Friday, December 9, 2011

New Cathedral in Trondheim, Norway

Edit: Norway is heavily dependent upon German Catholics for support. God help them. Why don't they just ask for the Cathedral the Lutheran Church in Norway stole? The Norwegians don't even really use it any more do they?

Trondheim (kathnews) As Ansgar-Werk reports the Bonifacius work in connection with the Northern Bishops Conference have recently proposed a new project for the new construction of a Catholic Cathedral in Trondheim. "The structural condition o fthe old Church is not safe and not able to be renovated, and the old church is too small for the growing community in Trondheim, so we've decided to build a new one," says the Apostolic Administrator of the Prelature and Oslo's Bishop, Bernt Eidsvig. The Bishops from Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finnland and Denmark have met at the invitation of the Bonifatius work and the Archbishop Hans-Josef Becker in Paderborn.

Msgr Eidsvig would like the completion of the church in 2014 to commemorate the thousand year anniversary of the baptism of St. Olaf († 1030). From 1015 to 1028 Olav II Haraldsson became King of Norway, Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae. For the planned project, the costs are expected to be 9.5 Million Euros. "The Prelature of Trondheim with about 9.300 Catholics can not pay for the building of the Cathedral alone. They need help from Germany", clarified Msgr Georg Austen, general Secretary of the Bonifacius work, and assured his support. The Catholic Christians in the area of Trondheim make up about 1.3 percent of the population in an extreme diaspora.

In north European lands, the number of Catholics is estimated between 0,2 to 3 percent so that the costs for the building and the support of churches, chapels and community homes themselves can hardly be born. "Much which is existentially necessary for the Churches in our countries are necessary wouldn't be possible without help from Germany", stressed Stockholm's Bishop, Anders Arborelius. Arborelius is the president of the Northern Bishops Conference and Grand Prior of the Commandery of Sweden of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

In 2010 the Bonifacius work received a further 2.1 Million Euros from Catholics in Northern Europe. So that with German Help Works, this will support 13 building projects as well as projects for children and youth. Important projects are among other things the Newman Institute in Uppsala, Sweden, which was recognized as the first Catholic University in Sweden after the so-called Reformation, by the State and the building of a Contemplative Cloister in Trondheim-Tiller, Tauntra and Munkeby (Norwegen).

Link to original...

Father Schmidberger Addresses Assisi Meetings and Relativism

Fatal Result. The scandalous Assisi event of Pope John Paul II has been understood by Catholics in a way: "For each to make sanctify it according to his own fashion".

( Vocations must be formed holistically.

Only in this way can the faithful receive a holistic vision of the Christian life, where private, familial, professional and social life be put together "as from one mold".

Father Franz Schmidberger(65) - mathematician and Superior of the German District of the Society of Saint Pius X said to newsportal '' on 7. December.

The practical disappearance of vocations in the Conciliar Church, he continued, has led to the situation that there is hardly any more possibility "for a joyful, faithful youth, for Christian families for parishes erected with a missionary spirit or for the return to working to bring souls to penitence."

The Beginning: A heretical definition of the Mass

Father continued to speak about the Society's critique of the New Mass.

He cited the first edition of the Mass book in 1969:

"The Lord's Supper or the Mass is the holy gathering together or the meeting of thep people of God, who come together under the presiding of a priest, to celebrate the memorial of the Lord. For that reason the physical meeting of the Holy Church in an brilliant mass makes valid Christ's promise. >>Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there will I be among them.<< (Mt 18, 20)"

The clergyman pointed out that in this representation "all elements" of the Sacrifice of the Mass fall short, which are set out in the 22nd Session of the Council of Trent in 1562.

The Liturgy on the Drawing Board Remains

Father Schmidberger admitted that this heretical Mass definition was "somewhat improved" a year later.

But: "The defined thing itself, namely the Liturgy elaborated on the drawing board remained the same. A one meal fellowship being presided over by a the Priest. Almost nothing was mentioned about adoring God and atoning for sins. On the other hand the SSPX insists that the Holy Mass is the unbloody renewal of the bloody Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

This is so that people in todays pleasure society can be brought to holiness, to the supernatural and Sanctifying Grace, to self-donation and to be led to serve.

The Old Mass Remains the Mass of all Things

The celebration of the Old Mass -- says Father Schmidberger -- has won ground "not spectacularly, but respectably" after the Motu Proprio:

"If the Bishops weren't giving their resistance to it, it would be much more broadly

The Old Mass remains the measure for every Liturgy, "which is the perfect Liturgical expression of Catholic Dogma."

Above all there must be a "overthrowing of the (un)Spirit of the Council":

"The poison must be forced out of the mystical body of the Lord."

A Great Scandal

Concerning the subject of interreligion, Father Schmidberger recalled the Assisi Meeting of 1986:

"That was a great scandal for the entire Church, an offense against the first Commandment of God and against the first article of our Creed."

Above all this had put the "spirit of relativism" in the head to a considerable degree: "For each to make sanctify it according to his own fashion, say the people".

For Father Schmidberger it is "inexplicable how such a false step could be dedicated by a silver jubilee."

The Pope has attempted to address critics of the meeting by pushing the meeting "more to a cultural appearance".

Still the central problem with that is not put to the side for Father Schmidberger.

It consists in the "exclusion of the question of reality and the darkening of the reality that Christ is the only savior of the human person and the only true Prince of Peace in this world."

Link to original...

Photo: ©

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Traditional Benedictine Society in Italy: Concelebration

Edit: it's not possible to "concelebrate" in the Immemorial Rite of All Ages, but the local Bishop is concerned about that of all things. It appears as though there is conflict in the community. It's not clear whether this is being perceived from the outside by the Bishop or whether this actually exists in the manner of Protocol 1411 more than a decade ago when a few irresponsible and dishonest seminarians wrote a letter slandering the Fraternity of St. Peter and asking to say the Novus Ordo. This precipitated the dissmisal of the superior and the insistence that FSSP priests be permitted to say the New Mass.

This unfortunate maneuver was widely regarded as proof by others that Rome couldn't be trusted to keep its word.

Now apparently, the local ordinary here is interested in bringing a similar degree of Liturgical uniformity on the newly founded Benedictine Monastery of the Immaculate.

The following is a letter addressed to the local ordinary of Albenga-Imperia and addresses the points as to why these Benedictines won't be saying the New Mass, and how they have the canonical right not to do so.

To His Excellency,
Monsignor Mario OLIVERI
Bishop of Albenga-Imperia

Excellency and Dear Monsignor,

Thank you with all my heart for having phoned me yesterday and for having told me very simply your thought about the problem of concelebrations that divides our communauty. Our conversation suggested me a few thoughts of which I would like to open my heart to your Excellency.
Strictly looking at the Code of Canon Law, canon #902 lets to hear that the general rule in the Holy Church is the individual celebration of the mass and that the concelebration is only allowed (sacerdotes Eucharistiam concelebrare possunt), that the concelebration is even sometimes forbidden and that, in all the cases, freedom stands for each priest to celebrate individually. So it would be unjust to put a strain on each priest and on each community for not concelebrating.

If our community built itself around the exclusively traditional rite, it was therefore its right and moreover Church admitted it as such through its Constitutions. After having attentively read those Constitutions, my former professor at the University of Law of the Opus Dei, Antoni Bishop Stankiewicz, presently dean of the Roman Rota, gave me in June 2006 a full confirmation of it.The Proper Law (lex propria) of the diverse Institutes is not a territorial law, leading to think for example that the traditional rite of the mass is an obligation only inside the abbey. The comment of the Code by the University of Salamanca on the contrary explains, about the Can. #13, that “some laws affect directly people whom they are intended to, not because of their link with a territory, but for a motive that touch them more personally, so that these laws follow the people who are subjected to them everywhere they go”. So our proper law obliges us, even outside the monastery.

It is obvious that this Community choice, canonised by the Church, is based on a conviction of faith, that hierarchy did not always include and even less accepted. Linked “collectively” to ecclesiastic institutions in crisis, the bishops, too often impregnated with the mind of the world and with its ideologies, were only paralysing the supernatural life in souls. After forty years of such a regime, its dramatic consequences have spread out sadly under our eyes. And those who among the bishops admit the above and deplore it, do not always succeed in reacting with the necessary means and vigour.

Our attachment to the traditional rite is a wedding of faith and love that, in the image of the conjugal union, obliges us to an exclusive fidelity. It supposes and shows a theology and a pastoral that cannot match with a liturgy which turn the back on The Lord for the dialogue and “the being together”.

Cardinal Ratzinger had already noted (in La mia vita, ed. San Paolo, Roma, 1997) the “very grievous damage inflicted on the faith by the liturgical reform”. The denunciation and unmasking of the modernist taboo of being “in conformity with the spirit of the Council” is gradually opening people’s minds, allowing increasing numbers of thelogians and of the clergy to recognize publicly the deficiencies and the doctrinal ambiguity of N.O.M. And, as noted by John-Paul II, in Ecclesia de Eucharistia, n ° 10, “The Eucharist is too great a gift to tolerate any lessening or any ambiguity”.

Such is the drama which saw a traditional reaction: while wishing to conserve the Ecclesiastical hierarchy wanted by our Lord, it refuses to make friends with a ritual in which, although valid and lawful, it does not admit the authentic expression of faith without ambiguity. Cardinal Ratzinger was entirely aware of this when he wrote in his autobiography: “I am persuaded that the crisis of the Church which we are living today is widely based on the disintegration of liturgy”. Is not this the fundamental reason for which the pope himself desires to reform the liturgical reform bringing it back into line with the traditional Mass?

It is true that this serious fault of the current liturgy, even when it is celebrated with the necessary dignity, is not always and easily observable to theological minds because the language of liturgy is not that of doctrine. The latter handles interior concepts, the former exterior signs. Doctrine speaks intelligence, whereas liturgy speaks to the whole human being, body and soul. Liturgy, said Péguy, is “stretched-out” theology. If liturgy is the work of the faith of our Fathers, it is as a result not only its expression but also its guardian. Anything which shocks the traditional liturgical sensibility is, to say the least, to be considered dubious. To give one example: the altars where the priest has his back to the tabernacle are an affront to the traditional liturgical instinct. I know of only one bishop — and this honour goes to you, Monsignor — who has requested his priests to remove this table from in front of the altar. [Liturgical direction indeed means that the worship which we return is first for honour and glory of God and not autocelebration of the assembly which, has talks oblige, require to move the crucifix on the quoting; in the centre, he would be too embarrassing.] This sacred liturgy which has been handed down to us, part of the 2000 year-old tradition of the Church, is Opus Dei and not opus hominum, a liturgy, as Cardinal Ratzinger writes, coming from God and not something “manufactured”.

The traditional mentality, while admitting the canonical validity and legality of N.O.M., does not find in such a liturgy the plenary expression of its faith. Such is the deep reason of its distance in relation to that liturgy and of its instinctive refusal to use it. The concelebration, at Mass, which is neither a legal obligation nor a theological necessity, would not shock the traditional mentality as such. In our epoch, when people feel “together”, concelebration certainly expresses a fraternal link between priests which is a sign of ecclesial communion. What casts down the traditional mentality is more the rite than concelebration as such. If one must concelebrate, then one much prefers the older and traditional manner of doing it, with deacon, sub-deacon, acolytes etc., expressive of a “hierarchical” communion more in accordance with a sane ecclesiology than is the “egalitarian” communion which arose with the liturgical reform and which bears the heavy imprint of the democratic mentality of our day.

Dom Gérard, our founder, as Dom Guéranger by liturgical idea, wrote in one of his many works on this subject : “The Church, Wife and mystical Body of Christ, is the most manifold, most structured society, most organised into a hierarchy which exists: of the summit up to the base, everything carries in her the footprint of a sacred hierarchy emanated from its exhilarating centre. This celestial Church composed of angels and elected representatives whom our primitive painters represented the wide open eyes, reached hands and lined up by order around the Lamb, since the big Seraphs up to souls of the Purgatory which go up to set up among the countless choruses, it is it which is our true fatherland and while seeing it beginning to take shape under our eyes, we trains as eternity.” (La Sainte Liturgie, éd. Sainte-Madeleine, p. 59-60, Le Barroux, 1982.)

Please excuse, Monsignor, the frankness of the above comments which to be sure call for further nuances. My chief motive in writting this letter has been the desire for complete openness vis-à-vis your Excellency. I trust that any possible and legitimate differences of opinion, will not cast a shadow on our future collaboration, and that you will grant me a place in your diocese where, in union with the Pope, yourself and all the episcopal collegiate, I can help, through my filial obedience, prayer and example, in your apostolate. If for the time being you cannot provide a place where I can settle, alone or with one or two confrères, perhaps at least you could give me your agreement in principle to receive me in your dicocese? We could then look together for some practical solution, with the help of several of your diocesan priests who have shown great willingness to have a monastic presence and witness in their vicinity. I would never be abble to thank you enough for allowing me to pursue my Benedictine vocation in reacquired peace.

Let me end, Excellency and dear Monsignor, by expressing once again my filial and respectful good wishes, in Jesus and Mary.

Fr. Jehan, O.S.B.

Link to original...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hollywood is a Nest of Vipers

"It was a running joke in Hollywood for years that the Coreys were being passed around."

Edit: It's the tip of the iceberg, a Hollywood talent manager has been accused of molesting numerous children.

This is as good as any a time to renew calls for a return to moral objectivity and who else can provide that but the Catholic Church? It would be nice to see a return to the Church's influence on what is and isn't presentable. The entertainment media complex has sexualized children with impunity for years.

A few months ago, a famous child actor, Corey Feldman, pointed an accusing finger at the media complex. Now the former actor who played Molly Olson on television's Little House on the Prairie has added her voice to his, according to Lifesite.

What's been revealed lately is only the tip of the iceberg. Hollywood is a ship of vermin spreading moral contagion far and wide.

Incidentally, where are the usual victim's advocates? It may be supposed that sex-abuse attorney and change agent, Jeff "ACLU" Anderson had to speak out about the Sandusky accusations at Penn State, but he hasn't to our knowledge represented a single child actor or former child actor. It's interesting that with his access to the New York Times and the media that he's been silent about sexual predators in Hollywood. Is there a reason that Jeff Anderson, a nationally known attorney who's built his livelihood on sexual abuse claims against the Catholic Church, doesn't represent any child stars against predator Producers and the others like them that predominate in the entertainment industry?

Lifesite News....

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Please Don't Use Our Church as a Discotheque: Vietnamese Communists

Edit: the French Revolutionaries put a prostitute on the altar of Notre Dame. They haven't changed.

Vietnamese Catholics are protesting against the state dispossessing them of their church, 40 persons were violently arrested during the peaceful demonstration.

Hanoi ( priests of the Redemptorist order and over 30 Catholics of a parish community from Hanoi in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam were arrested on Friday morning. They took part in a peaceful demonstration against the the State dispossessing them of their church. This was reported by the International Society for Human Rights (IGFM).

The Catholics of the Hanoi Parish Thai Ha have been leveled criticisms that the government has attempted to engage in illegal construction activity on their property for years. They fear that the intention behind this is to create a basis to deny the community their property rights.

The present object of contention is the former church of the Redemptorist order which will be used as a hospital and discotheque. In 2008 the government has allowed the property to be transformed into a public park after a nine month disagreement.

All of the written protests of the parish community Thai Ha were unsuccessful, so they are now trying to make their cause noticeable by a public protest. On Friday morning about 100 Catholics submitted a complaint against the illegal building activity on the property of their church to the People's Committee.

During the conclusion of the demonstration on the return march from the People's Committee, they were actually attacked by several persons who wore red armbands and were accompanied by the police. The faithful were corralled on a bus and brought to "Detainment Center Loc Ha", which is actually a home for arrested prostitutes.

Up until the point of the violent resolution, the demonstration was peaceful. On some of the signs could be read: "Please don't make our church into a discotheque!" "Hands off the Property of Religious Communities!", "Stolen Church Buildings Should be Returned!", "Against the Distortion of Reality in Thai Ha of the [State owned] New Hanoi News!", "Article 70 of the Constitution Protects the Property of Religious Communities!". One of the signs showed scenes of Militia Officials who entered the church of Thai Ha and insulted and threatened the pastor.

Among those arrested is the Pastor Giuse Nguyen Van Phunog, the priest Guise Luong Van Long and Vinh Son Vu Van Tuan as well as about 35 seminarians and community members. The IGFM has called upon the Vietnamese government to let those arrested go unconditionally and bring those responsible to justice.

Story taken from the IGFM site, here, in German.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Linguistic Purism by Tunisian Islamist Party Underscores Tensions with the West

Edit: Tunisia's Islamist party's preoccupation with the linguistic purity of its Arab has caused some to suggest that Tunisia's new rulers are out of touch with the present realities facing Tunisia.

These types of programs underscore the continuing tension between the Cosmopolitan and Liberal agendas of the modern West and the growing fervor of Revolutionary Islamism.

The story was covered by SlateAfrique and here's a google translation:

We are Arabs and our language is Arabic. It became French and Arabic which is the language of pollution" said Rached Ghannouchi, leader of the religious party.

Update November 15: France congratulated the Islamist party Ennahda for his victory in Tunisia, following the publication of the final official results of the elections of October 23, said today the spokesman of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bernard Valero.


Update November 14: The final official results of the first free elections of 23 October in Tunisia have been published so far. The Islamist party Ennahda leads with 89 seats out of 217 of the Constituent Assembly, followed by the left-wing nationalist CRP (Congress for the Republic) with 29 seats, and the movement of billionaire Hechmi Haamdi "People's Petition," 26 elected officials. The participation rate was 54.1%, or 4 million voters in an electorate estimated at 7.5 million. The Constituent Assembly will meet for the first time on November 22 in the premises of the old Parliament in Tunis.


Very cautious, if not too reassuring about his intentions regarding a challenge to the current lifestyle of Tunisians, and especially of Tunisian, the party Ennahdha nevertheless set the tone for a French language taught from During the primary, which he criticized the omnipresence .

Read further...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Attorney Sees Evil Catholic Witch-Hunters in US Bankruptcy Court

Edit: It could have been from the pages of the Onion. Or, what if Dan Brown wrote for the Onion? Yet, one of Minnesota's most celebrated attorneys lashed out against Catholic representatives of a Minnesota US Bankruptcy court last month on behalf of her client Yehud-Monosson USA Inc, which manages properties in Wisconsin.

She referred to them as "dirty Catholics" and "witch hunters" in a truly amazing display that would have been a professional death sentence if she'd been railing against a protected group. It actually brings back the legal attacks by the National Socialists in the 30s where Catholic priests and faithful were regarded with precisely the same outrageous language.

At one point, she insisted, while trying to get the Bankruptcy hearing done in New York, that the Judge sending her client to Minnesota would be like sending a Jew to a concentration camp. The Judge disagreed and sent her and her client to Minnesota.

What followed was a spiteful rant against Catholics which, had it been directed at virtually any other minority group, would have met with immediate termination.

At least one man at the usually anti-Catholic, St. Paul Pioneer Press had some courage to point this out.

By David Hanners
Updated: 11/30/2011 10:37:03 PM CST

In the sedate and sober world of bankruptcy law, one lawyer's memorandum sticks out like a sore loser.

"Across the country the court systems and particularly the Bankruptcy Court in Minnesota, are composed of a bunch of ignoramus, bigoted Catholic beasts that carry the sword of the church," the Nov. 25 filing said.

It went on to call one bankruptcy judge "a Catholic Knight Witch Hunter," said one trustee was "a priest's boy" and claimed another trustee is a "Jesuitess."

It got worse from there.

Hastings lawyer Rebekah Nett also called U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Nancy Dreher and other court personnel "dirty Catholics." Then she expressed concerns over what might transpire at a hearing docketed for next week, writing, "Catholic deeds throughout the history have been bloody and murderous."

People who spend their time writing and reading legal documents were stunned.

Link to Saint Paul Pioneer Press...

H/t Stella Borealis.

Renovation of the Cathedral of Reggio Emilia - Full article

Cathedral Restoration; the Curia counterattacks: stop the controversy.

Monsignore Landini versus the Architect Maccarini: “His (book) is an attack on the bishop. Wait for the inauguration on November 20th

(Editor's notes in red)

After thunder comes rain. In the wake of the store of criticism of the renovation of the cathedral, the curia’s reply, entrusted to spokesman Don Emilio Landini, attacks the presentation of architect Stefano Maccarini’s book: Murder of the Cathedral, Assumptions, dramas, and wounds of a disfigured church: The Case of Reggio Emilia, to be presented tomorrow [November 20th], at the Captain’s Hall – Hotel Posta.

Don Landini: “Maccarini swept away by the controversy”

Don Landini writes: Beyond the publication, I personally admit that, initially, the architect made a contribution, a request to rethink some ideas presented as definitive. Then he was overwhelmed by the controversy, and carried out a true campaign of denigration, in the newspapers and national magazines, and on his website, with contributions by authors more or less brought about by he himself. We have, among the pieces contained in the appendix, an essay in which (his) omissions were simply defamatory.

It is sufficient, that when he appeared on Libero, on the 5th of last August, he spoke of the “destruction of the cathedral of Reggio Emilia that is traumatizing all the faithful these days”. And a bit later: “Therefor the Cathedral will soon be, upon the completion of the works, a theater of ambiguous and pathological rites, rotten with pride”. Sometimes, there are even accusations of potential Protestantism (Translator’s note: The Italian word is cattoprotestantesimo, which has no English equivalent.), in questions which certainly do not touch upon Catholic Orthodoxy. It is true that these articles do not bear Maccarini’s signature; however, he inspired them, placed them on his site, and, despite repeated requests, has not removed them.

The Controversy

Concerning the liturgical adjustment of the cathedral, a furious controversy has erupted, directed against an alleged excess of “modernism”. Italia Nostra president Enrico Lusetti, and ex-superintendent Elio Garzillo have sided with the architect Maccarini against the project Particularly surprising is the Japanese Crucifix of Nagasawa, in which Jesus is missing, which was then not commissioned. (Translator's note: More on this later)

An Attack on the Bishop

The publication inevitably appears as an attack on the Bishop, whose departure from the diocese is imminent, while only a blind rage [or righteous anger?] can define the great work of restoration as a “Murder”, although it was, in effect, a joke. Mon. Capriolo is recognized as particularly competent in theological and liturgical matters. He must also be recognized, for his courage to have made important changes to the initial project, which made the harsh criticism baseless. It would be honorable for the author of the volume to make a brave, calming gesture, to make “reparation”, for having spread a deformed image of the Church of Reggio Emilia , and for certain expressions which were, to say the least, disrespectful, contained in articles in newspapers and national magazines, which are, in part, attached in the appendix. Within their discretionary field, each has a right to support their position, then can one alone (position) be realized. And perhaps the choice is for the Bishop. It’s legitimate to express personal opinions, but not to try to obscure the beauty and splendor found in the cathedral, of which the people of Reggio Emilia can be proud. Don Landini continues: “It is surprising that Maccarini, despite repeated requests to at least delay publication of the book, has not waited to see, on Sunday November 20th, the liturgical adaptions actually made, especially to the more problematic liturgical poles still hidden by scaffolding. In the book are interwoven various topics and remarks: Architectural, Historical, Theological, Liturgical, and also retellings of stories, As well as citations from general works which are outside the scope of the renovation. At times, there is preoccupation about the conservation of objects which in reality have only a sentimental value; traditional, rather than profoundly spiritual.[Part of the problem here is that Liberal Churchmen have been literally destroying the patrimony of Catholicism in order to create spaces that fit the banality of their drab and minimalistic Liturgies, and many of the proposals were indeed shocking. ]

The Architectural choices

Don Landini concluded his speech by touching upon the details of the architectural choices.[I know the author of this article doesn't touch on those. Perhaps it would be good to point this out in editor/translator's note? it seems he goes into detail on these below.] Some points which were discussed merit particular attention, as they touch upon the sensibilities of the people. [You mean they touch on sensibilities those in charge want to project? We understood that many people were dismayed by these changes.]We give the nod.

The Removal of the Historical Altar

Firstly, the removal of the “historical” altar, which, as Maccarini acknowledges, “was perhaps not a work of art”, but was removed “To make a place for a circular stone structure, which, being of stone, cannot be experimental”. The interesting history of the old altar has been reconstructed; it begins in 1621 with modifications in 1806, and most recently in 1968. So, what came down to us before the restoration is really the result of various modifications and mutilations. [Various modifications which are informed by the finest artists in Europe and the spirituality of the Catholic Church as it had always been, without rupture, until today, apparently.]Of the new marble altar, however, the author gives a brief description, without having yet seen it. [It's still in a box. it's free-standing, that's for sure.]

The Nagasawa Cross was not commissioned

The problem of the Cross was certainly the one which brought the most clamor, writes Maccarini. And he explains: “above the new altar will be placed perpendicularly, a great ‘glorious cross’, the work of the Japanese artist Hidetoshi Nagasawa”.

In reality, the architect does not know yet, but we will actually not be hanging any cross by this artist; the one commissioned at the time, although appreciated from an artistic standpoint,[It looks like a couple of pieces of wood thrown together in strange shapes, like a weather vane...rather than a cross.] was deemed to be not immediately understandable in its symbolism. (Translator's note: So, the cross really was commissioned, and then canceled, likely due to the outcry from Catholics)

The Bishop’s Cathedra out of the sanctuary

Criticism is also directed against the removal of the cathedra from the presbytery. It is a respectable opinion, which could be reconsidered in the future, while noting that the new seat was not improvised, and that the expansion of the presbytery, if its dimensions are small, was provided for in the Nota Pastorale della Cei of 1966, “on the modification of churches”.[Putting the presider at the center, like in a Masonic Lodge where the "Worshipful Master" sits.]

The removal of the pews

The removal of the pews, debated in various diocese and parishes, has touched upon the sensibilities of many people. To clear up the question, they should remember they made their appearance in churches only lately. Besides, everyone knows, for instance, that in St. Peter’s and St. Mary Major in Rome, there are not pews in the central nave. In the Cathedral of Reggio, the 18th century pews are still present in the two transepts, which the elderly can use, albeit with some difficulty, owing to the 8 steps. Don’t forget that in the Basilica of St. Prosper in Reggio, the pews do not provide the possibility of kneeling. So really, the question of the pews versus the new chairs falls in the realm of the debatable.

The Crypt

Concerning the 13th century crypt, Maccarini writes that, upon descending, one is “shocked” at the glass and steel parapets, the recessed lighting, and more. In his opinion, it would have lost its original sacrality, with this museological illumination. He seems to almost ignore the fact that the crypt, at first disregarded by all, has become a place of daily Eucharistic Adoration.

(Translation by: The Seneschal

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Bishop Decrees Against Holding Hands at Our Father

A Bishop issuing a Decree! Whatever next? From Pray Tell via Diane of Te Deum Laudamus, comes this Pastoral Letter and Decree from Bishop Foys of Covington, Kentucky. The Decree concerns the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy and primarily the importance of obedience to the principle:
Therefore no other person, even if he be a priest, may add, remove, or change anything in the liturgy on his own authority. (Sacrosanctum Concilium n.22)

From hermeneutic of continuity...

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

(AINA) -- Thousands of Muslims attacked and besieged Copts in elGhorayzat village, population 80,000, killing two Copts and severely wounding others, as well as looting and torching homes and businesses. A quarrel between a Copt, John Hosni, and Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer, who later died in hospital, turned into collective punishment of all Copts in the majority Christian village of elGhorayzat, in the Maragha district of Sohag province. Muslims vowed not to bury Abdel-Nazeer until John Hosni is punished. Mr. Hosni fled from the village with his family, "fearing a wholesale massacre of Copts," reported activist Mariam Ragy.

The events started on Monday, November 28, when John Hosni, a building supplier, had a quarrel with his neighbor, Mahmoud Abdel-Nazeer (48), over some steel rods and cement Mr. Hosni had left in the street to use for erecting a wall around his house. This was perceived by Mr. Abdel-Nazeer as extending the home into the street, which is public property. "Instead of reporting this building transgression to the police or local authorities, Abdel-Nazeer took the matter in his own hands and brought some Salafists and torched the store and the home of the Copt," said an eyewitness.

In the altercation between the neighbors, Mr. Hosni hit Abdel-Nazeer in the head with a wooden branch, which lead to his death later in hospital.

Thousands of Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt, 2 Killed, Homes and Stores Torched

Muslims Launch Anti-Christmas Campaign

Edit: Muslims haven't changed. They're unmoved by political correctness and pluralism, but they understand how it works and they're willing to exploit political correctness and the the Secular West's present hostility to Christianity for their advantage.

Invariably, someone will claim that this is a false flag operation.

[Daily Mail] Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil.

Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.

They hope the campaign will help 'destroy Christmas' in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

TAC Leader Takes Abuse Claims Against Church to Police

Edit: Bishop Hepworth was told recently that he wouldn't be accepted into the Catholic Church as either a Bishop or a priest, but as a layman. Now the Old Liberal establishment has decided that his allegations are groundless.

A BREAKAWAY Anglican church leader, who claims he was raped by a Catholic priest, has filed a police complaint after an internal church investigation cleared his alleged abuser.

It was part of the agreement that men who'd been previously ordained in the Catholic Church as John Hepworth was wouldn't be ordained, but it doesn't seem like he was aware of that fact from the start.

A breakaway Anglican church leader, who claims he was raped by a Catholic priest, has filed a police complaint after an internal church investigation cleared his alleged abuser.

Traditional Anglican Communion (TAC) Archbishop John Hepworth said earlier this year he had been raped by three priests, beginning in 1960 when he was 15.

Senator Nick Xenophon named Adelaide priest Monsignor Ian Dempsey as one of the rapists under federal parliamentary privilege, saying the Catholic church had taken too long to investigate.

Link to original...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Vigil of St. Andrew the Apostle: Happy B-Day Archbishop Lefebvre

Edit: today is the birthday of Archbishop Lefebvre as well as the vigil of the great feast of St. Andrew the Apostle. It's fortuitous since both men were persecuted and suffered for the Faith. Here's the day's collect from a woman's Catholic spirituality blog:

Collect:We humbly implore your majesty, O Lord,
that, just as the blessed Apostle Andrew
was for your Church a preacher and pastor,
so he may be for us a constant intercessor before you.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen+

Saint Andrew is the Patron Saint of Scotland and Russia. The reason for the saltire cross which is the national flag of Scotland, is the way in which the Saint was crucified during the persecution of Nero. The Catholic Encylopedia says:

Eusebius (Church History III.1), relying, apparently, upon Origen, assigns Scythia as his mission field: Andras de [eilechen] ten Skythian; while St. Gregory of Nazianzus (Oration 33) mentions Epirus; St. Jerome (Ep. ad Marcell.) Achaia; and Theodoret (on Ps. cxvi) Hellas. Probably these various accounts are correct, for Nicephorus (H.E. II:39), relying upon early writers, states that Andrew preached in Cappadocia, Galatia, and Bithynia, then in the land of the anthropophagi and the Scythian deserts, afterwards in Byzantium itself, where he appointed St. Stachys as its first bishop, and finally in Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, and Achaia. It is generally agreed that he was crucified by order of the Roman Governor, Aegeas or Aegeates, at Patrae in Achaia, and that he was bound, not nailed, to the cross, in order to prolong his sufferings. The cross on which he suffered is commonly held to have been the decussate cross, now known as St. Andrew's, though the evidence for this view seems to be no older than the fourteenth century. His martyrdom took place during the reign of Nero, on 30 November, A.D. 60); and both the Latin and Greek Churches keep 30 November as his feast.

Vienna's Cathedral Pastor Likes Married Homosexuals

Edit: this change agent was the priest who gave the Communist, Hrdlicka an honorable burial and Mass in Vienna's gothic Cathedral, the Stepensdom. The controversial artist who continues to enjoy the patronage of Cardinal Schönborn, is famous for depicting a blasphemous orgy "painting".

Even though some of Hrdlicka's artwork was taken down, other pieces remain to this day in the St. Barbara Chapel. The Diocese made a half-hearted effort to correct the problem when it was in the public eye and then honored the cause of the problem with a funeral Mass. But that's the way Cardinal Schönborn rolls.

The hypocritical Viennese Cathedral Pastor consecrates things that should be condemned and damned. Because the powerful homosexual media saved his skin.

( Viennese industrialist Thomas Klein (47) is the inheritor and business manager of the Austrian firm 'Almdudler Limonade, A. & S. Klein GmbH & Co KG’.

It produces herbal soda "Almdudler". This tastes like soapy water, which has been enriched with lemon juice and sugar.

Klein is married and the father of three children (23, 18, 16).

Recently he accused himself -- apparently an advertising gimmick for his soap water -- of being homosexually disturbed in a 288 page book with the title "Zwischen Sein und Schein" [Between Being and Appearance].

Between the pages he described the typical life of homosexual decadence which swings between depression and longing for death.

Father Faber blessed him with Holy Water

The Austrian women's gossip magazine 'Seitenblicke' would not let this roast escape.

It peppered the story with a statement by the Vienna Cathedral Pastor, Fr. Anton Faber.

The publication wanted to know how he would consider this situation if "as a priest", a rich homosexual were to say: "I am gay and have a family with children."

The clergyman didn't have the courage, as expected, to opportunely or inopportunely declare the simple Catholic truth.

Instead of this, out flowed the usual clerical boot-licker type praise.

He thinks it's "grand and very honorable", that the Almdudler-Chief keeps to his homosexual neurosis -- tottled an enthused Father Faber.

If Gomorrists were to conceal their lives, then Father Faber would think that a "shame":

"I don't reject such hypocrisy, which cries to heaven" -- he piously explained. [He's just following in the footsteps of the Danube Cardinal, really, when the Cardinal said that it was better if homosexuals were in committed relationships than not.]

Link to

Msgr Fellay Interviewed in DICI on Preamble

Edit: the door is still open. Discretion is the word of the day. Part of the solution is a waiting game too as more and more Old Liberal Bishops, priests and religious die off and are replaced by younger, more conservative people, as Bishop Fellay says,

Some young bishops and priests who are inheriting this situation are becoming more and more aware of the sterility of 50 years of openness to the modern world. They do not place the blame exclusively on the secularization of society; they are asking about the responsibility of the Council which opened the Church up to a world that was becoming completely secularized. They wonder whether the Church could adapt to modernity to that extent without adopting its spirit.

Why is the Doctrinal Preamble that Cardinal Levada delivered to you on September 14 still surrounded by so much secrecy, both on the part of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and by the Society of St. Pius X? What is this silence hiding from the priests and faithful of Tradition?

This discretion is normal for any important proceeding; it ensures the seriousness of it. It so happens that the Doctrinal Preamble that was delivered to us is a document which can be clarified and modified, as the accompanying note points out. It is not a definitive text. In a little while we will draw up a response to this document, noting frankly the doctrinal positions that we regard as indispensable. Our constant concern since the start of our talks with the Holy See—as our interlocutors know very well—has been to present the traditional position with complete loyalty.

Discretion is required on Rome’s part also, because this document—even in its present state which needs many clarifications—runs a great risk of arousing opposition from the progressives, who do not accept the very idea of a discussion about the Council, because they consider that this pastoral council is indisputable or “non-negotiable”, as though it were a dogmatic council.

Link to DICI...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Siebenburg Abbey to Close After 947 Years

Edit: what was uncertain before is now looking more certain, and these Abbeys are being sold for a song.

"No one can understand this pain who isn't involved."

That the thousand year old Benedictine Abbey on the Michealsberg in Siegburg can not last any longer has been known for a year. Since then there has been increasing speculation about the future use of the buildings. Rumours have been heating up, from the tasteless April Fool's joke in the local press, which proposed to turn it into a shopping center, to the sad development that the former Redemptorist Cloister 5 kilometers distant, will be turned into an "event center".

The withdrawal of the Benedictine presence has been entrusted to the last Monk on the Michealsberg, Brother Linus OSB, who has put his opinion on the current situation into words, which could only move:

"There is no correspondence to fact that the Abbey will be used for a commercial purpose. In the last two weeks I've only clearly told the daily "General-Anzeiger", that a purely spiritual use in the future is improbable. From that it was said that the Abbey will have a commercial use, which I consider a distortion of my words.

These are rumors sent into the world, which have no basis.

Neither '' nor the Cologne 'Stade-Anzeiger" -- or any one else -- can describe the pain which we Siegburger Monks have experienced in the last Months. We must give up our home, the place of our monastic stabilitas. Decadence has been ascribed to us. But here there are Monks -- for example Father Mauritius -- who've seen sixty long years of dedicated service.

I know entire back ground. And on this I have to say: things have also been unfair to the Archdiocese of Cologne. Several of us Benedictines have been addressed as well by the Cardinal. There was really nothing untried in order to find a solution, which is possible and would do justice to the place.

Many participants and inquirers were horrified by the giant buildings with 21,000 cubic meters. We have looked for months to find a solution. I went to a visitor conference of the Benedictine Congregation of Subiaco in Brazil, in order to get a promise [votum] from our Congregation.

It really shocks me, when I see how the reactions are. In stead of praying for the Church, for the good way of a neighbor, we are publicly denounced in some quarters. As in the past, so we are also keeping the public informed -- as to the future of the Abbey. At the current moment there is nothing that is newsworthy.

I can't completely address the entirety of the speculations. They damage the Abbey and do not serve the subject. The only thing for it is time and patience.

We monks have to have to know about so many things. It is said to us that Siegburg is losing a "spiritual center", which makes people sad and, ahh, how important the Abbey actually has become in people's lives. How it has gone though with us monks during the events of the last months -- has been seldom inquired about outside the Church. It can hardly be conceived how it is for me to end 947 years of history and tradition.

As it is, evenings alone are like the way of the Cross for me, the empty refectory and the Kalefactorium [Scriptorium]-- as it is "my" Cloister which I must see die. No one could understand this pain, who isn't involved."

Together with the above explanation about their situation, is this recommended reading for all who dare to believe and utter the lie about the "new springtime after the Council".

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

In Germany, a thousand years of Christianity is at an end. The propagated form of "opening to the world" has not achieved the expected goals. And where one could assume 40 years ago a "mistake in good faith" that is with those who hold in the face of bankruptcy in this course, almost impossible. The "unworldliness" of the Church can not be arrested or prevented by Episcopal Conferences. It happens. In goods like in the situation with the Weltbild situation long destroying the Church, and in lesser goods such as this manifestation of the fact that a Monastery like Michaelberg is for the vast majority, at best, of only folkloric significance. The minority is involved, and they suffers alongside.

Translated from

Bishop Disparages "Protestant" Wreaths

Edit: Father Z asks his readership if they are going to use Advent wreaths. Actually, the advent wreath was invented in Hamburg Germany in 1820 by a Lutheran minister named Johann Hinrich Wichern.

MANILA, Philippines – Instead of Advent wreaths, Filipino Catholics should hang “parols” (star lanterns) in their homes and churches this Christmas, a Catholic bishop said Saturday.

Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas said the practice of hanging Advent wreaths comes from Protestant traditions in Europe while the parol is “the most popular symbol of our Filipino Christmas tradition.”

“In consultation with liturgists who advocate for Filipino expressions of our Catholic faith, we want to offer the ‘parol ng halina’ [Advent parols] as an alternative to the European advent wreath,” Villagas said in a statement.

Link to Philippine Daily Inquirer...

Image stolen from, here...

Plans to Destroy Basilica in Italy Meet with Resistance

Edit: It's not as if the laity are complaining. Who cares about them? Yet when the local Bishop is "attacked" in a full length book by a famous architect, Stephen Maccarini, and the local arts and academic community, that's another matter.

The northern Italian city of Reggio Emilia boasts a magnificent Basilica of St. Prospero, completed in the 10th Century which has undergone many felicitous transformations. Now the local Bishop wants to create an altar nave, have benches that don't facilitate kneeling and include an ugly Japanese cross commissioned by a Shinto practitioner, that doesn't even look like a cross.

Usually, almost no one complains except the laity, but this time a great architect has taken up the cross and has excited the concern and indignation of the local Bishop who has sent his mouthpiece, Don Landini, to address the book which Architect Stephen Maccarini has written to denounce the planned wreckovation. As usual with Old Liberals, the Bishop's mouthpiece doesn't directly address the arguments, although he welcomes some alterations in the proposed plans based on the esteemed intellectual's recommendations, but focuses rather on the mistaken assumption that the architect's legitimate concerns are an attack on the person of the Bishop.

Summarized from Reggione Online ...

For additional photos, you can go here...

H/t: TA

There's also another wreckovation in Wurzburg which is simply criminal that was covered by Rorate Caeli who picked it up from Europe's most popular religious site,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

St. Issac Jogues Parish in Niles, Illinois celebrates Thanksgiving Eve service with Muslims

Above: Clip art from the article in the parish bulletin.

Editor: Source info informed us that St. Issac Jogues parish in Niles Illinois announced in it's November 13, 2011 that it would be participating in a "Thanksgiving Eve" service with Muslims. See online bulletin here: We post the article by one of the priests at the parish below.

The following is the parish website:

THANKSGIVING EVE: Interreligious Service

November is the Month of the Holy Souls. It is also a month when Americans celebrate a secular holiday with deep religious roots. While the emphasis has shifted to feasting and football, Thanksgiving still inspires religious feelings. The ritual of bowed heads and table grace may be a nod to nostalgia and tradition, but it is often much more than that!

Thanksgiving is a remembrance of God’s mercy - - an encounter with the Holy. The “pilgrim fathers” were convinced that God had saved them from drought and starvation. That is why they gave thanks, why they feasted, and why they played games. Thanksgiving then was not a celebration of self-satisfied abundance, it was a celebration of God’s bounty. It was an acknowledgement of answered prayers!

Thanksgiving has a “Mayflower” pedigree. There is a distinct Protestant flavor to it’s origins. But, through the centuries and with waves of immigration, Thanksgiving has been adopted and adapted by people of different cultures and religions. In that, Thanksgiving is a most accommodating feast! Thanksgiving stresses the holiness of God and the
blessings of the harvest. Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists as well as Christians instinctively want to thank God. A growing, beautiful custom is celebrating an Ecumenical or Interreligious Service on Thanksgiving Eve. I am happy to say that I have been part of such celebrations since I was ordained in 1970.

This year, local clergy and laity will observe Thanksgiving Eve (Nov. 23rd) at The Morton
Grove Mosque (8601 N. Menard Ave.) at 7:30 PM. All are welcome to participate.

Please consider attending the presentation on Islam next Sunday, November 20th in the Holy Family Room at 3:00 PM. Jason Renken & Azam Nizamuddin will explore “Thanksgiving and Service from the Muslim & Catholic Perspectives”.

Why should you consider attending this presentation and participating in the Interreligious Thanksgiving Service? A scholar of world religions, Leonard J. Biallas, has an excellent answer: “There are spiritual riches buried in the innermost
recesses of our own religions that are only opened up to us when we encounter what is strange and different in other traditions.”

Our first “encounter” with other traditions can be the beginning of better self-understanding and real dialogue. That dialogue can enable us to compare and contrast how human nature and the human condition are perceived. Life, love, compassion, destiny and death … how much do we share in common? How much comes from a different vantage or perspective?

It was Pope Pius XI who once said: “If we are to love each other, we must first know each other.” I would add something commonplace, but essential, to that: “To know each other, we must first meet each other.” The Thanksgiving Eve Service can inaugurate an ongoing dialogue with other religious people. That can contribute much toward peace in our own communities and ultimately in the world.

-Fr. Luczak