Thursday, June 16, 2011

Corapi Announcement Forthcoming this Weekend.

Bon Appetit

Editor: Of course it's going to confirm what we've been saying all along. Still, we're not going to demur from pointing out that there were people who weren't willing to innocent till proven guilty on Father Corapi and give more credibility to the accusations than they deserved. Yes, a vindictive woman, imagine that, wanted to ruin Father Corapi's career and after that there was quite an outpouring of dreck assaulting his character from some of the less virile, less orthodox areas of the blogospear, and media complex, insinuations from certain quarters we're not going to forget: the network gone wrong, deacon's stench, the cankerous and crabby roads.

Link to patheos...

Saint Paul's Cathedral Restoration Complete

Editor: One feature of this article is the fact that this will be a restoration and not a revolution [renovation]. There won't be an altar table and we trust that the chancel screen will remain in place.

The steel frames have lined the building since renovation work started in 1996.

But with the £40million project finally complete, the public will today get an unobstructed view of Sir Christopher Wren’s masterpiece.

Restoration work has ‘transformed’ the interior, cathedral officials say, while more than 150,000 blocks of the white Portland stone have been cleaned on the west exterior wall.

Other work has included redesigning and landscaping the south gardens, restoration of the grand organ and cleaning the American Memorial Chapel, which was built in the 1950s to commemorate US forces who died in World War II.

Read more:

Chinese Communist Party Celebrates Decades of Murder and Banditry

Editor: despite the government's longstanding official persecution of the Catholic Church and the recent excommunications of Patriotic Association Bishops who are stooges for the government, but wait, the government is showing a lot of propaganda designed to make you feel good about how International Collectivists robbed your grandparents of your legacy and that of your children. What Chinese need to ask is, "where is the Emperor?"

[USA Today] At a movie theater inside a central Beijing shopping mall, artist Jin Rui says he enjoyed the film and hoped it draws many Chinese, especially the younger generation. "Today, too many people care only about making money, but as Chinese, we all need some belief, not just materialism," he says.

"I've lived through many revolutions," says Jin, 58, whose father, a party member, was punished as a "rightist" in the late 1950s. "I don't care which party rules as long as they deliver a good social environment. The Communist Party is doing better and better these days," says Jin, who has never joined the party.

The film's 100-plus stars, including Chow Yun-fat and Andy Lau, proved the key attraction for several moviegoers. "I wanted to spot all the stars," admits Boris Zou, a Beijing film company employee.

To ensure his son, 14, and daughter, 6, know where power lies in China, construction company manager Han Jingming brought them to a "Red song" concert that rocked the Bird's Nest Olympic stadium in Beijing on Sunday night. "The Communist Party will continue to lead China, so I want my kids to understand its history and our revolution," explains Han, 40.

Link to news...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

In Liturgy It's Only the Right of the Powerful

How can it be that in the Church where "Tolerance" has long been the Superdogma, such intolerance exists? Answer: Because tolerance is only valid for the devil.

( The German Bishops invite to dialog. They are, however, "not immediately dialog-ready" about the Old Mass.

Pastor Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Mainz said in the middle of this May on his website.

This is how he sees the Bishops' Offer of Dialog

There interest in the Old Mass is small -- cited Fr. Jolie the Bishops. That has a diverse number of causes said Father Jolie.

He says there's a "steadily growing indifference of many Christians for Faith and Liturgy".

Fr. Jolie sees a second cause in the "open secret that in many Seminaries, the interest in the Old Mass alone can be dangerous."

The clergyman knows seminarians who are hesitant to participate in the Old Rite, because they fear the consequences.

He cites a Seminarist with the words: "I just want to get ordained."

That cause Fr. Jolie to comment: "Is this how the Bishops see dialog?"

In the Diocese of Mainz there are priests who are open to the Old Liturgy, but are under pressure.

On that point he recalled the word of then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger from the year 2000:

"Whoever today is inclined to this Liturgy or participates in it, will be dealt with as an outsider; here all tolerance comes to an end."

Fr. Jolie put the question: "How can it be that in our Church where "Tolerance" has long been spoken of as the Superdogma, can such intolerance rule?"

Only the Right of the Strong

The clergyman is appealing to the consciences of the Old Liberal Bishops:

"Experience teaches that unresolved injustice in the Church can have fatal consequences."

Because: "Through silence, ignorance and the "right of the strong" solves no problems in the Kingdom of God."

Fr. Jolie recalled then that the Pope in 2007 had described the de facto prohibition against the Old Mass a "profound injustice".

Then he asked the question:

"Is it not indisputable, that on the one hand in our Church ecumenism is written of highly, while at the same time even Catholics, who are, very directly addressed and given permission from the Pope, are still punished with marginalization?"

Link to kreuz...

German Philosohper Weighs in About the Truth

The Old Liberal Offense about Offense

In Germany there is the notion that the saving flesh-and-blood Christendom can be reduced and reinterpreted to a contourless watered down Ideology.

( "I think the Episcopal recommendation for a new round of discussion in the Church is a catastrophically wrong decision."

This is what Frankfurt philosopher Walter Hoeres (83) said today in an editorial for the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung' in the regional portion of "Rhein-Main'.

Hoeres recalled that in Germany since the Council and the Synod of Wurzburg, there has been an uninterrupted attempt to make the faith "understandable" to our times:

"Since then, everything is debated in the subject area of the Church, which in fact has come to indicate that everything can be put to question" -- the philosopher broke it down.

Thereupon it has to be the case that even in questions of faith, as with all expressions, "there must be an absolute correspondence of form and content".

The philosopher explained this expression: "That means that one has the task, to explain those things which have been found by all times to be offensive and foolishness, really to express this as the Church has always done".

Hoeres gives an example:

"How should you explain the truth that Jesus is true God and Man or that at the Sacrifice of the Mass according to Catholic conviction that the bread and wine is transformed into the body and blood of Christ, without bringing a non-believer to offense?"

SPLC Demands that Minnesota School District Address Anti-Gay Harassment, Drop Gag Policy | Southern Poverty Law Center

Editor: this is precisely why no one with any sense should send their children to support the public education monopoly. Relentless pressure from crypto-Marxist organizations like the SPLC will invariably intervene to ensure that their propaganda values are met at the expense of education.

SPLC Demands that Minnesota School District Address Anti-Gay Harassment, Drop Gag Policy | Southern Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

David Berger's Book Promoted by Fulda Diocese

The Demon in the Fulda Book Store by the Cathedral

The homosexually disturbed David Berger is officially cursing the official Church like one possessed.  Actually he's tucked with her under cover.  by Bonifaz Voigt.
The Fulda Cathedral Bookshoppe sells Berger's  Homo-book

( What the controversial ecclesiastical 'Weltbildverlag' isn't doing -- Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen of Fulda completes.

In the Catholic book store in the shadows of the high Dome in Fulda there's the book by homo-swindler, David Berger, is on offer and overflowing on the showroom floor.

Berger is a homosexually disturbed person, who had taken his neo-Conservative friends for a year long ride as he led a double life.

He has betrayed his companions and patrons in this portrayal now under the title of his book "The Holy Glow".

That the Fulda Cathedral Book store promotes his homosexual propaganda is not a cause for concern.

Because last year Rotarian Bishop Algermissen announced that he would allow opposition to Church regulations and consecrate homosexually disturbed individuals to the priesthood.

In the meantime, the Cathedral in Fulda has taken place again with the blessing of four seminarians -- despite significant protests.

For that reason it is understandable and logical that the infamous Berger book is prized in the official bookstore of the Cathedral.

Moscow Patriarchate Grateful to Government for Stopping Homo-Parade

Moscow, May 30, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church is grateful to the Moscow city authorities and law enforcers for preventing a gay parade attempted in the city last Saturday.

Responding to questions from Interfax-Religion on Monday, head of the Synodal Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin said the authorities "quite politely prevented an instance of propaganda of homosexuality which could have been witnessed by children and teenagers who crowded the two venues of the action."

He expressed hope that in the future the authorities of Russia and Moscow in similar cases "will listen to the voice of their own people, the majority of whom do not accept the propaganda of homosexuality, instead of foreign pressure that was exerted before the action and continues now."

Vatican Excommunicates Patriotic Chinese Bishops

(Vatikan/Peking) At the request of numerous Chinese Faithful, and above all the Catholic underground Church, the Holy See has published a clarification that the unauthorized newly consecrated, regime-friendly Bishops of the People's Republic of China, as well as the Bishops who consecrated them, are excommunicated with all of the consequences that follow from that.

The explanation comes from the Papal Adviser for Legislative Texts.
The Holy See is pleading with the stricken Bishops:

-to make a public gesture of penitence

-that they do not celebrate Holy Mass or receive Holy Communion

-that they neither receive nor distribute the Sacraments

-that they give up the direction of their Dicoese.

These requirements are the "necessary medicine for healing", to make possible the resettling of the Catholic Church. After the receiving many uncustomary outcries, the Holy See has taken steps with this warning to clarify the confusing situation in the People's Republic of China. The Papal Adviser for Legislative Texts explained the reason for the proceedings as the illegal consecration by the Communist regime's Bishops without a Papal Mandate. Even though the punishment is affecting the relevant parties, there is still the possibility for the ecclesiastical punishments to be withdrawn and return to reconciliation with the Church.

The unauthorized consecrations occurred on 20. November 2010 in Chengde. The explanation was also urgent because of an announcement by the Communist Regime's willingness to conduct more unauthorized Episcopal Consecrations. The complete wording of the explanation was published in Osservatore Romano on the 11th of June 2011 some days before, after which the Chinese Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Msgr Xaver Hon had taken an adverse position to the Holy See and Peking intermixing authority in the Episcopal Consecrations. He encouraged Chinese Bishops to have no fear, that the government proposals will receive a firm rebuttal.

The Papal Adviser clearly explained that the unauthorized Consecration of Bishops, that is to say without the approval of the Pope, represents a profound violation of the Church's Law. It is a "punishable act against Catholic teaching". The Adviser cited as well the Second Vatican Council as well as other Documents, in which he recalled that also concern the question of the Eastern Churches.

The Declaration is in any case very clear that the punishable act will be directed against the consecrated Bishops as well as those who offered the consecration. All those named are fall under the condemnation latae sententiae. This doesn't impose an expressed condemnation at the end of a canonical procedure. The excommunication itself will have happened automatically according to itself.

It is expressly mentioned in the declaration that Church Law (Canon 1324, Paragraph 3) "ameliorates" the circumstances if known (excepting for compulsion, ignorance …). Should such be given, the excommunication will not be automatic. This part of the declaration falls above all upon the Bishops standing in unity with Rome, who have participated in the unauthorized consecrations. Accordingly there were reports surrounding the event, that at least some of them were ordered by the State Police or abducted to force their participation. For that reason the Holy See is allowing some room to allow those participating to make the "necessary penance" and take steps, to deport this outrage from the world.

Each, who falls under Excommunication, "must" refrain from the following things:

1) celebrating Holy Mass or concelebrating or participating in any other liturgical event;

2) giving or receiving the Sacraments and Sacramentals;

3) participating in various functions and tasks of Church direction.

In other words: the bishop who received the unauthorized consecration and the Bishops, who participated in the unauthorized consecration or were present, may neither celebrate Holy Mass, nor dispense Sacraments or receive the same. Additionally the Bishops concerned may not participate in the direction or administration Episcopal office in any way.

Should they do any of the following things, they commit a Sacrilege.

The declaration does not hesitate to make clear that the strictures and punishments are "medicine", part of a healing process of sorrow, penance and return and with that to encourage healing and reconciliation.

Translation from Katholisches...

Link to Asia News...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Western Mass Sacrilege Three Years Running in Vienna

Editor: Fr. Tony Faber, the one who helped Cardinal Schönborn bury a Communist homosexual in the Cathedral graveyard, is at it again. The up and running "Western Theme Mass" is apparently approved from HQ. He made the point that the Cardinal has approved this "Mass".

German Politician Criticizes Turkey's Treatment of Christian Minority

Religious freedom shouldn't just be on paper.

Konstanz ( idea) The President of the CDU/CSU Factino in the Bundestag, Volker Kauder, effected a criticism of Turkey's relations with its christian minority. The recognition of the Turkish government, that all religions should have their place, must follow from deeds just as before, said Kauder to Konstanz's "Südkurier". According to his observations Turkey is continued unaltered a "politic of pulling Christian roots". Thus, there is no priestly formation allowed.

A one hundred year old Monastery like Mor Gabriel, the spiritual center of the Syriac-Orthodox Church in the area of Tur (Mountain of the Servant of God)in the Southeastern part of Turkey, is having its land put in dispute. "That doesn't work", says Kauder. Religious freedom shouldn't just be on paper. The politician continued that there are few lands in which Islam allows other religions to freely develop. The reason is that cultures imbued with Islam have no meaningful separation between religious community and the State.

The Power of Religion

As to the question why he is insisting on religious freedom, Kauder answered that a politician, for whom the Christian conception of man's image is a model, must involve the concern for human rights as well. As a Christian, says Kauder, he feels a special duty to stand by his fellow Christian brothers and sisters. He was shocked about reports of persecuted Christians who were put in stifling containers because of their faith.

At the same time he wonders at the courage of these people to sacrifice for their faith. As an example Kauder described the Catholic Bishop in the metropolis of Shanghai, Aloysius Jin. The over ninety year old Priest described his painful suffering during the Cultural Revolution's oppressive surveillance. Despite their power, the Chiense government fears the Pope in distant Rome. "That makes me conscious about what power religion can have", said Kauder.

Read original....

Cardinal Cushing Fostered Culture of Modernism

Camelot's Chaplain
Editor: Recently, Phil Lawler came to the fore with his discussion of how Cardinal Cushing originated a proto-exemplar of the seamless garment, which allowed the Kennedies to get votes for being Catholic while yet claiming to support all Americans.  We'd  first heard of this in an article by Dr. Thomas Drolesky, no longer available on Seattle Catholic, which described a radio interview where Cardinal Cushing recommended, when asked if he thought Catholic politians should oppose birth control legalization, that a Catholic politician had a duty to represent his constituency before being true to his Catholic principles.  Of course, this little conceit has been part of the Catholic political scene now for more than fifty years with catastrophic results. Of course, this isn't something that was conjured up out of the blue.  Many others have challenged the blustery Irish Prelate of Boston in the past.  Well, better late than never.  We hope that it begins to rehabilitate Father Leondard Feeney who suffered unjustly at the hands of this incredible chaplain to Camelot, and apologist for birth control.  Lawler's a come lately, but maybe one day he'll arrive to the harvest just in time to get a full day's pay?

The questionable film treatment of Otto Preminger's "The Cardinal" featured a questionable but accurate portrayal of the Civil Rights crusading, Americanist Prelate. 

H/t: Pewsitter.

Pope Declares the Need for Real Ecumenism

From Rorate: Glorious words of the Holy Father:

[T]he Church is Catholic from her first moment, her universality is not the fruit of the successive inclusion of various communities. From the first instant, in fact, the Holy Spirit created her as the Church of all peoples; she embraces the entire world, she transcends all limits of race, class, nation; she breaks down every obstacle and brings all men together in the profession of the One and Triune God. From the beginning, the Church is One, Catholic, and Apostolic: this is her true nature and as such it must be recognized. She is Holy, not thanks to the ability of her members, but because God Himself, with His Spirit, creates, purifies, and sanctifies her always.
Benedict XVI
June 12, 2011

Conservative Anglican Bishops Weighing Against the Crashing Waves

Editor: To mix and match some metaphors, like King Canute,  a tiny band of Bishops are trying to shout against the crashing sea, or to right the sinking ship of the overwhelmingly trendy Anglican Communion in Canada. Isn't this like closing the gate after the cows have escaped? They should put a sign up on the chamber doors as you enter this viper brood,  "abandon all hope ye who enter".
Six conservative bishops have banded together in the hope of influencing the overwhelmingly liberal House of Bishops in the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC). The six have pledged to observe with “gracious restraint” the three-fold moratoria of the Windsor Report.

Although the six have been dubbed “gracious restraint bishops,” there is no official name for their association. Nor is it formally related with a similar American group, Communion Partners.
The group includes three relatively new bishops — the Rt. Revs. Stephen Andrews (Algoma), Michael Hawkins (Saskatchewan) and Fraser Lawton (Athabasca) — and three longtime bishops: William Anderson (Caledonia), Andrew Atagotaaluk (Arctic) and Larry Robertson (Yukon). At the April meeting of the House of Bishops they declared:

“We are pleased to announce the establishment of an association of bishops in the Anglican Church of Canada who are committed to a policy of ‘gracious restraint,’ embodied in observing the three-fold moratoria as enjoined by the Windsor Report. Between ourselves we agree to observe the discipline of the Windsor moratoria until such time as there is clarity in the Communion about the final status of the Anglican Covenant and our mutual obligations.”

Link to story, here...

Al Qaeda Urges Attacks Against "Zionist" Targets Like the Pope

Azzam al-Amriki

[, Vienna]The security measures for Pentecost were enormous.

There have been no comments from the Italian security authorities and also not from the Vatican about Islamic threats, where the Pope and Italy's Minister Silvio Berlusconi were identified as "easy targets to hit".

In a video message about the political security, the internet site "Stratfor" said on Saturday, that attacks against politicians, business leaders and media representatives who are controlled "by the Zionists".  So, one can strengthen the will of those people who fight for Islam, said the US-American Al Kaeda speaker Azzam al-Amriki. The attacks on such targets would not be difficult, as the most recent examples of the Pope and Berlusconi show.

Al Qaeda said in a video that western leaders are easy targets citing as examples Berlusconi and Pope Benedict XVI. In a 100-minute long video circulated on June 2 by the Al Qaeda media arm “As Sahab”, western leaders are described as easy targets, as they are less difficult to hit. The video message cites, as examples, Pope Benedict XVI, who was knocked down by a Swiss woman during the 2009 Christmas mass and Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi who suffered face injuries when attacked by Massimo Tartaglia in Milan on December 13 2009

From the blog, Tea and Politics.

Pope Erects Eparchy for Catholics in Exile From Iraq

Editor: this community is growing because the one in Iraq is being brutally destroyed.

Pope erects Chaldean eparchy in Toronto; Archbishop Zora to lead it

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Pope Benedict XVI has erected a new Chaldean Catholic eparchy in Toronto and named Archbishop Hanna Zora, who has worked with Catholics in Toronto for nearly 20 years, as its head. The new eparchy, or diocese, will be known as the Eparchy of Mar Addai. In making the announcement, the Vatican said there are 38,000 Chaldean Catholics in Canada. Archbishop Zora, 74, and four priests have been involved in the pastoral care of Toronto-area Catholics, the largest community. On May 28, Chaldean Catholic officials consecrated Good Shepherd Chaldean Church in Toronto. Led by Archbishop Zora, the growing Toronto Chaldean community rented out churches and parish halls to celebrate Mass before the construction of the church in 2001. Masses were held in the parish hall, however, until 2009, when the church was partially consecrated, meaning that Mass could be celebrated in the parish but that an official consecration was still required. Archbishop Zora was born in Batnaia, Iraq, March 15, 1939. He was ordained in 1962 and worked in various Iraqi parishes before being transferred to Iran in 1969.

Link to CNS.

Church of Scotland Continues to Disintegrate and Cooperates Evils of the World

Editor: The Church of Scotland began its downward spiral when it separated from the Catholic Church in the Protestant Revolt. The only place which a congregation of orthodox Christians may meet in unity with other Christians is in the Church of Rome. Strange to say, despite having some of the worst Bishops in the world, Scotland's Catholic Church is now larger than the increasingly moribund Presbyterians. This from Virtue Online:


by Julian Mann
Special to Virtueonline
June 13, 2011

St George's Tron in Glasgow is a thriving Church of Scotland congregation. It is financially viable, it has young people and it is serving its local community. It is also a church where anyone struggling with homosexual issues would find love, understanding and biblical clarity.

Like the Church of England, its sister church by law established, the Church of Scotland is an aging denomination facing financial and numerical meltdown. In a recent article in the Church of England Newspaper, church statistician Dr Peter Brierley predicted that the Church of Scotland will have halved in numbers by 2015 to 280,000 members, down from 560,000 in 2005.

St George's Tron is bucking the trend. But the decision by the Church of Scotland General Assembly to endorse same-sex relationships, contrary to what St George's believes is the clear teaching of the Holy Scripture, has severely alienated this vibrant church.

Link to original...

"Pride" March in Croatia Put to a Halt by Locals

Editor: A mere 200 showed up, many from out of Croatia, to promote evil. Croatian politicians have shown themselves to be especially cowardly in the wake of Croatia joining the EU. Perhaps EU membership is something Croatia should not have entertained?

While Green Party leader, Aljoša Babic, blames Catholic priests and the Pope's visit on the Croatian people's reaction against a parade of degenerates marching through their city, local news is quick to repeat the Communist slur against Croatia's Blessed Aloysius Stepanic:

[The New Civil Rights MovementLink] Croatia, a deeply devout Roman Catholic country has historically had a nearly symbiotic relationship with with the Church that dates back to its darkest chapter during World War II while under occupation by the German Third Reich. Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac, a known collaborator and supporter of the “Ustashe,” a Croatian nationalist movement that served as brutal proxies for the Nazis. Despite his conviction for war crimes in 1946, Stepanac [sic] was beatified by Pope John Paul II, putting him on th p ath to “sainthood” (more on the Ustashe later)
Locals Turned on Marxist Imports

They came to provoke an entire city with their shameless moral depravity. Actually, the locals didn't afford them the opportunity.

[kreuz, Split] Split is a 220,000 population port city in the south of Croatia.

It is supposedly the first march of some 200 leftist homosexually disturbed in the Adriatic city.

Actually, angered citizens put a quick end to the shameless attempt of the sodomites.

The homosexual disorder leads, as is well known, to serious physical and spiritual danger.

 Persons with a homosexual disorder are inclined to violence and alcoholism.

The police had to keep the locals at pay with barriers and tear gas.

About 130 persons who heroically stood up against the homosexual depravity were subsequently arrested by the police.

The scandal: The police knew of the democratic measures of the locals against the leftist interlopers.

Never the less the criminal march was approved.

The police even trained for three months to prepare for the neo-fascist event.

Link to Kreuz...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

68ers Aren't Going Quietly, They're Cranking it up

Editor: these denizens of plasticine culture brought to you by the stupid sixties laughed at everyone who fought Communism, defended the good values of hearth and home. Now they are old and laughable, but they still despise the things they despised as children, and they haven't grown a bit. Thankfully, their children think as much of their cockeyed religious sentiments as they thought of their parents' sensible ones. Unfortunately, their children will probably treat them worse than they treated their parents; aww, payback's rough.

More sympathy for the devil is coming from various parts, but that's no big thing. Father Z's depiction of these miscreants is actually pretty funny. These Sixty Eighters can't go away fast enough. Who will clean up after them when they've gone? There's a lot of bad art, irremedially uglified and ugly churches, twister games and self-help manuals to hurl into a dumpster after the last of them finally goes to their reward.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dali Lama Admits He's a Marxist

Usually what we hear from the Dalai Lama is an insistant yet soothing voice for compassion and peace.
So Tsering Namgyal, a journalist based in Minneapolis, was jolted by the Dalai Lama's talk to 150 Chinese students this month at the University of Minnesota. Writing at Religion Dispatches, he says:
Midway through the conversation, His Holiness, much to their surprise, told them "as far as socio-political beliefs are concerned, I consider myself a Marxist ... But not a Leninist," he clarified.
After all, China is constantly pressing to legitimize its takeover of Tibet in world opinion. Meanwhile, the Buddhist spiritual leader is the global symbol of Tibetan opposition and what the opposition considers the obliteration of its independence and religious culture.

Read further, here...