Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vatican Excommunicates Four Ukrainian Priests

Members of the Greek-Catholic Church of the Basilian Order have declared themselves as an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine".   The explanation of the CDF.

Rome ( Four Greek-Catholic priests have proclaimed themselves to be Bishops, which the Holy See had recognized as a "active unrest".  The four Basilians of St. Joseph (Eliáš A. Dohnal, O.S.B.M., Markian V. Hitiuk, O.S.B.M., Metodèj R. Špirik, O.S.B.M. und Robert Oberhauser) had been previously thrown out of their order. The four so-called Bishops have maintained until now, that their ordinations are ecclesially valid and as such recognised by the Vatican.

The acts of the four priests "are morally and spiritually damaging not only to the Order of St. Joseph and the Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine, rather to the Holy See and the entire Catholic Church", says the Congregation for Doctrine in an explanation of 22 February, in a release this Thursday.

It is not been successful to dissuade the priests from their presentiment to found an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine". They had tried, to have it recognized in civil law. The Holy See in its concern for the unity and the peace of the flock of Christ had hoped for a penitent return of the clerics to full communion with the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, they have proven their departure by an attempt to have t
he civil government recognize an "Orthodox Greek-Catholic Church of the Ukraine".

The Congregation has distanced itself for the protection of the common good of the Church and the salvation of the Faithful themselves in the form of these self-described Bishops, whose consecration is not being recognized as valid. Through their act the priests will have drawn the excommunication upon themselves with can. 1459 § 1 des „Codex Canonum Ecclesiarum Orientalium“ These organizations may not identify themselves as "Catholic". The faithful are called upon to keep themselves distant from these groups and to pray for their members, "so that they come to understand and return to the full communion of the Catholic Church".
Link to original....

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Castro Requests Book Recommendations From Pope

This Wednesday afternoon (local time) the Pope met the revolutionary leader, it was a "heartfelt and intense' half-hour meeting in the Apostolic Nunciature after Mass in Havanna.

Havanna ( Pope Benedict XVI is meething at the close of his Cuba visit with the earlier head of state Fidel Castro. The approximately 30-minute interview took place according to information from Vatican Speaker Federico Lombari, at the office of the Apostolic Nunciature in Havana.

The interview was "heartfelt, lively and intensive", offered Lombardi. The 85-year old revolutionary leader was received then at 12:20 (local time) by Cardinal Secretary Tarscicio Bertone. Castro told Bertone that he looked forward to the beautification of Mother Teresa (1910-1997) and John Paul II (1978-2005).

A little later he met Benedict XVI. During the interview, conducted through an interpreter, Castro's wife was present. At the end of the talk, he was introduced to Castro's two sons. The Pope relayed to Castro his "immense satisfaction" about the trip and his reception in Cuba, said the Vatican speaker. Castro, who in the short TV - reception, gave the impression of an exhausted man, asked the Pope about reforms in the Liturgy and what the Pope does.

As Radio Vatican reported, Fidel Castro told the Pope that he had followed his entire trip on television. Also, the 84 year old Pope and the 86 year old Castro, joked about their age.

 In addition they exchanged opinions the current religious, moral and cultural situations as well as the difficult situation of humanity and the promotion of science. Castro had also asked the Pope to recommend him some books about the themes they'd discussed, so that he might deepen his understanding of them. Benedict XVI had not decided then and there, however, which books he wants to foward to Castro, says Lombardi. The meeting came at an end according to the speaker, with a personal wish of Fidel Castro. This wish was reported by the Cuban side to the Vatican side. The Vatican Television Services filmed parts of the encounter.

  Link to

One of Terrorist's Victims Was a Son of France and the Church

One of the soldiers shot by Islamic terrorist Mohamed Merah (23) indicates a very symbolic victim.

Corporal Abel Chennouf (24) was about to become a father. He is both Algerian Alsatian by birth, but "Catholic by choice" as chaplain Christian Venard said in his sermon at the funeral. "Your family has chosen France (and I repeat the words of your dear father), with all its traditions, including its deepest roots, which are Christian. How could we, my dear Abel, in such an accumulation of symbols, not see the most precious assets of our French fatherland, everyone at her breast pushing her sons to be who they want to be?"

Tranlated from katholikniuewsblad....

H/t: P-Hall

A Sign of Hope in Japan: Traditional Catholics

The traditional Rite in Japan

In Japan the Catholic Church has a difficult situation.  Its presence in the population is almost hardly relevant -- it sits at under 0.5 percent.  Under the direction of the predominant Jesuits of the (nominally Catholic) Sophia University, have opened the National Church to the most extreme form of the "spirit of the Council".  That is also valid for the Liturgy, beneath the veil of a supposed inculturation the traditional patrimony of the Church is often almost impossible to detect, not only for foreigners, but also for the native Japanese as well.

Despite, or perhaps really because there is also a group of traditionally oriented Catholics that has been formed, there is a national branch of the International Federation Una Voce, and for 3-4 weeks, Fr. Augustin Ikeda (SSP) offers a sung Mass for those who want the traditional Mass.  The Mass doesn't take place in any of the few Catholic churches in Tokyo,  but in the home of a member of Fr. Augstin's community.   Pictures of the Mass are located on TNLM and on the page of the Japanese "Blog of a Practicing Catholic Metropolitan."

Translated from

Holy Father Breaks Taboo in Mexico, "Viva Christo Rey"!

(Mexico City) After a moving encounter with children on Saturday evening on the Plaza de la Paz, Pope Benedict XVI's Sunday was dominated in Mexican Leon by something uncustomary for European ears, and a courageous commemoration of the anti-Catholic persecution and resistance of the Cristeros.  The Pope recalled and reawakened the threatened spiritual and  clerical roots of Mexico, which he stressed at his Angelus.  The threat also comes today "from the drug bosses, the crisis of values and criminality."

In a spontaneous action, the Pope received eight families outside of the official program, who had been victims of the drug bosses.  Despite the threats of some political parties, Pope Benedict XVI did not shrink back in fear from demanding religious freedom as a fundamental right.   Mexico is readying itself for its next election and the appearance of the Catholic Church's Leaders causes increasing nervousness for some parties and have brought blatant anti-religious emotions to the surface.

The Pope Recalled the Persecution and Struggle of the Christeros

Upon the "Angel of the Lord" the Pope recalled the anti-Christian persecution in Mexico and the armed struggle of the Cristeros, who fought for the freedom of the Church and religion in a bloody war 1926-1929.  Benedict's desired address breaks a central taboo in Mexico.  In political and public life in the Middle-American country it was virtually forbidden to speak of the horrific persecution of Christians in the previous century,  when the people were ready to name Christ their true Lord,  the Mother of God and to give everything.

"In the times of trial and of suffering many of you were called to be martyrs, who with the cry. 'Long Live Christ the King and Mary of Guadalupe' bore lasting witness to the truth of the Gospel and the devotion to the Church."  With the revival of the battle cry of the Cristeros "Viva Christo Rey! Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe", Benedict XVI impressed his special and completely unexpected stamp and broke a decades long taboo.

Link to katholisches...

Bishop Conley,  Apostolic Administrator of Denver, wrote this, here.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Russian Armed Forces More Friendly to Chaplains than USA

Edit: Russian military personnel, unlike their American counterparts, will have little trouble attending the Liturgy on Sundays, going to Confession or finding a priest to help dealing with psychological challenges of military service.

Moscow, March 26, Interfax - The formation of clergy in the Russian Armed Forces is not as quick as planned, but the goal will be achieved eventually, head of the Russian Defense Ministry's Main Department for Personnel Sergey Chvarkov told the Ekho Moskvy radio on Saturday.

 "Far from all clerics offered to us by the Church meet our requirements," he said. At the same time, the task of forming clergy in the Russian Armed Forces set by the Supreme Commander is being fulfilled.

"This is a very delicate and important task, and there must be no rush here," Chvarkov said.

  Continue at Interfax....

Compare and contrast this favorable situation with the United States Military's treatment of military chaplains:

In the March issue there is a by John L. Schlagter, the General Counsel for the Military Archdiocese, called “Update on AMS protecting Chaplains’ religious freedoms“.
First, the Obama Administration censored Catholics in the military.  Now, one of Pres. Obama unelected underlings, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, has by his master’sfiat, let Catholic chaplains know that, in the wake of the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, chaplains may now officiate at same-sex “marriages”.
From the fact that if they “may”, then they in time “must”.
Not only that, the Obama Administration is obliged to uphold federal law.  This note to chaplains directly undermines the Defense of Marriage Act, which is still the law.

Link to Father Z....

H/t: Stella Borealis...

Traditional Priest in Union With Rome Skeptical About Bux Letter

Old Mass by the SSPX
In the decadent Conciliar realm a Catholic priest doesn't expect paradise, but contempt,  odium and indifference.

(, Santiago)  It is the right time to reconcile with the Vatican.

This  is what  Italian Liturgist, Prelate Nicola Bux,  wrote in an open letter to the Society of St. Pius X.

The Prelate explained in it that after the Pastoral Council, a "real disaster" broke out in the Church.

At the same time he warned that the Society should not let the "moment of Grace" pass by.

Discouraging Experiences 

Father Raphael Navas --  the one responsible for the traditional 'Institute of the Good Shepherd' for South America-- criticized the open letter on ''.

His Institute is a breakaway from the Society.   Father Navas was earlier a member there.

His report of his time in the Conciliar Church is not only rosy.

The Hopes of the Prelate.

Father Navas comments in the following excerpt from the open letter of Prelate Bux:

"In the fullness of Church members with the great family, that which the Church is, your voice will not be repressed any longer."

A reconciliation will bring significant fruits, which otherwise would decay -- wrote the Prelate.

The Reality is Completely Otherwise

Father Navas believes Father Bux is of good will.

But: "The reality is something else".

As an example Father described the problems of the Institute in Chile.

Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati Andrello (70) of Santiago in Chile and the neighboring Diocese have been reserved toward the Institute -- although it is approved by the Holy See.

"It goes as far as that the canonical establishement will be denied."

There is Only One Sin For the Old Liberals -- to be a Traditionalist

Father Navas named "modern forms of ecclesiastical persecution --  contempt, odium and indifference".

It is considered a "great sin" to only celebrate the Old Rite of the Mass and to interpret the Second Vatican Council in the sense of Catholic belief.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Recent News: Court Victories and Immemorial Masses in Italy

New School -- New Latin Mass --  Court Victory Against Homosexual Activism -- Exorcism

New School

Germany.  The traditional Dominicans of Fanjeaux in south west France will start a new grade school in the Fall.  This was reported by the District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Franz Schmidberger, in the most recent edition of the "newsletter".  The nuns will begin their school at  St. Micheal's Priory in Rheinhausen in southern  Baden.

The Old Mass Makes everything New

Italy. Last week Bishop Gualtiero visited Sigismondi of Foligno near the Benedictines of Nursia at a High Mass in the Old Rite.  The site '' wrote about this.  Msgr Sigismondi has entrusted the monks with a new apostolate.  They may celebrate the Immemorial once a month in his Diocesan city in the church of St. Maria Infraportas.  The faithful should grow accustomed to this form again.  Msgr Sigismondi will participate at the old Mass himself in the choir, to underline its importance.  Clearly the Bishop sees this as a contribution to the New Evangelization.

Evil Has no Rights

France.  State privileges for homosexuals are not human rights.  This was the final ruling of the judge of the 'European Court for Human Rights' in Strassburg. It refused two homosexual women.  They had complained to the French court, because  it had banned them from adoption as married couples.

The Germans Think They are Smarter

"Despite the global boom, Germany will continue its taboo against exorcists. [Father] Urluch Niemann (+2008), a Frankfurt Jesuit physician, considers it impossible that this country will ever again have an exorcism sanctioned by a senior pastor. For obsession, the correct way is to accompany spiritual counseling with therapy."

From an article from Markus Brauer in the 'Stuttgarter Nachrichten'


Sunday, March 25, 2012

"Ale Mary" Dive Bar Uses Monstrance and Chalices for Drunken Revelries

Edit: A definition from Wikipedia is useful here: Blasphemy is irreverence towards religious or holy persons or things.[1] Some countries have laws to punish blasphemy,[2] while others have laws to give recourse to those who are offended by blasphemy. 

[Fell's Point, Baltimore, MD] There was a show called "Cheers" on television years ago.  It was bawdy and vulgar yet there were some borders it was not safe to pass in the early 80s when the show first aired.  It depicted a homey place, reminiscent of an unpretentious neighborhood bar with a hint of old world ambiance and Boston charm.  The heavy wooden furniture and the bar spoke of permanence, elegance,  and  that favorite piety of secular artists, human dignity. It was not always clear who the show's buffoons were, but you knew them when you saw them, and sometimes, it was a comedic mailman who could be the most noble in the simplicity of his fears.  Some other writer said something about irony being lost on a society which had no shame.  That's why we'd like to wield a metaphorical hammer.  Perhaps there are others who can put a better finish on the details of what we will tell.

Satirical painting: priest displeased with Nun?
All we can say is that sometimes evil is really mundane and some of us don't realize that we're not only bufoons needlessly offending  people's religious sensibilities, but far worse than that, we're offending God.  Even the name of the bar, a pun on the Blessed Mother's name seems calculated to be offensive.

Would you like some candy?
 We're not talking about this place, but it's not far from Boston, but it boasts a similar unmistakable charm you'd expect in New England with friendly folks. One of the features of the bar, and there are many, is its unmistakable Catholic ambiance. It's called, Ale Mary's and is located in Fell's point Maryland. One can just smell the faint aroma of the ocean as you think about it. The food is inexpensive, but if you're Catholic you might find it too expensive for the peace of your conscience to see the sacramental elements of your religion appear for the sake of decoration in peculiarly deliberate ways.
Chalices Used for Holy Sacrifice Being Abused by Patrons

It's not surprising, but it's not acceptable either that chalices which are used in Catholic Mass for the consecration of wine which becomes the blood of Christ, are used by patrons to drink (and get drunk from). They're made of precious metals, sometimes jewels, but their use in such a secular setting is strange and unsettling. No less than the inexplicable painting of a priest with a stole, looking aghast or in surprise at a nun who has her back to him. The most disturbing thing in the restaurant is the monstrance which is behind the bar used as decoration. The monstrance is large ornate disk, often resembling the sun, which is surmounted in a long stand with a heavy base. It contains a crystal compartment at the center of the disk where a consecrated communion Host can be placed inside and it allows the priest to elevate the entire object by the stand for the veneration of the Sacrament it contains. Seeing this monstrance here in this bar, covered with mardigras beads and a mustached smiley face where the Host would normally be is a little bit like finding family heirlooms in the hands of people who not only use them for purposes for which they were never intended, but use them in disrespectful ways.
Mustached Smiley Face Seems Particularly Malevolent
We found out about this recently and the individual who sent this to us wrote an e-mail complaining about the display of these religious items and even offered to purchase them. Far from being treated with the respect she deserved, her concerns were met with derision. 

Despite the bar owner claiming that no one cared about this clearly blasphemous display of religious artifacts, he asked her to remove an entry she made under the bar at a public site allowing comment on establishments. As he berated our friend, the proprietor insisted as an argument to justify his sacrilege and disrespect for Catholic sacramentals, that there were even Bishops and priests who thought that his blasphemous inclusion of religious articles was comical and that there was nothing wrong with this display.

Apparently, there's some truth to what he says, because Catholic clergy, including senior, does frequent this place.

We'll be praying a Rosary in reparation for having seen this blasphemy.  Hopefully, the proprietor can be persuaded to part with these items before word of this affects his business either spiritually or financially.

Give them a call:

Corner of Fleet & Washington Sts.
Fell's Point
Baltimore, MD.

Other Sites Linking

Angelqueen, Catholic Forum [Excellent Commentary]

SSPX Germany: Letter Holds Out "Justifiable Hope" for Reconciliation

Reading from the pulpit of all the Churches and Chapels of the German District of the Society of St. Pius X. As translated from District website:

Dear Faithful,

On the 16th of March Cardinal Levada, Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, presented a letter with clarifications in Rome, to the General Superior of the Society, Bishop Fellay, in which we will be called upon, to give a final affirmation of the Doctrinal Preamble of September 14th, as it has happened till now.

The final deadline for an answer is going to be April 15th, 2012. Certainly you have surely already learned this partly in the media. We are therefore arriving at a decisive point.

If the letter also has struck an unpleasant [unangenehmen] tone, yet it indeed gives justifiable hopes for a peaceful solution. In case this situations happens, it would strengthen all of the important protective powers in the Church; in the other case, these would be significantly weakened and demoralized. Therefore, what is uppermost is not our Society, rather the health of the entire Church.

For this reason we ask the fervent, persistent and beseeching prayers from all of our faithful and all Catholics, so that God, through the salvific sufferings of His only begotten son, leads His Church from Her crisis, and gives her in the holy resurrection of Jesus new life, new strength and blooming.

Stuttgart, 22 March 2012

Father Franz Schmidberger, District Superior

President of Philippines Bishops' Conference Celebrates Old Mass

Philippines. On 26th of March the President of the Philippine Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Jose Palma of Cebu, is going to celebrate a Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite. The assistance of the Liturgy is to be undertaken by the traditional religious community of the Franciscans of the Immaculata. The Pontifical Office will be celebrated in the church Maria Coredemptorix in Cebu.
Related, Canon Moreau's trip to the Philippines....

German Bishop Threatens Dissenters with the Sack

Edit: just as with  Utrecht recently, European Bishops seem like they're finally deciding to use the resources available to them to reign in dissenters and other disloyal parties.

Germany:   Allegedly, the Diocese of Augsburg's critics of the parish consolidation are being threatened with sanctions.  This was according to 'Bavarian Rundfunk'.  Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg has supposedly put 'massive pressure' on church employees, who won't resign themselves to the consolidation and a planned "disempowerment of the laity" -- is how the paper construes things.   The facts are much thinner.  Apparently there have been two deans who've been asked to resign their offices because of their criticism of the Bishop.  Many in the Diocese are "in fear of termination", says 'Bavarian Rundfunk" grasping in the empty air.

Link to

SSPX: A Spectacular Reading from the Pulpit

Bishop Fellay and Msgr Pozzo© Piusbruderschaft

 Edit:  A special announcement is to take place in Germany about the Preamble which will contain new information.  The day will also be the anniversary of the death of the Society's former superior, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre who died 21 years ago in 1991.

Tomorrow a public statement will be read from the pulpit in the Priories of the German District of the Society of St. Piux X regarding the state of negotiations with Rome.

(  Today the website of the District of the Society of St. Pius X has produced a chronology of the talks with Rome.

The chronicle is an overview of a span of time from the Second Vatican Council to today.

It maintains that the Pastoral Council is supposed to have decided upon a "modernization of the Catholic Church".

For that reason the "Phalanx of the progressives" are supposed to have held sway against the "conservative Conciliar Fathers".

A Sensational Success

The Society of St. Pius X was founded on 1 November 1970 by Bishop François Charrière († 1976) of Freiburg.

The first superior was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (+1991).  He began with four seminarians.

The Pope Has Never Abrogated the Society  

The society was abrogated a year later by the modernistic French Bishops.

The chronicle comments:  "Now it states clearly in canon law, that an ecclesiastical society, which has been legitimately erected canonically, can only be abrogated by the Pope himself."

Indeed:  "Until the present day, such a Papal abrogation has not taken place."

The Media Bosses Work With False Reports

The chronicle went in detail into the talks between the Society and the Vatican:

 "Because of a sermon by the General Superior, Bishop Fellay on the 2nd of February in Winona, there were several media outlets in Germany which premptively described the talks as "broken down"."

The chronicle  denies this:  "Bishop Fellay broached the issue not of the fundamental relation to Rome, rather of the question, as to how the "Doctrinal Preamble" should be evaluated."

An Answer to an Answer?

As a last event, the chronicle lists the meeting of Msgr Fellay with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith on the 16th of March.

At this even the Prefect explained in a written answer, that the offer of the Society is not sufficient to resolve the dogmatic problems.

On the morning -- of the 25th of March --  a further step will be announced.

"In Germany a word from the pulpit will be read to the faithful in relation to the talks with Rome."

Link to


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jesuit Cardinal Defends Homosexual Partnerships

Edit: Some will notice a certain similarity to statements by Cardinal Schoenborn and who defended it using the same argument.  Cardinal Martini just spells things about more explicitly in his new book.  Here's an interesting citation from the Jimmy Akin blog:

Cardinal Schönborn, who like his mentor Pope Benedict is a model of openness and transparency, invited the editors of Austria’s dozen or so major newspapers to a meeting at his residence in Vienna. How many bishops can you name who have extended such an invitation to the press? 

Italian Cardinal Martini breaks a lance for homosexual partnerships.

Rome (  The Italian Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini has spoken out for homosexual partnerships.  Against fleeting contacts it is "not bad, when two people have a certain amount of stability in relationships",   wrote the previous Archbishop of Milan in a book, from the newspaper, "L'Espresso" published in the Friday edition.  "I do not share the position of people in the Church, who agitate themselves about civil partnerships",  confessed the 85 year old Cardinal.

If homsexuals are living in a stable relationship, the state could guide this, Martini thinks.  Surely, the traditional family must be defended because it supports society.  "If, however, people of different or the same sex would like to sign a contract, to give their relationship a certain stability, why should we be unyieldingly against it?", asks Martini, one of the most visible churchmen and theologians in Italy, in the volume >>Credere e conoscere<< (Faith and Understanding).

Moral teaching firmly holds "for good reasons",  that God wanted the difference between  man and woman.  Some people have decided themselves in honest conviction, because of their previous experiences and habits, from psychological reasons and "possibly also from an inborn inclination" to live in a same sex partnership.  This ought "neither be demonized nor outlawed".  A durable and true friendship between two people of the same sex have in their view a value, even if as a sexual relationship it can not be raised as a model of life as the family can.

Martini expressed the understanding, "not unanimous agreement", for street parades of homosexuals.    In that their necessity for self-expression is apparent, even if this appears "excessively provocative".    As far as the use of condoms the Cardinal said, this could be viewed "in certain situations as a lesser evil".  Other morally acceptable means such as abstinence should not be therefore moved into the background.

Link to original....

Articles of Interest

Cardinal Martini says human life doesn't start at conception.

Cardinal Causes High Level Vatican Meeting

Attacks Church Teaching in Book, "Nocturnal Conversations"

Repeated Defiance of Rome

Of course he's a Zionist

Friday, March 23, 2012

The "Colorful Miracle" of a Bishop: Koran Suras Read in a Catholic Church

(L'Aquila)  The Diocesan Bishop of Teramo-Altri, Msgr Michele Seccia is leading a pastoral visit to the community of Silvi in Italian Abruzzo.  For the beginning of spring on the 21st of March he experienced there a "colorful miracle".  As he visited the church entrusted to the Franciscans, The Assumption in the vicinity of Silvi Marina, a resort town on the Adriatic, there were some Muslim children in the church reading suras from the Koran in Arabic.  The unexpected performance, an expression what is in many aspects a psuedo-interreligious and naively charming mentality, took place before the tabernacle.  The Bishop, who took no part in the program, was faced with an accomplished fact, as Messa in Latino reported.

The incident is reminiscent of the severe abuse of children in a Catholic private school in France , who were brought to a "promotion of interreligious understanding" in a mosque, where they were taught Muslim prayer postures.

The Bishop's comment is unknown.

Source, katholisches...

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Messa in Latino

Munich Bishop Chosen to be President of European Union Council of Bishops

(Brussels) Reinhad Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich and Freising, is the new President of the Commission of the Bishops' Conference of the European Community (COMECE).   Representative of the Bishops' Conference to the EU Member States chose him yesterday evening in Brussels to be successor of the Bishop emeritus of Rotterdam, Adrianus van Luyn SDB, who has held this office since 2006.  Cardinal Marxi has represented the German Bishops' Conference in the COMECE since 2006 and has been Vice President since 2009.

Link to katholisches....

The Persecution Continues: An Actual Ban on Confessions for Children and Youth

Fr. Skoblicki
Always the same:  An anti-Catholic journalist slanders a Catholic priest -- and the cowardly Diocese drives a knife at the same time in the clergyman's back.

(, Neuhoffen an der Ybbs)  Chaplain Andreas Skoblicki "for a start" may not hear any more children and youth confessions.

That was made known in a press release yesterday from the cowardly Dioocese of  Saint Pölten.

Real Old Liberal Grievance will be tolerated for decades

The Diocese reacted lightning quick because of a single slander article in the anti-Catholic Viennese newspaper 'Kurier'.

Fr. Skoblicki was driven from the Parish of Kopfing in the Diocese of Linz in January by the media bosses.

Since Feburary he's been active in the 2,800 population Parish Neuhoffen an der Ybbs for the neo-conservative Pastor Helmut Prader in the Diocese of  Saint Pölten.

The Cowardly Diocese Cringes

The 'Kurier' has disseminated the contention, Fr. Skoblicki is to have "insulted" two eleven-year-olds  in confession.

It consists in frank deceptive defamation.

For that reason the Diocese of St.Pölten went to its press conference in sackcloth and ashes.

Slander is welcome

Pastor Helmut Prader explained that he is in contact with "all involved" -- therefore with the slanderers .

He is then to clear up the situation and rectify it.

Fr. Skoblicki will, "for starters not hear any more confessions of children and youth", says Fr. Prader.

He will get familiar with the parish and the customs to gain the trust of the area.

Dastardly: The chaplain can not express himself in confession

Chaplain Skoblicki has not commented on these serious accusations.

He may  not openly discuss the contents or circumstances of conversations in confession.

He is sorry, in case he has hurt anyone, and apologizes to them never the less.

That was not his intention.

It possibly depends on the fact that German is not his native language.

Link to original...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Modernist Abbey Steeped in Dissent and Deceit

Edit: We received a post from an observant reader about the "Catholic Association of Lesbian Gay Ministry".  This  is the same organization which was forbidden from using a Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of St. Paul last February as reported by Lifesite News:

MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota, February 23, 2011 ( – Fr. Leo Tibesar, a Catholic priest, was scheduled to host an upcoming Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministries (CALGM) Fund Raising dinner at his parish in Minneapolis later this month, until the event was suddenly cancelled yesterday.
 Fr. Leo Tibesar, dubbed a “well known and highly respected Same Sex Marriage and Gay Rights Activist” in official event announcements, has openly supported and been actively involved in movements that oppose the Catholic Church on the issues of marriage and homosexuality for many years.

The organizer of the event, a Father Bob Pierson is the treasurer for the sponsoring organization which features gay marriage.  Elizabeth D really summed it up beautifully, how this entire thing is interconnected and very much alive in the Archdiocese and the Monastery of St. John's in Collegeville.

The monk Fr Bob Pierson who was the contact person for this retreat is also Tresurer for the sponsoring organization "Catholic Association of Lesbian and Gay Ministry" and almost all the other board members of this group can be verified online to be involved in other organizations explicitly in favor of homosexual "marriage"; at least one board member (an "inferfaith minister") performs same sex ceremonies. Based on web searching, the retreat leader Bob Pileggi is apparently a fallen away Catholic, has been a staff member of the pro-gay-marriage "Lambda Legal Defense Fund" for outreach and as coordinator of "The Marriage Project", and he also offers his services as an interfaith minister conducting custom weddings and other ceremonies clearly including same sex "weddings".
According to the Abbey website, Father Bob Pierson is:

Father Robert Pierson OSB Born in Estherville, Iowa, 29 December 1955; ordained 2 June 1984 Father Robert earned his bachelor's degree in social science from Saint John's University and master of divinity degree from Saint John's University School of Theology/Seminary. He has served as a pastor, seminary rector, director of field education, spiritual director, vocations director, chaplain, director of campus ministry, faculty resident, member of the Saint John's Abbey Schola, cantor and abbey fireman.
Selected quotes and stories about Father Bob Pierson who organized this event:

On the Catholic Church, he writes in the Pray, Tell blog:

There are aspects of our life as a Church that need to die so that we can experience the power of the resurrected life that God holds out to us this Easter Day.
Father Pierson also lost his composure when an instruction was released in 2005 disallowing homosexuals from being in the priesthood.  He was justifiably ridiculed by Diogenes at Catholic Culture after Pierson resigned from the Campus Ministry at St. John's:  Brother Reinhart incredibly called the dissenting priest "courageous" and a man of "integrity".   Here's part of the what Father Pierson wrote:

"For quite some time I have wrestled with conflicting teaching by the church -- that gays and lesbians are to be respected, but that somehow we are not fit for work in the church," said Pierson, who announced his decision in an e-mail message Wednesday to staff and students.
"But with the new teaching, which says gay men are 'objectively disordered' and cannot relate properly to men and women, it became clear to me that I cannot continue in campus ministry," Pierson said.
"For me, I have decided that I am not disordered, that I can be an effective celibate gay priest, that I can relate effectively with men and women," he said. "I have chosen not to be dishonest about my thoughts and feelings, and to resign."
Despite frequent and vociferous dissent from Catholic teaching, Father Pierson, like many others at they moribund Benedictine Abbey continue their scandalous behavior and are permitted by superiors of all kinds to persist in creating a poisonous habitat for the students and laity they are supposed to be serving.

Collegeville: Gomorrist Retreat Allegedly Cancelled But the Disease Remains

Edit: Just received a message from one of the readers. It looks like "Father Guestmaster" has announced that the retreat is cancelled. This is a good time for an analogy.  Sometimes you can apply topical ointment to a festering patch of skin, or give pain killers, but those things won't necessarily address the underlying condition.

Also read the article on the Pine Curtain and he says that the Monastery still hasn't taken down its advert on its "guesthouse" page.

 The modernist monastery has not yet taken down the offending pages and the presenter of the retreat still has the affair up on his site, here.

At the present, the offending entry can still be seen here.  Yet it's entirely possible, considering the track record of the institution, that they'll have the retreat anyway.

This is too little too late, as they've been doing this sort of thing for years.

Thanks to 'Rorate Caeli 'for getting the word out in an unambiguous and sensible way, and anyone else who was angered enough by this travesty to help spread the word about this place which is sorely in need of an exorcism, or an interdict.

Austrian Media Continues to Slander Intrepid Priest

Edit:  Father Skoblicki is the former pastor of the Linz parish who was run out of town on a rail because the Austrian media and a few villagers hated the amazing success he was having there.  Full church, young children and adolescents in the pews, long confession lines and a strong emphasis on the truths of the Catholic Faith were there.  The harassment continues.

Hangman's journalism against Father Skoblicki:  the agitation paper 'Kurier' slandrs the clergyman, without consulting him.
Fr. Skoblicki with new Pastor Helmut Prader
© Pressebild  

( The anti-Clerical newspaper 'Kurier' continues to engage in polemics against the former Pastor of Kopfing, Fr. Andreas Skoblici. Since February the clergyman has been chaplain for the community of Neuhofen and der Ybbs in the Diocese of St. Pölten.

Lying Nursery Tales

The scandal sheet 'Kurier' is spreading the lie that Fr. Skoblicki has characterized two eleven year old boys as "disgraces and threats" before God.

One of the boys is supposed to have confessed to having forgotten to pray once.  The other is said to have quarreled with his brother.

These sins are supposed to have "infuriated" Father Skoblicki -- finds the 'Kurier'.

Windy Evidence

It is telling that the schmier paper had spread these lies without first talking to Father Skoblicke.

The paper refers to its anonymous denouncer, Hermann G.  He is described as the grandfather of one of the children.

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