Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ugly Statue of Pope John Paul II Pseudo-Corrected

The Italian Media Gushes Over Scrap Metal "Art" Piece
Editor: you probably thought this thing was going to be taken down and sold for scrap, but no.  Despite worldwide contempt for this work, there will only be some minor alterations to it and it will stand in place where drunks can build fires in its hollows and perhaps share some schnapps on their drinking binges.  Hopefully, there will be a needle exchange nearby as well to complete the sense of urban decline and hopelessness.

Italy. The artist Oliviero Rainaldi, who designed the hollow statue of John Paul II outside the Roman Terminal, is ready to make small alterations. This was reported earlier by Roman news agency, 'Ansa". Rainaldi is a member of the Papal Cultural Council. He wants to execute "minimal" improvements to the neck and head.

Link to source,

Remember, one of the corrosive aims of Frankfurt School is to display ugly and demoralizing art in public spaces.

Elderly Vienna Radicals' Call to Disobedience Met With Indifference in Cyberpace

Editor: Despite what the constant media barrage in favor of the Church hostile formulations of a decrepit band of spiritual non-entities, internet traffic reveals a different story. Hardly anyone goes to their official website, while the conservative counterparts receive much more attention from "the people".

Austria. The website of the 'Pastors' Initiative' of the Viennese priest Helmut Schüller gets hardly any traffic. That was noticed by the "Little Private Blog" ''. Since 8 December 2006, the site of the liberal and disobedient '' -- despite unreserved support of the media bosses -- has only received something short of 75,000 visitors. On the other hand the 'Predigtgarten' has received five hundred thousand hits in a much shorter time. The Preaching Gardener continues: "Are so many for, without really knowing the content of the Schüllerian demands?"

Link to original,

Micheal Voris: Setting the Record Straight

Edit: the attack on Pius XII is just an attack on moral objectivity.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Murder or Dogma, Lord Archbishop Woelki?

Edit: Berlin's new Bishop has some difficulties with Humanae Vitae.

Whoever is unclear about the effect of the anti-baby-pill, can be informed by 'Bayer Leverkusen'. by Markus Miller

( The birth control and abortion industry have succeeded in their work.

Their ideology is hammered so deeply into the heads of people, that even its babblings can be heard from people who should know better.

At the request of the propaganda sheets of the abortion lobby, the Berlin news 'taz', Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki said briefly:

"The prohibition against the pill is not a Dogma."

The False Prophet Father Karl Rahner

Msgr. Woelki has already publicly cited the left-Liberal Theologian, Karl Rahner († 1984).

This one was interviewed on September 1968 by the politically left, kiosk magazine 'Der Spiegel".

At that point Father Rahner also said that the prohibition against the pill through the encyclical 'Humanae Vitae' of Paul VI. († 1978) was only provisional and reformable.

With his dampening formulation allows Msgr Woelki to give the impression, as if the subject of the pill is still awaiting the last word to be spoken, and that the prohibition need not be taken seriously.

What must the youth make of this right now?

Implantation Will be Prevented

Let's turn from theological classifications and go to the website of the firm "Bayer" from its HQ in Rhenish Leverkusen.

This company is one of the largest participants in the money grubbing contraception and abortion industry worldwide.

It boasts the slam dunk effectiveness of its contraceptive pills:

"They generate alterations in the endometrial hyperplasia. So even in the unlikely event that an egg is fertilized and released, its implantation is prevented."

From Ten to Twenty Percent

As Archbishop Woelki knows, life begins at conception.

Children aren't just killed by the "morning after" and abortion pill.

Even the well-known anti-baby-pill kills a defenseless child if the contraceptive effect of the pill fails.

In the "improbable event" that the pill fails in preventing the release of the egg, but whose implantation is not subsequently prevented, occurs according to the estimates of experts in ten to twenty percent of the monthly cycles.

Taking a contraceptive pill over a time period of a year can result then in an average of about one to two abortions in the early stages of pregnancy.

Link to kreuz,net...

PHILADELPHIA, PA: Judge Tosses out Anglo-Catholic Priest and Two Vestry in Parish Shake-Up

Edit: you may control the real-estate, but will you have very many people in the pews with all the abortion, birth-control and homosexuality going on in the ECUSA?

[Virtue Online] After more than a decade of ecclesiastical infighting and lawsuits, a Montgomery County Court Judge delivered the final blow to the Anglo-Catholic rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd in Rosemont, on Monday by saying Fr. David L. Moyer must leave the parish. He also ordered two men to step down from the Vestry.

It is the end of a long and bitter battle waged between the Diocese of Pennsylvania, its Bishop Charles E. Bennison, the Standing Committee and Fr. David L. Moyer (AKA Bishop Moyer of the Traditional Anglican Communion). The latter fought the bishop charging him with heresy and his failure to uphold a flying bishop arrangement for Anglo-Catholics made under his predecessor Bishop Alan Bartlett.

Moyer has instigated and been dogged by multiple lawsuits for nearly a decade.

Link to Virtue Online...

New Chinese Official Promises Increased Persecutions of Catholics in Hebei

Edit: Did someone say that Communism is dead?

(The portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong hangs behind red flags, raised during the sitting of parliament, and the Chinese national flag (R) in Beijing's Tiananmen Square March 3, 2008/David Gray)

The hardline Chinese official removed last week as Communist Party chief of restive Tibet has been made head of the province in the centre of contention over China’s Catholics, giving him an influential role in another sensitive religious issue. Zhang Qingli, who gained a reputation as an unyielding Communist Party secretary of heavily Buddhist Tibet, has been appointed party secretary of Hebei, the province surrounding Beijing, the Xinhua news agency reported late on Sunday.

Hebei, with a population of 70 million, is home to roughly a quarter of China’s 8-12 million Roman Catholics.

Zhang, 60, was known for his tough stance against Tibet’s exiled Buddhist leader the Dalai Lama, a man reviled by China as a separatist. The Nobel Peace Prize-winning monk denies advocating either violence or Tibetan independence. Zhang was in charge of Tibet in 2008 when protests in the regional capital Lhasa gave way to deadly riots that rippled across other ethnic Tibetan areas. After the protests, he rained insults on the Dalai Lama, calling him a “jackal in Buddhist monk’s robes.”

Read further...

Jesuit Paper Supports the Church's Teaching on the Indissolubility of Marriage

Edit: The sad thing is that when the Jesuits actually defend the Church's teaching rather than undermine it, it is news. Not sure why these theologians complaining about credibility even have a job. Who are these alleged theologians who are undermining the credibility of the Church and the Jesuit Order?

In a move some theologians say undermines the credibility of the leading English-language Catholic theological journal, the Vatican has pressured it to publish a scholarly essay on marriage, unedited and without undergoing normal peer review.

The essay, which appeared in the June 2011 issue of the quarterly Theological Studies, published in Milwaukee under the auspices of the Jesuits, upholds the indissolubility of marriage. It was a reply to a September 2004 article in which two theologians argued for a change in church teachings on divorce and remarriage.

The Vatican has been pressuring the editors at Theological Studies since not long after the publication of the 2004 essay, according to theologians not connected to the journal or to the Jesuit order. The Vatican aim is to weed out dissenting voices and force the journal to stick more closely to official church teachings.

Austrians support priests' call for reform: Survey

Editor: Actually, the poll is almost directly contradicted by this poll. Most Austrians think this effort, being promoted in the Press almost daily, is a sham.

The following article paints a wistful picture of Austrian Catholics fed up with the Roman Hierarchy and ready to rebel alongside the consensus inspired two hundred or so enemies of the Church.

VIENNA - A drive for reform by Austrian priests, urging the ordination of women and an end to celibacy, is meeting with widespread support, according to a new survey published Monday.

A total 71.7 per cent of Austrians found the initiative "fair and adequate," with 64.7 per cent saying they would even sign a "call for insurbodination" launched in June, according to the Oekonsult polling institute.

The so-called "Priests' Initiative," signed by at least 200 clergymen, wants women and married individuals to be allowed to be ordained as priests, an end to the celibacy rule and the right for laymen to preach.

Austrians support priests' call for reform: Survey

Saturday, August 27, 2011

More Episcopal Help in Germany With the Immemorial Mass

The 14th Cologne Liturgical Event was a giant success. Today the Abbot of Mariawald celebrated a High Mass.

( Thursday Bishop Czeslaw Kozon (59) of Coppenhagan celebrated a Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite at the Parish of St. Gertrud in Herzogenrath.

This was picked up by the 'Aachener Zeitung'.

The occasion for the Pontifical Mass was the 'Cologne Liturgical Event' running since last Thursday till today.

The population 50.000 city of Herzogenrath is located in the vicinity of Aachen.

The pastor of St. Gertrud is Fr. Guido Rodheudt.

He is a speaker for the German 'Priesternetzwerks' and coordinator for the event.

The second highpoint is again another Traditional High Mass.

Present at the Congress were about a hundred priests, deacons and laity from Germany as well as the Netherlands, France and other countries.

The theme of the event read: "Reality -- Really -- Essential. The presence of Christ in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar and its entitlement in liturgical forms."

The Congress was organized by various Catholic organizations.

-the 'Initiative Circle of Catholic Laity and Priests in the Archdiocese of Hamburg -- Cardinal Newman Circle'

- the "intitiative Circle of Catholic laity and Priests from the Archdiocese of Cologne and in the Diocese of Aachen'

-the "Network of Catholic Priests'

- "Una Voce Germany"

As the second high point of the event the 'Aachener Zeitung' described a High Mass in the Old Rite, that will be celebrated by Abbot Josef Vollberg of the Trappist Cloister of Mariawald.

After the Mass there was a matinee with the theme "the Cathedral in the in the nutshell: the Missal of Trent" in the parish center.

The German writer, Martin Mosebach was there.

Link to original...

Bishop Allows SSPX Mass in France

Edit: sounds like Rome is taking this ongoing reconciliation seriously and the local Bishops are letting up on the SSPX because of it.

Alsace, For 24 years the Priestly Society of St. Pius X has organized a pilgrimage to the Odilienberg in Alsace. At this years Pilgrimage the Archbishop Jean-Pierre Grallet (70) of Straßburg, allowed the celebration of the Old Mass at the Site for the first time this year on the beginning of July. The Celebrant was Fr. John Brucciani, the prior in the city of Nanzig in Lothringen.

Link to here...

The Bishop of Chur Has Capitulated Utterly

Edit: this Swiss Bishop has been struggling with the Modernists who dominate the administrative and financial structures of his Diocese. They haven't managed to run him out like they've done before, but they have managed to render him and his office almost ineffective in the opinion of the following article.

That is the reality: Catholic Bishops sit on their thrones and can't do anything. The Church is under the knout of the secularized Old Liberals, who have have the media bosses to thank for their power.
Bishop Vitus Hounder

( Bishop Vitus Huonder of Church has beaten a pitiful retreat.
Against an earlier statement, he now says he will not ordain or educate Seminarians in the Old Rite.

The press speaker, Giusseppe Gracia, said this yesterday in a press release.

Msgr Huonder will send Traditional Seminarians on to Traditional Institutes.

The decision has its advantages.

Because then only modern Seminarians will be poisoned in the 'Theologische Hochschule' [An Advanced Theological Program] , which is infested by the Church's enemies, at the behest of the Bishop.

Two Personal Parishes

Msgr Huonder is promising the Traditionalists a consolation prize.

He wants that two Traditional Communities in the Cantons of Schwyz and Zurich -- which have lasted for more than two decades already -- will be made into Personal Parishes.

The press release has to point out, though, that these exist as "de facto" parishes as such.

The Bishop promises to send personnel, "as the demand requires". That will be simple for him to accomplish as well. For in the Old Rite there is no priest shortage.

Msgr Huonder explains that the Traditionalists in the Diocese of Church will have plenty of opportunities in the future, to celebrate the "celebration of the Divine Service" in the Old Rite.

That is admittedly a formulation which hails from the Old Liberal self-promotions Liturgy.

In the Christian Divine Service the Priest is the celebrant of the Divine Service. The faithful take part at it.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

SSPX Superior Warns Against Speculation About Meeting in Vatican

Edit: More news from Not the most friendly to the Society of St. Pius X, but they have reported this from the French District

Previously circulating rumors about the possibility of the formal recognition of the Society of St. Pius X

Paris ( General Superior of the Society of St. Pius X, [Bishop] Bernard Fellay, is warning against speculation about the meeting in Rome in the middle of September. He knows only that it is only to discuss the doctrinal talks, which the Society had held with the Holy See, says French District Superior of the Society, [Father] Regis de Cacqueray, on the internet from a speech of +Fellay. The General Superior continued on this with the following: "Everything else is only speculation." +Fellay also pled on this, "not to run after rumors".

+Fellay and his assistants, Niklaus Pfluger and Alain-Marc Nely are going to meet with the Prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal William Joseph Levada. This was previously released by the German District Superior, Father Franz Schmidberger. Father Schmidberger explained that "it is generally assumed that this meeting will turn to the Society's position with respect to canon law."

According to reports given by Vatican observers and their speculation, that the Holy See plans on offering the Society its own canonical status. Informed circles also think it possible that it will be similar structure to the arrangement which united incoming the Anglicans to the Catholic Church.

The previous doctrinal discussions between the Vatican and the Society of Pius X [they say Lefebvrists] to various contested contents of the Catholic Magisterium [sic]. This will revolve, above all, on the central questions of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). At first, when this problem is clarified, the Vatican will hold a briefing about the theme of the canonical regularization of the Society.
Observers agree that it will be the next step to a formal recognition of the agreement on the side of the Society.

The Society of Saint Pius X was founded in 1969 by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, refused the central Church reforms of the 20th Century. It is not recognized by the Vatican. Pope Benedict XVI. lifted the excommunications in January of 2009 in order to begin a dialog with the group.

Copyright 2011 Katholische Presseagentur, Wien, Österreich

Carmel Zweifall: The Old Liberal Church Strikes Mercilessly

Edit: It bears a faint resemblance to the film The Conflict.

The Diocese of Aachen seems resolved to put the Carmelites in their place.

Pre-Conciliar Carmelite in Her Cell

( "This lightning has struck from the sunny sky" -- 'Aachen Zeitung' cited Sister Maria Regina (60) yesterday.

The nun was the Sub Prioress in the previous report on the Carmel in Zweifal.

Zweifall is the most southerly part of the north Westphalian city of Stolberg in the vicinity of Aachen.

Two Zweifall sisters have been opposing the decision by the Diocese of Aachen to close the Cloister.

The Long Arm of the Old Liberal Bishops

According to reports from the 'Aachener Zeitung' the official court of Aachen has put into immediate effect an Emergency Board Meeting for the incorporated society 'Carmelites of Stolberg'.

The Society is the occupant of the Carmel.

If the new board decides the Society's dissolution, then the ownership of the entire property will go to the Carmel at the Diocese of Aachen.

The court is basing its steps for the reason that the Society has been without a board sine the death of its Prioress Sister Maria Helene on 27. Juli 2006, and also without a legitimate representative.

The named emergency board are two Carmelites from Auderath and Düren.

Both Zweifall Sisters view them only as the "emissaries" of the Bishop.

They fear that they will have to leave the Cloister and that the property will be sold.

The Battle Lies Ahead

The Conflict surrounding the Carmel has been going since 2004.

On the one side are the Sisters and the circle of friends of the Carmel and on the other is the Old Liberal Diocese of Aachen.

In the past even the Police have sided with the Sisters after an emergency call from them.

The nuns felt threatened by the then Cathedral Rector, Herbert Hammans.

Johann Ehlen -- the speaker for the Circle of Friends -- feels pessimistic: "I fear this is the end of the Cloister."

The struggle is at least legally lost because all legal recourse has been exhausted.

Hhlen had hard words for the decadent Diocese: "Our ecclesiastical life will be destroyed. One pastor we haven't had since four years ago. Now they want to take our Cloister."

Still, the Sub Prioress still won't give up the struggle: "I will leave this Cloister in a Coffin."

Link to original...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Byzantine, Texas: A procession of nuns in Jerusalem

Byzantine, Texas: A procession of nuns in Jerusalem: ( MSNBC ) - Orthodox nuns hold candles and flowers as they take part in a procession to bring the icon of the Virgin Mary to the tomb wher...

A Royal Feast For a Great King

Edit: he ended his life on campaign in Tunisia while on Crusade against the Arabs in Tunisia. His life was one of tremendous consideration for the spiritual good of others, and it was with this aim that he undertook the Crusades to win glory for God and protect the weak.

Everything is a Question of "Tradition"

Tagespiegel: "At your departure Mass in the Cathedral of Cologne there were more than thirty servers employed, but not a single girl."

Archbishop Woelki: "In the Cathedral there are no female altar servers. That is a tradition there."

Tagespiegel: "Will there also be no more altar girls at St. Hedwig's in Berlin?

Archbishop Woelki: "No worry.  They will stay.  There is another tradition here."

From an interview of the new Archbishop Rainer Maria Woelki of Berlin with the Berlin paper "Tagesspiegel'.

Link to

Poll: Majority of Austrians View Heretical "Pastors' Initiative" as Publicity Stunt

Surprise:  The majority of Austrians view the anti-Roman "Pastor's Initiative" of Helmut Schüller as a "publicity stunt"  -- ORF and Standard promote the Pastors' Initiative.

Vienna ( The Austrian population views the anti-Roman "Pastors Initiative" mostly (52 %) as a "publicity stunt" of a few priests. This is from a present poll by the Human Institute. The Initiative, which some Austrian media outlets like "Standard" or "ORF" are promoting it almost daily, is not "understood" by 18 percent, and only for 30 percent is it a legitimate "Attempt at Reform". For the majority of those questioned (56 %) the reform of religion is "difficult" to reconcile, for 22 percent it is "mostly" not. Over 850 Austrians were polled, 73 percent of those polled described themselves as "religious and believing".

Link to original..

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Young Diocesan Seminarians in Holland Are Learning the Immemorial Mass

Holland: Is the End of the Old Liberal Winter in Sight?

The great model of the Old Liberal Conciliar Languor of yesteryear is pulling itself up from the horrors of the Second Vatican Council. [He's referring to Holland, which used to be called the "Showcase of the Church"]

First Mass in St. Agnes in Amsterdam

( In the Netherlands only about seven percent of Catholics practice their Faith.

This was according to French website 'paixliturgique' in a post.

The website also insists that abuses and scandals[scroll down and watch the Football Mass video] have not abated even in the Netherlands.

Actually the website holds the view that there is little hope for a renewal.

And yet those directing the New Eucharistic Celebration hold the Liturgical norm for the most part.

There is even a substantial current to have the Mass said in Latin.

Deadlock for the Old Mass

As far as the Old mass, '' sees little movement.

In the wake of 'Summorum Pontificum' there was only one regular Sunday Mass in the Old Rite established.

In the entire country there are only two regular Sunday Masses that are the responsibility of the Diocesan structures.

One has been celebrated since  2006 in Amsterdam at the Parish of St. Agnes by the Society of St. Peter.

Father Martin Knudsen  (36) and Pater Andrzej Komorowski (36) have been active there.

On Sunday there are about 120 Faithful and on workdays about 20 highly motivated Faithful.

The other Mass happens in Utrecht in the Church of St. Willibord -- in any case only at 17:30.

The Old Liberals -- the seed bed for the Sedevacantists 

Of the nineteen Old Masses -- which are more or less regularly celebrated -- there are only ten in full communion with Rome.

Of those which are the responsibility of the Diocesan structure, there are, besides the two regular Sunday Masses, only four monthly Sunday Masses and four regular weekday Masses.

In some Mass locations outside of the Diocese the Mass is only celebrated occasionally.

Two Mass locations are maintained by the Society of St. Pius X.

The remaining six belong to Sedevacantist groups, which are there owing to the presence of the Old Liberal Conciliar Confusion in the Netherlands.

Old Mass in the Seminary

One little glimmer of hope shines in the Seminaries.

In the Seminary of the Diocese of Haarlem-Amsterdam and the Diocese of s'Hertogenbosch the students will be introduced to the celebration of the Old Mass.

In the Seminary of s'Hertogenbosch the Rector appears to have taken to the Motu proprio "Summorum Pontificum' with good will.

There, Father Gero Weishaupt, the canon lawyer who hails from Germany, celebrates the Old mass three times weekly.

The Seminarians are free to participate in these Masses.

The Rector of the Seminary appears, by reason of his open and liberal inclinations in the past, to have been put under some pressure.

Interest of among the youth

Since 2007 oer thirty -- mostly young -- Dutch Diocesan priests have learned the celebration of the Old Mass.

In the Netherlands, there are about 800 active Diocesan priests.

A recently established liturgical seminar demonstrates the interest of the seminarians for the Ancient Rite.

Link to

Relations Between Rome and the SSPX Continue to Thaw

Edit: there are going to be people on the neo-Con side and people on the intransigent side all kinds of upset about this. When it happens in mid-September, it should prove decisively interesting.

Rome isn't batting an eye about letting this Dominican get away from her, most likely, less than conservative House to join one affiliated with the SSPX. Rome knows about

She had special permission from the Congregation for Religious and Secular Institutes in Rome to do this. As far as we know this is a world first, that a Sister would be allowed to transfer from a Novus Ordo congregation to a congregation set up by Bishop Fellay. The whole procedure implies a recognition of our Congregation, and of the religious of Tradition, by Rome.

Link to original...

Chi-coms Continue to Attack the Catholic Church in China

Edit: why not, they're doing it everywhere else. It might have something to do with the Vatican's recent excommunication of those participating in an unauthorized consecration of Bishops chosen by the Communist Government.

This is a very bad case of lay investiture and some things, at least, never change. If Catholic Princes could be hostile to the Church, why should Atheistic governments like China's be any different?

Tianshui: police arrest dozens of underground priests and lay faithful

by Wang Zhicheng

The United Front wants to prevent the election of a bishop who from the underground community. Three underground apostolic administrators are under police control. The Church of Tianshui launches a campaign of prayer for the liberation of their priests and faithful.

Beijing (AsiaNews) - A group of priests and laity from the underground community of Tianshui (Gansu) were arrested by the security forces last weekend. Among them are the administrator of the underground diocese, Fr. John Baptist Wang Ruohan; retired Bishop Casmir Wang Milu; Father John Wang Ruowang; as well as several other priests and dozens of parish lay leaders. Bishop Wang and the two fathers Wang are brothers. They are being held in different places and subjected to political sessions.

So far, the underground diocese of Tianshui had maintained a comfortable relationship with the police and government authorities. The two communities, the official and underground, have a total of 20 thousand faithful and 27 priests, 15 of which belong to the underground community. In 2003, Msgr. Wang Milu retired and the official bishop, Msgr. Jinglong Augustine Zhao died in 2004. The official administrator of the diocese is Fr. Zhao Jianzhang Woods, nephew of Bishop. Zhao. He was also nominated to become bishop.