Sunday, January 8, 2012

Justin Bieber is "Proud, to be Christian"

The 17 year old Canadian pop singer, a Catholic, prays every day for his family, his friends and his fans -- the world without Jesus Christ would be a 'lost place'.

 Berlin ( For pop singer Justin Bieber the world without Jesus Christ would be "a lost place". "I am proud to be a Christian", said the 17 year old Catholic for "Bild am Sontag".

 He prays ever day for his family, his friends and fans, says the singer. Recently, he got a tattoo with the face of Jesus based on a Rubens painting on his left calf.

Also, before each of his appearances he says a prayer in English and Hebrew. This gives him "the power, which I need, in order to be able to give everything each day." At home in Canada, he goes regularly to services, mostly with his father. Link to original...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Primate of Belgium Criticizes the Parliament

MPs were taking the right to decide by majority what the difference between men and women are.  A proper political order can but only recognize natural law principles, which must precede the legislation.

( Belgian Bishops Conference President, Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard, has criticized the national parliament. The delegates assumed the right, per majority vote to decide about the meaning of sexuality, the meaninging of the word "marriage" or the difference between man and woman, said the newspaper "La Libre" this Friday on a new book by the Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. Leonard called upon Christians to get involved in the political debate. A proper political order recognizes that there are principles of natural law which should precede any legislation. (C) 2012 Catholic News Agency KNA Inc. All rights reserved. Link to

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Courageous Prelate Georg Was A Prime Candidate for Cardinal

It's a lot more probable that a politically correct German would receive the frayed honor of Cardinal.

( Prelate Georg May (85)is a courageous Catholic theologians and Apostolic Pronotary.

He was the Ordinary for Canon Law, Civil law and ecclesiastical legal history at the University of Mainz.

A Priest of Breslau

He was born in the lower Sileisian city of Liegnitz, which finds itself since the Societ-Allied Potsdam Conference under temporary Polish control.

After the war he studied Philosophy and Theology.

On the 1st of April 1951 he received holy orders from Bischof Heinrich Wienken (+1961) of Meissen.

He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Breslau and is incardinated there.

A long academic career

In Munich he received a Doctorate cum laude in Theology. After becoming certified on 10. Juni 1957 he taught first in Freising, from 1960 on at the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz.

 He held the chair for Canon Law, Civil Law and ecclesiastical legal history from 1960 to 1994.

  A courageous Confessor and Prophet

Prelate May was very active publishing.

He published many canonical, and even works on ecclesiastical, Liturgical works and Church history.

He resides in his teaching activity at the University of Mainz in Budenheim near Mainz. In the year 2011 was named by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Pronotary.

Even in retirement he continues to publish.

Among his non-canonical works he desired especially to write a book about the Catholic Church in the Third Reich.

Prelate May is also known for his criticisms of the Second Vatican Council and his prophetic analyses of the state of the state of the Second Vatican Council.

He is also known as an academic defender of the Old Mass.

He is the more probable candidate

Roman observers think, among other things, that it is much more likely that the German Jesuit Father Josef Becker (84) will be named to Cardinal.

Since September 1977, he has been an adviser of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

He teaches Dogmatic at the Papal University of the Gregorian and was known for his outspoken but dry manner.

Father Becker was a member of the Vatican delegation which met with the Society of St. Pius X.

 Link to

Italians Are Saying "Pay Up" to the Church

Edit: It wouldn't be the first time the Catholic Church has helped the State.  In the seventh century, the Church helped the Emperor Heraclius raise an army which drove the Persians back beyond the Tigris and Euphrates.

Another time was just before the French Revolution, which brings to mind a bit of compare and contrast between the two instances.  In the first case, Heraclius was grateful and continued his support of the Church.  In the second case, the revolutionaries turned on the Church and destroyed virtually all of its monasteries and murdered a third of its clergy.

And then there was the time when Henry squeezed the Church in England and gave us St. Thomas Becket.

Here's the story.

Tulsa Catholic Charities Rejects Government Funding in Tulsa

Edit: here's something you don't see every day.  They're rejecting government funding? 
[Acton Institute] Acton President Rev. Robert A. Sirico and Research Director Samuel Gregg were interviewed for a article about a decision by Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Tulsa to rely strictly on private donations for its work. Reporter Ben Johnson observed that the policy shift “stands in stark contrast to most of the benevolent institution’s other affiliates. Catholic Charities around the country received $1 billion from the government, approximately two-thirds of their funding.” Johnson:
Some critics believe only foregoing government funds altogether will prevent the state from coercing religious organizations to violate their faith. “What Catholic Charities of Tulsa is doing is showing the way forward for Catholics and other Christians who want to be faithful to the ancient Church’s age-old moral teachings, and who want to assist those in need without compromising the truth of the Gospel,” wrote Dr. Samuel Gregg, research director at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, in a statement e-mailed to

Link to read further... 

H/t: Pewsitter

Happy Epiphany: Feliz Dia De Los Reyes

Edit: this is a feast especially for Monarchists. "They came from the east. The beginning of faith came from there, whence comes the day. Because faith is the light of souls." - Posted St. John Chrysostom.

Edit: It's happening all over Spain and part of the continuing Feast of Christmas.

H/t: for Rebelya, for Chrysostom quote.

Mohammedans Driven Mad by Church Bells in Moscow

H/t: Commandante Excelsior

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The SSPX Harvest is Large in Eastern Europe

While the neo-conservative Polish Bishops lead the country slowly into the abyss, the apostolate of the SSPX blooms in the land.

SSPX Pilgrimage to Tsechenstochau
 ( The apostlate of the Society of St. Pius X is growing "surprisingly fast" even for the conditions of the Society.

This was written by the District Superior for East Europe, Fr. Karl Stehlin in his Christmas letter.

The Society can only devote twelve priests in eastern Europe.  Actually, the present pastoral work would require thirty priests -- so says Father Stehlin.

In Warsaw the Fathers will be shortly leading a third old Mass on Sunday.

Every week there are about four hundred Catholics who appear for Mass -- doubled the number as there were two years ago.

The Brick Work of the Gymnasium Stands

According to Father Stehlin the reason for the growth are Society's new schools.

They are attracting young families.

At the Pius elementary school sixty children are being instructed and the Gymnasium [high school] there are 46.

The student population has jumped a third in comparison to last year.

That's why the Society is presently planning to increase the size of its Gymnasium.

The new construction will accommodate the separation of the boys and girls so that the instruction can be tailored to the respective genders.

The brickwork of the new school was recently completed.

Churches and Chapels are bursting at the seams

There are nine Society priests active in Poland.

For the Ascension the Society is establishing its fourth priorate in the country in the Pomeranian village of Baersee (Bajerze) -- not fare from the city of Kulm.

From these bases the Society can serve more chapels.

A new chapel opened recently in October in the city of Posen [Pzchyzchńyzyń].

A hundred Catholics came to the opening of this chapel.

In many locales these chapels are bursting at the seems and the Society is collecting donations for the construction of proper churches.

Churches destroyed during the Communist occupation

In Lithuania three priests are in a priory.  From there, they serve the faithful in White Russia and Russia.

The chapels there are still very small.

In Estonia the Society is planning the building of a church.  At the present there are problems with a building permit.

Here the Society is being helped by Lutheran preachers, says Father Stehlin:

"We're dreaming, that after his conversion he will open a Catholic school for Estonia."

In Latvia, a certain Father Valerius, about whom Father Stehlin has no further information, is taking care of the construction of a church and a rectory.

In all of the Baltic countries, many conversions of from Protestantism are being made.

The Society have to scrimp and scrape because of the shortage of priests and resources.

There are already vocations

The work of the Society is awakening vocations in Eastern Europe.

Seven seminarians are presently studying in the seminary of Zaitzkofen near Regensburg.

A Polish seminarian will be formed in the seminary of Ecône in Switzerland.

Link to

Photo: ©

Will Incoming Anglicans be Permitted in the Catholic Church who Believe in Injustice

Edit: the Catholic Church apparently allows people like at NCR to make a lot of money based on their affiliation with the name Catholic when they don't themselves believe its doctrines, so why not?

[NCR] The Vatican has created a new "Ordinariate" for disaffected Episcopalians who come over to the Catholic church. Most of the disaffected Episcopalians are unhappy with the ordination of women as priests and bishops, the welcoming of openly gay/lesbian clergy and the blessing of same-sex unions. Many of them believe that such practices violate the basic teachings of Christianity.

As I read such stories, I understand all the ecclesial reasons for this move, and I'm happy that former Episcopal priests can remain married as they make the move. I just wish we'd extend the same right to our own Catholic priests.

And I have nothing against Episcopalians (or anyone) choosing to join the Catholic church. I think we need an open door.

Link to NCR... 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Los Angeles Archdiocese Sends Traitor Bishop Off with Golden Parachute

Edit: Kind of interesting the way they’ll pull out the stops to support a man who’s betrayed trust, but often as not attempt to destroy those who do horrible things like offer the Tridentine Mass and teach the Catholic Faith.

It's almost as if they're happy for him and sending him happily on his way.  The good news is that this Old Liberal won't be overtly destroying the Church, although he is likely to become a poster child for those disobedient sorts who mistakenly believe a married clergy is a silver bullet for the exceedingly rare cases where priests sexually abuse minors.  Father Z indicates that he was president of Pax Christi, the USA Chapter and of the international “Peace” Movement.  That's fairly damning, isn't it?

He brings back memories of Bishop Shannon, another humanae vitae dissenter, who was himself never very comfortable with the Catholic religion but somehow managed to be promoted.

VATICAN CITY — Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala has resigned after disclosing to superiors that he was the father of two children.
The Vatican announced the bishop’s resignation today in a one-line statement that cited church law on resignation for illness or other serious reasons.
Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez announced the “sad and difficult” news in a letter to Catholics in the archdiocese. He said Bishop Zavala, who was auxiliary bishop for the San Gabriel Pastoral Region, had informed him in early December that he was the father of two minor teenage children who live with their mother in another state.

Link to original at Catholic News Service...

Berlin's Archbishop Woelki For Dialogue With the SSPX

Edit: this is the first that it's clear that the Society is expected, at least according to Archbishop Woelki, to accept the Second Vatican Council completely. It's also important to note that the Society continues to distance itself from and isolate Bishop Williamson.

The leadership continues to hold out hope for the "conservative" leadership of the Church.

Deutschlandradio Kulture interviewed Berlin's Archbishop Woelki about a relationship with the SSPX.  Here is an excerpt from the interview.

D-Radio:   But to whom is this rejection directed -- perhaps even to a Pope, who still directed a reconciliation with the Ultra-orthodox Society of St. Pius X, even though aware a member was a holocaust denier? [This again...]

Woelki:  For that reason, I believe the Pope has performed a very importance service.  His task consists precisely in forming reconciliation and unity, and in fact it comes straight from his office and in Tradition, which is also that of Taizé.  So it is not enough now to just close a group out, rather we stress here also the political arena is just as important as dialogue, to get to know people, and only then, when one speaks to another, can one integrate and then reconcile.  And I think that this is the important mission of this Papal office, to stand for the unity of the Church and seek this unity of the Church.

D-Radio:  But isn't it difficult to communicate and integrate this group of all things?

Woelki:  I don't know.  Therefore I think one doesn't know about this group ... It is surely a difficult group, it is not my group and one has to be very careful to maintain that now all, who belong to this group, are holocaust deniers or even belong to radical right bodies of thought.  There is in fact one of these, completely  insensible and irrational men, who did this, and so far as I know, the other so-called Bishops, who are also not approved by us,  by the Catholic Church,  have even distanced themselves from this man.

No, there is a group, that has problems with accepting certain statements in the Second Vatican Council in a certain way.  And I think that the dialogue has shown that the Pope is clearly on the level with the Second Vatican Council, and that he and now also these men, whom he has commissioned to lead this conversation has made it clear that the SSPX must accept statements about the Second Vatican Council otherwise no communion with the Catholic Church is possible.

Commentary from SSPX German District:  HE Bishop Woelki here represents the represents the course of most conservative Church leaders: In contrast to the enemies of the Society, they do not throw all the Bishops and priests in the Williamson-bag and recognize that the Priestly Society of St. Pius X has nothing to do with right--wing ideologies.

Because the current course is now set in Rome is on reconciliation and brotherhood,  the discussions with the Society will continue.

The Society of St. Pius X is regarded in this way as a mule, who has simply not yet understood that the Council "as a whole" has to be accepted.

This approach completely bypasses the problem of course:  The Catholic Church is in complete collapse 50 years after the Council.  You must pray for Msgr Woelki and all the other more or less conservative bishops that they come to appreciate at last this context:  the reason for the massive apostasy is the Council, at least those portions  that the progressives exploit with their new theology of the equality of all religions,  to prey on the Church.   This is how the Church has lost its purpose and consciousness of mission, and in consequence the loss of Holy Mass (replaced by a community meal) and therefore also vocations.

So long as the bishops do not recognize the crisis in the Church and their causes, there will remain a dialogue, which completely misses the point.

Link to SSPX German District...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Criminals Find Monastery Life Harder Than Prison

Edit: Monastic life is like prison.  It's like the army.  The worst of both worlds, perhaps.

[Daily Mail] A convicted criminal who was serving out his sentence in a monastery has escaped for the second time and asked to be sent back to prison because life was too tough.

Thief David Catalano, 31, was sent to a Santa Maria degli Angeli community run by Capuchin monks in Sicily last November.

But he found their austere lifetstyle too tough to handle and soon escaped. After a short while on the run he was caught by police and sent back

Read more:

Monday, January 2, 2012

Accident or Assassination? Priest and Six Seminarians of Underground Church Killed

Edit: this occurred earlier this month. More recently, Beijing has confirmed the arrest of Christian dissident Gao Zhinsheng.

China's President Hu Jintao, has also been railing against the threats of Westernization in the country.

(Peking) In the Chinese province of Hebei six seminarians and a Catholic priest lost their lives in a traffic accident. On the 11th of December the vehicle with the seven was rammed head on by a truck, as was first reported.

Father Joseph Shi Liming 39 years old, Prefect of the Seminary of the the Underground Church of Baoding, drove the car, and six seminarians, who were found with him in the small bus, were all killed in the collision. They were Joseph Yang, Joseph Bai, John Gong, Paul Li, John Wang. One seminarian, Gabriel Gao is the only one surviving, as he was hurled from the vehicle. He is still wavering close to death, but should, according to reports on local blogs, awake from his coma where he is still in the hospital of Shijiazhuang.

In the underground Church there are suggestions that this was a hit by State Security Services. According to Asianews their collected information, however, points to a car accident.

The Diocese of Baoding is among the most oppressed by the Communist regime of the Peoples Republic of China.

The Catholic internet site Tianzhujiao zai xian (The Catholic Church in the Web) called for special prayers for the deceased members of the underground Church on the Feast of St. Silvester.

Link to Katholisches...

Text: Asianews/Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Asianews

There was also a prayer service for these men at a local Catholic Chinese site, translated from google thanks to a commenter on

Catholic News 31 December 2011
On the way to a mass to commemorate the Chinese church [the real one] and to mark the end of 2011, a priest and a religious were killed in a car accident.

We suggest the following:

1. We invite all priests and religious inside and outside of China to have a memorial service for the victims. Please invite the faithful to come to Holy Mass. (At Holy Mass, the priest can mention the stories of the religious and Fr. Joseph)

2. At the parishes of the deceased religious, please pray the Divine Mercy chaplet, and the Holy Rosary.

3. Attend Holy Mass in honor of their sacrifice.

4. Pray to God that He will comfort all their loved ones and families.

5. Do works of mercy, fast, charitable works, or any other mortification.

6. At 10:00 on the 31 of December, a minute of silence for them, and afterwards, prayers for the deceased.

Prayers for the departed

Lord God, we pray that out of your great compassion, have mercy on the souls of Joseph and all the religious  that have passed in peace and light into your house to enter into the ranks of host. Lord you have eternal love for us; you have allowed the shadow of death to blot out the spring of their lives. We pray to you amidst these bitter sufferings, that you will give them the strength to endure the sorrows of this life. At the same time, we pray that through the death of Jesus Christ who died and rose again, that we will ever follow him through this earthly pilgrimage that in the future we may be reunited with our brothers in heaven to partake in eternal felicity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The names of the victims:

Joseph Shi, priest
Joseph Yang, religious
Joseph Han, religious
Joseph Bai, religious
John Gong, religious
Paul Li, religious
John Wang, religious

This Italian Nativity is a Leftist Obsession: Blasphemy

(Bergamo, Italy) In the so-called social center Paci'Paciana of the extreme-left scene in the north Italian city of Bergamo, a "provocative" creche has been set up. Mary is missing in it and instead, there are two "Josefs" at the crib. Both homosexuals are overjoyed over the child in the crib, which apparently -- in the absence of biological reproductive conditions -- has fallen from heaven by stork.

 The blasphemous creche affords the left-extremists a rationale: The "Holy Family" is a "civil union", which was formed by "artificial insemination with a surrogate mother".  In addition, there is a list of charges about alleged "discrimination" against homosexuals.  The old champions of "civil disobedience", "defenders of the weak and oppressed", Trotskeyites, Maoists, Chavists, antagonists, of correct speech, and more recently "the indigenous", those who would prefer to act as a posse chasing dissidents and  thugs, should not lead one to expect much.

It would be futile to explain to them that Mary and Joseph were married regularly in a synagogue according to Jewish Law.  But why hold close to the historical truth when one's imagination is so much more fruitful, when the "eternal wrath" in the "struggle against the system" is so obliging.

The left has thrown the only woman out of the scene, where the ox and ass are next to the Nativity with "twins" made of plastic (Josef + Joseph), all a strictly male cast to be sure.   This is a gross violation of another progressive favorite theme:  feminism was trampled underfoot by the autonomous communities.  However, it must be added that women never amounted to much in the club milieu of the left-wing scene.  Joschka Fischer is expected to know something about it.  Correspondingly, the "alternative"cradle is an expression of left-wing extremist male dominance and lust for power: gay Joseph, shepherds, the Magi, the boy in the manger, the ox and ass.  Perhaps there is also a pedophile subtext to the scene as well?  Perhaps it is Daniel Cohn-Bendit who can provide an aid to interpret this?

The only female in the manger is the gender for the word "manger" in Italian, perhaps.  The pot from which one eats, but that is also "holy" in this scene.  Probably the only thing that really is sacred.  Finally, can you look to the friendly city and state governments to put you up and feed you for a short while -- how short is the memory --  for the "blessings" of the eastern worker's "and peasants" paradise, especially to be sustained  in the now defunct German Democratic Republic, to give in return for the "anti-Imperialist struggle" and other subversive activities.

What the child in the Manger concerns, which is also found in the left-wing "social center",  is the God become man in the form of a child, it is shown, that even the left-extremists could not get past Him:  One loves the child Jesus or hates Him.  He can not be eluded.  For people, who are of good will, his appearance is an inner peace of self-giving security.  For all others he becomes an obsession.  As He already knew and foretold.

Link to Katholisches...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

FARC Bombing Kills Mother and 8 Month Old Child

[Colombia] The terrorists of the FARC, its leaders, Piedad Córdoba, Ivan Cepeda and their allies at Alvear Restrepo Lawyers Collective [Like the SPLC or the ACLU but even worse] , these murderers and thieves have now committed an act of barbarism yet again for the admiration and support of the FARC.

They have murdered a girl of 8 months and her mother. They set off an explosion using 6 kilos of plastic explosive, killing the mother, the wife of an official, and her child on the 30th of December, just a few days ago at a police station in Orito Putumayo, near the Equadorian border.

 Los terroristas de las FARC, sus obsecuentes aúlicos Piedad Córdoba, Iván Cepeda y el Colectivo de Avivatos y Ladrones, entre otros, deben estar de plácemes por la barbarie cometida una vez más por sus admirados y defendidos amigotes de las FARC, nuevamente han maltratado a Colombia en su alma con ese asesinato de la niña de 8 meses de nacida y su mamá

Seattle's Jesuit Perversity Chapel

Edit: we cited an abstract creche earlier, which was on "display" in Los Angeles recently thanks to the Archdiocese there. [Reported on AQ as ‘Haute Sphere’ Nativity artwork debuts at Cathedral ] Although we got a new ordinary, it seems as though Cardinal Mahony never left.

Deacon Candy says it looks like a family portrait of the Jettsons. Well, it can be anything you want, and that's the principle of abstract art. It's a solvent to true culture, to family and religion. It actually makes a mockery of the real spiritual aspirations which possess true artists to design beautiful things. Here's another thing. It's a perversity chapel.

It's been built by one of the most evil and corrupt Jesuit Provinces in the Western World, and that's saying something.

The definition of perverse from Merriam Webster: obstinate in opposing what is right, reasonable, or accepted : wrongheaded.

Despite the fact that non-Catholics were more inspired by Catholic art and literature before church officials attempted to undermine Catholicism, this architect is being paid good money to basically put his own personal agnosticism into stone as an official representation of Catholic art with the blessing of a supposedly Catholic organization.
Father Cobb: Non-Catholics might be consoled to know that in 1995 we asked Steven Holl to design a chapel that would be “engaging for people of all faiths or no faith or faith-under-crisis.” The poet Rilke once advised that when people disappoint you, you should turn to nature because nature will not disappoint you, and I feel something similar about the Catholic Church. When it disappoints you, which is likely to be every day, you can turn to places such as the chapel where God’s saving presence seems tangible and life-giving.
Link to Seattle's new "Catholic" Diversity Chapel.... It's so bad that even Mark Shea gets it.

Today is the Feast of the Circumcision

Edit: it's also sometimes the feast of St. John Chrysostom, in the Byzantine Rite.

Here's a Sermon on the importance of obedience.

How refreshing it is to hear a priest who talks about the Gospel of St. John, and not the "Johannine Gospel" like we're at an undergraduate bible class at a Liberal University like Creighton.

 It's also interesting to note that the way he's talking seems to indicate that there are a good number of young people at Divine Liturgy.
True authority comes from service.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bishop Follows Pope Benedict's Example: Kneeling Only

(Brasilia)  Bishop Msgr Antonio Keller, of German descent, head shepherd of the southern Brazilian Diocese  Frederico Westphalen is only giving Holy Communion since Christmas in his Cathedral church to those who are kneeling and on the tongue.  He is following the example of Pope Benedict XVI in this and is intending to support the "reform of the reform".

The internet site, Salvem a Liturgia has published Bishop Keller's pastoral letter about the reception of Communion.   The Bishop reminded the priests and faithful of his diocese that every recipient of Communion must have the grace in order to be able to receive the Body of Christ.  The Bishop underlined the fundamental difference between bread as normal sustenance and the Holy Eucharist, body, blood soul and divinity of the Lord to sustain the soul.

Bishop Keller also reminded on the duty, to fast at least one hour before receiving communion and called for the necessity of having the right disposition at the reception of Holy Eucharist.  In the pastoral letter, Msgr Keller informed his Diocese that he would be following the example of Pope Benedict XVI and giving Holy Communion to the faithful only while they are kneeling and on the tongue.

The words he directed to priests, were: "The refusal of Holy Communion to the faithful, because they want to receive it in a kneeling posture, would be a great injury to a fundantal rights of a Christian believer, namely the right to receive spiritual support from their pastors through the sacraments. (CCC Canon 213). Even where it is allowed to the congregation to properly receive Communion standing by the respective Bishops Conference, that the faithful, who wish to Communicate Holy Communion on their knees may not be refused that for that reason. (Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, written on 1. Juli 2002, Notitiae 2002, S. 582-585).

The Diocese of Frederico Westphalen was founded in 1961 by Pope John XXIII. and is the suffragan Diocese of the Archdiocese of Porto Allegre. The name of the city, in which the Bishop's See is located, comes from a German engineer. The population of the Diocese shows a strong German presence, which is apparent even from the family names of the recent Bishops. (Msgr. Hoffman 1962-1971, Msgr. Maldaner 1971-2001, Msgr. Hastenteufel 2001-2007, Msgr. Keller seit 2008).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: Salvem a Liturgia Translated from katholisches...

Friday, December 30, 2011

Budapest's Mayor Distances Himself From "Lifestyle"

Berlin's homosexual propagandist, Comrade Klaus Wowerweit, just fell on his nose in Budapest.  The answer of his colleague in Budapest.
István Tarlós
of Budapest
© Pressefoto, Wikipedia

Very dear Governing Mayor [Klaus Wowerweit],

My Dear Colleague,

Regarding your recent inquiry, [to support the homosexual-rout "14th Euro Games 2012"] I would like to inform you with the following.

The event "14th Euro Games 2012" planned by the [homosexual] organization Atlasz-Frigo in Budapest was supported by Dr. Gábor Demszky as a private person.

I personally can't agree with this.

Naturally I recognize that there are people who are members of the named organizations are in agreement with that way of life.

I naturally recognize  the rights of these people.  But I would not like to personally mix in the work of this organization.

On my side -- as the Head Mayor and also as a private person -- I would in any case distance myself from such manners of living their events.

It is not in my power to support them.

I then must ask that you accept my point of view and I am grateful for your understanding.

I would also like to take this opportunity to once more contraguate you on your relection as governing mayor of Berlin and wish you much success and health in your mayoral work.

Budapest,  27th September 2011

 With friendly greetings,

 István Tarlós

Head Mayor [of Budapest]

Jenni Lake Story Reaches Corners of the Earth

18 Year Old Girl Gives Life for a Blob of Tissue

The last wish of the mother was that her newly born child would be laid beside her during her last breath.

The pregnant Jenni Lake (18) refused chemotherapy so that her child could live.

The Anti-Church German daily 'Welt' reported this on the 30th of December.

The paper is the propaganda organ of the murderous abortion industry.

A chance of thirty percent

Jenni lives in Idaho.

When she complained suddenly of severe migraines, her doctor showed little concern.

Jenni's mother had suffered for years with them.

However, then there was a tumor on the right half of Jenni's brain of approximately two cenimeters in diameter.

The doctors gave her about a thirty percent chance to survive the next two years.

"We weren't prepared for this"

The Chemotherapy was promising. The tumor started to diminish.

When the doctors informed her that she would probably never have children, Jenni became very sad.

Suddenly the cancer patient received some complications -- powerful stomach pains.

"We were told that she couldn't become pregnant, so we weren't worried about it" -- explained her unmarried partner Nathan.

"I did everything"

Jenni was presented with the choice: breaking off the chemotherapy or termination of the pregnancy. She chose the first.

"We had all well hoped that the chemotherapy would continue after the birth and she would continue to get better" -- explained her mother after the event.

Unfortunately the last weeks of pregnancy made Jenni's situation significantly worse.

On her death bed she said: "I am ready. I have done what I had to do: my child is going to get here safe."

The mother died twelve days after the birth of her son, Chad Micheal Lake Wittman. It was the 21st of November.

The last wish of the mother was that her newborn child would be set beside her as she struggled with death.

Now Jenni's mother cares for the child.

Jenni's life is portrayed on several videos, which appear under the title, "Jenni's Journey" which can be found --- on the website ''.

Jenni Lake Story Reaches Corners of the Earth From