Thursday, August 18, 2011

Bomb Defused at Traditional Catholic Church in Colombia

Edit: Wow, the Communist FARC's bombing everything else in Colombia and killing innocent civilians, why not bomb people at Holy Mass too? This ongoing conflict has received significant support from Chavez's Venezuela whose imperialist activities are depriving his country's hungry people of bread.

Bomb experts were dispatched to a Catholic Church there where a device weighing slightly less than one kilo was located under the floor and disarmed just before First Saturday Mass on the 6th of August according to unnamed source. It is suspected that the FARC was behind this attack. They were accused of another attack six days later where a car bomb was detonated, wounding at least nine people.

They also blew up a bus on July 9th last month. The FARC has been perpetrating killings on southern Columbia´s religious centers, especially in Nariño and Cauca provinces

Despite the Catholic Church's calls for mediation, it wouldn't be the first time the FARC has targeted Catholic events and individuals.

These Reds certainly have an interest in making people feel unsafe in their homes and even in their churches.

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) — A car bomb exploded outside a major radio station and banks in Colombia’s capital on Thursday, shattering windows and injuring at least nine people, police said. No deaths were reported.

The blast occurred at 5:30 a.m. (6:30 a.m. EDT) outside the building of Caracol Radio in northern Bogota. The national police operations director, Gen. Orlando Paez, said the car was packed with at least 110 pounds of explosives.

Gen. Cesar Pinzon, the city’s police chief, suggested that leftist rebels could have set off the blast, but he said authorities were not sure whether the bomb was aimed at the station or at several nearby bank headquarters.

Link to AP source...

In Orissa, India, Catholics Still Live in Fear

Edit: while small but highly influential groups of decadent, aging dissidents fight to destroy the remnants of the Catholic Patrimony in the West, Catholics in the East are being slaughtered by Hindu Militants.

St. Francis Xavier, pray for us.

Bhubaneshwar (AsiaNews) - Three years ago in the district of Kandhamal, Orissa, Christians were victims of unprecedented violence by Hindu radicals. The situation is far from being normal, as explained by Msgr. Raphael Cheenath, then archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar. And as you can see as much from the episode in a villiage in Betticola, from which Christians were forced to flee. The Betticola parish and the Catholic church were destroyed. The Christians, after being moved to five refugee camps received permission from the radical Hindu Sangh Parivar to return to Betticola, but as Hindus, that is converted. And the state administration, which should have rebuilt the church and parish, claims to have given the refugees everything they asked for.

"Religious freedom is still lacking in Kandhamal, the reign of terror, although limited, continues", says the Archbishop Emeritus of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, Orissa Rapahel Cheenath, three years after the bloody pogroms against Christians unjustly accused of the murder of a radical Hindu leader. On August 23, 2008 about 30 armed men entered the Ashram Jalespta, in Kandhamal, and shot dead swami Laxamanananda Saraswati and four of his followers. The funeral procession of Swami Laksamandanda took place in two days, over 250 miles, stopping at churches and Christian homes. The Hindu violence led to the destruction of 300 churches, the burning of more than 5600 homes and the flight of over 56 thousand Christians. A nun and two other women were raped and many molested. This despite the fact that the perpetrators of the crime were not Christians, but the Maoists. "(11/05/2011 24:51 Orissa pogroms: police clear Christians from the death of Hindu religious leader).

Raphael Cheenath is no longer the archbishop of Cuttack-Bhubaneshwar, but the situation in his eyes is still very serious. "Religious freedom is still lacking in Kandhamal, the reign of terror continues, even if limited, refunds are greatly inadequate, or negligible, and our people do not have justice. There are numerous attempts to criminalize the victims and unfortunately there are fears of a return to violence. Our people have experienced the inability of the Administration to protect those under threat of destruction. Fear and intimidation continue, and justice is still a distant reality. "

Link to Asianews...

Voris on Lies in Formerly Catholic Spain

Edit: The Communists have been accusing WYD of costing Spain too much money. However, Voris says that 140,000,000 Euros are being brought to the Spanish Economy by World Youth Day.

He just trashed same-sex marriage too. It is to be imagined that there will be shrieking and wailing over that.

The Prince of Liechtenstein Will Block Proposed Abortion Law

Prince Alois von Liechstenstein will reject the law for abortion in the first trimester himself, in case it is adopted by popular vote.

Vaduz ( Prince Alois von Liechtenstein will reject the law for abortion in the first trimester himself, in case it is adopted by popular vote. The Prince made this clear as part of his role as Liechtenstein's head of state in a speech at for the national holiday. The present bill under proposal will not come into effect. The proposed law foresees an allowance for early abortion in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy, and abortion may be allowed up to the moment of birth in cases where a fetus is handicapped. At present abortion is illegal in the Principality of Liechtenstein where about fifty female citizens of Liechtenstein have abortions abroad every year illegally.

The Liechtenstein National Assembly had defeated the controversial proposal at the end of June, while the plebiscite will follow in September. One of the grounds for the rejection of the bill is that it must be presented to the Prince first who has reservations which are in his words that "it is problematic that the proposal aims to abort children with disabilities". The Prince said: "Till now we were very proud to support children with disabilities in our country."

Link to original..

Voris is Making the Right Kinds of Enemies

Classic Villains Abound

.- Michael Voris, the founder and host of RealCatholicTV, says he was completely unaware of recently discovered troubles within his organization, involving a staff apologist's sexually explicit writings, and his nonprofit corporation's loss of legal status two years ago.

“I don't know what the issue is on any of this stuff,” said Voris, who is currently in Spain promoting his unofficial “No Bull in Madrid” meetings during World Youth Day.

Voris told CNA on August 16 that he had “no idea” his nonprofit corporation St. Micheal's Media had been automatically dissolved in 2009 after failing to file records with the state for two years. An official at the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs confirmed on August 10 that Voris' nonprofit was “no longer registered and in good standing with the State of Michigan.”

Update: even Deacon's Bench and the Anchoress are defending Voris and noting the timing of the news, coinciding with WYD in Spain.  But will Mark Shea be as sympathetic and understanding? [He's said he's addressing the issue on his blog, today.] There was also an apology posted at Deacon's Bench by Voris' Staff Apologist, Simon Rafe, on his Blog:

I regret writing the things in question and I have sought forgiveness in the sacrament of reconciliation. I humbly ask forgiveness from anyone who might have read the materials and been led to sin and those who are or were scandalized by reading them or hearing that I wrote them.

Although it is clearly the case writing material which is a near occasion of sin is wrong for any person, the matter of scandal is a serious one and I realize this. I apologize for having scandalized the faithful in any regard.

I do not, under any circumstances, seek to justify what I did or avoid responsibility. I did things which were wrong. I have done all in my power to rectify them (seeking forgiveness in confession, removing the material in question so it is not available for people to read and be tempted by). I did something which was wrong, and I am solely responsible for it.

H/t: Tom at AQ

Viennese Dogmatic Theologian: The Pastor's Initiative May Have Schismatic Consequences

Edit: Schism is still brewing in the German speaking countries, like this parish in Freiburg.  Cardinal Schönborn has already asked the participants in the "Pastor's Initiative" to reflect on whether they are Catholic or not and seems determined to carry on without the three hundred signators of the declaration.

Viennese Professor of Dogmatic Theology: This could "have schismatic consequences: in the worst case it could lead to a sectarian counter-church."  A Bishop can't be indifferent to this, "he must intervene immediately."

Vienna ( In some points in the Pastor's Initiative there is "room for discussion", perhaps in the question of those separated and divorced to permit them to receive Communion, or in the assessment of homosexual partnerships, which are of long duration.  This is what Jan-Heiner Tück, Vienna Dogmatic Theology Professor, and author of the "International Catholic Journal Communio",  said in an interview with the "Standard".

The "dissatisfaction with the lack of reforms" is "great in certain parts of the clergy",  explains the pressure, says the professor, which demands priestly ordination for women and lay ministers, he goes on further to explain.  But "a public outcry for disobedience is a provocative act", explained Tück, " which stands in direct contradiction to the promises, that were signed by a priest when he became ordained.  Otherwise the Initiative has a few points against proposals of Church regulations, he named some such as the "Call to Disobedience" demanding the arbitrary allowance of remarried, divorced, non-Catholics and lapsed to receive the Eucharist, according to the "Standard".

A Danger for the Church in reference to the Pastor's Intiative lies in that "which the criticism goes so far, as not merely proposing , rather also at the same time -- without the agreement of the Bishop -- will be applied".  This may "have schismatic consequences: it will lead in the worst case to form a sectarian counter-church."  A Bishop can not be indifferent to this, "he must intervene immediately."  In any case it would be more sensible, says the Professor, from this point forward to "have discussions behind the scenes".

As a solution Tück proposes that both sides come around "and make no denunciations".  What is clear is that: "Should all of the proposals" of the Pastor's Initiative "be adopted with a single blow, then the Church would have a different face than anything that has been seen for centuries."

The so-called "Pastor's Initiative" is an Internet campaign which has about 300 members and in future insists that there is no allowance for a "Roman intervention":  homemade liturgies of the word on Sunday like observing "priestless Eucharistic celebrations" and to rely on "guest lecturers",  "to discuss proposals for Church reform" in every Liturgy while ignoring the rule against lay preachers, and to openly utilize lay preachers and married or female priests at every opportunity and similar such things.

The Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn had already been cited  at in an exhaustive discussion, where he "can not tolerate such a call to disobedience".

Link to

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Vatican releases dossier, rejects accusations in Oregon abuse lawsuit

In a highly unusual move, the Vatican has issued a public response to an Oregon lawsuit that alleges the Holy See bears responsibility for sexual abuse by a Servite priest.

In the case of Doe v. Holy See, the plaintiff's lawyer claims that the Vatican arranged quiet transfers for Andrew Ronan, a Servite priest who had compiled a long history of sexual abuse. "Those would of course be very serious accusations--if true," the Vatican acknowledged. However, the Vatican statement continues, Vatican officials were not aware of Ronan's misbehavior until after the fact.

To support its argument, the Vatican has released its entire dossier of documents on the Ronan case, showing that the Holy See was informed about the priest's abuse only in 1966, when he applied for--and was promptly granted--laicization. The plaintiff in the Oregon case was abused in 1965, before the Vatican was made aware of the Ronan's case.

Link to Catholic Culture...

Link to Vatican website...

Link to pdf file, here...

New Nuns and Priests Seen Opting for Tradition

Edit: who would want to belong to an organization that looks like a storefront for a massive institution which has only the most facile connection to the Catholic Church?  Most ardent young people with a lot of energy and creativity don't want to belong to an institutional dinosaur, they want to belong to a profound mission, an adventure and a vocation.  They want to know that someone has called them to do what they are doing.

You'll never get that working for a massive pile of capital which attempts to benefit a vague abstraction like humanity, progress or some other vague cause.

Anyhow, even the Old Yorke Times and Pinch Sulzberger are picking up on this story, even if they are putting it in the context of the mostly useless Apostolic Visitation.

Published: August 10, 2009
A new study of Roman Catholic nuns and priests in the United States shows that an aging, predominantly white generation is being succeeded by a smaller group of more racially and ethnically diverse recruits who are attracted to the religious orders that practice traditional prayer rituals and wear habits.
The study found that the graying of American nuns and priests was even more pronounced than many Catholics had realized. Ninety-one percent of nuns and 75 percent of priests are 60 or older, and most of the rest are at least 50.

They are the generation defined by the Second Vatican Council, of the 1960s, which modernized the church and many of its religious orders. Many nuns gave up their habits, moved out of convents, earned higher educational degrees and went to work in the professions and in community service. The study confirms what has long been suspected: that these more modern religious orders are attracting the fewest new members.
The study was already well under way when the Vatican announced this year that it was conducting two investigations of American nuns. One, taking up many of the same questions as the new report, is an “apostolic visitation” of all women’s religious orders in the United States. The other is a doctrinal investigation of the umbrella group that represents a majority of American nuns, the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.

Exorcism and Immemorial Mass in Phillipines Against Blasphemous Art

[Catholic Conference of Phillipines Website] MANILA, August 14, 2011— An exorcist has led a ritual outside the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Sunday to ask for God’s forgiveness for those who “dishonored the image of Christ.”
Fr. Michelle Joe Zerrudo of the Diocese of Cubao said the prayer was being offered to compensate for whatever has been done to God by those behind the controversial art exhibit at the CCP.
“This is an act of love for God to make up for the lack of love. This is not a political rally but simply a religions event,” Zerrudo said.

Link to

Italian Liturgist Extols the Immemorial Mass of All Ages: Defends the SSPX

The Old Mass Fills the Youth With Joy

The Old Liberals talk all the day long about ecumenism, dialog and Shangri la.  At the same time they swing a mallet against Catholics.

Msgr Nicola Bux

( The Old Mass is experiencing a crescendo.

This is what the Italian Liturgist, Prelate Nicola Bux, said in an interview on 3. August for the website ''.

The Motu Proprio 'Summorum Pontificum' has opened a breach.

The Celebration Facing the People Stems From the Last Century

Prelate Bux defends the celebration facing liturgical east, ad orientem.

The idea that the Priest faced the people in the first centuries is "completely false".

The Old Mass is visited throughout the world, especially by the young, remarked the Prelate.

The youth have found in the Old Mass the Mystery of Faith.

Prelate Bux says the return to the Old Rite is "in no way second rank" for the faithful.

The Mass of All Ages promotes an encounter with God.

The Society of Pius X has already Experienced it: These Bishops Won't Obey

The Prelate said that the Bishops were encouraged to accomodate the faithful in their requests for the Old Mass with the instruction of 'Universae Ecclesiae'.

It is no secret that "some" -- in reality it is many -- Bishops do not value the Motu Prorio and oppose it "with all means".

These Bishops conduct themselves "like rebels against the Pope".

Top shepherds, who refuse to obey the Pope, should not expect it from their priests and faithful either.

The Ecumenists Cut Catholics Out

The withdrawal of the Excommunications of the four Society of Pius X Bishops in January of 2009 is hailed by Prelate Bux as a "gesture of great love".

The Church promotes dialog even with Jews and Heathens.

All the more must we strive to unite ourselves with those who share the Catholic Faith.

Prelate Bux sees a drama in the Church especially with the intransigence [and lack of nuance, we might suppose] especially as regards the Ecumenists.

Link to

Communion in the Hand Destroys Piety: Bishop Athansius Schneider

Edit: Continued from a previous article that not even Luther would have given Communion in the Hand.
A Calvinist Invention

Every priest can see that parts of the Host will remain on the hands of the faithful, and parts will fall to the ground to be trampled.

( Communion on the tongue is a fruit of piety and grown naturally.

Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider (50) said this for the radio station, 'Radio Maria Südtirol' on the 19th of July.

The current form of Communion in thee hand comes, on the contrary, to a dishonoring of the Sacrament of the Altar.

It was introduced with the sweep of a hand and has damaged piety.

How the Deviltry Began

Auxiliary Bishop Schneider explains how Communion in the Hand was introduced in a spirit of disobedience during the 60s of the last century.

In the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern Germany it was insisted suddenly that hand communion came down from the time of the Church Fathers:

"Unfortunately this is something the Bishops at the time had invented."

After the Second Vatican council Paul VI († 1978) expressly forbid Communion in the Hand.

But the Bishops in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Austria and Germany put pressure on the Pope.

They insisted that it was no longer possible to prescribe the wild practice.

Whereupon in 1968 the Pope addressed all Bishops regarding Communion in the Hand.

Almost two thirds of the world Episcopate opposed the sacrilege.

The majority of the Bishops warned that the particles of the consecrated Hosts would fall on the floor and that sacrality would by destroyed by this practiced.

But the propagandists of Hand Communion were not appeased.

Thereupon Paul VI allowed in May of 1969 in the document 'Memoriale Domini' to allow Hand Communion where it had already been illegally practiced.

The Communion on the Tongue was designated as the "Rule".

The Abuse is the Rule

Msgr Schndeider has noticed that things have been turned upside down.

Communion on the Tongue is the exception and Communion in the Hand is the rule.

The Auxiliary Bishop excoriates that the giving of Communion will always involve particles remaining on the fingers.

Additionally, there is at least the danger that the Host could be stolen.

Hand Communion may only be suppressed from on high

Msgr Schneider encourages Bishops and Priests to promote Communion on the Tongue.

That the Holy Father himself only gives Communion kneeling on the tongue, serves as an example for us.

The Bishops must draw their own conclusions from this:

"If the Pope does it, it is also a sign for me as a Bishop to act in the same way"

Auxiliary Bishop Schneider believes that the faithful, who love the Church and the Mass, would readily embrace Communion on the Tongue.

Communion Rails Must be Present

The Auxiliary Bishop recommends setting up Communion rails again.

That is especially helpful for older persons, who would be supported when they knelt.

They would otherwise be at a disadvantage, when there is a possibility to receive kneeling.

The faithful could --says the Auxiliary Bishop -- even stay at the Communion rail. Then no one can be discriminated against.

The introduction of Communion rails are "logical and just".

The Bishop believes that with time, the majority will sink to their knees for the overpowering moment of Communion.

You take Communion Yourself and Stick it in the Mouth

Finally, he stresses that Communion in the Hand can be worthily received.

But it recalls the daily grind, where "I can take it myself and put it in my own mouth."

That diminishes sacrality.

Link to ...
Photo: © thatliz, Flickr, CC

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Archdiocese of Freiburg Links to Germany's Planned Parenthood

Edit: Cologne's doing it too.

The organization has a Nazi back ground.  It doesn't just abuse children, but kills them as well.  It's not a problem for the spineless church of decadence.

(, Freiburg) The Archbishopric of Freiburg links to the German Child Butcher Company, 'pro familia'.

The scandalous link is located on the website of the alleged 'Marriage, Family and Life Counseling of the Archdiocese of Freiburg'.

They put their perversion under the domain name ''.

The Church Advisory Society is according to its own description, "the psychological and spiritual counseling service of the Archdiocese of Freiburg'.

In the top "links" there it is without any commentary, simple and fatal:

"Pro Familia Counseling Office in Freiburg"

Even the Umbrella Organization Collaborates with the Enemy

The ecclesiastical Marriage Counselor in Freiburg is a member of the Organization 'Catholic National Conference for Marriage, Families and Life Counseling" -- the nationwide umbrella organization of the German Bishops Conference.

This umbrella cooperates in any case with the child murdering 'prof familia' namely though its membership in the organization of "German Work Circle for Marriage, Youth and Family Counseling'.

The general managemnt of the work circle is handled by the National .Association of 'pro familia'

That is the Intimate Enemy of the Church and of Life

The association 'pro familia' is the founding member of the International Abortion Concern 'International Planned Parenthood Federation'.

The first president and founder of 'pro familia' was the former National Socialist Populist and Racist Hans Harmsen († 1989).

'Pro familia' maintains the "fundamental right" of the mother to murder her own child.

The formation is part of a world wide agitating string pulling organization of the international abortion industry.

In Germany 'pro familia' operates countless child slaughter houses among others in Rüsselsheim, Bremen, Saarbrücken, Mainz, Kassel and Berlin.

The society of 'pro familia' is also a leading propagandist for depravity and immorality in Germany.

Link ...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Irish Government Set to Nationalize Irish Church: Money Grab

 The Real Face of Republicanism
 Edit:  Elitism and narcissism, you say?  How about greed, envy and falsehood?  Ignoring its own role in child abuse, the Irish government is making a run for what it was after on its quest to destroy the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland.
If you want to see an analogous movement, you only have to look to similar situations in China, Elizabethan England, Gallican France and the Kingdom of Prussia till it became the Empire of Germany.

[Bloomberg] Ireland is squeezing the Roman Catholic Church to hand over cash and real estate toward a 1.4 billion-euro ($2 billion) child-abuse bill amid the bitterest stand-off yet seen between the Vatican and the government.

In the sharpest language an Irish leader has ever used against the church, Prime Minister Enda Kenny said last month the Vatican’s handling of the scandals has been dominated by “elitism and narcissism.”

“The relationship between the state and the Vatican has never been worse,” David Quinn, a religious commentator who is also director of the Dublin-based Iona Institute, which promotes religion in society, said in an interview. “I struggle to think of a stronger attack by a Western European leader on the church than Enda Kenny’s.”

Further at Bloomberg...

Czech President: Homosexuals Don't Have The Right to be Admired

President Vaclav Klaus
Edit: Now he's done it.  They're going to be so mad.

Instead of being concerned with their own dramatic inner political problems, the EU and the USA are disseminating homosexual propaganda.

( The ambassadors of some EU-STates and the USA are publicly supporting the homosexual horror of "Prague Pride".

According to the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", they have driven President Vaclav Klaus and the Foreign Minister Karl zu Schwarzenberg to irritation.

The homosexual ambassadors are promoting "Solidarity" with the Czech Gomorrhists.

Counterproductive and Unnecessary

Foreign Minister Schwarzenberg cooled the homosexual ambassador's enthusiasm:

"No one is hindering the corresponding groups from seizing upon their rights" -- he said dryly.

It is, however, "counterproductive and unnecessary", to invoke rights which no one denies or has suppressed.

The letter of the homosexual ambassador has "awakened the impression of meddling in internal affairs."

Expression of a Perverted Value System

Schawrzenberg also insists that a statement by Petr Hajek, of a serving Bureau Chief of the Czech President had been allegedly "unfortunate".

Hajek had criticized the homosexual horror show as the political expression of a perverted value system.

Finally Vaclav Klaus explained that the event is not about "homosexuality", rather it's about "Homosexualism".

As a minority, homosexuals have the right to be protected, but they don't have the right to be admired.

Klaus described the homosexual ambassador's brief as being "without precedence".

He could not imagine that a Czech ambassador would mix in the internal affairs of any democratic country in the world like this.

An Eldorado for Homosexual Sex Offenders

Prague has developed into an Eldorado for sex offenders drawn by the homosexual prostitution there -- in part with minors.

This situation is helped along by the lower ages of consent in the Czech Republic.

Countless empirical studies have shown that the border between pedophile and mature homosexually disordered is fluid.

Link to

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Head of Austrian Church Dissidents Doesn't Fear Suspension or Dismissal

Edit: IF he believes God exists, this brings forth the inevitable question as to whether or not he believes in eternal torments for the disobedient?
He is the Cardinal's Creature After All

Cardinal Schönborn has recently made statements, again, asking the dissidents what would happen if the players disobeyed a Soccer Coach. Mundabor says nothing's being done.  He's also defended priestly celibacy.  Apparently he plans on doing something about this in September when he will meet with the head of the opposition. He seems intransigent in his heresy.

When Father Helmut counts off on his "one hand" what can happen to him, did it ever occur to him that there's such a thing as Hell, and temporal punishment for sins? At the very least it should spell the loss of his credibility. Here's below:

Fr. Helmut would have to be mad to withdraw his theses hostile to the Church. Finally he had all of the all powerful media bosses covering for him. They will turn any which way they have to in order to protect their dear protege.

( "I won't take anything back and am see things, as they may come, right in the eye."

So said the head man of the Church hostile, "Pastor's Initiative', Fr. Helmut Schüller, for the anti-Church regional paper 'Oberösterreichische Nachrichten'.

They don't broker any answers critical of the expectations of the Zeitgeist.

Fr.  Schüller was the General Vicar of Christoph Kardinal von Schönborn. from 1995 till February of 1999.

 The Cardinal Will Bow

The former General Vicar is dancing his powerless Cardinal, leading him curiously by the nose.

He joked saying that he could count all the possibilities for sanction "on his finger" --  either suspension or dismissal from his office.

The board of the "Pastor Initiative' has been informed  they have until September and to make their position clear.

At the beginning of September the Cardinal will meet with the enemies of the Church again.

And What's the View of the Church?

The questions put to the "Pastor Initiative" by Cardinal Schönborn regarding obedience to the Church are "severe" as far as Fr. Schüller is concerned.

At the same time, it is for him as a priest who is active in pastoral work, "strange".

From the "perspective of the Cardinal" there are certain views which are not compatible with Church membership.

Conservative Joke Turn

The secular priest maintains that anything that turns away from his desired Church structure as a Zeitgeist defined sect is "clearly backward".

This has to do with a "conservative turn" in the Church.

In the same breath he defends the title -- "Call to Disobedience" -- which is his Church hostile Manifesto.

Because: "If you resign yourself to the pure formulations, then you have to say that it's -- the majority of the pastors and communities -- disobedience."

We're not even still talking about the "conservative turn" are we?

Methodist Minister Under Fire by Denomination for Approving Same-Sex Unions

Edit: This man has plenty of allies in the local Catholic Church. It's surprising that no Catholic priests that are known took part in the planned media event.

Forces within the Methodist Church which are challenging this pastor's right to do this don't have much of a leg to stand on unfortunately since their church was founded on a radical departure from yet another radical departure from moral and hierarchical objectivity.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, dissented from the Anglican Church and the Anglican Church was founded upon the adultery of Henry VIII. Life goes on, you can keep going and keep your Catholic faith whole, but leaving Her and remaining outside in the pursuit of a fleeting and material goal is a substantial part of the tragedy. Henry VIII did not successfully father a healthy male heir, and the Tudor dynasty did not survive his daughter, Elizabeth I.

United Methodist leaders have filed a complaint against a Minneapolis pastor, calling for an investigation into whether he conducted ceremonies to bless same-sex unions during Gay Pride Week last month.

On Monday, Bishop Sally Dyck announced the complaint against the Rev. Greg Renstrom, pastor of New Harmony United Methodist Church. The five-member cabinet of the Minnesota Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church formally lodged the complaint June 29.

Renstrom said he "participated in services of blessings" on June 25, five in Minneapolis' Loring Park and one in Blaine. All the services were held in public parks, and none took place in Methodist churches or properties, he said

Ecumenical Effort Seeks to Undermine Public Order and Violate the Law

Edit:  This particular agenda being pursued "ecumenically" by Catholic and Methodist church leaders has nothing to do with charity itself, and everything to do with "social justice" a codeword for cultural Marxism.
A society has a right to protect itself from the things that threaten it and it's widely demonstrable that illegal immigration is a threat to social order.  Why is it that various church leaders are bent on attacking the social order even against the basic tenets of their respective denominations and the best interests of the co-coreligionists who reside here legally?

Here's what the Catechism of the Catholic Church actually says:

2265 Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.

2266 The efforts of the state to curb the spread of behavior harmful to people's rights and to the basic rules of civil society correspond to the requirement of safeguarding the common good. Legitimate public authority has the right and duty to inflict punishment proportionate to the gravity of the offense. Punishment has the primary aim of redressing the disorder introduced by the offense. When it is willingly accepted by the guilty party, it assumes the value of expiation. Punishment then, in addition to defending public order and protecting people's safety, has a medicinal purpose: as far as possible, it must contribute to the correction of the guilty party.6

Never mind that though, those are just guidelines, after all. These church leaders claim that the law attacks charity, but there's nothing to that theological virtue which allows you to ignore the demonstrably negative impact of illegal immigration to the public good and violate the laws of the land.  To be sure, Catholic Bishops in Russia or Mexico would not likely dare to meddle with the internal security there.  Here is the story:

 CULLMAN, Ala. — On a sofa in the hallway of his office here, Mitchell Williams, the pastor of First United Methodist Church, announced that he was going to break the law. He is not the only church leader making such a declaration these days.

Since June, when Gov. Robert Bentley, a Republican, signed an immigration enforcement law called the toughest in the country by critics and supporters alike, the opposition has been vocal and unceasing, ranging from civil rights groups to the U.S. Justice Department. This month, church groups joined that list.
An Episcopal bishop, a Methodist bishop and a Roman Catholic archbishop, all based in Alabama, sued on the basis that the new statute violated their right to free exercise of religion, arguing that it would “make it a crime to follow God’s command to be Good Samaritans.”

Alabama law criminalizes charity, bishops’ suit says | | The Bulletin

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Another Priest in Albany Diocese Accused

Edit: The Old Liberal Bishop of Albany New York is in the news again.   He's had to suspend a priest based on an accusation of an event said to have taken place 20 years ago. Shouldn't Bishop Hubbard suspend himself?  He's had more than one accusation leveled against him, here. The priest in question, Father Carl Urban, rejects the accusations against himself. If this man is innocent of the charges against him and Bishop Hubbard sticks to his guns, it wouldn't be the first time the Bishop of Albany has ridden someone out on a rail. In any event, this isn't the first time Father Urban has been accused.  The alleged victim has not filed a civil suit.

SCHENECTADY, NY (WTEN) -A retired priest is put on administrative leave as the church investigates an .allegation for sexual abuse.

Bishop Howard J. Hubbard announced on Saturday that Rev. Carl Urban will be suspended from the church until furthur notice.

The allegations, which Father Urban strongly denies, dates back more than 20-years ago.

WTEN site...

Hungary Bans the Anglican Church

Update:  This was an exaggeration, but there is still a strange relationship with the Hungarian State as it tries to cut its funding due to shrinking budgets.

Editor: Who says you can't turn back the clock? It's fairly irrelevant in Hungarian society anyway.  But you recall that Hungary invoked St. Stephen and called for a defense of life in its Constitution.   How much longer before they restore the Monarchy?

Of course, they could skate under the ban by embracing the Anglican Ordinariate.
Church of England Newspaper

Hungary has introduced a new law governing the registration of religious groups that critics charge discriminates against minority faiths, and strips St Margaret's Anglican Church in Budapest of its status as a religious organisation.

On 14 July the Hungarian Parliament adopted "The Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion and on the Status of Churches, Religions and Religious Communities" Law, by a vote of 254 in favour to 43 opposed.

Introduced on 10 June in Parliament, the proposed legislation would have created three tiers of religious groups, with differing authorities to conduct worship and engage in charitable activities under Hungarian law. Human Rights activists, NGOs and a number of religious leaders objected, arguing, in the words of the Washington think-tank, the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, the bill gave Hungary "a tiered system offering an inferior religious status to minority faiths that violates the right to religious freedom and the right to be free from religious discrimination."

H/t: Virtue On Line

Child Actor Says Pedophiles Are Holywood's Biggest Problem

Editor:  There really needs to be a government program and serious regulation of the Entertainment Industry to protect children from being molested by unscrupulous producers and other morlocks who think they're above the law.  Of course, the demoralizing filth they routinely inflict on a population craving new spectacles carries large cash incentives, so these types can do what they like as long as they maintain a politically correct message approved by our masters, and if public tensions are too high, a cinematic genius can always produce films in Europe and evade American justice that way.  Europe's just so much more enlightened.

The United States should invade France to apprehend Roman Polanski and bring him to justice and Woody Allen should be afraid to show his face at Elaine's without being pursued like a Vampire through the streets of the East Village in a parody of his own cinematic oeuvre, but enough of these modest propositions.

We've been pointing it out for a while this thing with Hollywood predation, but the beauty isn't only skin deep, there's a corrupting level of mendacity to the industry that is rarely discussed.  It's an enormous problem in the entertainment industry, and there's a big coverup, a "big secret", a culture of secrecy.  Feldman, famous for his precocious starring role in his Goonies debut says, "they were like vultures, they were everywhere".   If more people were truly serious about dealing with homosexual pederasts in the Catholic Church, which is relatively rare, they would stop going to see films produced by these reprobates and start reading books, learning to play musical instruments or do some home improvement instead.

And Roman Polanski could be dragged in chains behind a Obama's chariot being pulled by cheetahs and jaguars on a Macy's Day Parade after a brief conquest of France lasting a week.

Hollywood Bigwigs Feasting on Carrion

[Mail Online]Actor Corey Feldman has sensationally claimed that his Lost Boys co-star Corey Haim was the victim of a paedophile who was also a Hollywood mogul.

The Lost Boys actor said he was 'literally surrounded' by paedophiles at the age of 14, but didn't realise 'until I was much older what they were and what they wanted.'

In a special report, 'Underage And Famous' for ABC's Nightline show, Feldman blamed former co-star Corey Haim's death at the age 38 on the abuse he suffered at the hands of a 'Hollywood mogul' he refused to name.

Read more, here...