Friday, April 8, 2011

Cleric Murdered for Saying Riots Not Islamic

From Jihad Watch by Robert Spencer:
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Viennese Cardinal Snubs Princely Family of Liechtenstein, and the Church

Editor: The Viennese Cardinal is no respecter of rank and privilege. He gives the runaround to everyone who's Catholic. At least someone is looking out for the education of children in Austria.

Erase it: The Austrian Bishops have been playing a game for a year with the spiritual health of minors using devilish religion books.

Prinz Gundakar and Prinzessin Marie von und zu Liechtenstein have, because of ecclesiastical bureaucratic decay, been sent from Pontius to Pilate, while Bishops and the Vatican turn diplomatic pirouettes.

The two marrieds are living in Lower Austria and are responsible for five school age children.

Diocesan Approved Deviltry

In October 2008 the married couple turned to the President of the Austrian Bishop's Conference, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn.

They requested that he eliminate material hostile to the Catholic Faith -- with Episcopal approval -- being used in Catholic religious instruction.

It concerned:

- the "Graz Series" for Middle School. They contain the various parts "I am by you", "With you I can grow", "Travelling with you", "Together we'll make the world".

- the hand book "Joy for Faith",

- a series of writings of the Old Liberal Viennese Religious educator, Martin Jäggle, with the instruction text "You like me", "you make my life beautiful", "You lead me", "You trust me".

The applicants looked for the good advice of Gertrud Dörner.

With her help, it was demonstrated that the offensive texts falsify the Faith.

In April 2009 the Old Liberal Austrian Bishop's Conference struck down the appeal.

The Couple von und zu Lieschtenstein 2009 made an application for retraction of the judgment. This was struck down in July of the same year.

The Long Way to Rome

The couple weighed against the decision again, but this time with the Congregation for the Faith.

The appeal was sent back on November 2009 for formal reasons.

Prinz Gundakar reapplied his appeal to the Apostolic Signatura in November 2009.

This was remanded by the parents in February 2010 to the Congregation for Clergy.

Still the prince turned from this in the same month.

Incredible but true: In March 2010 -- almost a year and a half after first writing Cardinal Schönborn -- the appeal was received.

The Apostolic Signatura handed the problem down to the Congregation of Clergy. This office got down to business.

They asked Cardinal Schönborn for documents and information and a deep study of the recommendations of Frau Döner from the Congregation of Faith.

Cynical Bishops

Cynically, the Austrian Bishops Conference had already admitted in April of April 2009 that "in part" Frau Dörners observations on the faith unfriendly religion books were accurate.

And: "The corresponding hand books show, that these problems have their origin in questionable theological positions as well as in dangerous tendencies, to devalue the validity of faith".

These determinations are blank cynicism: For the episcopaly criticized books were considered by the Bishops to have been effectively used for Catholic religious instruction.

Pulling the Head from the Sling

The Congregation for Clergy called the Cardinal to address the situation.

The Cardinal explained November 2010 in a letter that the Austrian Bishops in the mean time had published a new lesson plan.

The incriminated school books were therefore no longer new, rather replaced in the whole by a new school book series.

Therefore it "is not meaningful" to correct errors contained, which the Congregation of the Faith had correctly ascertained, "for the short time frame for which this series of elementary school books are in use."

He will take efforts to explain the various errors concerned and inform the religion instructors in the use of these religion books so that they won't disseminate these identified errors --- joked the Cardinal.

Irresponsible Wolves

On 22. Februar 2011 the Congregation for Clergy explained that the reason for the conflict has been isolated, since the proposed concerns which were specified in the appeal were handled "in an acceptable way".

In other words: The Austrian Bishops have been risking the good of the souls of persons under age.

Now they've availed themselves of a hush-hush action.

The responsibility for this outrageous scandal doesn't convince anyone.

Photo, Monarchy Forum...

The Mass of All Ages by Bl Pius XII

The eleven minute sequence is from 1942 where the Pope celebrates the Immemorial from, ‘frater_pl’ and It's glorious.

Oldest Cardinal in the Church in Coma

White Russia, The emeritus Archbishop of Minsk, Cardinal Kazimierz Swiatek (96)is laying in a coma since an operation. 'Katolische Nachrichtenagentur' reported this. The Prince of the Church is the second oldest Cardinal in the Church. He has been in hospital for a bone fracture since the beginning of March.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit: New British Jesuit Provencial, Fr. Dermot Preston, S.J.

Bad Jesuit?
Good Jesuit, Bad Jesuit: New British Jesuit Provencial, Fr. Dermot Preston, S.J.

Scranton Diocese Bans Micheal Voris for Being Too Catholic: Banned in Scranton

Editor: And some people are faulting Father Corapi for questioning Corpus Christi Diocese's treatment of him? Sounds rather like a certain other someone who was "Banned in Boston" a half-century ago.


Regarding Michael Voris

Posted on: 04-7-2011 Posted in: News
The Diocese of Scranton has determined that Mr. Voris will not be allowed to speak in a Diocesan or parish facility. After these engagements were scheduled, the Diocese became aware of concerns about this individual’s views regarding other religious groups. In videos posted on the Internet, Mr. Voris makes comments that certainly can be interpreted as being insensitive to people of other faiths. The Catholic Church teaches us to respect all people, regardless of their faith tradition.

Although the Diocese shares Mr. Voris’ support of efforts to protect human life, his extreme positions on other faiths are not appropriate and therefore the Diocese cannot host him.

But if you want non-Catholic schools and blasphemous plays, Scranton Diocese is more than happy to disrespect the Catholic Faith Tradition.

Cardinal Kasper Promotes a Reform of Our Reforms

Liturgy is worship, not only a community celebration.  The experience of the sublime and of the tremendum mysterium is the curative.
His Grace, Cardinal Kasper

Vallendar ( Cardinal Kasper promotes an "in depth going reform of our Liturgical reforms."  It needs a "renewed liturgical-sacramental culture", said the Curial Cardinal, who was till 2010 the President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, according to '" from a report from KNA about ++Kasper's lecture at the symposium "The Liturgy of the Church" of the "Cardinal Walter Kasper Institute for Theology-Ecumenism-Spirituality" at the Philosophy and Theology Faculty of Vallendar.

Liturgy must not be desacralized and robbed of its sublimity, explained the former Bishop of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, because it is worship, not only a community celebration.  Just as in our civilization, which is leveling,  secular and thoroughly void of meaning, the sublimity and the tremendum mysterium also brings the curative.

Link  to

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Mass Graves in Ivory Coast

Editor: It's a good thing no one burned a Koran in Ivory Coast or anything. No telling what would have happened then.

AFRICA/CÔTE D'IVOIRE - The Nuncio in Abidjan denounces the serious violations of human rights and gives witness to the aid to victims provided by the Church
Abidjan (Agenzia Fides) - “Civilians are the first victims: they suffer serious violence,” says Archbishop Ambrose Madtha, Apostolic Nuncio to Côte d'Ivoire, to the French section of Aid to the Church in Need (Aide à l’Église en Détresse, AED), which sent Fides a statement about it. “There have been many killings (by the blows from heavy weapons, slaughters, people burned alive), there are kidnappings, looting, etc.”, complains the Nuncio. “Families are fleeing the violence and taking refuge mostly in churches.” The Diocese of Man (particularly the cities of Abidjan and Duékoué, where mass graves were discovered of hundreds of corpses) and the Archdiocese of Abidjan and Gagnoa are the most affected.

“The displaced people are really deprived of everything, because they were forced to leave everything in order to escape,” said Archbishop Madtha. “They are lacking food, clean water, medicine and clothes. We are assisting these people by sharing with them the little that we have. But faced with the seriousness of the situation and their great need, we need help,” says the Nuncio.

The AED sent 25,000 euros as emergency relief funds. “We are not specialists in emergency aid,” says Marc Fromager, Director of AED, “but we can not remain indifferent to the drama that is unfolding before our eyes.”

Today, 6 April, Pope Benedict XVI launched an appeal for an end to violence in Côte d'Ivoire. “With great concern I continue to follow the dramatic events that the dear people of Côte d'Ivoire and Libya are experiencing,” adding that he issues “a new and heartfelt appeal to all parties, that they may begin the work of peace and dialogue and avoid further bloodshed.” (L.M.) (Agenzia Fides 6/4/2011)

H/t: Tom at AQ

Father Corapi is [not] Back on EWTN.

[NB: Obviously, since the time this was posted, a lot has changed. For a brief period of time after EWTN stopped broadcasting Father Corapi, some affiliate stations continued broadcasting this stuff. In any case, there are people far more irresponsible than Father Corapi's worst detractors are portraying him to be, working for the Church, attending Bishop's conferences, doing harm. Take Bishop Hubbard, for example, or hundreds of others. -Tancred, 11/20/11, King St. Edward.]

Editor: There were a few out there who wanted to compare apples and oranges when it came to Father Corapi. They tried to compare him to the effeminate and gay friendly Cardinal Bernardine and other soft-spoken and ineffectual Bishops who've been accused, credibly or not. They also complained about how it was his celebrity status which brought him down, irresponsibly speculating on something which hadn't happened as if it had. There are quite a few out there who can barely conceal their resentment at Father Corapi, which has taken a moment like this to make itself heard like chorus of malignant toads. Despite the fact that priests who are accused of homosexual predation don't get suspended when they're accused, credibly or not, there isn't such leniency for Father Corapi, he's got too many enemies. Of course, there's been a long standing animus against Fr. Corapi from the beginning by people of unsavory connections and activities.

Here's a statement from EWTN itself:

Of course, there's no official statement as yet, but Father Corapi was back on EWTN's Communications Director, Michelle Johnson, courtesy of timo.

“EWTN is not airing Father’s programs. If local EWTN radio affiliates wish to air programs to which they have the rights, they certainly may.”

Here's a letter he wrote, with accompanying links, which underscore why he is being persecuted like this. A lot of people who want to give an undue amount of credit to this "zero tolerance" policy by the Bishops don't talk about things like this:

Fr. Corapi letter written in 1984

by tantamergo

"I received a link via e-mail to a site that contains a letter sent by then seminarian John Corapi to a correspondent who had sent him a religious medal. The letter is really very frank and very telling, much more than a mere thank you note, it goes into the reasons for Corapi�s vocation and his divinely inspired mission in the Church. It�s something that should be read in light of recent events. An excerpt below:
Before I ever heard of The Message of Garabandal The Mother of God, in a very personal way, made it known to me. She made me acutely aware of certain things concerning the Eucharist. These abuses I became aware of cause me much suffering. I often cry at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and I very often cry at night, not sleeping at all.

Whenever I would doubt this insight, almost immediately I would be given a sign to confirm that what I was feeling was correct. Some examples: (1) Seeing the priest at a church daily fail to Purify the Paten & Chalice and profanely disgarding the consecrated Host and Precious Blood down a drain! (2) Hearing homilies that state that no longer do we owe primary allegiance to the Pope, but rather to local Bishops who are more aware of our needs! (3) Listening to a Diocesan Vocation Director tell me that his Diocese would not be interested in Ordaining any man who was not open to Priests being able to marry and to serve a limited term as a Priest (Like an Army enlistment)! To say that I suffer to hear these things would be to say the least. However, there is a purpose to it all. My dear friend, the Mother of God, wants me to be aware of these dangers so that I can help her to wage war against the enemy. She has given me a vocation to the Priesthood so that I might help her to bring back holiness to her Son�s Church and end these horrible abuses of the Eucharist.

There are many who do not wish to see me become a Priest because of my fierce loyalty to the Vicar of Christ and my outspoken defense of him and my condemnation of certain irreverent and even profane practices I see today. I have enemies because of this. So too did Our Beloved Saviour have enemies.

I have had to endure abuse and suffering because my views are now not popular with the local clergy. They call me a fanatic and say my views are outdated. Luckily, there are 3 archbishops (retired) who agree with me and protect me � gaining admittance for me to a good Orthodox Seminary where my views are generally shared.

I know very well that my vocation will be that of a soldier engaged in a mortal combat. There will be more and worse suffering for all of us to endure. That is fine, for, as we know, Our Blessed Lord did not tell us to take up a bed of Roses and follow him. He said to take up a CROSS and follow Him! By the Grace of Almighty God and the Holy assistance and intercession of Our Good Friend � The Mother of God � I shall do so!

Being a weak and miserable creature that I am, I am much in need of Prayer. Please pray for me that I might be all that Our Blessed Mother wishes me to be.
This letter was written in 1984, when Fr. Corapi was still in seminary. He would not be ordained until 1991, in Rome, because his path to ordination was frought with roadblocks thrown up by those who were opposed to his becoming a priest. 27 years is a long time in a life, but it is difficult to see how the man, already fully adult and mature, could wander so drastically from the mission he lays out here to have engaged in the activities of which he is accused. Definitely, this is the Corapi we have witnessed in so many TV and radio programs.

We must always be wary of the world and the wiles of the devil. Greater men than Corapi have fallen � so pray, alot, for him, his apostolate, and the Church. Especially for good and devoted, faithful priests, and good priestly formation. Pray for the instillation of the true Faith in our seminaries. "

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Perhaps Bishops Will Get Locked Up?

Editor: one such committee was tried at an Abbey in the United States, and it failed abysmally. The man who founded the thing resigned from it because the Abbey and the people it was designed to over watch stonewalled it, no pun intended. It is impossible in the absence of the mere understating of what Justice is to assume that these people can be trusted to do anything but participate in the auto-destruction of the Catholic Church. Many parts of the Church are so infested by what Archbishop Lefebvre has called, "Spiritual Aids", that we have no right to expect them to recover without Divine assistance, and perhaps even anger.  Here's the call from Belgian lawmakers to "reform" something they couldn't fix even if they knew what the problem was.  It seems mighty odd that men who have been running Europe into the ground since World War II shoud expect to do much for the Catholic Church, but there it is.

The Seal of the Confessional Can be More Flexible.

One consequence of the abuse-hoax promoted by the Bishops lies in that which the-- anyways hardly used -- secret of the confessional is made "more flexible".

( In Belgium a Parliamentary Special committee for sexual abuse will provide a final court of decision in and outside of the Church. This was reported by the Belgian website '' this 31st of March.

The report has 400 pages and contains conclusions and about seventy recommendations.

The Belgian Bishops have already explained that they will bend to the recommendations.

The report proposes that the Church should erect an Arbitration Panel, which will adjudicate possible damages by abuse victims.

Additionally Bishops should -- even if they haven't committed abuse themselves -- be held responsible for the deeds of their subordinate priests.

Additionally, the secret of the Confessional according to the report of '' will be made "more flexible", so that certain cases can be brought to justice.

The obligation to report incidents, which are made known in the confessional, are not, in any case, demanded by the report.

Therefore a committee is to be supplied so that all recommendations are moved into practice.

Read the german

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hey LA, Meet the New Boss

Same as the old boss?

H/t: Fisheaters

Slain by Progress: Pope Honors Great Soldiers in the War against Modernism

Editor: Reminding people of the long standing horrors of Godless secularism is a very positive thing.

Vatican City, Apr 4, 2011 / 01:41 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Twenty-two martyrs of the Spanish Civil War and a priest beheaded during the French Revolution will be declared "blessed" by the Church in coming months.

On April 2, the Pope met with Cardinal Angelo Amato, the prefect of the Vatican's Congregation for the Causes of Saints, to review canonization causes up for advancement. The Vatican announced April 2 that Pope Benedict XVI had approved 29 beatification decrees and recognized the "heroic virtue" of six candidates for sainthood.

The causes of Father Francisco Esteban Lacal of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and 21 of his companions – among them Oblate students, religious and priests – were approved for martyrdom. They were killed in 1936 along with a layman, Candido Castan San Jose, after a series of persecutions against them for their work in religious communities and parishes.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, April 4, 2011

Switzerland's Bishop Huonder of Chur Triumphs in Rome

Editor A sign of still more great things to come? After reports in the media, a lot of international support including a Support the Bishop of Chur petition which was circulated widely, the Roman Authorities have ruled in favor of this goodly shepherd fighting against the Church-tax structure of Switzland's Old Liberal Elite.

Like Hitler in His Bunker

The Roman journey of Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur was a triumphal march.  by Maria Huppi.
Old Liberal Papers have fired heavy rounds at Msgr Hunder.

(  Bishop Vitus Hunder's Rome trip in the past week was an explosive success.

Pope Benedict XVI and the involved Curial Prelates stood behind him and encouraged him to forge ahead.

The prayers of thousands of his friends have been heard:  The Bishop will stay.

His enemies did not succeed in leading the Vatican head down the garden path.

The Old Liberal Bishop haters are beside themselves with fury.

They must realize that they are now sitting like Adolf Hitler in his Bunker.

It didn't help them to threaten to leave the Church.

A bleeding of the heterodox Swiss Church-tax system means a strengthening of the Catholic church.

Without money the Old Liberal Church-tax profiteers quickly lose their alleged interest in the Church.

Today the situation is much better than in the 90s.   Then it was possible with the help of John Paul II to topple the Confessor Bishop Wolfgang Haas.

The monopoly on information back then was in the hands of the anti-Church Media.

Also many enemies of the Church back then have retired, died or have left the Church in the meantime.

Additionally the most recent Theologian Pamphlet has brought the Curia and the Pope against the Old Liberals.

From Vatican circles it is to be heard that one works behind the scenes, doing the handiwork of anti-Catholic powers in the Church.

The recently released reform Decree on Philosophy Study is to be seen in connection with this event.

A program is required for the academic year 2012/13 as it has always existed in traditional institutions.

Otherwise it is according to the implementation for the Summorum Pontificum that the Old Mass is required in all Catholic Seminaries for priestly formation.

Now we will learn who is Catholic and who is schismatic.

Joy to the Traditionalist struggle against the Old Liberals.

Translated from

Prince Albert II's Fiance Converts to Catholicism

Editor: there's currently no statement available as to why she became a Catholic, but her husband, being Irish, celebrates St. Patrick's Day,., and almost as important, check out her veil.

Monaco (  Charlene Wittstock 33 the fiance of Prince Albert II of Monacho, is going to become a Catholic, according to a report from the Royal house.  In an official statement on Monday it is said that she is from a free and personal decision, coming into full communion with the Catholic Church.

The South African Charlene Wittstock was baptized as a protestant.  The civil wedding is set for the 1st of July.  The Church wedding will take place after in the family chapel at the Palace.

The Roman Catholic Church is the official state Church in Monaco.  The Principality has had its own Archbishop since 1981, who is appointed directly by the Holy See.  The freedom of other religions and confessions is guaranteed by Monaco's Constitution. [Pity]

Related stories:

Report here, from Strait's Times...

New furor over France's Muslims as veil ban looms

TRAPPES, France (AP) — Karima has a plan. If police stop her for wearing a veil over her face, she'll remove it — then put it back on once they're out of sight. If that doesn't work, she'll stay home, or even leave France.
For Muslim women who cover their faces with veils, it is the moment for making plans. Starting April 11, a new law banning garments that hide the face takes effect. Women who disobey it risk a fine, special classes and a police record.

The law comes as Muslims face what some see as a new jab at their religion: President Nicolas Sarkozy's party is holding a debate Tuesday on the place of Islamic practices, and Islam itself, in strictly secular but traditionally Catholic France.

Link to AP Google...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pope May Offer the Society a Personal Ordinariate

Msgr Galarreta leads Rome Talks for SSPX
Editor: More speculation arising, surrounding Bishop Williamson's statement last year about the possibility of a Motu Propio.

The Holy see is ascertaining the possibility of the unifying of the Society of St. Pius X by erecting a Personal Ordinariat.

As far as concerns the question of a form in church law for the Society founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre,  the Vatican appears to be considering the erection of a Personal Ordinariat.  since Autumn 2010 Canon lawyers have been studying this idea.  One such canonical solution for the Society put in a quasischismatic situation by the 1988 Episcopal consecrations will be proposed by the summer.  This was reported on the French site Summorum Pontificum observatus.

In the French rea of Catholic traditionalism it is presently an exchange of blows taking place.  The page Disputationes Theologicae, which is made up of members affiliated with  the Institute of the Good Shepherd is driven to view the talks between the Holy See and the Society of St. Pius X as "abortive".  Similarly, American Vaticanist John Allen understands from explanations from Abbé de Caquera and Bishop Williamson, one of the four Bishops of the Society.

Summorum Pontificum observatus sees behind the voices, which have attempted to put the discussions in a negative light, "an active minority of French priests of the Pius Society" at work, "who dismiss canonical reognition".  These critics are internal to the society to which belong the French District Superior, Bishops Tissier de Mallerais as well, who have described Pope Benedict XVI earlier this year as "supermodernistic", according to Messsa in latino.

Summorum Pontificum observatus reports also the voices which speak of a failure of the talks between Rome and the Society being "unfounded".   The emerging  offer of the Holy See, to erect for the Society a Personal Ordinaria as a canonical structure within the Church, is a "treat opportunity".  They would secure the independence of the Society from the Diocesan Bishops.  It is a particular concern of the Pope to offer the Society a solution which is canonically reliable.

Translated from

Saturday, April 2, 2011

75 of 100 victims of religious intolerance are Christians - Metropolitan Hilarion

Moscow, March 24, Interfax - Head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion cited data according to which Christians prevail among victims of religious intolerance.

"According to the data of non-governmental organization Aid To The Church In Need 75 of 100 victims killed from religious intolerance have been Christians in recent years," the Metropolitan said in his interview to Izvestia daily on Thursday.

The Metropolitan points out that in the majority of states where Christian minority is being persecuted, Christians have lived for many centuries, "even when local political regimens declared themselves more radical than today."

"It is today when all states have undertaken obligations to protect human rights, outflow of Christians from certain countries has increased. I believe it proves the failure of modern world policy on religious freedom and lack of interest to religious education," the Metropolitan said.

According to him, Christians are often fell victims of political mistakes made by Western states.

"The situation is difficult in Iraq. According to some data, half of 1,4 million Christian population has left the country since 2003. Without giving any evaluations to political situation in Iraq before NATO interference, I'd like to mention that Christians there were not physically exterminated. Foreign military invasion has made many Christians hostages of insufficiently considered NATO actions," the Metropolitan said.
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Read further, here.

NH GOP leader calls bishop a 'pedophile pimp'

Associated Press Friday, April 1, 2011 The Republican leader of the New Hampshire House on Friday called Roman Catholic Bishop John McCormack a "pedophile pimp" who should have been led from the Statehouse in handcuffs after speaking at a rally criticizing a state budget proposal. McCormack was among about a dozen speakers at Thursday's rally to protest deep cuts to social services included in the House's $10.2 billion budget.

Rep. D.J. Bettencourt of Salem took issue Friday, writing on his Facebook page that McCormack had no business urging lawmakers to protect the vulnerable, given his role in the clergy sex abuse scandal in the last decade. Before being named bishop of Manchester in 1998, McCormack served as a top aide to Cardinal Bernard Law in Boston, where the Catholic sex abuse scandal began and where he was in charge of investigating sexual misconduct allegations.

In 2002, McCormack averted unprecedented criminal charges against the New Hampshire diocese by agreeing that it had harmed children by moving abusive priests from parish to parish. "Would the Bishop like to discuss his history of protecting the 'vulnerable?'" Bettencourt wrote. "This man is a pedophile pimp who should have been led away from the State House in handcuffs with a rain coat over his head in disgrace. He has absolutely no moral credibility to lecture anyone."
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, April 1, 2011

St. John's Abbey to mail letter about abuse to prep school alumni

Editor: The word "survivors" sounds so wussy.  The people who were preyed upon by homosexual clergy and have decided to tell about what had happened to them are witnesses and agents of vengeance perhaps, but "survivor" sounds intolerably Marxist.   It's really tragic the way that the people who're involved in legitimate claims are also being used by other agendas, notably anti-religious agendas like the ACLU.  If the Bishops think that by acting like a mouthpiece for the DNC in their frequent pronouncements in favor of Democratic Party foreign and domestic policy, they're in for a rude awakening. In any event, here's what's happening.
COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. [St. Cloud Times] — St. John's Abbey and the survivors of sexual misconduct by current and former abbey members have reached an agreement about the distribution of a letter signed by two survivors and Abbot John Klassen.
Writing the letter and distributing it to former students at St. John's Prep School in Collegeville was a key part of a settlement announced Monday that ended nine of 12 legal actions against the abbey.
However, the St. Cloud Times reports confusion soon developed about how to distribute the letter which names 17 current and former abbey members who have been credibly accused of sexual misconduct.
The agreement jointly announced Friday calls for the abbey to send the letter to anyone who attended the school and has their address on file with the alumni office.

St. John's Abbey to mail letter about abuse to prep school alumni

The Abbey at St. John's was required to publish the perpetrators, but Chicago Archdiocese, with its strange and troubled past, has refused to do so.  Actually, we'd like to see Fr. Andrew Greeley's alleged list of all the Chicago Boys' Club members.  Since he suffered an "accident" recently, we still haven't heard about that list, if it exists or not.

Marquette Celebrates Diversity, But Not For Catholickes

Oh, the Irony
Editor: Leftist professors can drag the Church in the mud, insult their superiors and generally give a very bad report of themselves in the most petulant and insolent of ways, while this employee is facing disciplinary action for criticizing his superiors for being less than Catholic in a very responsible and mature fashion.  We just got this story from Badger Catholic in Wisconsin about a deplorable situation at Marquette "Jesuit" University.   As if the Jesuits in the Middle west weren't in enough trouble already. Academic Freedom, anyone? 
Perhaps it was the blogger/employees criticism of the all-holy "Queer Studies" program in place, viz:
The other issue raised was the fact that we had mentioned a student’s research paper, and were accused of “criticizing” it. In reality, we did not mention the student’s name, and the point of the blog post was that “‘gender studies’ has been added to ‘women’s studies’ signals a move toward a homosexual emphasis, as shown by one of the papers completed by a WGST fellow this summer . . . .” The blog post was, quite simply, a comment on the fact that the Women’s and Gender Studies program has begun to slip “queer studies” into the university.
Link to Marquette Warrior...

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