Thursday, September 22, 2011

Elderly Canadian Priest Suspended for Being Catholic

Edit:  It could also mean that the lavender mafia has claimed another victim, and yet, there are quite a few paid hucksters out there who give a pass to the inexcusable statements and actions of Old Liberal Bishops and Priests. Pay close attention to the people who line up in favor of suspending this loyal son of the Church, or ignore, this news story. They know who they are, and so should you.

BATHURST, New Brunswick, September 22, 2011 ( – The Catholic Diocese of Bathurst, New Brunswick has removed an elderly priest from active ministry after he caused a storm of controversy by denouncing homosexuality, cohabitation, and abortion in an August homily.

85-year-old Fr. Donat Gionet had retired to his home town of Caraquet in June to serve palliative care patients, and now laments that in his declining years he is being forced to celebrate Mass “in secret.”

Fr. Wesley Wade, the diocese’s vicar general, told Radio-Canada that Fr. Gionet’s comments were consistent with Church teaching, but lacked the proper “pastoral” sensitivity.

Holy Father: Freedom is Only in the Good

"In human cooperation freedom does not happen without solidarity.  Whatever is done at the expense of the other is not freedom, rather a culpable act, which impairs the other and also myself. I can only truly develop in freely for myself, if I employ my powers for the good of my fellow man.  That isn't only applicable to the private life, but also for society."

From a speech by Benedict XVI at Bellevue Palace in Berlin.

Collegeville Hires Fire Eater to Attract Religious Vocations

Edit: We'd reported earlier that Collegeville, the Modernist Monastery, is a dying, wilting and withering place, citing Pine Curtain.

Likewise, in attempts to address this understandable decline in vocations, St. John's, when it's not denying that there's a problem in the first place as "Father" Jerome Tupa did recently, it's actually trying to address this problem by hiring a circus performer to make the place more fun and timely.
Top Career for Freemasons

COLLEGEVILLE — A fire-eating monk isn’t something visitors to St. John’s University see every day. After all, not many monks have a circus background.

Brother Paul-Vincent Niebauer has been a fire-eater since his teenage years, but these days he doesn’t perform for just anybody.

Last week, the 59-year-old monk brushed off the old trick in the university’s Great Hall. Students and staff watched as he lit two white marshmallow-looking contraptions on metal skewers and dipped them into his mouth.

Link to St. Cloud Times story...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homosexual Jesuit Wants Coverup to Continue

Edit: These types want the truth of what they do and what they truly believe to be hidden and they denounce those who expose their dark deeds.

Germany. Benedict XVI. should express the "us vs. them" mentality in the Church on his trip to Germany. This was proposed by the homosexual Jesuit Klaus Mertes to the German broadcaster 'SWR'. Additionally, the church denouncer would like a statement from the Pope on the theme of 'Denunciation': "Because there are those who operate in the dark and send slanderous statements about fellow Catholics to Rome -- such a thing would finally come to transparent proceedings."

Link to

Exiled Pastor of Linz Trusts God in His Persecution

Edit: translated from the exclusive KATH.NET article from yesterday.

Pastor of Kopfing: The Diocese Linz needs a prayer of deliverance

... so that it finally can announce the Gospel of Jesus freely and without fear and relativistic confusion. -- KATH.NET -- Interview with P. Andreas Skoblicki over his dismissal

Linz ( The firing of the beloved Polish Priest, Andreas Skoblicki from the Diocese of Linz has enraged tempers, as the newspaper "Die Presse" speaks of an "unusually hard decision" of the Bishop of Linz.  In Kopfing itself many faithful are shocked.  A few of the faithful an especially those members of the Parish Council who had supported their Pastor, shed tears at the announcement of the Bishop's decision. Not even copies of the alleged protest letter had brought any of them to the side of the Bishop.  His critics, who had instigated the campaign against him, were hardly to be seen in the parish according to the Polish Pastor.

Things are still unclear in the Parish of Kopfing.  Skoblichi had build a blooming parish with a lot of prayer, a parish, for example, which even has a new youth prayer group.  The Pastor informs KATH.NET that he will leave the Diocese in any case and would like to return to Poland as soon as possible.

KATH.NET:  You have to suddenly leave the Parish of Kopfing within a few days.  What do you say to that?

P Andreas Skoblicki: It is natural for me and for many people in the Parish a complete surprise. Apparently, my period of notice isn't valid. The contract was extended in 2010 by the Diocese of Linz till 2014.

KATH.NET:  The Bishop of Linz Ludwig Schwarz gave the following reason: "Then again he didn't succeed in settling, as many people maintain, objections, conflicts and fears , for that reason it is not  possible to reconcile and live together in Koping, in order to be present as a Christian Community -- even as a sign for the entire public."  What do you say to this accusation?

P. Andreas Skoblicki:  I don't understand this statement.  I haven't had any conflicts with anyone or awakened fears.  My only goal was to profess, "Christ Crucified" and "Christ, God's Power and Wisdom" (1 Cor 1: 23; 25) . Everything else is only ascribed to me. I am very much in wonder about the people who have agitated against me.  I have only pointed out the Ten Commandments and the doctrinal truths of the Church.

I have been  under contract to preach to and exhort the people, the Eucharist as the presence of Lord Jesus, to see His  Body and Blood, and recall on that, that one can not receive Communion in a state of serious sin,  from the earlier Linz Bishop, Maximilian Aichern, and later then of Bishop Schwarz.  I have also always said that the unity of the work of the Holy Ghost is and always the fruit of the presence of Jesus in all hearts of men.

It was very striking what the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomaios I of Constantinople said in Rome on 29 June 2004: "The unity of the Church is not a worldly unity like the unity of states.  The unity, which the churches hope for, is a spiritual quest, which is aimed, to live in common with the spiritual unity with the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.  They will come, if we all will have >>the spirit of Christ<<, >>the Love of Christ<<, >>the true Christ<<, >>the humility of Christ<<, >>the readiness to suffer for Christ<<, and generally, if we are all that, what Christ Himself is, to live, as He Himself lived, or if we even have the longing to live that way, as He expects of us."

We all should also not forget what Lord Jesus said:  "Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake." (Mt 5, 11). This is how the activists have treated me! Never the less, I have a Lydia, a woman from this group, who has even visited the house.  I said to her that, if she believes that I have injured her, that I ask for her forgiveness.  She then told me that she had to think about it.  As a consequence, she continued to collect signatures, even from children as young as 13.

KATH.NET:  In the Diocese of Linz  there happen to be priests who more or less live openly with girlfriends or ignore, more or less de facto, commands from Rome.  Do you have the feeling that one could be fairly treated in the Diocese of Linz as a priest true to Rome?

P. Andreas Skoblicki: I find my answer to this question in the second letter of St. Paul to Timothy: "And all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim 3, 12) Many people speak of Rome. We are not in Rome, rather we must go before the throne of God for judgment. It is not important to me, if I was fairly treated or not, rather that I will learn evermore the providence of God and his will. We read in Hebrews 4, 13: "Neither is there any creature invisible in his sight: but all things are naked and open to his eyes, to whom our speech is."

For that reason we are all adventurers, whether good or bad, we can observe and see, if we are running well or in vain. I know that this is a Grace from God, that is actual primarily after repentance."

KATH.NET: Other Priests who are true to Rome from the Diocese of Linz are now afraid that similar dismissals will take place if certain activists and media start campaigns here. What would you like to say to these priests?

P. Andreas Skoblicki: Stay True! "The disciple is not above the master, nor the slave above his lord." (Mt 10, 24). Just stay true to the Lord Jesus. Follow after Him! He gives us everything that we need and He wants that we listen daily to His voice.

KATH.NET: What plans do you have for the future?

P. Andreas Skoblicki: I want to be holy!!!

KATH.NET: What do you want for the Diocese of Linz?

P. Andreas Skoblicki: That it uses its many possibilities and resources for the good and that and that they finally separate from the load of the past by a prayer of deliverance or expiation and free the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to declare it to the people without fear and relativistic confusion. Otherwise i wish the Diocese that they obey Peter, the Pope. I also thank the Diocese that they allowed me to work here. So I could experience certain conversion and could experience the nearness of God and His mercy.

KATH.NET: Thank you so much for the interview and God's blessings on your future!

Here's Father Skoblicki's email address for solidarity and encouragement. You can send them and he'll receive them at

KATH.NET is planning a Polish trip with P. Andreas Skoblicki in the foreseeable future! If you are interested, e-mail to make a reservation. They'll take you with.

Contact: Bischof Ludwig Schwarz - E-mail

Contact: Austrian Nuncio: E-mail

KATH.NET- Diskussion im Forum:

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Papal Embassy Hit With Paint Bombs

The Apostolic Nunciature in Berlin-Neukölln has been hit with a paint bomb just as the Papal visit is about to begin.

Berlin  ( The Apostolic Nunciature in Berlin has been hit with a paint bomb just as the Papal visit is about to begin.  The act is said to have taken place on Tuesday night, said the police spokesman in Berlin.  The pain has covered the embassy building as well as the neighboring St. Johannes Basilica.  The damage to the Nunciature has not been reported yet.  The police are ascertaining the perpetrators and the background of the crime.


Two Lutheran Pastors Have Become Catholic

National Lutheran Priests from East Germany convert to the Catholic Church by assisting at Holy Eucharist and professing the Nicene Creed.  They are preparing themselves now for the priesthood.

Dresden ( Two National Lutheran pastors have used their summer vacations to convert to the Catholic Church.  Jochen Schubert, who is married and has a daughter, is leaving the Lutheran rectory of Seelinstädt and has settled in Dresden.  Also Jens Bulisch from Schmölln near Bischofswerda has completed the step.  The 39 year old is married and the father of two children.  This was reported in "Der Sonntag", the weekly paper for the Evangelical Lutheran National Church of Saxony.  Both theologians work as pastoral assistants of the Catholic Diocese of Dresden-Meissen and are preparing also to become Catholic priests.

Bulisch had developed a growing coldness to Christian ritual according to the "Ostthüringer Zeitung".  "Are they celebrating the people themselves or God?",  so said the theologian found himself often asking.  And "Der Sonntag"  mentioned that there were still further theological considerations, some over the understanding of the priestly office, as well as personal experiences with the Catholic Church played a role,  to foster a decision "growing over the years".

Schubert was already known in the Evangelical Community for his love for Catholic traditions, noted the "Ostthüringer Zeitung".  He puts much value on the Liturgy, the use of a black instead of a white cassock and is said to have stressed Catholic feast days like All Saints, usually more than the inner-Evangelical ones.

The conversion to the Roman Catholic Church was consummated on the 25th of July this year, in which they assisted at a Catholic  Holy Mass and professed the Nicean Creed, reported, "Der Sonntag".

Link to

The Aberrosexual "Church"

Voris addresses the diabolical charade at Catholic institutions which allow seminaries and religious houses of formation to breed hatred for the Church and its teaching.

'Bad, mean old Traditionalist Catholics pick on the long-suffering worship coordinator "Bruce".'

Voris even encourages  Catholics to withhold donations, and this is not going to be taken lightly.  Expect more ecclesiastical machinations soon.

This Victory of The Society of Saint Pius X is Not a Roman Defeat

Edit: here's a summary of Messa in Latino's analysis of the Preamble by

"I would like to say that the relativization of the Council, which allows this Preamble, represents an actual victory for the Society."
Bishop Fellay © Piusbruderschaft,

( "I can tell you that I personally would have no problem with signing this preamble."

Enrico -- a contributor to the Traditional website '' -- affirmed this yesterday.

He refers to the "Dogmatic Preamble", which the Vatican presented to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X for signing.

The Blog Recognizes the Text

The Society General Superior, Msgr Bernard Fellay, is awaiting a canonical proposal since Wednesday.

Enrico commented: "I would like to say that the relativization of the Council, which this Preamble allows, is actually representative of a victory for the Society."

This doesn't constitute a defeat of Rome for him.

Because: "The destruction of the Conciliar "Superdogmas" are put in a win-win situation, from which both can profit."

Enrico summarized the Preamble into two points:

- The Society must respect the Relevance of the Teaching Office.

- The Society must conduct themselves, as they have said, "very respectfully" and collaborate amicably with other parts of the Mystical Body of Christ.

Tremendous Novelty

Enrico addressed the concern that the Preamble's expressed requirement for a "religious submission of the understanding and the intellect' for texts of the ordinary Magisterium, could prohibit criticism of the Pastoral Council.

Actually, Enrico pointed to this as a "tremendous novelty".

Because the Preamble allows "the study and the theological clarification of various expressions and ambiguities in the documents of the Second Vatican council and legitimate discussion of the corresponding teaching office."

The Blog informs that this "legitimate discussion" is not only the interpretation of these documents, rather also allows the expression of them: "This clearly goes beyond a mere hermeneutic."

More than mere Hermeneutic

The article recalled the discussion of the former Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, to the Chilean Bishops on 13. Juli 1988:

"The truth is that this particular Council defined no dogma and deliberately preferred, to remain as a mere pastoral Council on a humble level.

But many use it as if it were transformed into a kind of Suerpdogma, that robs all other meaning."

And: "It it not tolerated that the Councils decisions may be criticized. While at the same time, if ancient rules or even the principle reality of the Faith -- like the corporal virginity of Mary, the bodily Resurrection of Jesus or the immortality of the soul, there is no criticism or it is protested with great reluctance."

Link to original...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Assassination Attempt on Mexican Bishop: Mexico City

Edit: bring back the Cristeros.

He was pursued by a car in which several sat inside with their weapons aimed at him.

Mexico City ( In Mexico the Catholic Bishop Salvador Rangel Mendoza after several attempts fell just short of being assassinated. The Bishop of the Diocese of Huejutla reported to the international "H Noticias", that he was pursued by a car in which several sat inside and had their weapons aimed at him.

In the last minute, he succeeded in fleeing to a nearby hospital: "Thank God the door of the hospital was open", said the Bishop according to "H Noticias", which is attempting wholeheartedly to learn what is happening in the case.

Link to

Liechtenstein Votes Against Proposed Abortion Law

Bern ( In Liechtenstein abortion remains illegal even for the future. At a popular vote on Sunday about 52 percent of the 36,000 citizens voted against the legalization of pregnancy termination, 47.7 percent voted to allow abortion within the first twelve weeks.

In Liechtenstein, abortion is illegal is punishable with up to a year of confinement, if it is undertaken abroad.

Archprince Alois von Liechtenstein had shown himself to be explicitly against the initiative and promised to cast his veto and refused to sign it into law. The reason for his opposition lay in that the proposed form did not merely address fetuses in the first twelve weeks, but could allow for it in cases of handicapped children all the way up to the point of birth.

Even the goevrnment and parliament of Liechtenstein had spoken out against the text of the poll.

Various political parties proposed a further challenge in the text in the event that it were rewritten. Abortion is still punishable in any case, even if only, it is undertaken by Lietchtenstein.

Link to original...

Rome and Moscow Patriarchate Moving Closer Together

Edit: Believe it. It's going to happen.

The Ortodhox Church
The Ortodhox Church

 In recent days, the Russian Metropolitan Hilarion has been trying to "unblock" the historic face-to-face meeting with Russia's Patriarch. He may succeed, as long as Ukraine does not become a "Roman" patriarchy

Giacomo Galeazzi Vatican City A direct intervention, an unmediated contact. With his call to the Vatican in recent days, the chairman of the Department for External Relations of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk has placed himself at the forefront of an unexpected attempt to accelerate dealings between the Holy See and the Patriarchate of Moscow. He made a clarification which was not on the agenda, to facilitate the meeting between Benedict XVI and the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill. An historic "face to face" meeting that now seems less distant.

Moscow is laying out its request: if the Vatican resolves the issue of the Ukraine, the historic meeting between the Pope and the Russian Patriarch will finally be able to take place. During the present pontificate, relations have improved considerably between the Church of Rome and the bulk of Orthodoxy, represented by the Russian church. Both are increasingly in agreement about wanting to deal with what they consider to be the prime duty of Christians in Europe: a new evangelization of all those who are far from the faith. It is for this purpose that the Pope has decided to devote a specific Office of the Roman Curia to the new evangelisation.

Link to La Stampa...

Danube Cardinal Threatens Austrian Dissidents

Editor: the Archdiocese Canon Lawyer already laid down the ground rules.  Now the disobedient ones have to decide whether they want to risk losing their income, their benefits and their offices.  

Try to imagine the Austrian police forcibly removing them from their parish offices by force.  That would be a sight to behold.

What happens to employees who attack the leadership of a corporation?  Usually they quit and go work for other companies.  We understand that the Church of Satan is looking for new hires.

VIENNA | Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:47pm BST
(Reuters) - The head of Vienna's Roman Catholic community ruled out sweeping changes demanded by dissident priests and said there could be "serious conflict" if they defied Church teaching on celibacy or give communion to remarried divorcees.
Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn said he would not lead his diocese into a schism with leaders in the Vatican by letting priests flout Church rules after a group of priests issued a "Call to Disobedience" manifesto to try to press reform.
In weekend interviews with Austrian radio and television, Schoenborn backed celibacy for priests, limiting ordination to men and preserving marriage as a life-long commitment.

H/t: Pewsitter.

Archbishop of Canterbury Delivers the Smackdown on Prime Minister

Edit: David Cameron is trying to fill the shoes of the Fisherman and run a fast one past the Archbishop of Canterbury, but he's not having it, the exchange as follows:

The Archbishop of Canterbury is not particularly disposed to 'huge rows', but he's not very happy about this proposal. And there are one or two Anglican bishops who are disposed to rows, and one or two more in the Roman Catholic Church, not to mention a couple of thousand in other Christian denominations and religions. Mr Cameron is of the opinion that ‘if our Lord Jesus was around today he would very much be backing a strong agenda on equality and equal rights, and not judging people on their sexuality’.

When he uttered those words, His Grace begged to differ, saying that if Our Lord Jesus were around today, there is nothing at all to suggest that he would be remotely interested in talking about ‘equality’ or ‘rights’: he would be preaching the gospel, in season and out, and calling on people to repent of their sin and prepare for the coming of the Kingdom.

But Mr Cameron doesn't do that kind of Jesus.

Here's the article and some of the back ground. Link is here in a very scathing article by Cramner.

Government to legislate for 'gay marriage'

It has been announced that the Coalition is to press ahead with legislation to permit 'gay marriage'. It is to be preceded by a consultation, but the purpose of such a consultation is unclear when the decision has already been taken a priori to legislate for the change. A consultation which does not consult cannot be a consultation. But then a marriage which does not marry cannot be a marriage.


Linz Bishop Crucifies Pastor for Being too Catholic

Edit: What should be familiar to you, dear reader, is that there is a movement afoot throughout the universal Church to remove and squelch voices that are Catholic on the part of Bishops and administrators who themselves, seem ashamed of Him in their actions and omissions. There's an article from earlier this summer on this particularly showtrial.

This priest has the simple but apparently controversial message that Christ must be born within us.

Remember when Bishop Nourrichard showed up in Thieberville with a Rainbow Chasuble to remove a most loyal and beloved priest who had brought the village back to Christ almost like another Cure de Ars?

It's open season on Catholic priests and they're being destroyed, usually administratively, by their superiors despite managing very successful ministries. Sometimes these Bishops have the benefit of some salacious accusations, other times, there are accusations of financial irregularities.

This is no different, except for the Bishop of Linz, who probably orchestrated a campaign against Father Wagner when he was named Auxiliar Bishop in Linz last year, it is enough that this apparently holy and much loved priest actually teaches the Catholic Faith.

Some traditionalists will complain that this priest favors the Divine Mercy devotion and says the New Mass. Who cares?

This priest doesn't even say the Immemorial Mass of All Ages and the Old Liberals hate him.

His church was full. His parish board stands behind him. He has never celebrated the Old Mass. Actually he had three Old Liberal enemies in his Parish. That was enough for the Bishop Ludwig Schwarz, to plant a knife right in the back of his priest.

Fr. Skoblicki ©

(, Kopfing) The scandal-Bishop Ludwig Schwarz of Linz wants to crucify the unconnected and effectively beneficial Pastor of Kopfing, Fr. Andreas Skoblicki, on the 15th of October.

This was reported on the videosite ''.

The 2.000 population community of Kopfing in Innkreis is located not far from the Bavarian state of Passau.

Father Skloblicki has worked since 2003 in Kopfing. No earlier than last year, the Diocese had extended his service to 2014.

Now the soul thirsty priest has been sent into the desert.

This Polish clergyman has not been accused of having done anything wrong.

On the contrary: he is considered especially soul thirsty. His church is even full on workdays.

According to '' he's brought young families and youth back to the church.

The Accusation: The Pastor Puts the Faith Above Everything

This summer three Old Liberal Kopfinger retirees started a slander campaign against the priest with the help of the powerful media concerns.

These divisive grey hairs repeated the familiar prayer wheel in countless interviews, that Fr. Skoblicki the pastor is supposedly "divisive".

At the end of August they circulated a letter in Kopfing.

There the central claim was made that Fr. Scoblicki, "holds faith in God as more important than peace in place."

'' says these Old Liberal Divisives are not practicing Catholics. They don't even hold Catholic teaching.

Bishop Rules Against the Parish Board

The Parish Board of Kopfing is unanimous behind the Pastor.

As a committee for dismissal was held, it responded immediately.

Yesterday delegates from the Parish Board traveled to the 1.400 population village of Geinberg, 44 kilometers to the southwest of Kopfing, where the Bishop is having a visitation.

There they will attempt to turn this unscrupulous Bishop around.

Link to original...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Anti-Catholic Mouthpiece Invokes Vatican II: Don't they Always?

Edit: What does Foxman do for a living?

ADL Urges Vatican To Ensure Anti-Jewish Sect Accepts Teachings Of Vatican II Before They Are Welcomed Back

New York, NY, September 16, 2011 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) urges the Vatican to ensure that a breakaway Catholic sect which teaches anti-Judaism will be required to accept the church's official positive teachings about Jews and Judaism before they are fully accepted back into the Roman Catholic Church.       

The Vatican announced earlier this week that in order for The Society of St. Pius X to gain full reconciliation with the church, SSPX must accept some core church teachings, but they have not been made public.
It was unclear from news reports and Vatican statements whether the landmark reforms of the Second Vatican Council and subsequent Vatican teachings -  which reversed nearly 2,000 years of church-based anti-Semitism, repudiated the deicide charge against Jews, and called for positive and respectful interfaith relations - were included among these latest requirements.

Link to original...

H/t: AQ

Friday, September 16, 2011

Call to Obedience in Austria Grows to 180 Priests and Religious

Edit: never mind the insignificant "Call to Disobedience".  Most of those priests will think twice when their bluff is called. 

The media has not covered the "Call to Obedience" at all.

There are about one hundred eighty priests and religious who've signed the "Call to Obedience" and there are a little less than two thousand signers.

Histrionic Gomorrah Bible Finished

Looks Like a Graphic Novel

Edit: You've heard of a Navarre Bible, a Jerusalem Bible, right? Here's the Gomorrah Bible.  You regents and alums from Collegeville never thought you could be made to pay for the transformation of your own culture into a toilette, did you?

As Badger Catholic wrote:

Oil rigs and AIDS? Yeah, I was hoping for something a bit more appropriate too. Too bad, this could have been something really exciting even if it did incorporate modern themes. How does such a fantastic project get so out of touch.

The Badger Catholic: Historic Collegeville Bible is finished

The Poodle: A Most Royal and Warlike Animal

Moustache at Marengo

Edit: an old industrialist once known to the editor told the story of an American Water Spaniel who was his hunting companion.  He maintained that these were the best dogs for most purposes, especially hunting.  They are a kind of Poodle, mid-range in size, fairly high strung, extremely intelligent and loyal to their owners.  While he was hunting in a lowland area, he noticed some geese landing on the edge of the water ahead.  In order to get a better shot, he wanted to get closer to the edge of the water.  So, quietly and silently, he crawled through the tall grass.  He felt something at his boot behind him, and turned to see his faithful dog imitating him, making its way, low to the ground just like his master.

Poodles are used mostly as water dogs for hunting, but they're also excellent war dogs who accompanied the ancient Germans into Europe and even went on Crusade.  It's understandable that people would find comparison to this fine and noble animal, favorable.

Napoleon Bonaparte himself loved this breed.  It's easy to see why:
Known for fierce loyalty, fearlessness and intelligence, the war poodles were known to take part in battles on behalf of their regiments even without specific training for the task. In his memoirs Napoleon praised a poodle who died at the battle of Marengo, licking the face of his fallen Grenadier master. Another poodle named Buff accompanied Lt. Col.Chestmaster during the Peninsula War, while the poodle Moffino got sadly separated from his master while crossing the Berezina River in the Russian campaign. Moffino then traveled from Russia to Italy to find his corporal master, and they were gladly reunited.

One of Napoleon’s enemies, the Duc d’Enghein, took his poodle Mohiloff – a gift from the king of Sweden – with him to prison at the fortress of Vincennes. The dog stayed with his master even as he was shot at dawn and had to be forcibly removed from his grave. The commander of Vincennes adopted Mohiloff, and had him stuffed after he died. A poodle named Moustache became the mascot of a regiment of grenadiers whose standard the dog rescued from the battlefield at Austerlitz. He is also credited with detectiing an Austrian spy and saving a detachment of his company from a surprise attack.

From Poodle breed guide...

Photo also from Poodle Breed Guide.

First photo from, here.

FSSPX is Determining Legal Steps Against German Politician

Volker Beck, Typical German Politician

Stuttgart/Berlin (kathnews) The Society of Saint Pius X is looking into various avenues toward legal steps against Budestag Representative Volker Beck.    He portrayed the Society publicly as a "hardcore-antisemitic and antidemocratic sect" and called it a "scandal" that a "German Pope" would seek to "close ranks"  with their "historical forgetfulness".  Furthermore, Beck addressing the Holy Father said that in showing "patience with the Society of Pius" will also show still more patience for "an ideology of inequality within the Catholic Church".  This ideology degrades "Jews, Muslims, Homosexuals and emancipated women, to people of second class", so says the delegate on his internet site.

The Society Publishes a Statement

For this reasno the Society published a statement on Thursday:  "Volker Beck has demonstrated once again that he isn't mature enough for a pluralistic society like Germany."  Furthermore the proposal continues "whoever reproaches others for fundamentalism, runs the danger, of adopting fundamentalist theses.   That appears to be the case with the convinced Green-ideology of Beck."

One could ignore such defamations, it said in the statement.  "In view of the damage, which such statements in any case may effect in a wide public, the Society of St. Pius X has decided to address a legal media adviser to see how to proceed and attempt further legal steps."  The statement regarding Volker Beck's comments are from Father Andreas Steiner FSSPX, he is responsible for the publicity and media work of the Society in Germany.

"Whoever has himself lost respect for the estimation of the opinions of other citizens, must have their capacity to democracy put to a test.  That will be accomplished in the case of Beck,"  shows the Society to be decided.  The delegate will be expected in the meantime to withdraw his statements and apologize for them.

Link to kathnews...

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