Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Distribution Stopped: "YouCAT"

Editor: Naturally, Cardinal Schoenborn's catechism has some problems with it.

But he's now shifting the blame:
[Catholic Culture] Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna, who supervised the production of YouCat, said that each translation was produced under the aegis of another prelate. The Italian translation was guided by Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice.

The Italian edition of "YouCAT" contains a substantial translation error. Who will take responsibility? Naturally, no one.

(, Vatikan) The publication of the Italian edition is part of a Vatican commission? This was reported by the news agency of the US-Bishops Conference 'Catholic News Service'.

The Italian edition of 'YouCAT' appears in the press 'Citta Nuova'. It belons to the falsely ecumenical Focolare Movement.

Youth catechism's Italian edition suspended after translation error

The English language "Youcat: Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church" is published by Ignatius Press of San Francisco. (CNS/Ignatius Press)

By Carol Glatz
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Distribution of an Italian edition of a new youth catechism was temporarily suspended because of a translation error concerning the church's teaching on contraception.

Thousands of copies of the Italian translation of "YouCat," a recently released supplement to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, erroneously left the impression that Catholic couples could use "contraceptive methods."

As a result, "the product is temporarily suspended, but not halted," so that the Italian publisher can "examine the text," Elena Cardinali, a spokeswoman for the Citta Nuova editorial group, told Catholic News Service April 12. Citta Nuova, the publishing arm of the Focolare lay movement, handled the Italian edition of the catechism.

The youth catechism was originally written in German and the work was supervised by Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna. The Italian edition was translated by Pietro Podolak and translation revisions were overseen by Cardinal Angelo Scola of Venice, according to the credit pages in the book.

The 300-page book uses a question-and-answer format to talk about what the church teaches.

Question 420 of the Italian edition and its brief reply incorrectly suggest that a married couple can use contraceptive methods.

The question in the Italian version reads: "Can a Christian couple turn to contraceptive methods?" The answer reads: "Yes, a Christian couple can and must be responsible about their capacity of being able to give life."

The answer in Italian goes on to explain -- in line with church teaching -- that the church does not accept artificial means of contraception, but does allow regulation of fertility through natural methods.

The error was not found in the original German text of "YouCat," nor in the U.S. English edition, which was published by Ignatius Press.

The German text of question 420 "asks whether a Christian married couple may regulate the number of children they have. It does not ask whether the couple may use methods of contraception," wrote Mark Brumley, president of Ignatius Press, on the Ignatius Press blog, Insight Scoop.

"I don't know why the Italian translation reads as it does, nor do I know how it came about that it reads as it does, but it should be fixed to reflect, without ambiguity, the church's teaching that contraception is evil," Brumley wrote April 12.

"It is my understanding that the Italian text is being fixed," he added.

A Vatican official, speaking on background, said a previously planned press conference April 13 was expected to clarify the issue.

The English translation of the question and reply in "YouCat" as published by Ignatius Press is: "May a Christian married couple regulate the number of children they have? Yes, a Christian married couple may and should be responsible in using the gift and privilege of transmitting life."

The "YouCat" Italian edition came out in bookstores March 30 and sold 14,000 copies in five days, a Citta Nuova press release said April 6. At that time, Citta Nuova said some 46,000 copies had already been printed and more than 27,000 copies ordered.

It was the third best-selling religious book in Italian, it said, coming in behind Pope Benedict XVI's "Jesus of Nazareth" and a recent biography of Pope John Paul II.

"YouCat" was to be translated into at least 13 different languages and about 700,000 copies were to be distributed to young people taking part in World Youth Day 2011 in Madrid. An electronic version will also be available.

Pope Benedict wrote the book's foreword and said he wanted to supplement the Catechism of the Catholic Church by translating it "into the language of young people."

David Berger Now Accuses Pope of Being Homosexual

Editor David Berger is up to no good. Since trying to ride the sex abuse scandal on anti-Church magazine Der Spiegel for all it's worth, he's now taken to attacking the Pope. Cardinal Meisner does nothing.

The homosexually disordered David Berger spits poison and gall in the ecclesiastical pot from which he eats.  Cardinal Meisner isn't bothered in the least.

( The scatological-theological plump-plump of David Berger, who's still employed by the Archdiocese of Cologne, has broken off again.

He is bad mouthing the Pope for a dirty magazine known as "Fresh".

The laughable little devotional book says that Berger is to be congratulated for being a "high Church functionary".

The homosexual Berger is "in and out of the Vatican" -- insists this magazine.

The garbage theologian serves the magazine with his fantasizes about a supposed "inner life of the Catholic Church".

In reality Berger's insider knowledge, which he has put in a still-born smear novel already, doesn't exceed the level of the readers' opinions at '', the largest Catholic news portal throughout all of Europe. [shameless plug]

He recalled for 'Fresh' his participation in a march, where he says he freely and finally let everyone know about his homosexual disorder.

That wasn't what happened.  Bergers holy sheen was revealed by ''.  [he was dumb enough or indifferent enough to publish his activities on Facebook]

The Usual Unproven Suggestions

The magazine did not ask Berger the not unfair question, why the Pope offered his "thoughts about Homosexual Prostitutes".

Berger answered that he finds the Pope's insinuated ideas "completely fantastic", that a prostitute in the Vatican would call the Vatican and ask if he could use a condom.

In another context Berger could have said that the sexual disease of AIDS is so furiously spreading is because the Vatican forbids condoms.

Then Berger projects -- as is usual with him -- his sexual disturbances, this time on the Pope.

This one supposedly has himself "a permanent fixation on the theme of homosexuality".

In truth the present Pontifex never brings up the theme in his personal work.

Berger relies on his back alley gossiping, supposed theologians -- that he's invented himself.

From Berger's fantasy theologians are "almost all" of the view that Benedict XVI is "naturally homosexually inclined."

The Holy Father comes though from an ecclesiastical culture, in which the homosexual disorder is "an absolute taboo":

"What he has himself, he projects and attacks it" -- projects Berger as usual.

The Gomorrhist is even setting rumors loose in the world, which can make him some money.

There are "earlier homosexual contacts of the Pope".

Face these unscrupulous calumnies the Cardinal of Cologne will not deal with much longer, as if Berger were not a Church contracted religion instructor in his Archdiocese.

Berger calls upon the conspiracy theoress Valeska von Roques to substantiate his slanders for 'Fresh'.

She has according to Berger, validated the "evidence" that the Pope had even in his time in Rome as Cardinal "attended regular homosexual contacts".

The problem:  Why is Frau von Roques telling these things to an inconsequential homosexual, instead of earning a pile of gold then -- if the allegations are true?

According to Berger's story, Mrs von Roques theories rely on the word of a Swiss guard and others active in the Vatican.

In any event Cardinal Ratzinger didn't live in the Vatican and would have been deprived of the prying eyes of the Swiss Guard.

Homosexual Berger is also slandering the Bishop Franz-Joseph Overbeck of Essen.

He's already criticized the homosexuals from Hell, in order to become the next Cardinal in Cologne.

Berger concludes:  If another Pope would promote the same underwear themes, "then [Msgr.] Overbeck would say the opposite".

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Dakota Indians Preferred Catholicism

The discussion of Sitting Bull deserves an addition.  Sitting Bull was a fascinating and successful War leader of the Dakota people who gave the US Army one of its few decisive defeats in the Indian Wars, by massacring General Custer and his cavalry squadrons at the Battle of Little Big Horn.   There is a famous picture, which was cropped, to conceal the crucifix he wore.  This was pointed out by the Canterbury Tales Blog, here.

One thing this begins to indicate, but will be more clear later on, is that the Dakota Indians preferred the Catholics to the other denominations, often foisted upon them by the federal government at their expense.  In fact, a local historian and priest, Father Berghold, offers the compelling thesis that the Indians would have been much more peaceful if the Catholic Church had been allowed to care for them as they'd often requested. As he writes:

Through the kindness of a benevolent German 
gentleman from Chicago who is an active friend of 
the German Catholic Sioux Missions at the Rose- 
bud and Pine Ridge reservations, we are enabled 
to give extracts from letters of an experienced 
Catholic missionary, who, in company with others, 
devotes himself, with a noble self-sacrifice, to the 
education of the Sioux children, and, if possible, 
to the civilizing of the adult Sioux. If the treat- 
ment of the Sioux were entirely placed in the 
hands of the "black-gowns" and the devoted 
Sisters of Charity, there would be no more Sioux 
wars. That the present troubles have not assumed 
greater proportions, may be safely attributed to 
the zeal of the good missionaries, and that many 
of the Sioux are now desirous of making peace. [P. 117]

One is also reminded here of the fascinating Medicine Man, Black Elk, who also became a devout Catholic and catechist in his time. It is Father Berghold's book, "The Indians' Revenge" which describes in graphic detail the horrors of the Sioux uprising.  It is not a politically correct book, but it is very sympathetic to the Indian and critical of the Federal Government's treatment of him, as well as the puritanical hypocrisy under which the Natives suffered by being forced to follow the exterior conventions of American Protestantism.

In 1862 several bands of Dakota, starving for want of food and the failure of that year's hunt, left their Reservations throughout the Midwest and attacked white settlements, especially New Ulm where nine hundred settlers resisted for three perilous days of hard fighting. The Sioux Uprising of 62 was also known popularly as "Little Crow's War", after its primary instigator. The war ended in December with the capture of many of the offenders, some three hundred of whom were initially sentenced to die, but Abraham Lincoln reduced the number, and on the day after Christmas of that year, on the Feast of St. Stephen, 39 Indians were to be hung.  The condemned men were offered the services of a religion of their choice and 36 of them chose to become Catholics.   Many of the condemned men wore crucifixes, religious medals and crosses.  As the Austrian Priest describes it:

According to the principles of our free institutions every one of the condemned was at liberty to choose the religion in which he wanted to die, and they were officially notified of the fact. The Government also offered to procure the spiritual advisers of their choice. Strange as it may appear, thirty-six out of the thirty-nine became Catholics, though they had always been under the spiritual guidance of Protestant ministers who, as has been said, were in the employ of the Government for years past at the different agencies. Their Catholic spiritual adviser was the Rev. Father Ravoux, who is at present attached to the Cathedral at St. Paul as Vicar-General of the diocese.* Martial law was proclaimed at Mankato by Stephen Miller on the 24th of December, and
* The different Indian tribes who, some years ago, held a great council with the representatives of the Government also wanted only Catholic priests, a fact which was reported in every paper throughout the country [Ibid, p. 146]

150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fort Sumter

There are no anonymous heroes before God

And the beginning of the War of Northern Aggression.

Here are some of the men who joined the fray for true Liberty, link to Confederate Carlists

The Viennese Cardinal Promotes Birth Control in New Catechism

Editor: First he's supporting Medjugorje, promoting blasphemous homosexual communists and their "art" and a "wild west" Liturgy.  What's next?  Promoting birth control.  Thank YOU, Father Fessio, for popularizing this man in the English speaking world through Ignatius Press.  This might be the end of Ignatius Press as a byword for orthodoxy.

.- A new Vatican-sponsored catechism intended for youth suggests that Christian couples “can and should” use “contraceptive methods” when deciding on how many children to have.
The revelation comes two days before the eve of the official launch of the so-called “YouCat,” produced specially for the Church’s World Youth Day event, to be held in Madrid this coming August.
The Vatican’s spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, told CNA April 11, “I have not yet seen the text of YouCat and am therefore unable to comment further.”

World Youth Day catechism suggests endorsement of ‘contraceptive methods’ :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

H/t: Stevo at FE

Old Lady Ciccone is Shopping for a New Religion

Remember when Miss Ciccone decided to become a Methodist?  It was satire, but you know.  Now there's a story on the Creative Minority Report which says that Madonna has become a member of Opus Dei. You might say, she's fed up with Qabbalah, now she's ready for a new religion.  Why not Opus Dei?  That's hip.

[Mirror] FOR the past 15 years, she has been Kabbalah’s most high profile and dedicated follower.

But now Madonna has apparently ditched the controversial faith and taken up with Opus Dei – the secretive Catholic sect made famous in The Da Vinci Code.

The singer is said to be intrigued by the organisation and spent Friday with priests from the centre’s London HQ.

The move follows her alleged falling out with some Kabbalah leaders after reports that cash raised for her Malawi charity was squandered. Last night a source claimed: “She has invested so much into Kabbalah so she was devastated by these damning accusations.

“She has started exploring different religions. Madonna has always been intrigued by Opus Dei. As yet, she’s not a fully paid-up member – she’s just had informal chats.”
 Maybe she's seen a screening of the new film?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Bishop McCormack's Politicizing in New Hampshire for the Democrats

Of course, the Senator from New Hampshire is blinded by his indignation and frustration at dealing with a man who doesn't care much for rational things, economics or even the religion he's supposed to represent. The Senator has had to apologize. No one's talking about the Bishop's poor record in dealing with the homosexuals under his care who prey on adolescents.  You'd think his moral authority would be pretty much non-existent, but perhaps his collaboration with the abuse-hoax has given him a kind of half-life whereby he holds his office and continues to act as a Democratic Party lapdog. Still, at any rate, it's perhaps salubrious as well as instructive that there are people are threatening to take away the Church's tax-exempt status because Catholic Bishops don't seem to understand or appreciate that the Establishment Clause is a two-way street.

The Catholic Church is responsible to follow certain rules in the United States with respect to its non-exempt status. It can't campaign for various candidates as this is considered a violation with respect to the Establishment Clause which is part of the First Amendment.

Arch. Rembert Weakland

The CDL is in this case glossing over the Senator's insult, which he has apologized for, and neglecting to mention that if the Church shouldn't be campaigning for Republicans, it shouldn't be campaigning against them either.

There have been many occasions, including the Health Care Bill, where AmChurch, particularly the USCCB and leftist Bishops have weighed in favor of various socialist agendas. Remember Cardinal Bernadin's Seamless Garment that gave a blessing to allow allegedly Catholic politicos to vote against the doctrine and interests of the Catholic Church. It was true in the eighties when they were supporting nuclear disarmament and it's true today., and you just know this Bishop is for Obamacare.

Unfortunately, more emphasis will be put on political correctness and no emphasis will be put on the fact that in this case, Bishop McCormack, shouldn't be promoting socialist agendas and wealth confiscation themes. Of course, no one's asking that question.

[From CDL Newsletter]This has been a busy week in the world Catholic bashing.

New Hampshire House Majority Leader David J. Bettencourt called Manchester Bishop John B. McCormack a "pedophile pimp who should have been led away from the State House in handcuffs with a raincoat over his head."

The Catholic League is going after Bettencourt's actions very determinedly. Later news indicates that Bettencourt plans to apologize. Then the Catholic League reports Rep. Andrew Manuse wrote this missive: "I am now considering a bill to remove the Church's tax exempt status in New Hampshire, for you have clearly shown that you no longer want it."

CDL Minnesota Website

Rare Book by Pope Thrown Out by Postman

Editor: Wow, not sure how "Crossing the Threshold of Hope" is rare or valuable, but why not?

Book dealer Christian White returned from a holiday to find a signed copy of a book by Pope John Paul II had been recycled after a postman left it in his bin A man has hit out after he bought a rare book written and signed by Pope John  Paul II - which was then destroyed after a hapless postman left it in a recycling bin.Book dealer Christian White arrived home from a break to discover a note through his door from the Royal Mail saying the treasured book had been left in his recycling bin.

In a cruel twist of fate the bin had already been put out by a kind neighbour and the book, a 1994 edition of Crossing the Threshold of Hope, written by the late Pope John Paul II, ended up being recycled.

H/t: Rach

600-Year-Old Book Discovered - Video - KCCI Des Moines

600-Year-Old Book Discovered - Video - KCCI Des Moines

Le Fleur de Lys too: Hitler's Plan to Kidnap Pope Puis XII

Spiritual Weapons Are More Powerful Than Material Ones

As soon as Italian dictator Benito Mussolini was ousted from power on July 25, 1943, Adolf Hitler began hatching a plan to kidnap Pope Pius XII and plunder the Vatican. Clearly, the Fuehrer thought, the "Jew-loving" pope had encouraged King Victor Emanuel II and some rival fascist leaders to overthrow his Italian puppet.

The following day Hitler called for an urgent meeting of his military leaders. They must liberate Mussolini and return him to power, he cried. And "we must occupy Rome" and "destroy the Vatican's power, capture the pope, and say that we are protecting him." The pope might even have to be killed.

About six weeks later, on September 13, SS General Karl Wolff, the SS commander in Italy, received a phone call from his boss, SS Chief Heinrich Himmler, orchestrator of the Holocaust. Himmler, Wolff told me, bellowed that the Fuehrer wanted to see him urgently.

Le Fleur de Lys too: Hitler's Plan to Kidnap Pope Puis XII

 Top image of Pius XII at prayer is from, A Catholic Life.

Come to the Catholic Blognic

Editor:  The Catholic "Blognic" will be an alternative to the official one being offered in Rome.   There may be facilities for you to skype your presence there:

Hey "Taliban Catholic" Bloggers!! Come to the *Other* Rome Catholic Blognic

Do you have a blog on which you write about Catholic stuff?

Do you read Catholic blogs?

Do you comment on Catholic blogs?

Are you planning on going to Rome for the Beatification of John Paul II?

Are you pretty sure you're not going to get invited to the Vatican's blognic?

Do you suspect that they found your work just a leeetle too ... err... forthcoming about the bishops, the Church, the state of things? Do you suspect that you'd probably be regarded as a "Taliban Catholic" blogger in certain circles?

Or just don't think you can face hours of talks by Vatican bureaucrats on "the initiatives that the Church is putting in place in the world of new media, whether in Rome or at the local level"?

Come to the *other* Catholic blogger Rome blognic...

 Link to Orwell's Pic-a-nic ....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Journalist Raises Questions About Norwegian Bishop's Situation

Editor: The case is very strange. The Bishop has already admitted the to the act, but the author of the following piece seems convinced that the Bishop is being hung out to dry because of his conservative outlook. He's named the victim who took the proceeds from a book he'd published about his situation to build a Church in Norway. The victim is still very much a Catholic believer.

Too Many Questions Remain

A light in the darkness: A year ago the Bishop of Trondheim, Norway, was accused of an abuse and resigned. By Franz Weissmut

( the beginning of April 2010, the former Bishop of Trondheim in Norway, Msgr Georg Müller (58), stood guilty of supposedly abusing a boy as a young minister.

The -- not specified -- attack lay in any case at some point twenty years ago.

The case is out of statute. Bishop Müller, therefore, not be legally prosecuted.

At the beginning of December last year the alleged victim published a book under the Pseudonym "David" about the case.

It was under the title: "Ingen vei Utenom". In English: No Way Past.

The profits from the book will go to benefit the building of the new St. Olav Church in Trondheim.

Bishop Bernt Ivar Eidsvig (57) of Oslo and Apostolic Administrator of the Prelature off Trondheim -- a former Ausgustinian -- Choirmaster of the Stift Kosterneuberg in Austria -- wrote the forward to it.

The book appeared in the Catholic press of Norway -- the St. Olva Press.

The presumed victim has remained anonymous the entire time. That is unethical.

Anonymous complaints of this magnitude are questionable.

How could we know without a criminal case that this isn't simple revenge?

Bishop Müller was a very conservative clergyman and therefore there were those who were hostile to him.

He preached never the less against all human weakness and often against homosexuality. That made him many enemies.

Is there a connection here?

As this also is. I am of the opinion, that the name

of the alleged victim, that is clamored for so much publicity, should end up in the public.

That could account for the revelation of the true facts.

The name of the supposed victim Nguyen Duy Dat (34).

Translated from

A Canonist Speaks in Father Corapi's Defense

Editor: We were right about Father Corapi. This railroading going on is what's happened to many a loyal, orthodox priest over the last fifty years. Turns out that his loyal "fan club" also had a certain genius of the laity about him. It is also apparent as of the writing of the explanation by Father Michael Sullivan JCL, that the network gone wrong, can probably line up for some serious crow since they weren't actually required to remove Father Corapi's broadcasts based on an as yet unsubstantiated denunciation, and have put the protestant Billy Graham on in his place.

As mentioned below, Father Corapi was not treated fairly according to the canon law.

Father Corapi on Administrative Leave - An Update from Rev. Michael Sullivan, J.C.L.

Fr. John Corapi has been suspended from priestly functions because of an accusation against him from a former employee. There seems to be a great deal of speculation and confusion regarding what this entails.

When an accusation arrives at the desk of a Religious Superior or a bishop, the procedure calls for a quick, confidential assessment as to the veracity of the accusation. With the advent of the Dallas Procedural Norms the necessary pieces of information required before imposing administrative leave varies from diocese to diocese and Order to Order. In most cases, if an accuser knows the name of the priest, the location at the time of the alleged incident and the year the priest was serving, the accusation is considered “credible.” The accused is supposed to be provided with the opportunity to respond to the accusations in a face-to-face meeting with his Superior prior to the imposition of suspension or administrative leave. In Father Corapi’s case, this never happened.

When a priest is on administrative leave he is to refrain from any public actions as a priest, such as offering Mass or hearing confessions, or from dressing as a priest in any public forum. The decree from his superiors clearly spells out limitations upon Fr. Corapi, but does not preclude him from speaking publicly provided he does not dress as a cleric and does not offer Mass publicly. Fr. John Corapi has observed these directives. Church bodies are to observe these limitations, though the order does not apply to lay organizations or Church organizations beyond the scope of what has been decreed.

Several Catholic media sources have removed Fr. Corapi from their outlets. This is over and above what is required by canon law and the Dallas Norms. Nothing in the order placing Father Corapi on administrative leave precludes distribution of previously recorded materials. Santa Cruz Media is in full compliance with Canon Law and the administrative leave under which Fr. Corapi is functioning.

Fr. Corapi is doing all in his power to cooperate and work with his Religious Society to see that this allegation is quickly cleared up and he is allowed to return to full ministry. The length of this administrative leave is strictly up to the Society and their process of inquiry before a decision is rendered.

We continue to ask everyone to pray for Fr. Corapi, for the accuser and for a quick resolution to this matter.

God bless you,

Rev. Michael Sullivan, J.C.L.

H/t: Pewsitter

Jesuit Marxist Friend of Tom Merton, Gives Talk at Jesuit University

Editor: Merton talks about his friend "Ernesto Cardenal" when the later stayed at Gethsemeni as a Novice in 1957 and left for health reasons in 58. Guilty by association? Birds of a feather, I say.

[Ten Reasons Blog] You really can't make this stuff up. Ernesto Cardenal, the Jesuit Marxist liberation theologian who served in the violent Marxist-Leninist Sandinista government of Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua during the 1980s, is visiting Xavier University. Cardenal was captured in a now famous photograph asking for Pope John Paul II's blessing as the Holy Father arrived in Managua in 1983 and instead got a stern reprimand. He was later suspended from the priesthood. Details of his visit are available on the always curious Xavier University activities calendar:
Father Ernesto Cardenal, one of the greatest living poets from Latin America, is a priest from Nicaragua. He was an active member of the Sandinista movement. As minister of culture he was also one of three priests to hold a position in the Sandinista government. The Academic Service Learning Semesters and Voices of Solidarity will be hosting a bilingual poetry reading to introduce Fr. Cardenal's latest book: The Origin of Species and Other Poems. The event will take place in the afternoon.

Read further, here...

H/t: Pewsitter

Ottawa Politician Takes CINO McGuinty to Task: Canadian Bloggers are Making Interneet a NOGO Zone for CINOs

The Bishops of Canada are complaining about Bloggers in Canada too, like Lifesite and SOCON, for making their job of introducing anti-Catholic agendas and ideas contrary to Church teaching that much harder; hard enough that they complain about them by name.


Here's a bio of John Pacheco.

German Cardinal Calls Atomic Energy the Devil's Instrument

Editor: At least he believes there's a devil.

The Core Compentence of a Cardinal?

Germany.  There is "something to it" as far as describing atomic energy as a "tool of the Devil"  . The new Cardinal from Munich,   Reinhard Marx  said this to the 'Rhenische Post'.  The Cardinal pled for its abandonment as a principle energy.  The Conservatives are "More or less advised by the view,  which places all importance on technical progress".  It's the same with embryo science "we cross a boundary, if we want to decide between viable and unviable lives"  -- he said.  Finally the Cardinal criticized the incursion into Libya:  "A war led, to unseat a dictator -- then we could have many excuses for military interventions." 

Abuse-Bishop Leaves Belgium

Meanwhile,  the resigned homosexual predator and Old Liberal Bishop Roger Vangheluwe 74 of Bruges has left Belgium, according to "Deutsche Presseagentur".  Msgr Vangheluwe will resign himself to quiet prayer and begin his psychological treatment.

Link to original...

Italian Historian Says Homosexuality Destroyed Rome

Editor: They've done quite a job on the Catholic Church already.

Does anyone remember when Richard Nixon discussed one of the redeeming features of the Soviet Union as being its antipathy of homosexuals when he was talking in his office about Archie Bunker, said exactly the same thing? [Warning, fowl language, blasphemy]  At first he starts demurring, saying he has no moral objections to homosexuality, then goes on to say that the immorality actually destroys societies.  It's also interesting that Nixon's off-color comments are made much of when figures like Gandhi and Voltaire get away with it.  Of course, apologists for Richard Nixon won't defend what Nixon was saying, they'll just argue that times, and morals, have changed, and if you know anything about principles, it's an indefensible position to take, but anyway.

Of  course, never mind Richard Nixon, despite the fact that he's correct.  Let another voice speak by way of a message from Bminormass on '", who said in his book, "Life is Worth Living" on P. 260, where he quotes the sociologist, Dr. Sorokin, who said:

''Those families among us who frequently change husbands and wives, who fail in their duties to their children and adopt the moral code of the gutter, are pushing us along the road to chaos. Greece, in the 3rd and the 2nd centuries before Christ, brought sex into the open. We know because there were men in those days too, who prided themselves on their objectivity as they calmly recorded the destressing picture of whole families getting together to indulge in promiscuous behaviour.  Adultery and prostitution were so common that those who indulged were regarded merely as interesting fellows.
But, such a society was not able to summon the backbone to resist in the face of war , or to endure the austerity programme that might have salvaged that overblown economy.  Soon, the glory that was Greece was over and the mighty  Acropolis was only a hillside strewn with ruined marble.'' 

 Roberto de Mathei  is a Traditionalist Catholic and was in the news earlier this week when he was critical of the current Pope and Vatican II as reported by Sandro Magister.  He has also blamed the disasters besetting Japan on the wrath of God.

More recently, the Vice President of Italy's National Research Council, has angered many Italians for comments they consider to be insensitive, namely, blaming Rome's fall on the collapse of its morals and infestation by homosexuality.  According to the article by the Telegraph, more than 7,000 people have signed a petition asking for his resignation. 

Various Catholophobic voices spread their hate filled opinions for all who would listen.
"His homophobic and extreme views are offensive to the organisation he leads," said Massimo Donadi, a senior member of an opposition party, Italy of Values, adding that he would refer the affair to parliament.

Anna Paola Concia, an MP from the main opposition Democratic Party, said: "A fanatic such as him cannot remain vice-president of the council in a country that has at its heart culture, human rights and respect for diversity. He is nothing other than a homophobic fundamentalist on a par with Iran's president, Ahmadinejad." Prof De Mattei, who was awarded an order of knighthood by the Vatican in recognition for his service to the Catholic Church, has previously caused controversy by speaking out about gay rights, the contraceptive pill and the alleged persecution of Christians by Muslims in Kosovo and Lebanon.

Link to telegraph... 

Modified, 4/10/2011 to include quote from Bishop Sheen

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Moscow Patriarchate: Russia's mission is to become the Holy Rus

Moscow, April 8, Interfax - The Russian Orthodox Church called Russians to implement the Christian mission.

"People's Christian mission is their duty, objective and an appeal to national humility, self-restriction and sacrifice," head of the Synodal Department for Church and Society Relations Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin said at the international conference of Church and Society Relations held Friday in Moscow.

According to him, "if we understand this appeal and this mission, if the spiritual and moral revival of our people would not stop under the influence of external criticism or internal doubts, but still expands many times, we may as the Russian people again become a Christian nation living in the Holy Rus."

Father Vsevolod mentioned that about one third of Russia's population includes people who have "a certain religious experience, a well-developed religious literature, who pray in churches and at home and attend religious services at least sometimes."

Thus, he continued, "it is incorrect to refer to Orthodox Russians as some minority which is within some statistical margin."

Father Vsevolod stated that there were people, in particular in the West, who perceived Orthodoxy "as some romantic image of a dilapidated village church surrounded by birch-trees and serviced by a priest in a ragged robe."

"It is quite wrong to choose Orthodox faith as a restricted area for spiritual relaxation," Father Vsevolod emphasized.

According to him, Christianity is "an omnipresent flare which blesses everything, burns things that have to be burnt and melts people into a new creation," and an attempt to push religion out of the social life and present it as "a provincial restricted area where a citizen of a large city may plunge once in a half year to release stress is a wrong attitude."

Bishop Adamec Goes Unnoticed and Unmourned into Retirement last January

Bishop Adamec of the highly troubled Altoona-Johnestown Diocese retired in January of this year. How was it it was missed? Someone should have been popping the cork of champagne. But like the despot of a distant oriental country flooded with sand and camels tethered in the ruins of better days, his unhappy reign has passed like the report of a swinging rusty sign, deep in the rust belt somewhere between Detroit and Saginaw.

He's been accused justifiably of Simony and of being a protector of predatory homosexuals, while he has been a scourge to priests loyal to Rome. Now he's gone being replaced by Bishop Bartschak. Here's Bishop Bartschak's statement from the Diocesan rag:

I have spent almost twenty years assisting and advising the Most Rev. Donald Trautman, Bishop of Erie. I want to especially acknowledge his trust in me and the care which he has shown me as a father and brother. He has never been at a loss to offer me practical words of advice and encouragement. I am certainly grateful for the insights and encouragement that he has shared since learning of my appointment as Bishop of Altoona-Johnstown.

I am grateful to Bishop Adamec for the warm welcome and solicitude that he has shared with me in so many ways. He has been quite generous in providing me with the kind of help that is needed during the time of transition that continues for the next several weeks.

If he worked for Bishop Trautsperson, he can't be much better and is probably decidedly worse than the outgoing +Adamec. No doubt those trying to hear the Mass of their grandsires will find things difficult. Yet another Old Liberal given a position of trust where he doesn't belong. May God have mercy on the decaying and rusting Altoona-Jonestown Diocese.

Image from Catholic Cartoon blog.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Main thing is "Simple" -- Whatever That May Mean: Cardinal Schönborn's Ugly Vestments

One of the Vienna Cardinal's regalia was so ugly that he even presented it at the Old Liberal trade exhibition in Italy.

Their "simple" vestments

( The Viennese Liturgy Seminar will feature liturgical robes at the clerical exposition „koiné 2011“ in the northern Italian city of Vicenza.

The website '' reported this in March.

For Sister Imelda Ruf the dubious invitation to the Mass is "a promise that we are on the right way."

The Sister belongs to the Benedictine Cloister Steinerkirchen fifty kilometers south west of Linz.

She works as a seamstress in the Liturgy Seminar of the Archdiocese of Vienna. There she is responsible for vestments.

Her Cloister has also served over many years as the fashion taylor for Old Liberal Vestments.

Expensive Stuff -- Cheap Design

In Vicenza the Archdiocese of Vienna presents the "white diocesan regalia" which Sister Imelda had made.

It is said to be a question of a "humble white regalia for our time" -- she explains how the mass robe came into being.

According to Sister Imelda's account, today, there is just as earlier the use of "expensive material" -- "but with lighter and more simple materials".

Above all, pure silk will be used. They're made from Dupioni silk which is often taken for wild silk and is known for its irregular structure.

The Mass robes are even being completed from this material.

The liturgical directions are also important, which relate especially to color, form, mass and symbolism -- said Sister.

"Too Elaborate"

The goal of the conference in Vicenza was to show Mass robes and stoles, "which are innovatively completed in the spirit of the Liturgical Constitution of the Second Vatican Council".

The supposed jury panel have selected "simple robes" -- a chasuble and four stoles.

Sister Imelda continued:

"The Papal chasuble, which Benedict XVI wore at his visit to Vienna, is much too elaborate and will not be displayed."

One of the exponents was a "violet, living tree chasuble", which Cardinal Schönborn brought as part of the second Diocesan collection.

The pieces can be borrowed from the lending services for Viennese Parishes.

Translated from