Monday, June 27, 2011

Georg Ratzinger, Pope's Uncle, Disciple of Heretical Döllinger

Editor: The Pope's Uncle, Georg Ratzinger, was a laicized priest who was a disciple of the heretical Döllinger who opposed the Dogma of Papal infallibility and left the Church.  So, not only did the Holy Father study under some of the students of some of the worst heretics of the Ninteenth Century, but his uncle actually served them and studied them in varying capacities.  NCR has the story, here:

Next Wednesday is the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, when archbishops appointed during the past year will be in Rome to receive their pallium. (A narrow band of woolen cloth, the pallium symbolizes the archbishop’s office.) This year the event takes on extra significance as the 60th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s ordination to the priesthood, which took place in the Freising Cathedral in Bavaria on June 29, 1951.

As it happens, the pope isn’t the only Bavarian priest celebrating his 60th anniversary. His brother Georg, 87, was ordained in the same ceremony by then-Cardinal Michael Faulhaber, along with a seminary classmate named Rupert Berger. The brothers offered their first public Masses on July 8, 1951, in St. Oswald’s church in their home village of Hufschlag -- an event known as a Doppelprimiz, or “double first.” Since concelebration was not yet normal practice, the Ratzinger brothers celebrated two separate Masses.
The scripture verse the future pope selected for his first Mass card came from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians: “We aim not to lord over your faith, but to serve your joy.”
 Read further, here..

Cardinal Schoenborn's Western Mass is Cancelled

Editor: from the Herman Munster of Continuity blog, this positive report, here.

Oftentimes these timely cancellations are followed by cancellations of the cancellations.  He would do a lot better to fire the homosexual enabling Cathedral Rector who planned the event in the first place.

H/t: Pewsitter

Copts Are Fighting Back

[AlMasryAlYoum] Sectarian clashes between a number of Muslims and Coptic Christians resurfaced in the Fateh district of Shubra al-Kheima on Monday, after two Muslims were shot and killed by a Copt on Sunday. Security forces surrounded the area, imposed a security cordon around churches in the area and arrested seven Muslims and Copts carrying weapons. In a confrontation, one police officer was shot in the foot.

A security official told Al-Masry Al-Youm that a number of Muslims went to the Shubra al-Khaima Church on Monday after learning that the killer was hiding there. Clashes erupted and gunfire was exchanged.
The official went on to say that the police imposed a security cordon around the area and arrested four Copts and three Muslims who had a machine gun, five pistols and 235 bullets in their possession.

Link to original...

Father Corapi's Ordinary Fails to Have Corpus Christi Procession Two Years Running

Editor:  The Old Liberal Bishop Mulvey, Father Corapi's ordinary, has neglected to have a Corpus Christi procession for the second year running.  His predecessor used to have wonderful processions and brought Our Lord close to the heart of his beloved people.  This is a Bishop who doesn't like kneeling either.  Perhaps this is so because he has no understanding of obedience. 

From, kneelingcatholic blog...

As the West Continues to Decay and Its Cities Die

Editor:  Minneapolis has no shortage of Leftists who will employ the police to enforce their views on political correctness.  Normally, this lends itself to domestic disputes and the legal system which is heavily weighted to an agenda hostile to the family, poisonous to the children and ultimately destructive of the State and your security as a citizen. Maybe some day, your country will be returned to you, but it's unlikely to be returned, you must take it back yourself.  Point being, the GOP isn't going to stop this slide.

After being surrounded by a pack of Leftists in a heated debte, the police are called in because some of these solid citizens feel threatened.   Mostly fed up, Conservative blogger, John Hugh Gilmore goes to the bar where he's arrested by Minneapolis' finest after he refuses to leave the bar.  He was later booked downtown for "being uncooperative during arrest" and "disorderly conduct".   

Not sure why this is a news story, but the local Leftist art rag loves these kinds of stories where the evil white male is hounded by mindless drones and the People's Militia. 

Interestingly enough, he has legitimately praised Minnesota Senator David Hahn for calling Archbishop Nienstedt a Socialist, which he is.

The people who should have been arrrested were the nattering Left-tards surrounding Mr. Gilmore as he tried to point out the evils of multiculturalism and Cultural Marxism.

At best, he'll get a suspended sentence with community service, unless he gets some Marxist judge who hates white males.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

SSPX in Santa Fé de Bogotá on Corpus Christi

Christ the King

[Colombia] Santa Fé de Bogotá is the capital of Colombia.  This is the SSPX priory of  Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in downtown district Teusaquillo in central Bogotá, which numbers around  120.  This is their Corpus Christi Procession being led by an Argentine priest, Father Ferdinand Altamira.  There were numerous processions throughout Colombia. It was celebrated today at Noon.

Father Ferdinand Altamira

Not only was police protection provided, but the local constabulary with their impressive Prussian kit provided solemn music as well.

Long Live Colombia
God Save America

H/tL Gruppenführer MvK

Excommunicate Cuomo

( - As New York enacted a law late Friday that legalizes same-sex marriage in the state, the Roman Catholic bishops of New York released a statement saying they now expect efforts to enact laws that go after churches that insist on teaching the "timeless truths" about marriage and family.

"We strongly uphold the Catholic Church's clear teaching that we always treat our homosexual brothers and sisters with respect, dignity and love," the bishops said. "But we just as strongly affirm that marriage is the joining of one man and one woman in a lifelong, loving union that is open to children, ordered for the good of those children and the spouses themselves," the bishops said. "This definition cannot change, though we realize that our beliefs about the nature of marriage will continue to be ridiculed, and that some will even now attempt to enact government sanctions against churches and religious organizations that preach these timeless truths."
The statement was signed by the bishops of all eight Roman Catholic diocese in the state of New York, led by Archbishop Timothy Dolan of the Manhattan-based Archdiocese of New York. The other bishops signing the statement included Bishop Howard Hubbard of the Albany Diocese, Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio of the Brooklyn Diocese, Bishop Edward Kmiec of the Buffalo Diocese, Bishop Terry LaValley of the Ogdensburg Diocese, Bishop Matthew H. Clark of the Rochester Diocese, Bishop William Murphy of the Rockville Centre Diocese, and Bishop Robert Cunningham of the Syracuse Diocese.

The New York State Senate passed the same-sex marriage bill late Friday and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Catholic, signed the bill into law at 11:55 Friday night. The state assembly has passed the bill the week before. The law will go into effect in 30 days. The law was enacted just in time for New York City's annual "gay pride" parade, which takes place on Sunday. The parade runs along Fifth Avenue, passing directly in front of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, the seat of the Catholic Archdiocese of New York.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bishop Fellay cites Vatican Official, "Church" Full of Heresies

Editor:  Bishop Fellay understands that there are those in the Vatican that see the problem clearly.
Correcting misreports

The Holy See-SSPX doctrinal discussions are already very complicated in themselves - there is no further need to distort anything. Several news sources, for example, have stated that the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop B. Fellay, characterized "the Church" as "filled with heresies" in his sermon for the ordinations of the United States district (for an Italian example, see this).

What Fellay actually did say, however, was that this was something mentioned in the Vatican halls by Vatican officials, which he repeated:

We will continue to say that there is a crisis in the church. Sometimes it’s really frustrating because in Rome they give the impression that everything is fine, and the next day we talk to them it’s not. These are the words from the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith: “But you know, it’s the priests, it’s the bishops, it’s the Catholic universities: they are full of heresies!” That’s what the the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith told us in June 2009!

From Rorate Caeli...

Pope Wants Universal Law for Kneeling

[Offerimus] Among other things, the papal Master of Ceremonies spoke of the ancient tradition of focusing on Christ in a physical way in the sacred liturgy, either though the eastwards orientation of the Eucharistic Prayer or where the crucifix or other image of Christ (the great panto-creator images on the apse of ancient churches) stood in for the eastward orientation. He thought that recently we have been in danger of losing this and that this is not a small detail but something of central importance, for in the past everyone (including the priest) prayed towards the same point - showing that the Lord was coming and that together we all looked towards Him.

Mgr Marini also posited that kneeling before the presence of the Lord makes it all the clearer that it really is Jesus and implies our adoration of Him. Not that we just receive Him but that we kneel before Him. To kneel accomplishes the truth of our relationship with Him - we adore. This is true freedom because man submits to slavery to many other earthly things - we bow down before these false gods - but to kneel before Christ expressses the truth and therefore reveals the dignity of man before the Lord of Life. Kneeling is the TYPICAL sign of offering our hearts and lives. The Church that kneels in the body will adore in the heart.

Read further... Brings you the Red Hot Information on the Church Scene

Kreuz Calls New Archbishop of Berlin

It's unbelievable. First the media speculate wildly that Bishop Gerhard Ludwig will be named Archbishop of Berlin as soon as September -- and thereby receive not only diplomatic and political honors, but also a Cardinal's hat. Many in the Church are upset at the premature pronouncements of the Media. But now once again an arch-reactionary internet site has all of the answers.

The curse of secrecy in the Vatican couldn't be more clearly demonstrated as it through one short, but specific, announcement on the internet site

The appointment of the Archbishop of Berlin will be made known before the end of the week. The auxiliary bishop of Berlin, Matthias Heinrich (56), has been chosen.

With that, all the speculation about the successor of Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, would once again be made absurd. For it was only last Sunday that the Frankfurter Rundschau claimed to have brand new information that those in Berlin, who participate in the selection of the bishop, weren't able to agree on a candidate, and so the Vatican then suggested Müller as a wild-card. Apart from the fact that the article was poorly researched (it claimed that Müller was in Rome for an unknown reason, while in fact he is a member of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, which had just met in Rome), it now looks like it was wrong.

That's because is a phenomenon. The holocaust is regularly denied on the site. Marginalized groups like homosexuals are referred to as "Homo Perverts" or simply "sodomites". Much more often than not, the SSPX is praised while almost all of the bishops -- including Müller, but also in the first place the Pope himself -- are called incorrigible modernists because they accept the II Vatican Council. The site represents the view of the extreme right wing, and it is immune to legal attack because it is hosted somewhere in the USA.

Again and again the people who run, whose identities are completely unknown, are somehow able to come up with red hot information, that they actually could only be getting straight from the Vatican. And that's how it will probably go with the report of auxiliary bishop Heinrich as the new Archbishop of Berlin. It would really be a stroke of bad luck if the report turns out not to be true.

Or the other way around: Perhaps it's bad luck if the report is true.

Translation by wsxy at AQ...

Bishop-supported homosexual ministry calls for same-sex 'marriage' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Bishop-supported homosexual ministry calls for same-sex 'marriage' :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Glowing Heart of Religion: Cardinal Schönborn on Corpus Christi

Editor: Actually, Josephism is a heresy, not a "tradition" as Cardinal Schönborn puts it. He knows better, but then, he's always up to something.

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn at his Corpus Christi Sermon: From the "Disposition of the prayer lost to self" follows from a "inner Joy, the Joy of God himself, Who helps to bear all hardships."

Vienna ( Cardinal Christoph Schönborn recalled in his sermon at the Josef Square in the center district of Vienna the tradition [sic] of Josephism going back to the Emperor Joseph II. The "temptation of Josephism", said the Cardinal, is still with us today, namely, "to measure religion according to its social and communal usefulness". "And then we all play industriously along, in which we put all the importance of the Church for its usefulness to the State and Society."

For that reason this produced a "complete balance of success" -- the Cardinal identified, among other things, Catholic Schools, the distribution of Charity, the ecclesiastical cultural goods and the lobbying for development -- for which "we also show our thankfulness as a sign of esteem and the recognition of the side of the State, as approximately the most recently conclusive natural sign of the marketability of the Church's contribution" [which "isn't a privilege for the Church, rather the recognition of its contribution to the good of the whole"].

"Aimless, but supremely meaningful"

it is therefore a "great other: religion, faith, church as a society of faith, may not be understood according to its use. The burning heart of Religion is the purposeless mystery, and if it does not live any more from this secret, then its burning center is extinguished." The Eucharistic Adoration, therefore in the Monstrance which carries the Host, which according to the Catholic understanding is Christ himself actually present, says Cardinal Schönborn, "purposeless, but supremely meaningful". "The Mystery is adored that is present in this small piece of bread.... must have no balance of usefulness." "Finding God according to God's will! Jesus Christ is honored and adored in the form of his Eucharistic presence: That is the meaning of today's event", the "living kernel" of the Corpus Christi tradition.

"Freed from a self-justifying ritual"

Finally Cardinal Schönborn focused in his sermon at the Josefplatz, "not intended but all the more important side-effects" which "comport the purposelessness of giving adoration": First, "that we are released from this sometimes painful ritual of self-justification". Here the Cardinal recalled that many efforts of the Church for Society are actually numerous, and are gratefully recognized, "but we may not inform ourselves, that we, for that reason, are the only and the best." Even the secular society has "fantastic schools, good hospitals, fantastic social services -- without religious motivation."

"Free for Service to Neighbor"

Second, following on the "Demeanor of the selfless adoration" an "inner joy, which is the joy in God Himself, who helps bear all hardships. Finally to be free of the self-forgetful adoration of the mystery, free from one's self, free for God, free for the devoted service to neighbor." "Our duty" on Corpus Christi, "This purposeless procession, these moments of adoration bring the source to approachability, which flows from our society with new power", concluded Cardinal Schönborn his Sermon.

Link to

The Eucharist -- The Way For the Renewal of the World

Benedict XVI celebrated Corpus Christi in the Lateran Basilica.  Christendom:  the patient and pious logic of love.

Rome ( The Eucharist brings man to Jesus, who in the traces of Christ are capable, to give to one another, and to become a tool of the unity of the human family. This was said by Pope Benedict XVI in his sermon at the Holy Mass of Corpus Christi in the Papal Basilica and Bishops' Church of Rome, St. John Lateran. After the service there was a large crowd of people participating in the Pope's traditional Procession, which concluded with a Eucharistic blessing at the Basilica of St. Maria Maggiore.

In the Eucharist is the complete transformation of the fruits of the earth -- bread and wine -- with the goal, to transform the lives of men and in this way to begin to transform the world, says the Pope, who invited thereon, to think about the mystery of Christ, who through His self-donation on the Cross saved the world and showed the way of salvation.

Everything takes its beginning with the heart of Christ, who thanked and offered God at the Last Super and transformed the meaning of death with the power of his love. From love, Christ took the suffering to death on the Cross and transformed it with an act of giving. This transformation, which the world needs, there it saves it from within, opens it to the dimension of the Kingdom of Heaven. Actually God wants to make this renewal real in the same way for the world, to which Christ is come: "through the way, which Christ is".

For the same reason, God handed over to the world the gift of the Eucharist, to offer the possibility of salvation for every person: "In Christendom it is nothing magic. There are no short cuts", says Benedict XVI., "everything is accomplished by the pious and patient logic of Faith, by which the gentle power of God moves mountains."

For that reason, "God will proceed to renew humanity in history and the Cosmos freeing him from these chains, Whose Sacrament is the Eucharist. Through the consecrated bread and the consecrated wine, in which is body and blood are present, Christ transforms us, so that we are made like Him: he encloses us in his work of salvation and makes us capable through the Grace of the Holy Ghost, to correspond to his logic of the gift to live, as grains of wheat, which are joined to Him and in Him". In this manner these are sewn and ripened in the furrows of history in unity and peace, "which is the goal, to which we are striving after the plan of God."

In order to understand the dynamic of eucharistic Communion, Benedict XVI explained the absolute division from the "Confessions" (VII,10,18) of St. Augustine, as he reported a manner of vision, in which Jesus said to him: "I am the food of grown men, and you shall feed upon me. You will not change me, as the meal is to the body, rather you will be changed as you are transformed into Me."

In the Eucharistic Commuion "we are transformed by Christ Himself, in this manner our individuality is open, freed of its egoism and bound with the person of Christ." So the Eucharist opens man even for others and overcomes all separation.

Whoever recognizes Jesus in the Host, "perceives him also in the brother, who suffers, who hungers and thirsts, the alien, naked, sick and imprisoned; and so recognizes every man; he establishes a concrete way for all in one, who are in need". For that reason the gift of the life of Christ a special responsibility of Christian for the building of solidarity, rights, brotherly society: "especially in our time, in the globalization of a larger interdependence, with which Christendom must be concerned, that this unity can not exist without God, that is to say can not be built without true love."

The Gospel is always a goal toward the unity of the human family, "proceeding from the meaning for mutual responsibility, which we recognize in the limits of our bodies, the body of Christ, which we have learned in the Sacrament of the Altar and continue to learn that the common part, that love is the way of true justice."

Link to

H/t: priest's secretary...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

First Corpus Christi Procession in St. Petersburg in 93 Years

.- The mayor of St. Petersburg, Russia has granted permission for the first Corpus Christi procession to take place in the city since 1918.

The announcement was confirmed by the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow, reported Vatican Radio. The procession will take place on Sunday, June 26, through the Prospettiva Nevsky Avenue, the city’s main street.

The avenue has traditionally been called the “way of confessional tolerance,” as it is lined with Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran and Armenian churches. According to archdiocesan officials, the last time a Corpus Christ procession took place on the avenue was in 1918.

Link to

Catholic Bloggers have Been Disgusting

Editor:  Tell me about it.  Voris criticizes the Pharisaical neo-Catholic blogstablishment. 

The IRA is Heavily Infiltrated by Reds

Editor: the Clintonian "Peace" Process is being shuffled off like yesterday's skin and now that the Communists have been more public and proud about their heritage these days, like Amway, they've decided that the brand recognition of Communism has improved somewhat now that people have forgotten what having a bunch of self-righteous atheists run everything is all about.

The IRA has been seriously riddled with Communists in the past, and this looks to be just another example of that political realization happening by hiding behind old sectarian feuds.  Why can't we have a Catholic Revolution against modernist Bishops instead, where we get Bishops who don't put us to shame, and don't make unnecessary concessions to our enemies?

Northern Ireland is enduring some of its worst rioting in a decade, heightening sectarian tensions as the region prepares for the climax of the marching season that every year tests the peace process.
Over two nights starting June 20, shots were fired and masked rioters threw petrol bombs in east Belfast, a traditional Protestant stronghold in the city, as police tried to prevent them entering the Catholic Short Strand estate.
The Ulster Volunteer Force, a Protestant terror group, coordinated the violence, police say. The eruption damped the celebrations for Northern Ireland golfer Rory McIlroy, who won the U.S. Open on June 19, and cast a shadow over the region’s efforts to emerge from recession.

Read further, Bloomburg, here...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Meet the Liturgical Jacobins of Collegeville

Editor: the language of the Mass has never been anything but elevated and hieratic. But there are some, let's call them  Liturgical Jacobins.  Russel Kirk once described the automobile as the Mechanical Jacobin.  If we could describe the car that way, how would we describe the Mass as it's said in Collegeville?  Liturgical Jacobins don't really care about the democracy stuff. While they complain about this Missal change being imposed from above, they don't recall how the Novus Ordo Missae is in large part, a summation of Liturgical abuses by Liturgical Revolutionaries like Father Virgil Michel of Collegeville, Dom Beauduin, Pius Parch and the Infamous Bishop Annibale Bugnini,  imposed on the laity, most of whom didn't like it when it came out and correspondingly voted with their feet by leaving the Church entirely.

Boy, Ruff, instead of worrying about enforcing your Jacobinism on the unsuspecting remnant in the pews, you should be worried about whether or not there will be a Collegeville to spread poison and ugly art in the next twenty years.  With an average age of sixty seven, at least half of the "Monks" in the Modernist Monastery will be dead in the next ten years with very few incoming vocations to replace them.  Awww, no more bad art, bad music and Modernism.  It's sad too, because at one time, Collegeville housed many brilliant minds, some of them probably orthodox, if the late, great Tom Roeser and St. John's Alumnus can be believed.  Certainly, St. John's will never produce another scholarly politician like Eugene McCarthy.

If we can take the current decline in numbers at Collegeville as a democratic vote for the New Mass which the types love so well, then really, "the People" don't really want the New Mass at all. Although Pat Marker at Pine Curtain singles out abuse as one of the primary factors, there's a deeper reason for the decline in the numbers of vocations.  It's the Modernism.  Otherwise, how do you account for the enormous numbers of religious entering religious houses since the beginning of the Nineteenth Century and after?  The revival coming after the French Revolution was not really checked until the spiritual malaise of the Second World War and the dramatic debacle of the Second Vatican Council, which opened the windows and doors of the Church, it is said, and everyone left, mostly never to return.

It isn't the very rare but glaring and evil evidence of sexual predators lurking on the outskirts of the Pine Curtain, it's the Modernism, the Liberalism infested in the minds of the Monks that lead many to believe that there are no punishments, in this life or the next, for their crimes.   Indeed, the only punishment most are suffering are the diseases related to old age, very soft living and the starchy fare they consume in quantity in the Refectory.

Rot Visible from Ten Thousand Feet

COLLEGEVILLE — Change is never easy, and come November, it’s going to get harder for some Catholics to celebrate Mass.

The implementation of the English translation of the third typical edition of the Roman Missal will be “the biggest single moment of change for Catholics who worship in English in the 40 years since the revisions of the liturgy which followed Vatican II,” according to a lecture last week to the Church Music Association of America by Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth.

“The Missal is basically the prayer book for Mass, with all of the texts that are said by the priest or congregation,” said the Rev. Anthony Ruff, associate professor of theology at St. John’s University and School of Theology/Seminary.

Read further, here...

A Note in Response to Mudslingers on Father Corapi's Military Service


Edit  GMT 0.105 June 22, A lot of interest in Father Corapi's military records, again since Mark Shea, a non-soldier if I've ever seen one, has decided to continue his dark Crusade.   First, bear in mind that military records are notoriously inaccurate and that a lot can happen, especially given the irregular nature of Special Forces units in general.  Father Corapi may have also served on a B-Team [which doesn't require the intensive training of A-Team members] and trained at an SF Training unit which was actually at Fort Knox during the time he was assigned there as an Infantryman.  It may be possible to belong to a B-Team without having jump wings and it's also understood that you can move up to advanced  parachute training, and the like, later on.

I'll also point out that I'm confident that most of the people commenting are rear-echelon, non-serving, failed mainstream journalist types who have no special knowledge of the Special Forces or the historical time period being discussed, the height of the Vietnam War just before Tet, when the demand for men and material was high.

Linked from here on the blog, the Post initially made with some comments, here

Ht to the Pewsitter who infrequently links to us, here

Just a personal anecdote, a dear departed friend of mine was in a Special Forces unit "deployed" to Cambodia.  He didn't talk much about his experiences there, save only to offer vague anecdotes related to our wargaming.  He was a Medic by training, but there was no indication on his DD form that he was anything but a Paratrooper.  His DD form described a 003 designation and that  was It, no unit of assignment or even Fort Bragg, whether he was a B-Team guy or not I don't know, but he got to clear the scum off the water of a river to get some water out when he drank it, and talked about their unit's pet rat.

The Old Game: Rome Lets Itself be Extorted by the Left

Editor: the talk of schism continues.

The Mainz Cardinal may continue his subversive activities.  by Katharina Faßschröder.

Karl Kardinal Lehmann von Mainz
Karl Kardinal Lehmann von Mainz
© Pressestelle Bistum Mainz MBN

 ( The President of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Robert  Zolitsch of Freiburg, supports the proposals of the Theologian Pamphlets.

He told this to the Old Liberal Theolgoians of the University of Freiburg at a meeting of the theological faculty.

The double-strategy of the Old Liberal German Bishops is public.

Rome has advised distancing to the proposals of the Pamphlet.

Back around the opposite strategy has been pursued: One is using the announced dialog process, in order to warm up the decadent Pamphlet and to interpose it as a German special right.

Msgr Zollitsch is a strawman in this play.

His Grey Immanence

The Grey Imminence is Cardinal Karl Lehman from Mainz.

He is the hub of the conspiratorial shadow hierarchy.

The Old Liberal song and dance in the Church is ideologically exercised in the church paper of the Diocese of Mainz, 'Glauben und Leben'.

In the past there have been a series of articles "Break-up in the Promised Land". In this manner of play the Old Liberal breakaway theologians can disseminate their ideas from yesterday.

The names of the authors reads like a "who is who" of ecclesiastical decline:

- the Frankfurt religion pedagogue and pamphleteer, Bernd Trocholepscy (59).

- the former school director Dr. Willi Belz and honorary President of the Hessian supplier firm for abortion business "Donum vitae"

- the Offenbacher Pastor Kurt Sogns, who is a member of the anti-Church society, "Wir Sind Kirche" [we are church] and has approved homo-Masses for the Frankfurt hmosexual community.

- the former teacher Angelika Fromm (60), the founding member of the anti-Church society, "Wir Sind Kirche' and 'ACtion lila Stola' and one who promotes the counter-Evangelical priestly marriage and women priests.

- the rabid Mainzer, Fromm, "feels herself called by God, as one who will part the sea of fear and traditionalism of the Church to lead people to the promised land" -- or to another harbor.

In the Mainz church paper Frau From is described as a "formed deaconess without ordination".

The Deaconess as a Fire Axe

Already in 2001 Pope John Paul II informed the Bishops to stop the educational course for the preparation of women to the diaconate.

The memo was signed by then Cardinal Josef Ratzinger.

Actually in the Diocese of Mainz Cardinal Lehmann took a hostile posture.

He allowed the self-described "Deaconesses" to write in the media and supported them in the meantime, Lila-Stola-Ideologues in their efforts.

In September 2010 the Cardinal explained that the question of the Diaconate for women must proceed with "courage and openness", before one could discuss the ordination of married men to the priesthood.

In the spring he lanced, however, a willful CDU-Politician's open discussion about the abolition of celibacy.

To support a non-existing Diaconate for women is something that belongs to Bishop Franz-Josef Bodie von Osnabrück and Archbishop Robert Zollitsch von Freiburg.

Even the Carnival Society was Active

The strategy of the Old Liberal Mainz networker appears to have been endanged by the possible resignation by reason of age of Cardinal Lehmann.

The Cardinal made it known many times in the regional media that he would happily go on.

At the same time the media polished its coverage of his episcopal achievements, for the public eye.

The unpastoral Cardinal -- who rarely took time to care for his Diocese -- was presented inaccurately as a beloved popular Senior Pastor.

He worked for thirty years as a "People's Bishop" for his flock and has for this reason, irreplaceable, said the mysterious media bosses.

The Mainz Ordinariat organized even petitions for his retainder and sent the petition to Rome.

For this purpose, the Mainz Ordinariat even mobilized a Carnival Society and the Mainzer Fußballverein 05.

Even the market ladies in the Cathedral Square went around with the petition.

the stooge successor of Cardinal Lehmann in the German Bishops Conference has pointed to large sums of money which the Official Church transfers to Rome.

Rome has allowed itself to be extorted.

The Cardinal may now paper mache himself a separate church..

Link to original...

Another "Jesuit" Suspended for Abuse

A leading scholar, speaker and onetime advisor to the US bishops, one of the Stateside church's most celebrated liturgists has been "permanently removed from ministry" over a credible allegation dating to the early 1980s.

After word first emerged from Jesuit circles last week, the move against Fr J-Glenn Murray has been announced over recent days in the various apostolates where he's served over 32 years of priesthood. Ordained for the Society's Maryland Province in 1979, Murray served for many years as worship director of the Cleveland diocese, and was most recently assigned to a parish in Washington.

Link to Whispers in the Loggia.

H/t Liam