Sunday, April 24, 2011
Father Mike Tegeder is Being Relieved of his Parish Duties
There is a controversial Minnesota Pastor at the Parish of St. Edwards who's been flaunting the authority of his employers for a very long time, as long as he's been a priest. He is responsible for having women come into the parish and preach the homily, which is not acceptable. Despite being asked not to do this by Archbishop Nienstedt, Father Mike refused to obey, he said, with the Devil himself, non serviam. The Wild Reed of Australia's going to have a panic meltdown after this. The resident dissident in favor of marriages involving other than a man and a woman has been cheering on the sidelines for Father Mike Tegeder for a long while
We've heard from the usual sources that Father Mike will at least be reassigned and probably won't be doing parish work any more.
There's been no comment from the Archdiocese so far.
We told you Father Mike was paddling into "dangerous pastoral waters".
But Father Mike's not the only one with Lay Preachers in the house.
Ukrainian President Affirms the Resurrection for His Fatherland
Editor: The President of Ukraine wishes his people a Holy Easter and affirms the central tenet of the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead as He said.
Link to original, here at President's official website.
President's Easter greetings to Ukrainian nation
Christ is risen!
Dear fellow countrymen!I sincerely congratulate you on this bright day!
Resurrection of Christ unites us with faith, hope and love. With faith in peace. With hope that life will be changing gr the better. God grant that love and unity reigned in our common home – Ukraine.
Christ is risen!
Easter is the symbol of purification and victory of life. God grant us protection and support in all of our good undertakings. God grant blessing, peace and harmony to every family.
Christ is risen!
Pope Plans on Using Assisi to Attack Relativism, Says Protestant Theologian
Editor: A protestant theologian who enjoys the Pope's confidence shares the misgivings of many over the Assisi conference. He receives assurances from the Pope. It seems as though this Pope is finding himself saying those amazing kinds of things on the lips of the first fisherman, "Lord, you have the words of eternal life, where else would we go?"
Pope Permits Criticism of Assisi
Benedict XVI. insists he will point to "Jesus Christ as the only son of God and unmistakable savior".
( The initiative for the October Asssisi Meeting is "clearly not coming from the Pope".
This was according to the protestant theologian of missions, Peter Beyerhaus [82] for the Catholic monthly 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Beyherhaus mentions a personal letter of March 4, which he received from Pope Benedict XVI.
Actually, Beyerhaus was critical that the Pope said that he considers the meeting "as obligatory".
Benedict XVI explained in a private letter that he wants to "control the direction of the whole and do everything therefore to make the syncretistic or relativistic progress of the event an impossibility."
At the same time the Pope expressed to the professor, a public response on the Assisi event.
He requested that Beyerhaus, therefore honor his trust "that the Pope stands upon that, what his office is understood as being -- that is, to strengthen his brothers in faith and recognize Jesus Christ as the only son of God and savior and admit it unmistakeably."
The German website of the Society of Pius X speculated about the possible reason for the third Assisi- horror.
The Old Liberal Roman Community 'Saint Egidio', which has organized Assisi as an inter-religious meeting, has "substantial financial resources".
The commentary on the web pages warns that the Church is not moved by lobbyism.
Read original,
Editor: This brings to mind the comment heard during the Vatican Council from our present Pope that, 'we need more Luther and less Chardin'. Despite his efforts to extend a hand, and fight relativism at the same time, his efforts are not appreciated by those he seems most eager to help, like the present Lutheran "Bishop" of Brandenberg.
Translated from little kreuz updates...
Pope Permits Criticism of Assisi
Benedict XVI. insists he will point to "Jesus Christ as the only son of God and unmistakable savior".
( The initiative for the October Asssisi Meeting is "clearly not coming from the Pope".
This was according to the protestant theologian of missions, Peter Beyerhaus [82] for the Catholic monthly 'Kirchliche Umschau'.
Beyherhaus mentions a personal letter of March 4, which he received from Pope Benedict XVI.
Actually, Beyerhaus was critical that the Pope said that he considers the meeting "as obligatory".
Benedict XVI explained in a private letter that he wants to "control the direction of the whole and do everything therefore to make the syncretistic or relativistic progress of the event an impossibility."
At the same time the Pope expressed to the professor, a public response on the Assisi event.
He requested that Beyerhaus, therefore honor his trust "that the Pope stands upon that, what his office is understood as being -- that is, to strengthen his brothers in faith and recognize Jesus Christ as the only son of God and savior and admit it unmistakeably."
The German website of the Society of Pius X speculated about the possible reason for the third Assisi- horror.
The Old Liberal Roman Community 'Saint Egidio', which has organized Assisi as an inter-religious meeting, has "substantial financial resources".
The commentary on the web pages warns that the Church is not moved by lobbyism.
Read original,
Editor: This brings to mind the comment heard during the Vatican Council from our present Pope that, 'we need more Luther and less Chardin'. Despite his efforts to extend a hand, and fight relativism at the same time, his efforts are not appreciated by those he seems most eager to help, like the present Lutheran "Bishop" of Brandenberg.
The Pope Will Bless the Protestantic Way of Error
Germany. On his trip to Germany the Pope will "clearly" say, "what was positive that came from the reformation for Chirstendom: namely the concentration upon Christ and the Bible, the freedom of thought and the recognition of the reform ability of the Church." That is what the protestant "Bishop" of Brandenburg, Markus Droge promoted in his interview with the 'Markische Allgemeine'. So long as the Church doesn't recognize Protestantism as "a church in its own sense", the "Bishop" doesn't see any possibility for meaningful new developments in ecumenism.
Translated from little kreuz updates...
Cardinal Schönborn Addresses Problem of "Theologians"
He should deal with this -- rather than become dismayed.
"For a year young theologians, and future women religious teachers [sic!], theologically engaged laypersons explained that it is inessential for the faith if there was an empty grave or not, that the faith in the resurrection of Jesus is not significant, if the bones of Jesus were to be found. In the clear text that means: the resurrection is understood symbolically. The actuality of Jesus goes further! One such >>Easter Believer<<, reduces it to a point of existnetial dismay that Jesus lived on, which can hardly be comforting, or awaken joy. It is false labeling [...]. This sort intellectually dishonest deception has always been dismaying. It has always been seen in the past as horseplay."
The Old Liberal Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna in a guest lecture for the regional newspaper 'Tirolean times' and 'Austrian News'.
"For a year young theologians, and future women religious teachers [sic!], theologically engaged laypersons explained that it is inessential for the faith if there was an empty grave or not, that the faith in the resurrection of Jesus is not significant, if the bones of Jesus were to be found. In the clear text that means: the resurrection is understood symbolically. The actuality of Jesus goes further! One such >>Easter Believer<<, reduces it to a point of existnetial dismay that Jesus lived on, which can hardly be comforting, or awaken joy. It is false labeling [...]. This sort intellectually dishonest deception has always been dismaying. It has always been seen in the past as horseplay."
The Old Liberal Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna in a guest lecture for the regional newspaper 'Tirolean times' and 'Austrian News'.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Gypsies Occupy Roman Basilica
Italy . On Good Friday about 150 Romanian Gypsies, and about 40 children, occupied the Roman Basilica of St. Paul before the walls. They were previously driven from their illegal camp in northwestern Rome. A report from the German 'Catholic News Agency' said "the Vatican" offered them an "overnight asylum" in the Basilica. They camped in the space outside of the nave. Fifty gypsies, who absolved themselves with a walk, were not allowed back into the Church by the security forces. By Easter Night, there were still 60 people camped in the Church. The Gypsies occupy themselves in Rome primarily with begging and pick pocketing.
Link here, kreuz..translation.
Basilica contains relics from the great Apostle himself.
Link here, kreuz..translation.
Basilica contains relics from the great Apostle himself.
Protestant Hucksters Change Doctrine to Sell Themselves Better
Editor: Protestant error is a winsome doctrine and ensnares many with false promises of prosperity and eternal happiness. Some protestant carpet baggers are even selling their popular message in Ukraine. Protestantism is idolatry. There is no concern for reality, rather a concern for emotions, and ultimately, a concern for the financial benefit of hucksters like Rob "Taco" Bell, here:
[National Post] This is a peculiar place for a former water-skiing instructor and rock band member to find himself. Rob Bell, 40-year-old father of three, author, mega-church pastor who sports skinny jeans and designer glasses, is in the midst of shaking the world of American Protestant orthodoxy to its core — even as he insists he is not sure why.
He is asking tough questions about salvation, upending traditional takes on heaven, hell and who gets saved: “What happens to sinners? What happens to non-Christians? What happens to someone like Gandhi?”
In his new book, Love Wins, quickly a New York Times bestseller, the popular preacher has turned away from the evangelical certainty that heaven is only possible through Jesus Christ. He has suggested that at the end of time God may chase down everyone who has ever lived and make sure they enter his kingdom — hence the title, Love Wins.
Famed American evangelical John Piper summed up his feelings about Love Wins in a cold, three-word tweet: “Farewell Rob Bell.”Read further, here...
Hippies Aren't Just Mean, They're Evil
Editor: Happy Earth Day everyone.
Link to read more, here.
H/t: Pewsitter
Earth Day co-founder killed, composted girlfriend
Ira Einhorn was on stage hosting the first Earth Day event at the Fairmount Park in Philadelphia on April 22, 1970. Seven years later, police raided his closet and found the "composted" body of his ex-girlfriend inside a trunk.
A self-proclaimed environmental activist, Einhorn made a name for himself among ecological groups during the 1960s and '70s by taking on the role of a tie-dye-wearing ecological guru and Philadelphia’s head hippie. With his long beard and gap-toothed smile, Einhorn — who nicknamed himself "Unicorn" because his German-Jewish last name translates to "one horn" —advocated flower power, peace and free love to his fellow students at the University of Pennsylvania. He also claimed to have helped found Earth Day.
Link to read more, here.
H/t: Pewsitter
SSPX Being Thrown out of Rhodesia
Editor: Considering Marxist Robert Mugabe's statements recently about Catholic Bishops being liars and puppets of the West, this hardly comes as too much of a surprise, but it's really too bad. There were many great things about Rhodesia once upon a time. Now its Colonial legacy lies in ruins. Here's from Ignis Ardens poster:
News is filtering through that the priest of the SSPX Mission in Harare (Zimbabwe) have been expelled from that land during Holy Week. We ask you in charity to pray for all the faithful in that country and for the 2 French priests who have had to leave their flock.
Rabbi Takes Over Priest's Role at Midwestern Basilica's Good Friday Prayer Service
Lucinda Naylor is the former "artist in residence" who was fired from her position at the Basilica of St. Mary's in Minneapolis for opposing Archbishop John Nienstedt's pastoral CD regarding the defense of marriage. For a time, her paintings disappeared from the Basilica's walls where the homosexual painter's works are said to be stations of the Cross. They have since returned, as the Basilica itself plays host to a man who does not hold the Catholic Faith, but is tolerated to preach.
As a reform rabbi took over the prayer service from the pastor of the parish, Father John Bauer, a wooden cross was passed around over the heads of the crowd like at a rock concert. Doctor van Parys, who's responsible for that spectacle, contrasts his good Friday Liturgy and celebration with those which came before, by saying that before, it was an opportunity for Christians to persecute the Jews,
The Diocesan newspaper is unconcerned and unmoved by the strange oddities taking place at this prayer service, with rose petals falling from the ceiling and a moment when there is a whimsical and cultic bedlam as the lights are turned down and the laity bang their pews for about five minutes in the darkness, as if to waken things below that would be better left asleep.
Laymen may not preach, may certainly not preach vague humanistic messages having nothing to do with the Gospel.
![]() |
"Painting" of Judas' Betrayal |
As a reform rabbi took over the prayer service from the pastor of the parish, Father John Bauer, a wooden cross was passed around over the heads of the crowd like at a rock concert. Doctor van Parys, who's responsible for that spectacle, contrasts his good Friday Liturgy and celebration with those which came before, by saying that before, it was an opportunity for Christians to persecute the Jews,
“Prior to the Second Vatican Council, Good Friday was seen as a day when Catholics would traditionally persecute the Jewish people, blaming them for the death of Christ. Jews would literally hide from Catholics on that day,” said van Parys. “We thought it would be a jarring yet enlightening experience to invite a rabbi to speak to our congregation during Tenebrae.”[Tenebrae is what they referred to as their Good Friday Service]
The Diocesan newspaper is unconcerned and unmoved by the strange oddities taking place at this prayer service, with rose petals falling from the ceiling and a moment when there is a whimsical and cultic bedlam as the lights are turned down and the laity bang their pews for about five minutes in the darkness, as if to waken things below that would be better left asleep.
Laymen may not preach, may certainly not preach vague humanistic messages having nothing to do with the Gospel. Gives Softball Interview to the Vienese Cardinal
For a long time the friendship between '' and the Viennese Schism-Cardinal has grown cold. Now, however, the Old Liberal Prelate has decided to give even that website an interview. Is it a coincidence?
(, Wien) The media's highly praised theological pamphlet from the beginningo of February has "found relatively little attention in the media".
The Viennese schism-Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said this for the commerce website, ''.
Expectedly, the Old Liberal Cardinal Schönborn criticized the form rather than the content of the pamphlet.
The "dramatic ton" wasn't appealing -- he explained.
Toothless Critique
Otherwise, the underwear-Reformers get a half-canonization from the Old Liberal Cardinal.
He applies to them a supposed "honorable concer for the future of the Church", a "good will" and even "serious intentions".
His toothless critique resembles that of a protestantic preacher's delivery.
This was discussed at a deans meeting, if the Catholics would not see that the desired reforms of the protestants have long since transpired: "Has it gone appreciably better for uS?"
Cardinal Schönborn's vague criticism proceeded further that the "supernatural dimension" -- supposedly the Cardinal meant God with that -- which is hardly discussed in the pamphlet.
As sources of renewal he views the Marian apparition sites like Lourdes and Fatima as well as -- the one he values above all the rest -- "surely also" the false apparition site of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegowina.
Cardinal Schönborn views the pamphlet then as "very cleric-centered".
The teaching of the priesthood of the faithful of all baptized came hardly into play.
Link to original...
Too many balloons at Mass?
Cardinal Schönborn cautiously criticized the post-conciliar liturgical reform.
One must proceed very warily with liturgical reforms -- he said philosophically:
"The errors of the liturgical reform after the Council was probably above all its great haste."
The question, as his own pancake bread discomasses with balloones, text and a heavily cobbled Mass book by Paul VI. can be tied to him, was not put to him by the ace reporter at ''.
More interestingly the Cardinal gave the censur-website his Interview two weeks after '' had downplayed the Austrian religion book scandal.
(, Wien) The media's highly praised theological pamphlet from the beginningo of February has "found relatively little attention in the media".
The Viennese schism-Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said this for the commerce website, ''.
Expectedly, the Old Liberal Cardinal Schönborn criticized the form rather than the content of the pamphlet.
The "dramatic ton" wasn't appealing -- he explained.
Toothless Critique
Otherwise, the underwear-Reformers get a half-canonization from the Old Liberal Cardinal.
He applies to them a supposed "honorable concer for the future of the Church", a "good will" and even "serious intentions".
His toothless critique resembles that of a protestantic preacher's delivery.
This was discussed at a deans meeting, if the Catholics would not see that the desired reforms of the protestants have long since transpired: "Has it gone appreciably better for uS?"
Cardinal Schönborn's vague criticism proceeded further that the "supernatural dimension" -- supposedly the Cardinal meant God with that -- which is hardly discussed in the pamphlet.
As sources of renewal he views the Marian apparition sites like Lourdes and Fatima as well as -- the one he values above all the rest -- "surely also" the false apparition site of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegowina.
Cardinal Schönborn views the pamphlet then as "very cleric-centered".
The teaching of the priesthood of the faithful of all baptized came hardly into play.
Link to original...
Too many balloons at Mass?
Cardinal Schönborn cautiously criticized the post-conciliar liturgical reform.
One must proceed very warily with liturgical reforms -- he said philosophically:
"The errors of the liturgical reform after the Council was probably above all its great haste."
The question, as his own pancake bread discomasses with balloones, text and a heavily cobbled Mass book by Paul VI. can be tied to him, was not put to him by the ace reporter at ''.
More interestingly the Cardinal gave the censur-website his Interview two weeks after '' had downplayed the Austrian religion book scandal.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Sorbian Saint and Stigmatist Will be Proclaimed for Pentecost
Easter Thoughts of a Martyr
Alois Andritzki, priest from Meissen, will be declared a Saint on Pentecost. While in a Concentration Camp of Dachau, he wrote an article for Easter. by Marcus Knaup
Freiburg ( "In the evening of the Sabbath, Mary Magdalena hurried with her friend to the tomb, in order to see it. Alleluia.' It is right away at this time. Shortly before we will hear the wondrous Easter songs from the Schola. I have heard it already and was very pleased; so that the Alleluia really leaps in an Easterly heart and all of the coming days after won't be sad."
These lines came from the feather of Alois Andritzki (1914-1943). He wrote it on Easter Day in Dachau. Andritzki was a young, Sorbian priest from the Diocese of Meissen, who had preached against the madness of Nazism and finally was euthanized in the Concentration Camp Dachau. His aches were interned in the main Church of Dresden. In the coming Pentecost, Andritzki will be declared a Saint in Dresden.
These cited lines make it clear that Alois Andritzki took part in the Passion of Jesus, who also took on his Easter Lord's wounds and showed his youth always as a sign of recognition. In his hands which were bored through, he held every suffering. And it caused Andritzki much suffering. Because: the pain held for him the diminishing of human concern and status: "The meditation of Sunday Compline is the correct expression for my soul's constitution: deepest sorrow and for that reason it then tinkles, yes I rejoice in the spirit of praise for our Lord and God. Suffering purges and saves the man of all errors and weaknesses, and God has made it so it happens to me! (Letter of 16. März 1941).
The direction to the resurrected Christ gave Andtritzki strength and confidence. In a letter from 16. April 1941, he wrote: "Eastern is both within me and outside of me. The risen Christ has found me, has brought me his greeting of peace. [...] For that reason I stop, even here in this poverty, to make an affirmative Hallelujah to sing from a joyful heart." This noteworthy statement shows that this one had participated in the resurrection, who trusted in Christ and believed in him. This textual statement can serve as a modern Easter experience. As in the New Testament's Easter story -- i.e. in the Emmaus story -- Andritzki appeared in thoroughly difficult situations of his incarceration to have the experience, suddenly of entering the presence of God Jesus Christ. AS the youth of Emmaus suddenly saw "with other eyes". his heart "burned". Easter experiences not are only in the New Testmant, rather also, there where Christ is living in His Church.
Holiness is certainly not a private religious holy accomplishment. Whoever gives himself deeply to Jesus, who lives in him, can become Holy. "Holiness consists in, to be like Christ, and translate his ways, his thoughts and deeds into our lives", said Pope Benedict XVI. The Easter witness and new Saint Alois Andritzki is an enlightening example of that.
link to
Alois Andritzki, priest from Meissen, will be declared a Saint on Pentecost. While in a Concentration Camp of Dachau, he wrote an article for Easter. by Marcus Knaup
Freiburg ( "In the evening of the Sabbath, Mary Magdalena hurried with her friend to the tomb, in order to see it. Alleluia.' It is right away at this time. Shortly before we will hear the wondrous Easter songs from the Schola. I have heard it already and was very pleased; so that the Alleluia really leaps in an Easterly heart and all of the coming days after won't be sad."
These lines came from the feather of Alois Andritzki (1914-1943). He wrote it on Easter Day in Dachau. Andritzki was a young, Sorbian priest from the Diocese of Meissen, who had preached against the madness of Nazism and finally was euthanized in the Concentration Camp Dachau. His aches were interned in the main Church of Dresden. In the coming Pentecost, Andritzki will be declared a Saint in Dresden.
These cited lines make it clear that Alois Andritzki took part in the Passion of Jesus, who also took on his Easter Lord's wounds and showed his youth always as a sign of recognition. In his hands which were bored through, he held every suffering. And it caused Andritzki much suffering. Because: the pain held for him the diminishing of human concern and status: "The meditation of Sunday Compline is the correct expression for my soul's constitution: deepest sorrow and for that reason it then tinkles, yes I rejoice in the spirit of praise for our Lord and God. Suffering purges and saves the man of all errors and weaknesses, and God has made it so it happens to me! (Letter of 16. März 1941).
The direction to the resurrected Christ gave Andtritzki strength and confidence. In a letter from 16. April 1941, he wrote: "Eastern is both within me and outside of me. The risen Christ has found me, has brought me his greeting of peace. [...] For that reason I stop, even here in this poverty, to make an affirmative Hallelujah to sing from a joyful heart." This noteworthy statement shows that this one had participated in the resurrection, who trusted in Christ and believed in him. This textual statement can serve as a modern Easter experience. As in the New Testament's Easter story -- i.e. in the Emmaus story -- Andritzki appeared in thoroughly difficult situations of his incarceration to have the experience, suddenly of entering the presence of God Jesus Christ. AS the youth of Emmaus suddenly saw "with other eyes". his heart "burned". Easter experiences not are only in the New Testmant, rather also, there where Christ is living in His Church.
Holiness is certainly not a private religious holy accomplishment. Whoever gives himself deeply to Jesus, who lives in him, can become Holy. "Holiness consists in, to be like Christ, and translate his ways, his thoughts and deeds into our lives", said Pope Benedict XVI. The Easter witness and new Saint Alois Andritzki is an enlightening example of that.
link to
Archbishop Robert Zollitsch Ignores the Traditional 'Priest Network'
In Germany more and more Catholics of the inclination that they are not prepared just to tolerate the leadership which is looking on at the desolation of the faith.
( Dark clouds have gathered over the Church and the priesthood in the past few months.
This is what three speakers of the 'Netzwerks katholiscer Priester' say - Father Guido Rodheudt from the Diocese of Aachen, Fr. Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Main and Pastor Uwe Winkel from the Diocese of Fulda --- in an statement for Holy Week.
The following are not foreseeable
The statement dealt firstly with the abuse-hoax:
"Besides the efforts provided by the official sites, the militant proceedings of the abuse cases, as well as the operation of those responsible before the media, will become gradually more visible at first."
The priestly office suffers precipitous collapses in trust at times.
Its consequence for pastoral work "was generally not foreseeable"
And: "that in a climate of mistrust, the clear hostility and the general suspicion of the priestly occupation could grow, must not especially be mentioned".
Opportunity for Pastoral Care?
The event didn't speak of a "catastrophic situation".
For that reason it is not surprising to the "Priest Network' that celibacy is under fire -- in so far as the various senior leaders who are fully directing the "loosening" of the whole celibacy requirement.
The 'Priest Network' recalled the statement when Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg became the President of the German Bishops Conference.
On August 2008, he described the priest shortage as a "chance for pastoral care". He also complained that the ecclesiastical life had concentrated very much on the priest.
He is high time that in the pastoral work that not only male priests, rather also women should be active.
The 'Priest Network' commented: "Here the bugbear of a patriarchal clerical church is confirmed."
Reasons for Concern
The 'Priest Network' is looking on with concern about the four year long dialog process being forced by the Bishops.
For that reason the statement made the following examples:
-the fact that Fr. Hans Langendorfer, the Secretary of the German Bishops Conference, had praised the theological memorandum pamphlet as a "good signal", which supposedly would uncover "deficits and places where reform was needed".
-the fact that the dissident theologians have been teaching for decades at the Universities, who have also been overseen by the Bishops, who were indignant about their pamphlet.
-the fact that the German Bishops in March in a "word to the Community" had made this scolding of the Catholic critics of the Memorandum, "all this with the old, the misery of the Church is not enough to be faithful to its own inheritance and self-understanding is not oppositional enough."
-the fact that Archbishop Zollitsch has ignored an official request mediated weeks ago through the Nuncio by the 'Priest Network' only to by dryly declined: "Is this the spirit of this much promised dialog?"
Sincere Hopes
In connection with the dialog process the 'Priest Network' has in view on the German Bishops the following questions:
Who look on inactively at the destruction of the faith, leaving the faithful priests in the lurch, lacking the courage to protest against the German "sonderweg", "could he resist, if he could see the confrontation of the mob's "demands for reform" inspired by the media?"
The 'Priest Network' explained this optimistically:
"Our hopes are directed in this time of calamity once again on the Holy Father, who will visit our Fatherland in September."
Because the situation of German Catholics is -- says the Network -- not through a vague "demand for inner-ecclesiastical discussion about the quest of God" or to improve through "emotionally disarming ecclesiastical visions".
The Catholics Make It
The 'Priest Network' read from no newspaper:
"Catholicism in German is split in a way, that is what even friendly commentators speak of an openly schismatic situation."
Neither under the priests nor among the faithful is there a consensus about this, about what is really Catholic: "Does this not fall on those who are most responsible?"
Actually, despite this "worst case scenario" the 'Priest Network' doesn't see Catholic resistance [to Church teaching] on a wide front.
"According to some respected journalists who are especially aware of the faithful on the internet from all levels and classes, that they are not ready to accept the senior leadership's inactivity as the faith is desolated.
For that reason it is clear to 'Priest Network', that the mainstream media's sovereignty over Church developments needs to be withdrawn."
( Dark clouds have gathered over the Church and the priesthood in the past few months.
This is what three speakers of the 'Netzwerks katholiscer Priester' say - Father Guido Rodheudt from the Diocese of Aachen, Fr. Hendrick Jolie from the Diocese of Main and Pastor Uwe Winkel from the Diocese of Fulda --- in an statement for Holy Week.
The following are not foreseeable
The statement dealt firstly with the abuse-hoax:
"Besides the efforts provided by the official sites, the militant proceedings of the abuse cases, as well as the operation of those responsible before the media, will become gradually more visible at first."
The priestly office suffers precipitous collapses in trust at times.
Its consequence for pastoral work "was generally not foreseeable"
And: "that in a climate of mistrust, the clear hostility and the general suspicion of the priestly occupation could grow, must not especially be mentioned".
Opportunity for Pastoral Care?
The event didn't speak of a "catastrophic situation".
For that reason it is not surprising to the "Priest Network' that celibacy is under fire -- in so far as the various senior leaders who are fully directing the "loosening" of the whole celibacy requirement.
The 'Priest Network' recalled the statement when Archbishop Robert Zollitsch of Freiburg became the President of the German Bishops Conference.
On August 2008, he described the priest shortage as a "chance for pastoral care". He also complained that the ecclesiastical life had concentrated very much on the priest.
He is high time that in the pastoral work that not only male priests, rather also women should be active.
The 'Priest Network' commented: "Here the bugbear of a patriarchal clerical church is confirmed."
Reasons for Concern
The 'Priest Network' is looking on with concern about the four year long dialog process being forced by the Bishops.
For that reason the statement made the following examples:
-the fact that Fr. Hans Langendorfer, the Secretary of the German Bishops Conference, had praised the theological memorandum pamphlet as a "good signal", which supposedly would uncover "deficits and places where reform was needed".
-the fact that the dissident theologians have been teaching for decades at the Universities, who have also been overseen by the Bishops, who were indignant about their pamphlet.
-the fact that the German Bishops in March in a "word to the Community" had made this scolding of the Catholic critics of the Memorandum, "all this with the old, the misery of the Church is not enough to be faithful to its own inheritance and self-understanding is not oppositional enough."
-the fact that Archbishop Zollitsch has ignored an official request mediated weeks ago through the Nuncio by the 'Priest Network' only to by dryly declined: "Is this the spirit of this much promised dialog?"
Sincere Hopes
In connection with the dialog process the 'Priest Network' has in view on the German Bishops the following questions:
Who look on inactively at the destruction of the faith, leaving the faithful priests in the lurch, lacking the courage to protest against the German "sonderweg", "could he resist, if he could see the confrontation of the mob's "demands for reform" inspired by the media?"
The 'Priest Network' explained this optimistically:
"Our hopes are directed in this time of calamity once again on the Holy Father, who will visit our Fatherland in September."
Because the situation of German Catholics is -- says the Network -- not through a vague "demand for inner-ecclesiastical discussion about the quest of God" or to improve through "emotionally disarming ecclesiastical visions".
The Catholics Make It
The 'Priest Network' read from no newspaper:
"Catholicism in German is split in a way, that is what even friendly commentators speak of an openly schismatic situation."
Neither under the priests nor among the faithful is there a consensus about this, about what is really Catholic: "Does this not fall on those who are most responsible?"
Actually, despite this "worst case scenario" the 'Priest Network' doesn't see Catholic resistance [to Church teaching] on a wide front.
"According to some respected journalists who are especially aware of the faithful on the internet from all levels and classes, that they are not ready to accept the senior leadership's inactivity as the faith is desolated.
For that reason it is clear to 'Priest Network', that the mainstream media's sovereignty over Church developments needs to be withdrawn."
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Argentine Witness to Bishop's Death Disappears
DEBORA REY Associated Press Wednesday, April 20, 2011 BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Argentina's president ordered all federal forces Wednesday to search for a key witness against a former military officer in the death of a bishop who tried intervene on behalf of victims of the dictatorship.
Victor Oscar Martinez, 52, disappeared Monday, his wife said in a formal missing person's complaint. "The fact that we have no details of his whereabouts is highly worrisome for the national government," Justice Minister Julio Alak said. Alak said President Cristina Fernandez personally ordered all federal police and other security forces to be used to find Martinez
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Victor Oscar Martinez, 52, disappeared Monday, his wife said in a formal missing person's complaint. "The fact that we have no details of his whereabouts is highly worrisome for the national government," Justice Minister Julio Alak said. Alak said President Cristina Fernandez personally ordered all federal police and other security forces to be used to find Martinez
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Father Schmidberger on the 20th Anniversary of Msgr Lefebvre's Death
The Society of Pius X must warn against aberrances, mistakes and betrayals, which are publicly in the Church.
( The Society of Pius X is not the work of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre († 1991), rather "a work of the Church, in the Church for the Church".
Father Franz Schmidberger explained this on the Feast of the Annunciation [25 March] on the 20th anniversary of the death of Msgr Lefebvre in a sermon at Ecône.
Archibishop Lefebvre was an instrument of divine providence.
Fr. Schmidberger sees the Society as a work of the Church and as a reflection of the four marks of the Church -- "one", "holy", "catholic" and "apostolic".
The Society lives in unity with the Church of all Centuries.
Father Schmidberger cited an expression Msgr Lefebvre told the Seminarians at Ecône:
"Go into the library, and look at what is there, what we teach you here. It is nothing else than the voices of the Popes, than the declarations of the Councils, than the published writings of the theologians. Nothing else.
And if you were brought here for some other reason, then leave this house. Because you are not at the right place."
Msgr Lefebvre underlined that the Society is unted with the rest of the Church in the celebration of the Holy Mass of All Ages.
In his sermon, Fr. Schmidberger explained that Prelate Klaus Gamber († 1987), the director of the Liturgical Institute in Regesburg, once showed hhim a copy of a Mass book of St. Bonifacius († 754).
It was about the canon of the Mass-- said Father Schmidberger: "It was exactly the same Canon that we will celebrate right here in the Holy Mass."
The Pus Must Come Out
Father Schmidberger exclaimed that Archbishop Lefebvre wanted , "to build a Christianity in miniature".
The Society must remain true to the work of Msgr Lefebvre:
"We must always call attention to the aberrances and errors, on the betrayals and the compromises, which are revealed here and there."
This occurs not from a "spirit of criticism, rather this spirit happens from a love of the Church."
Because the puss must flow from the wound in order for it to heal.
The Society of Pius X is a Preserve for the Restoration
Msgr Lefebvre had, as Father Schmidberger reports it, "built a small army of workers."
In the Society there is a "power, which can't be found anywhere else but in an ecclesiastical organism."
"But the Pope and the Bishops must call us."
The Father is coninced, "that God has given to us in the Society -- for the present time-- a completely extraordinary Grace."
Kreuz, original, here...
( The Society of Pius X is not the work of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre († 1991), rather "a work of the Church, in the Church for the Church".
Father Franz Schmidberger explained this on the Feast of the Annunciation [25 March] on the 20th anniversary of the death of Msgr Lefebvre in a sermon at Ecône.
Archibishop Lefebvre was an instrument of divine providence.
Fr. Schmidberger sees the Society as a work of the Church and as a reflection of the four marks of the Church -- "one", "holy", "catholic" and "apostolic".
The Society lives in unity with the Church of all Centuries.
Father Schmidberger cited an expression Msgr Lefebvre told the Seminarians at Ecône:
"Go into the library, and look at what is there, what we teach you here. It is nothing else than the voices of the Popes, than the declarations of the Councils, than the published writings of the theologians. Nothing else.
And if you were brought here for some other reason, then leave this house. Because you are not at the right place."
Msgr Lefebvre underlined that the Society is unted with the rest of the Church in the celebration of the Holy Mass of All Ages.
In his sermon, Fr. Schmidberger explained that Prelate Klaus Gamber († 1987), the director of the Liturgical Institute in Regesburg, once showed hhim a copy of a Mass book of St. Bonifacius († 754).
It was about the canon of the Mass-- said Father Schmidberger: "It was exactly the same Canon that we will celebrate right here in the Holy Mass."
The Pus Must Come Out
Father Schmidberger exclaimed that Archbishop Lefebvre wanted , "to build a Christianity in miniature".
The Society must remain true to the work of Msgr Lefebvre:
"We must always call attention to the aberrances and errors, on the betrayals and the compromises, which are revealed here and there."
This occurs not from a "spirit of criticism, rather this spirit happens from a love of the Church."
Because the puss must flow from the wound in order for it to heal.
The Society of Pius X is a Preserve for the Restoration
Msgr Lefebvre had, as Father Schmidberger reports it, "built a small army of workers."
In the Society there is a "power, which can't be found anywhere else but in an ecclesiastical organism."
"But the Pope and the Bishops must call us."
The Father is coninced, "that God has given to us in the Society -- for the present time-- a completely extraordinary Grace."
Kreuz, original, here...
Hungarian Constitution Invokes St. Stephen, Abolishes Abortion
Editor: Of course the EU will want to look into this, ehem. Forget about sovereignty. With a special h/t to Alaric who also posted this on FE.
In Hungary the powers of progress have had the political upper hand. They used the opportunity of the hour to renew the land. By Lajos Weberstein
( The decadent EU does everything to destroy Marriage and Europe and capitulate to the stone age.
Actually, it's not everywhere that Europe is being laid flat by progress.
So the Hungarian Parliament has ratified this Tuesday a new Constitution.
The Constitution was adopted by a two-thirds majority of the national government party 'Fidesz'.
'Fidesz' are the representatives of the anti-Democratic, old and ex-communist Hungary -- and their accomplices in decadent Europe -- they are a thorn in their sides.
It is also the case that this party took part in the fall of the Communist Dictatorship.
After the introduction of the new constitution, the stone age opposition of the Left seethed.
Because the text is such a clear rejection of political masochism, it begins with the words:
God, Save Hungary
National Commitment
We, the members of the Hungary Nation, assert our responsibility to say the following for all Hungary at the beginning of the millennium:
We are proud of the fact that our King Stephen, the Saintly Patron of the Hungarian State for a thousand years had built a secure foundation and placed our Fatherland in the line of Christian Europe.
We are proud of our forebears, who persisted for that, who have fought for the freedom and independence of our Land.
We are proud of the great spiritual accomplishments of the Hungarian people.
We are proud that our people had defended Europe for a thousand years and whose common values were enriched by their talents and enriched its industry.
We recognize the role of Christianity in the persistence of the Nation.
The Constitution protects the institution of marriage as a life in common between a man and a woman as well as the family as the foundation of the nations progress.
The constitution promotes the decision for to have a child.
The defense of the family was the ruling concerning the main focus of the law.
The anti-child opponents wanted to put forward their opposition to unlimited respect for human life.
Actually the new Constitution said:
"The value of human life is unfathomable. Every person has the right to life and human value; the life of the foetus is protected from conception to birth."
The new Hungarian constitution contains also a debt limit, unlike any other European constitution has.
Translated from
In Hungary the powers of progress have had the political upper hand. They used the opportunity of the hour to renew the land. By Lajos Weberstein
![]() |
The Crown of St. Stephen |
( The decadent EU does everything to destroy Marriage and Europe and capitulate to the stone age.
Actually, it's not everywhere that Europe is being laid flat by progress.
So the Hungarian Parliament has ratified this Tuesday a new Constitution.
The Constitution was adopted by a two-thirds majority of the national government party 'Fidesz'.
'Fidesz' are the representatives of the anti-Democratic, old and ex-communist Hungary -- and their accomplices in decadent Europe -- they are a thorn in their sides.
It is also the case that this party took part in the fall of the Communist Dictatorship.
After the introduction of the new constitution, the stone age opposition of the Left seethed.
Because the text is such a clear rejection of political masochism, it begins with the words:
God, Save Hungary
National Commitment
We, the members of the Hungary Nation, assert our responsibility to say the following for all Hungary at the beginning of the millennium:
We are proud of the fact that our King Stephen, the Saintly Patron of the Hungarian State for a thousand years had built a secure foundation and placed our Fatherland in the line of Christian Europe.
We are proud of our forebears, who persisted for that, who have fought for the freedom and independence of our Land.
We are proud of the great spiritual accomplishments of the Hungarian people.
We are proud that our people had defended Europe for a thousand years and whose common values were enriched by their talents and enriched its industry.
We recognize the role of Christianity in the persistence of the Nation.
The Constitution protects the institution of marriage as a life in common between a man and a woman as well as the family as the foundation of the nations progress.
The constitution promotes the decision for to have a child.
The defense of the family was the ruling concerning the main focus of the law.
The anti-child opponents wanted to put forward their opposition to unlimited respect for human life.
Actually the new Constitution said:
"The value of human life is unfathomable. Every person has the right to life and human value; the life of the foetus is protected from conception to birth."
The new Hungarian constitution contains also a debt limit, unlike any other European constitution has.
Translated from
Let Catholics Be Kings of England: Archbishop of Wales
Editor: It's just a matter of time before the Act of Settlement is a thing of the past.
Give royal daughters equal rights to throne, says Archbishop of Wales
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H/t: Pewsitter
Give royal daughters equal rights to throne, says Archbishop of Wales
Archbishop Barry Morgan
ARCHBISHOP of Wales Barry Morgan has given his support to a growing move to give royal daughters equal rights to succeed to the throne as their brothers.
Dr Morgan is the latest senior UK figure to call for the rule, which stops the eldest daughter of a monarch from inheriting the British throne if she has a younger brother, to be scrapped.
The Anglican leader considers it absurd the present Queen would never have been crowned if she had a brother.
Read More
H/t: Pewsitter
Spanish Lavender Priest Excused by +Levada's CDF
Editor: This must be the +Levada CDF we've heard about. Previously, we'd thought that +Levada was a figurehead. Apparently that's not that case. Hopefully this ruling will be overturned upstairs.
Obviously, someone at the CDF is not all there.
Oh well, it's not like they tried to say the Immemorial Mass, or preach on the evils of modernity or anything.
Read further, here.
H/t: Tom at AQ.
Obviously, someone at the CDF is not all there.
Oh well, it's not like they tried to say the Immemorial Mass, or preach on the evils of modernity or anything.
BARCELONA, April 19, 2011 ( - A Catholic priest who financed the abortion of two young girls in his care will not be excommunicated nor otherwise punished, the Archdiocese of Barcelona declared yesterday on behalf of Cardinal Archbishop Lluís Martínez Sistach.
The archdiocese also claims that it has support for its decision from the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which it says ruled in favor of the priest in 2009.
Fr. Manel Pousa, who boasts that he has paid for abortions and has blessed homosexual unions, was tried last month to determine if he had earned an automatic or “latae sententiae” excommunication from the Catholic Church.
According to the law of the Church, canon 1398, anyone “who actually procures an abortion incurs a latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication.” Pope John Paul II added that “The excommunication applies to all of those who commit this crime knowing the penalty, including those accomplices without whose cooperation the crime would not have been produced,” in his encyclical letter “The Gospel of Life,” in 1995.
Read further, here.
H/t: Tom at AQ.
Shadows Lengthen on Cardinal Bernardin's Legacy
Editor: Whenever people defend Cardinal Bernardin, it's time to appreciate that the person you're speaking to, whomever they may be, is probably not a Catholic but some sort of impostor, especially if they have some kind of official standing in the Church. The following individual shared a rectory with Cardinal Bernardin while some of the abuse he is accused of was taking place.
These revelations throw further shadows on the reputation of a Cardinal who promoted Marxist agendas and was one of the founding members of the USCCB.
From Matt C. Abbott at Renew America...
H/t: AQ
These revelations throw further shadows on the reputation of a Cardinal who promoted Marxist agendas and was one of the founding members of the USCCB.
Ex-priest Ellis Harsham 'returns'By Matt C. Abbott
Former Catholic priest-turned-Protestant (or so it seems) Ellis Harsham, who was accused of sexual abuse in the 1990s and subsequently left the priesthood, is back in the news. According to a story on, "there are rumors he will be preaching at Living Beatitudes Church in Oakwood [Ohio]."
What the WDTN story doesn't mention is that Harsham was accused of abuse by Steven Cook, who also accused Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of abuse. Harsham was thrown under the bus, so to speak (according to this report, Harsham did admit to having a sexual relationship with an adult seminarian as well as a "close friendship" with Cook — "and had engaged in 'much casual sexual banter' with him" — but denied having sexual contact with Cook) while Cook mysteriously announced that he couldn't trust his memory about Bernardin. Bernardin was subsequently dropped from Cook's lawsuit and, to this day, not a few people believe that he was completely exonerated.
Below is an excerpt from Paul Likoudis' book AmChurch Comes Out regarding the Bernardin saga. (Likoudis is news editor of The Wanderer, a Catholic newspaper.)
From Matt C. Abbott at Renew America...
H/t: AQ
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Syro-Malabar head dies after collapsing in Mass
Tuesday, 19 April 2011 | |||||||||||||||||||||
By Catholic News Service COCHIN, India - Church leaders mourned the death of Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, head of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. Indian Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, major Archbishop of the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, who died 1 April at the age of 84. Photo: CNS/Catholic Press The Cardinal, who headed the Syro-Malabar Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly, collapsed while celebrating Mass on 1 April and was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died, reported the Asian Church news agency UCA News. The 84 year old prelate had suffered from heart problems. His funeral was scheduled for after 10 April because most Syro-Malabar Bishops were in Rome for their ad limina visits in which they report on the status of their dioceses. Auxiliary Bishop Bosco Puthur of Ernakulam-Angamaly will take over as administrator of the Syro-Malabar Church and must convene a Synod which will elect a new major Archbishop. Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram to express his condolences and recalled “the Cardinal’s dedication and service to the Syro-Malabars and to the universal Church.” Mumbai Cardinal Oswald Gracias, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, praised Cardinal Vithayathil as a “great missionary and exemplary priest, who contributed a lot for the growth of the Church in India and the Syro-Malabar Church.” |
Read further...
H/t: Pewsitter
Monday, April 18, 2011
Heroes strike at 'Piss Christ' photo in France
Editor: The French are indeed courageous. They take churches from the modernists by force and destroy decadent art rather than let the imposture continue. Long live France.
It's so clear now. It's ok to be a pederast as long as you're not a Catholic pederast. It's ok to go to Thailand and exploit poor children who have nothing for sex, but even if you're falsely accused, to the gallows with you. Neither, Whoopi Goldberg nor Taki Theodoracopoulos will defend you, you'll just have to settle for a much maligned German website and a few Traditionalists here and there.
It don't matter how much you hate the Catholic Church, if you defend Roman Polanski, you're scum and probably do some of the same things he's guilty of yourselves.
This is from kreuznet:
France's Minister of Pederasty Goes on Rampage
It's so clear now. It's ok to be a pederast as long as you're not a Catholic pederast. It's ok to go to Thailand and exploit poor children who have nothing for sex, but even if you're falsely accused, to the gallows with you. Neither, Whoopi Goldberg nor Taki Theodoracopoulos will defend you, you'll just have to settle for a much maligned German website and a few Traditionalists here and there.
It don't matter how much you hate the Catholic Church, if you defend Roman Polanski, you're scum and probably do some of the same things he's guilty of yourselves.
This is from kreuznet:
France's Minister of Pederasty Goes on Rampage
According to France's Pedo-Minister, Frederic Mitterand, the act of heroism was described as "unacceptable" .The completely unsatisfactor AP article, below:
Mitterand is a homosexually distrurbed individual, who has defended the condemned child rapist Roman Polanski.
Whoever felt themselves injured by this blasphemy, must turn themselves to -- idle -- Justice, which exclamation made Mitterand more ridiculous than he already is.
Every kind of the destruction or "intolerance" is not acceptable.
Last Saturday 1.800 Catholics, who are close to the Society of St. Pius X, demonstrated against the "Urine Christ".
They effected the temporary closure of the museum.
(AFP) – 5 hours agoMARSEILLE, France — Police in the south of France on Monday sought two vandals who destroyed a US artist's photograph of a plastic crucifix submerged in urine that outraged American conservatives in the 1980s.
Two men armed with a hammer and a screwdriver-like device attacked "Piss Christ" by New York-based Andres Serrano at the Collection Lambert museum of contemporary art in Avignon on Sunday, officials said.
A second Serrano photograph, "The Church: Sister Jeanne Myriam," was also targeted in the late-morning incident in which three guards who tried to intervene were assaulted, the museum's founder Yvon Lambert said.
Link to AP, here...
Photo taken from alleged "art" site, here.
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