, Haile Selassie became Emperor of Ethiopia. An Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, Selassie was a member of the Solomonic Dynasty, which traces its origin back to King Menelik I, the son of King Solomon and Queen Sheba. The Ethopian Empire was abolished in 1973 by Communists who have brought nothing but poverty and death to the suffering people of Ethiopia.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Jewish Attorney Objects to Vatican's Judaica Collection

Edit: There are a number of double standards at work here.  Not least of which is a Jewish pressure group with the nerve to accuse the Vatican of obtaining Jewish religious objects and books by fraud and violence.

A Jewish pressure group insists that Jewish religious objects may be the result of persecution on the part of Christian society.  No mention is made of Jewish persecution of Christians, or the objects amassed by academic researchers.   Jews have persecuted Christians, most notably in the first half of the 20th century in Ukraine, Hungary, the Baltic states and the far East.    

It's interesting that in view of the obvious care the Vatican has undergone to preserve these artifacts for serious academic study that an outside body can suggest malice on the part of the Vatican with respect to these objects.

It's interesting in light of other events uncovered this week with respect to Baltimore restaurant owners and their patrons who not only have obtained Catholic objects under suspicious circumstances, but have even gone so far as to use these items in disrespectful ways that normative Catholic thinking would understand as blasphemous and defamatory to the Catholic religion.  The way the owner of the bar is amassing Catholic objects, is reminiscent of Roman armies carrying home Jewish sacred objects and abusing them after the sack of Jerusalem in 70 a.D..
Roman Soldiers Desecrating the Temple

The Roman soldiers who desecrated the temple after killing literally hundreds of thousands of Jews must have thought that they had destroyed the Jewish religion forever.

Clearly, there is a double standard at work and this is one more example of that at work here.

[Sun Gazette] The specific list of Jewish religious objects that lay in the Vatican's basement long has been disputed, but one local man, heading up a foundation named for his father, wants to see the items documented, catalogued and possibly returned to a representative of the Jewish people, such as The Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Local attorney Clifford A. Rieders, president of the Herbert Rieders Foundation for the Recovery of Objects Judaica, has been in communication with the Vatican in an attempt to learn what it possesses.

"I want the Vatican to tell us what's really there," he said.

Rieders hopes to be invited to meet with the Pope and Cardinal Farina, through whom he's communicated thus far, in the fall.

Read further...

Join the Facebook Group 500,000 Against Ale Mary's Offense to the Sublime and the Sacred... 

Photo Source: Sacred Destinations

Muslims Are Fast Outpacing Believing Christians in Europe

Edit: St. Bernard of Clairvaux said that the Mohamedan was a punishment from God.  Look at the way they spread throughout the world, and look at the way the West is enrapt in debauchery and decadence, stuck in the slavery of sin.  Well, the master of sinful peoples is within the gates of your city.

by Soeren Kern
[Gatestone Institute] Muslims in Europe are increasingly converting empty Christian churches into mosques.
 The proliferation of mosques housed in former churches reflects the rise of Islam as the fastest growing religion in post-Christian Europe.
 There are now more practicing Muslims than practicing Christians in many parts of Europe, not only in large urban centers, but also in smaller towns and cities across the continent.

Link ...

H/t: Stella Borealis

Today is Blessed Charlemagne the Great's Day of Birth

A friend just alerted me to this: From New Advent:

The name given by later generations to Charles, King of the Franks, first sovereign of the Christian Empire of the West; born 2 April, 742; died at Aachen, 28 January, 814. Note, however, that the place of his birth (whether Aachen or Liège) has never been fully ascertained, while the traditional date has been set one or more years later by recent writers; if Alcuin is to be interpreted literally the year should be 745. At the time of Charles' birth, his father, Pepin the Short, Mayor of the Palace, of the line of Arnulf, was, theoretically, only the first subject of Childeric III, the last Merovingian King of the Franks; but this modest title implied that real power, military, civil, and even ecclesiastical, of which Childeric's crown was only the symbol. It is not certain that Bertrada (or Bertha), the mother of Charlemagne, a daughter of Charibert, Count of Laon, was legally married to Pepin until some years later than either 742 or 745.

Germany: The End of a Monastery Church

Edit: what was painstakingly rebuilt with much sacrifice after the war will disappear in a short while.  The Diocese looks like a beneficiary of the end of a century of religious life in this locale.  Spiritual capital frittered away...

What took generations to build will now be destroyed.  The last thing the Pastoral Council implements is the bulldozer.
A Case for the Bull Dozer?

(  For the people of Bochum it is gruesome to see, how a work, which has stood for a century will be destroyed.

It is the monastery church of the Redemptorists at Imbuschplatz in the town of Bochum.

It was erected in the years between 1868 to 1870.

Destroyed in the War

The Cloister church was completely  burned in the confusion of war through the bombing of the Anglo-American air forces in 1943.

Immediately after the end of the war the rebuilding began immediately with greatest sacrifices of the remaining parishioners.

Dr. Ing Huber Vieth was foremost in the effort then.

In a blameless situation

Initially, 18 years ago the eastern front of the giant nave was completely sheathed in copper.

The windows were double paned.

The was in a intact condition and had no structural deficiencies.

Under the laws regarding monuments in the city of Bochum there was no inducement to put the newly completed construction under protection.

Consequently things took their course.

The Demolition Work Has Begun

The last eight Redemptorists under the leadership of Father Wolfgang Gerhards (71) have given up the cloister already in January of 2011.

The youngest of them was 60, and the eldest 91.

The order has suffered the loss of much of its dynamism since the Pastoral Council.

Bishop Franz Josef Overbeck of Essen clearly had no interest or possibility to hold the cloister.

Thus, the demolition work has begun.

The Lazy Fruits of the Council

Who knows, who hides behind the new bearer --- perhaps the Aachen Residential Building Association, that the Diocese of Essen has a 61 percent share in?

It was the case with other church demolitions in the Diocese of Essen.

In the Diocese of Essen more than 130 churches have been simply locked up already by the order of the Bishop.

Link to

Young Bishop Calls Benedictines of Nursia for Old Mass

This is what the future looks like.
(Foligno)  The Bishop of the central Italian Diocese of Foligno asked the Benedictines of Nursia to celebrate a series of solemn Masses in the Immemorial Rite.  The invitation followed in the context of an initiative of the Bishop to bring the faithful of his Diocese closer to the Old Mass.  The Bishop participates himself, as much as possible, in the Holy Mass, in order to give through his personal presence, a sense of the importance of this "treasure of the Church", as Pope Benedict XVI called the Old Mass.

The Diocese of Foligno is in Umbria, the home of St. Francis of Assisi.  Msgr Signismondi, born in 1961 is one of the youngest Bishops of Italy.  He studied at the Papal University of the Gregorian in Rome and was ordained in 1986 to the priesthood.  After several years in pastoral work he became the Rector of a seminary and undertook a period of teaching as a Dogmatic Theologian.  In 2008, Pope Benedict XVI named him to the Diocese of Foligno.

The Benedictine Cloister of Nursia, the home town of the Father of Monasticism, Benedict, has been  re-colonized in the last ten years by American monks, who are bound to tradition and celebrate the Holy Liturgy in the Immemorial Rite.

Holy Mass in the Immemorial Rite is celebrated by the monks of Nursia once a month at the church of Santa Maria Infraportas at 10 am.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Benediktinerkloster Nursia

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Immaculate Conception Parish in Chicago- Holy Week Yoga and Zumba

Above: Roadside sign announcing Yoga and Zumba and pointing to the church.

Above: Immaculate Conception Parish weekly schedule announcing Yoga, Zumba, and Ecumenical Way of the Cross during Holy Week.

Immaculate Conception Parish located at 7211 W. Talcott Ave. in Chicago, IL is offering Yoga and Zumba classes during Holy Week.

A roadside sign outside of the parish announces Yoga and Zumba classes this upcoming week (Holy Week!) Page 8 of the bulletin of the parish ( and the parish calendar ( announce these events as well.

Fr. John Hardon, S.J. wrote an excellent article about why Yoga is incompatible with the Catholic faith:

Oh and Zumba? Well here it is on youtube in case you have never heard: Appropriate exercises to hold at a Catholic parish?

Even if it could be argued (it can't) that these are appropriate exercise activities for Catholics to be participating in....aren't there better things to announce on a roadside sign outside of a Catholic Church during Holy Week?

Palm Sunday: The 90th Anniversary of the Emperor's Death

He came unto his own and his own received him not. -The Apostle John

That the 90th anniversary of his death fell on the same day as Palm Sunday this year is filled with a beautiful symbolism as the secular ruler, takes on the mantle of his master.  From Dom Gueranger's Liturgical Year.

The miracle performed by our Saviour almost at the very gates of Jerusalem, by which He restored Lazarus to life, has roused the fury of His enemies to the highest pitch of phrensy. The people’s enthusiasm has been excited by seeing him, who had been four days in the grave, walking in the streets of their city. They ask each other if the Messias, when He comes, can work greater wonders than these done by Jesus, and whether they ought not at once to receive this Jesus as the Messias, and sing their Hosanna to Him, for He is the Son of David. They cannot contain their feelings: Jesus enters Jerusalem, and they welcome Him as their King. The high priests and princes of the people are alarmed at this demonstration of feeling; they have no time to lose; they are resolved to destroy Jesus. We are going to assist at their impious conspiracy: the Blood of the just Man is to be sold, and the price put on it is thirty silver pieces. The divine Victim, betrayed by one of His disciples, is to be judged, condemned, and crucified. Every circumstance of this awful tragedy is to be put before us by the liturgy, not merely in words, but with all the expressiveness of a sublime ceremonial.

From Ars Orandi... 

Photo credit: Roman Christendom

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chicago Parish Featured Anglican Priestess Activist to Preach

Edit:   One of our friends sends us news that a parish in the Archdiocese of Chicago, which has a history of inviting "preachers from all over the country" and  had invited a homosexual Anglican priestess to deliver the sermon.  The event took place on 25 March, 2012.  There's been no comment on it at all as far as we know.

The parish is called Old St. Patrick's is to religion what going to Farrel's old tyme restaurant is to food. Except in the case of Farrel's, you're not going to get food poisoning or imbibe the pernicious doctrines of heretics. St. Patrick's is a suburban-like church with a Unitarian ambiance, complete with hip religious sensibilities of the aging youth cult, that is to say, the emphasis is on the here and now.  Indeed, looks like they've slated an hour for confession on Good Friday.  How generous!

Here, at Old St. Patrick's, you can also give a welcome to a homosexual Anglican priestess.

Each year during Lent, it has been our custom to invite distinguished preachers to share their reflections on the season with us. Whether through a Lenten Mission, Liturgy, or Evening of Reflection, Old St. Patrick’s has been proud to host some of the finest preachers throughout the city and country. For Lent 2012, Old St. Patrick’s continues this tradition.

For the Sundays of Lent leading up to Palm Sunday, Old St. Patrick’s is honored to host an extraordinary opportunity to hear five outstanding, thought-provoking, and inspiring preachers.

In the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, as we approach the 50th anniversary of its commencement, Old St. Patrick’s will honor the Roman Catholic Church’s commitment to ecumenism [sic], biblical scholarship, and social justice in the celebration of our Sunday Liturgy, as these five guest preachers break open the Word.

In order to accommodate all members, visitors and guests who wish to witness this Series, we will host extended seating in the Church Hall with a live-feed from the Liturgy in the Church.
Here's a description from the parish newspaper:

Fifth Sunday of Lent March 25 11:15 a.m. Mass Rev. Bonnie Perry, D.Min.

The Rev. Bonnie A. Perry is the rector of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, where she combines her passion for preaching and worship with her commitment to service and justice. In 1993, she and parishioners began distributing groceries to neighbors in need on the front steps of the church. By 2001, All Saints launched Ravenswood Community Services, a non-profit organization which provides hunger relief, health services, and life skills education in the Ravenswood and Uptown neighborhoods. These days, more than 400 neighbors make their way to All Saints’ for food, volunteer opportunities and community each week.

Not only is she a homosexual, but she's among the front runners to become a Bishop in her dying and decadent religious body. Chicago Tribune wrote this:

But as one of three openly gay candidates who could be selected for the job Saturday--there are seven nominees in all--Perry, 44, stands at the edge of a global controversy threatening to split her church.Church leaders in Africa and South America have severed ties with the Anglican Communion since their American counterpart, the Episcopal Church, consecrated a gay bishop, New Hampshire's V. Gene Robinson, in 2003.
Fr. Thomas Hurley
Contact the Pastor:

Pastor Fr. Thomas J. Hurley 

Archdiocese of Chicago
835 N. Rush St. Chicago, IL 60611-2030

 Archbishop Quigley Center
835 N. Rush St. Chicago, IL 60611-2030

 Cardinal Meyer Center
3525 S. Lake Park Ave. Chicago, IL 60653-1402

 Mailing Address for Archdiocesan Centers:
 PO Box 1979 Chicago, IL 60690-1979

Switzerland: Priest Implies Bishop is Child Abuser

A Backhand for the Bishop

The unbridled anger of the former General Vicar of Chur, Canon Andreas Rellstab,  against his Bishop is  still not extinguished.

(  With much protest Canon Andreas Rellstab (46) submitted his resignation as regional General Vicar of the Diocese of Chur.

He joined his dismissal with substantial attacks against Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church and let the anti-Church media complained bitterly.

Since July 2011 the Canon has been the administrator in the 3200 population village of Zizers -- 10 km from Chur.

Additionally he writing his Doctorate in the Old Liberal faculty in the in Swiss Freiburg on the subject of nattering Pastoral Theology.

Confirmation as Pretense

One year after his resignation, Canon Rellstab still can't take the slump in his career.

At the beginning of March he wrote an underhanded piece against his Bishop to the Diocesan Priest's Council.

As a pretense he used Confirmation, in which Bishop Hunder participated on the 19th of February in the Parish he entrusted to Canon Rellstab's tender mercies.

The Pretense 

At Confirmation, it has "recently become known to him, how far the mixing of the different forms of the Roman Rite by the Bishop" has supposedly "already progressed".

As a pretense for his contentions the Canon used the symbolic slap to the cheek which the Bishop uses at confirmation.

The legendary gesture is a symbol of fortification --- similar to the dubbing of a knight. (Knights received a slap to remember their oaths also)

A Liturgical Mosquito

An angry Canon has made a whale out of this Liturgical mosquito.

Since 1973 the slap has neither been prescribed nor is it "still necessary" --- he complained.

He neglected to mention that this use is also not forbidden.

He Implies that His Bishop is a Pedophile

The canon used the pretext to lets his balled fist fly against the Bishop:

"It seems to me that it is very unpleasant, when a strange man holds his hand to a face, while he speaks to me."

He continued dishonestly:  "Additionally I think that the in connection with discussions about assault, it  is a problematic sign when the Bishop touches young men and women on their face."

He finds it "more than just painful".

Still a Hair in the Soup

Without specific information Canon Rellstab additionally accused the Bishop, "of deviating from the Sacramentary which contains the approved rituals" during the "words of institution".

He drew the following conclusions:  "For that reason, everyone can't rely on the Bishop, who himself isn't using the appropriate Sacramentary and using the correct rituals".

So then the Bishop is promoting disunity in the Diocese "and presumably brings a conflict of conscience even in me" --  joked the Canon.

The Bishop Must Conform

Canon Rellstab now hopes that the Priest's Council will get on the war wagon of his recenge campaign.

He leaves no doubt on that whom his pretended conflict of conscience:

"Can I allow the Bishop in my Parish to give confirmation in the future in good conscience?" -- he threatend.

In the Diocese of Church the particular pastor can decide if the Bishop in a community may confirm or not.

Link to

Unjust Media Campaign Against Church is Costing Souls

Edit: once again, the media barons assert their triumph in the battle for hearts and minds as CNN cites a poll that manages to induce the conceit that the number one reason Catholics leave the Church is because of the abuse-hoax.  Despite the facts, it is apparent that many priests have their lives ruined by false accusations and that the occurance of homosexual predation is very rare. The salacious lie that child sexual abuse is a Catholic problem continues to be propagated.   But those realities don't move many in the anti-clerical media.  It's likely that current efforts on the part of political entities to normalize sexual relations with children will be ignored by them.
Available at

It's ironic, but it appears that the same kinds of people promoting this depravity and moral leveling are also the same kinds of people hypocritically attacking the Catholic Church for something which is rare.

Here we see another effort to sexualize children, this time it's taking place at the UN., where a representative is advocating for the "sex rights" of 10 year old children.  Some may recall that such was being fomented on the part of the German Greens, but it doesn't stop there.  More recently,  a candidate for the Irish Presidency, the homosexual David Norris, resigned his candidacy, not so much because he used his influence to protect his boyfriend, who'd been accused of sexual abuse, but because of serious financial irregularities.

One of the chief proprietors of the abuse-hoax is Attorney Jeff Anderson, who engaged the New York Times last year to exaggerate claims of sexual abuse against the Catholic Church.  Jeff Anderson himself is an avid supporter of political causes demonstrably hostile to the Catholic Church such as the Democratic National Committee and the American Civil Liberties Union.  Even Cardinal Dolan caught on!

Sexual irregularities and crimes are also not much heeded in the media.  Despite the fact that an actor who was abused as a child by Hollywood figures of power, Corey Feldman, came forth this year to accuse the entertainment industry of fostering a culture of secrecy and deceit, the story seems to have faded into the back ground.  He plans to name two names was the report as of last January:

[Mail Online] Corey said: 'Even today people say about me, "Eighties heartthrob; hasn't done anything since." The truth is I haven't stopped. Last year I did four films.

'Corey and I were pegged as the scapegoats... People need to know the reason Corey and I were swept under the carpet like the beaten dogs that were sent to the pound so no one had to deal with us anymore.'

Feldman first spoke out about his troubled past last year and he believes that is the reason why an anonymous former child actor claimed he had been abused by talent agent Martin Weiss.

The usual response to this is that the Catholic Church needs to be held up to a higher standard.  Even those who don't believe in the mission of the Catholic religion insist that it have a higher standard than any other institution.

This remark is meant in many cases, even if the one who utters it is ignorant of the fact, obscures the fundamental truth that sexual abuse is very rare in the Catholic Church, rarer than in any other denomination or organization mentionable. The fact is that the Catholic Church is at a higher standard than the rest of the population.   Even Psychology Today admits as much.  Interestingly, Catholic priests are less likely to abuse than are Psychologists.  There's no big surprise there.

The CNN (Crescent News Network) article, then, goes on to say that the number one reason that Catholics leave the Church is because of the abuse-hoax, despite the well-established fact that Catholic priests are far less likely than the general population and even other professions to sexually abuse!  It's a tribute not only to the deceitfulness of news organs like CNN.

Washington (CNN) – Even though Roman Catholics are the second-largest religious group in the United States, the tradition has seen an exodus of members in recent decades. One in ten Americans is an ex-Catholic.

If ex-Catholics were counted as their own religious group, they would be the third-largest denomination in the United States, after Catholics and Baptists, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

If it weren’t for the infusion of Catholic immigrants, especially from Latin American, the American Catholic Church would be shrinking pretty fast.

A recent study by two college professor tries to get at a simple question: Why are they leaving?

Friday, March 30, 2012

90th Anniversary Blessed Karl of Austria's Martyrdom

Blessed Karl Habsburg
Edit: Ninety years ago on April 1st, 1922, the Emperor of Austria-Hungaria, Blessed Karl Habsburg, succumbed to pneumonia in the presence of his family, offering his sufferings to the last for the good of his people.   He is known everywhere in Europe today, even to our enemies, the Republicans, as the Peace Emperor.  He was banished to the island of Madeira by the machinations of President Woodrow Wilson who envisioned a Europe without Monarchs or Empires after attempting two times to regain his rightful throne.

And yet, even his republican enemies at home remember him as the Friedenskaiser, the peace Emperor. When meditating on the life of Blessed Emperor Karl we see an encouraging example of faith. We are reminded that just rule is deeply anchored in faith. We are reminded that we can only order ourselves and the world around us well when we join our will to the will of the Father in heaven and so lay to rest all enmity between God and us. Only when we are reconciled with God and struggle to abide in peace with Him can we genuinely struggle for peace on earth. As Emperor and King, Karl sought always to imitate Jesus, the true Solomon, the true bringer of peace, and so can be called a son of God.
From an article by Crisis.

Here's a video from with magnificent film footage of the Emperor in his exile on the island of Madeira where he lies interred at the church of  Nossa Senhora do Monte.  The inscription on his coffin reads, "Fiat Voluntas Tua" (Thy Will be Done)

Blessed Karl of Ausria, pray for us.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Professional Catholic Bill Donahue Defends Leftist Prelate

Neumayr asks: What will the Pretty People think if I withhold Communion from powerful pro-abortion Catholic pols? Will the Washington Post editorialize against me? Will I lose my place of honor at posh parties? Will my dissenting priests think ill of me? Will I be scorned at the next USCCB meeting?

Editor:  No, not all, you'll also receive a hit piece by Bill Donahue, gosh darnit!

You Need Some Catholics Dealt With?
Edit:  We've been skeptical of Bill Donahue in the past.  Whether he's invoking hate crimes, or defending the USCCB, he can be counted on to be the Liberal crusader he truly is, although he does try to appear as the man in the middle. He has defended Cardinal Mahony in the past and he tends to resemble a beltway community organizer and professional Catholic than a defender of the Church's reputation he claims to be.  Bill Donahue is a professional activist who has defended politicizing prelates in the past.  Let's be clear.  Cardinal Wuerl crumbled to the the homosexual cabal and betrayed one of his priests just as we'd predicted he would.

Apart from looking at things from this artificial Left-Right continuum, Bill Donahue, who earns  $399,156  a year or so in his ACLU-like vocation, is looking out for the interests of Liberal prelates.  There's simply no way to defend what the disgraceful and traitorous behavior of the Cardinal, especially when he went behind the scenes to ask for Neumayr's dismissal  at the American Spectator for exercising his first amendment rights as a journalist telling the truth to boot.

Despite showing great sympathy, Father Guarnizo was censured and dismissed for simply doing his job for refusing communion to a lesbian Buddhist who confronted him in the rectory before a funeral Mass.  No thanks are forthcoming either to other professional Catholics, like Ed Peters, either.  Ed Peters joined in with other professional Catholics to besmirch the reputation and legitimacy of a great priest who was only doing his job and was well within his rights.

Maybe Ed Peters should resign?

Now, when a layman makes a stern but legitimate case against the furtive and vindictive ++Wuerl, who comes to the rescue, but the rainbow crusader, Bill Donaue!
Neumayr alleges that a priest in Cardinal Wuerl’s archdiocese was put on leave for denying communion to a lesbian at a funeral mass. His version has been contested by the Washington archdiocese [click here]: what led to the sanctions were “credible allegations” regarding the priest’s “intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others.” Even if Neumayr were right, his condemnation of Cardinal Wuerl in the vilest terms is inexcusable [How else are you going to describe how ++Wuerl sent his priest down the river on behalf of a Marxist agit-prop campaign?].
Neumayr says Wuerl is one of those “cufflinked cardinals” who “worry not about punishment in the next world but slights in this one”; their goal, he says, is to curry favor with the “Pretty People.” Worse, he has the audacity to put the cardinal on notice, exclaiming that “Wuerl can only earn the red of his rich robes through a willingness to endure the blood of Jesus Christ’s martyrdom.” Neumayr is not above wallowing in the dirt: he refers to the Washington archbishop as “Wuerl the girl.”  [Maybe you're overreacting, and misrepresenting him a bit Bill in your desire to do a hit piece?  He actually cites several insiders he knows who calls +Wuerl that.]  And in his latest screed, he comes completely unhinged when he charges that Cardinal Wuerl has “exposed the Holy Eucharist to sacrilege.”
I have never met George Neumayr, but it is clear that he is a right-wing fanatic, [You're a leftist shill, apparently] a man whose dogmatism is as scary as the authoritarians on the left. [The only thing that scares me is your ability to change sides on a moment's notice and muddy up the waters.]  On the other hand, I have known Cardinal Wuerl for about 25 years, [That's worrisome indeed] and I have nothing but respect for him. [Interesting admission, we're going to hold you on that, Mr. CDL activi$t]  When I was a professor in Pittsburgh, it was Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl who got me involved in the Catholic League. Unlike those who hit below the belt and then claim victim status (Neumayr says Noguchi’s phone call to TAShas created “troubles” for him), Wuerl is a real man. That’s the kind of person I like, not the girly-type who hit-and-run and then whine when confronted.


H/t Angelqueen

Photo: Listicle

List of ++Wuerl's Apparent Failings:

Allowed Pederastic Enabler Richard Rohr to Speak in His Diocese

Refuses to Deny Pelosi Communion

Wuerl's Green Calender

The Corruption of Cardinal Wuerl

Vatican Excommunicates Four Ukrainian Priests

Members of the Greek-Catholic Church of the Basilian Order have declared themselves as an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine".   The explanation of the CDF.

Rome ( Four Greek-Catholic priests have proclaimed themselves to be Bishops, which the Holy See had recognized as a "active unrest".  The four Basilians of St. Joseph (Eliáš A. Dohnal, O.S.B.M., Markian V. Hitiuk, O.S.B.M., Metodèj R. Špirik, O.S.B.M. und Robert Oberhauser) had been previously thrown out of their order. The four so-called Bishops have maintained until now, that their ordinations are ecclesially valid and as such recognised by the Vatican.

The acts of the four priests "are morally and spiritually damaging not only to the Order of St. Joseph and the Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine, rather to the Holy See and the entire Catholic Church", says the Congregation for Doctrine in an explanation of 22 February, in a release this Thursday.

It is not been successful to dissuade the priests from their presentiment to found an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine". They had tried, to have it recognized in civil law. The Holy See in its concern for the unity and the peace of the flock of Christ had hoped for a penitent return of the clerics to full communion with the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, they have proven their departure by an attempt to have t
he civil government recognize an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine".

The Congregation has distanced itself for the protection of the common good of the Church and the salvation of the Faithful themselves in the form of these self-described Bishops, whose consecration is not being recognized as valid. Through their act the priests will have drawn the excommunication upon themselves with can. 1459 § 1 des „Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium“ These organizations may not identify themselves as "Catholic". The faithful are called upon to keep themselves distant from these groups and to pray for their members, "so that they come to understand and return to the full communion of the Catholic Church".
Link to original....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Castro Requests Book Recommendations From Pope

This Wednesday afternoon (local time) the Pope met the revolutionary leader, it was a "heartfelt and intense' half-hour meeting in the Apostolic Nunciature after Mass in Havanna.

Havanna ( Pope Benedict XVI is meething at the close of his Cuba visit with the earlier head of state Fidel Castro. The approximately 30-minute interview took place according to information from Vatican Speaker Federico Lombari, at the office of the Apostolic Nunciature in Havana.

The interview was "heartfelt, lively and intensive", offered Lombardi. The 85-year old revolutionary leader was received then at 12:20 (local time) by Cardinal Secretary Tarscicio Bertone. Castro told Bertone that he looked forward to the beautification of Mother Teresa (1910-1997) and John Paul II (1978-2005).

A little later he met Benedict XVI. During the interview, conducted through an interpreter, Castro's wife was present. At the end of the talk, he was introduced to Castro's two sons. The Pope relayed to Castro his "immense satisfaction" about the trip and his reception in Cuba, said the Vatican speaker. Castro, who in the short TV - reception, gave the impression of an exhausted man, asked the Pope about reforms in the Liturgy and what the Pope does.

As Radio Vatican reported, Fidel Castro told the Pope that he had followed his entire trip on television. Also, the 84 year old Pope and the 86 year old Castro, joked about their age.

 In addition they exchanged opinions the current religious, moral and cultural situations as well as the difficult situation of humanity and the promotion of science. Castro had also asked the Pope to recommend him some books about the themes they'd discussed, so that he might deepen his understanding of them. Benedict XVI had not decided then and there, however, which books he wants to foward to Castro, says Lombardi. The meeting came at an end according to the speaker, with a personal wish of Fidel Castro. This wish was reported by the Cuban side to the Vatican side. The Vatican Television Services filmed parts of the encounter.

  Link to

One of Terrorist's Victims Was a Son of France and the Church

One of the soldiers shot by Islamic terrorist Mohamed Merah (23) indicates a very symbolic victim.

Corporal Abel Chennouf (24) was about to become a father. He is both Algerian Alsatian by birth, but "Catholic by choice" as chaplain Christian Venard said in his sermon at the funeral. "Your family has chosen France (and I repeat the words of your dear father), with all its traditions, including its deepest roots, which are Christian. How could we, my dear Abel, in such an accumulation of symbols, not see the most precious assets of our French fatherland, everyone at her breast pushing her sons to be who they want to be?"

Tranlated from katholikniuewsblad....

H/t: P-Hall