Thursday, October 20, 2011

Flash Flooding in Rome Today

Edit: A few days ago Gloria TV reported this video of some anarchists destroying a statue of the Blessed Mother.

Today, there is flash flooding in the streets of Rome.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pope Benedict May Have Something Better for SSPX: Bishop Williamson "Lashes" out at Jews

Edit: The Pope may have something even "better" in store for the Society in this round of deliberations over the Preamble, despite misgivings on the part of Bishop Fellay about the course of this.

Meanwhile, Bishop Williamson is in the Jewish press with his recent Eleison Comments, which are really non-controversial.
A report on the conference given by H.E. Bernard Fellay SSPX in Our Lady of Victories Church, Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila on October 16, 2011

I attended Pontifical Mass from the throne (two assistant deacons and all) in the SSPX church in Metro Manila on the morning of October 16. The Mass was offered by Bishop Fellay and he was assisted by the District Superiors for Asia and for France. The church was packed to overflowing thanks to the presence of delegates from the SSPX-guided Praesidia of the Legion of Mary from all over the Philippines. (This is not to say that the church is not full on ordinary Sundays.)

During his sermon for the Mass, Bishop Fellay focused mostly on the need to trust in God, and the fact that the Lord who performed the miracle described in the gospel for that Sunday (the forgiving of sins and healing of the man sick with palsy) is the same Lord who is in the tabernacle. He has lost none of His power, and therefore we must have recourse to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with complete trust. He also related the following story from Lourdes, which according to the bishop took place a few years back: there was this little girl who was very ill, and who had gone to Lourdes in the hope of being healed. She stood in line to be blessed with the Blessed Sacrament, as is the practice in that shrine. However, when the priest blessed her with the Blessed Sacrament, nothing happened to her. She then pointed to the Blessed Sacrament (which by then had been brought over to another person) and said, "I'll tell this to Your Mother!". At that instant, she was healed! The bishop did not neglect to speak about the need to pray the rosary and to have trusting recourse to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. In the course of this he remarked that the crisis in the Church was so great that, humanly speaking, it can't be raised up, and only divine intervention can do so.

After the Pontifical Mass, the bishop gave an hour-long conference (open to the public) on the state of the relationship between the Vatican and the SSPX.

From Rorate Caeli...

Vatican Announces New Nuncio for USA

Editor:  We were all over this one in the English speaking sphere.  NCR published a rather unhappy looking photo of him.  Perhaps they know the vice is clamping down on their reign of spiritual mediocrity?  Maybe he means business?

VATICAN CITY — Pope Benedict XVI named Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, 70, to be the new nuncio to the United States.

In his most recent position, the Italian archbishop had served for two years as secretary-general of the commission governing Vatican City. He succeeds the late Archbishop Pietro Sambi in Washington.
Just minutes after his assignment was announced Oct. 19, Archbishop Vigano told Catholic News Service he hoped to get to the United States in time for the U.S. bishops' general assembly Nov. 14-16.

Link to NCR...

Gomorrist Bible Presented on Today Show

Ugly as Sin

Edit: This just came in from Pine Curtain. Although Father Koopman of St. John's Abbey was supposed to have been interviewed, he was not. Instead they interviewed the Atheist craftsman they hired to decorate the book with authentic materials. They are certainly scaling back their visibility.

The press about the Bible falsely indicates that the St. John's Bible is the first such project in over five hundred years. On the contrary, there have been illustrated Bibles since then, going all the way up to the present day, long before St. John's got the idea to outsource their scriptorium work to an Atheist calligrapher using a poor translation of the Bible. The New Standard Revised Version of the Bible is, like Collegeville's insistence that it is a Catholic institution in good standing, rather dubious.

Here's an example from Luke 1:28

And he came to her and said, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you."

This poor translation partakes of the mendacious theology of Martin Luther and undermines the dogma of Mary's sinlessness. Luther feels, like the Old Liberal Bishop Donald Trautman, that the German will be confused by the correct translation and think of a "beer cask". It should read:

"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with thee.

This is but one example where the NRSV falls short, but there are many, many more.

Not to be completely uncontroversial, Morning News was able to reveal the face of one of the perpetrators, Brother Jim Phillips, appears in the video.

Goofy Minnesota Priest Attacks Archbishop Nienstedt

Edit: this priest is now attacking his Bishop, as the Bishop attempts to restore a sense of moral order by educating his flock in time for a voting referendum on Proposition 8, which will likely be yet another nail in the coffin of the West.  Archbishop Nienstedt is asking all parishes to organize to support marriage in Minnesota in the light of this vote. We might point out that such votes are likely to be overturned by the imperial socialists on the bench, but at least people are being told that there's something wrong.

The Diocese relieved Tegeder of his parish and sent him to a fake Indian spirituality center called Blessed Kateri Gichitwaa where the Mass there, if it really is a Mass, was at least formerly full of abuses and probable sacrileges. He's also an associate at another troubled parish, St. Francis Cabrini. Despite Archbishop Ninstedt addressing the problem, it's not very likely that it's stopped. We were also informed that this parish would be phased out in the "reorganization" that was overseen by the Pastor of the Lavender Basilica, John Bauer.

This priest doesn't just destroy the Faith or insult his employer, Father Tegeder left his parish of St. Edward's in a financial shambles as well. The man is completely irresponsible and has no business running a hat boutique much less a Catholic parish.

It's a good thing for him he's only attacking the mission statement of the company he works for and not defending the Catholic Faith, or worse yet, offering the Mass of all Ages.

This dissident was educated at the Modernist Monastery [St. John's Abbey] by the by.

[Twin Cities] At least one pastor, Rev. Mike Tegeder of both St. Frances Cabrini and Gichitwaa Kateri churches in Minneapolis, called the effort “imprudent” and “divisive.”

Religion and politics expert John Green said he’s never heard of U.S. Catholic leaders encouraging clergy to form special committees at churches to mobilize Catholics to vote on particular issues.

The strategy mirrors a similar one used by conservative Christians in California to pass Proposition 8 and end marriage rights for same-sex couples.

Link to original...

Archbishop Nienstedt Takes on the Lavender Mob

Edit: He's trying too hard to placate people who don't really care how he sugar coats it. There are many illegal and dangerous activities you have no right to do and pointing out the destructive consequences of this legislation aimed at the family is what needs to be ingrained in people's minds.


Church defends reality for the common good

Contrary to the Star Tribune's editorial opinion ("On gay marriage, the state is out of step," Oct. 1), the Catholic Church, along with other Bible-based denominations, does not seek to impose its own beliefs on others as it upholds the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), or when it supports a constitutional amendment on marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

The reality we are defending predates any religion or government.

It finds its logic in the complementarity of the human anatomy, as well as the male/female psyche and in the propagation of the human species.

Marriage unites a man and a woman in a unique bond so that they might form the proper context of a family in which children can grow and flourish. Government is called upon to protect that context for the sake of the common good.

Yes, the Bible reveals to believers God's plan that a man and a woman become "one flesh" in holy matrimony, and that makes our understanding of what marriage is meant to be more comprehensible.

But human reason without faith can and, in fact, historically has come to the same conclusion based on the intrinsic complementarity of husband and wife.

Moreover, to say that marriage can be one thing for believers and something else for nonbelievers implies that the truth about the human person can be manipulated at will. That line of thinking is basically flawed.

No, there can only be one truth about the human person, and marriage finds its real meaning in that understanding.

h/t: Stella Borealis

Cardinal Zen on hunger strike to defend Catholic schools in China

October 19, 2011. ( Cardinal Joseph Zen, the bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, has began a hunger strike to defend the right to freedom of education.

It comes as a response to the decision by the Supreme Court of Hong Kong to introduce a government committee in the management of a school. Now in addition to parents and students, government officials will have a say on the school governance.

With this hunger strike, the cardinal denounces what he calls “the danger of destroying Catholic education in the territory.”

Cardinal Zen on hunger strike to defend Catholic schools in China

SSPX: 57 New Candidates For Priesthood Worldwide

(Menzingen) The Society of St. Pius X operates six seminaries and is reporting 57 new entrants in their seminaries: twenty new entrants in the Seminary of St. Thomas Aquinas in Winona (USA), nineteen in the Seminary of Cure de Ars in Flavigny (F), nine in the Seminary of Zaitzkofen (D).

With nine entrants in the Seminaries in Argentina and Australia in the Spring there are 57 new candidates for the Society of St. Pius X.

In 2010 the Society received 48 new seminarians, in 2009 there were 41 and in 2008 there were 49.

Link to Katholisches...

Here's a related article on growth in the FSSP.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Catholic President in Finnland?

There will be no support expected from the modern hirling-Bishops.

( Last Sunday the party "True Finns" chose their founder and President Timo Soini (49) to run for the office of State President.

The State President will be chosen in two votes directly by the people --- on 22. January und am 5. February 2012.

The People Trust Him

Soini is a practicing Catholic. He sits at the moment for his party in Parliament.

As a true son of his Church, he is a clear opponent of the criminal violence of abortion and the unjust privilege of those who are homosexually disturbed.

For years he has been a sharp critic of the EU-Bureaucracy.

For that reason Soini has won in the polls many times, from which it arises that the Finnish people trust him for the most part.

Soini is married and has two children.

Where does the Bishop of Helsinki stand?

As the candidate of the formerly conservative and presently homosexual and abortion "Kansallinen Kokoomus", Sauli Niinistö (63) will step forward.

At the same time candidates have been nominated for the divorced socialist, Comrade Paavo Lipponen (70), of the SDP and the homosexual ‘Green’-extremist, Comrade Pekka Haavisto (53).

The Old Liberal scandal-Bishop Teemu Sippo SCJ of Helsinki is deemed to be the personal friend and indirect supporter of the divorced Socialist.


Photo: © Soppakanuuna, Wikipedia, CC

Modernist Monastery to Sever Ties with its Lay-run "University"

Edit: Wow, the Modernist Monastery is being chopped off from the University. Is this like Parliament stripping the King of his power to levy taxes?

But just maybe it's a move to indemnify the University from the risk represented by the coterie of homosexual predators roaming the campus without restriction? Clever.

The board, which is made up of a rogues' gallery of people who appear to have no more qualifications to say what goes on at a Catholic University than their state sanctioned credentials will allow, are now conspiring to complete that fatal schism in the relationship, which is really a formality after all. This just acknowledges a de facto reality that the school has almost nothing but the most superficial cosmetic resemblance to a Benedictine University. After this goes through, Catholic education will be all but dead in Minnesota. One of the board members is the acclaimed Old Liberal author, Kathleen Norris who writes popular religious fiction.

Regents endorse plan to split SJU from abbey
“The university will remain as a major educational and pastoral work of the abbey, and the monks of St. John’s will remain a vital part of the university.”

Regents endorse plan to split SJU from abbey

The St. John’s University Board of Regents today endorsed a plan that would create a new civil corporation that splits the university off from St. John’s Abbey, St. John’s Preparatory School and the Liturgical Press.

The Prep School and Liturgical Press will remain operating divisions of the existing St. John’s Abbey corporation when the new university civil corporation becomes effective July 1. The corporate board of directors of St. John’s Abbey authorized the creation of the new civil corporation in early September.
That came after five years of work toward a “reconfigured governance and management structure for the university,” according to a joint statement from Abbot John Klassen and St. John’s University President Robert Koopmann.

“The goals were to enhance governance authority for the university, reduce organizational complexity, and to strengthen the relationship between the abbey and university into the future,” [And to further aid in the disintegration of any juridical structures which might allow for the Monastery to promote Catholicism if it ever were to reform itself.]  the statement said.

Many enterprises, including most Catholic colleges and universities sponsored by religious orders, have created independent corporations to fulfill their missions, according to the statement. The creation of a university corporation “broadens the involvement for securing the future” of St. John’s and “maintaining and strengthening its Catholic and Benedictine character,” according to the statement.

The missions of the abbey and university corporations will not change, [Still committed to making sure students don't know Catholic teaching or morality before their graduate.] Koopmann and Klassen said in the statement.

“The university will remain as a major educational and pastoral work of the abbey, and the monks of St. John’s will remain a vital part of the university.”

Link to Pine Curtain...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bombshell: Sex Abuse Rocks Islamic England

Edit:  now that English-born Muslims are outspoken, they're also far less likely to tolerate their children being beaten and sexually preyed upon by unsavory Muslim clerics.  Obviously, there will be a greater call for more government regulation. 

But where's the bombshell and where are the highly publicized "crusading" attorneys with suspicious lobbying connections to Marxist hate groups moving in for the kill?

When will the keep the Imam away from my kids jokes start making the rounds in the West End comedy clubs?
[Press Association] More than 400 allegations of physical abuse at Britain's madrassas were made in the last three years, figures show.

But only 10 cases went to court, with only two leading to convictions, raising concerns over the extent of the abuse in the part time Islamic schools, a report found.

The figures, obtained by BBC Radio 4's File on 4 under freedom of information laws, showed tighter regulation of the schools, which take up to 500,000 students a day in England, Scotland and Wales, was needed, a Muslim think-tank said.

Link to original article...

Photo gratuitously borrowed from, here...

Archdiocese plans anti-gay marriage committees in every Minnesota Catholic church

St. Mary's Lavender Basilica
Edit: good luck with that.

By Andy Birkey
Monday, October 17, 2011 at 6:00 am

Archbishop John Nienstedt sent a letter to every priest in the state at the start of October urging them to put every Catholic church in Minnesota tow work passing a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.

“It is imperative that we marshal our resources to educate the faithful about the Church’s teachings on these matters, and to vigorously organize and support a grass roots effort to get out the vote to support the passage of the amendment,” the letter read. It went out on Oct. 4 to every priest in the state.

The archbishop said it wants priests in every parish to identify a “church captain” in order to create an “ad hoc committee” in every church in the state. The “church captain” is a component of the Schubert Flint strategy used in 2008′s divisive Proposition 8 battle in California.

Link to original...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cardinal Turkson: The Pope Will be Praying with Catholics, Not at Assisi

Edit: it looks like the Pope is going to be in Rome, praying with Catholics, and the Assisi meeting's going to be more of a cultural event.

President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace: This year's meeting of religious leaders will not include inter-faith prayers

Vatican ( "The emphasis this time is on a pilgrimage and not prayer," said Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, to CNA.

On the 27th of October in Assisi, Pope Benedict XVI. has invited 200 representatives of all religions, but he's also invited representatives from science and culture.

"In fact, as I understand the program - and it's still going to happen - there will be no prayer, or very minimal," says the Cardinal, a native of Ghana, one of the main organizers.

The present title of the meeting is called "Pilgrimage of Truth, pilgrims of freedom". It will be the twenty fifth anniversary of the world peace meeting which was held by John Paul II in 1986.

Cardinal Turkson recalled why the meeting in 1986 had drawn criticism even on himself from some Catholics groups: while he and two other African priests were assigned a Rome at Cithy Hall and a few non-Catholics were allowed to have a Church. Events like this would have triggered protests at that time.

On the even of the meeting, a vigil will be held at St. Peter's Square. "thus, the prayer will not take place there (in Assisi), it will take place here (in Rome), and meanwhile, the Pope will be among his people, other Catholics."

In ASsisi there will be a time of silence for individual prayer after lunch. All will then go into the St. Francis Basilica, where each delegate will make a promise to peace.

Even representatives of culture and science, including atheists or agnostics have been invited by the Pope since peace, is "a concern for believers and non-believers".

Link to

The Life of a Carthusian is Still Too Short

"It's not enough to retire to a place like San Bruno in Calabria as a Carthusian - just as at the wedding, it is not enough to take the sacrament of marriage just once [...]. Monks need time, practice and patience. This is precisely the beauty of every vocation: to give God time to engage us as we grow with time according to the standard of Christ. In the eyes of the world, it sometimes seems impossible to stay too long a life in a monastery. But in reality, a human life is barely enough to get into the profound unity with God to enter, in this essential and profound reality that Jesus Christ. "

From the homily of Pope Benedict XVI. in front of the Carthusian monks in the monastery of Saint Bruno southern Italy

link here...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Diocese of Regensburg: Priest Found Not Guilty of Abuse and Reinstated

With drums and trumpets a clergyman was public hung and left hanging for ten months. He was innocent.

( Jakob Eder (69) of St. Pankratius in Parkstein was accused of abuse in December 2010.

Because of the politically motivated condemnation without a trial of the German Bishops, he had to leave his parish immediately.

Actually the case was pulled out of the thin air.

This is what the anti-Church newspaper "Suddeutsche" regretfully admitted on the 8th of October.

Parkstein is a town in Upper Pfalz, a suburb in the Diocese of Regensburg.

A Cool Reception for the "Suddeutsche"

On the Vigil Mass on the last Saturday, the clergyman was employed again.

The 'Suddeutsche' joked that in the front end the representatives of the Diocese wanted to ready a "cool reception".

In truth the "Suddeutsche" has driven the inflammation of the irrational abuse-hoax
in Germany.

The usual Abuse Language is Used

In December of 2010 the Diocese of Regensburg published a letter from the Vicar General Micheal Fuchs about the "Dear Brothers and Sisters in Parkstein and Kindenemenreuth".

In there pulsed the usual abuse-hoax language.

The exoneration of Fr. Eder has formed "disquiet and disappointment about the decision".

Many could not understand that the accusations would apply.

Representatives of the Diocese would have liked to have been "noticeably impressed" at a meeting with the Parish Council and administration on site.

"Even on our part there applies to the proof the contrary, the presumption of innocence," claimed the vicar-general - and treated the priest as a culprit.

The diocese gave the priest's full name with a description for the abuse-crazed mob, to which German public relations made an award for the kill.

The priest was allowed to hang

Then the Diocese and the State Prosecutor let a lot of time pass.

There were ten long months were Father Eder was in the Hell of being suspected of abuse.

For three months no one said anything to him about how it was going.

Stage Managed by a Psycholigist

Later it became known that the clergyman was being slandered by a mentally ill woman from Windischeschenbach -- or it would be better to say, by her female Psychologist.

The mentally ill woman lived in the halfway house Saint Elizabeth which was directed by Father Eder from 1975 to 2000.

Guidelines Not Covered by Praxis

The prosecutor considers these guidelines in dealing with abuse-delusions to be impractical:

"What the Church described to us as lay, I would describe in such things in the Church as lay" -- he said.

It is usual for investigations by the prosecution to first collect evidence and then not to confront the accused until later with that.

The scandal-guidelines do, however, exempt an accused priest immediately from duty.

So be Father Eder came into a situation where he was indeed suspended, but did not know why.

Link to original....

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn: "Feminist Theology is Good For the Church"

The oustered Catholic Bishop Kurt Krenn of Saint Polten sent the former Old Liberal director of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Vienna packing with good reason.

(, Wien) Apparently, Jesus Christ and the Apostle Paul argue against the law in cases where the law leads to self-righteousness.

The sacked Old Liberal Pastoral Administratrix of the Archdiocese of Vienna and Feminist Ideologue, Veronika Prüller-Jagenteufel, is appearing for the former 'Reichsender Vienna', aka (ORF). [Reichsender was the old Nazi radio station.]

Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufe responded tin the broadcase to the Old Liberal "Pastor's Initiative' and the theme "obedience".

Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel didn't offer any evidence for her theory.

Fired by Bishop Krenn

Mrs Prüller-Jagenteufel complained about a "turning point" in her life.

After her theology studies, she worked under Bishop Krenn(75)who'd been forced into retirement in 2004 for the Archdiocese of St. Polten.

After a year and a half, she was thrown out by the Bishop.

Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel admitted openly that the reason was: "because the [Catholic] line, which Bishop Krenn was a party to, and my [Old Liberal] Theological attachment did not go together."

She had to "depart from the job".

Endorsed by Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue

Thanks to Old Liberal connections Mrs. Prüller-Jagenteufel got a new job immediately.

The rumored Vienna Pastoral-Ideologue Fr. Paul Micheal Zulehner received her with open arms as an assistant for his Institute.

Fringe Participant in Women's Ordination Groups

Prüller-Jagenteufel belonged for a long time as "a fringe participant of even feminist groups".

She had contacts to many feminist sects which "had little or nothing to do with the Church".

The Cardinal Was Understanding

As Cardinal Christoph Schönborn asked her, if she would like to take over Vienna's Pastoral office, she agreed after giving a very long preamble:

"I am by my fundamental orientation and till now, a feminist Theologian."

Frau Prüller-Jagenteufel asked if that would work if the Cardinal were conscious of it.

Cardinal Schönborn "smirked" and answered: "This impulse will do us some good in the Church".

The Prince of the Church has expressed that there is supposed to be this alleged "diversity of opinions" in the Archdiocse's leadership.

As far as women's ordination, the Pastoral Administratrix didn't want to give the former "Reichsender" a concrete answer.

That isn't the most important question for her.

Link to original...

Photo: © Thomas Beranek, Pressefoto

Will Pope Benedict Ditch Assisi III?

Edit: was alerted to this development. Apparently, Asssisi III isn't on the Holy Father's calender.

VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 27, 2011 ( Benedict XVI will preside at a canonization Mass and make at least one pastoral visit within Italy in October, and in November he will make his second international trip to Africa, reports the Vatican.

Today, the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff published the Pope's event schedule for the months of October and November.

Missing from the schedule is the previously announced pilgrimage to Assisi on Oct. 27, which will mark the 25th anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Peace, convoked by Pope John Paul II in 1986. The day is being organized under the title "Pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace."

Monday, October 10, 2011

Archbishop Wants More Preaching on Heaven and Hell

Fulda (KNA)The Catholic Church should, according to the lights of the Bamberger Archbishop Ludwig Schick, talk more about Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, death and judgement. "Thinking about the judgment of God helps that we recall that we're responsible for our lives on earth", said Schick on Friday in a Mass held at the conclusion of the Autumn gathering of the German Bishops' Conference. "Without judgement life loses its seriousness, its responsibility, its value", said the cleric who cited the philosopher Max Horkheimer with the question, "Why should I be good, if there's no God?"

The faith in heaven and judgement belongs, according to the Archbishop's words to the creed of the Church; it is not optional to believe it or not. "Without God as judge, even God, who has created heaven and hell and man according to his image, will fall into question. Without the judge the righteousness of God will not be taken seriously, he who gave us free will", says Schick.

Link to original...from the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

Minneapolis Basilica Lights Dome Lavender in Time for "Coming Out Week"

Edit: In light of Archhbishop Nienstedt's current campaign to oppose abberosexual marriage in the state of Minnesota, it seems self-defeating that one of his largest and most visible churches, the Basilica of St. Mary's in downtown Minneapolis, is illuminating the consecrated towers and dome of this august building, with purple lights.

Apart from being a frivolous expenditure, it's clear that these flashy things lack a spiritual dimension. And in point of fact, it's time for "National Coming Out Week" which involves homosexuals having parties where they tell their poor families that they are sodomites. This event begins on the 11th of October. You might think this is all minor stuff. We hope not, but this current confluence of events and lights seems to mesh well with the Basilica's other projects, like useless and scandalous interfaith events where Rabbis, Imams and Protestants are invited to give talks. One Rabbi was even invited to give the "homily" on Good Friday Liturgy, when a the liberal Rabbi who promotes Cabbala, was allowed to take over the pulpit and do the priest's job.

St. Mary's has also participated in the Gay Pride Festival with their presence at a booth representing area "churches" who all recognize abberosexual marriage.

Of course, Father Corapi, Father Pavone, Father Donat Gionet in Canada, Father Micheal Rodriguez in Texas and Father Andreas Skobliki of Austria and the saintly Father Michel of Thieberville, France, are singled out for suspension and other canonical punishments often based on the flimsiest evidence. Some of these priests are able to speak to much larger groups of people than the others, but they all preach to churches overflowing with faithful eager to hear what they say, and by their example they reach a lot of people, by their gentleness and prayerful outlook, they bring people into the Church.

Meanwhile, creatures like the present pastor of this lavender hangout keep their jobs.

Holy Father Encourages Couples to Trust God's Will Against the World

Confront the Resistance

Italy. Yesterday, Pope Benedict visited the south Italian region of Kalabria. At the Mass he wore a dalmatic under a newly tailored baroque chasuble. In the sermon he criticized the alarming unemployment, the criminality and the wounded social structure. The Pope encouraged the newlyweds to give evidence for their faith: "When you meet the opposition of the world, said the Apostle: "I may do everything in him, in whom my power lies."

Switzerland.  Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church celebrated the Immemorial Mass in the Monastic Church in Einsiedeln.  It was a High Mass.  The Church was packed to the gills.   The occasion was the yearly pilgrimage of the Society of St. Peter, which goes from the village of St. Pelagiberg in Canton Thurgau.   The Bishop assisted Father Martin Ramm as Deacon and Father Dieter Biffart as Subdeacon.  In the Choir was the Rector, Franz Banauch of Wigratzbad, Father Alexander Metz and Father Thomas Achatz of the Berlin Institute of St. Philipp Neri.  The boys of the newly founded Catholic Musical Academy of Albbruck sang the Latin choral Mass.  In the Sermon Msgr Huonder stressted that there can't be any love without following the divine Commandments,  especially when it comes to pre-marital chastity.

Hindu Flag flown above the ruins of a Catholic Church 

India  On the Hindu feast of Dussehra -- which is celebrated on the 6th of October and concerns the victory of good over evil -- 300 extremists marched to a village in the city of Bakinga, where a destroyed Catholic Church is being rebuilt. The extremists flew the Hindu flag there. This was reported by the US-Newagency 'Catholic World News' on October. The church is located in the province of Kandhamal in the east Indian state of Orissa. It was destroyed during the anti-Christian uprising in August of 2008.

Link to original