Friday, July 15, 2011

Archbishop Nichol's Private War on Catholic Truth

Archbishop Nichols' pastoral centre to host conference for dissenting Catholic gays

[SPUC]Next week Quest, "a group of lesbian and gay Catholics", will be holding its annual conference. The conference venue is the All Saints' Pastoral Centre at London Colney. The centre is both owned by, and part of, the Catholic Archdiocese of Westminster, headed currently by Archbishop Vincent Nichols. Quest's website gives a clear indication of how Quest and those commentators who support it dissent defiantly from Catholic teaching on sexual ethics*:
  • "[H]omosexual sex is not an incomplete or less perfect expression of human sexuality ... I also want to affirm that I regard heterosexual and homosexual sex as having the same potential and value ... I disagree fundamentally with Church teaching on this issue." [link]
  • "[T]he teaching of the Vatican incompatible with the Gospel" [link]
  • "Quest, an association for lesbian and gay Catholics, welcomes in general the government's proposals to provide for legal recognition of same-sex partnerships." [link]

German Bishops Denounce Unnatural Selection in Germany

Bishops Denounce Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
Edit: Yet another avenue of attack against the Church and Her teachings which we'll later come to discover were right all along, after the unintended consequences involved with these things have had their tragic consequences.

It falls into a similar category with condom use. Incidentally, AIDS is down in Rhodesia. Do you know why?

ROME, JULY 14, 2011 ( Germany's bishops responded to the July 7 government go-ahead for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis with a reminder that the selection of a "healthy" embryo always entails the rejection of "unhealthy" human embryos -- and thus a violation of human dignity.

This was part of their response to the intense Lower Chamber debate that resulted in a 326-260 vote to allow PGD.

Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg im Breisgauand, president of the German Bishops' Conference, reminded in a statement that the "selection of human embryos violates the precept of human dignity, which respects all human beings from the beginning."

"Every human being is unique as a person and the bearer of a dignity that is not disposable, notwithstanding his level of development, his actual capacities, his talents, his strong and weak points or his social position, and this in all the phases of his existence," the bishops affirmed.

Link to Zenit...

Venezuela's Chávez Given Anointing of the Sick

Editor: We'd heard earlier that he was deathly ill. Despite propaganda footage of himself and Castro hanging out in sports attire, it seems those initial reports were true. Perhaps now the Venezuelan government will stop persecuting the Church?

Bishop Highlights Spiritual Strength That Comes From Sacrament

CARACAS, Venezuela, JULY 14, 2011 ( The bishop of San Cristobal de Venezuela administered the sacrament of anointing of the sick to the nation's president, who is recovering from cancer.

Bishop Mario del Valle Moronta Rodríguez gave Hugo Chávez the sacrament at a Mass to mark the nation's bicentennial, July 5.

The bishop said that the anointing should not cause alarm.

Link to Zzzzenit...

Cardinal Schönborn Compares Dissident Priests to Poor Employees

Editor: Interesting, someone else has pointed out that these priests who disobey their superiors would be immediately fired.  Good job Mirus, you finally located this story.   Archbishop Nienstedt who heads the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and St. Paul made a similar analogy between business, but he refuted it saying that he doesn't have that kind of relationship with his priests.  We think the kind of relationship either prelate has with his priests is largely contingent on the level of orthodoxy.  If you're heterodox, but not very noisy or outspoken, you are awarded the appearances of Catholic orthodoxy, and then can continue spreading your errors and Sunday morning Catholicism from the pulpit, but if you're orthodox and outspoken, look out.  All of a sudden the Mitre comes out and the prelate becomes the very soul of authority and weighs down on the poor offending priest with whatever he has in his administrative tool kit to send the offender packing.

Of course, some people too are allowed to return home after a period of time and things have cooled off.

[Catholic Culture] Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna plans to meet with a group of dissident priests , sometime in late August or September. Why is he waiting so long?

When the Initiative of Parish Priests was launched in Austria in June, Cardinal Schönborn waited a few days before issuing a public statement. He explained that he was shocked by the group’s bold statement, which called for open defiance of Church teaching and discipline. The cardinal said that he took a few days to get over his initial shock and anger before responding. Then he spoke in carefully measured tones:
“The open call to disobedience shocked me,” Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna said in a July 7 letter, noting that many professionals would have “long since lost their jobs” if they had called for disobedience. Reminding priests that they had freely promised obedience to their bishop at ordination, he asked, “Can I rely on you?”

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Bastille Day celebrates murderous origins of French Republic

Edit: here are Gerald Warner's incredible observations on one of the most tragic events of history.

Bastille Day or, as the comic singers who take it seriously prefer to call it, the Fete de la Federation, is the embarrassing event that exposes the cultural, moral and constitutional bankruptcy of what was once the greatest civilisation in Europe.

When you are reduced to celebrating the murder by the canaille of Paris in 1789 of the French equivalent of the Chelsea Pensioners, you are inadvertently advertising the sinister origins of the dysfunctional state you are trying to prop up with a mythology as grotesque as it is pathetic. The Umpteenth French Republic is the one entity whose absorption by the European Union is not to be regretted.

Pompous parades will today celebrate the event that triggered the French Revolution, that is to say, the most appalling bloodbath anterior to the Russian Revolution. Seven prisoners were released from the Bastille – four counterfeiters, an accomplice to murder and two lunatics - whose return to the community was hardly beneficial. The attack on the prison, reserved for the well-off, was orchestrated by the Marquis de Sade and Camille Desmoulins on behalf of the Nine Sisters masonic lodge.

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H/t: Louis Welcomme

Irish Republic Attacks the Church

Editor: in those Leonine Prayers we say after the Immemorial Low Mass, we pray for the "liberty and exultation of Holy Mother the Church". We should be praying extra hard for that as the Irish Republic continues to attack those rights.

Ireland attacks confessional secrecy after Catholic sex abuse scandal

Ireland’s prime minister has said Catholic clerics would be prosecuted if they failed to tell the authorities about crimes disclosed during confession, the latest blow to the prestige of the once-dominant Church. A report this week found that the Church concealed from the authorities the sexual abuse of children by priests as recently as 2009, and that clerics appeared to follow Church law rather than Irish guidelines to protect minors.

“The law of the land should not be stopped by a crozier or a collar,” Prime Minister Enda Kenny told journalists on Thursday, referring to the hooked staff held by Catholic bishops during religious services. Kenny said his government would submit legislation to parliament that could jail clerics for up to five years if they failed to report to authorities information about the abuse of children.

The law will override the confessional privilege in Church law that prevents clerics from sharing information, he said. A series of revelations of rape and beatings by members of religious orders and the priesthood in the past have shattered the dominant role of the Catholic Church in Ireland.

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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Makes Heavy Statements -- Abortion is Murder -- There is no Homosexual Marriage

The Viennese Cardinal has served his neo-Conservative public yet again. His words will be taken so seriously, that none of the media bosses will report them.

(, Pöllau) Child slaughter "is murder".

This is what the Viennese Cardinal Christoph Count Schönborn said for a neo-Conservative youth gathering at the village of Pollau with a population of 2000 about 150 km south of Vienna -- according to reports from the neo-Conservative site, ''

The sensational comments of the Cardinal have brought forth no media echo.

An Innocent is Killed

During a child murder "an innocent living being, a guilty person in the womb of its own mother is killed" -- said Cardinal von Schönborn.

In the past the same Cardinal had frequently explained that he doesn't desire any change in the murderous abortion laws in Austria.

In June 2008 he hung the Papal Gregorian Order around the neck of the Viennese Abortion politician, Comrade Renate Brauner.

In Sept 2009 he forbid the Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun from participating in a pro-Life demonstration in Vienna

There is no such thing as Homosexual Marriage

The Cardinal expressed himself about homosexual depravity.

He insists that "there is no homosexual marriage".

Marriage is between man an woman who are open to children: "everything else is a false advertising".

The Church isn't going to address itself "against homosexual marriage, because it doesn't exist".

He is a son of divorced parents.

In regards to divorce the Cardinal said that he was "truly angry" about the reproaches against the Church.

The Church is the only institution, which defends marriage:

"Is it merciful to separate children between mother and father and make them into a play ball for the parents?"

The Cardinal, who comes from a divorced family, recalled the pain of many women after divorce.

In conclusion the Cardinal wished the youth and "also the Bishop the courage to speak out on such things."

Because only the truth will make you free.

Link to the Original, kreuz...

Malta's Jacobins Continue to Chisel Away at the Church's Influence

Editor: a brief look at Dr. Orlando's CV should reveal some unsavory anti-Church associations. Now they want to reduce the influence of Church tribunals.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, the co-presenter of the divorce Bill, raised an issue that has been mentioned quite a lot in the last few months – the 1995 concordat between the Vatican and Malta – saying it should be revised.

The concordat states: “The Republic of Malta recognises for all civil effects… the judgements of nullity and the decrees of ratification of nullity of marriage given by the ecclesiastical tribunals and which have become executive.”

This means that the ecclesiastical tribunal has supremacy over the civil courts since civil annulment proceedings have to be suspended if Church annulment proceedings are under way.

Link to Independent...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Great Man Laid to Rest in Vienna: Revisions to the Ceremony

Editor: The Emperor has made a stately and sad journey through the old Lands of Central Europe, recalling our past and Christendom. He will end his final journey at the Capuchin Crypt in the center of old Vienna, the heart of Europe and the seat of beauty and majesty. There will be changes to the ceremony to befit the Emperor's activities as a European citizen.

"Otto - A Mortal, sinnful Man"

The stricken Austrian Emperor will have his worldly accomplishments announced at the knocking ritual at the Crypt of the Habsburgs.

(, Wien) Next Saturday his Imperial and Royal Highness, Archduke Otto von Habsburg, will be laid to rest in Vienna's Imperial Crypt, the Kaisergruft.

The funeral procession will arrive from the Stepensdom to the Capuchin Church where the Kaisergruft is near.

The Last Time in 1989

The last time the knocking ritual took place was for the burial of the last Austrian Empress, Zita († 1989, the Mother of Otto von Habsburg.

Actually, this time the ceremony will be significantly altered.

In the first part, the Master of Ceremonies will refer, as is usual, the heritage and titles of the deceased.

Then in the second part, on the contrary, will be the wordly achievements and honors that were bestowed on Otto Habsburg.

Upon each of these addresses the Capuchin Priest within the Church will respond:

"We don't know him"

The deceased son of an Emperor will then be allowed entrance into the Church when he is described as "a mortal, sinful man".

The MC knocks three times

Capuchin: "Who desires entrance?"

Master of Ceremonies: "Otto of Austria,
First Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary,
Imperial Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia,
Londomeria and Illyria,
Grand Duke of Toskana and Krakow,
Duke of Lothringia, of Salzburg, Steria, Carinthia, Craina and the Bokowina,
Grand Prince of Siebenburgen,
Count of Mähren,
Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza and
Guastalla, of
Auschwitz and Zator, of Teschen, Friali, Ragusa, Zara,
princely Count von Habsurg of Tirol, of Kyburg, Gorz and Gradisca,
Prince of Trent and Brixen,
Count of Upper and Lower Lausitz and Istria,
Count of Hoehenms, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg etc.,
Lord of Triest, of Cattaro and of the Windischen Mark,
Grand Voyod of the Voyodship of Serbia, etc., etc."

Capuchin: "We do not know him!"

MC knocks three times

Capuchin: "Who desires entrance?"

Master of Ceremonies: "Dr. Otto von Habsburg,
President an Honorary President of the Pan European Union,
Member and Late President of the European Parliament,
Honorary Doctor of numerous Universities and Honorary Citizen of many Societies in
Central Europe,
Member of honorable Academies and Institutes,
Bearer of high and highest State and Church awards, orders and honors,
which were bestowed upon him in recognition of his decades long
fight for
the freedom of peoples, for law and justice."

Capuchin: "We do not know him!“

MC knocks three times

Capuchin: "Who desires entrance?"

Master of Ceremonies: "Otto -- a mortal and sinful man!"

Capuchin: "So, come in!"

Link to article...

© Pressefoto,

Emperor Otto Habsburg's Departure From Munich at the Odeonplatz

Editor: Cardinal Marx is reading the blessing as the Bavaria bids a tearful goodbye to its Emperor.

Boston's Happy Mass

Editor: Will the increasingly left-leaning catholosphere take a break out from slandering Father Corapi to hold Cardinal Sheen accountable for his advocacy of the homosexual lifestyle?

H/t: LOocculta

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kneeling Catholic: Focolare chief priest, Fr. Silvano Cola, says humanity's 'collective consciouness

Editor: Kneeling Catholic's got the goods on the Corpus Christi Bishop Mulvey's Focolare association. He doesn't mention his bishop by name, but sometimes the company you keep doesn't reflect well on you.

This link explains how Focolare says we must adopt a "new type of behavior" which fits our new modern collective consciousness.

Father Cola (RIP)>>>>>>.....The considerations we will make may sound like a criticism of the past. However, they should not be regarded as negative. Obviously with time a new consciousness emerges and with it a new type of behaviour which automatically seems to deprecate former ways. My intention in this article is not to criticize the past. All that was done in the past was perhaps the best for those times, for those people, in that situation and for the collective consciousness of that historic moment. At present the collective consciousness of humanity seems to have matured, resulting in a new step forward. This requires a change in the way we read the Gospel .....

Ossuary of the Granddaughter of Caiaphas Found in Israel

New evidence about the man who was connected to the Crucifixion of Jesus

Jerusalem ( In Israel an approximately 2000 year old bone case (Ossuar) from the surrounding precinct of some of the last high priests in Old Israel has been discovered. It bears the inscription "Miriam Daughter of Jeshua, son of Caiaphas, Priest of Maasiah of the House Imri". According to the Israeli Authority of Antiquities the case is authentic.

Caiaphas held the office of High Priest, which at the time was the highest office a Jew held under Roman occupation, and consequently concerned the Gospel story that Jesus had been crucified by the Romans. That he belonged to the priestly caste of the Maasiah, had not been known until now, said Theology Professor Rainer Riesner (Dortmund) about the idea. With the destruction of the Temple in 70 the time of the priests came to an end.

According to Riesner it shows the mention of the son of Jeshua [Jesus] and the grandaughter Mirjam (Maria) that these names were commonly occurring in that time. For that reason other bone cases with inscriptions bearing the name of Jesus can be brought into connection with Jesus Christ or can even be offered evidence against the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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Corpus Christi Music Group Promotes Chant in the Wasteland

Music for the Masses
Corpus Christi Watershed Wants Sacred Song Back in Church

Read more: here.

Even a brief excursion through the online pages of Corpus Christi Watershed’s website tells you one thing: The Catholic Church’s ancient forms of sacred music are not dead.

For everyone who laments bongo-drum-driven pop Christian guitar ballads at Sunday Mass, take heart: Corpus Christi Watershed is leading a revolution of young, fresh-faced and extraordinarily talented musicians and composers who are on fire with the love of traditional sacred music.

Since 2007, this Texas-based nonprofit organization has tirelessly promoted Gregorian chant and polyphony for use in the liturgy by offering thousands of scores, recordings and training videos online, 99% of which are free of charge to the user. The goal is simply “to assist artists in their service to the Church.”

Read more, here...

Patriarch Kiril: 10 million Christian Websites Destroyed by FTC

Editor:   Islamism has long shared a certain affinity to Socialism, resembling it in its early stages and finally, becoming a tool by which it can continue to serve toward the destruction of the West.

“The Obama administration is set to begin formal contacts with the Muslim Brotherhood, a group dedicated in its own words to “eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within, and sabotaging its miserable house.”

A shocking report authored by the office of Russia’s top religious leader Patriarch Kirill I states that this past week the United States ordered over 10 million Christian websites destroyed that they claimed were a “threat” to their National Security and that the American Internet giant Google quickly responded by making them all disappear.
According to this report, Google first came under assault from the US government in June when the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that they had launched an investigation into the company, a move defended against by top Google executive Amit Singhal who aside from claiming the attacks against them were baseless said, “At Google, we’ve always focused on putting the user first.”

After weeks of unrelenting pressure upon them, however, this past week Google, which had refused to answer the baseless charges against them, caved to the US government and announced that their Chairman, Eric Schmidt, who had previously said the charges against them were nonsense, agreed to testify before a US Senate Committee under threat of subpoena.

Read further, here...

A German Parish in the Archdiocese of Freiburg Goes into Schism

Edit: There have bee earlier suggestions of Schism in the German speaking areas denied by Cardinal Kasper. Despite denials, the ever reliable Vaticanista Tornielli who aired these suspicions last Month is seemingly being proven correct. First these rumours, then the priest revolt in Vienna against Cardinal Schönborn, and then this even, are coming to a head to perhaps realize something which has been a de facto schism all along.

"Ecumenical Parish of St. Peter in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Freiburg" declared their new self-designation as a formerly Catholic Parish. It declared that the "unspeakable division of Christianity" is "at an end for us".

Bruchsal ( A Roman Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of Freiburg will declare publicly that it does not want to be Roman Catholic any longer. The "unspeakable division of Christianity" explained the Pastoral Council of St. Peter in Bruchsal is "at an end for us". The Community which has been, till now, Catholic, will describe itself as the "Ecumenical Parish of St. Peter in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Freiburg".

Furthermore the Pastoral Council of St. Peter invites especially those in opposition, therefore especially in hospitable confessional outreach to the "table of the Lord", where Jesus Christ keeps no one out, who is his neighbor: "We declare this mutual hospitality certainly", it says on the Website.

By means of classifying a synodal structure of the Church as "early Church" the Church Council accords a rejection of the constitution of the Church: "We recognize the synodal structure of the Old Church and expect our Church leadership to recall this early Church Tradition."

The community insists, continues the Pastoral Council still further, "unlimited by tradition and every spirituality of our Community", they recognize "the diversity of Christian life in united differentiation." Thereto they know the "will of Jesus Christ, that all be one", is a stronger obligation than all "theological and political convictions and questions".

The Parish Priest, Jörg Sieger, has not publicly distanced himself from the declaration of his Pastoral Committee at this time.

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Link to classic gallery, photocredit.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Poland Continues Drive to Abolish Abortion

Edit: What you need to get rid of Abortion is a Catholic Government. Cowtowing to the Republicans like the Pro-Life movement does offers no realistic remedies because it is a facile movement with no deep spiritual moorings.

Bishop Walter Mixa Concelbrates Requiem for Otto Habsburg

Edit An Emperor's dying wish? There was a lot of carping in the comments column about calling Otto Habsburg, "Emperor". If we say it, we don't mean it sarcastically. In any event Bishop Conrad Zdarsa is apparently the main celebrant, although we were hoping it would be done in Vienna. No mention of why. One commenter even complains that there were no photos of people kneeling for communion, but at least they had a shot of some of the family members in mantillas.

Did the late Emperor do this? Two archenemies meet at the Altar of the Lord.

( Last Saturday at the Church of St. Pius in Pöcking, a Requiem was celebrated for His Imperial Majsty, Otto von Habsburg.

Pöckingis a  community of 5600 in upper Bavaria in the County of Stamberg in the vicinity of Munich.

The place belongs to the Diocese of Augsburg.

Otto von Habsburg died on the early morning of the 4th of July in Pöcking, where he'd lived since 1954.

The Emperor's Requiem was concelebrated by none other than the disgraced and dishonored Bishop Mixa, cast out of his Diocese of Augsburg.

Msgr Mixa concelebrated Mass at the expressed wish of the Emperor.

After the Requiem, Bishop Mixa was positively euphoric.

He ran to children and people in wheelchairs in order to lay hands upon them in blessing.

His face beamed at this.

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© Pressefoto

Explosive Growth Forecast for the SSPX USA

Editor: The Devil is said to have once said that if there were more priests like St. John Vianney, he wouldn't stand a chance. Well, we're going to get a lot more priests from the Society of St. Pius X, whether liberal naysayers like it or not.

At the present moment, there are about 60 Seminarians in formation for the United States which compares to the number of French Seminarians, which promises enormous growth for the future. The Society has substantially more French priests with Americans trailing behind at at distant second, if this trend continues, Americans could be the ones supplying most of the Society's vocations. Also, ordinations have been trending down since the mid-eighties, but that trend is showing signs of reversing as the SSPX Seminaries are filled to overflowing. All of this is good, because the number of priests in the Society have been dramatically growing since it was founded in the seventies.

Link, here...

Picture taken from, here...

Chi-Com Bullies Slap the Cuffs and Abduct Catholic Bishops

Editor: one of the nice things about the Chi-Coms is that they provide a wonderful opportunity in this day and age to stand against a malevolent bad guy. There are those in the neo-Conosphere who've been insisting for a long time that the depradations of Communism are long past, even while Marxist politicians, Professors, Military Generals, Dali Llamas and the like ply their trade undermining the spiritual and physical foundations of the West, they incredibly deny the palpable threat and kick the dog that often barks.