Friday, October 28, 2011

Bishop Finn of Kansas City Slams Professional Victims Organization SNAP

Kudos to Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas, for an excellent interview in the National Catholic Register regarding the recent high-profile case of Bishop Robert Finn. (I highly recommend it.) Archbishop Naumann responded to some questions about the notorious group SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) with some brave remarks:

Link to the Media Report ...

One Step Closer to a Repeal of Act of Settlement

Edit:  The prohibition against being married to a Catholic for an heir to the throne has been lifted.

Of course, leave it to Archbishop Nichols to highlight what's wrong with this as if it were something good:

The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, said the elimination of the "unjust discrimination" against Catholics would be widely welcomed.

"At the same time I fully recognise the importance of the position of the established church [the Church of England] in protecting and fostering the role of faith in our society today," he said.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Two Bonus Army Veterans Killed by the Ruthless US Army

Edit:  The recent severe injury of a two time Iraq war veteran, because of the alleged actions of the Oakland Police, has sparked some controversy.   It isn't the first time war veterans have taken part in protests in the United States.  In fact there was another protest called the Bonus March in 1932 when ten thousand war veterans along with their families camped out in Washington in the spring and the summer.  If ten thousand veterans with clear and respectable demands weren't satisfied back in the midst of the depression, it's unlikely that an unruly gaggle of assorted and conflicting interests who have no clear agenda, is going to accomplish anything either.

Back in 1932, General Douglas MacArthur was called out by President Hoover to crush the Bonus March.  Two war veterans were killed in the skirmishing involving tanks, cavalry, infantry and tear gas.  So not only were the demands of these people not met, but  the demonstrators were also chased out of their shanty towns with their wives and children in tow while their shelters and all of their possessions were burned down.

Occupy Wall Street isn't going to end any better.  Presently, the Oakland one has been cleaned up. Note:  All you need are jail cells.

50 Theologians Petition Holy Father to Reassess Vatican Council

Edit: the following article in Dici is very interesting.   It's even more interesting in that a substantial number of theologians in Italy, not all of them associated directly with the SSPX are calling for what is suggested in the following letter:

[Dici]In his petition, Msgr. Gherardini wrote:

 “For the good of the Church—and more especially to bring about the salvation of souls, which is her first and highest law (cf. the 1983 CIC, canon 1752)—after decades of liberal exegetical, theological, historiographical and “pastoral” creativity in the name of the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council, it seemed urgent to me that some clarity be created by answering authoritatively the question about the continuity of this council with the other councils (this time not simply by declaring it so but by proposing a genuine demonstration), the question about its fidelity to the Tradition of the Church.”  …
It's an impressive group of men.  

The signatures of almost 50 Catholic leaders follow, among them:
Prof. Paolo Pasqualucci, professor of philosophy; Msgr. Brunero Gherardini, dean of the Italian theologians, professor of Ecclesiology; Msgr. Antonio Livi, professor emeritus of epistemology at the Lateran University; Prof. Roberto de Mattei, Università Europea di Roma; Prof. Luigi Coda Nunziante, personally and in his capacity as president of the association Famiglia Domani; Dr. Paolo Deotto, chairman of Riscossa Cristiana (www.riscossa; Prof. Piero Vassallo, professor of philosophy, co-chairman of Riscossa Cristiana; Dr. Virginia Coda Nunziante; Dr. Pucci Cipriani; Fr. Marcello Stanzione and the entire Militia of St. Michael the Archangel;  Prof. Dante Pastorelli, Governor of the Venerable Confraternity of St. Jerome and St. Francis of Assisi in San Filippo Benizi, Florence, and president of Una Voce (Florence); Calogero Cammarata, president of Inter Multiplices Una Vox (Turin); Dr. Cristina Siccardi – Castiglione Torinese (TO); Dr. Carlo Manetti – Castiglione Torinese (TO); Alessandro Gnocchi; Mario Palmaro; Mario Crisconio, Knight of the Order of Malta, Governor of the Pio Monte della Misericordia (Naples), president of Una Voce (Naples); Enrico Villari, Ph.D., engineer (Naples); Marcello Paratore, professor of philosophy (Naples); Giuseppe De Vargas Machuca, First Governor of the Reale Arciconfraternità e Monte del SS. Sacramento dei Nobili Spagnoli (Naples); Giovanni Turco, university professor, president de la International Thomas Aquinas Society, Naples division;  Giovanni Tortelli, writer, research specialist in canon law and Church history (Florence).
This Petition is promoted by the website of Riscossa cristiana , with the text in Italian. (Subheadings and translation : DICI no. 242 dated October 14, 2011)

Did the Covering Fire of the SSPX Have Any Effect on Assisi?

Edit: This will expand gradually throughout the day, with citations concerning the Assisi Meeting from various sources concerning reactions to it.

[From] The Axiom >>No Salvation Outside the Catholic Church<<, which will be quoted eternally valid is not a doctrine in its historical origin, rather its a warning against division. The statement, which was also used as a missionary appeal to the >>heathen<<, had a multi-faceted historical impact, before it was formulated into dogma at the Council of Florence in 1442. In any case it is balanced out by other expressions of the teaching office of the Church. So it was that Pope Clemens IX. considered the statement >>outside of the Church there is no Grace<< in 1713 in the context of the controversy with the Jansenists as erroneous, which said that definitively calculated the possibility of salvation for heterodox and non-believers. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) adopted an expressly universalist perspective and opted for a dialogical opening toward the non-Christian religions, without weakening the truth claims of the Christian religion."  

From an article by Viennese dogmatic theologian, Jan-Heiner Tück (41)in the Swiss paper ‘Neue Zürcher Zeitung’.

Children Are Crucified to Force Christians to Leave Iraq

Edit: found a decent translation on google with some minor corrections.

The ultimate source for this story is Pointe de Bascule. It was picked up from a Royalist website from France.

Muslim militants are crucifying children to terrorize their Christian parents and encourage them to flee Iraq, yesterday was told a parliamentary committee studying the persecution of religious minorities.

Since the beginning of the war in 2003, about 12 children, some as young as 10, were abducted and killed, then nailed to makeshift crosses near their homes to terrify and torment their parents.

The Committee was informed that a child has been snatched, decapitated, burned and left on the doorstep of his mother.

Filham Isaac, speaking on behalf of the Advocacy Committee Nineveh, told the committee of human rights as the Christian churches in Iraq were bombed, clergy murdered and unveiled women were raped or marked the acid.

This is part of a systemic campaign - and very effective it is- of the ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims in the region, he said. Chaldean and Assyrian Christians, known as the Assyro-Chaldeans, were once the largest Christian minority in Iraq. They are also the oldest, being the descendants of ancient Mesopotamians who adopted Christianity in the first century.

The Chaldean Catholic Church, the Syrian Catholic Church, the Syriac Orthodox Church and the Eastern Church are among the Christian churches in Iraq.

Today, about 300,000 Christians, or one out of three, fled, he said.

"It's a crisis point," said Zaya Oshana later, a colleague of Mr. Isaac. "Christians will be completely destroyed."

However, the Assyro-Chaldeans do not want to leave their country en masse.

Instead, they seek help to inhabit the plains of Nineveh in the north-western Iraq, where they can have some independence and form their own state. The land is rich, and could also be oil.

There is some support in the U.S. and Europe for the area independently, and international news show that over 700 police officers have begun training to protect Christians in Iraq, but another 4000 would be necessary to secure full region and establish checkpoints on all highways and roads in the villages.

Link to original...

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

District Superior Announcement

Edit: This news is challenging. Father Schmidberger was also firm, but milder in his estimation.

Day of Reparation on October 27th for Assisi III
Tomorrow, on October 27th, the Pope will be presiding at the interreligious meeting in Assisi. He called this reunion to commemorate the 25th anniversary of Assisi I.
Fr. Arnaud Rostand
The authorities in Rome are trying their best to explain that relativism and syncretism will be avoided. However, this remains a great scandal for the Church! It is a direct attack against the first Commandment of God: “Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me.”
In a spirit of reparation, I have requested our priests in the United States District, where possible, to publicly offer the Mass Pro Fidei Propagatione (For the Propagation of the Faith). I have also asked for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, to be adored in a spirit of reparation for this public and grave offence. In some of our chapels where it may be more fruitful for the faithful, this day of reparation may be transferred to the following Saturday or Sunday. [please contact the nearest SSPX chapel for details]
The fight for the defense of the Faith continues, especially against the rising ecumenism of our times.
With my prayers and blessing, in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Fr. Arnaud Rostand

Case Against Archbishop Leonard of Belgium Dismissed

Edit: After being asked by the Old Liberals in the Diocese to reisgn, the Archbishop was then sued by a homosexual activist who claimed that he found the Archbishop's statements damaging to him. The court showed some sanity and disagreed.


With its references to AIDS, the archbishop of Brussels caused outrage for storms, the action of a lawyer was rejected.

Brussels ( / CBA / red) A court in the Belgian city of Antwerp has dismissed a lawsuit against Archbishop André-Joseph Leonard of Mechelen-Brussels. The appellant did not prove to have been personally harmed by statements of the Belgian Bishops' Conference Chairman or insulted, Belgian media on site reported on Wednesday. 

An attorney filed last year against Leonard because of his public statements about AIDS and homosexuality. The lawyer announced that he would appeal the decision to close the case. 

Leonard had described AIDS as a consequence of misconduct, a form of 'immanent justice'. The comment had triggered a storm of indignation. Teachers of the Catholic University of Leuven, church newspaper chief editors and representatives of Catholic laity called for his resignation. In protest against Léonard, remarks came the then Speaker of the Belgian Bishops' Conference, Jürgen Mette Penningen. He likened the Archbishop with a ghost rider, holding on despite the warnings about his course from  his navigation system.

In 2005, Leonard was interviewed by a French journal, "Monseigneur Leonard. Interviews with Louis Mathoux" where they talked about the disease AIDS. In the third  question his interviewer asked whether he thought there was a connection between AIDS and punishment from God.  Leonard had answered: it's just as much from pollution that might cause damage or, something such as alcohol abuse could  cause damage to  ones self, so too dangerous sexual practices (eg, multiple sexual partners and anal sex) lead to diseases such as AIDS. ONLY in this sense does he want to talk about "inherent justice". 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Old Liberal Bishop Doesn't Have Anything "Certain"

Old Liberal Bishop Doesn't have anything "Certain"

Altliberaler Bischof hat nichts „Festes“

Germany.  The Old Liberal Bbishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück likes to talke about faith-communication more than of catechesis [Glaubenvermitteln].  He said this in an interview with Cologne ''.  The word catechize seems to the Bishop to show too much as if  "one had something >>certain<< that he can pass down.  On the contrary, the Bishops wants to "enter into an exchange."

Link to original...

Austrian Leftists Cover up Massive Abuse Scandal

Edit: It's an amazing structure. It has housed the Vienna Boys Choir and children who were concentration camp victims. The leftist press isn't talking for obvious reasons.

Coverup:  for almost two long days '' -- the website of the former Nazi "Reichsender" Vienna -- reported absolutely nothing, that means not even one line.

The Left is Silent About Real Child Abuse

( In Austria, the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the nation has been uncovered.

As expected the crime has been overlooked by the leftist sex-crazed comrades.

Prostitution Operation in Girls' Home

The leftist pedophiles organized a prostitution business in the Vienna castle of Wilheminenburg-- which was operated as a Girls' Home from 1961 to 1976.

On the contrary the left media bosses -- who have been outraged by the ecclesiastical trifles -- are now as meek as cripples.

A reader 'Logos" informs in the comments of an article on the website '':

"Almost two days long and '' [Former Nazi "Reichsender" Vienna] has reported nothing, that means not even a single line"  -- he revealed.

Since the coverup wasn't working, Reichsender has changed its strategy.

"Now their new headline is: >>Doubt about Accusations of Abuse<< -- wrote 'Logos'.

He continued:  "That belongs in the instruction manual of manipulation."

Caning is worse than Rape for the Left

'Logos' recalled then that the caning administered by a priest of Vorarlberg and similar cases were in the headlines for days and entitled with words like "crime" and "sex abuse".

Church representatives had to appear to justify themselves while still portrayed as "guilty" or were at least called out as defendants.

'Logos' asks, if that would have happened to Austrian Chancellor, Comrade Werner Faymann or Vienna's Mayor, Comrade Micheal Häupl.

Child Murderer to Child Murderers

'Logos' also mentioned the anti-Church website ''.

He wanted to post the fact that the National Socialist Child-enthusiast, Heinrich Gross († 2005), was a member of the SPÖ after the war:  "Not publicly censured!"

Reader 'Logos' stressed that child murderers  found a "logical home" after 1945 in the Socialist Party.

The SPÖ-Friends of Youth

He recalled the other comrades in the company of the SPÖ- Friends of Youth.

-Comrade Julius Tandler († 1936) employed himself in the destruction or sterilization of "unworthy lives".

-Comrade Otto Mühl (86) busied himself as an SPÖ-promoted action painter and was condemned for molesting boys and girls. He paid his victims hush money out of government funds. High creatures from left-political and decadent society participated in his orgies.

-Comrade Peter Noever (70) hastily got back on the child molester mill after his imprisonment in a former Imperial Museum. Citation: "He has suffered and done penance enough."

- In the affair of the kidnapped Natascha Kampusch, 'Logos' insists that much evidence was sold or lent out. To Whom? Vienna's Red justice persistently prevented Miss Kampusch from appearing before a judge, that means, compelled to speak the truth.

The Red Barbarians Take Power

'Logos' recalled also that the Comrades of the SPÖ in Castle Wilhelminenburg put up a marble plaque: "Palaces... for children".

That is a citation from the battler against unworthy life, Comrade Julius Tandler.

In this connection 'Logos' recalled the Austrian Economist, Ludwig von Mises († 1973).

He spoke of the "Red Barbarians" and warned of the impending horror which would take place if ever these men came to power.

'Logos' continued: "Men like Julius Tandler, Heinrich Gross and the United Social Democratic Party are these terrors."

Link to original...

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Monks Celebrate Fifty Years of Bauhaus "Church"

Bauhaus' Cold Abstraction Only Leaves the Barest Outline of a Church
"When we enter ornate and clean Basilicas, adorned with crosses, sacred images, altars, and burning lamps, we most easily conceive devotion. But, on the other hand, when we enter the temples of the heretics, where there is nothing except a chair for preaching and a wooden table for making a meal, we feel ourselves to be entering a profane hall and not the house of God" - St. Robert Bellarmine

Edit: it was actually built before the Vatican Council, so you can't blame that.  In fact, the Abbey Church at St. John's Abbey in Collegeville Minnesota, was almost built in expectation of the catastrophic loss of confidence in the Catholic Church following the Vatican Council's publication.  The structure itself and the interior design are not only illustrative of the revolutionary values of the architect, Marcel Breuer, but it also signifies the utter lack of direction and mission at this Monastery.  St. John's Abbey is mercifully dying off.  It's no wonder, because the Abbey Church itself, whatever might be said of it in peer reviewed architecture textbooks, looks more like a tumulus for the ashes of deceased paupers, a kind of decrepit bus station ferrying the dead to the after life.  The building really does give the impression that a Catholic monastery has been hijacked by the U.N..  Indeed, Breuer also designed the UNESCO building.

Note the absence of Christ and palpable lack of focus
A few of the features of the building, not least of which is its cold and barren appearance, is the fact that the altar has been moved forward toward, if not into, the nave and there is no room for reredos or a tabernacle beneath the apse of the almost non-existent sanctuary, but there are blocky, industrial chairs for the presider and his/her acolytes to sit in majesty.  These chairs actually look almost like deck furniture for the Bill Shatner era Enterprise.

They're actually the same color too.

Contrasts are always helpful, especially when presented with such bland fare as this.  Where the gothic presents a soaring and brilliant interior, soaring heavenward as a compliment to the miracle of the Mass itself. St. John's Abbey presents a thoroughly utilitarian approach to the Liturgy, a kind of bus station outside of Leningrad circa 1956.
You know pretty well what's going on here. It's Gothic.

It is frequently the case that the contrasts presented by the historical changes taking place before the Council and after, give the impression of two different religions.  It's what many Catholic priests felt in the wake of the Protestant Revolt in England and many intelligent Catholics, like Micheal Davies, have noticed something like that in our own days.  Sometimes it's helpful to illustrate the right way to do something after you've criticized something:

Contrasts are nice

Monks of St. John's Abbey to celebrate 50th anniversary of dedication of Collegeville church | The Republic

Saturday, October 22, 2011

German Theologian Says Schism Has Been Reality a Long Time

 Edit: This Heidelberg theologian has no illusions about the situation in Germany. The article was cited on Germany's SSPX website. Perhaps it's not the SSPX the Pope should worry about, but his disobedient Bishops and theologians?  Pay close attention to how these "reformers" arguments don't hold a lot of water and how they appeal to the child sexual abuse as a justification for their sinful disobedience.

The Vatican Magazine published a disturbing analysis of the situation of the Church in Germany in its September edition. It came from the feather of the exegete  and theologian Klaus Berger.

Berger came to the conclusion that there are a large sum of anti-Church initiatives (which are voiced especially in Germany) "which are indeed already practiced up and down the land".   He means here the remarried divorced, women in ecclesiastical offices etc...

He has come to the conclusion: "The overwhelming majority of the German Catholic professors for theology, along with their Bishops, have come to embody a split in the Catholic Church in Germany for a long time."

Church of the Germans -- Church of Scandals

Between the stalled reforms and division, Pope Benedict and the 'gravamina nationis germanicae" is an oration of the Heidelberg Theologian Klaus Berge.

The stalled reforms,  under which the German Church is alleged to have suffered, are not completely new and fresh.

They are long standing, wooden propsoals:  same sex partnerships, remarried divorced, married priests, women "in ecclesiastical offices" (what is meant is probably ordination) and the participation of the people in the election of Bishops.

These demands and proposals are familiar to me as a historian of the Conciliarism of the 4th century, and partly from the Kulturkampf under Bismarck, and partly from the books of my Great Grandfather, who had boasted to have been a party member in 1923.

The whole is therefore neither revolutionary, nor in any way comprehensive.  It is a mere collection of scandals, like the „gravamina nationis germanicae“ of 1522.  In German:  "The affliction of the German Nation."

It is interesting that here the concept "German Nation" occurs, because the singers of the Memorandum of those 150 theologians earlier this year were of German national back ground.  It is striking:  not one of those demands is substantiated, and clearly had been enforced.

No one can convince me that the diagnosis of gridlock is because of this supposed collegial assistance for the rest of the reign of Pope Benedict.  Because there isn't the slightest glimmer of a possibility that any of these will be realized in the future.  And who authorized these pretended reformers to speak for my faith? [WOW]

In German Universities, these acts will not only be undertaken by 150 professors, or about one third of the colleagues who follow these enthusiasts, but in reality it should be about two thirds.   But the dream of these colleagues and what they propose is always novel, but it's not the future, it's already practiced all over the country already.

For in truth, it is at the its base in Germany,  maintaining comprehensive inter-celebration and inter-communion. The Corpus Christi procession with the ecumenical female Protestant pastor took care to read the Gospel at all four altars. Thus missing in the catalog of all relevant claims, especially these: We demand the immediate and unconditional acceptance of all Protestant church structures. By the way: as far as the creed of any religious truths which has been interesting for some, for time anyway, no more.
The overwhelming majority of German Catholic professors of theology embody, therefore, along with some bishops, have long been split from the Catholic Church in Germany. This church is deliberately insisted upon and it is a thoroughly German national church. For the special required by Rome, including celibacy rules, are indeed already practiced.  Still, it makes no sense to themselves and others to throw sand in the eye here. [u]But hypocrisy and cowardice[/u] are complementary to the present chapter of this new schism.
When the Pope comes to us now, he will present a good face to an insidious game. This much is clear to me: the Church renewed by these "reformers" I do not belong - and the large number of those not still in the Catholic Church of my youth and formed as the people of God, have fled long ago in the internal or external emigration from the faith of my fathers and my beloved mother, dying Church.
Without wanting to give these uncritical critics of the Church too much credit, I would like to make a philological note on their pamphlets and statements.  This text from recent Church history is not known to me, where the word "freedom" is arbitrary, aloof and also completely transgressed in an  unbiblical way.
In a similar way, is the latest revision of Luther,  where Luther is supposed to be the representative of civil liberties (including participation). Freedom is always according to the liberation of the biblical revelation  instead of that which threatens the eternal life of man. It was also central in Luther to experience of liberation from sin, death and the devil. Luther did not mean lay preaching and the participation of a businessman in the next election of a bishop.
Gerhard Schröder, had but so many excellent opportunities for us, that Mrs. Kaessmann [A protestant Bishopess who lost her job because of a dui conviction]  with her immense popularity would become the next Archbishopess and successor of Cardinal Meisner. This is not at all what I mean, when I speak as a theologian of freedom, but freedom in terms of the new anti-Roman and anti-papal "German Christians" would read: "We do what we want"; the only measure is the zeitgeist. The fact that God's commandments  are thrown overboard will hardly be noticed by the reader (divorce ban, ban the practice of homosexuality, ban on public preaching of women in worship, in 1 Corinthians 14:37, expressly referred to as the Lord's command, prohibition of self-determination in ethical issues according to Romans 6.15-17 - "but now you obeyed from the heart of the apostolic teaching").
From one of my  colleagues I have even heard that since celibacy lacks theological grounding, it is "not necessary". Now there is, in fact, a German understanding of Christianity brought to a head. And they always repeated a declaration that when something is not necessary, it is what is meant by Catholic, light years away. For even the cathedral is "not necessary" for there is no scripture passage standing against against its demolition and you could easily invest instead, and with the consent of the masses, an ecumenical Parking lot.
It also means to the average Catholic in Germany: since then some clever professor found out, not to go to church on Sundays is not a more serious sin, so the rest goes, because it was not necessary. In short: Nothing but the baptism is necessary, and actually not even that.

Grace is not necessary, and you can't preach the sign of the cross to anyone either. No praise is necessary, no surrender. One should not make such a fuss, no commitment, no great love for the Church as needed. The craving of the new intra-Catholic reformers is missing this above all: the name of Jesus and that a change of heart is sorely needed.

I won't talk any more of the crisis of faith (about which, speaks any text of the New Testament already) to describe the demands of the German professional mourners, even as an example of this crisis.
In my home, Easter is still a highly visible luminous sign of a victorious faith and great love. One came to the fires, marveled at the embers, and warming himself at them, he swore eternal fidelity to the girlfriend at his side. For the in the Bible,  faith, loyalty and identity  are all of the same.
(Source: Vatican magazine , Sept. 2011)

Link to Germany's Society webpage...

Lecture by Professor Walter Hoeres

On October 15th Professor Walter Hoeres in Hattersheim gave a lecture on Pastor Hans Milch  (1924-1987), the founder of the chapel of St. Athanasius.

This is where professor Hoeres studied with Pastor Milch and then fought alongside him later against the decline of the Church, and learned to know him very well.  He impressively adumbrated for his listeners the thought of his colleague.

Father Hans Milch was raised in a strict protestant family home in Wiesbaden and converted during his captivity in the war in France to the Catholic Faith, which was a tremendous shock for his family.

He studied back then with the Jesuits in St. George and finally became the pastor in Hattersheim.  Because of his sympathy for Archbishop Lefebvre he was defrocked from his office and founded actio spes unica a movement of Traditional Catholics, who occupied the chapel in Hattersheim.

He was especially well known for his preaching.   One consideration which he always stressed was that Catholics should form an elite in society.  It was an interesting lecture which brought listeners closer to one who was zealous for the Faith.

The homepage of Actio spes unica.

From the original SSPX page, here...

Friday, October 21, 2011

Collegeville Modernist Meets with Soho Dissidents, Accuses Rome of Lying

Soho is Part of Greenwich

"Our system is not set up to tell the truth. It is not possible for those doing the work to say to those in charge 'this isn't working,'" -Father Anthony Ruff OSB

Edit: Father Ruff is the administrator of the haughty little "Pray, Tell" blog where people can go and commiserate the decline and inevitable fall of the Liturgical Renewal and new man-centered theology. "Rome" can be heard, almost audibly, saying, "you're accusing us of lying and bad faith?"

We've heard earlier this week about how Collegeville is cutting its ties with its lay run University. When are they going to admit they have nothing in common with Rome? They've already got an Episcopal Prayer Center where they host syncretistic gatherings. Why not admit the obvious and have some integrity? We also ask those at St. John's, where is Josh Guimond?

This current issue reported by the National Catholic Register is about a conference held in the trendy Greenwich Village, Episcopalian church of all places. This is simply another case of an effeminate Old Liberal Liturgist, bemoaning the fact that things aren't going the way of his narcissistic, progressive and increasingly unfashionable Marxist, disobedient, viewpoint, but it also serves to illustrate what we've been saying about St. John's Abbey at Collegeville forever.

If anyone had any doubts about the quality of this byproduct of the Liturgical Renewal up until this point, and the entire process surrounding ICEL, the fact that he spoke at a Call to Action conference, attacking the renovation of the English translation of the Missal, and the people who pay for his upkeep, should remove all doubt. He even goes so far as to tell us his true political allegiances, which are at least associated with Marxism which is merited by his self-description as a fellow traveler and disordered preoccupation with structural "injustice":

"I would love to belong to a community that was working for the transformation of unjust structures in church and society as well as offering direct outreach to the victims of oppression," he said. "But this fantasy religious community would also pray the entire office in Latin chant. So, I'm not sure I'm going to find many fellow travelers.[Emphasis ours]"

If he wants a posh liturgy with Latin chant and a trendy political ideology that wants to worry about "structure" and "superstructure" instead of one's own imperfections and unworthiness before the Godhead, he could become an Anglican. Assuming that he shares CTA's views, he could even concelebrate "Mass" with Bishopess Regina.

His apparent turn to the left aside, that First Things would have anything to do with Modernist Collegeville in the first place raises at least one eyebrow, but now we know about the "Pray, Tell" blog, or should know by now if you didn't before, that it's another byproduct of the disease which ails us in the Post-Conciliar malaise.

Take a look at the comments section and see the complaints about how Rome can't be trusted and so forth. The usual concerns by grey-haired denizens of sixty-eight about how Rome "can't tell the truth". As Father Ruff laments:

"Our system is not set up to tell the truth. It is not possible for those doing the work to say to those in charge 'this isn't working,'"

What's not working is the mentality of a man-centered theological and Liturgical course of the last twenty years. Father Ruff has been working like a termite throughout his career as a Liturgist, undermining and gnawing a way. But now he mercifully admits that he no longer believes. In what, we ask.

[National Catholic Reporter] The last time Father Anthony Ruff, OSB, came to New York, he was visiting with an editor from First Things, a theologically and politically conservative journal founded by the late Richard John Neuhaus, six years ago.

Ruff recently returned to Manhattan to offer the first presentation sponsored by the newly formed New York City chapter of Call to Action. Since CTA groups are rarely allowed to meet on Roman Catholic property, Ruff gave the lecture in the common room of an Episcopal Church in Greenwich Village.

This radical change of scene isn't the only transformation that has marked Ruff's life in the last six years.

Link to CTA....

Photo credit.

Catholic Laity Can't Find the Faith in Official Church Structures in El Paso

Edit: Fifty Catholics get together to understand the Catholic Faith in the Diocese of El Paso because they can't get that in the official structures of that Diocese.

This is the Diocese that recently disciplined an orthodox priest who says the Latin Mass for expressing the truth of the Catholic Faith on homosexuality.

UK: Judge Castigates Homosexuals For Their Narcissism

Judge slams parents for putting their interests ahead of their children
Friday, October 21st, 2011

Two same-sex couples who are contesting custody over two young girls have put their own wishes ahead of the welfare the children involved, according to a leading UK family judge.

Mr Justice Hedley was speaking in the High Court in a case in which a gay man and his lover took the lesbian mother of his children and her partner to court for access rights. The case is similar to an Irish case in which a gay man, who acted as a sperm donor for a lesbian couple, sought access to his child. In that case, the Supreme Court ruled that the father should be given access rights.

The parents involved in the UK case were the mother of the two children and her lesbian civil partner, now aged 45 and 44 respectively, and the biological father of the girls and his long-standing gay partner, aged 50 and 41, according to a Daily Mail report. Their names, and the names of the children, were kept secret under the ruling, which was published last week.

Link to article...

Does Vienna Allow Exorcisms or Not?

Edit: the Old Liberal Creep-Politik refers to the tendency of these people to utilize sophistries and ambiguities to conceal their true motives and intentions with respect to dealing with crises in the Church and present a false face.  It usually relates, as in this case, to their incapacity to give clear yes or no questions to simple issues like the following.

Exorcism: The Creep-Politik is at Work

Will the Archdiocese of Vienna perform exorcisms or not? In such clear questions you really don't get any clear answers.
Demons on a window at Magdalen Church in Oxford

(, Wien) On the end of September the extreme-left Viennese weekly 'Falter', reported that a Viennese Exorcist is working in a State-run hospital.

The Archdiocese was quick to deny this report.

On Monday Wolfgang Bergmann commented on the denial in the anti-Catholic daily 'Standard'.

Bergman holds a degree in theology and is a current 'Standard' general manager.

A spicy detail: he was an enemy of the Church as the press spokesman for the Archdiocese of Vienna from 1996 to 1999.

Christ Cast Out Demons

Bergman concludes from the denial that the Archdiocese of Vienna performs exorcisms outside of State-run hospitals.

At the same time he notes that the Archdiocesan web site does no mention exporcism at any point.

The Church-hater went still further afield by saying that the press release only speaks of "deliverance prayers":

"That's so they can avoid using the scandal-ridden term 'Exoricism'" -- he insisted.

Bergman took the Church's denial lightly.

It asserts casually that cases of actual possession are allegedly "considered to be very rare".

Bergman countered: "The trivial >>seldom<< should probably obscure that the Cardinal -- seldom or not -- sees a real danger where a person could become possessed by a demon." At this point, things become exiting for Berger. Why is the Archdiocese of no Help?

Bergmann believes -- even if ex officio -- that there is an expectation that people can be possessed by demons.

Still, he's concerned for the possessed in a sophistical way.

If even there were only a small danger present, according to Bergman, there would be a pressing need to offer an education campaign by the Church.

In this case all of the secrecy surrounding exorcism is a "Scandal" for him.

Bergman suspects that Cardinal Christoph Graf von Schönborn "means to be serious" about exorcism -- but he lacks the courage to have an education campaign.

Of course, at the end of the article -- without any connection -- a pinch of the abuse-hoax is sprinkled into the text.

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Protests Against Murder of Copts in Egypt

Austria   this afternoon the Viennese Cardinal Christoph Count von Schönborn, together with the Coptic Bishop Gabriel, demonstrated for the persecuted Christians in Egypt. The participants gathered in front of Vienna's National Opera House and processed to Vienna's famous Gothic Cathedral, der Stepensdom. An ecumenical recollection took place there for the 27 Copts who were shot or run over by armored vehicles on the 9th of October during a peaceful demonstration in Cairo. For the lives of the unborn, the Cardinal has still yet to take to the streets.

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Kazakhstan Will Restrict the Catholic Church's Operations

New rules on religious freedom put at risk Kazakhstan’s Catholic Church
Fr Edoardo Canetta, a missionary in Kazakhstan, warns that new rules adopted by the Kazakh government limit entry visas for foreign religious. More than half of the country’s priests and bishops do not have Kazakh citizenship. The local Church and the Vatican’s relations with local authorities are to blame.

Astana (AsiaNews) – “The new laws on registering and controlling religious communities put at risk the Catholic Church of Kazakhstan. There will be restrictions on visas for foreign religious. About half of all Catholic priests and bishops come from other countries,” Fr Edoardo Canetta told AsiaNews. The Italian missionary and university professor, who has lived in Kazakhstan for 11 years, is in Italy for family reasons. “The new rules,” he explained, “concern mainly Muslim and Protestant groups deemed aggressive, but they damage all non traditional religious groups.”

Enacted on 13 October by will of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the new rules want to indigenise religious communities in accordance with a control system used by the Chinese government. Only the Russian Orthodox Church and Kazakh Muslims are considered traditional and thus do not fall under the new restrictions. In order to survive at the national level and avoid penalties, non-indigenous groups must prove that they have 5,000 members.

According to Fr Canetta, the new rules are very similar to those already in place. They include tight state control over religious groups. However, the “worse novelty for the Kazakh Church is the tightening of visas for foreigners and the criteria for confessional group registration, which slow down the birth of new communities, including Catholic ones.”

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Like Every Priest, He Faithfully Prays His Breviary

Edit: his breviary is located to the side and it looks like he takes time away from his work to make sure that he prays the hour.