Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Holy Father Foreshadows Assisi Meeting as a Battle Cry Against Relativism: Feast of Peter and Paul

Editor: Paying close attention to what the Holy Father is saying in his address to the Patriarch of Constantinople on the Feast of Peter and Paul, he points to his intention at this coming Assisi to declare the truth of the Gospel and a decisive attack on relativism.

Benedict XVI received the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople for the event of the high feast of St. Peter and Paul. by Armin Schwibach

Rome (kath.net/as)The event of the high feast of St. Peter and Paul, which will be celebrated tomorrow on Wednesday, began today with a visit of the Ecumenical Patriarchate on its traditional visit to Rome. The representative of the Patriarch was received by Pope Benedict XVI.

In his address Benedict XVI stressed that Jesus, the Lord, had given the task to the Apostles, to be the witnesses of the Gospel of Salvation. The Apostles had brought this mission to its completion and proved their faith in Christ by a bloody sacrifice of their lives and the love of the Father.

The Pope accentuated that the participation of the Orthodox delegation on the feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Rome brings brotherhood to expression, which the Church of Rome and the Patriarchate of Constantinople are bound together, for which Benedict XVI. expressed his gratitude. At the same time however, the growth in the still incomplete unity between the both churches must continue to grow, in order to come to a complete and visible unity.

The friendship between the Catholic Church and the Patriarchate of Constantinople forms a secure bond through the witness of the faith received by the Apostles. At the moment it is possible with the common witness for the truth of the Gospel, to help the people of today, to find the way, which will lead them to the truth.

The Pope recalled then the adoption, which Patriarch Bartholemeos participates respective of the basic themes of the quest for the truth, justice and peace. IN consideration of Blessed John Paul II, Benedict XVI invited all Christians, who are members of other religious traditions, as well as personalities throughout the world of culture to participate, in the event which will take place on the 27th of October in Assisi. The common way through the streets of the city of St. Francis, "will be a sign of the desire to set out on the way of dialog and brotherhood."

Link to kath.net...

Anglican Bishop Leads His Flock Into Sinai

Editor : who knows where these Anglicans are going. But because they've refused to embrace the all-holy Sodomy, the entire congregation of three hundred souls is departing the place where they and their ancestors have worshiped for almost two hundred years. Not wanting to engage in a protracted legal battle, the local Bishop has opted to go into exile at a nearby community center. It's unclear where they are going to go after taking such a principled stand as a congregation, whether they will take advantage of the Holy Father's Anglicanorum Coetibus or not.

By Kelly Patterson
It was a historic moment in Ottawa as a subdued crowd of about 300 filed out of St. Alban’s Anglican Church on King Edward Avenue on Sunday, leaving behind a place where some have roots going back to Confederation.

Founded in 1865, the church where Sir John A. Macdonald worshipped has been in the spotlight ever since a showdown over same-sex marriage and other issues led the congregation of St. Alban’s to leave the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa, and, after a bitter battle, the building they have called home for 146 years.

“This is kind of historic. We’re in a new era,” said Sheila Lang, 79, as her grandchildren — the seventh generation of her family to attend the church — played in the reception hall of the Ottawa Little Theatre, where the congregation, now called the Church of the Messiah, will meet until it finds a permanent home. Meanwhile, the diocese will establish a new congregation at St. Alban’s, with a relaunch planned for Friday.

Read further....

Meanwhile, the seeds of Anglicanorum Coetibus are continuing to sprout.

Abortion Banned in Poland

EXCLUSIVE: Poland to vote on historic bill banning all abortions after massive grassroots campaign

WARSAW, Poland, June 28, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) -  After months of shielding the initiative from English media, organizers of a massive pro-life grassroots campaign in Poland have now told LifeSiteNews.com that Parliamentarians in the country are preparing to vote this week on an historic bill that would enshrine total protection for children in the womb from the moment of conception.
The organizers told LSN that they were worried that if the news broke in the English-speaking world, pro-abortion foreign powers would have poured money into the country to oppose their popular efforts.

Legislators in Poland's parliament will vote this week on a bill to ban all abortions in the country.
To bring the abortion ban before Parliament under Poland’s political system, the sponsors needed to collect 100,000 signatures within three months.  They got 600,000 in two weeks.
The bill, which comes up for first reading in the ‘Sejm’ (lower house) on Thursday, is the result of a huge nation-wide grassroots initiative launched by Warsaw’s PRO Foundation and supported by the country’s bishops and a newly-formed pro-life parliamentary committee.

Link to Lifesite...

Prayer to St. Josaphat Kuntsevych

St. Josaphat Kuntsevych was a Ukrainian archbishop. He labored in Polotsk for the reunion of the separated brethren with the Catholic Church. His untiring zeal caused his premature death. On Nov. 13, 1623 he was killed by the enemies of the reunion.

O Saint Josaphat, wonderful Saint and heroic martyr for the union of our Church with the Vicar of Christ, the Pope of Rome. Thou are glorious on account of thy zeal in the propagation of the true Catholic faith among our people. Thou art wonderful because of thy heroic martyrdom for the unity of faith of our people with the Holy See of Rome, the true center of orthodox Catholicism.

Thou art admirable on account of thy sublime virtues with which thou has adorned thy soul. We admire thy ardent love for Jesus and Mary and thy allegiance to the Vicar of Christ. Thou art a sublime example of all virtues for the people of whom thou wert born. Since thou art so powerful with God as thy miracles prove, I ask thee to obtain for me from Jesus and Mary a strong attachment to the Catholic faith and my beautiful Eastern Rite which I shall never betray nor abandon. Obtain also the grace of indefatigable zeal that I may labor for the reunion of my separated Eastern Brethren.

O glorious martyr of our Catholic Church, remember the nation of which thou wert a son, look at our people and pray to God for future reunion of all Ukrainians under one fold and one shepherd. May the day come soon in which all thy Brethren will assemble before thy holy relics in a free and independent Ukraine to give thanks to God for the union of all Ukrainians with the Holy See. Amen.

(Excerpted from pages 126-127 of the Ukrainian Rite prayerbook, My Divine Friend by Rev. Michael Schudlo, CSSR. Published 1959 Imprimi Potest: Vladimir Malanchuk, CSSR. Vice-Provincial No. 596, May 25, 1958. Nihil Obstat: Basil Makuch, STD, PhD. Censor Episcopalis. Imprimatur: Constantine Archbishop Metropolitan Philadelphia, August 1, 1958 No. 767/52M.)

Link to Holy Unia Blog...here

It's Scola for Milan

Editor: Although reluctant, this Cardinal is going to Milan, the world's largest Catholic Diocese.

Monday, June 27, 2011

More remnants of Catholic Spain in pictures:

Notice the symbol to the left of the street sign. The "yoke and arrows" of Spain: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoke_and_arrows

The street of the "Heroes of the Alcazar":

Plaque of General Franco street defaced by enemies of Spain:

Who were the "Heroes of the Alcazar?"

During the Spanish Civil War, Coronel José Moscardó Ituarte held the building against overwhelming Spanish Republican forces in the Siege of the Alcázar. The incident became a central piece of Spanish Nationalist lore, especially the story of Moscardó's son Luis. The Republicans took 16-year old Luis hostage, and demanded that the Alcázar be surrendered or they would kill him. Luis told his father, "Surrender or they will shoot me." His father replied, "Then commend your soul to God, shout 'Viva Cristo Rey' and die like a hero." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alc%C3%A1zar_of_Toledo

A remnant of a Catholic Spain

Recently one of our Eponymous Flower correspondents traveled to Avila, Spain, birthplace of Queen Isabel the Catholic, St. Theresa of Jesus, St. John of the Cross, and St. Peter of Alcantara. Since the evil socialist government of Jose Luis Zapatero came to power in 2004, little by little monuments which commemorate General Francisco Franco, the victory of Spain over communism, and the martyrs of the Red Terror have been removed. In 2007, the Spanish government mandated the removal of these monuments by law under "La ley de memoria histórica." In many places street names having to do with the Catholic side during the war have been changed to generic names. Nevertheless, if you really search you can still find many monuments to Franco and Catholic Spain. The execution of the removal of the plaques and monuments is left up to the municipalities. Some areas of Spain with a conservative majority have rebelled and quietly left the monuments and plaques as they are. Here is one such plaque that can still be found in Avila. We will leave the exact location of this plaque a secret so that Zapatero's henchmen do not disturb it.

Here is the English translation of the plaque:

"Franco 1936-1938
In this city, birthplace of Saint Theresa of Jesus and capital of the Province which saw the birth of the great Queen Isabel the Catholic, no offense against the morals of Christ will be tolerated under any pretext.

Avila is loyal and will not betray those who gave their lives for God and for Spain during this glorious crusade.

Avila- May 1941 Up with Spain! Long live Christ the King!"

Neo-Catechumenate Founder Paints His Face on Christ Ikons for Ugly Churches

Editor: this discussion of Kiko Arguello's art took place in a discussion about how the churches executed by Neocatechumenate people are ugly, and it became obviously to the highly accredited author of an Italian blog that Mr. Arguello had painted himself in Christ's face.

Italy.  The Christus Ikon of Kiko Arguello, the founder of the Neocatechumenal Way -- for the painted for the interior of churches, has the artist's face on it. This was reported by Francesco Colafemmina already on the 5th of May, 2009 on his blog,
Arguello always omits Christ's halo.

H/t kreuz.net...

Image from Catholic Church Conservation.

Georg Ratzinger, Pope's Uncle, Disciple of Heretical Döllinger

Editor: The Pope's Uncle, Georg Ratzinger, was a laicized priest who was a disciple of the heretical Döllinger who opposed the Dogma of Papal infallibility and left the Church.  So, not only did the Holy Father study under some of the students of some of the worst heretics of the Ninteenth Century, but his uncle actually served them and studied them in varying capacities.  NCR has the story, here:

Next Wednesday is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, when archbishops appointed during the past year will be in Rome to receive their pallium. (A narrow band of woolen cloth, the pallium symbolizes the archbishop’s office.) This year the event takes on extra significance as the 60th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s ordination to the priesthood, which took place in the Freising Cathedral in Bavaria on June 29, 1951.

As it happens, the pope isn’t the only Bavarian priest celebrating his 60th anniversary. His brother Georg, 87, was ordained in the same ceremony by then-Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, along with a seminary classmate named Rupert Berger. The brothers offered their first public Masses on July 8, 1951, in St. Oswald’s church in their home village of Hufschlag -- an event known as a Doppelprimiz, or “double first.” Since concelebration was not yet normal practice, the Ratzinger brothers celebrated two separate Masses.
The scripture verse the future pope selected for his first Mass card came from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians: “We aim not to lord over your faith, but to serve your joy.”
 Read further, here..

Cardinal Schoenborn's Western Mass is Cancelled

Editor: from the Herman Munster of Continuity blog, this positive report, here.

Oftentimes these timely cancellations are followed by cancellations of the cancellations.  He would do a lot better to fire the homosexual enabling Cathedral Rector who planned the event in the first place.

H/t: Pewsitter

Copts Are Fighting Back

[AlMasryAlYoum] Sectarian clashes between a number of Muslims and Coptic Christians resurfaced in the Fateh district of Shubra al-Kheima on Monday, after two Muslims were shot and killed by a Copt on Sunday. Security forces surrounded the area, imposed a security cordon around churches in the area and arrested seven Muslims and Copts carrying weapons. In a confrontation, one police officer was shot in the foot.

A security official told Al-Masry Al-Youm that a number of Muslims went to the Shubra al-Khaima Church on Monday after learning that the killer was hiding there. Clashes erupted and gunfire was exchanged.
The official went on to say that the police imposed a security cordon around the area and arrested four Copts and three Muslims who had a machine gun, five pistols and 235 bullets in their possession.

Link to original...

Father Corapi's Ordinary Fails to Have Corpus Christi Procession Two Years Running

Editor:  The Old Liberal Bishop Mulvey, Father Corapi's ordinary, has neglected to have a Corpus Christi procession for the second year running.  His predecessor used to have wonderful processions and brought Our Lord close to the heart of his beloved people.  This is a Bishop who doesn't like kneeling either.  Perhaps this is so because he has no understanding of obedience. 

From, kneelingcatholic blog...

As the West Continues to Decay and Its Cities Die

Editor:  Minneapolis has no shortage of Leftists who will employ the police to enforce their views on political correctness.  Normally, this lends itself to domestic disputes and the legal system which is heavily weighted to an agenda hostile to the family, poisonous to the children and ultimately destructive of the State and your security as a citizen. Maybe some day, your country will be returned to you, but it's unlikely to be returned, you must take it back yourself.  Point being, the GOP isn't going to stop this slide.

After being surrounded by a pack of Leftists in a heated debte, the police are called in because some of these solid citizens feel threatened.   Mostly fed up, Conservative blogger, John Hugh Gilmore goes to the bar where he's arrested by Minneapolis' finest after he refuses to leave the bar.  He was later booked downtown for "being uncooperative during arrest" and "disorderly conduct".   

Not sure why this is a news story, but the local Leftist art rag loves these kinds of stories where the evil white male is hounded by mindless drones and the People's Militia. 

Interestingly enough, he has legitimately praised Minnesota Senator David Hahn for calling Archbishop Nienstedt a Socialist, which he is.

The people who should have been arrrested were the nattering Left-tards surrounding Mr. Gilmore as he tried to point out the evils of multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism.

At best, he'll get a suspended sentence with community service, unless he gets some Marxist judge who hates white males.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SSPX in Santa Fé de Bogotá on Corpus Christi

Christ the King

[Colombia] Santa Fé de Bogotá is the capital of Colombia.  This is the SSPX priory of  Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in downtown district Teusaquillo in central Bogotá, which numbers around  120.  This is their Corpus Christi Procession being led by an Argentine priest, Father Ferdinand Altamira.  There were numerous processions throughout Colombia. It was celebrated today at Noon.

Father Ferdinand Altamira

Not only was police protection provided, but the local constabulary with their impressive Prussian kit provided solemn music as well.

Long Live Colombia
God Save America

H/tL Gruppenführer MvK

Excommunicate Cuomo

(CNSNews.com) - As New York enacted a law late Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state, the Roman Catholic bishops of New York released a statement saying they now expect efforts to enact laws that go after churches that insist on teaching the "timeless truths" about marriage and family.

"We strongly uphold the Catholic Church's clear teaching that we always treat our homosexual brothers and sisters with respect, dignity and love," the bishops said. "But we just as strongly affirm that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman in a lifelong, loving union that is open to children, ordered for the good of those children and the spouses themselves," the bishops said. "This definition cannot change, though we realize that our beliefs about the nature of marriage will continue to be ridiculed, and that some will even now attempt to enact government sanctions against churches and religious organizations that preach these timeless truths."
The statement was signed by the bishops of all eight Roman Catholic diocese in the state of New York, led by Archbishop Timothy Dolan of the Manhattan-based Archdiocese of New York. The other bishops signing the statement included Bishop Howard Hubbard of the Albany Diocese, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Brooklyn Diocese, Bishop Edward Kmiec of the Buffalo Diocese, Bishop Terry LaValley of the Ogdensburg Diocese, Bishop Matthew H. Clark of the Rochester Diocese, Bishop William Murphy of the Rockville Centre Diocese, and Bishop Robert Cunningham of the Syracuse Diocese.

The New York State Senate passed the same-sex marriage bill late Friday and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic, signed the bill into law at 11:55 Friday night. The state assembly has passed the bill the week before. The law will go into effect in 30 days. The law was enacted just in time for New York City's annual "gay pride" parade, which takes place on Sunday. The parade runs along Fifth Avenue, passing directly in front of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bishop Fellay cites Vatican Official, "Church" Full of Heresies

Editor:  Bishop Fellay understands that there are those in the Vatican that see the problem clearly.
Correcting misreports

The Holy See-SSPX doctrinal discussions are already very complicated in themselves - there is no further need to distort anything. Several news sources, for example, have stated that the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop B. Fellay, characterized "the Church" as "filled with heresies" in his sermon for the ordinations of the United States district (for an Italian example, see this).

What Fellay actually did say, however, was that this was something mentioned in the Vatican halls by Vatican officials, which he repeated:

We will continue to say that there is a crisis in the church. Sometimes it’s really frustrating because in Rome they give the impression that everything is fine, and the next day we talk to them it’s not. These are the words from the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “But you know, it’s the priests, it’s the bishops, it’s the Catholic universities: they are full of heresies!” That’s what the the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith told us in June 2009!

From Rorate Caeli...

Pope Wants Universal Law for Kneeling

[Offerimus] Among other things, the papal Master of Ceremonies spoke of the ancient tradition of focusing on Christ in a physical way in the sacred liturgy, either though the eastwards orientation of the Eucharistic Prayer or where the crucifix or other image of Christ (the great panto-creator images on the apse of ancient churches) stood in for the eastward orientation. He thought that recently we have been in danger of losing this and that this is not a small detail but something of central importance, for in the past everyone (including the priest) prayed towards the same point - showing that the Lord was coming and that together we all looked towards Him.

Mgr Marini also posited that kneeling before the presence of the Lord makes it all the clearer that it really is Jesus and implies our adoration of Him. Not that we just receive Him but that we kneel before Him. To kneel accomplishes the truth of our relationship with Him - we adore. This is true freedom because man submits to slavery to many other earthly things - we bow down before these false gods - but to kneel before Christ expressses the truth and therefore reveals the dignity of man before the Lord of Life. Kneeling is the TYPICAL sign of offering our hearts and lives. The Church that kneels in the body will adore in the heart.

Read further...

Kreuz.net Brings you the Red Hot Information on the Church Scene

Kreuz Calls New Archbishop of Berlin

It's unbelievable. First the media speculate wildly that Bishop Gerhard Ludwig will be named Archbishop of Berlin as soon as September -- and thereby receive not only diplomatic and political honors, but also a Cardinal's hat. Many in the Church are upset at the premature pronouncements of the Media. But now once again an arch-reactionary internet site has all of the answers.

The curse of secrecy in the Vatican couldn't be more clearly demonstrated as it through one short, but specific, announcement on the internet site kreuz.net:

The appointment of the Archbishop of Berlin will be made known before the end of the week. The auxiliary bishop of Berlin, Matthias Heinrich (56), has been chosen.

With that, all the speculation about the successor of Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, would once again be made absurd. For it was only last Sunday that the Frankfurter Rundschau claimed to have brand new information that those in Berlin, who participate in the selection of the bishop, weren't able to agree on a candidate, and so the Vatican then suggested Müller as a wild-card. Apart from the fact that the article was poorly researched (it claimed that Müller was in Rome for an unknown reason, while in fact he is a member of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, which had just met in Rome), it now looks like it was wrong.

That's because kreuz.net is a phenomenon. The holocaust is regularly denied on the site. Marginalized groups like homosexuals are referred to as "Homo Perverts" or simply "sodomites". Much more often than not, the SSPX is praised while almost all of the bishops -- including Müller, but also in the first place the Pope himself -- are called incorrigible modernists because they accept the II Vatican Council. The site represents the view of the extreme right wing, and it is immune to legal attack because it is hosted somewhere in the USA.

Again and again the people who run kreutz.net, whose identities are completely unknown, are somehow able to come up with red hot information, that they actually could only be getting straight from the Vatican. And that's how it will probably go with the report of auxiliary bishop Heinrich as the new Archbishop of Berlin. It would really be a stroke of bad luck if the report turns out not to be true.

Or the other way around: Perhaps it's bad luck if the report is true.

Translation by wsxy at AQ...

Bishop-supported homosexual ministry calls for same-sex 'marriage' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Bishop-supported homosexual ministry calls for same-sex 'marriage' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Glowing Heart of Religion: Cardinal Schönborn on Corpus Christi

Editor: Actually, Josephism is a heresy, not a "tradition" as Cardinal Schönborn puts it. He knows better, but then, he's always up to something.

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn at his Corpus Christi Sermon: From the "Disposition of the prayer lost to self" follows from a "inner Joy, the Joy of God himself, Who helps to bear all hardships."

Vienna (kath.net/PEW) Cardinal Christoph Schönborn recalled in his sermon at the Josef Square in the center district of Vienna the tradition [sic] of Josephism going back to the Emperor Joseph II. The "temptation of Josephism", said the Cardinal, is still with us today, namely, "to measure religion according to its social and communal usefulness". "And then we all play industriously along, in which we put all the importance of the Church for its usefulness to the State and Society."

For that reason this produced a "complete balance of success" -- the Cardinal identified, among other things, Catholic Schools, the distribution of Charity, the ecclesiastical cultural goods and the lobbying for development -- for which "we also show our thankfulness as a sign of esteem and the recognition of the side of the State, as approximately the most recently conclusive natural sign of the marketability of the Church's contribution" [which "isn't a privilege for the Church, rather the recognition of its contribution to the good of the whole"].

"Aimless, but supremely meaningful"

it is therefore a "great other: religion, faith, church as a society of faith, may not be understood according to its use. The burning heart of Religion is the purposeless mystery, and if it does not live any more from this secret, then its burning center is extinguished." The Eucharistic Adoration, therefore in the Monstrance which carries the Host, which according to the Catholic understanding is Christ himself actually present, says Cardinal Schönborn, "purposeless, but supremely meaningful". "The Mystery is adored that is present in this small piece of bread.... must have no balance of usefulness." "Finding God according to God's will! Jesus Christ is honored and adored in the form of his Eucharistic presence: That is the meaning of today's event", the "living kernel" of the Corpus Christi tradition.

"Freed from a self-justifying ritual"

Finally Cardinal Schönborn focused in his sermon at the Josefplatz, "not intended but all the more important side-effects" which "comport the purposelessness of giving adoration": First, "that we are released from this sometimes painful ritual of self-justification". Here the Cardinal recalled that many efforts of the Church for Society are actually numerous, and are gratefully recognized, "but we may not inform ourselves, that we, for that reason, are the only and the best." Even the secular society has "fantastic schools, good hospitals, fantastic social services -- without religious motivation."

"Free for Service to Neighbor"

Second, following on the "Demeanor of the selfless adoration" an "inner joy, which is the joy in God Himself, who helps bear all hardships. Finally to be free of the self-forgetful adoration of the mystery, free from one's self, free for God, free for the devoted service to neighbor." "Our duty" on Corpus Christi, "This purposeless procession, these moments of adoration bring the source to approachability, which flows from our society with new power", concluded Cardinal Schönborn his Sermon.

Link to kath.net...