Monday, January 16, 2012

Poland's Socialists Want to Deny Broadcasting License to Catholic TV

Edit: Poland's government has been hostile to Catholic broadcasting in general, and continues to be so.  It's been trying to shut down "Radio Maryja" It does not what to grant a Catholic broadcaster a cable license for frivolous pretexts. 

In Poland, there is growing criticism of the National Broadcasting Council because of its relation to the Catholic TV-Station >>Trwam<< [I persevere]. The regulating authority does not want to grant the station a digital broadcasting license.

Warschau ( Poland, there is growing criticism of the National Broadcasting Council because of its relation to the Catholic TV-Station >>Trwam<<[I perservere]. The regulating authority does not want to grant the station a digital broadcasting license. The current counsel to the Polish Bishops Conference has addressed the Broadcasting Council on Monday that the decision will infringe on the principle of diversity of opinion in Digital-TV. For this the Bishops consider this decision as a violation against the "equality before the law". They are appealing to the Broadcasting Authority, since the TV-brance of the conservative right >>Radio Maria<< has already been granted a provisional digital television license for the summer of 2013.

A speaker for the Broadcasting Authority has based the decision to refuse a license for >>Trwam<<  on its lack of program diversity and poor financial security.  According to Polish media the decision is still not final.  The director of >>Trwam<<  and >>Radio Maryja<<, Father Tadeusz Rydzyk, and the conservative right opposition in Parliament have given their strong protest in the last week.  Rydzyk claims, his TV station is being discriminated against, because he does not support the government.

In 2003 the TV station carried among other things, numerous Masses and the foreign trips of Pope Benedict XVI. live.  It has broadcast its program till now from non-terrestrially, but only over satellite, cabel and internet.  Without a digital license he will be automatically flying with no cable network.

Link to original...

Swiss Bishop: We Don't Need Reformers, But Saints

Edit: he's trying to reform his Diocese, but the professional Catholics won't let him. He turns to Christ.

He has discovered the Middle of the Council
The Bishop of Chur brings Old Liberal error to the point: "It is my certain conviction that structural debates will never develop a living Church."

( In a new year's greeting in the Old Liberal 'Schweizer Kirchenzeitung"  Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur, cites Erasmus of Rotterdam († 1536)for Basel's humanists.

Just as princes give their sovereign responsibilities to their deputies and these deputies do the same in turn, so the Bishops yield their duties of prayer to the simple people out of modesty.

These duties were spread further -- till they finally, as in the Carthusian lands, "where all piety is as in the grave."

Then comes the Second Vatican Council -- you might ask if he were serious -- which encourages all Catholics to a "renewed and missionary Christianity".

The Bishop cited the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church "Lumen Gentium".

The Old Liberals desire structures instead of life

It is surprising to Msgr Huonder that since the Council there had been much debate over ecclesiastical structure and classes.

This had contributed to "the Church, in its meaning and determination in the minds of many people to be relegated to the background in favor of human or very often at all-too-human aspects."

The bishop is firmly convinced "that structural debates will never produce a living Church."

The ominous fifth chapter

Msgr Huonder gives an exegesis of the Constitution of the Church, which he understands in a double framework:

- The first chapter speaks of the Church, in which the Trinity opens Itself to men. In the eighth chapter this community finds its personal completion in Mary.

-The second chapter speaks of the people of God. This expression mirrors the seventh chapter in the eschatological character of the Church.

Within this framework the Council mentions in the third, fourth and sixth chapters the ecclesiastical classes: clergy, laity and religious.

Only the fifth chapter has no matching part. For that reason the middle of "Lumen Gentium" is in the middle -- indeed "the middle of the entire Second Vatican Council."

This chapter is concerned with a "general appeal to the holiness in the Church".

All have the same duty

It reads in the lines about the Church in the chapter on "Lumen Gentium":

"The Church exists so that all may belong to the hierarchy or led by her, to be called to holiness."

Therefore the Second Vatican Council is an answer to the temptation, to pass by the quest for perfection.

Bishop Huonder's take:

"So I am convinced that the heart of the mission of the Second Vatican Council also in our present situation a medicine for some suffering, within and for the Church, as indeed it is articulated again and again."

He wants the Church -- with a quote from John Paul II -- not of reformers, but of saints.
Link to original...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Germany: Married Protestant [?] Instructor Acquitted of Molesting 14 Year Old Girl

Edit: Neuwied is a town with a population of about 64,318 in Rheinland-Pfalz. There are few Catholics in Rheinland-Pfalz because it was one of those districts in Germany which became Protestant at the time of the Revolt as a result of the Treaty of Westphalia. What the article below and all subsequent articles dealing with the tale won't tell you is that the school is run by Protestants. If it had been a Catholic priest who had committed this deed, he'd be facing prison and the story would be in the Spiegel and Time Magazine for sure.

The comments are pretty interesting. One of them even took a swipe at the Catholic Church while defending the married perpetrator at the same time. There are many who are more upset about puritanical American attitudes than they are that a fourteen year old was victimized by her teacher.

A teacher who seduced a 14-year-old schoolgirl and had sex with her at least 22 times has escaped punishment after a German court ruled that as he did not teach her class, he had not abused his position.
The decision was described on Wednesday as a “catastrophe” by the head teacher of the school in Neuwied in Rhineland Palatinate, while the girl’s parents said they were “totally devastated” – and furious there was no chance to take the case further. 

[The Local] Generally people over 21 can have sex with 14-year-olds unless they abuse the younger partner's "lack of capacity for sexual self-determination" or are in position of power over them.

The district court in Koblenz overruled a 2010 conviction of sexual abuse of a ward – and lifted the accompanying two-year suspended sentenced handed down by other, lower courts, because the judges decided the man was not her teacher.
Link to article...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

SSPX Petitions German Bishops to Make Reparations for Blasphemous Play

The Faithful Are Coming in Buses

Within a week Christ will be ridiculed in Hamburg. The Society of St. Pius X is encouraging the Archbishop Werner Thissen of Hamburg to make an act of reparation.

(, Stuttgart) On the 23rd of January the "Thalia Theater' in Hamburg is introducing the blasphemous piece 'Golgotha Picnic'.

This public act of agitation portrays Christ as a terrorist.

In addition a crucifixion is enacted with a half-naked prostitute.  The tramp has a motorcycle helmet with a crown of thorns painted on it.

In the piece more naked exhibitionist enter whose reproductive organs are projected on a screen for the titillation of the audience.

In France there are thousands of youth on the street.

The Society of St. Pius X jumped into the breech today.  They protested against the blasphemy in a press release.

This requested the German Bishops to participate in the protest.

The speaker for the Society, Father Andreas Steiner, had e-mailed the various press offices of the Diocese.

He recalled that in France, many Bishops -- among them Msgr Dominique Rey (59) of Toulon and Mons. Raymond Centène (53) of Vannes -- condemned the piece in strong terms.

Cardinal André Vingt-Trois of Paris called a prayer vigil against the piece in his Cathedral.

Father Steiner is hoping naively that the German Bishops will follow these examples.

His expectation has even extended elsewhere, that also Protestants, Jews and Muslims will protest.

In fact, the only Christians you could realistically expect to be at the theater will be Traditionalist.
Link to original...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Denial Runs Rampant as San Francisco Diocese Discusses Women Religious

Edit: It's really disappointing that the Apostolic Visitation which was meant to address the "issues" related to US Women Religious has degenerated into a vague pat on the back. Meanwhile, the good that's been done by orders of traditional sisters who are living out their vocations in good faith and who are now experiencing tremendous growth, are ignored.

People who are addicted to alcohol will do anything to avoid talking about the problems that lead up to their life's problems. When you're addicted to Modernism, you'll do anything to avoid talking about the solution to the problems which ail you, especially when you claim to be a Catholic religious.

It's what one Bishop calls a dialog of the blind deaf and dumb. They pretend that the problem isn't there, when the embrace of "Social Justice" and novelty is choking the life out of these moribund old orders and the Catholic Faith they once claimed and protected.

The only growth that this nun, Sister Rosina, sees is in the "developing" countries, which she views as an opportunity for "diversity, new prayer forms" and "cultural expressions". What she really means is that the Church will become more irrelevant and she can keep collecting a six figure salary.
Last Dec. 10, 95 women religious representing 21 religious congregations met with Archbishop George Niederauer, Auxiliary Bishop William J. Justice and Auxiliary Bishop Robert W. McElroy at St. Cecilia Church in San Francisco to hear a panel presentation on the future of religious life.

Catholic San Francisco spoke with Presentation Sister Rosina Conrotto, director of the office of women religious for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, after the event.

Catholic San Francisco: What is your personal view of religious life and the role of women religious going forward?

Sister Rosina: Religious life, no matter what form it takes, will always be a gift in the church. As women religious we’re called to live consecrated lives of poverty, chastity and obedience and to respond to the needs of our time. Our response can be through direct service, through prayer and through the witness of our lives as we strive to live the Gospel values of justice, compassion and respect for the dignity of all persons and for all creation. Forms may change, but the commitment will remain the same.[It means more bad Liturgy, more heretical teaching, more Modernism.]
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Bishop Emeritus Sues Faithful Priest in Texas

Edit: Father Rodriguez gives fairly non-controversial talks and homilies for a Catholic priest, but they don't like that in the Diocese. It's pretty telling when you're not only fired from your job for teaching the Catholic Faith, but sued by your own former superior. Is there anyone who believes that this isn't a case a vindictive man attacking someone whose manner of life points an accusing finger at him?
JANUARY 12, 2012 PRESS RELEASE by Fr. Michael Rodríguez It is unfortunate that Bishop Armando Ochoa, Administrator of the Diocese of El Paso and no longer our bishop, has decided to pursue legal action against me. Such legal action is unjust. 
Over the course of 9 1/2 years as the parish priest of San Juan Bautista Catholic Church, I poured my heart and soul into caring for this parish, both in terms of temporal goods, and especially spiritual goods. I'm confident that hundreds of my former parishioners will eagerly testify to this. In his January 11, 2012, press release, Bishop Ochoa stated, "Fr. Rodríguez's handling and use of donated funds has compromised the financial integrity of San Juan Bautista."

This is not true. Bishop Ochoa's statement also refers to "Fr. Rodríguez's mishandling of funds." Again, this is not true. I have always honored, respected, and made good use of the financial patrimony of San Juan Bautista. I stake my entire reputation on this claim.

On September 20, 2011, I opened my heart to my bishop, like a son to a father, and was completely honest and forthcoming with him as to the financial affairs of San Juan Bautista. I told him everything. He chose not to believe me. For the past four months, my canon lawyer has made repeated efforts to resolve this matter with Most Rev. Armando Ochoa, and he has refused.

Read entire article at philotheaonfire here...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bishop Schneider: Hand Communion Must Go

It is a legend that hand communion goes back to the first century.  It comes much more from the devilish schismatic of Geneva, John Calvin.

( The current form of hand communion stems from the Calvinists.

This is what Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider (50) of Astana in Kazakhstan said at the end of October for the videosite ''.

"That was an abuse"

Calvinist self-communion was introduced in the 1960s by decadent Catholic Communities in the Netherlands.

This step happened in disobedience to ecclesiastical rules -- Msgr Schneider stressed:  "That was an abuse and the Holy See forbid it in the 1960s."

Finally Paul VI († 1978) addressed hand communion in the Document 'Memoriale Domini' in May 1969 with a "heavy heart":

"In this document the Church said that this form is an exception and that kneeling Communion would remain the rule."

At hand communion the people would take the Host with their fingers and put it in their mouths themselves:  "this particular gesture has never taken place in the history of the Church, never."

It was a kind of self communion.

The Lutherans adapted themselves to the Catholics

Msgr Schneider recalled the Episcopal Synod of October 2005 on the Eucharist.

During a recess Msgr Schneider asked an attending Norwegian Lutheran "Bishop" how his community gave  the Lord's Supper.

The Lutheran answered that the Norwegian State Church had, up until about ten years ago, been giving supper only kneeling and on the tongue. Yet the influence of decadent Roman Catholics has caused hand communion to be introduced.

Liturgical Minimalism

The Auxiliary Bishop asks that hand communion be prayed and worked against:

"We must deeply desire that this form of current hand communion, which has never been practiced in the Church, be abolished"  -- he said with feeling.

Handcommunion is a minimal form of  reverence.  On the contrary, the Church ought never to be satisfied with minimalism.

Particles of Host on the floor

Msgr Schneider warned that giving hand communion will cause many particles to be lost.

The Hosts are often flaky.

The particles could also adhere to the fingers or remain on the
 palm.  They would fall on the ground and be trampled.

In Kazakhstan, according to the Auxiliary Bishop, Communion is only given kneeling and on the tongue.

"It so often happens to me and also to other priests, that there are a few particles on the paten."

Without Communion patens, these particles would fall on the floor or in the clothing of the people.

Msgr Schneider also warned that hand communion simplifies the theft of Hosts as well.

Link to


Communion in the Hand is a Calivinist Innovation

-Lots of links and historical back ground

Not even Luther Would Have Done it

Link at Free Republic With Commentary

Bishop Follows Pope Benedict's Example: Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue Only

Communion in the Hand Destroys Piety

Other Blogs Linking In:

Vox Cantoris

Will Purple People Eaters Destroy Evil Basilica?

Lit up for Coming Out Week

The basilica's poor rector is beside himself.  Oh, what will become of us, he cried.

.- Two proposed new stadium sites for the Minnesota Vikings professional football team, especially one only 300 feet from the Catholic Basilica of St. Mary, have the church’s rector “very concerned.”

“I can't imagine how our thousands of Sunday worshippers would be able to compete with the more than 60,000 people who attend a Vikings game – there simply isn't that much room in this area and the traffic, congestion, tailgating and parking issues alone could be disastrous for our Sunday worship schedule,” Fr. John Bauer said at a Jan. 10 press conference.

In a Jan. 9 letter to members and friends of the basilica community, the rector said that the congregation of 6,300 households comes from throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area for weekend Masses and weekday programs. Thousands of visitors also attend liturgies, concerts, outreach support, lectures, classes and other events.

Gaudí in Rome

Mark Walberg Likes the Revised Creed: Wears Rosary

Edit:  family's very important for him.  He doesn't want his kids watching his earlier stuff, so he's concerned about their purity.

He carries a prayer book and tries to accomplish the devotions.  He's professional, competent and certainly one of the best actors in the business.  It's also strikingly clear that his religious faith and his Irish-German roots, from old Southey in Boston, are going to define a lot of what he does in the future.

The interviewers looked a little unnerved about his prayer book.

H/t: Catholic Compass.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Holy Father Saying Mass Ad Orientem: Video

Edit: was over at the Accion Liturgica blog thanking them and I was attracted for some reason to a site in their blogroll.  It was Hoc Signo where I picked up this beautiful footage of the Holy Father saying a High Mass in the Sistine Chapel ad orientem [facing God in the tabernacle to the east]. He is celebrating the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which is in the New Calendar, last Sunday.  This is something that we never imagined even in our most beautiful dreams of the Holy Father offering Mass with such gravitas and piety.

The choir is magnificent.

The visual quality improves significantly, so be patient or fast forward.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bishop of Linz Continues Persecution of Priest

Edit: Father Skoblicki, a very conservative, Polish Pastor in Linz, Austria, was unjustly driven from his parish, only to be reinstated briefly. Subsequent to that, he announced that he would not be returning owing to his spent health. Well, as it turns out, he was forced to leave by the Bishop. It's on again, it's off again. It seems to us that the Bishop waited for the furor to calm down and reasserted his unjust treatment of the Polish priest. This isn't over. Remember Father Wagner?

Skoblicki tells KATH.NET:  He was forced to resign.  There was no evidence for the case raised against him.  Andreas Skoblicki wrote this in a letter.

Kopfing ( The well known Polish priest, Andreas Skoblicki, did not leave the Diocese of Linz willingly.  This is from a letter received by KATH.NET from the priest.  He was more "forced into this decision".

He had a meeting with Bishop Ludwig Schwarz last year on December 14th. At that time the Bishop had said, "that the Diocesan staff that I not return to Kopfing, or otherwise expressed: it would be better that I not return".  Further on the letter continues: "Today this evening I notified by Bishop Ludwig what was expected of me and said that I am being forced into this decision."

The Diocese of Linz had announced the resignation of Skoblicki as parish administrator of Kopfing.  In a press release the situation was represented as though Skoblicki had resigned on his own.  He had used his sick leave in order to consider the situation in the Parish and to observe recent developments from a distance, wrote the Diocese.  "On the 16th of December 2011 he had written Bishop Dr. Ludwig Schwarz his decision in writing, to no longer continue in his position up until now and resign his position as parish administrator of Kopfing on the 31st of December 2011.",  is how it appeared in the press release.  Bishop Schwarz, it continued, followed intently the priest's arguments and thanked him for his work in the parish of Kopfing and accepted his resignation.

KATH.NET has contacted the Diocese of Linz for a statement of a public explanation of Skoblicki's letter and the Diocese representation of the events.  The Diocese acknoweldged in its answer only the press release of December 16th without going into Skoblicki's statements.

He also  reported the situation with charges, which were directed against him, wrote Skoblicki.  Neither the ordinary nor the activists have given him evidence for the accusations.  He had not made the alleged statements.  "These are perverse lies, untruths, half truths, all kinds of manipulations and contortions," the priest wrote.

Link to

Update on Visitation of Women Religious

Edit: If it's hard to confront an alcoholic, it must be impossible to confront modernist religious who have been falling down on their apostolic mission now for half a century. Yet despite saying what most people already know, and for no apparent reason, the investigation of women religious was rendered toothless when Cardinal Rode was retired from the position after rendering his own conclusion that the religious “simply acquiesced to the disappearance of religious life or at least of their community,” while others “have opted for ways that take them outside communion with Christ in the Catholic Church.”

The good Cardinal was at the statutory retirement age of 75, but yet substantially scandalous Cardinals have been kept for longer. Why not let him finish his job?

Catholic Culture seems to be describing the smattering of whiny articles by faux Catholic periodicals and academic journalist coupled with sympathetic bleating from the usually anti-Catholic secular media as a serious backlash.

A Catholic Cardinal says something that Catholics and even secular cultural observers have noticed for years and he's retired to be replaced by a toothless intermediary because of a serious backlash?  Is that right?
Early reports that the apostolic visitation would result in calls for a crackdown on dissident women’s religious orders produced a heavy backlash, with a number of prominent American women religious saying that religious orders should not cooperate with the Vatican probe.  That resistance complicated the work of Mother Mary Clare Millea, who spent most of 2009 and 2010 gathering information from the American communities of women religious.
Link to Catholic Culture... 

Obviously, there was a lot of resistance, considering that some don't want to be held accountable.  The National Catholic Register cited Sister Millea, who conducted the investigation.  Her response is stunning in its breadth of credulity.

Not all of the attention drawn by the visitation was positive, [are you toying with us, NCR?] as some communities challenged its mandate and opted not to provide requested information.
However, Mother Millea called the three-year process “demanding, but equally refreshing,” a reminder of religious orders’ “history and vital role in the Church in the United States.”
She said after submitting her report to the Vatican congregation, “As I learned of and observed firsthand the perseverance of the religious in the United States in their vocations, in their ministries and in their faith … I have been both inspired and humbled.”
Read more:

Radio Vatican Slanders Cardinal George

The time to rise from sleep is now:  thus, Benedict XVI can no longer continue to muddle through, otherwise the Vatican really will become the throne of the anti-Christ. 

(  Cardinal Francis George of Chicago has withdrawn a "derogatory comment" about a homosexual demonstration.

Radio Vatican -- which is supposedly the Pope's broadcaster -- made this defamatory comment from the homosexual perspective about the Archbishop's statement on the 21st of December.

The Cardinal had compared the anti-Catholic tirades and marching homosexual fanatics to the anti-Catholic racist organization Ku Klux Klan.

 What Radio Vatican described as a "homosexual demonstration" is in reality a desolate, exhibitionist and anti-child mob scene.

They were limited to marching in the morning by authorities in order to stem the customary abuse of alcohol.

A Homosexual Propagandist as Authority

The broadcaster cited a certain Anthony Matinez, portraying him as a "Director of a group for the rights of homosexuals".

With his "apology" the Cardinal was "exemplary" -- explained Martinez according to the news service.

Martinez is the director of 'The Civil Rights Agenda', authoritatively cited by them.  It's not more than two years old.

Martinez was active as a a propagandist for the introduction of the recognition of homosexual unions in the State of Illinois -- which was condemned by the Vatican.

An Aggressive PR-Campaign

'The Civil Rights Agenda' is a propaganda organization antagonistic to morality.

It fights for the spread of homosexual disorder, the destruction of the family and the infiltration of homosexuals in religion.

Last June Radio Vatican described a demonstration of 108 homosexuals in a mass pairing to simulate marriage.

On their website they are supposed to have directed a "aggressive PR-Campaign" against Cardinal George.

Radio Vatican failed to report on these details.

They have been an established reputation

That Radio Vatican has attempted to profile itself as an agent for homosexuality is new.

Otherwise, they have an established reputation as broadcaster of scandal.

In the middle of December Father Bernard Hagenkord SJ (43), the director of the German speaking section confessed that his broadcaster undermines the teaching of the Church:

"Critical voices get their say from us."

Last October the scandal broadcaster described known abortion activist, Cherie Blair as a "pious Catholic".

In February 2009 the Old Liberal Father Eberhard of Gemmingen -- the former Chief Director of the German section of the broadcaster -- attacked the Pope. He wrote:

"Many Catholics are disappointed by Pope Benedict, because they have gotten the impression that he has gone too far on behalf of a fascistic group."
In Jaunary 2007 the broadcaster insulted the Old Mass, which was then rehabilitated by Pope Benedict a half year later.

The only blessing: the gold hungry broadcaster won't have any more listeners with any luck.

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254 Cardinals and Bishops Have Celebrated the Immemorial Since Summorum Pontificum

Edit: I know for a fact that Archbishop Nienstedt doesn't know how to say the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, but he has "celebrated" at them and shown his support on at least one occasion by being present in choir.   Some commenters have pointed this out.  Well, it depends on what you mean by "celebrates" Mass.  Technically, anyone can "celebrate" Mass. 

Since the Motu Proprio, Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI was put into effect in 2007 the following Bishops and Cardinals have celebrated the Immemorial Mass of All Ages.  The Spanish blog Acción Litúrgica has compiled the following list.
GERMANY: Cardinal Walter Brandmüller (President of the Papal Historical Commission), Dick (Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Cologne), Hanke (Bishop of Eichstätt), Mixa (Bishop Emeritus  of Augsburg), Ostermann (Auxiliary Bishop von Münster), Overbeck (Bishop of Essen)
AUSTRIA: Cardinal Stickler (+2007), Laun (Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg)
SWITZERLAND: Farine (Auxiliary bishop of Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf), Genoud (Bishop von Lausanne, Freiburg and Genf, +2010), Huonder (Bishop von Chur), Perisset (Apostolic Nuncio in the Federal Republic of Germany)
LIECHTENSTEIN: Haas (Archbishop von Vaduz)
ARGENTINA: Baseotto ( Bishop Emeritus  Castrense de  Argentina), Laise ( Bishop Emeritus  of San Luis), Sánchez Sorondo (Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy de Ciencias)
AUSTRALIA: Cardinal Pell (Archbishop of Sydney), Coleridge (Archbishop of Canberra), Hart (Archbishop  of Melbourne), Hickey (Archbishop of  Perth), Elliot (Auxiliary Bishop of  Melbourne), Grech (Bishop of Sandhurst, +2010), Jarret (Bishop of  Lismore), Porteus (Archbishop of  Sydney), Prowse (Bishop of  Sale)
BELGIUM: Leonard (Archbishop of Brussels, Primate of Belgium), Harpigny (Bishop of Tournai)
BENIN: N´Koue (Bishop of Natitingou)
BRAZIL: Pena (Archbishop of  Niterói), Taveira Correa (Archbishop of Belem do Pará), Tempesta (Archbishop of Río de Janeiro), Areas Rifán (Bishop of the Apostolic Administration of San Juan Marían Vianney), Bergamin (Bishop of Nova Iguaçu), Canindé Palhano (Bishop of Senhor do Bomfim), Da Silva (em. Auxiliary Bishop  von Fortaleza), Fontes de Matos (Bishop of Palmira dos Indios), Guimaraes (Bishop of Garanhuns), Lopes de Faria (em. Bishop  of Diamantina,+2009), Paixao (Auxiliary Bishop  of Salvador-Bahía), Pestana Filho (em. Bishop of Anápolis,+2011), Romer (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Río de  Janeiro), Silva Matthes (em. Bishop of  Franca), Sivieri (Bishop of Propriá-Sergipe), Soares da Costa (Auxiliary Bishop  of  Aracaju), Stringhini (Bishop of Franca)
CHILE: Cardinal Medina Estévez (em. Prefect of the Congregation for  Doctrine and the Faith), Piñera Carvallo (em. Archbishop  of La Serena). Bishop González Errázuriz (Bishop of San Bernardo)
CHINA: Cardinal Zen (em. Archbishop of  Hong Kong)
DENMARK: Kozon (Bishop of Kopenhagen)
FRANCE: Cardinal Barbarin (Archbishop von Lyon), Cardinal Ricard (Archbishop of  Bordeaux), Cardinal Ving-Trois (Archbishop of París, President of the French Council of Bishops), Bacqué (Nuncio to Holland), D´Ornellas (Archbishop of Rennes), Le Gall (Archbishop of Toulouse), Madec (em. Archbishop of  Toulon), Maillard (Archbishop of Bourges), Thomazeau (Archbishop of Montpellier), Aillet (Bishop of Bayonne), Aumonier (Bishop of Versailles), Bagnard (Bishop of Belley-Ars), Batut (Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon), Boivineau (Bishop of Annecy), Brouwet (Auxiliary of Nanterre), Centène (Bishop of Vannes), De Dinechin (Auxiliary of Paris), De lmas (Bishop of Angers), Dubost (Bishop of  Evry), Dufour (Bishop of Limoges), Fikart (em. Auxiliary of  Paris), Fort (Bishop of  Orleans), Fréchard (em. Bishop of Auch), Gaidon (em. Bishop of  Cahors, +2011), Guillaume (em. Bishop of  Saint-Dié), Kalist (Bishop of  Limoges), Kratz (Auxiliary Bishop of  Straßburg), Lebrun (Bishop of Saint-Etienne), Mathieu (Bishop of  Saint-Dié), Pansard (Bishop of  Chartres), Rey (Bishop of Frejus-Toulon), Riocreux (Bishop of Pontoise), Scherrer (Bishop of Laval), Séguy (em. Bishop of  Autun), Wintzer (Auxiliary Bishop of  Poitiers)
GABON: Mvé Engone (Archbishop of  Libreville), Bischof Madega (Bishop of Port-Gentil)
Great Britain: Cardinal O´Brien (Archbishop of Edinburgh, Primate of Schottland), Conti (Archbishop of Glasgow), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Longley (Archbishop of  Birmingham), Arnold (Auxiliary Bishop of  Westminster), Cunnigham (Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle), Doyle (Bishop of  Northampton), Gilbert (Bishop of Aberdeen), Hopes (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Kenney (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McGough (Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham), McMahon (Bishop of Nottigham), Moran (Bishop of Aberdeen), Sherrington (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Stack (Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster), Williams (Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool)
HAITI: Gayot (em. Archbishop of Cap-Haitien, +2010)
CANADA: Roussin (Archbishop of Vancouver, em. 2009), Miller (Archbishop of  Vancouver), Prendergast (Archbishop of Ottawa). Blais (Archbishop of Quebec), Lemay (Archbishop of Quebec)
COLOMBIA: Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos (em. President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission)
CROATIAN: Pozaic (Auxiliary Bishop of Zagreb)
ITALY: Cardinal Antonelli (Archbishop of  Florence, em. 2008), Cardinal Bagnasco (Archbishop of Genoa, President of the Italian Bishops' Conference), Cardinal Bartolucci (em. Choir Master of the Sistine Chapel), Cardinal Caffarra (Archbishop of  Bologna), Cardinal De Paolis (Director of the Precture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See), Cardinal Piovanelli (em. Archbishop of Florence), Cardinal Poggi (em. Papal Library, +2010), Cardinal Scola (Archbishop of Milan), Accerbi (Titular Bishop, Prelate of the Sovereign Order of Malta), Appignanesi (em. Archbishop of  Potenza), Bassetti (Archbishop of Perugia), Berloco (Apostolic  Nuncio in Belgium), Betori (Archbishop of Florenz), Boccardo (Archbishop of Spoleto-Norcia), Brugnaro (Archbishop of Camerino-San Severino), De  Magistris (em. Archbishop Pro-Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiaryr), Molinari (Archbishop of L´Aquila), Ambrosio (Bishop of Piacenza), Cancian (Bishop of Città di Castello), Fisichella (Curial Bishop, President of the Papal Academy for Life), Giovanetti (Bishop von Fiesole), Giusti (Bishop of  Livorno), Lambiasi (Bishop of  Rimini), Miglio (Bishop of  Ivrea), Mistrorigo (em. Bishop of  Treviso), Oliveri (Bishop of Albenga-Imperia), Rabitti (Bischop of  Ferrara), Ravignani (em. Bishop of  Triest), Reali (Bishop of Porto-Santa Rufina), Scanavino (Bishop of   Orvieto), Tardelli (Bishop of San Miniato)
IRELAND: Martin (Archbishop of Dublin), Magee (Bishop of Cobh), Moriarty (em. Bishop of Kildare y Leighlin)
KAZAKHSTAN: Schneider (Auxiliary Bishop of Astana)
LITHUANIA: Bartulis (Bishop of Siauliai)
MEXICO: Suárez Inda (Archbishop of  Morelia)
MONACO: Barsi (Archbishop of  Monaco)
NIGERIA: Cardinal Arinze (em. Prefect for Divine Worship), Ochiagha (em. Bishop of  Orlu), Tochukwu Ukwuoma (Bishop of Orlu)
NEW ZEALAND: Meeking (em. Bishop of Christchurch)
HOLLAND: Punt (Bishop von Amsterdam)
PARAGUAY: Livieres (Bishop of  Ciudad del Este)
PHILIPPINES: Lagdameo (Archbishop of  Jaro), Escaler (em. Bishop of Ipil), De Gregorio (Administrator of the Apostolic Prelature of  Batan), Hobayan (em. Bishop of Cazarman), Tobias (Bishop of Novaliches)
POLAND: Cardinal Nycz (Archbishop of Warsaw), Golebiewski (Archbishop of Breslau), Zscysinski (Archbishop of Lublin), Balcerek (Auxiliary Bishop Poznań), Depo (Bishop of Zamosc-Lubaczow), Dziuba (Bishop of Lowicz), Gorny (Bisop of Rzeszów), Malysiak (em. Auxiliary of Krakow), Mizinski (Auxiliary Bishop of  Lublin), Pieronek (em. Auxiliary Bishop of Sosnowitz), Szkodon (Auxiliary Bishop of   Krakau)
PUERTO RICO: Torres Oliveira (em. Bishop of Ponce)
RUSSIA: Pezzi (Archbishop of Moscow)
SLOVAKIA: Bezák (Archbishop of  Trnava)
SLOVENIA: Cardinal Rodé  (Prefect em. for the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life)
SPAIN: Cardinal Cañizares Llovera (Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship), Martínez Sistach (Archbishop of Barcelona), Curial Bishop Herranz Casado, Navarrete Cortés (em. Rector of the Papal University of St. Gregory, +2010), Ureña Pastor (Archbishop of Saragossa), Fernández González (Bishop of  Córdoba), Iceta Gavicagogeascoa (Bishop of Bilbao), Yanguas Sanz (Bishop of Cuenca)
SRI LANKA: Cardinal Ranjith (Archbishop of  Colombo)
CZECH REPUBIC: Baxant (Bishop of  Leitmeritz)
HUNGARY: Farhat (Nuncio to Austria), Varga Lajos (Archishop of  Vácbish)
USA: Cardinal Baum (em. Apostolic Penitentiary), Burke (Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura), Egan (em. Archbishop of  New York), Foley (Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, +2011), George (Archbishop of Chicago), Levada (Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith), O’ Malley (Archbishop of   Boston), Brunett (Archbishop of Seattle), Carlson (Archbishop of  Saint Louis), Di Noia (Secretary for the Congregation of Divine Worship), Hugues (em. Archbishop of New Orleans), Kevin (em. Archbishop of Southwark), Myers (Archbishop of Newark), Nienstedt (Archbishop of  Saint Paul in Minneapolis), Pilarczyk (em. Archbishop of    Cicinnati), Vigneron (Archbishop of  Detroit), Wenski (Archbishop of    Miami), Backer (Bishop of   Birmingham), Boyea (Bishop of   Lansing), Bevard (Bishop of Saint Thomas), Blair (Bishop of   Toledo, Ohio), Bruskewitz (Bishop of Lincoln), Burbidge (Bishop of  Raleigh), Callahan (Bishop of LaCrosse), Conley (Auxiliary Bishop of  Denver), Cordileone (Bishop of Oakland), Corrada (Bischof  von  Tyler), D´Arcy (Bischof  von  Fort Wayne-South Bend), Daniels (Bischof  von  Grand Falls), Dewane (Bishop of   Venice), Di Lorenzo (Bishop  of  Richmond), Di Marzio (Bishop of  Bofrooklynn), Doran (Bishop   Rockford), Etienne (Bishop of Cheyenne), Farrell (Bishop of Dallas), Finn (Bishop of Kansas City), Foley (em. Bishop of   Birmingham), Gainer (Bishop of  Lexington), García (Bishop of    Monterey), Hermann (Auxiliary Bishop of Saint Louis), Hurley (Bishop of Grand Rapids), Keleher (em. Bishop of  Kansas City), Kicanas (Bishop of  Tucson), Madera Uribe (em. Bishop of Fresno), Matano (Bishop of Burlington), McFadden (Bishop of  Harrisburg), McManus (Bishop of    Worcester), Morlino (Bishop of  Madison), Murphy (Bishop of Rockville Centre), Nevares (Auxiliary Bishop of  Phoenix), Olmsted (Bishop of  Phoenix), Perry (Auxiliary Bishop of  Chicago), Provost (Bishop of  Lake Charles), Reiss (Auxilary Bishop of  Detroit), Rhoades (Bishop of   Harrisburg), Ricken (Bishop of Green Bay), Sample (Bishop of Marquette), Serratelli (Bishop of  Paterson), Silva (Bishop of Honolulu), Slattery (Bishop of  Tulsa), Timlin (em. Bishop of  Scranton), Tobin (Bishop of   Providence), Waltersheid (Auxiliary Bishop of   Pittsburg), Van Johnston (Bishop of   Springfield, Missouri).
Finally are still the Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X:  Fellay, De Galarreta, Tissier de Mallerais and Williamson.
Text: Acción Litúrgica /Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Jens Falk/Acción Litúrgica
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Monday, January 9, 2012

Sharia Home Loans and the Growth of Islam in the West

Edit: it was once a prescription of the Catholic Church that there was an explicit prohibition against the charging of interest or usury.  This expectation has been modified.  Usury wasn't prescribed by the early Church and it wasn't systematically condemned by the Fathers, but it became so beginning in the ninth century.

There still seems to be an injunction against usury or ruinous interest charged on non-productive loans, but it isn't discussed and many people don't understand why this ancient prohibition, going back to the ancients themselves, isn't more widely discussed these days by church authorities.

The Muslims don't lose any opportunity to capitalize on opportunities to discuss the problems with usury, and have even created alternatives to paying interest on loans by solutions like the following which apparently allow a devout Muslim borrower to share the risk with his lender in a real-estate transaction.

The increasing popularity of these programs, coupled with relative indifference on the part of Catholic church leaders on these matters, should raise some concerns about the growth of Islam and the growing significance of its legal structures in Western countries.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Justin Bieber is "Proud, to be Christian"

The 17 year old Canadian pop singer, a Catholic, prays every day for his family, his friends and his fans -- the world without Jesus Christ would be a 'lost place'.

 Berlin ( For pop singer Justin Bieber the world without Jesus Christ would be "a lost place". "I am proud to be a Christian", said the 17 year old Catholic for "Bild am Sontag".

 He prays ever day for his family, his friends and fans, says the singer. Recently, he got a tattoo with the face of Jesus based on a Rubens painting on his left calf.

Also, before each of his appearances he says a prayer in English and Hebrew. This gives him "the power, which I need, in order to be able to give everything each day." At home in Canada, he goes regularly to services, mostly with his father. Link to original...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Primate of Belgium Criticizes the Parliament

MPs were taking the right to decide by majority what the difference between men and women are.  A proper political order can but only recognize natural law principles, which must precede the legislation.

( Belgian Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, has criticized the national parliament. The delegates assumed the right, per majority vote to decide about the meaning of sexuality, the meaninging of the word "marriage" or the difference between man and woman, said the newspaper "La Libre" this Friday on a new book by the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. Leonard called upon Christians to get involved in the political debate. A proper political order recognizes that there are principles of natural law which should precede any legislation. (C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved. Link to

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Courageous Prelate Georg Was A Prime Candidate for Cardinal

It's a lot more probable that a politically correct German would receive the frayed honor of Cardinal.

( Prelate Georg May (85)is a courageous Catholic theologians and Apostolic Pronotary.

He was the Ordinary for Canon Law, Civil law and ecclesiastical legal history at the University of Mainz.

A Priest of Breslau

He was born in the lower Sileisian city of Liegnitz, which finds itself since the Societ-Allied Potsdam Conference under temporary Polish control.

After the war he studied Philosophy and Theology.

On the 1st of April 1951 he received holy orders from Bischof Heinrich Wienken (+1961) of Meissen.

He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Breslau and is incardinated there.

A long academic career

In Munich he received a Doctorate cum laude in Theology. After becoming certified on 10. Juni 1957 he taught first in Freising, from 1960 on at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz.

 He held the chair for Canon Law, Civil Law and ecclesiastical legal history from 1960 to 1994.

  A courageous Confessor and Prophet

Prelate May was very active publishing.

He published many canonical, and even works on ecclesiastical, Liturgical works and Church history.

He resides in his teaching activity at the University of Mainz in Budenheim near Mainz. In the year 2011 was named by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Pronotary.

Even in retirement he continues to publish.

Among his non-canonical works he desired especially to write a book about the Catholic Church in the Third Reich.

Prelate May is also known for his criticisms of the Second Vatican Council and his prophetic analyses of the state of the state of the Second Vatican Council.

He is also known as an academic defender of the Old Mass.

He is the more probable candidate

Roman observers think, among other things, that it is much more likely that the German Jesuit Father Josef Becker (84) will be named to Cardinal.

Since September 1977, he has been an adviser of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

He teaches Dogmatic at the Papal University of the Gregorian and was known for his outspoken but dry manner.

Father Becker was a member of the Vatican delegation which met with the Society of St. Pius X.

 Link to

Italians Are Saying "Pay Up" to the Church

Edit: It wouldn't be the first time the Catholic Church has helped the State.  In the seventh century, the Church helped the Emperor Heraclius raise an army which drove the Persians back beyond the Tigris and Euphrates.

Another time was just before the French Revolution, which brings to mind a bit of compare and contrast between the two instances.  In the first case, Heraclius was grateful and continued his support of the Church.  In the second case, the revolutionaries turned on the Church and destroyed virtually all of its monasteries and murdered a third of its clergy.

And then there was the time when Henry squeezed the Church in England and gave us St. Thomas Becket.

Here's the story.