Monday, September 26, 2011

New President of Zambia Promises to Follow the Ten Commandments

Edit: What usually happens to secular leaders who are devoted Catholics?
Ecuador's President Slain like the Lamb

LUSAKA (AFP) - Zambia's new President Michael Sata, the first elected Catholic head of state and a devout believer, said Sunday his government would follow the tenets of the 10 Biblical Commandments.

"This government will be governed on the 10 Commandments. Thou shall not steal, do unto others as you would like them to do unto you," Sata told parishioners at a church in Lusaka's upscale Rhodes Park district.

"For the first time this country has a Catholic president and our government will support the church," Sata said, recalling that the nation was predominantly Catholic.

Link to article...

Linz Bishop Will Reap the Bitter Harvest of the People's Anger

The Bishop of Linz has waltzed the beloved Pastor of Kopfing out of town. Now, the Catholic people's soul has been brought to a boil.

( On the 18th of September Bishop Ludwig Schwarz (71) of Linz has dismissed beloeved Pastoral Administrator of Kopfing Andrzej Skoblicki (47) from his duties.

Because the clergyman directed a blooming parish, he was a thorn in the side of the anti-Church media bosses.

The People see through the Propaganda Journalism

The ally of the Bishops in the media lynching of Fr. Skoblicki was the anti-Church regional news Oberösterreichische Nachrichten’. [Upper Austrian News Service]

It sent an anonymous reporter to Kopfing last Sunday, who made and illegal photo and to acquire more propaganda material against Fr. Skoblicki.

He did not get to hear what he wanted to hear.

"I find it schocking what was done to Pastor Skoblicki!" -- the aper had to quote some of the faithful.

Or: "It woulda been better if they wrote what the truth is!" -- so the anger of thep people vented itself.

The Scandal Sheet Found no Scandal

The smear sheet took great pains to find someone who would throw some dirt on the clergyman.

It cited anonymously and deceitfully a supposed "Christoph M." in the article.

The Kopfingers stand so much behind their pastor that the regional paper had to offer this begrudging concession:

"The majority of the faithful, who gathered in front of the church after Mass, were sympathetic to the divine from Poland."

Fr. Skoblicki takes the Gospel seriously.

The Grand Nazi-Coalition

Fr. Skoblicki's "withdrawal" is even a humiliation for his mentor, Senior Pastor Alois Heinzl (89).

In an interview for the video website '' he revealed what was behind the bond between the media bosses the Old Liberal Bishop and the enemies of the Pastor.

The village of Kopfing is an old Nazi Nest with a fine old tradition of aborting priests of Tradition.

The media tried to demonize this sermon. It was about Jesus, obedient even unto death:

Link to

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Austrian Bishop Exorcizes Abortuary

Austria [] The Austrian pro-Life Movement 'Human Life International' purchased a former abortion clinic in the heights of Hohenems in the middle of May. It's in a city with a population of 15,000 in Vorarlberg. This was reported by the website '' last Thursday. On the 14th of September, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Bishop Elmar Fischer of Feldkirch celebrated a Mass of reparation in the former abortuary. Moreover, he also prayed the Great Exorcism as well.

Link to kreuz....

This Bishop also teaches that homosexuals can be healed.

In Germany Where Everyone is Pope

The Great Protestant Cooling

Edit: This comment from Matussek is interesting given the Holy Father's statement that "the agnostic who still longs for the truth, and suffer in sin but long for a pure heart are closer to the Kingdom of God than those whose church life is routine and who regard the Church merely as an institution without letting their hearts be touched by Faith."

The Pope wants a new Catholic departure. Even in his German homeland where everyone is known as Pope.

( "I have been drawn to various Academies and Schools and bookstores in the past week for my book >>The Catholic Adventure<< and was surprised by the strong polarization." Matthias Matussek, German journalist wrote this for the most recent edition of the bitterly anti-Catholic German boulevard magazine 'Spiegel'. [It's like Time] The magazine was founded after the Second World War by a former Nazi Journalist and Lieutenant of the Wehrmacht. Matusseks article appeared under the title: "Rock in the Storm -- Why Catholicism can't be Protestant." Formless Play-Along Catholicism
He did not else in his book than describe as "painful recollections of a Catholic childhood and life as a reporter, which these were rooted in" -- explained the journalist.

That is for many -- even within the Church -- a scandal.

For Matussek it's the consequence of a "great protestant cooling off" in the last decade:

"In Germany, the formless play-along Catholicism is carried on by pastoral theologians and community representatives, who push the priest into the second rank."

The Lackluster of Religion

Matussek isn't surprised that the German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert recently proposed "that married seniors should be made priests."

In place of a theology degree, an administrator's career is enough.

"The smallest child still understands that one genuflects before the Blessed Sacrament and crosses himself when he enters the Church" -- Matussek said, quoting a resigned Pastor.

Sacral Refreshment

In this dulling within the Pope is attempting careful restoration.

As an example Matussek described the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum".

With that, the Pope wanted to bring the music, the reverence, the gestures and the holiness of the Old Mass back into the mirror:

"We suddenly see how much sense it makes that the priest faces the Blessed Sacrament with the whole community, instead of facing us like a TV moderator."

Mattusek mentioned the "otherwise not religious" reporter Amo Widmann of the 'Berliner Zeitung", who visited an Old Mass in Berlin and wrote after:

"This isn't a place that revolves around the faithful, and the Mass isn't a meeting place, it is a divine service."

For that makes it clear to Matussek: The Mass lends a "sacral refreshment".

Battle of the Trivialization of the Sacraments

Matussek described intiatives to provide Liturgical Supper for everyone: "But that didn't mean real ecumenism, but a trivialization of the Sacraments."

Pope Benedict is protecting Communion against the new indifference: "He is also proceeding with offering Communion on the tongue."

It doesn't surprise Matussek that controversy rages around the Pope.

In the reportage about him there are "condemnations, disingenuousness and even flat out disinformation in every discussion" -- he said quoting Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Because the Pope desires a new departure.

In his coverage he chucked about this mission: "Even in his German homeland, where everyone is known as a Pope."

Link to original...

Islamic Group Favors Abolishing Swiss Cross and Flag

Edit: the poll on the paper website shows that ninety two percent are against this proposal.

The Swiss Cross should be abolished. This is being demanded by the Immigrant Association Secondos Plus. "The Swiss Flag has nothing to do with today's, multicultural Switzerland any more." Do you understand?

The Swiss Cross should be abolished. This is being demanded by the Immigrant Association Secondos Plus. "The Swiss Flag has nothing to do with today's, multicultural Switzerland any more," said Petrusic its representative.

The Cross has a Christian back ground. The Christian origins of Switzerland validates that it is respected, "only the separation of Church and State is also valid with regard to this flag", insisted a representative of Secondos Plus. "It is a given, therefore, that we have great religious and cultural diversity in Switzerland."

A new symbol is needed, with which everyone can identify with and not just Christians. As a new flag the former flag of the Helvetian Republic would work. This was officially introduced in 1799 and consisted of the colors of green, red and yellow and horizontally striped.

It had a resemblance to the current flag of Ghana and Bolivia. "The color of red and yellow stand for the original Cantons of Schwyz, Uri and Green for the Revolution", says Petrusic. In addition, all foreigners would have the ability to vote from as soon as they reach their 20th year. "The Helvetian Flag stands for a progressive Switzerland that's open to the world."

In the beginning of October Secondos Plus is planing an action, in order to launch a flag debate. "This is completely unacceptable", said the Aargauer SVP- National representative Sylvia Flückiger to the proposals of Secondos. "There is nothing that should disturb us about the Swiss flag. As their next move, they will have to get past our Federal Constitution." Socialist Party National representative Margret Kiener Nellen: "I would leave the Swiss flag like it is." She otherwise would like to engage this in a different way, "that all people will be treated with worth and the same rights."

Original, at Aargauer...

H/t: here...

German Journalist: "The Church is Caught in a Modern Trap"

The Church gropes in the Modern Trap

Edit: Matussek has suggested that the church tax, which is levied in Germany and managed by the government, is going away. It's been suggested in certain other quarters that this last vestige of confessional Europe has been used as a medium for the auto-destruction of the Church in Germany. We've tried to keep our intrusions on Matussek's blunt and awesome observations to a minimum.

Matthias Matussek

After the Council the Church was placed increasingly in the hands of Liturgical dilettantes and fussy hobby-thinkers, who presented themselves as an Avantgarde organized against volksreligion and Tradition.

( Pope Benedict XVI knows "that the form of the Una Sancta [One Holy} with its Dogmas and Traditions must be protected against the hobbyists."

Matthias Matussek wrote this in the recent edition of the bitterly anti-Church German boulevard magazine 'Spiegel' [basically, it's Germany's Time Magazine]

The magazine was founded after the Second World War by a former Nazi journalist and a Lieutenant of the Wehrmach.

Matussek's article appeared under the title: "Rock in the storm -- why Catholicism could not be Protestant."

The Pope has to be a Rock Now More than Ever

For Matussek the Pope has to be a successor of Peter now more than ever -- "the rock, on which the Church was once founded."

Because: "He is not only responsible for the 1.2 Billion Catholics, but also for the Tradition, which Chesterton once called >>the Democracy of the Dead<<. Tradition may not be betrayed on behalf of the tiny, German parish, which constitutes no more than two percent of the World Church.

Not a Reformer, but a Resistance Fighter

Benedict XVI, for Matussek, didn't come to Germany as a reformer, rather as a "great figure of contradiction".

"The Catastrophe, which has to do with us, is the memory loss of Catholics."

Matussek traced the problem to the time following the Second Vatican Council.

Then the Church was placed "increasingly in the hands of dilettante Liturgists and fussy hobby-thinkers, who presented themselves as an Avantgarde organized against volksreligion and Tradition.

Already in 1968 Pope Paul VI wept over the "weighty and complex disruption, which no one had expected after the Council." [Not entirely so, Msgr Bandas returned from the Council in abject despair and did his best to prepare for what he foresaw.]

Discussion instead of Holiness

Matussek brought the problem to a point: "The Church has been caught in the modern trap."

He defined the modern trap as: "Much head, little heart." [Which brings to mind Mozart's comment that, "Protestantism is all in the head"]

One has lost the feeling for Holiness and Grace: "In place of that, discussions take place."

Link to

Photo: © Melanie Feuerbacher, Wikipedia, CC

Pius Society to Meet Near Rome to Discuss Preamble

Edit: what's interesting to us is the location they chose. They chose a place close to Rome, they didn't chose Switzerland or Menzigen.

In zwei Wochen verhandelt die Bruderschaft

Italy. [] On the 7th and 8th of October the Superior of the Society of St. Pius X will meet in the Italian District office in Albano near Rome, to have discussions about the negotiations with Rome. This was reported by '' on Friday. The Superiors were will be secluded from the public to discuss the Dogmatic Preamble they received from the Congregation of the Faith.




This Victory of SSPX isn't a Rome Defeat...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pope Vigil: Archbishop Zollitsch Organizes Event Promoting Homosexuality

Edit: As if to justify the Pope's words about "Overhanging structures", Archbishop Zollitsch steps in to provide evidence for it.

( Freiburger organizers tried to abuse the Vigil Celebration before the morning Papal Mass for their Old Liberal purposes.

Youth were posed apparently explosive Church-related questions at the Freiburg Mass area where they were gathered.

Balloons and Suggestive Questions

Every youth received a red and a green balloon in his pilgrimage package.

Before the balloons were deployed, however, rhythm exercises were done, to bring those present into order and in agreement.

Finally the moderators posed the following questions of the evening:

- Do you find celibacy meaningful for today?

- Shouldn't the Pope be elected by the people of the Church?

- Are you personally behind the personal morals of the Vatican?

Participating youth reported that the questions were provocative and anti-Roman. They gave the impression of cheap propaganda against the Pope.

Red Balloons for the Homosexuals

The organizers also asked: Do you have anything against lived homosexuality?

Thereafter many youth showed the red balloon.

The moderators commented: "We see a majority of red balloons! I think lived homosexuality is in order."

The responsibility for this scandalous pre-show is Archbishop Robert Zollitsch.

He has promised himself during this Papal visit, that at the next consistorium he will be named a Cardinal.

Link to here...

Photo credit, here...

Pope: In Germany 'There is an Overhang of Structures Against the Spirit'

Edit: this is one of the clearest criticisms directed against the "professional Catholics" of the Official Church we've ever heard. It actually echoes Mathias Mattusek's comments earlier today wherein he suggested the end of the Church tax in Germany as a radical solution. It would certainly put a dent in many of the Old Liberal structures which constantly work against real reform and the work of the Gospel in Germany.

Benedict XVI. directed criticism against lay societies in his speech to the [very anti-Catholic lay board] Central Committee of German Catholics!  The actual crisis in the Church in the Western world is a crisis of Faith.

Freiburg ( At the meeting with the "Central Committee of German Catholics" Pope Benedict XVI expressed himself very critically over the situation in society and the Church in Germany:  "For years the so-called 'Exposure Programs' have been giving developmental assistance",  said the Pope.  "Those responsible in politics, business and Church life have participated in the concrete daily life for a certain time in Africa, Asia or Latin America.  They put themselves in the life situations of these people, in order to see the world with their own eyes and to learn to act in solidarity."

"Let us imagine that such an exposure-program were established here in Germany.  Experts from distance lands would sally forth to live a week with an average German family.  They would be amazed here, e.g., by the standard of living, the order and the efficiency.  But they would also be confronted also with much poverty through an unaccustomed glance:  poverty, that touches on human relations, and poverty in the religious area."

Benedict XVI. has diagnosed an "overhang of structures projected against the Spirit:  I will add: the actual crisis in the Church in the Western world is a crisis of Faith. If we don't find a real renewal of the Faith, any structural reforms will be ineffective."

Without naming the "dialog process" in the German Church, the Pope stressed the necessity to seek new ways for evangelization, where friendships are lived and also deepened in the regular common prayer before God. There are people, woh in our workplace and in the embrace of our family and circle of acquaintances who talk about these small experiences of the faith and form a new closeness to the Church in society.  To them it is shown more clearly that all this nourishment and live permits, the concrete friendship together and with the Lord.  The binding which takes place in the powerful current of the Eucharist remains important, because separated from Christ we can accomplish nothing [John 15,5]

Dear Brothers and Sisters, may the Lord enlighten us on our way, to be lights to the world together and show our fellow man the way to the source, where their deepest longing for life may be fulfilled."

Link to

Vatican Speaker Downplays Father Luther's "Rehabilitation"

This comment from EKD President Nikolaus Schneider is "a bit exaggerated", said Lombardi this Saturday for journalists in Freiburg.

Vatican City ( Vatican speaker Federico Lombardi [SJ] has admonished the interpretation, which suggested a >>de facto<< rehabilitation of Martin Luther by Pope Benedict XVI. This suggestion is >>a bit exaggerated<<, said Lombardi on Saturday for journalists in Freiburg. The Advisory President of the Evangelical Church in Germany, Nikolaus Schneider, had [also on FaithWorld] described the words of the Pope at an ecumenical meeting in Erfurt subsequently as >>a de facto rehabilitation<<.

Lombardi said, Benedict XVI. has underlined the >>depth of faith<< of the reformers. For the Pope, the visit to the place where Luther lived and believed, had been very significant. The Head of the Catholic Church had desired this meeting with representatives of the Evangelical Church right in Erfurt, because >>the divine questions of Luther were a central point of the entire trip<<, said the speaker.

Link to


He also said the Faith can not be negotiated, here...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Some Insight into Pope Benedict's Interaction with Neocatechumenate

Professor Ratzinger? Too Easy

He tends to pass everyone at the first exam, even those groups and movements that afterward bring him great disappointment. Three case studies: the Neocatechumenals, the monks of Vallechiara, the Heralds of the Gospel

by Sandro Magister

Heralds of the Gospel

ROME, August 26, 2011 – As is their tradition, the Neocatechumenals took part in great numbers at World Youth Day in Madrid.  And they added their own "day after," also according to their tradition.

On the afternoon of Monday, August 22, they gathered in the Plaza de Cibeles in the heart of downtown Madrid,  for the ritual of the "calling" to the priesthood or religious life, with their founder Francisco José  Gómez Argüello, nicknamed "Kiko," acting as anchor, surrounded by the archbishop of Madrid, Antonio María Rouco Varela, together with dozens of other bishops from all over the world.

Link to chiesa...

A Dance Bar in the Stadium

The German Bishops have begun fearfully to drag their otherness through the thorns, that they can oldliberalize themselves with enormous theological jingles.
'Spiegel' Describes Pope as "Unteachable"

( Germany "one first glance has nothing to do with the streaming world Church, which it showed in Madrid."

This was written by German journalist Matthias Matussek in the recent edition of the bitterly anti-Church German boulevard magazine "Spiegel".

The Magazine was founded after the Second World War by a former Nazi journalist and Lieutenant of the Wehrmacht.

The article appeared with the title" "Rock in the Storm -- Why Catholicism may not become Catholicism."

Theological Opportunism

Matusek insists that Germany reveals a contentious and intriguing official Catholicism.

He described the German Church as the richest and most morose in the world.

For the money it receives from the state "they pay with correlation to the state and often with theological opportunism."

The consequence: "the German Church doesn't propose have a counter world any more, rather, according to Theology professor Hubert Windisch -- >>to a dance bar in a stadium<<."
One Acclimatizes

The Church in Germany takes great pains, to enact their so-called reform agendas according to the five minute plebiscites of talkshows:

"Fearfully, they try to drag their otherness through the thorns, that they >>liberalize<< themselves with enormous theological jingles."

Link to original...

Homosexuals Bullied Former Anglican Archbishop in Catholic Seminary

Edit: One of the accused priests, Monsignor Dempsey, still hasn't been suspended, despite being accused by a very respectable senior Anglican. It's a good thing Msgr. Dempsey wasn't preaching the Catholic faith fearlessly from his pulpit on Sunday or anything, then he'd be in serious trouble.

Tony Wright quotes Catholic politician Senator Xenophon, who asks why the priest couldn't have gone on "vacation" when Archbishop Hepworth brought it to the Church's attention privately.

This caused Catholic Senator Xenophon to name the priest in question, who is receiving quite a few brickbats.

Who's in charge, really?

It will be interesting to note just what Monsignor Dempsey's career has been like. His public statements up to this point would be very revealing.

[The Australian] He says he was raped repeatedly. Two of his accused abusers are dead; the third, a senior Catholic priest, runs a parish in South Australia.

He reported the abuse to the Archdiocese of Adelaide more than four years ago but the church has not stood the priest down.

Contacted by The Weekend Australian yesterday, the priest laughed and said: "I can't discuss matters that are confidential." Asked if he had read Archbishop Hepworth's allegations against him, he giggled and said: "Good try but I won't say anything."

Link here...

Here's a link with some self-serving commentary, some good commentary at

The priest he's accusing, Monsignor Dempsey , is actually denying the charges also here.

Also posted on the aptly named Pinnochio about the Monsignor.

Father Stephen's blog has posted a deffense, here. One of his commenters fumes as follows:

Sick and tired of religious haters on September 16, 2011 at 02:08 said:

1) Why didnt John Hepworth seek the police in the first instance and why didnt he want the Church to take it up to the police? [That's a stupid question, actually. People who ask these sorts of questions are hedging for some reason.]
2) Why hasnt John Hepworth substantiated his allegations, apparently the Church asked him several times to do this. Even now, he hasnt provided any proof of Monsignor Dempsey’s involvement. [Someone's sayso was enough to get rid of Father Corapi.]
3) Why doesnt the good Senator Xenophon admit Hepworth’s allegations not been formal either through the Police or within the Church? The complaint was only made formal February this year.
4) If the good senator and Hepsworth wanted things to proceed quicker then they would have gone to the Police, just as anyone would. [Most of those who are so treated by clerical homosexuals don't go to the police, actually.]
5) The good senator has said that he is concerned about the kids and parishioners. A total B/S. Dempsey has been priest for 40 or so years, has worked with children and vulnerable adult without a stain in his name. The only thing the good senator has done is disrupt the parishioners. [Perhaps he's put the finger on a clevery predator? We'll see.] The good senator clearly has it in for religion and religious people, [Clear in your mind, perhaps.] no matter how good or how well those people have served the community. [Archbishop Hepworth doesn't have it in for religious people, does he? It's not evident that Senator Xenophon has it in for anyone. If anything, he's probably frustrated by the lack of responsiveness on the part of certain parties when it comes to homosexual predation. In any event, community is a good shiboleth to indicate Liberal.]
6) Notice that the cowardly senator wont accuse Monsignor Dempsey without Parliamentary protection.
7) The good senator is abusing his power to undermine and bypass the police and judiciary. He clearly do not believe in the abilities of the police force or the Australian legal system. He also went against the wishes of Hepworth who apparently disnt want the priest named.[It doesn't sound like the Diocese was moving on this, and so needed some encouragement. So there's no evidence for this claim.]

German President and Vice President Receive Communion Unworthily at Papal Mass

Like two willful schoolboys the President and Vice President of the German Bundestag slipped in to unworthily receive Holy Communion. A Commentary

( Did anyone notice anything unusual?

At yesterday's Papal Mass in the the Berlin Olympia Stadium, Wolfgang Thierse received Communion in the hand from Pope Benedict.

The official has been Vice President of the German Bundestag since 2005.

The CDU- President of the Bundestag Norbert Lammert (62), saw the example and mirrored it. [He's been critical of priestly celibacy]

He threw his prank right in the Pope's face.

Racism as an Archetype

Lammert's ham-fisted speech before the Pope went down well in the German Bundestag.

In that speech he praised -- irrespective of the Nazi racism of recent German history -- racial enlightenment. [Kreuz means here that the Enlightenment figures were themselves racialist.]

From this he continued, leading back to -- glowingly -- "our present understanding of fundamental rights, of the inviolable worth of people and their free rights".

This criminal understanding of the "inviolability" of human worth is measured out in over 100,000 aborted people as victims every year in Germany.

Historical Cynicism

Lammert even had the impudence to put "Christians" in the shoes of Nazi persecution of the Jews, who were supposed to have "looked away or joined in, defamed, persecuted, demoralized, murdered."

Sorry, what did you say?

With the same cynicism he could have put, the Orthodox in Communism, the Buddhists during Pol Pot or the Jewish religions implication in Israeli racism, in the same shoes.

The Ham-fisted Germans Probably Wouldn't Have Done Much Better

Lammert's unintentional jester's speech even promoted the unification of the Church to the protestants by mutating it into protestantism.

Hello Lammert? Have you ever heard about the separation of Church and State?

It is not the job of the president of the Bundestag, to mix in internal Church politics as president.

For the hosts of Pope Benedict XVIth this was putting their foot in it by a fatal somersault.

But the ham-fisted Nazi-mad Germans couldn't have done any better.

The Pope Disappoints Protestant Leaders

Edit: we posted an article from that the Holy Father was going to use Assisi III to attack relativism. A Lutheran minister who is a friend of Pope Benedict says this. Do we see evidence for that here?

It also bears repeating that you can't make concessions to these people. They're going to find something to complain about as long as there's a Pope in Rome and faithful Catholics, however few in number.

[Bloomberg] Pope Benedict XVI disappointed Protestants seeking common ground with Catholics by stressing differences between the two groups, as he continued a four-day journey in his native Germany.

The Evangelical Church of Germany, or EKD, an umbrella group of German Evangelical and Lutheran denominations, had raised the issue of joint communion for married couples of different Christian denominations. Speaking in the eastern city of Erfurt today, the Catholic leader rebuffed expectations by saying that one can’t “think through or negotiate” faith.

“I’d like to point out that this represents a political misunderstanding of faith and ecumenism,” Benedict said in a speech to a joint-faith group in the St. Augustine cloister, where Martin Luther, the founder of Protestantism, began his monastic studies in 1505
Link to here...

Bishops Need to Learn How to Rule

Voris says: The Crozier isn't only a tool to bring back a wayward sheep, it's also a weapon to beat the daylights out of wolves. We're pleading with the Bishops to protect the sheep and stop attacking the sheep who cry out for protection.

We need to hear Heaven and Hell are real and all religions are not the same.

Last Flag of the Papal States Returns to the Vatican -- Saved in 1870

(Rome/Vatican) After 144 years the Papal flag, which flew from the city door of the Porta Pia, will return again to the Vatican. The flag was flown from the Aurelian city wall of Rome till the 20th September 1870, as a continuation of a thousand years came to an en, when Italian troops attacked the Church State.

The flag comes with an especially symbolic character for the troops of the Kingdom of Savoy charged the city walls seeking to breach and break through the Pia Porta, built by Michelangelo in the 16th Century.

The Papal flag on the battlement did not fall into the hands of the attackers. They were saved by Prince Ruslpoli. The Troops of the Kingdom of Italy succeeded in their successful incursion through the garden in the Villa of Napoleon Karl Bonaparte, a Grand Nephew of Napoleon I, and Christina Ruspoli. In the garden of the villa was the site of the last defensive battle in the siege at which 19 Papal Zouaves fell. The flag, perforated by numerous bullet holes, was brought to safety by Princess Cristina and since then guarded by the Ruspoli family.

29. September 2011, for the feast of the Papal Gendarmes, Prince Sforza Ruspoli will place the Vatican flag back. The restoration ceremony will take place at 17.30 on the square at the Governorate in Vatican City. After the review of the various units, and the honorary procession and National Anthem of the Papal State, Prince Ruspoli will hand over the Papal flag of the Porta Pia and therefore the last flag of the old Church State, to Cardinal Secretary Tarcicio Bertone. Finally, a commemoration to the fallen will take place where a message from Pope Benedict XVI will be read.

The relationship of the Ruspoli Family with the Popes speaks of a long history, which experienced an intensive period in the 18th century. In 1708 Francesco Maria Ruspoli raised the Ruspoli Regiment with a strength of a thousand men and put it at the service of the Holy see. In 1721 Pope Benedict XIII raised Francesco Maria and his heirs to the Roman Principate. At the end of the 18th century the Ruspoli lent the sum of 800.000 gold scudi to compensate the dues which Napoleon Bonaparte had then levied against the Church.

The current family head, the 84 year old Prince Sforza Ruspoli, organizes every year on the 20th of September with the Militia Christi, a counter demonstration at the Porta Pia, where the Freemasons and other enemies of the Church celebrate the fall of the Church State every year. For this event, he unfurls the rescued Papal flag on the battlements of the city gate to remember the Papal soldiers who lost their lives in defense of the Pope and the Church.

Text: Vatican Insider/Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Vatican Insider

Link to original, Katholisches...

Austrian Bishop: "No Communion for the Divorced and Remarried"

Bischof: „Keine Kommunion für Ehebrecher“

Edit: Bishops are starting to make clear statements to this overrated rebellion in Austria.

Austria [] Bishop Ägidius Zsifkovics of Eisenstadt is going to have "any kinds of experiments". He said this for the Austrian news agency ‘APA’. An external reform must stem from an "inner readiness to renewal". Many themes are "already clarified or subject to rigorous processes". They shall be not be broken off either today or tomorrow, "and they certainly won't be broken off because of negligence of given structures and customary manners." Priests may find ways to offer help to the divorced. But: "It is not in our power that we could just sweep away the indissolubility of marriage and that we are, now at the door to open the entrance for Communion."

Link to

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Strained Situation for Traditionalist Nuns in SSPX

The incorporation of the Reparative Sisters of Niedaltdorf with the SSPX is not pleasing to all the faithful. For that reason I wrote the Society on 11th August. by Johanna Holzmann
Traditional Sisters of Niedaltdorf

( Last February the Reparative Sisters of the Holy Ghost in Niedeltdorf joined themselves to the Society.

For that reason the peoples' spirits in our small area was increasingly high, while many in the Society were inclined to be skeptical.

When the esteemed and well loved Father Manfred Jöckel of the Institute of Christ the King had to take leave, enough was enough.

Withdrawal of Incorporation?

The Mother Superior of the Order was asked repeatedly about the incorporation into the Society of St. Pius X.

She finally answered somewhat resignedly that this integration had already been withdrawn by a letter to the Society.

My questions are as follows:

If the explanation of Mother Superior is correct, why can't you read it on the Internet site of the Sisters?

And why then are the Priests of the Society assigned as spiritual advisers?

The District Superior Answers

I made inquiries of the German District Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, Father Franz Schmidberger, about the status of the Sisters.

He sent to me the following answer by e-mail:

"I am pleased to answer your e-mail post of the 16th of August. It is not known to me that the Reparative Sisters have in any way withdrawn their connection with the Priestly Society.

In any event, they are under heavy pressure from Trier.

In any case, for our part, our priests have been effective as spiritual advisers."

More photos of Sisters at link to

Photo: ©

Tear Gas and Water Canons at March For Life in Zurich

Edit: Look at all the Anarchists who showed up for this. This is their speed. It's really too bad there weren't an equally sizable detachment of Swiss Jaegers nearby to clean up the mess while the police looked away.

Even in Switzerland the hooligans want to attack the „Marsch für´s Läbe“ [March for Life] with violence.  Only police units allowed for the demonstration to take place.

Zürich ( Over 1,000 Christians (according to the police it was 1,500 persons) from various churches marched in Zurich's Helvetiaplatz despite threats from autonomous-left cells.  Already int he beginning of the event, hooligans began with their pipes and hooping in concert.  There the professional sound system couldn't even  overpower it on the Helvetianplatz.  Clearly, they were decided to assault the demonstration with violence.  Only decisive and powerful units of the Zurich police could prevent, that the demonstration, in which many children, youth and seniors were participating, the descent to chaos.

The organizers thanked the police at the same time publicly, for their fantastic assistance.  That the costly deployment of dozens of policemen in full gear were necessary, the Pro-lifers found regrettable.  An event which calls for the unlimited defense of life, should not be put on the taxpayer for the cost of police vehicles, water canons and tear gas.  Actually, the guilt for these precautions aren't born by the organizers of the pro-life event, rather the radical anarchists and egoistic partygoers, who have often proven themselves prepared to do violence in the last days. The Pro-Lifers want to march again in the coming year on the 10th year of the time limit to march again.The "Marsch für s’Läbe" 2011 has motivated them to fight in other ways that people in Switzerland have an unlimited right to life from their mother's wombs to their natural grave!

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