Monday, April 18, 2011

Means Nothing: Bishop Agitates Against Teaching of John Paul II

The Conciliar Church is when ravening wolves are appointed by the Pope as Diocesan Bishops and become the bane of the laity.  A true Conciliar Pope is also on the lookout if the wolf bares his teeth and attacks the faith.

Protestants Show how women's ordination put their denominations in the lead.

(, Sankt Gallen) Today the "official announcers of the good news from catechism to the small exception of women".

The Old Liberal Bishop Markus Buchel of Saint Galen said this for the newspaper 'PfarreiForum'  -- the Old Liberal Pastoral Paper for about ninety Parishs in the Diocese of St. Galen.

Men are leaving the Church

As a child he would have been "not able to imagine that the first communion -- or instruction of Penance would ever have been handled by a woman and not a Priest"  -- said the Prelate.

Now the women are dominant members today even in the various offices, in Sacristan or as ministers:

"One has forgotten very quickly was things were like earlier and how much has already happened" --- enthused the Diocesan Bishop.

For Msgr Buchel, woman make up the social work or instruction, of a supposedly "feminine Church".

For womens ordination he says, that will be less simple to accomplish than married priests.  Because a woman's ordination has never happened in the Church.

The question of women's ordination is explained

Bishop Buchel wants "to seek steps", toward what is -- contradiction in the Gospel --  women's ordination.

So he could imagine that the non-existent "diaconate of women" could be such a step.

He needs for this -- publicly dissolved -- question, which could not be "with the others in a day", because of "a certain stubbornness".

In reality the Pope John Paul II († 2005)had already written infallibly on May 1994 in an Apostolic Address 'Ordinatio Sacerdotalis', that priestly ordination is restricted to men.

How long can the Church afford such bishops?

Actually, Msgr Buchel is only very hazy about this that the impossibility of women's ordination has been declared with dogmatic certainty.

He represents  the fact as if "one" has "only a while" to await the suppposed women's ordination.

But "in the currenct society" the Church could "not take afford" to say that one "must not discuss such things" -- said the Bishop, distorting things.

In actually the Church in today's society can't afford office holders, who do not hold to the teachings of the Church or try to make them relative.

Women's ordination for the Swiss national Church?
Msgr Buchel would like questions like women's ordination not to be decided centrally for the whole Church.

This is the direction of the "world Church":  "We should be in unity -- explained the Bishop and contradicted himself at the same time: "but not overall unity".

In other countries there are unities which "already haven't been any more" in existence.

The Second Vatican Council was described by Msgr Buchel as a "break".

After that there is supposedly a "restorative, clericalistic phase" to come -- he fantacized.

Bishop Buchel would like women  "to be be encouraged", to take up and assume the priestly image of the decadent post-conciliar time.

Link to
Photo credit: © scottgunn, Flickr, CC

Catholic Led Nationalist Party Scores Big in Finland

Editor: At last, someone with sense leading the way. Is he a man in the mold of Gabriel Garcia Moreno, who led Ecudor last century, or perhaps another Antonio Salazar? Btw, if you don't like those wikipedia articles, we encourage you to change them, especially when they attempt to force Marxist reality down people's throats; thanks.
Timo Soini

Timo Soini: "We are not extremists, so you can sleep safely"

A nationalist party has taken nearly a fifth of votes in Finland's general election, the electoral commission says.

The True Finns finished just behind the conservative NCP and the Social Democrats on around 19%.

While the Social Democrats have called for changes on EU bail-outs, including the planned Portuguese rescue, True Finns opposes the plans altogether.

Read further at BBC...

Editor: Changed Bolivia to Ecuador.  St. Gabriel Moreno is of Ecuador, not Bolivia.  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hell's Procession: Spain

Editor:  As a child, I fell into a deep sleep after eating sweets, rich sweet creme cheese dainties, frosted with glistening quartz sugar, gingerbread men as large as small dogs, and slender cones filled with ice scream as tall as Cathedral spires while I listened all the while to tales that hadn't been sanitized by our authorities about dark castles, impenetrable enchanted forests and the dark things that moved the human heart to do terrible things from our gramophone in the smi-darkness of my childhood home.  Falling asleep, I was transported near a place not too far from my home on the edge of a river, where red Indians hunted their game in the summer and the sleepy oaks had seen the coming and going of hundreds of years.  As I walked along the road, I saw low fire ahead of me in the garden yard of a very small cottage, the kind in which an old widow might be spending her years to see a single dark figure sitting there, its wavering giant shadow cast rhythmically against the worn front of the tired old house which was more of a picturesque shed.  Its disrepair was clear even in the faint firelight, the only light which shone in the darkness of the neighborhood, the eves of the tall, elegant homes surrounding, visible against the faint stars of a moonless sky in the sepulchral silence.

Everything was silent, except for the gentle simmering of the fire over which stood another brazier, filled with red coals and the silent figure standing watch over it.  It was completely enrobed in black and I could see no face against the faint light of the coals and it made no movement or sign of recognition as I said, "hello".  Out of the darkness, I could hear the footsteps and hushed whispering of a very large throng of people moving up the street beyond, a joyless procession of lone voices occasionally called out from it, some I even recognized, a hopeless throng with occasional cries of despair, marching to or from the pit as it seemed.   I could even hear the voices of friends against the dark slump of hundreds of shapes lurching slowly forward, a weird procession of Hell it seemed. . Then I awoke and went to school, but never forgot the dream, even writing down in case my memory would change it in some way.

It comes to my mind after having read this passage on Arturo Vasquez's folk Catholicism blog, about a decadent who died in an accident in the street where he was struck by a garbage truck in the morning light as he stumbled from a brothel, an unconfessed, and lifelong débauché,, he has become for the increasingly irreligious majority of Spain a kind of anti-Saint, and his procession competes with the official one, according to Vasques. It is, a procession from and to Hell and it struck a chord which reminded me of the procession of my childhood dream so long ago.

Probably one of the more unique stories in the Spanish speaking world during holy week, this is a procession done on the night of Holy Thursday in commemoration of the tragic death of one of Leon’s most infamous clients of the bars and whorehouses there, Genaro Blanco Blanco, later known as San Genarín. At dawn on Holy Thursday, 1929, while completely drunk, Genaro was hit by the first garbage truck of the day while relieving himself on a wall. A few of his friends (later known as the “Evangelists) deeply appreciative of having known this bon vivant and figure on the bohemian scene of Leon, decided to have their own procession the next Holy Thursday, 1930, in which they went to all of the bars and whorehouses that Genaro once frequented. The legend then grew to include miracles attributed to “San Genarín”, such as a person being cured of a kidney ailment and a miraculous goal for the home team in an important game. The numbers in the annual procession grew until 1957, when it was banned by the fascist authorities, some say because it had more participants than the religious one.

After a twenty year hiatus, the processions began again, and continue to this day. They are complete with torches, statues of the people involved in the historical events, couplets celebrating the life of the “saint”, and offerings at the site of death. It is perhaps the only example that I know of where militant secularists have their own procession to rival the Catholic ones of Holy Week.

Link to Reditus...

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thorn of Christ's Crown Given to Orthodox in France

Editor: earlier this month, it was reported that the lance that pierced Christ's side was found.  Now, we find his crown, a thorn with a precious reliquary, being part of an ecumenical gesture in France.

The Society  of the Helpers of the Holy Souls consigned the Seminary of the Russian Orthodox Diocese for France a priceless reliquary which contained the thorn from the crown of Jesus.

Paris - Vienna ( Cardinal Franz König's traces arrive now in France as the gesture of an ecumenical friendship between the Catholic and Russian Orthodox Church:  The Society of helpers [A Religious Society founded in 1856 in France] consigned the Russian Orthodox Seminar for the Diocese of France Epinay-sous-Senart a priceless reliquary,  which according to Tradition contained a thorn from the crown of Jesus.  The massive silver reliquary holds a quartz crystal with the thorn.  During the French Revolution the reliquary was sent next to Prague and later to Vienna.  Cardinal Franz König gave the reliquary in 1960 to the Society of the Helpers.

The consignment to the Russian Orthodox Seminary took place as part of a liturgy celebrating a feast.  At the end of the liturgy Sr. Genevieve Medevielle, the Household General of the French Province of the Helpers gave the priceless reliquary to Bishop Nestor of Cherson (the Diocese of the Moscow Patriarchat for France which doesn't carry this name officially any more fro the old early Russian Eparchie).  The Parisian Auxiliary Bishoperic de Moulins-Beaufort was present at the gift of the reliquary.

Ambulence Arrives at Planned Parenthood Clinic to Carry Away "Patient"

Just received this from Stella Borealis.  It looks very much like a woman who was having an abortion met with calamity. The footage was caught by one of the counselors.  The Planned Parenthood types use blue umbrellas to attempt to block the counselors from handing out literature.

Here's the ambulence pulling into a planned parenthood being paid for by your tax dollars, and here's who donates to Planned Parenthood.

Here's the Planned Parenthood counsellor trying to block the camera from seeing the patient being wheeled out to the ambulance.

Here's it's being pulled away.

False Seers are Excommunicated by the Orthodox Church

For decades an Egyptian born swindler misled even Catholics with her false apparitions. Well, her faith community has finally taken care of her.
Vassula Ryden Wikipedia cc

( The Greek Orthodox seer, Vassula Ryden has been excommunicated by her community.

This was according to the Greek Orthodox Patriarch in Constantinople.

The decree of excommunicatino of the "General Secretary of the Holy Synod" bears the date of 16 March.

It extends also to her followers in the community "the true light in God" -- under nine priests of the Greek Orthodox Communion.

The Patriarchate was critical that Frau Ryden offended Christian Dogmas. They judged a dangerous spiritual confusion and an vexation of the faithful.

The False Seer Was Divorced

Mrs. Ryden was born to a Greek Family in Egypy. Since the year 1985 she has described herself as a seer.

Her first marriage ended in divorce.

Since 1981 she lived in divorce with her her present boyfriend.

According to her own report she receives daily dictations that last between four and six hours.

In December 1996, the Roman Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith published a clarification reporting that the numerous and "negative aspects and errors" in the writings of Mrs. Ryden.

Her messages were described as private meditations and not supernatural messages.

On 25 January 2007 the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith renewed its judgement.

Link to original at

Here's the List of Bloggers for the Meeting in Rome

Editor: Of course, there's lispers in the loggia, Hilary White, the inimitably orthodox Father Hendrick Jolie, Le Forum Catholique, Paulo Rodari, and the great Sandro Magister. Where's Damian Thompson?

Dear friends,
The following is the list of 150 bloggers invited to attend in person the meeting taking place in via della conciliazione, 5, on Monday 2 May.

Over 750 requests were made and a hard decision-making process had to be put in place to ensure, as much as is possible, a broad representation of the blogosphere. There are some famous bloggers and some new bloggers, some are institutional, others personal, some tell vocational stories and others comment on international news or local issues. Some are well-financed, most are run on a shoestring.

It was touching being involved in your issues, from coping with death, to the joys of parenting, the hopefulness of youth, to fear of change, not to mention the many causes and campaigns promoted, particularly in the new evangelisation. While some pre-choices were made to ensure a diversified presence, for the final selection we simply gave each blogger a number and had someone choose numbers randomly.

I hope those not on the list will not feel excluded. The bloggers present in the Room will surely keep you informed and engaged. They may even organise a livestream. It is also to be hoped that this is just the beginning of a dialogue.

The 150 will receive further indications after Easter, but should note now that we are not covering your expenses – the invitation was always intended for bloggers who would be in Rome for the Beatification.

Selection to attend does not imply Vatican approval of the contents of any of the blogs. Neither does non-selection imply disapproval.

Thanking you for your patience and understanding – this has already been a good learning experience for us.
Richard Rouse


1. Agnieszka Woszczyńska
2. Alberto Piccini:
3. Aldo Padovan
4. Alessandro Gilioli:
5. Alessio Jacona:
6. Alfonsus Widhiwiryawan :
7. Allison Girone
8. Andrea Gagliarducci:
9. Andres Beltramo
10. Angela Ambrogetti:
11. Anna Arco
12. Anna Spatola
13. Antonio González
14. Antonio Spadaro
15. Artur Stopka
16. Bohdan Pankevych
17. Brandon Vogt
18. Carol Glatz
19. Carole Brown
20. Christoph Gstaltmeyr
21. CM Paul
22. Costanza Miriano:
23. D. Catherine Wybourne
24. Daniel Luecking
25. Daniel Pajuelo sm
26. Danielle van Lith
27. David Ratnarajah
28. Dominique Rimaz
29. Dorothy Wolanin
30. Dylan Parry
31. Eberhard Wagner
32. Edmar Araújo
33. Elizabeth Scalia
34. Eloi Aran Sala
35. Eric Le Meur
36. Eva Janosikova
37. Felio Vilarrubias
38. Fr Gerard Dunne OP
39. Francesco Diani: e
40. Francesco Spagnolo:
41. Gabriel Burke
42. Gabriele Niola:
43. Georg Feßlmeier
44. Georg Schimmerl
45. Giorgio Maria Faré
46. Giovanna Maria
47. Guillaume Luyt
48. Hendrick Jolie
49. Hilary White
51. Imrich Gazda
52. Isidorus
53. J.Francisco Jiménez
54. James Bradley
55. James Tucker
56. Jane Mossendew
57. Javier Alba
58. Jens Albers
59. Joan Lewis
60. Johannes Paul Jacob Chavanne
61. Johannes Roger Hanses
62. Jorge Enrique Mújica
63. Jorge H. Luna
64. José Manuel Vidal López
65. Jose María Barrera Murillo
66. Joshua Evangelista:
67. jovens Sem Fronteiras
68. Juan Alejandro
69. Juan José Garcia-Noblejas
70. Julio Gomez Sotero
71. Kathy Schiffer
72. Katrina Ebersole
73. Kelvin Frometa
74. Klaus Peper
75. Leonardo:
76. Lisa Hendey
77. Ljudmila Hribar
78. Loub Gerhard
79. Luca Fabbri:
80. Luca Paolini:
81. Luca Sofri: e
82. Luciano Giustini:
83. Luigi Coronel
84. Luis Badilla Morales:
85. Luis Fernando Pérez Bustamante
86. Mader Isma Kasia Aga
87. Manuela und Stefan Ehrhardt
88. Marco Fioretti:
89. Marco Freccero:
90. Marco Sanavio:
91. Maria Elisabetta Marinoni
92. Marilena Ruah:
93. Mario Aversano
94. Marjeta Pija Cevc
95. Mark Aurel Erszegi
96. Marta Nin
97. Mary O'Regan
98. Marypaz de Mencos
99. Massimiliano Badolati:
100. Massimo Granieri: e
101. Massimo Melica:
102. Matthias Suess
103. Mattia Marasco:
104. Mauricio Viquez
105. Mayra Novelo de Bardo
106. Michael Blume
107. Miguel de la Lastra Montalbán, o.s.a
108. Moreno Migliorati:
109. Mussie Zerai
110. Narda Centeno
111. Néstor Mora
112. P. Fortea
113. Padre Stéphane Jourdain
114. Paolo Benanti:
115. Paolo Benvenuto:
116. Paolo Padrini
117. Paolo Rodari:
118. Pavel Levushkan
119. Pe. Djalma Lúcio Magalhães Tuniz, scj
120. Pedro José González Rodenas
121. Peter Wurm
122. Philomena Ewing
123. Pierre-Baptiste Cordier
124. Ralph Anderl
125. Rocco Palmo
126. Roderick Vonhögen
127. Rodrigo Gurgel
128. Ronald Glaeser Freelance journalist
129. Rosangela Mancusi
130. Rosario Carello:
131. Sandro Magister:
132. Santiago Casanova
133. Sara Carlson
134. Silvio Ottanelli:
135. Simone Chiappetta
136. Simone Sereni:
137. Sjargej Surynovic
138. Stefano Epifani:
139. Steph Abbé
140. Susan Vigilante
141. Susan Windley-Daoust
142. Taylor Marshall
143. Thomas Peters
144. Tim Kelleher
145. Vicente Javier Navas
146. Virginia Bonard
147. Vito Martinez
148. Vittorio Saraceno
149. Wagner Moura
150. Xavier Arnaud
Last Updated ( Saturday, 16 April 2011 11:57 )

Friday, April 15, 2011

Blogs Are Read in the Vatican -- Msgr Tighe About the Vatican and Communications

(Vatikan) There are over 700 messages received as yet for the Vatican Blog Meeting about the new reality of Catholic internet blogs. Msgr Paul Tighe of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications explained this to "The great interest in this initiative has been really encouraging for us in our efforts to draw the community of bloggers in conversation in order mostly to encourage and strengthen."

The number of participants will be restricted to 150 places, and the applicants will be organized according to their language, geographic origins and typology of the blog (like personal, institutional or journalist). A key to the greatness of the significance of languages and the continents the 150 participants will be assigned lots.

Next to bloggers from the whole world, there will be those countless people responsible for Catholic internet sights, diocesan sites and the Catholic media work for the meeting.

Msgr. Tighe is concerned that the German language area has been "too little considered". "In the future this will be different." The meeting is only being considered as a "first initiative", in order to get in contact with the "new reality" of bloggers. On the contrary to Catholic radio broadcasters or newspapers there aren't associations and structures for contact persons. "Everything is much more spontaneous and more decentralized" than other media, said Msgr Tighe.

The Vatican "sees the increasing importance" of blogs and "wish to see that they are as quick communication and the dissemination of news increasingly important." The meeting intends recognition of the "diversity" of these "new realities of communication". There is "no roll" in play, if a blog "is more academic, or more interested in Church politics, more for liturgy or more for doctrine, or if it is right or left, progressive or traditionalist." One doesn't want to evaluate, rather "simply to get a view of the face of blogs, in order to come in direct conversation." For it is a fact that "there will be more people are informed about various Blogs", says Msgr. Tighe.

The Papal Office for Social Communications observed "the continual development of blogs", says Tighe. "Today's traditional press agenda -- and the weekly press is just coming to the Internet this moment." It makes it so that there is no systematic oversight of certain pages, says the Secretary of the PCSC. "And thus there is the need the help of blogs to oversee, if and how the message of the Vatican is being received." The blogs are because of their speed, "invaluable barometer", if the message "is understood" and "how it is understood". "Blogs enable us to evaluate the efficiency of our communication", says Msgr Tighe.

The question if blogs are read "even in the higher levels" of the Vatican, was answered by Msgr. Tighte with a decisive "naturally, no question." In this sense the "importance of blogs in the Vatican as a reaction to an outgoing message is considerable." It is a "fact" that the various "blogs are very much read in the Vatican". This naturally happens "peripherally at the individual level introduced by individual coworkers up to decision makers". Which blogs are read depends "on the importance of a blog and of the agreement with its positions," says Msgr Tighe.

The blogger would have other needs than the traditionally accredited journalists. the Vatican is to begin for that reason at the end of May with a new multi-media News portal, which can interface more easily with the new forms of social communication like Facebook and Twitter. All of the relevant offices of the Vatican press service should appear there together: of Radio Vatican, Osservatore Romano, Fides and Vis (Vatican Information Service). This should enable the "concentrated and direct access for bloggers and natural for all who are interested". At first there will be Italian and English language versions, and then there will follow other languages, step by step, "even German".

Msgr Tighe did not want to refer directly to "translation mistakes" and "ambiguous" formulation in several editions of the new youth catechism YouCAT. "Generally" he explained therefore: "Communication must be clear". The Vatican is planning steps for the future that "reinforce online publication and place less emphasis on printed editions". This will enable "not only a rapid, worldwide communication and direct dissemination", rather also "a possibility for quick corrections of eventual errors", says Msgr Tighe. Fundamentally the search for a "understandable, but at the same time, adequate language, for a newer challenge". It is "not easy" to "pull back colleagues who are not familiar with the language of the Church."

On Saturday, April 16th, the list of participants of the Vatican Meeting Blog will be published at the Council for Social Communications

Translated from katholisches...

Russian Church: endless discourse on expensive possessions of clergy as a sign of spiritual disorder

Moscow, April 15, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church warns believers against focusing too much attention on material matters.

"I happened to visit palaces in full feather and wander about slums in a ragged cassock. I am sure that the Church accepts both. We should not focus too much attention on either of the above," head of the Synodal Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin states in his answer to journalist Ivan Semenov.

Semenov has published an open letter calling Father Vsevolod to offer his apologies for his public address where he asserted that the members of clergy have the right to wear expensive things as such things emphasize the social prestige of the Church.

In his answer, Father Vsevolod stressed that "if Christians endlessly discourse on the "glamour and misery" of clothes and watches, it is a sign of their spiritual disorder. Or envy. Or an undying quasi-dissident habit to curse everything which is strong, expensive and powerful."

Read further, here...

New Book on Accusations Against St. Padre Pio

Editor: This new book explores the accusations against and extraordinary Priest. His persecution resonates today when we think of other priests who are falsely accused and unjustly maligned by lesser men.

The hidden story of St. Padre Pio.

Bandaids on Sucking Chest Wounds: Boston College

It's a lot like throwing starfish

The New Liturgical Society of Marxist Boston College at New Liturgical Movement

Una Voce BC was founded by students for the purpose of fostering the use of Latin in Liturgy here at Boston College. We encourage the reverent celebration of both the Ordinary Form and Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. We also encourage and promote Sacred Art and Sacred Music on campus. With the support of Campus Ministry, and the support of several Jesuits at BC, it is our hope to develop a greater appreciation for the traditions of the Catholic Church in the Boston College community.

H/t: Pewsitter.

Picture: from Wanderlust

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cardinal Schönborn Praises Retiring Homosexual Politician

Editor: The Cardinal keeps pushing the envelope. He truly is the ++Mahony of Zentropa. And you let him do what with the youth catechism? Hey, he's praised homosexual, Communist artists and proudly displays their art in his Cathedral, one of the oldest in Europe, why can't he now praise and honor a homosexual politician? Anyone out there, anyone, still doubt that this man is one of the greatest homosexual enablers in the Church? He's even promoted by Ignatius Press. That's good. Real good.

Cardinal Schönborn names a piglet politician to the title of "upstanding Christian"

This homosexual-ideologist can be abundantly indifferent as far as Church and driven as a punishment to hell. But what one reigning Cardinal under Benedict XVI says about him, speaks volumes about the condition of the Church.

("Josef Pröll is a great politician, he has served the republic honorably and he is an upright Christian."

With this parody the Viennese Cardinal expressed himself to the Austrian agency 'kathpress' about the resignation of Austrian homo-politician and Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll.

Pröll is a member of the Homo and abortion ÖVP [Austrian People's Party].

Yesterday he resigned all of his political offices for reasons of health.

Cardinal Schönborn was in Rome at the time of the resignation.

He would have had justifiable grounds, to spare his painful hymns of praise for the piglet politician.

The Person Mostly Guilty for State Privilege for Sex Mania

Pröll opened the last decent citizen's eyes, as he was on the uttermost front lines for making effective the State's Privileging of the homosexually disordered condition.

Document of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith of June 2003

"If there are legislative assemblies validating a bill to pass the legal recognition of homosexual domestic partnerships, the Catholic Parliamentarian has the moral duty to express opposition and vote against the drafted legislation under proposal."

For years past the porcine politician worked for the privileging of homo-sex mania against opposition within the ÖVP as an agenda of his party.

For that reason it was the decadent ÖVP which brought scandal-laws into the Parliament.

Since January 2010 Pröll and his homosexual party are responsible for putting unjust laws in power.

Cardinal Schönborn: Homosexual Politician Cares "For the Common Good"

Besides the perverse politic of Pröll, Cardinal Schönborn praised him to the heavens.

Pröll has had in his -- completely decadent -- political activity and upon his departure "proven his ability to lead and style":

"He has been concerned in expressly difficult situations in common with others for the common good and thus had avoided negative consequences from international developments in our land" -- said the Cardinal, awarding himself a comedy prize.

The homosexual politician has made proposals that could continue the "successsful way for the second Republic" -- continued the Cardinal still more.

He payed some kudos to the unscrupulous homosexual politician with "respect, gratitude and recognition".

The Cardinal even "bowed" himself for the homosexual politician, because the politician asked in flowery farewells for "decorum" and "peace" in politics.

Finally, Cardinal Schönborn also praised the homosexual politician in his engagement at his home parish. He knows to treasure the "very".

Otherwise Pröll has to take care that the Church fees in Austria are set very aside.

The fanatical homosexual politician is said to have proven that he is so much more in other questions, than a "constructive dialog partner and responsible politician" but that he "brought his Christian conviction" as well. -- this time Cardinal Schönborn tore the mask from his face.

Link to original

The Battle of Thieberville Continues: Father Michel Unjustly "Excommunicated"

Editor: Well, according to Rorate, the Priest of Thieberville has finally been "excommunicated" by the rainbow chasuble wearing, disobedient, homosexual enabler of the Diocese.

This sort of thing has a precedent. It's happened before: Mother Angelica vs. ++Mahony, Father Corapi vs. Corpus Christi Diocese, Father Kunz, Father Marx HLI Founder, among many others.

It should be at this point that people should start thinking more clearly about what is owed them by their superiors, the least of which should be their obedience to those who are put up above them. It really doesn't make much sense to insist on obedience from your flock when you are unwilling to comply with your superiors.

Link to Rorate.

Remember this?

Panicked pope seeks psychoanalytic help in new Moretti film

Editor: Calling Bill Donahue.

(AFP) – 7 hours ago

ROME — A newly elected pope seized by panic turns to a psychoanalyst for help in Italian director Nanni Moretti's latest comedy, "Habemus Papam", selected Thursday to compete at the Cannes film festival.

Things get off to a good start for cardinal Melville, played by French actor Michel Piccoli: initially an outsider in the papal race, his modest appearance and calm manner persuade the voting cardinals that he is the man for the job.

But as the enormity of the task grows on him, the cardinal becomes increasingly agitated and at the announcement "We have a Pope!" he rushes off, leaving the famous balcony in St. Peter's square empty as the crowds stare.

Link to AP...remainder of story.

Radical Marxist Priest Ernesto Cardenal to Speak at Xavier U: Catholic Students Ask Why

By William Stover   
April 14, 2011
Fr. Ernesto Cardenal

An older Che Guevara?
No. It's Fr. Ernesto Cardenal.
(Photo: Roman Bonnefoy)

On April 16th, Xavier University in Cincinnati will welcome Father Ernesto Cardenal, a noted Liberation Theologian, Marxist politician and rebel against Papal authority. Father Cardenal will be reading poetry of his own composition, included a poem inspired by Darwin titled "The Origin of Species," in the campus Bellarmine Chapel.

The presentation is annouced here.

Besides his dissident theological opinions, Father Cardenal also worked closely with the avowedly Marxist and patently anti-Catholic Sandinista revolutionary movement in Nicaragua. His exploits, including the founding of a revolutionary commune, which was later converted into a communist guerilla force,1 garnered the attention of the Sandinista leadership. After the successful revolution, he was appointed to the position of Minister of Culture in the newly-formed Sandinista regime.

The question remains: Why is this man being invited to a Catholic university?  What possible reason could there be?

Both Socialist & Catholic?

According to Xavier University, "his (Father Cardenal's) involvement with the Sandinista movement in his home country have informed his writing and political activism." Perhaps this is so, but the question arises: of what have they informed him? Clearly not of sound Catholic doctrine, since he has remained a staunch advocate of Socialism, which, according to Pope Pius XI, can never be reconciled with true Catholicism.2  Furthermore, Liberation Theology, which Fr. Cardenal embraces, has been repeatedly censured both by the Holy See,3 and also by then-Cardinal Ratzinger,4now Pope Benedict XVI.

Why then is this Socialist poet being heralded at a Catholic university? Xavier University would do well to recall the words of Pope Leo XIII: "The harvest of misery is before our eyes, and the dreadful projects of the most disastrous national upheavals are threatening us from the growing power of the socialistic movement."5  Xavier University must decide between Catholicism or Socialism, for "no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist."6

Register your peaceful protest today.  Contact:

Xavier University

Fr. Michael J. Graham, S.J., President
3800 Victory Parkway
Mail Location: 4511
Cincinnati, OH 45207
Phone: (513) 745-3502


1. Manzar Foroohar - The Catholic Church and social change in Nicaragua (1989) p. 170 [back]
2. Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931, n. 120 [back]
3. Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Instruction on certain aspects of the 'Theology of Liberation'",(September 13, 1984) and "Instruction on Christian Freedom and Liberation" (April 17, 1986) [back]

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, "Liberation Theology: Preliminary Notes" [back]
5. Encyclical Graves de Communi Re, January 18, 1901, n. 21 [back]
6. Encyclical Quadragesimo Anno, May 15, 1931, n. 120 [back]


It’s time to talk about abolishing the monarchy

Editor: when you talk about abolishing the Monarchy, you may as well abolish Canada. The only thing that distinguishes Canada favorably to the United States is the Monarchy, and without the Monarchy, Canada will simply become, The United States of America North. Here's the article from a "Canadian" Journalist at the 'Real [sic] Canada'.

It’s time to talk about abolishing the monarchy

There's also an article on the debate here, at the Ontario Citizen.

Bishop Fellay is in the USA

Superior General's Visit


The SSPX’s Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, visited the United States of America District Headquarters at the beginning of this week. Besides the business meetings, he was pleased to visit the construction of the new building (see the March Regina Coeli Report), and meet with the priests and the staff of both the District Office and Angelus Press.

On Tuesday morning, he celebrated a Pontifical Low Mass in the chapel of the Regina Coeli House, the District Office’s title and patroness. Later in the day, priests from St. Vincent de Paul Priory (Kansas City, MO) and of St. Mary's, KS were able to assist at the lunch offered in his honor.

Link to US District original...

Gloria Thurm und Taxis Exhorts the Bishops to be Courageous

Princess Gloria asks, what everyone is thinking: "Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist and defend unborn lives?" A quiet protest scribble won't do: "Opposition is the duty of a Christian."

( Every year about 100,000 children die from abortion -- "if one believes the official figures".

The Regensburg Princess, Gloria von Thurm und Taxis wrote this in an article for the German magazine 'Focus'.

Death instead of Help

The Princess is angry about the numbers, about "which we have unfortunately grown accustomed to."

"Will we really just look on, as we kill our own children?"

She asks, as many Einsteins, Goethes or Manns about death.

That the State supports "this mass genocide", supporting the cost in over ninety percent of the cases, makes this a perfect scandal .

Mothers, who don't desire their children, can give them up for adoption -- continued the Princess.

It's an objection that a mother will not be able to give her own child away once she's given birth.

But: "It is madness, to kill your own life's blood, rather than to give entrust it to another pair."

Not merely, rather, but because of Birth Control

Princess Gloria insists that most are exposed to condoms at twelve years of age.

For that reason every fifth child in Germany is slaughtered:

"For over forty percent of the mothers, it would have been her first child."

Hence ,insists the Princess, don't learn a responsible approach to sexuality:

"Here, there needs to be a revision of thinking -- also on the part of the State."

The schools and "the entire public propaganda machine" must reestablish the value of an unborn person again -- she insists.

Every child is a wonder of nature.

Today they would have aborted Beethoven

Princes Gloria argues, using the German composure Ludwig van Beehtoven († 1827).

He had nine siblings. Several of them were handicapped.

The brutal reality:

"Ludwig van Beethoven would have been prophylacticly aborted, no one would want to take the risk of bringing a handicapped child into the world."

The Princess bluntly insists that almost every mother willing to have an abortion could be persuaded by money not to kill her child:

As far as that goes, she insists that the State would profit when the number of births climb:

"We should promote our human capital, instead of liquidating it."

All of the Union Parties [supposedly pro-life] are Falsely Labeled

Since the introduction of abortion it has been the case that "all of the Union Parties are falsely labeled" -- stated Princess Gloria.

For her it is "only consequent" that now the Christian Democratic politicians should set themselves against the pre-implantation diagnostic for the selection and killing of artificially implanted children.

Bishops are Cowards

For the Princess it is "absolutely inconceivable", why the Church is not causing a decisive storm against this situation:

"Where are the courageous Bishops, who dare, to go against the Zeitgeist to defend unborn life?"

The Princess knows no one among the Bishops, "Who has made an ongoing outcry against this injustice which cries to heaven."

Hopeless initiatives against the mass slaughter were quickly silenced by the media:

"Then Bishops lose the courage, alone of all the concerns, to become unloved."

The Princess holds the mirror before the irresponsible senior Bishops: The cowardice of the Bishops will still be bitterly avenged -- she reckons.

Chemical Club against Minors

Princess Gloria offers a hard judgement against the "Green" extremists.

She exponsed this as "horribly inconsequential":

"One can not on one side promote sustainable thinking and a back to nature while on the other side proclaiming the right to an abortion."

The anti-child pill she described as "a pure chemical club", which is already prescribed to adolescent girls.

Euthanasia hits old and poor

Finally, the Princess turned against the growing threat in Germany of the euthanasia of lives considered to be unworthy of life.

This is dangerous for the poor and the wealthy -- she continued with her analysis:

"Whoever is poor, must consider, that they will be given a fatal injection, because perhaps the room of the elder home is in need of being used and is too expensive."

And: "Whoever is wealthy, has to deal with an inheritance, who hope for a quicker death."

Princess Gloria recalled on this that there are sufficient elderly from Belgium and the Netherlands who are coming to Germany, because they fear to be killed in their own homelands.

The Princess's Fatal Conclusion:

"As soon as human life is not seen any longer as a gift fromm God, the intent will climb to find methods to end it quickly -- freely or not."

For her it would be high ime that the Church should loudly rebel.

Because: "A quiet scribble of protest won't do. Resistance is the duty of the Christian." auf Deutsch.

New Patriarch of Maronite Church meets with pope at Vatican

New Patriarch of Maronite Church meets with pope at Vatican

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Traditionalist Carlist Communion in Spain Plans Response to Church Desecrations

In solidarity with Catholics in Spain, we wanted to draw attention to what they do when faced with the desecration of their churches in a society increasingly hostile to the Church. Numerous desecrations of the churches in Spain, and in particular, an assault on the Madrid University Chapel last year, are prompting not just a vocal response or petitions to the authorities, who will in any case do nothing, but action on the part of the Traditionalist Carlist Communion in Spain.

Students there don't just sit around and wring their hands. They plan things. Here are the following Google x-lations:

We hereby inform you our warmest congratulations for the initiative announced for next April 14 (round table with the title: RETURN OF THE PERSECUTION AGAINST THE CHURCH?).

The organization of this round table is a brave and necessary in a climate of growing anti-clericalism and Christophobia. On the other hand is what is expected of an institution, the University, born to intellectual thought and the pursuit of truth.

We are encouraging our members and supporters to disseminate, support and assist such an act. The desecration of the college chapels featuring anti-Christian groups, and other recent attacks and some sacrilegious calls are announced, they should not go unanswered. It is therefore necessary to achieve a unity of action of all Catholics to defend the rights of the Church. In this effort can always count on the Carlist.

Reiterating our disposal for any specific help we could provide, receive a cordial greeting in Xto. Rey, Rey,

Javier Garisoain Javier Garisoain

Secretario General de la CTC Secretary General of the CTC

Here's another report with a petition you can sign:

We implore you to act in defense of freedom of the Church.

We all wish it had not happened, but there are the desecration of the chapel and the announcement at the municipality of Somosaguas is without any governmental reaction. There will be an anti-Christian procession on Maundy Thursday. Are you one of those who want to think that only a cold spring, as soon as it happens will simply go? Do you think the current governmental system will take appropriate measures to stop the proliferation of such repugnant acts? Do you think the complaints will have an effect? Are you one of those that close a newspaper or switch channels when they hear news like that? Or, finally, you are not aware that something has just begun, and do not know what to do or think?

The next day 14, THURSDAY, 12:30, in the School of Law of the UCM, round table with the title: RETURN OF THE PERSECUTION AGAINST THE CHURCH? We will speak clearly of that, we will analyze the current situation of anti-Catholic persecution, and will extract the lessons of history.

Speakers: Dona Consuelo Martínez-Sicluna, Father Ángel David Martín Rubio, José Javier Esparza and Jose Miguel Gambra.

Event organized by the Association Francisco de Vitoria University Forum in strong protest against the sacrilegious acts recently committed in the chapels of the UCM and in general, the persecution suffered by the Catholic Church in our university and Spain. The results can be viewed shortly at: www. forouniversitariofv . blogspot. com

Read it, spread it and do your best to attend.

Publicado por en 09:09 Posted by at 9:09