Editor: the talk of schism continues.
The Mainz Cardinal may continue his subversive activities. by Katharina Faßschröder.

Karl Kardinal Lehmann von Mainz
© Pressestelle Bistum Mainz MBN
(kreuz.net) The President of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert Zolitsch of Freiburg, supports the proposals of the Theologian Pamphlets.
He told this to the Old Liberal Theolgoians of the University of Freiburg at a meeting of the theological faculty.
The double-strategy of the Old Liberal German Bishops is public.
Rome has advised distancing to the proposals of the Pamphlet.
Back around the opposite strategy has been pursued: One is using the announced dialog process, in order to warm up the decadent Pamphlet and to interpose it as a German special right.
Msgr Zollitsch is a strawman in this play.
His Grey Immanence
The Grey Imminence is Cardinal Karl Lehman from Mainz.
He is the hub of the conspiratorial shadow hierarchy.
The Old Liberal song and dance in the Church is ideologically exercised in the church paper of the Diocese of Mainz, 'Glauben und Leben'.
In the past there have been a series of articles "Break-up in the Promised Land". In this manner of play the Old Liberal breakaway theologians can disseminate their ideas from yesterday.
The names of the authors reads like a "who is who" of ecclesiastical decline:
- the Frankfurt religion pedagogue and pamphleteer, Bernd Trocholepscy (59).
- the former school director Dr. Willi Belz and honorary President of the Hessian supplier firm for abortion business "Donum vitae"
- the Offenbacher Pastor Kurt Sogns, who is a member of the anti-Church society, "Wir Sind Kirche" [we are church] and has approved homo-Masses for the Frankfurt hmosexual community.
- the former teacher Angelika Fromm (60), the founding member of the anti-Church society, "Wir Sind Kirche' and 'ACtion lila Stola' and one who promotes the counter-Evangelical priestly marriage and women priests.
- the rabid Mainzer, Fromm, "feels herself called by God, as one who will part the sea of fear and traditionalism of the Church to lead people to the promised land" -- or to another harbor.
In the Mainz church paper Frau From is described as a "formed deaconess without ordination".
The Deaconess as a Fire Axe
Already in 2001 Pope John Paul II informed the Bishops to stop the educational course for the preparation of women to the diaconate.
The memo was signed by then Cardinal Josef Ratzinger.
Actually in the Diocese of Mainz Cardinal Lehmann took a hostile posture.
He allowed the self-described "Deaconesses" to write in the media and supported them in the meantime, Lila-Stola-Ideologues in their efforts.
In September 2010 the Cardinal explained that the question of the Diaconate for women must proceed with "courage and openness", before one could discuss the ordination of married men to the priesthood.
In the spring he lanced, however, a willful CDU-Politician's open discussion about the abolition of celibacy.
To support a non-existing Diaconate for women is something that belongs to Bishop Franz-Josef Bodie von Osnabrück and Archbishop Robert Zollitsch von Freiburg.
Even the Carnival Society was Active
The strategy of the Old Liberal Mainz networker appears to have been endanged by the possible resignation by reason of age of Cardinal Lehmann.
The Cardinal made it known many times in the regional media that he would happily go on.
At the same time the media polished its coverage of his episcopal achievements, for the public eye.
The unpastoral Cardinal -- who rarely took time to care for his Diocese -- was presented inaccurately as a beloved popular Senior Pastor.
He worked for thirty years as a "People's Bishop" for his flock and has for this reason, irreplaceable, said the mysterious media bosses.
The Mainz Ordinariat organized even petitions for his retainder and sent the petition to Rome.
For this purpose, the Mainz Ordinariat even mobilized a Carnival Society and the Mainzer Fußballverein 05.
Even the market ladies in the Cathedral Square went around with the petition.
the stooge successor of Cardinal Lehmann in the German Bishops Conference has pointed to large sums of money which the Official Church transfers to Rome.
Rome has allowed itself to be extorted.
The Cardinal may now paper mache himself a separate church..
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