Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Conservative Priest Faces Open Rebelion in Berkeley

Editor: Instead of being so violent, rigid and judgmental, they should look within.

Two weeks after more than 100 people protested against Reverend John Direen outside St. Joseph The Worker Church while he conducted mass inside, Direen disputed many of the accusations leveled against him in an interview with Berkeleyside.

While Direen acknowledged he has made some unpopular moves –  including closing meeting spaces and laying off staff — he said the changes have been driven by an urgent need to cut costs in a parish carrying a $1.1 million debt rather than being an attempt to push his own conservative agenda.

“When I came to St. Joseph two years ago I quickly realized we were facing a crisis,” he said. “We owed money to the diocese and to a variety of vendors, and we were being threatened by lawsuits.” Much of the debt was incurred by retrofitting work done at the church and it was compounded by decreased donations from a congregation in the midst of an economic recession.

 Read further, here...

H/t: PS

Smear Job Escalates

Editor: Perhaps if you'd only been more affirming, Father Corapi, and engaged in more Social Justice talk? His Bishop is guilty of worse associations than alleged prostitutes.

Maybe people wanted to know what the slanderous letter contained? Well now you know what the basic substance of the letter was. We're still awaiting Father Corapi's response to this. Since he knew what this was all about beforehand, he'll have a response, no doubt.

There are a number of Bishops, Monsignore , both living and dead, who've had far more wealth than Father Corapi. Sure, a million dollars is sure to upset some people, just as the initial comment by Solt seemed calculated to underscore many people's misgivings about a priest having luxury vehicles or a nice house. He wouldn't be the first.

Here's the article if you haven't seen it on Jimmy Fakin...

The Emperor's Good Heart Will be Laid to Rest in Hungary: A Heart for Europe

Old Liberal Cardinal Celebrates Kaiserrequiem

Austria, the Old Liberal Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna will celebrate the Requiem for dear departed Kaiser Otto von Habsburg on 16 July. Following that the body will be interned in the Imperial Tomb [Kaisergruft] near the Capuchin Church in the city center of Vienna. The Kaiser's heart will be brought to the Hungarian Cloister of Pannonhamla. This was according to the family's spokesman, Eva Demmerle, in a press release..

Original, here kreuz...

Photo source, plus description of the Habsburg burial ritual...

Here is some of the best footage ever seen of the wedding of Blessed Charles and Zita, the Emperor's long-suffering but persevering parents.

Fear and Trembling Before His New Office: +Scola Kicked out of Milan Seminary

Cardinal Angelo Scola was dismissed as a student of the Milan Seminary. Now he returns as an Archbishop to his home Diocese.

(kreuz.net) The new Archbishop of MIlan, Angelo Cardinal Scola (69, is experiencing "fear and trembling" in the face of his new assignment.

This was according to the Director of the Venetian Caritas, Msgr Dino Pistolato yesterday for the Milan newspaper 'Il Giornale'.

A Dismissed Seminarian

Msgr Pistolato believes that the arrival of Cardinal Scola in Milan will also awaken resistance in the Old Liberal Diocesan leadership.

These forced the present Cardinal to move to another Diocese when he was a young Seminarian.

The Clergyman recalled the Old Liberal Archbishop of Milan, Giovanni Cardinal Colombo († 1992).

This one refused in the late sixties to ordain the young Angelo Scola to the priesthood because he was earlier a member of the Catholic student group, 'Communion and Liberation'.

Today's Cardinal was thrown out of the Seminary.

He withdrew to the southern Italian Diocese of Teramo, where in July 1970, he was ordained a priest.

"You will never come to Milan"

Cardinal Scola was already discussed as a candidate for the Milan Archdiocese in the year of 2002.

Actually, the decisive Old Liberal Milanese Archbishop Carlo Maria Cardinal Martini was categorically against this appointment.

"You will never come to Milan" -- he is said to have told the former Patriarch of Venice.

The Archdiocese of Milan has been in the hands of the Old Liberals for decades.

Resistance in Milan

The neo-Conservative Cardinal sounds correspondingly meek in his first speech to the faithful of Milan:

"I need you all, your help, but above all your sympathy" -- he grimaced.

Msgr Pistolato commented that Cardinal Scola in Milan -- differently than in the relatively small Archdiocese of Venice -- will be dependent upon an enormous apparatus as Archbishop of Milan:

"In Milan even the best Archbishops can't govern alone --- there are three thousand priests alone."

Msgr Pistolato believes that the Cardinal undertook nothing to be named to Milan: "He hoped that the Pope would choose someone else."

But finally he accepted the Pope's decision obediently.

Link to kreuz.net...

Here's another assessment of +Scola from Lispers in the Loggia.

Catholic Snooze Service, here...

And the Register, here.

Zenit, here...

Monday, July 4, 2011

Reform-Cardinal Forbids Communion in the Hand

Editor: Sri Lanka, only our favorite place in the world.

Super Cardinal Ranjith on 'sanctepater.com'

The most progressive Archbishop in the world doesn't complain about Old Liberal decadence.  He rushes to act.

(kreuz.net, Vatikan) At the end of June Malcom Cardinal Ranjith of Colombo in Sri Lanka condemns the celebration of the Mass on the supper table facing the pews.

The Cardinal spoke in the framework of a conference, which took place in Rome from 20th to the 24th of June in Rome, organized by the "Missionaries of the Most Holy Eucharist".

The Priest as a Boring Entertainer

The Cardinal stressed that the Priest at the supper table is forced in the role of an entertainer.

The Second Vatican Council never talked about a Calvin Box: "The people's altar is not suitable for the fear inducing Mystery of the Holy Eucharist" -- admonished the Cardinal.

He received enormous applause for stating this truism.

The Cardinal stated that the active participation in the Mass is not an external activity rather the significance interior worship.

How does one reform a Diocese?

At dinner during the Conference Cardinal Ranjith described, according to the US Traditionalist Website 'rorate-caeli.blogspot.com' that he had abolished Communion in the Hand in his Diocese.

At the same time he restored communion rails in every church as well.

His priests may only use proper vestments in their celebration of Holy Mass.

Finally he has forbidden all of the priest, to hold syncretic Liturgies, in which elements of other religions are introduced into the Liturgy.

The Website 'sanctepater.com' has photoshopped an image of the Cardinal as a valiant superhero.

Link to kreuz.net...

Maximilian Krah Sells Bishop Williamson Out: Holds him to Ridicule for Germany's Anti-Catholic Press

Editor: Bishop Williamson may face jail time, included in the 'dapd' report, complete with denunciations from SSPX Legal representative Maximilian Krah who also ridiculed Bishop Williamson for believing in the Apocalypse.

Here's an excerpt from the google translation from anti-Church 'suddeutsche zeitung':

Much further in a Catholic community of priests probably can not dissociate from one of their members. An eccentric is Bishop Richard Williamson, one who had a "persistent problem with recognition of reality" and "monotonous regularity every two years, believes in the apocalypse."
You Look Fabulous, Dolly

^Italics ours.

Here's our translation of the end of the 'dadp' article, which contains the suggestion that Bishop Williamson may even face jail time for his comments for Swedish television:

The legal representative of the Society of Pius X, the Dresden Attorney Maximilian Krah, had also said as a witness for the courts that, Williamson's [sic] Holocaust-denial comes from conviction. "He believes that", explained Krah, who shortly after the publication of the Interview removed the Bishop's mandate.

According to Krah's account Williamson [sic] is valued in the Society as an eccentric, "colorful bird" and has no significant position of leadership. The Bishops of the Society of St. Pius X are first and foremost in there for Priestly Ordinations and Confirmations and not automatically entrusted with leadership.

The appeal is to take place, because after the first process before the Regensburg Court, both sides are seeking legal means against the judgment. The book of sentencing identifies punishments for denial or downplaying the crimes of the National Socialists prescribe a fine or incarceration of up to five years. (dapd)

H/t: Ignis Ardens

News Updates: Bishop Willimason Stops Appeal Process

Montag, 4. Juli 2011 08:08:02

Pope on the Environment

Vatican. In the poor lands in people suffer material need. In the wealthy regions people are dissatisfied and depressed. Pope Benedict XVI said this at yesterday's Angelus Prayer. With reference to the environment -- not perhaps on abortion -- he lamented, "the aggressive character of destruction, with which the last century has been dominated."

Three New Priests for the Immemorial Mass of All Ages

Germany, on Saturday, Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux blessed three Deacons for the Priestly Society of St. Peter in the Immemorial Rite as Priests. This was according to the site, 'kath-info.de'. The three new priests are Father Clément Darmet from Tarare near Lyon, Father Guilhem de Labarre from Bordeaux and Father Martin Micheal Klein from Cologne.

Hero Bishop isn't Coming to the Show Trial

German. On Saturday, the manager of the e-mail column of Bishop Richard Williamson, Nicholas Wansbutter, is to stop his appeal in muzzled Germany. The German media reported on it yesterday. Actually, Wansbutter published an disclaimer. Bishop Williamson has been at Ecône in Switzerland for the priestly ordinations last weekend.

From kreuz.net...

The Emperor of Austria is Dead

Editor: He would have made a much better King of Spain than what we have now. The fate of the Kingdom of the Danube now rests in his successor, Karl's hands, Gott Rett Kaiser Karl. As he once said of his son, according to a British tabloid, "my son is Catholic enough, he knows what to do".

May His Highness, Apostolic and Imperial Emperor, rest in peace.

In 1961, Spanish dictator Francisco Franco offered to make him king of Spain after his own death. Habsburg declined, but [and] later praised the fascist leader for helping refugees, calling him a "dictator of the south American type ... not totalitarian like Hitler or Stalin."

BERLIN — Otto von Habsburg, the oldest son of Austria-Hungary's last emperor who saw the end of his family's centuries-long rule and emerged to become a champion of a Europe united by democracy, died Monday. He was 98.

Habsburg died in his sleep at his home in Poecking in southern Germany, where he had lived since the 1950s, with his seven children nearby, spokeswoman Eva Demmerle told The Associated Press.

Habsburg used his influence in a vain struggle to keep the Nazis from annexing Austria before World War II, then campaigned against the Soviet empire in the decades after the war.
Remember when Otto Hapsburg physically confronted Ian Paisley at the EU, where Paisley insisted he was punched by His Highness.

A link to the Mad Monarchist with a beautiful painting, here.

And a fitting tribute by Theodore Harvey, here.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Berlin's Mayor: "Gays" and Protestants are "Committed Allies"

Editor: How much more evidence do Protestants need in order to understand that this five hundred year experiment with Liberalism has been a failure?
Comrade Wowerweit

For honorable Protestants, who are still gathered in Germany, the time has come to become Catholics.

(kreuz.net) On the 24th of June the Berlin mayor, Comrade Klaus Wowerweit, will spread homosexual propaganda in the Lutheran Marian Church.

The occasion was for a march of homosexuals in the German Capital City.

Wowerweit is himself suffering from the condition of homosexuality.

According to reports from the Evangelical Portal 'medrum.de' the so called "Evangelical Church' of Germany is in his official estimation described as "committed ally" of the sin of Sodom.

The Godless event will include Kirchenkreis Berlin-Statdtmitte [Church Circuit in Berlin Central] and the militant anti-Christian Lesbian and Gay Association of Germany.

The official German Protestants have officially betrayed Christendom last November.

Since then, they promote the Homosexual Ideology.

The synod of the so-called 'Evangelical Church in Germany' have concluded unanimously to place the sin of Sodom on the same level as marriage.

The Sin of Sodom as a Gift from God

The - only on paper existing -- Berlin Protestants bless homosexual partnerships -- although Martin Luther († 1546)rejected the Nuptial Mass and regarded Marriage as a merely "secular thing".

This demonstrates that this Protestantic homosexual ceremony is only a propaganda affair for the normalization of homosexuality.

The superintendant of the Church Circuit in Central Berlin, Bertold Höcker, is according to 'medrum.de' an indisputable supporter of the homosexual mayor of Berlin.

Höcker was also present at the Godless event.

He pled during this for the sin of Sodom to be conceived as a "gift of God".

The site 'medrum.de' also informs that the national bishop of the so-called Evangelical Church in Bavaria, Johannes Friederich, is a hardened homo-ideologue.

Feeble Opposition

The Protestant response to those who support the normalization of homosexuality is feeble.

According to reports of 'medrum.de' the Evangelical Church in Baden has decided not to participate with the homosexual-disorder in the march with the 'Evangelical Church in Germany'.

A decision of the Church of Wurttemburg is still unavailable.

Even in Bavaria there is some opposition.

It is however only a question of time, till sodomy thoroughly infests these districts.

It serves for the separation of extremists

A proper disposition was undertaken by the 'Lutheran Evangelical Circle Church Section.'

The Stuttgart Church Council Hans Lachenmann (83) is a member of the 'Initiative Circle'.

He maintains: "The divine image will be damaged by the confusion between the female vagina with the male rectum."

And: "That one is an organ for the wonder of new life, and the other one serves as the elimination of excrement."

In order to come to this understand, one needn't await the most recent adjudication -- he answered to an objection to the Berlin Homosexual Ideologue Höcker.

The Germany wide oriented 'Lutheran Church Profile' became public in January of 2011.

Note from Wikipedia: The Evangelical Church of Germany (German: Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland, abbreviated EKD) is a federation of 22 Lutheran, Reformed (Calvinist) and United (Lutheran plus Calvinist) Protestant regional church bodies in Germany. The EKD is not a church in a theological understanding because of the denominational differences. However, the member churches (Gliedkirchen) share full pulpit and altar fellowship. The EKD has a membership of 24.832 million parishioners or 30.2% of the German population (status 31.12.2007).[2] Membership rates fell in 2008 to 24.515 million parishioners or 29.9% by the end of 2008.[3]

Relics of St. Maximus the Confessor to Move to Bulgaria from Mount Athos

[novite.com] The relics of the great Christian Orthodox theologian St. Maximus the Confessor will travel from Mount Athos and be laid out for veneration in the patriarchal St. Alexander Nevsky Cathedral in Sofia Sunday.

The relics of St. Maximus will be laid out for veneration after 1.30 pm, after the end of the official solemn mass commemorating the 40th anniversary of the enthronement of Bulgarian Patriarch Maxim.

The relics St. Maximus are kept at the St. Paul Monastery in Mount Athos and only rarely travel abroad. Up to Thursday, they will visit other places in Bulgaria, making stops at Silistra, Varna and Plovdiv.

St. Maximus the Confessor lived 580-662, being born in Constantinople and died in exile in Georgia. He is considered one of the greates theologians in the Eastern Orthodox world, having laid down key percepts of christian philosophy in the East.

Link to article...here