Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hand Communion Causes Loss of Faith

That Can't be Denied

Hand Communion is a Calvinist Invention
© Catholic Westminster, Flickr, CC
Hand Communion promotes the erroneous assertion that the Host is a precious little piece of bread,  that one can simply snap up. -kreuz.net

(kreuz.net) Hand Communion could not be banned like a revolution.

This is what Msgr. Schneider (50) of Astana in Kazakhstan for the website 'gloria.tv' on the end of October.

Msgr Schneider is a sharp critic of hand Communion.

 He recommends that the faithful can be led to kneeling Communion on the tongue with much patience and catechesis.

The Calvinist Form Leads to Calvinist Content

Msgr Schneider argued psychologically against the Calvinist practice of hand communion stemming from the sixteenth century.

One takes ordinarily with one's fingers what one wants in a commonplace way.

On the other hand, kneeling Communion on the tongue is a "complete gesture of sacrality, which expresses  the sublime."

No mature person goes to a knee, to receive a meal.

Hand Communion promotes an erroneous understanding that the Host "is more bread, that one can take."

Above all children may no longer experience, because of the daily form of hand Communion, the sublimity and greatness of Holy Communion.

That Wasn't Hand Communion

Hand Communion has let the belief in real presence and in the transubstantiation of the bread disappear.

The traditional form of the Mass impresses this belief much better than in the New Eucharistic Celebration.

Msgr Schneider stressed that the ancient form of the reception of Communion was on the tongue.

The faithful merely received the Host on their hands.

BUT:  They bent themselves down from below, in order to take the Communion with their tongue.

The transition to direct distribution of Communion in the mouth in the 6th and 7th centuries is something that was a logical consequence of a deepening Eucharistic understanding, according to Bishop Schneider.

Original, kreuz.net...


Hand Communion Must Go

Hand Communion is an Abuse

Bishop Says Should Receive Communion on the Tongue

A Case Against Communion on the Tongue

Monday, January 23, 2012

CDF Will Deliberate Starting Tuesday On SSPX

Edit: Isn't the presence of the Vienna Cardinal at these deliberations stretching credulity a little much?

Society of St. Pius X is having its answer to the Vatican for reconciliation looked over.

 Rome (kath.net/KAP)The Vatican Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith is beginning its plenary meeting in the Vatican.  The plenum will be led by the Prefect of the Congregation, Cardinal William Levada.  The meeting of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith will take place with Cardinals Kurt Koch and Kasper as Ecumenical experts as well as Vienna's Christoph Schönborn among the three German speaking Cardinals.  Even the  64 year old Regensburg Bishop Gerhard Müller is a member and is listed as one of the three favorites to succeed Cardinnal Levada after his foreseen retirement in April.

One of the themes of the plenary meeting is the addressing of the Society's answer to the Doctrinal Preamble.  The CDF is standing on a historical decision.  In schism from Rome since 1988 [sic] the Society has made its answer to the Levada Congregation, accompanying it with qualifications for reconciliation.

Between October 2009 and April 2011 three experts of the Vatican Commission "Ecclesia Dei" had and the Society of St. Pius X sounded out differences in existing teaching and arranged for the possibility of unification in eight meetings.  In the middle were the different positions on the Second Vatican Council and its statements on Ecumenism, Religious Freedom and Interrelgious Dialogue.

At the conclusion Cardinal Levada reached out in last September to the Superior of the Society, Bernard Fellay, with a "Doctrinal Preamble".  It contained a communique "some principles and criteria for interpretation of Catholic doctrine, which are necessary, in order to guarantee the true teaching office of the Church."

Till then the Preamble has been neither published, nor has the content of the Society's letter.  Clearly the society desires textual alterations, it has been maintained in well-informed circles.  New negotiations over the content of the clarification had been categorically ruled out by the Vatican. [?]

New negotiations or final break?

The really decisive question, whether the requested alterations by the Society are as changes in the subject or will merely be restatements.  In the first case the Roman answer would probably mean a final break.  Should in any case the majority in the CDF be prepared, to allow additional readjudication,  then this would mean a new round of negotiations.

The middle way would be to freeze the current situation.  The CDF would determine any lingering points of dissent and next declare any present further integration of the Society in the Church impossible.  With that, both sides could save face.

Link to kath.net...

Prosecutor Investigates Blasphemous Play

Since in Germany one is eager to take up the catchword "sedition", that one must react in this case -- otherwise credibility is gone.

(Kreuz.net, Weinheim)The Hamburg Prosecutor initiated investigation, number "7101 J 33/12" on January 17th January. It is being directed against Thalia Theare Ltd. The person in charge of the company, Joachim Lux. The inquiry involves an offense against faiths, religious societies and ideological groups. The place of the crime is the bigoted piece known as "Golgotha Picnic". It is in the theater on the program.

The blasphemous work has already been subject to significant protests in France.

Among others it portrays Jesus Christ as a terrorist and wallows in blasphemy.

If the opening of the investigation by the Hamburg State Prosecutor is a result of the performance of the smear piece, was not made known.
Link to original...

Bonn, Germany: Violence Against the Mother of God

Gewalt gegen die Muttergottes
Germany: Unknown persons have damaged a Marian Statue in the Rüngsdorfer Chapel. This was reported in Bonn's 'General-Anzeiger' on January 20th. Rüngsdorf is a municipality with 7.000 population in the city zone of Bad Godesberg in Bonn. Dean Wolfgang Picken is convinced of "intentional and religiously motivated vandalism". Nothing as stolen "The perpetrators had clearly intended to defile the place and damage the Madonna.", Explained the Dean. It is the fifth such attack against the Mother of God in five years. Image from Blickpunkt.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Spanish Toughguy Priest at 100

Edit: He's in the 77th year of his priesthood. Persecution hurts, but the Church is eternal. The article below also mentions the massacres inflicted upon the Church in Spain by the Communists. This priest is losing teeth, his memory's not as good as it used to be, but he's not giving up.
[energypublisher.com]Ask any dedicated Catholic priest how he would prefer to die, invariably the answer is “At the altar.” And in Spain, once a bastion of the Catholic faith, there is at least one priest that who is well on his way to fulfilling that wish.

Rev. Serafín Rodal Fandiño celebrated his 100th birthday on January 10 by celebrating Mass in Teis, a locale near Vigo in northern Spain. Don Serafín has served in the priesthood for 75 years and despite his age is able to read the Gospel at Mass without the aid of eyeglasses while he sits beside the altar in his wheelchair.

He still celebrates Mass every day despite his age and infirmity. Joined by his many friends, neighbors, and relatives, the centenarian wept in appreciation of the their good wishes as they sang Happy Birthday. A living testimony to faith, a fellow cleric, Brother Antonio Donaire, said of Don Serafín, as he is known, “He helped to get jobs for a lot of people in the Ascón shipyards; he has done a great deal of good.” Don Serafín has lived a facility operated by the Spanish Missionaries to Poor and Infirm for the last decade in the working class neighborhood.
Link to article...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

German SSPX Threatens Theater Staging Blasphemous Play

The director of the Thalia-Theater (who is directing a piece mostly offensive to Christians "Gólgota Picnic") must have explained to him, that he may be liable to punishment under §166, Abs. 1. This paragraph of the StGB [Penal Code] has been applied in other cases much more minor than this:
In 2006 someone was condemned for putting the words in Arabic "Koran, the holy Koran" on toilette paper and was condemned.

The course of events can be read as to what happened and which legal steps the Society will take against Thalia.

In 2006 a 61 year old man from Munster was punished by the force of the law under §166, because he had printed toilette paper with the sentence "Koran, the Holy Koran". The court of Ludinghausen condemned him because of insulting a conviction and disturbing the public peace for a prison sentence of a year to probation. The time of parole was extended to five years. [Source: Tagespiel]

Should the director fail to show concern for the religious feelings of Christians in this land, the Society of St. Pius X will file a criminal complaint against the Thalia-Theater.

In the moment the legal department of the Society of St. Pius X is working in the high alps. A legal complain is already impending to the Court of Hamburg's civil department against the Thalia-Theater.

So far as pius.info has been informed, that the circle of Hamburg citizens around Dr. Oppermann, who has put the appeal to the regulatory authority, has subsequently made a request for interim control order
Next, the notification to the Hamburg public prosecutor is already finished: If the director does not renounce this idea, the Society will be force to report a violation of f § 166, paragraph 1 of the penal code.

This will provide a good chance that the theater is convicted

The legal department of the Society in Germany has confirmed the following facts: The public mockery of Christianity and Christians themselves may have already constituted a disturbance of public peace as defined in f § 166, paragraph 1.

"The massive defamation of the Christian faith contributes to a climate of hostility and decision of Christians, and makes it impossible for them to permanently live and profess their faith openly, without being subjected to this abuse and ridicule. It is already a disturbance of public peace as seen in the meaning of § 166." (see Nuremberg, NStZ RR-99, 240; Federal Administrative Court, NJW 99, 304; OVG Koblenz, NJW 97, 1176; Schönke / Schroeder Before § 166 para. 2, § 166 para. 12).
"He who fights without violence, must therefore not be a coward!"
Please participate in the call to the clerk's office in Hamburg.

Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg Department of the Interior and Sport John Wall 4 20095 Hamburg Fax (0 40) 4 28 39 - 19 08 poststelle@bis.hamburg.de

Altona District Office Specialist Office of Consumer Protection, Trade and Environment Jesse Street 1-3 twenty-two thousand seven hundred sixty-seven Hamburg Fax: 040 42811-6045 verbraucherschutz@altona.hamburg.de

Order Office Hamburg Mitte Amsinckstraße thirty-four Hamburg 20 097 Fax: 040-42854-4114 ordnungsdienst@hamburg-mitte.hamburg.de

Note: Should you be a citizen of Hamburg, we recommend that in addition to the mail to actually send a fax or a letter.

You can also print out like the protest of Dr. Oppermann signed and send to the Office.

Long live Christ the King! 

Link to original.... pius.de... Related, the SSPX Petitions German Bishops to Protest Blasphemous Play....

A Political Murder Throws Light on the Passion of Our Lord

Edit: It was on this day that the great King, Louis XVI, was murdered by a mob of Jacobins whose cries for blood echo through the centuries. The King of France had much in common with the King of the Universe. Both were unjustly tried and executed. King Louis XVI was innocent of the charges put to him.

Some may want to dwell today on the indisputable greatness of this man who was unjustly struck down by vicious men. Today, it's a time to meditate not so much on the greatness of worldly deeds, but on the smallness of a creator who handed Himself in all His greatness to be scourged for the sins of His creatures. It is this that the noble death of this undeniably great man, puts in mind. His death at the hands of men who hated Our Mother the Church, and used one of its greatest sons as a focus for their venomous hatred.

It wasn't so much his worldly accomplishments which made him a great King. What made him a great King was that he was permitted by God Almighty to participate in the cross of His son and become a shining beacon of Catholic hope shining out on two centuries or the excesses of Revolutionaries and the slaughter of millions of Catholics for their Faith.

It is in this day and age that the inheritors of the Republican tradition continue on with the same spirit of malice, held in the hearts and minds of the same multitude that ordered Christ to be nailed to a cross.

YouCat Publisher Associated with German Bishops' Porn Publisher

YouCat Wins the German School Book Prize
(München) "You Cat" which is published by Pattloch publishers 1, the youth catechism of the Catholic Church, has received the German School Book Prize for 2011. The book first appeared in early part of 2011 on the initiative of then Pattloch distributor Bernard Meuser.
"You Cat" was published under the direction of Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn together with youth and a group of theologians and religion instructors. The small slender yellow book, which stems from the universal catechism of the Catholic Church, attempts to drawn young people by putting questions of faith to young people in understandable and attractive forms. Essential questions are unfortunately only handled superficially, important Catholic faith content is not mentioned, or even denied.

The "YouCat" in the meantime is available in ovver twenty languages and distributed world wide in over 1.5 million copies. The "YouCat Prayerbook", which appeared last fall also from Pattloch publishers, offers prayers for the success story of YouCat.

The German school book prize will be announced in Eichstaett on the 28th January The award which contains a gift of 2,500 Euros which has been given since 1990 by the "Kuratorium Deutscher Schulbuchpreis" within the society "Learning for German and European Future". The speech will be held by the President of the Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Richard Schenk.

Link to katholisches...

1. The Printing Group Droemer Knaur. is a 50 percent participant in Weltbild, which the German Bishops were recently implicated with for distributing pornography.

Victim of the Council: He was the First on a Long List

We recommend for your prayers the peaceful rest of Fr. Yves Jamin. He fell asleep on the 17th of January in Our Lady of Rafflay, well in the care of the Sacraments of our Holy Church. He was in his 82nd year of life.
(kreuz.net)Father Yves was a clergyman who remained true to tradition. He was among the first priests driven from his parish after the Second Vatican Council.

He distinguished himself by 57 years in the priesthood.

Fr. Yves Jarmin was born on 31. Januar 1930 in the 3500 population village La Bruffière in the Vendée in northwest France. The village belonged to the Diocese of Luçon.

He entered the seminary of Luçon.

On 28. Juni 1955 he was ordained there as a priest.

A long history

Finally, he was named as a vicar, first in Sables d’Olonne, then in Meilleraie, and finally in Ile d'Yeu.

Then he was a professor in Notre Dame de Luçon, vicar in Fougere as well as a spiritual director for the Religious Sisters in Bourgenay.

On 12. Juli 1969 he was named as pastor of St. Hillaire le Vouhis.

There he began what was for him a long history.

Brainwashing by the Council's madmen

Fr. Jamin cared for his faithful, preached the Faith and distributed the Sacraments.

He had to fight in order to protect tradition in his parish.

He felt unable to endure the brainwashing techniques of his Deanery and felt himself isolated.

For that reason he was tried in that moment to withdraw himself to a contemplative vocation.

But he recognized in this a temptation and chose instead to fight for the Faith.

He was dismissed

After five years in Saint-Hilaire le Vouhis, a year exchanging letters on dogma with Bishop Charles Paty († 2004) of Luçon, after physical attackings against himself and threats against his person, he was dismissed on the 25th of June 1974.

He was first in a long list.

The journalist Jean Madiran supported him in his literary periodical ‘Itinéraires’ -- as well as the Prelate François Ducaud-Bourget († 1984), then Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

In the year 1975 he built a barn in Braconnerie -- in which he could continue his service in the community Saint Martin de Noyers.

His work in the service of the healing of souls could continue to develop there.

After difficulties with the owners of the barn, Fr. Jamin left Braconnerie in 1987.

He found in Sigornais at the Launay estate, an improvised accomodation. The castle is the property of the Society of St. Pius X.

The consecration of the Chapel of our Lady of the Rosary was celebrated on 8. Juli 1990 by Father Paul Aulagnier -- the District Superior of the French District of the Society -- in the presence of numerous faithful.

At this opportunity he desired that the chapel be raised to the status of a Priory of the Society of St. Pius X.

The Society Adopts

Fr. Jamin was active for sixteen years in Fournils.

He took a few steps back from this service and gave the property to the Society.

In the year 2005 he moved himself back to the Little Sisters of Rafflay in the 2800 population Château-Thébaud.

There by the went to the love of God on 17. Januar 2012

Now there are two priests there
The chapel in Fournils attached to a priory in Nantes for a duration of five years.

On the 31st of October 2010 -- Feast of Christ the King -- Father Régis de Cacqueray, the French District Superior, officially established two priests o at the place.

That was the crowning of long years of fidelity for a pastor in the fight for tradition.

Fr. Jamins burial Mass will be today on Saturday, the 21st of Januar um 10:00 in the Chapel of Fournils, celebrated by Father Régis Cacqueray.

After that the burial will take place at the family plot in La Bruffière.
Link to kreuz.net...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Vatican Goes After Father Bourgeois

Vatican to priest: recant on women clergy

Edit: the word is out to dissident priests.  Get with the program or go sell liberal someplace else.

Is Maryknoll even a real order?

[Newsday] The Rev. Roy Bourgeois publicly backs the ordination of women as Roman Catholic priests and even took part in a ceremony doing so.

 Now, the Vatican is threatening to have him removed from the priesthood and his Westchester-based order, Maryknoll. Bourgeois, who is coming to Huntington on Sunday for a film about women priests and a chance to air his views, says he's simply following his conscience.

"The exclusion of women to the priesthood sends a very clear message -- men are superior, women inferior," Bourgeois said in an interview. "It's about sexism, and sexism, like racism, is a sin."

Link to original...

Bishop's Cousin Connected with "Junge Freiheit"

Why is "Junge Freiheit" so hated?  Because they won't subject themselves to the censures of the Antifa-Neonazis.  Truly, they are very powerful in Nazi-mad Germany.

(kreuz.net) The oppositional 'Junge Freiheit' is the second largest weekly in Germany.

Because of the media bosses manufactured disinformation campaign, they have an easy game.

Their circulation has -- against the general trend -- been going up for years.

According to the 'Audit Bureau of Circulation of Advertising Media' the paid circulation in 2011 has climbed over the previous year at 3,5 Percent to 20.339.

The number of subscriptions and the "sundry purchases" -- students and social subscriptions have increased over the previous year around 10.2 percent to 17.989.

The Church is governed from the outside

Yesterday it was reported that Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg , the Ichenhausener town pastor, Fr. Georg Alois Oblinger, had been forbidden to write in 'Junge Freiheit".

Why?  There was no answer why:

The head shepherd allowed himself to be pressured by the all powerful Antifa-Neonazis in Nazi-mad Germany, that's why.

Before these, the Old Liberal German Bishops self-flagellate themselves at regular intervals.

Antifa-Neonais against Half-Jews

 In 'Jungen Freiheit', Comrade Egon Bahr (89), a socialist with a human face, who stupidly had to have a Jewish grandmother.
Also the very famous journalist and publicist Peter Scholl-Latour (87) is a regular interview partner at 'Jungen Freiheit'. He is Catholic -- but is dumb enough to be a Jewish half-breed. During National Socialism, he overwintered for a time with the Jesuits in Switzerland. Variously Scholl-Latour served in the advertising campaign of 'Junge Freiheit' a poster -- recently in 2011.
More than a supplement

Bishop Zdarsa would have been informed by his cousin, the CSU Representative Thomas Goppel (64).

In July 2011 Goppel advertised the 25 year jubilee of 'Jungen Freiheit' with Ferdinand von Bismarck, Johanna Countess of Westphalen and the liberal economist, Jörg Guido Hülsmann in printed notices and online banners for the weekly.

He explained for the left demonizers at the 'Süddeutsche Zeitung':

"I often look at it more than the "Bayerkurier', less often than in the "‘Süddeutsche' or the 'Augsburger Allgemeine'".

Reading this paper is a "complete necessity" for him.

He wishes the 'Jungen Freiheit' "Ad multos annos. Many happy years"

Goppel is the cousin of the Augsburger Bishop, Msgr Konrad Zdarsa.
Link to kreuz.net...

Modernists Masked Themselves as the Middle Position

Now it's been scientifically proven:  The Pastoral Council was a great misfortune for the Church, if not the greatest misfortune of the Church overall. -kreuz.net

Available for  about 35 Euro in German
(kreuz.net) In December 2011 the groundbreaking work "The Second Vatican Council. A Till Now Unwritten History" or [The Second Vatican Council: A Story Never Written] by the Italian historian Roberto de Mattei (63) in the "Edition Kirchliche Umschau'.

De Mattei also mentions  the prehistory of the Council as well as the post-Conciliar breakdown.

He explains that the Pastoral Council was "one of the greatests mistfortunes, if not the greatest misfortune of Church history."

Prizewinning Masterwork

De Mattei received the important historical prize "premio Acqui Storia" for the book.

The prize is awarded under the patronage of the Italian President.

The president of the jury, the anti-Church Roman historian Guido Pescosolido, was so outraged about the recognition given to de Mattei, that he resigned as president.

The Emergence of a Third Power

De Mattei demonstrated the theological destabilization of the Church in the first half of the 20th century.

He described the Modernism at the beginning of the 20th century and the heroic struggle against it by St. Pope Pius X. († 1914)

Mattei suggests an ominous third power between the Catholics and Modernists.

These attempted to  take a middle position between "the whole truth and open error".

The Anti-modernism Disintegrated

De Mattei represents how after the death of Pius X the third party won more influence in the 20s- and 30s.

As representatives he named the French philosopher Maurice Blondel († 1949) or the French Bible Scholar, Father Marie-Joseph Lagrange († 1938).

The third party kept Modernism at a distance, but secured its continued existence despite the condemnation. De Matteis writes: "Modernism lived on -- actually Anti-Modernism disintegrated, in the illusion, that the worst had been passed."

There is no Catholic Maccabbees

In the 20s and 30s new heresies developed in all areas of Catholic teaching.

Yet there was no answer to the errors, which spread throughout the Church.

The disappearance of the defenders of the Catholic positions promoted, according to de Mattei, the advent of currents in the 30s, "which gathered in one way or another form of Modernism".

It formed itself in Biblical, Liturgical, the philosophical-theological and the economic movements.
An especially damaging influence was the 'Nouvelle théologie'.

The concealed Modernists raged especially in the area of Exegesis and Liturgy.

Pius XII. Ignored Advice

Indications and calls for alarm have been indicated by De Mattei as "rare and isolated".
They had been under Pius XII († 1958) "ignored as the remnants of 'Integralismus'".

De Mattei described this Pontificate as "much less >>repressive<<", than it is generally represented as being.
Next time: "The Church will be brought to Protestantism in this way" 

Also, we'll translate the interview of de Mattei that appeared in Kreuz.  This book doesn't have an American publisher yet, part of which has already been translated by Rorate Caeli.

Link to Sarto Press, where you can purchase this work...

It's reviewed at Pastor's Corner, here..

Link to original...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Protests Against Blasphemous Play Intensify -- Theater Seeks Police Instead of Dialogue

Edit: Isn't pelting the blasphemous play with rocks and criticism just more "freedom of expression"?

(Milan, Italy) Andrée Ruth Shammah, the director of the Teatro Parenti is seeking the "political and relgiously responsible people in the city of Milan", the Communist Mayor Antonio Pisapia, the Catholic Archbishop Andrea Scola and probably also the Police Prefect, to take care of the peace and security of the theater, to protect from "daily more serious" waves of protest against the introduction of the blasphemous play "Sul conetto di Volto nel Filgio di Dio" [On the concept of the face regarding the Son of God], which is a huge representation of the face of Jesus which is pelted by stones and mud while the following sentence smeared with excrement, "You're not my Shepherd". The theater "never wanted to be offensive", said Shammah. "We are not looking for controversy, though we have looked for dialogue with mutual respect."

Shammah distributed the release simultaneously at the same release, however, the labels of "good" and "evil". In the production itself, there is no invitation to a "constructive dialogue". They miss every insight of criticism of the piece by Romeo Castellucci. In place of that Shannah dismisses every criticism, that the production only "by reason that there are falsely or misleading interpretations", to be finally brought "to silence" ultimately, because of a word that's conceived as "blasphemy". The charge of blasphemy is categorically denied by the director. What is blasphemous or not is obviously determined by religious sensibilities. [Which don't matter if those are Catholic.] The shift in roles of "black and white" according to Shemmah is: these are free arts, that are completely and unjustifiably threatened, against which demand protection by the authorities, then there are those, where those who threaten them are completely unjustifiably threatened, while they call for the protection of the authorities.

The Jewish Shemmah puts a surprising lack of religious sensitivity toward Christianity in this day, especially since she is heavily involve d in the life of the Jewish community. Even on her Facebook page, there are complaints, however, about the "anti-Semitic" character sound to the criticism of her work.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: adrianabolchini.com

Long-time Dissident Priest Faces "Suspension" if He Speaks His Mind

Edit: Catholic Culture cites a local anti-clerical newspaper in Minneapolis, the 'Star Tribune', which states laughably:

It is also uncommon for bishops to suspend priests for failing to abide by Catholic teaching.
Father Tegeder, who's been attacking the company policy of the Catholic Church and undermining its bottom line throughout his priestly career has been said to have been "warned".

Tegeder would more likely face suspension for defending the Catholic Faith and teaching it than he will if he challenges the Archbishop, and it's a certainty that he will.

It's interesting to compare Father Tegeder's Luciferian disobedience and contempt for authority with Father Oblinger of Augsburg's docility even to the apparently unjust treatment of his own ordinary.  It's still more interesting to note that Liberal Bishops, of whom there is no shortage, are eager to silence, destroy and marginalize conservative clergy for the slightest provocation, or none at all, while they allow those who flaunt authority to run amok.


UPDATE:  Of course, NCR is proudly indicating that he is "holding his ground".  Any bets as to whether he'll be suspended?

In a recent piece in the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, he was quoted as saying the marriage amendment campaign is "not the way to support marriage. If we want to support marriage, there are wonderful things we can do as Catholic churches and ministers. We should not be focused on beating up a small number of people who have this desire to have committed relationships."

Augsburg Bishop Silences Loyal Priest

Edit:  It looks like a conservative priest is being silenced, again, by his Diocese while the radicals are allowed to run wild.  Could this priest be a German, FatherZ?

The desire of the left media bosses has come to pass: Pastor Georg Alois Oblingger must cease his work at the opposition 'Junge Freiheit" [Young Freedom] according to a notification from the Diocese.

(kreuz.net)  Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg is forbidding Pastor Georg Alois Oblingger of Ichenhausen to write for the opposition Berlin weekly 'Junge Freiheit'.

This was according to the news 'Augsburger Allgemeine'.

The population 8.400 city of Ichenhausen lays in the Swabian district of Günzburg.

An Active Clergyman

Fr. Oblingger teaches as several schools in the district -- among others at the St. Thomas Gymnasium in Wettenhausen and the middle school of Ichenhausen.

Additionally he has written regularly for years at 'Junge Freiheit'.

Msgr Zdarsa has just forbidden this.

He can write for dirty Spiegel?

The clergyman has been admonished not to publish any more for 'Junge Freiheit', explained the speaker for the Dicoese, Markus Kremser.

The Bishop has already informed the priest with his decree on the 16th of December.

The muzzle also applies to "other publications".

Fr Oblingger has been active as a regular columnist for 'Junge Freiheit' since  2002.

Comparable measures against Old Liberals are unknown.

Fr. Oblingger should write in other newspapers -- says Kremeser.

There are more talks he has to give in the future -- the censer said, trying to justify himself.

The reasons for these measures were not made known.

It is unclear if the Diocese was offended by a certain text by the clergyman or in the general work of 'Jungen Freiheit'.

Against the countless anti-church media and clergy in his Diocese, Msgr Zdarsa had nothing to say.

Fr. Oblingger will bow

Pastor Oblingger denied obligatory suggestions by 'Augsburer Allgemein', that the 'Junge Freiheit' itself moves to the borders of right extremism:

"The Junge Freiheit is clearly in the realm of Democracy."

The crime of the newspaper: they don't sing in the choir of the antifascist-neonazi media bosses.

Fr. Oblingger is going to obey the decree from the Diocese, "understandably".

"Obedience begins at the point where I disagree."

That is where the Church stops also in this case.

Link to original...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Doyen of Exorcists Dies -- Sicilian Franciscan Served Thousands

Doyen  of Exorcists Dies - Father Matteo La Grua, "Am just a servant of my Lord"

(Palermo) Yesterday Father Matteo La Grua was burried in Palermo, Sicily. The world-class Exorcist belonged to the Friars Minor. Father La Grua was a judge at the Supreme Court in Church of the Sacred Rota in Rome, a professor of ascetical and mystical theology at the College of the Franciscan Order and the Archbishop's Seminary of Palermo. These are just a few key words describing the rich work of the Franciscan, who was a spiritual guide to thousands of believers. Father La Grua represented a Franciscan  who strove always while returning to the origin of the Order in St. Francis of Assisi. A permanent opening of the man towards brotherhood, peace, hospitality and total dedication to the ordained priesthood. Father Matteo La Grua was at the international level, the doyen of the exorcists of the Catholic Church. In 1975 he was appointed by Cardinal Salvatore Pappalardo, Archbishop of Palermo.  As his confessor, Father La Grua was entrusted with the spiritual leadership of the Charismatic Renewal of the Archdiocese.
His Successor as exorcist of the Archdiocese of Palermo is now the Franciscan Fra Benigno, a disciple and companion of Father La Grua. The Exorcist was considered by the Franciscans of Palermo as a "living patron saint" of their city torn by crime and the mafia. He saw himself only as  a "servant of the Lord" with the command to "go"  comfort and heal. Accordingly, he saw his main task as a special confessor and as an exorcist. When asked about cases of demonic possession, Father Matteo replied stereotypically with the sentence: "I'm not going to discuss it." But he was eager to discuss evil and the demonic activity in the world.
Father Matteo La Grua was born on 14 February 1914 in Castelbuono, Sicily, close to the magnificent Norman cathedral of Cafalù. After joining the Friars Minor he was ordained priest in 1937. According to church law, he was already "retired". "For a priest, there is no retirement," he used to respond to those inquiries who asked why an over 90-year-old was still so active. Last Sunday, Father La Grua died shortly before his 98th Birthday in Palermo.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: gesuliberatore.org

SSPX Responds to Preamble: Rome is Listening Intently

Edit:  Vaticanista Tornielli has reported on the "Lefebrians" in his blog Vatican Insider.  There have also  been comments around and about that people are "hoping the SSPX is respectful and doesn't lecture Rome."

Apparently, those people haven't been paying attention to what Bishop Fellay has been saying throughout the entire process.   He hasn't been disrespectful, nor has he put himself in a position of lecturing Rome.  He's actually imploring the Holy Father's patience and asking him to consider first the state of the Church, which is disastrous, before he considers the SSPX's concerns with regard to Vatican II and present situation.

He's far more genuine and respectful, Catholic and submissive to the Holy Father than most of the Bishops in the German speaking zone, of whom only a handful can really be counted as loyal.

Remember, Bishop Fellay didn't sound "disrespectful" in the least when he hoped that the Vatican would reconsider the Preamble.  Well, it seems that his approach has worked, for now.

Msgr Fellay still has great hope that Rome will reconsider.
At the same time he recognizes the magnitude of the collapse.
As an example he described a congregation of sisters, which was once widespread in France.
In the meantime the community has three nuns between the ages of thirty and forty years of age, and in the ages of forty and fifty another three sisters.
About two hundred sisters are over seventy years old.  In the age group between twenty and fifty the number is only one less than in the age group over 100.
 Msgr. Fellay's conclusion:  "The Church is laying in death.  She is disappearing.  She has to wake up."

Richmond Abbey Has Two Accusations Against Monk

Edit: Presently, the Abbey is admitting there was wrongdoing but is describing the homosexual predation  as a "minor boundary violation".  The offending Monk, Travers, has been dismissed from his position and is on restriction.

The American Cassianese Congregation also contains the Monastery of Collegeville, which has wildly deviated from the mission of the Benedictine Order.

They may not have the financial problems and in "good standing", but it brings to mind another "Benedictine" Monastery which was in trouble recently.
The Catholic monk in charge of the Mary Mother of the Church Abbey in Goochland County, which owns and operates Benedictine College Preparatory school, has been removed from the position pending the outcome of an investigation into an allegation of sexual misconduct.
The Rev. Luke Travers, a former headmaster of the elite Delbarton School in New Jersey, was removed from his role as the Virginia abbey's canonical administrator Wednesday pending the outcome of the inquiry, said Hugh Anderson, president of the American Cassinese Congregation. Travers is also prohibited from having contact with juveniles or young adults.
The decision to remove Travers came after a letter was sent this week to Anderson and the Most Rev. Francis Xavier DiLorenzo, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, asking them to re-evaluate Travers' role. The letter from Patrick J. Marker, a resident of Washington who advocates for victims of monk misconduct, outlined allegations of misconduct by Travers against two unidentified male victims. Marker said the misconduct was sexual in nature, included the kissing of one victim's neck and ears and the touching of another victim's crotch, and happened in New Jersey.
Link to read further... 

Other developments here....

Here's a video of a Monk from the Monastery on EWTN:

A Prophetic Voice at the Vatican Council: Bishop Giovanni Battista Peruzzo

Edit: the following is an excerpt taken from the Protocols of the Second Vatican Council. It is taken from Roberto de Mattei's new book on the Vatican Council, Concilio Vaticano II. Una storia mai scritta (The Second Vatican Council: a story which has never been told.). It has met with some controversy, and is not presently available in English.
Wikipedia of Bishop Peruzzo

From the Protocols of the Council

I am the last [who  speaks], but I am old, the eldest in your midst, and perhaps I have understood little; so try to see things my way, if some of my  expressions are distasteful to you.  I have heard many observations and proposals against the sacred tradition of the precious use of the latin language in the Sacred Liturgy and many words have been cause for anxiety and concern.  I would like to shortly contribute something where my remarks will not rest on theological, but on a historical basis.  The anti-Liturgical movement is not so telling because of its origins.   It is more significance importance to be concerned with the noteworthiness of the origins of families, institutions, circumstances and instruction: who is the father, who is the mother and who is the leader.  If the source [of origin] as the beginning is done well, they will easily remain healthy over time.  If the source was contaminated, it will be difficult to clean.  While I draw on these principles, I would like to look the origin of the anti-Liturgical Movement in the eye.

Their fathers, their leaders, this movement was begun at the end of the 15th and as the 16th century began.

The first anti-Liturgists were the humanists, true and real pagans in Italy, better-minded in France and the Nordic countries, led by Erasmus, but all wavering in Faith.   Among them were many of our brothers who joined the contest and later left the Catholic Church.  From them the Jansenists arose, in Italy the participants in the Synod of Pistoia and finally the Modernists: this is the society, who are in many ways comparable.

On the other side is found not a single sainted Bishop who was a promoter of this movement.  From St. Charles Borromeo to Saint Anthony Mary Claret, to St. Francis de Sales to St. Alfons, old as new, all held fast onto the Latin Tradition.  These facts must raise concern about these proposals for novelty.   One quickly leaves the "old way", which is safe; but the new ideas, what voids might we encounter and fall into!

 Erasmus wrote the forward to his Gospel of St. Mathew as follows:  "It seems incongruous and ridiculous that the that the common people and women murmur the Psalms and the Sunday prayers like parrots in a constant repetition, while they do not understand their significance."

The University of Paris condemned this opinion, the simply and justifiably appears as Godless, and promotive of new falsities: one reads in Duplessy.  This condemnation which appears to us as exaggerated, turns out to be really prophetic. All of those, who are of one or another type favoring the reduction of the Latin language, brought to the Liturgy, in the past as today,  the same grounds:  so the people might better understand and come to a stronger faith and greater love of God.

In the Augsburg Confession there was nothing more proposed than that the songs of the people would be  in the common language during the celebration of Mass. But what happened?  The general introduction of the people's language in the Mass was the first act of separation from our Holy Mother the Church.  This harsh statement is not mine, but was that of Abbot Dom Guéranger who is truly the father of the Liturgical Renewal.  So here are his words:

"The separation of the liturgical language for some unexplained motive, which we do not know, has almost always done well in obtaining a dispensation from the Pope, to the schism and the complete separation of the Catholic Church."  
He demonstrates this assertion also, as one can glean this in the 3rd Volume of his "Institutions Liturgique". These words, these facts must make us proceed in this matter very carefully.

I will briefly mention a third evident reason: the loyalty of the bishops, more than any other, have always proved to be to the Holy Father.  Since about five centuries the Popes have steadfastly defended Latin in the Sacred Liturgy against the requests, recommendations and threats.  In more recent times, from Leo XIII. to the reigning Holy Father, they have pronounced on the necessity of the Latin language in the Sacred Liturgy  in various Apostolic Letters.

Bretheren, are these instructions merely suggestions, or do they include an order? Opposing points of discussion are allowed;  actually it will show me right, if  you are content to be silent and in obedient subjugation to the Holy Father.  We all desire that today's men become better Christians. Are we all bent on reaching this goal?  History teaches us in fact that the sanctity of souls is bound with the Liturgy, but it requires that  it, especially our holiness, our strength of faith, heroism of apostolate, prayerfulness, intellect, penitence and also outward devotion would lead people to God.  Please look beyond my vanity and pray for me too!

The Address of Mons. Giovanni Battista Peruzzo, Bishop of Agrigento, a 29 October 1962, quoted from Acta Synodalia sacrosancti Concilii Oecumenici Vatican II: Roberto de Mattei: The Second Vatican Council. A hitherto unwritten story. Ecclesiastical Umschau Edition, p. 278 ff  

[Roberto De Mattei holds to that Peruzzo was ridiculed for this talk by the "progressives" in the auditorium.]

Translated from Elsa's Nacht[b]revier...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Heterodox, Hostile to Tradition. Regensburg Bishop to CDF?

Editor: There's some speculation from Vaticanista Tornielli and in the German press about who the next head of the CDF will be.  Bishop Muller is said to be "close" to Pope Benedict.  Not sure how that works, but the man is thoroughly incompetent to the job, unless he's being kicked upstairs.

Bishop Muller can't even really be said to be Catholic as he denies the physical inviolability of Our Lady even in child birth.  He says that the Virgin birth was "not from the abnormal physiological particularities of natural progression in birth, [uh, like the non-opening of the birth canal, the inviolability of the hymen and that she didn't feel the pains of birth] , rather in the healing and saving influence of the Savior's Grace for human nature."

The German translated above: „nicht um abweichende physiologische Besonderheiten in dem natürlichen Vorgang der Geburt (wie etwas die Nichteröffnung der Geburtswege, die Nichtverletzung des Hymen und der nicht eingetretenen Geburtsschmerzen), sondern um den heilenden und erlösenden Einfluß der Gnade des Erlösers auf die menschliche Natur“.

As far as Vatican appointments go it has been noticed significantly, that the candidate for the post is incompetent.  In that respect he would be an ideal candidate.  A commentary by Leopoline Mayrbichl.
© Dr. Meierhofer, GFDL

(kreuz.net) Bishop Gerhard Ludwig Muller is up for the umpteenth time as prefect of the Congredegation for the Doctrine and the Faith.

The same is said with the same regularity about Vienna's Christoph Cardinal von Schönborn. One has the impression that these most worthy masters would squelch the rumors in order to come closer to their desired positions.

Their press secretaries are understandably instructed, to approach everything dutifully -- as if one would rather remain a pastor. These theological heavy weights must be reminded, however, that the wealth of God is won by service -- not to honors and positions.

The consolation prize

It is generally well known, that the Prefect of the CDF since 2009 also the President of the Papal Commission 'Ecclesia Dei' is appropriate to the traditionalists.

Actually with his unintelligent and hostile disposition to the traditionalists and the Old Liturgy Bishop Muller would be considered unsuitable to this position.

The people, for whom he is responsible, would face a serious challenge in dealing with him.

In this sense he has sunk his own career.

The antagonism remains

Apparently, Benedic XVI was supposed to have made a visit to Regensburg to take the Bishop to task.

The Pope had attempted to hold him back from his hostility to tradition.

Then the Bishop allowed the Old Mass in Regensburg.

Actually, as the hope of a quick Cardinal's purple flew, then he began to put employees of the ordinary under pressure.

They were expected to distinguish themselves from traditionalists.

Theologically Clueless

Still of greater concern are the serious deficiencies in the theological competence of the Bishop.

Although he was once a professor of Dogmatic Theology -- but unfortunately only at the decadent and Old Liberal Theological Faculty of Munich.

He really doesn't know much about Catholic theology.

Correspondingly, he's spread some blatant heresies regarding the Virginity of Mary, the Eucharist and ecumenism.

As a successor for Cardinal William Levada(75)as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith, Bishop Charles Morerod(50)of Lausanne-Genf-Freiburg is recommended.

One would be advised to appoint him soon -- before he is furthered compromised by the Old Liberal powers in his Diocese.

Link to kreuz.net...