Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Cardinal Kasper Denies Suggestions of Schism Brewing in Germany
The former Curial Cardinal considers the contention of Italian Vaticanista Tornielli about a threatened schism as a "hypothetical construction"
Bonn ( Cardinal Walter Kasper has rejected speculations about a threatened Church schism in Germany. Corresponding notions which appeared in "Focus" are also supposed to be in an alleged Vatican circulating dossier, which the long standing President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, according to a report in the "Zeit" enclosure "Christ and World" this Tuesday, had described as "conspiracy theory" and "hypothetical constructions built up, combined with bits of information and other inadequacies."
The Cardinal explained the motives of the conspiracy theorists: "it seems that they want to breed mistrust and provoke a schism." The Munich news magazine had reported on Pentecost that there is an unofficial dossier circulating in the Vatican, which suggests that there is a schism in the Catholic Church in Germany. Behind this romantic current are hidden church societies, individuals from the German Bishops Conference, Catholic politicians and parts of the Jesuit Order.
The substantiation for this report is according to research from "Christ and World" a blog report by the mostly well-informed Vatican journalist of the paper "La Stampa", Andrea Tornielli. He reported on June 8th that some in the Vatican believe that in the foreground of the Papal Visit there will be a concentrated action of reformist forces in German Catholicism.
Kasper speaks thereon, that there is in his opinion no centrally controlled action of German Catholics for schism. The actions which the alleged dossier describe, whereabouts the open letter of Catholic politicians from January and the memorandum of Theologians in February were, according to the Cardinal, individual actions and not centrally coordinated. The Cardinal doesn't know of a collaboration which according to "Christ and World" has any direction from Vatican circles: "Who should that have been? I know no one here who would do such a thing."
Kasper understands with a view to the Catholic Church in Germany on the great interest for the Papal Visit in September. "There is a great, till now mostly silent majority, to whom one or the other critical questions are appealing, who otherwise are fed up with the other side and simply want to be Catholic," he said.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A "Miracle of the Sun" at Fatima After Beatification of John Paul II
Fatima ( Was there another "miracle of the sun" after the Beatification of John Paul II? This is the contention of at least some eyewitnesses, as has just learned. This 'wonder' is said to have happened immediately after the celebration of John Paul II's Beatification on the 1st of May. There was a rainbow cross formed around the sun. Thousands of pilgrims and residents of Fatima concur that they have seen it who were at the location. Even the Bishop of Fatima, Serafim de Sousa, has acknowledged the event, but an official statement has not been made.
In Portugal and Poland the world media have also reported it. Previously on the 13th of October 1917, a miracle of the sun was reported. This was witnessed by at least 30,000 people in Cova da Iria.
An eyewitness of the event of the 13th of May reported on this noteworthy occurrence. On kathTube some people witnessed unusual things in Fatima. The User "Radfee" wrote: We, my sister and I, stood about in the middle of the pilgrim square, near the barrier. With many pilgrims we had our attention on Holy Mass, which was happening on the altar, which was projected on a big screen. As from nothing, a murmur arose from the crowd, that suddenly drew our attention above to the sky. It was an indescribable moment. It was, as though everyone held their breath; it was for me, as if for a moment time stood still. Then a rousing applause broke from the crowd in joy and thanksgiving. Many wept with joy and astonishment. And, although the sun was powerfully blinding, it was hard for us to look back to the ground. We are true Westphalians, therefore are not quick to be taken in, and have always been skeptical of extraordinary occurrences.
H/t: John Barry's Blog...
Bishop McCormack Defends Life
This time when New Hampshire’s Catholic bishop got involved in a political issue, there was no outcry.
The last time he got involved, the GOP leadership in the New Hampshire House got hot under the collar.
This time the issue was HB 329, a bill from the Republican-controlled Legislature that requires a teen to notify her parents about her intention to get an abortion.
Bulgarian Municipality Moves to Restore Soviet Memorial Defaced by "Vandals"
The Forum is one of the 20th unions signed the declaration against the desecration of the monument. "We have today adopted a declaration in connection with the desecration of the monument to the Soviet Army. Tomorrow, we expect more creative and community organizations to join the declaration and other foundations and unions," Sharenkova said.
Asked how it influences on the image of our country, Sharenkova said: "It definitely has negative effect, because here it comes first for historical truth and memory, and an insult to a great army, which is recognized by Europe and worldwide as a liberator. It is not very good 22 years after the changes to go back to starting position. In 1993 Sofia Municipal Council had such debates, but the there was willing to move and to destroy the monument, but there was voting as well and then the City Council decided not to move the monument and now 20 years later it is happening again”.
Pope's Brother Challenges Old Liberals on Priestly Marriage and Women's Ordination
Germany. The Old Liberals are demanding "always holding to the same subjects, that have been long decided: the celibacy of priests, women's ordination". Msgr Georg Ratzinger, the brother of the Pope, criticized this in an interview with the news daily 'Neue Passauer Presse'. The Pope doesn't have the power to ordain women -- explained Prelate Ratzinger: "Why talk about it then? They always have to start with arguments that have been known for a long time, which many simply don't want to accept." On celibacy the Prelate said, that it "really has it's theological meaning." There are generally increasingly fewer marriages anyway, and then the priests should "all of a sudden marry". Prelate Ratzinger finds that "a bit curious". Priestly marriage would be violently opposed by faithful people: "That would be more destructive than constructive."
Link here...
Catholic Vultures Circling and Waiting for a Meal
One articulate poster suggested that there was a monetary scheme behind the orchestration in this Kangaroo Court of Soviet Blogpinion in its attack on Father Corapi. Not surprisingly, the Anglespleen forum, self-righteous as always, loves to attack people, innocent people, dead people who can't defend themselves and so on, but in fact, most of the posters there are brutalized moral insects who try to savage people's reputations just for fun. How do others live with themselves, despite the high opinion they have of themselves, chattering like Harper Valley volunteers over the fence? It doesn't matter that Bishop Gracida stepped in to defend Father Corapi. Unmoved, the voracious army of blogtacular incendiaries moved on, irrespective of details, good sense and love. Is it all about the Benjamins? I was just following orders, eh?
It seemed like a good idea to formulate an enemies list:
It was the Eighties, I did what I had to do, you know, at least I'm not the Cankeress.
As bad as that was, at least I didn't abandon all good sense like Mark Sashay did and defend Cardinal Schonborn.
Then there are priest bloggers too. I know, let's make that good old appeal to people's egalitarianism and attempt to shame his defenders by accusing them of being the subject of a "cult of personality"? What's that all about and the Herpetologist of County Claire
Let us not forget the Deacon's Stench.
This list isn't finished. It will probably include Patrick Madrid, but hey, he's no big whoop.
Before you get indignant as you make off with your pieces of silver, or the sense of righteousness you feel at kicking someone around who you think is inferior to you, think about the cost of priests being falsely accused and what happens to them. Carol McKinley seems to be the only one who's thinking about that.
Photo from, here, Vulture executed because of Zionist influences.
Editor: 9:48 GMT. 22.6.11 We've decided to add some new blogs to the list.
Trade unionist blog with what look like Eric Gill fonts and illustrations, caelum et terrae.
An old lady blog that looks like some Reform of the Reform thing, here at te deum.
And last but not least, the hugely sissy, Crabey Toads blog.
Editor 00:43 GMT 22.6.11 Let us not forget, Jimmy McFakin
Bishop of Chur Being Lured into a Trap
An Old Liberal Church paper in the Diocese of Chur has frontally attacked the Diocesan Bishop. The good man has defended himself.
( The press speaker of the Diocese of Chur is defending against allegations by the ‘Pfarreiblatts Urschweiz’.
The ‘Pfarreiblatts’ [Pastor's Paper] appears in the central Swiss area of the Diocese Chur in a mini-edition of about 17.000 copies.
It reported in its most recent edition about a privately organized celebration on the occasion of the fourth anniversary of the installation of the Pastoral Consultants of the Diocese of Chur.
Despite their high spirits and the kindergarten freshness of their work, the Pastoral Consultants in Church and those associated with it are quickly becoming increasingly antagonistic to the Church.
The article insituated that the Bishop has been "aloof" to the occasion.
Reason: Msgr Huonder is said to have not participated, rather only appeared at the end of a planned "Vespers".
The Slander Takes Flight
The press speaker categorically declined to mention this portrayal in his response.
The event had been planned without the participation of the Bishop.
As he learned of it, he had made expressed his desire to participate in it.
The forty year old -- supposed--- "engagement of the laity" is valuable to him -- explained the press secretary.
Msgr Huonder would have gladly shown that with his wholehearted participation.
Actually the Senior Pastor received a rebuff: the organizers advised the Bishop not to be present for the entire day, because it is after all a, "celebration of laity".
The Bishop exceeded to the wishes of the self-important lay commanders.
Unlucky General Vicar
The General Vicar of the Diocese of Church tried his luck in any case.
He received an invitation and responded.
Actually the organizers recommended that he, with the Bishop to come "toward end of the event".
The General Vicar obeyed.
Link to original,
Bishop Heinrich a Favorite for Berlin's Archbishop
Germany. The new Archbishop of Berlin will be decided by 30 June. This was according to the news service 'dpa'. The 'Passauer Neue Presse' says that Bischof Gerhard Ludwig Müller von Regensburg has only been discussed a brief time for the office. Of the actual propsed three are Auxiliary Bishop Matthias Heinrich von Berlin, Archbishop Ludwig Schick von Bamberg and Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-von Elst von Limburg. The newspaper has chosen Auxilliary Bishop Heinrich as favorite.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Bishop Williamson Fires Attorney
(, Regensburg) Society Bishop Richard Williamson (71) has separated himself from his council now just before his July 4th hearing. This is according to 'dpa'.
In April the Court of Regensburg fined hero-Bishop Williamson for an offense of Holocaust denial in muzzleland Germany for 10.000 Euros.
He is challenging German legal clauses, which according to International Law, are illegal.
The Fourth Attorney
Msgr Williamson is taking his fourth attorney before his appeal.
First of all, he separated himself from the Extreme Left, Green Attorney, Comrade Matthias Lossman.
This one resigned his brief in November 2010 in a mutual agreement.
After the Comrade, followed the race conscious attorney Wolfram Nahrath.
The Society of St. Pius X protested this choice. They threatened their Bishop with ouster in case he didn't fire this new attorney.
Thereupon Msgr Williamson engaged the Heilbron prosecutor Norbert Wingerter (72).
Msgr. Williamson has no separated himself from him.
This Brit doesn't Want to wear a German Muzzle
Wingerter explained that between himself and his brief there are different positions about the defense strategy.
The attorney sees good prospects for free speech, "if one were to argue to the court, that the expression for the camera of a Swedish television crew were not intended for broadcast in Germany".
Actually, Msgr Williamson repudiates this kind of argumentation: "He believes that one could put the Holocaust in doubt."
Wingerter sees this strategy as senseless before a German court.
As his successor, Wingerter has named a practicing honorary professor of the University of Marburg.
'Dpa' doesn't name this individual.
He doesn't want to give any information about the case.
The Court of Regensburg also is giving no ruling, if a delay to the appeal hearing will be permitted.
Liberal Bishop Cites Feminist Theologian
“With a wink to an approving audience”
San Jose Bishop Patrick McGrath received a standing ovation following his opening remarks at the annual convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America. Bishop McGrath joked about the theological competence of his fellow bishops and quoted the words of a feminist theologian whose latest book has drawn fire from the USCCB’s Committee on Doctrine.
The convention, held June 9-11 at the swank Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, drew more than 300 attendees from across the United States and around the world. Bishop McGrath welcomed the society to San Jose on the convention’s opening night.
Read further, here.
A Classic Case of Moral Hysteria: Calls for Bishop Finn's Resignation and Father Corapi's Blood
The link here...
Let the Crow Eating Begin: Bishop Defends the Great Corapi
Editor: A lot of people have been drawn in to the abuse craze and the abuse-hoax here by working wittingly or otherwise to perpetuate and substantiate stupidity of these uncanonical and therefore unjust zero tolerance polices. All you need is an accusation to suspend someone. So, some anonymous person makes a phone call, and all of a sudden, boom, Father McBrien is out of a job teaching at Notre Dame? Well, I'm sure that if Father McBrien were accused of abuse, the application of the procedure would be very different.
This whole thing is dishonest and people shouldn't be surprised when the special pleading the Bishops have been engaging in for the last forty-plus years comes back to haunt them.
Don't mean to pick too much on Mark Shea. He still thinks Father Corapi violated his vows, but at least he apologized. His vitriol has been pretty typical of a lot of people who should know better, like here. Anyhow, some people are going to eat their crow for being unreasonable and others aren't.
And speaking of dishonesty, "Catholic" Online can't even get the story straight. Father Corapi isn't leaving the Church. Last time we checked, Catholic Online was stealing an artist's work and not crediting them with it.
Here's a great response to clear up some of the "hoo-ha" in this "kerfluffle":
The fact that he has chosen the nom de plume of The Black Sheep Dog is revealing: he cares for the flock of sheep he has been ministering to all these years, sheep that he well knows are of the Lord’s flock, not his.
As a suspended priest he cannot function publicly as a priest, but he can continue to evangelize as long as he does not present himself to the public as a priest.
Every baptized person is given the obligation of being a witness to the truth, of being an evangelizer. In Father Corapi’s case, the obligation is all the greater in view of the gift of the sacramental priesthood he has been given. Prevented (hopefully only temporarily) from exercising that priesthood in a public manner during his suspension, he is aware of his obligation to be a witness to the truth and to continue to evangelize. He evidently intends to do so until his suspension is lifted not as Father John Corapi but as The Black Sheep Dog.
Read further...
Sunday, June 19, 2011
New Bishop for Görlitz, Former East Germany
Kreuz: The new Bishop of of Görlitz looks like the kind of man will allow the church to die in peace.
( today at 12:00 the Diocesan Administrator of Görlitz, Cathedral Rector Hubertus Zomack published the name of the new Bishop.
The present occupant of the office, Bishop Conrad Zdarsa - was named as Bishop of Augsburg.
The new Görlitz Bishop will be Msgr Wolfgang Ipolt (57). He was born on 17 March, 1954 in the 46,000 population city of Gotha in Thuringia. The city belongs to the Diocese of Erfurt.
He studied theology in Erfurt and finished his studies with a licentiate. On 30 June, 1979, he was ordained a priest of the Diocese of Erfurt.
From 1979 to 1983 he was active as Vicar of the 5000 population town of Wobis -- 110 km north of Erfurt.
From 1983 to 1985 he worked at the parish of Corpus Christi in East Berlin and from 1985 to 1992 in the Parish of Saint Lorenz in Erfurt.
In 1989 he was made the Subregent of Erfurt's Seminary.
From 1992 to 2004 he was pastor in the 44,000 population city of Nordhausen -- 75 km north of Erfurt. In 2001 he was named as the Erfurt Cathedral Regent and the Rector of the Seminary. A few weeks ago the Görlitzer Dicoesan chapter elected him as Bishop.
This choice has been confirmed by the Pope.
Görlitz is the smallest German Diocese. With an area of around 9,700 square kilometers in East Brandenburg and Saxony, ther are about 36,000 Catholics. That is less than four percent of the population.
At the founding of the Diocese iin 1994. There were 55,000 Catholics. The faithful belong to 47 parishes and pastoral centers. The Diocese of Görlitz is located in the area of the former Archdiocese of Breslau in Lower Silesia. This church territory was administrated after the Polish occupation of Lower Silesia in 1945 consequently "Archepiscopal Office of Görlitz"
In 1972 the Vatican erected the apostolic administrator of Görlitz.
It was raised to the Diocese of Görlitz in 1994.
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
Centenial of Decline
[The chronicle on line] Over the past century, both churches have seen a number of changes. Gone are the days of Mass being given in Latin, women being required to wear head coverings and the disappearance of the traditional Habit.
St. Frederic has also been home to several firsts including the first Lay ministers of Communion and Liturgy in 1970 and the opening of the first parochial school in Columbia County in 1928.
And in 1960, John F. Kennedy – the first Catholic president – visited during his presidential campaign. To mark these changes and to recognize the role of the church in the lives of its parishioners, St. Wenceslaus asked members to complete a family story questionnaire. From these a Parish Memory Book will be created and shared with the community.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Holy Father Promotes Sacred Heart Devotions
Finally the Holy Father welcomed representatives from the Catholic Bible Federation, expressing the hope that "their efforts may bring important fruits, particularly for the pastoral life of the local Churches."
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Friday, June 17, 2011
Maestro Advocates Return to Rigour and Gregorian Chant
( "Dramatic, despairing, meaningless". Maestro Don Pablo Colino isn't reading from a script when he describes the health of today's repetoir of ecclesiastical music - – even if he can be pressed to specify that "there is still a possiblity, to exponentiate a return from this dangerous tendency from below, in which one departs with Gregorian Chant, the study of musica sacra, and liturgical music." Msgr. Colino is known world wide as a musician and orchestra Director. With years of service in the Vatican he is directing the choir of the Roman Philharmonic at the present. He has an authority then about what religious music entails, which he has worked for years to "clean" of the film, which according to his lights, has endangered it.
"Pope Benedict XVI is the first who asked us about and believed in this task," he said. "Many times, the Pope encourged me to continue there the universal heritage of the musica sacra rooted in the truest liturgical tradition.
Maestro Colino, why is the musica sacra and the liturgy in a crisis?
Msgr. Colino: everything has been backwards since the 2nd Vatican Council, connected to a superficial flood of pseudo-renewals, which in almost all of our churches has done so much damage. It is enough at some liturgical celebrations to hear fearful guitar picking, deafening electrical organs, and uninspiring choirs. And the whole thing led by unqualified music directors. Even when there is an absence of encouraging exceptions, which - can be nurtured - there is a shimmer of hope for the future forming.
Would you name a couple of examples?
Msgr. Colino: recently in Terni, an interesting event in sacred music took place, and there are a lot of young choirs and many artistic groups specializing in liturgical music. It was beautiful and interesting to hear them.
Is there a "prescription" to restore the musica sacra?
Msgr. Colino: it is necessary to return to take a serious, difficult and painful study of the "scholae cantorum", in conservatories and also in the schools. The Musica Sacra is a universal heritage, one of the highest and everlasting art forms. And Italy is full of that which is the legacy of the greatest composers of liturgical music.
And how should the programs of schools of this type look?
Msgr. Colino: It is of foundational importance to return to the direct aqcueintance of the Gregorian Choral and also the education of musicians as well as refining orchestras and choir directors. Nothing happens without didactic rigour and without the knowledge of Gregorian, mother of sacra musica, yes I would even dare to say: of all music, even of the contemporary.© La Repubblica vom 16. Juni 2011
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Police Recover 780 Relic of St. Anthony, Hammer of Heretics
The theft of relic to honor St. Anthony was reported Monday morning at St. Anthony Church, near 6th Street and Olive Avenue, according to the Long Beach Police Department.
A Long Beach woman was arrested in connection with the theft, police said. Police declined to release additional details, saying that a news conference was scheduled for Thursday night.
Link to LA Times...
Archbishop Promotes Socialist Wealth-Confiscation Schemes
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The Canonization of Marx and Coercive Virtue |
Editor: It's a Bella Dodd alert. Some commentators think it's cute when Archbishops use their moral authority to promote Socialist wealth confiscation schemes and the mistaken idea that people being coerced to support government programs allegedly for poor relief, constitute charity. Perhaps Archbishop Nienstedt should consult St. Thomas on this issue rather than Karl Marx? Aquinas says:
It is not always through the perfect goodness of virtue that one obeys the law, but sometimes it is through fear of punishment, and sometimes from the mere dictate of reason, which is a kind of beginning of virtue.(8)Check out the Dick and Jane help out with the Community Organizing over on the Mark Shay blog by positing imaginary distinctions between different social justices as if painting the name "Catholic" on something changes its substance. Yet once again, the neo-Conservative Archbishop puts himself behind wealth redistribution and the expansion of the welfare state.
In any event, the Archbishop is lending a red hand on behalf of those nefarious political interests continuing to degrade the moral tenor of the nation.
Articulate and just criticisms are forthcoming from Senator David Hahn as they appear here at NPR.
Mark Sashay...
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Eucharistic Adoration is a Vatican Emphasis: Catholic News Consults Father McBrien
Why can't Father McBrien find a real job doing something else rather than the destructive and unhelpful job he's doing now as a "theologian".
[VNS] At the same time, however, some theologians object to adoration as outdated and unnecessary, and warn that it can lead to misunderstandings and undo decades of progress in educating lay Catholics on the meaning of the sacrament.
Monsignor Kevin W. Irwin, dean of the School of Theology and Religious Studies at the Catholic University of America, said Eucharistic adoration by the laity originated in the 13th century as a substitute for receiving Communion at Mass.
At the same time, he said, the church often encouraged a believer's sense of "personal unworthiness" to receive the sacrament -- which Catholics believe to be the body of Christ -- so many resorted to so-called "ocular communion" instead.
Eucharistic adoration was also used as a teaching tool to reaffirm the doctrine of the "real presence" of Christ in the Eucharist, said the Rev. Richard P. McBrien, a noted theologian at the University of Notre Dame.
For instance, McBrien said, devotion grew during the 16th- and 17th-century Counter-Reformation, in response to the arguments of some Protestant Reformers that the Eucharist was merely a symbol, not the actual body of Christ.
In the days when priests celebrated Mass in Latin with minimal participation by the congregation, the hymns and prayers associated with adoration gave lay Catholics an opportunity for public worship, Irwin said.
Liturgical reforms after Vatican II greatly increased the laity's participation at Mass, which Irwin said satisfied the "felt need for participation in public prayer." Irwin called that an "underlying reason" for the practice's decline.
Vatican tries to revive Eucharistic adoration | The Christian Century
Pontifical Commission Reports on Ancient Frescoes in Rome
June 16, 2011. ( The Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology is the Vatican body responsible for the care of ancient cemeteries and other artifacts from the early Christian centuries. They recently unveiled this 3rd century hypogeum, or underground burial chamber, that belonged to the Aurelia family of Rome.
Raffaella Giuliani
Archeologist, Pontifical Commission for Sacred Archeology
“The paintings represent the lives of the Aureli, as we can see from the paintings they were a wealthy family that owned many houses, in the painting we can see the construction of these villas and gardens from imperial Rome. These scenes are inspired by the Homeric poems, in particular by the story of Odysseus.”
For the past 10 years, a team of archeologists has been restoring this hypogeum that dates back to the third century but was only discovered in 1919.
The Vatican and the team of archeologists say the restoration of this underground chamber has given some insights to the Aurelia family and the transition of paganism to Christianity.