Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eucharistic Miracle in Poland: Confirmed by Doctors

Edit: remember the possibly miraculous Host which was put in a ciborium as is customary and wouldn't dissolve but actually developed red specks on it that look like blood?   The possible miracle being referred to was at St. Augustine's Parish [Soon to be dissolved by the Archdiocese] in South St. Paul Minnesota.  As of yet there is still no report back, but in the case of this Polish Host, two Doctors have determined that the specks were actually heart tissue.  This event occurred back in 2008.  Here's the story:

Roman Catholics in Poland gathered Sunday for a special Mass celebrating what they see as a miracle: the appearance on a communion wafer of a dark spot that they are convinced is part of the heart of Jesus.

The communion wafer [It's a Consecrated Host] in question developed a brown spot in 2008 after falling on the floor during a Mass in the eastern Polish town of Sokolka. Two medical doctors determined that the spot was heart muscle tissue, church officials have said.
 Link to cathnews...

New York Times Continues its Campaign against Catholicism

Edit: Stella Borealis has just noted that the New York Times may be so full of anti-Catholic hate that it can't report the news properly.

They can't even report the law correctly.  Present law does allow churches to promote various campaign causes, it just can't promote particular candidates.

[New York Times] This weekend, hundreds of pastors, including some of the nation's evangelical leaders, will climb into their pulpits to preach about American politics, flouting a decades-old law that prohibits tax-exempt churches and other charities from campaigning on election issues.
The sermons, on what is called Pulpit Freedom Sunday, essentially represent a form of biblical bait, an effort by some churches to goad the Internal Revenue Service into court battles over the divide between religion and politics.
The Alliance Defense Fund, a nonprofit legal defense group whose founders include the Rev. James Dobson, the founder of Focus on the Family, sponsors the annual event, which started with 33 pastors in 2008. This year, Glenn Beck has been promoting it, calling for 1,000 religious leaders to sign on and generating additional interest at the beginning of a presidential election cycle.

Jesuit Superior General: The Secret Poison of Atheism is Raging Even Within the Church

The Spanish Jesuit Father General, Pedro Arrupe († 1991) is held as a destroyer of the Society of Jesus.  At 46 he suffered a moment of lucidity, in any case.
Father Pedro Arrupe

(  On Monday,  27. September 1965, the General Superior of the Jesuits, Father Pedro Arrupe, spoke in Rome before the Council to the gathered Bishops.

The German weekly 'Zeit' reported this on the 1st of October 1965.

Father Arrupe was a survivor of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

According to the account by 'Zeit', he "shcoked" many of the Council bedazzled Bishops with his address.

He is supposed to have -- as  the 'Zeit' put it -- "claimed":

"A new society of the Godless controlling almost entirely the international organisations, the financial circles and the field of mass communications, like the press, film, radio and television."

AND:  "The secret poison of atheism is raging even within the Catholic Church, and its fruits are naturalism, doubt and rebellion."

The 'Zeit' insisted that FAther Arrupe did not mean simply the Communists.

Actually, many of the Bishops -- incredibly -- are supposed to have felt that the Jesuit General had gone "too far" with his remarks about a worldwide conspiracy of atheism -- wrote the 'Zeit' apologetically.

Some noticed that -- only a week before the address by Pope Paul VI. († 1978)before the 'United Nations' -- that he criticized "international organizations".

Father Arrupe sought no anathema against atheism, which he didn't understand primarily as a philosophical problem.

"Social reforms" were needed in the fight against it.

Link to source...

Saturday, October 1, 2011

SSPX Spokesman: If the General Superior Agrees, The Society Will Come Along

Thank the Society of St. Pius X that finally the Superdogma of the "Second Vatican Council" can be criticized.
A Very Happy Father Lorans

(  The openness with which the Society theologians have discussed in doctrinal talks about the difficulties of the texts of the Second Vatican Council , have not endangered the most recent stage of the discussions of the doctrinal Preamble.

The Speaker of the Swiss General House of the Society of Pius X, Father Alain Lorans, said on the  21st of September for the French newspaper 21.

 The Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith tailored the Preamble to accomodate the objections of the Society's positions critical of the Council.

Catholics will be Recognized as Catholics Again

An agreement with Rome and with the regularization of the canonical status of the Society is something Father Lorans thinks is "not so critical".

It's much more important to give back the Traditionalists their liberties as Catholics again.

That was begun with the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum'.

The Society Holds Tight

It is clear for Father Lorans: If the General Superior of the Society, Msgr Bernard Fellay, agrees to the Preamble, the Society will come too.

Father Lorans offers no information on the doctrinal Preamble.

He defers to the official statement of the Vatican.

The Preamble leaves "open justifiable debate, studies and theological clarifications of certain expressions or certain formulations, which are in the present texts of the Second Vatican Council and the subsequent Magisterium."

The Taboo Surrounding the Pastoral Council is Gone

Father Lorans stressed that the problematic points in the Second Vatican Council "may be discussed, without putting obedience to the Church in question."

This is so that the Vatican recognizes that these controversial texts necessary for approval are not the same as for dogma.

Father recalled the internal distinction between the statement of the Vatican Press service on the "Doctrinal Preamble" of September 14. and the note by the Secretary of State to the Society on the 4th of February 2009.

Back then it read:

"For future recognition of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X., a full recognition of the Second Vatican Council and the Magisterium of the Pope John XXIII., Paul VI., John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. is an indispensable condition. "

According to Father, there are two years worth of theological discussions between these two statements.

This had had enabled us to illuminate the doctrinal problems.

The question as to whether Rome had developed more in those two years or if the presentations of the theologians of the Society had anything to do with it is something Father Lorans is leaving open to question.

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Victory! Homo-March of Shame Prevented in Belgrade

The morally and financially bankrupt EU is not the measure of all things.  Proof of that is that the left homo-mafia is not finished, corrupting all states.
The Serbs Turn Against EU Depravity

( Serbia has forbidden a planned march of left-extremist homosexual-onanists in Belgrade planned for this Sunday.

Civilian groups had made their decisiveness known, not to allow this anti-family and child provocation from taking place.

Against the Homosexual Thralldom of the EU 

The Socialist Interior Minister, Comrade Ivica Dacic (45), have announced today in Belgrade that the police will forbid the planned homosexual provocation, if they don't cancel it for themselves.

"The Police are unable to support the development of such gatherings for reasons of safety, because they lead to conflicts, victims and bloodshed and lead to great chaos" -- maintains Comrade Dacic to Serbian media regarding the prohibition.

Under pressure from morally decadent and financially bankrupt EU, Belgrade allowed a left-extremist homosexual-onanist march of shame for the first time there.

Actually the citizens rose up and afforded decisive resistance to the chaotic goings on.

The Contamination of The Human Esteem

Today, this planned horror was also sharply condemned by Patriarch Irinej (80)-- the Head of the Serbian Orthodox.

It constitutes a "parade of shame, which will contaminate human esteem" -- he analyzed.

Again homosexually disturbed individuals were described by Serbian politicians, euphemistically, as "sick people".

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© boellstiftung, Flickr, CC

Traditional Anglicans Lose Bid to Control Parish Property

Edit: what with all of these churches closing down in the Catholic Church, like this parish in in Bennington, Vermont, you'd think these Anglicans would consider joining with the Catholic Church and taking over a parish devastated by liberalism as this parish, Our Lady of Lourdes in Vermont was closed recently.

Anyhow, the Liberal Anglicans who are for this particular things are going to die out anyway.  This, incidentally, happens to be the Diocese that "consercrated" a homosexual to the episcopate.  The parish broke away from the Diocese when it decided to align itself with Sodom but wasn't able to keep its parish goods in the transition. 

Why bother, the Liberal Anglicans are just going to die out anyway?  Why not admit that you're beaten and give up the ghost gracefully.  Our advice to Traditional Anglican is, meet in gymnasiums or wherever you need to and wait.  Chances are you'll be picking up some of these on the cheap as mainstream protestantism continues its inevitable wane as it proceeds to align itself with the prevailing and all-too-perishable world.
[] HARTFORD, Conn.—A 135-year-old parish that broke away from the Episcopal Church after it consecrated its first openly gay bishop cannot keep its building and land, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled Friday.
Justices rejected an appeal of a lower court ruling by the Bishop Seabury Church in Groton, which like dozens of parishes nationwide split from the national Episcopal Church after the 2003 appointment of Bishop V. Gene Robinson of New Hampshire. Bishop Seabury Church's governing board voted in 2007 to join the more conservative Convocation of Anglicans in North America.
Similar land disputes involving breakaway Episcopal parishes have been playing out across the country, with most courts ruling in favor of the national church and its dioceses. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear a similar case involving a California church in 2009.

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Vocations Crisis in Anglican Church

Edit:  Wait, I've got an idea.  Why don't we ordain women and have married priests?

Just gone up on the main CofE website. Summary is here, full 62 pages of charts etc. are here. The main new stuff (it has the attendance figures which were published earlier this year) is about giving and vocations. Parish giving has risen, bucking the general trend across the charity sector, and over 500 people were ordained in 2010. However due to lots of retirements, overall numbers of full time clergy continue to fall. This is projected to drop a further 10% in the next 5 years.

At some stage the CofE will seriously need to reckon with this: the number of churches, expectation of a weekly Sunday communion, heavy clerical dependency etc. But since the change is all incremental, it feels like a slowly boiling frog scenario, and there's a danger we don't respond until it's too late. Maybe it is too late already.

The main stats document also has lots of info on confirmations, baptisms, weddings, funerals, chaplans and cathedrals.

Link to Opinionated Vicar... 

Visit sunny Cambridgeshire, or not... 

H/t to Ruthie Gledhill, except they want you to join them for a Pound.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Pope Receives Metropolitan Hilarion

The number two of the Moscow Patriarchate is at present in discussions at Castel Gandolfo.

Vatican City ( The Foreign Minister of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion, is being received in an audience with Pope Benedict XVI. in Castel Gandolfo.  It was the third meeting between the two since the "Foreign Minister' took his office in February of 2009.

On the day before Hilarion had talks with the Vatican President for the Office of Christian Unity, Cardinal Koch.  That meeting dealt with the theological dialogue between Catholics and Orthodox as well as around questions of practical collaboration between the Churches, according to the Vatican.

On Thursday Hilarion wanted to meet additionally with Cardinal Secretary Tarcisio Bertone and the Presidents of the Vatican Council of Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.

The relations between the Vatican and the Moscow Patriarchate have improved significantly since a frosty period in years past.  That has been significantly contributed to especially by visits and personal contacts with the Vatican Minister of Ecumenism, Cardinal Walter Kasper and -- since the Summer of 2010 -- his successor Kurt Koch.

A lowpoint had been reached in 2002, as the Vatican established Diocese in Russia.  The Orthodox accused Rome then of proselytism -- unfair missionary activity on Orthodox terrain.   Relations have improved substantially since then, especially with the election of the new Patriarch Kyrill in the beginning of 2009, relations have become much easier.

Hilarion came for an introductory visit at the beginning of 2009 in the Vatican.  On another visit in May 2010 was for a concert, which Patriarch Kyrill gave in Rome for the honor of the Pope, which was a work performed by Hilarion.

Hilarion, who led the Orthodox Community in Vienna after 2003, had a  musical education in addition to a theological one.

Two weeks ago, Metropolitan Hilarion declared in an interview in the Vatican the desire to undertake with greater effort, the open questions of serious disagreement between the two  Churches, in order to make a historical meeting between the Pope and the Moscow Patriarchate possible.  A substantial barrier to this meeting is correspondingly, the conflict between the Orthodox and the Greek-Catholic Church in the Ukraine.  "As soon as there is an understanding here, then preparations for such a meeting can begin,"  said Hilarion to the news agency Reuters.

Pope Benedict XVI himself praised the particular nearness of the Catholic to the Orthodox Churches in parts of his Germany trip.  Catholics and Orthodox had "both the same old-Church structure" and for that reason may "hope, that the day is not too late,  to celebrate a common Eucharist",  said the Pope at a meeting with representatives of the Orthodox and Ancient Oriental Churches in Germany in Freiburg.

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Will Payal Become Gaypal?

Edit:  Lifesite and TFP are under threat from asymmetrical threats.  Hey, you must be doing something right.  When will they stop the hate?

The pro-homosexual activist group “All Out” launched a petition asking PayPal to “put hate out of business” by closing the accounts of pro-family organizations, including the American TFP. Apparently, traditional marriage between one man and one woman is now being deemed “hateful” by those who wish to redefine God-ordained marriage.

“All Out” claims to have collected 35,000 signatures, many of which are from foreign countries. View the petition here.

Cardinal Koch: No Communal Prayer in Assisi

Edit: After a quick listen to the video from '' and having it pointed out by a priest in Germany, Cardinal Koch says that "there will be no communal prayer at Assisi III", every appearance of syncretism must be avoided, that is to say, this won't 1989. It is said that  the Holy Father was going to use Assisi III to attack relativism. A Lutheran minister who is a friend of Pope Benedict says this. Do we see evidence for that here?  It's looking like it's coming true.

The interviewer also asks the Cardinal if he would celebrate the Immemorial Mass, and the the Cardinal sounds well-disposed to it, although he's never said the Mass himself since only being ordained in 1982.

It also should go without saying that this will address at least one of the concerns held by the Society of St. Pius X as they consider the Preamble which will bring them back into a clear and precise relationship with the Church.

Tug of War over Carmelite Monastery Continues

Edit: The Diocese already has a buyer.  Ka-ching... according to KATH.NET.

Zweifall ( The tug-of-war over the Carmelite monastery in Eifeldorf Zweifall in the Diocese of Aachen comes to a head. Two Nuns, Sister Katharina (46) und Sister Regina (60) still remain there and are resisting the plans of the Diocese to dissolve the monastery, now they can no longer have access to their bank account, as the newspaper "Bild" reported.

The Diocese has a Buyer

The Diocese has, since 2006, imposed an emergency board from the Monastic Association of Carmelites consisting of Sister Hildegard Grimme, the president of the Federation of Carmelites in Germany (Karmelitinnenkloster St. Josef in Auderath in der Eifel)and Sister Josua Maria Bubenikova (Karmelitinnenkloster von der Heiligen Familie in Düren).

Only in the accompaniment of Sister Hildegard, may the two Carmelites get any more money. "That is a degradation that we don't need", said Sister Katharina. "We can't get our money any more, so we can't use it to buy food, and can't pay any more bills," complained Sister Regina.

Both Sisters operate a bakery for hosts and sell about 80,000 hosts per week to over 200 parishes. The payments go into their account. They don't get any financial support either from the Diocese or the Order. After a rescission the property ownership falls to the Diocese, and according to media reports plans a sale. The Cloister Maria Königin [Mary the Queen] has been in existence since 1955 and sits on a height above the village of Zweifall in the Eifel Mountains.

The village people and the Friends Circle of the Cloister are furious: "This is like the Middle Ages," said Josef Ehlen of the Friends Circle. "The Bishop of Aachen wants to let the nuns die of starvation." The temporary solution: "every Sunday in our Holy Mass a collection is made by the people of the village for us. We are very frugal, and we can get by with that for the week", explained the Sisters.

"On the side of the order it is feared that a cloistered life according to the rule was not possible any longer", explained the speaker of the Diocese of Aachen regarding the plans of dissolution to the Hamburger Abendblatt. The Bishop has already filed the dissolution.

The Roman Monastic Congregation confirmed the dissolution in December 2005 and authorized the Diocese to direct it, and on 2007 the Apostolic Signatura, the highest Catholic Court, denied Sister Regina's complaint against the Monastery closure.

Link to original...

New Consistory in November?

Edit: According to sacroprofano blog, there is going to be a new Consistory this November. It will take five Bishops to bring the number of voting Cardinals up to the traditional number of 120. Cardinal Julio Terrazas Sandoval will also retire as Primate of Colombia. He writes:

The Pope has made ​​the decision to create new cardinals during a public consistory in November. It would be the fourth of his pontificate. In the Roman Curia. take it for a fact, despite a possible scenario that places the endowment of "princes of the Church" to early 2012. Pope Benedict XVI's last consistory took place in late November 2007 and 2010.

H/t: apostolic palace.

Moscow Library Erects Memorial to John Paul II

It's about an "extraordinary gesture of the Russian State", said the Catholic Cathedral Rector of Moscow Jozef Zaniewski.

Moscow( the first time a Russian institution has erected a memorial for Pope John Paul II (1978-2005). In the inner court of the Moscow State Library for foreign literature a statue will be inaugurated on 14. October, says the Catholic Cathedral office in Moscow.

It is about an "extraordinary gesture of the Russian State", said Pastor Jozef Zaniewksi for the Polish media. John Paul II would have wanted to have visited Russia. This unfulfilled wish is enshrined by this memorial. The Moscow Patriarchate had declined a visit then.

The figure was financed according to the library by the Polish company and a company. It shows the former Pontiff of the Catholic Church siting with a book in his hand. The statue was created by a Polish and a Ukranian sculptor.

Link here...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pastor of Kopfing in Linz, May Stay!

Edit: if you've been following this, you might be surprised. They don't have anything on this priest and from what says, other Bishops, perhaps even the Holy Father himself, have stepped in to challenge this decision.

This has to be the first time in the post-Conciliar period, that a Bishop has decided to reverse a decision to dismiss a faithful priest.

Bishop Schwarz is taking back the dismissal of the Linz Pastor, Father Andrej Skoblici.

Linz ( Andrej Skoblicki is going to remain the Pastor in Kopfing, located in the province of Upper Austria.  The Diocese of Linz just published this information.

Bishop Ludwig Schwarz has published the following message:

The decision, made public on the 18th of September 2011, that Pastoral Administrator, Father Andrej Skoblicki, would be relieved of his duties in the Parish of Kopfing where he was assigned, has produced a very unusual reaction among the people of the Parish.

The most important reason for my decision, namely that there was a significant concern for the future of the Parish Community of Kopfing and that it endangered its unity, was not understood by many of the Faithful. Although I previously had discussions with participants of the various positions as well as the Parish Administrator himself, I have found a certain misunderstanding for my intention, and this showed itself also in the past days by the deep sadness of many in the Church and those tied to the Parish Administrator throughout the world. The original intention, which concerned the responsibility for leadership of the Parish of Kopfing to bring about peace, was not fulfilled the despite many a call for peaceful coexistence.

A further consideration for the planned and hasty decision depended in the interim on another priest. Unfortunately the candidate, who had originally accepted the task to mediate and reconcile the conflict, had recently withdrawn, for reasons that he chose to accept another situation. I have therefore found, that the foreseen dismissal of Father Andrzej Skoblicki for the 6th of October 2011, is withdrawn.

The Parish Administrator has assured me, that in the coming time he wishes renew his work to assure the good will of all of the people concerned. May the Faithful in Kopfing grow in insight and preparation for the future, also to take the good of others seriously, to bear with one another in patience and through steps of reconciliation as well as mutual esteem, give a witness of the call to be Christian.

Dr. Ludwig Schwarz SDB
Bishop of Linz

As KATH.NET has learned, there was a demonstration planned this weekend in front of the Diocesan Chancery. Now Pastor Skoblicki may remain the Pastor of Kopfing. As KATH.NET also learned there had been discussions on the Episcopal level in the back ground, that the planned ouster of Skoblicki by Schwarz was looked upon with open criticized by other Bishops. At last, Andreas Laun, the Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg, had addressed the decision and spoke of an "inner-Church persecution of Christians". [It was a clearly self-destructive decision]

Pastor Andreas Skoblicki himself has shown himself to be happy over this decision along with KATH.NET. "This is naturally a new chance for the Parish of Kopfing, because the whole world is looking at us. I hope, that all the Faithful see this as a new chance." Skoblicki also hopes that all people, who call themselves Christians, will now show what it means to be Christian. "Jesus tells us: Love your enemies. All are waiting on and looking at us, and how we will respond. I would like all to say to all the people again, that a good new beginning is possible. We must forgive one another. This is our only chance. The Lord can heal the Parish in this manner."

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Another Chavez Clone Gets "Lumen Christi" Award

Edit: What is a Lumen Christi Award?  It looks like it's something you get for undermining the Catholic Church's teachings.   Here's a list of the recipients.
Serving "the poorest of the poor"

WASHINGTON – Dominican Sister Gabriella Williams, this year’s winner of Catholic Extension’s Lumen Christi Award, sees her work with migrants and other immigrant workers in Southern California as fulfilling part of God’s plan of love for all of humanity. 

“We are all God’s people, brothers and sisters. I support whoever I can because we are part of a big family and all that we do must be centered on God. God is love and I try to live this fact by my example,” she said in a Sept. 20 telephone interview with Catholic News Service. 

“I am just a little part in a big puzzle and when we all live as God wants us to, then his plan of love can become a reality,” she added

»The Catholic Review Online | Catholic headline news, breaking, Archdiocese Baltimore

Clarity and Truth -- the Main Therapy Against Old Liberalism

Father Wolfgang Ockenfels:  The dominant psychologizing tone within the Church , the stilted emotional forms, and the vague double meanings are  becoming a great nuisance  -- and leading to a crisis of ecclesiastical credibility.

 ( Pope encountered a "seemingly demoralized and confused" society in his Germany visit. 
He deems it "urgently in need of orientation".

The Domincan, Father Wolfgang Ockenfels (64) explained on the 22nd of September in the midst of Benedict XVIs visit to Germany.

The article appeared in the polemical Berlin weekly 'Junge Freiheit'.

Father Ockenfels is a publicist.  He teaches Christian Social Ethics in the Theological Faculty in Trier.

The Old Liberals turn in Dialogue in a Circle

Father Ockenfels sees clearly: "The Church in Germany is suffering from an anti-Roman virus, they are occupied with tormenting themselves and turn within a circle  in "dialogue".

What is also meager for him is the achievement of the highly celebrated ecumenism:

"Some protestant church leaders increasingly withdraw from addressing bio-ethical questions and distance themselves even from the basic goal of ecumenism itself."

Collective Defamation

Father Ockenfels even sees through the abuse-hoax.

The Catholic Church has been "collectively discredited" through a few "deplorable" individual cases":

"They were, in abuse cases that are chalked up to them alone, put in a kind of vice, that they hardly dare to speak on moral subjects and social teaching any more."

The Dominican fools himself: Over eighty percent of the cases brought into view were not pedophilic, rather homosexual in nature.

Ecumenical Degeneration

Father Ockenfels makes an interesting observation:

"Although the Evangelical communities have the same problems as the Catholics, who have been run through the crossfire by the mass media, have lifted hardly a finger, to reject the anti-Catholic smear campaign."

This state of affairs also looks to him as "not putting a very good light on ecumenical solidarity."

For him, it is much more a sign of ecumenical degeneration.

One doesn't know, where one is

The priest is certain that internal-Church debates have sharpened in the last years.

He hopes that the higher clergy will learn, "to speak in clear text."

Because: "The dominant psychologizing tone within the Church , the stilted emotional forms, and the vague double meanings are; becoming a great nuisance; -- and leading to a crisis of ecclesiastical credibility."

And: "One hardly doesn't know any more in Germany, who one is."

As in politics, one ducks from clear decisions.

Ambiguity is frustrating

In times of crisis many long for clarity and truth, Father analyzed:

"Ambiguity doesn't convince, rather, it disorients and frustrates."

Because: "We live, also socially and politically, in times of decision: Either -- or."

It is not possible to be simultaneously Catholic, Protestant or even Muslim.

Father Ockenfels expects of the Bishops, that they clearly manifest themselves -- "as opposed to all of the opportunists, who always hope for advantages, when they position themselves as anti-Roman."

Learning from Necessity

Financial wealth, institutional strengthening and public privileges can - as the Father insists - not hide, "the spiritual misery that spreads out behind magnificent church facades."

He sees a remedy in the spreading of Church horizons: "The view of the world church exempt from pettiness and selfishness."

Ockenfels Father stressed that the threats are growing worldwide.

From these times of trial and defense of the faith, he hopes that perhaps this necessity, will teach the faithful to pray and again exhorts them to courageous public witness for the Faith.

Link to original...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Linz Bishop Tolerates Dissident Group in Seminary: Calls for His Resignation

Edit: is calling for his resignation, everyone else should too. He claims he didn't know that "Call to Disobedience' was meeting at his own Seminary in a very public meeting with other dissident groups. Meanwhile, he's dismissed a beloved priest for doing nothing more than teaching the Catholic Faith.
Bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz

With pious grinning and a brutal fist Msgr Ludwig Schwarz enforcing his church in the "Linz path of error". Whoever doesn't play, will be steamrollered. The clueless neo-Conservatives nod with understanding.

( "I didn't know anything about a meeting in the Seminary."

The Bishop of Linz, Msgr Ludwig Schwarz coughed this up for the neo-Conservative paid website, ''.

One is hidden behind the other

In the middle of September the media concern sponsored "Pastor's Initiative" met openly and officially at the Linz Seminary.

The media sects 'We Are Church', 'Lay Initiative' as well as 'Priests without Parishes' [Priester Ohne Amt] were participating.

The Linz Bishop is supposed to have no idea this was going on.

One needs not wonder too much: already for a long time the Linz Judasbishop was able to pull the leg of the neo-Conservatives with an "I-know-nothing-tactic".

In reality he is responsible for what happened in his Seminary.

Msgr Schwarz is hiding behind the Old Liberal Seminary leadership that  was appointed by him.

Correspondingly the abuse which goes on at the seminary facility will also go unavenged.

He Can be Brutal to Catholics

Initially on the 18th of September, Bishop Schwarz demonstrated that he can steamroller a Catholic clergyman with brutality and graceless hardness.

Against the desire of the Pastoral Advisory Board, the Parish Community and the youth in the village, Msgr Schwarz dismissed the successful and beloved priest, Andrzej Skoblicki.

The Judas Bishop has no problem against Old Liberal priests who publicly repudiate the ancient tradition of celibacy.

They may continue in the scandal-Diocese of Linz with his blessing as if nothing were the matter.

Link ...

Link to photo, here...

Bishop Schwarz's photo: © Pressefoto Bistum Linz

Monday, September 26, 2011

Turkish Schools Describe Christians as Traitors in High-School Textbook

According to a Report from the newspaper "Radikal" [Monday] Christians were described in a Turkish high-school textbook as traitors to the country.

Istanbul ( of the Syrian-Orthodox Christians in Turkey have criticized a portrayal of their faith communities in a state schoolbook. According to a report from the newspaper "Radikal" [Monday], the Christians were described as traitors to the country in a high-school textbook, as they were supposed to have left Turkey to the West "to become political and religious tools of those countries". Representatives of the Syrian-Orthodox Christians complained in the report, that the antagonism which exists against the Christian minority will be deepened still further.

In past decades many Syrian-Orthodox Christians have fled their homeland in south east Anatolia, because have been caught in a war between the Turkish state and the Kurdish PKK Rebels. Most of these emigrants settled in Germany and in Switzerland. In recent times some have returned to their old villages in the area of the ancient Monastery of Mor Gabriel in the Province of Mardin in south eastern Turkey.

Link to original...

Jawdrop: Pope Calls German Bishops "Good Shepherds"

Edit: why he expects them to act any different than they have during the past, or even during his visit is hard to say. No conclusions are being drawn, however. It is to be assumed that this story is true since it was reported by his trip organizer. There's no word as to whether the Pope was being sarcastic or not.

"Pope Benedict XVI expressly praised the German Bishops Conference. In a spontaneous, emotional speech after a common luncheon the Pope said that the German Bishops were >>good shepherds<<, said the General Coordinator of the trip, Father Hans Langendorfer, on Sunday for journalists in Freiburg. Game over. Papst lobt deutsche Bischöfe als „gute Hirten“ correspondingly the Pope said >>I go back home with the feeling that we belong together and that I can rely on you.<<" Link to original...

Trust equation...

Pope Recomends the Study of Temporanious and Fashionable Theories

Germany.  The world is rationalistic and scientific today, even if it is also "often falsely scientific".  Pope Benedict XVI. said this in a free discussion for seminarians in the Freiburg's seminary.  The Holy Father encouraged the seminarians to study: "Naturally in twenty years, there will be completely different philosophical theories in fashion than today:  even when I think, what was so important to us then,  how all of those most modern fashions are all but forgotten nowadays."  It is apparently, "not for nothing, never the less, to learn these, "because there is also more lasting knowledge therein."  Apparently, one learns how "mainly to evaluate, follow along -- and follow along critically."

Link, here...