Friday, April 1, 2011

Soylent Green is REAL

Editor: the Frankenstein labs have come up with a trick out of science fiction to help solve world hunger.  There was a famous film called, "Soylent Green".  It's a film based on a novel called, Make Room! Make Room!, by Harry Harrison describing a dystopic future where the world is driven to starvation because of malthusian-like overpopulation.  Despite the fact that the malthusian thesis has not come to pass, our masters have decided to get us interested in marketing some exiting ideas related to cannibalism.

Here's the link to the story on lifesite, news...

A pro-life group that monitors the use of cells from babies victimized by abortions is today highlighting a biotech company, Senomyx, which it says produces artificial flavor enhancers using aborted fetal cell lines to test their products.
The group Children of God for Life is calling for a public boycott of major food companies partnering with Senomyx.
Debi Vinnedge, the director of the pro-life organization, tells today that, in 2010, her group wrote to Senomyx CEO Kent Snyder and pointed out that moral options for testing their food additives could and should be used. But when Senomyx ignored her letter, the group  wrote to the companies Senomyx listed on their website as “collaborators” warning them of public backlash and threatened boycott. They included food giants PepsiCo, Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, Solae and Nestlé. (See update below.)

St. Catherine's "Catholic" College, Money Well Spent

Larger viewStudy: Few women advancing to top positions in Minn. companies

by Martin Moylan, Minnesota Public Radio
April 1, 2011

St. Paul, Minn. — A St. Catherine University study has found women are making little progress in winning seats on Minnesota corporate boards or moving into the executive suite.
The study found women hold only about 14 percent of the available seats on the boards of Minnesota's 100 biggest public companies. That's in line with the findings of the researchers' studies done in 2008 and 2009.
Professor Rebecca Hawthorne said CEOs have to do more to see that women advance up the corporate ladder

Read further at site...

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Msgr Aloysius Winter is Dead

Editor: He said the Latin Mass for the local Diocese. He will be missed by many.

A Catholic Priest

The former rector of the Theological Faculty of Fulda, Prelate Aloysius Winter (79) is dead, according to the 'Fulda Zeitung' yesterday.

The story about his injuries was run on Saturday in Saarland which happened as a result of a robbery in his home in Fulda.

Prelate Winter was attacked on 25. June 2010 in his home in Haimbacher Street in Fulda by a then, 31 year old heroin addict.

The perpetrator broke the bedroom door of his victim down and struck like a beast against the clergyman.

A coroner at the University of Giessen has been directed in legal proceedings to report that the defendant had kicked and stomped his victim at least eight times on the head and trunk.

That had produced among other things, a hemorrhage. This is something from which the Prelate will not recover.
A few days after the accident he lay in a Fulda Clinic in a coma and had to have a stomach tube put in, sat on a wheel chair and was cared for around the clock.

Then he came to the rehabilitation center near Bernkastel an der Mosel.

"After that he started to speak in complete sentences, then his health came crashing down" -- said Brother Wilhelm according to Br. Wilhelm.

Since this time Winter can no longer communicate with his environment.

And in order to better serve his health his relatives decided to take him to a new convalescent home, placing him in the area of his birth area of Perl-Besch in Saarland.

"Thre we have visited him daily -- up to his last day. He is said to have died at five o'clock", explained his brother Wilhelm.

According to his own desire he will be interred at his birth place.

Prelate Winter was described by all of his acquaintances as someone with a good temperament but was also very ascertive.

Link to original...kreuz...

Berlin Cardinal Has Awakened From his Coma

Berlin Cardinal Wakes From Coma. [Germany] The Emeritus Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky (75)of Berlin has been awakened from an induced coma, according to the speaker of the Archdiocese, Stefa Forner, according to the German news agency 'dpa'. "He's feeling better, but still not good" --- said Forner. In February the Pope accepted his resignation on ground of age, whether or not he is in a coma.

Original, here...

Irish Minister Wants to Strip Catholic Church of 50% of Its Schools

Editor: abuse-hoax = Catholic Church out of education... just like in Germany in the 30s when Catholics were bombarded with rare occasions of sex abuse by the National Socialist hate-media.

Catholic Church said to be ‘shocked’ by Education Minister’s plan


EDUCATION MINISTER RUAIRÍ Quinn’s decision to transfer more than 1,500 church schools to other patrons by next January has ‘shocked’ the Catholic Church.

The Irish Independent reports today ( that church leaders have argued that his start date was too ambitious and that though it welcomed the forum, sources said the church had first raised the issue of an over supply of catholic schools and that they were finalising their own consultation on the issue.

The Catholic Schools Partnership is to publish a position paper next week and the results of its consultation process will be analysed by representatives from all dioceses at four regional assemblies in June of this year.

Apparently, Archibshop Martin is very exited about handing over the Catholic Schools to the Godless materialists who run Ireland's government.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Progressive Theologian Being Given Ultimatum

Editor: The Maryknolls will finally be forced to boot dissenting Father Roy Bourgeois if he doesn't recant his opposition to Church teaching. No doubt there will be complaints about medievalisms and draconian tactics from oppressive Rome, but it's only fair since people like Father Bourgeois have been oppressing their students and seminarians with their arbitrary and irrational non-sense for more than two hundred years in the Catholic Church.


buy microsoft office 2010 home and professional oem download March 30, 2011

Catholic League president Bill Donohue offers a religious reality check based on some news items from today:

Bart Ehrman doesn't believe in God, which is why he is just the right guy to teach religion at the University of North Carolina. A member of the "Jesus Seminar," a motley crew of religious cynics, he wants us to view the Bible with great skepticism. But not his writings—we should all swallow his dogmatic convictions. His latest book contends that the Bible is a forgery, though he is unable to identify who the cheaters are. Unfortunately for Bart, it was just reported that Biblical scholars believe they have uncovered a collection of ancient texts in a Jordanian cave that may constitute the earliest Christian writings.

Patrick S. Cheng is a seminary professor who also needs a reality check. His brilliance shines in the Huffington Post: he argues that "Christianity is queer because radical love lies at the heart of both Christianity and the queer experience." Perhaps he should read Leviticus.

Fr. Roy Bourgeois has had three years to recant his opposition to the Catholic Church's teachings on criteria for the priesthood. If he doesn't do so in 15 days, the Maryknolls will be forced to kick him out. This will no doubt please him, which is why there will be no reality check.

Read the whole article at Bill Donahue's site...

Someone's Dug up Father Corapi's Military Records Again

Edit  GMT 0.105 June 22, A lot of interest in Father Corapi's military records, again since Mark Shea, a non-soldier if I've ever seen one, has decided to continue his dark Crusade.   First, bear in mind that military records are notoriously inaccurate and that a lot can happen, especially given the irregular nature of Special Forces units in general.  Father Corapi may have also served on a B-Team [which doesn't require the intensive training of A-Team members] and worked in an SF Training unit which was actually at Fort Knox during the time he was assigned there as an Infantryman.  It may be possible to belong to a B-Team without having jump wings and it's also understood that you can move up to advanced  parachute training, and the, like later on.

I'll also point out that I"m confident that most of the people commenting are rear-echelon types who have no special knowledge on the Special Forces or the historical time period being discussed, the height of the Vietnam War just before Tet, when the demand for men and material was high.

As noted before and elsewhere, Father Corapi is challenging the authority of the Bishops to pass rules and ordinances like this, making a priest guilty till proven innocent. CNS points out that no part of Canon Law was cited.

This copy of Father's military file has been floating around at least for four years, and others have wanted to "debunk" Father Corapi as well. Well, it's stuck over on Free Republic and it's a bit hard to read some of the later entries, and it can look bad if you don't know how to read the document and the acronyms. You have to realize that there are no things that jump out at you saying, "this is a super secret, special forces trooper." After looking at Wikipedia, it says that Father John was sworn in on April 16th 1967. After finishing up his Basic at what looks like it may be Fort Gordon, he was enrolled at Fort McClellan on 23 June of 1967, where he was first in Charley Company, Second Platoon, 3rd Battalion of the 175th Advanced Infantry Training Brigade. It's entirely consistent with his story that while he was training as a basic Infantryman, he was already committed to be Special Forces, and looking forward to going with relish. He then attends a course where he appears to have gone to Ft. Knox for a time. That's mostly Armor there, so who knows what he was doing there but it lists his MOS as 11B10 Infantry, and states that he is a attached as "student". It's not too far from Fort Campbell where there is a Special Forces Unit and Air Assault.

Basically, you can come from any MOS and be Green Beret. Father Corapi's military record is ENTIRELY consistent with his descriptions in his rousing speeches.

In fact, this file has been floating around for a while and was dealt with very well by another poster at the Catholic Answers Forum, here, it's very exhaustive and does a good job of defending Father Corapi. It would make sense that Father Corapi was hurt and after becoming an Infantryman, was sent to a more appropriate job as a clerk typist in Germany working for a General, when it was very dangerous with all the Bader Meinhof types roaming around.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mount Athos is Losing its Tax-Exempt Status

The Greek Government is insisting on a stronger contract so that the Orthodox State Church and also the Athos Monasteries can reach their savings goals.

Athens ( With a sharp note of protest, the Parliament will finalize a decision by Prime Minister Giorgios Papandreou to withdraw the tax privileges of the Athenite Monastery, the Synaxis. This touches upon a Monastic property, which lies outside of the peninsula of Athos. Observers have predicted that this will further alienate Athos from legislation at Athens. So, earlier, the Ministry for Northern Greece in Thessaloniki took over control of the Pilgrimage Bureau to the Holy Mountain of Orthodoxy from the Monastic Republic.

The Greek Government insisted on a stronger contract so that the Orthodox National Church as well as the Monastery of Athos can stay within their budget, in order to save the nation from impending bankruptcy. The State Church is the largest land owner in the country; they were among other things, implicated in a large real-estate scandal. Unrecognized for self-determination and special status in the EU, the Monastic Republic of the "Holy Mountain of Athos" is subordinated to the Greek Department of Finance. According to the conclusion of the suzerainty of the Ottoman Empire over Greece in the Peace of Lausanne in 1923, Athens protected Athos under different exemptions from duties and taxes.

Till now the Cloister of Athos has enjoyed a tax exemption. They occupy a large part of their income from real-estate in Greece outside of the Monastic Free State. There are very expensive inner-Athens properties managed by the Monastic Foundation.

Read at

This is Your Church on Modernism. Any Questions?

Editor: People indifferent and lackadaisical about Catholicism. People are leaving the Catholic Church in droves. Why not, people need the truth and many administrators have hijacked Catholic education and turned it inside out. "Truth, what's that," they say.

No interest in the religious life. Religious life can be a tremendous sacrifice. Many exemplaires of religious life, however, seem to be little more than overly comfortable academics and social workers.

This is all part of the auto-destruction of the Church, or "church-sponsored" suicide.

Wow, seventy percent of people don't believe in Real Presence...Wow.

Voris spells it out:

Rick Santorum Says Abortion Makes Problems for Social Security

Editor: Interesting. it was never a good investment anyway. Sounds like someone wants to be President.

CONCORD, N.H. — In his latest trip to New Hampshire, Republican Rick Santorum says the Social Security system would be in much better shape if there were fewer abortions.

The former Pennsylvania senator and potential presidential candidate was asked about Social Security during an interview on WESZ-AM radio in Laconia on Tuesday morning.

He says the system has design flaws, but the reason it is in big trouble is that there aren't enough workers to support retirees. He blamed that on what he called the nation's abortion culture. He says that culture, coupled with policies that do not support families, deny America what it needs – more people.

Link to huffpost...

Santorum has been a frequent visitor to New Hampshire, which holds the earliest presidential primary.

Monday, March 28, 2011

ACLU's Goal is Communism

Editor: Jeff Anderson is an ACLU member and given much money to them. You have to wonder what his motivations are when he aggressively litigates against slow moving targets like the Oregon Jesuit Province. Here's the link article from Spero News:

Ironic, isn't it? So much for "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." By combining straightforward segments from each ACLU rendering we arrive with an accurate portrayal. One that cuts through the doublespeak:

The ACLU is...working daily in courts, legislatures and communities. Communism is the goal.

In 1931, just eleven years after the ACLU's inception, the US Congress convened a Special House Committee to Investigate Communist Activities. On the ACLU it reported:

The American Civil Liberties Union is closely affiliated with the communist movement in the United States, and fully 90 percent of its efforts are on behalf of communists who have come into conflict with the law. It claims to stand for free speech, free press and free assembly, but it is quite apparent that the main function of the ACLU is an attempt to protect the communists.

Attorney: St. John's Abbey abuse suits settled

Editor: Make a decision. What is St. John's Abbey anyway? You want to be social workers, political activists, cavaliers or Monks? Is there anyone who thinks that this place will change its stripes without significant personnel changes? You can tell on the Prey, Tell blog that nothing's changed over there. They're still making excuses for irresponsible behavior and dishonesty over there.

If they're not capable of following even simple rules with respect to praying the Liturgy, you can't expect much else of them. It's probably a safe bet that they'll continue living double lives like David Berger, and they will continue ignoring whatever comes from Rome that doesn't comfit with their lifestyle, including the vow of chastity they took. It was part of Benedict of Nursia's famous Rule.

Anyhow who has read the rule, and knows this Modernist place of diabolical delusion will understand the great abyss that separates how these men live the Rule of St. Benedict and the Rule itself; sexual continence is more of a suggestion and don't get us started about poverty. Like parasitic worms, the Monks do almost none of their own labor; They subcontract, again, forget about the rule of St. Benedict on that subject:

Mar 28, 2011 10:53am

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — Nine men who filed lawsuits claiming sexual abuse at the hands of monks or priests have reached settlements with St. John's Abbey in Collegeville, the plaintiffs' attorney said Monday.

The accused clergy all taught at St. John's Preparatory School or were assigned to parishes, attorney Jeff Anderson said. He declined to disclose a dollar amount.

The alleged abuse occurred from the 1960s to 2004, Anderson said. At least one of the alleged offenders is now dead.

The settlement requires St. John's to send a letter to anyone who attended the prep school, disclosing the names of alleged offenders against minors, Anderson said.

Anderson distributed a draft of the letter, which names 17 priests and brothers, to reporters on Monday. Anderson said he expects Abbot John Klassen, who heads the monastery, to sign the letter according to the terms of the settlement.

None of the men accused in the lawsuits still works at the school and none has ever been criminally prosecuted, Anderson said.

Link to article...

KMSP news, no financial settlement, but it frees those who were part of other settlements to speak.

More Accusations Against Leftist "Monks" at Modernist Monastery

Saint John's is a place where you can see a performance of the Vagina Monologues, see modernist architecture, watch pagan ceremonies and see conferences promoting vice of every kind. What you'll be hard pressed to find is Catholicism, because they haven't taught much resembling it for years, just enough to fool those donors who might be attached to it, and the occasional Opus Dei member on the board. Just allow us to maintain plausible deniability, that's all we ask.

Abbot John Klassen continues to deceive. Using Kinsey style tactics to exploit their inferiors and hiding behind a Potemkin Monastery, the "monks" of St. John's have at some point, acquired spiritual and economic capital they did nothing to produce and what's worse, they've used it to defame and defile the name of the Church and the students entrusted to their care who are, almost uniformly, if not already apostated before coming to St. John's University, certainly are before they leave.

Despite the certain testimony of Abbot Klassen at present, more people are stepping forward who claim that they were mistreated and assaulted by the vulgar men he continues to protect. According to Behind the Pine Curtain, more alleged victims will be stepping forward to accuse these charlatans of their crimes.

Abbot Eidenschink has been the recipient of several awards, but as early as the 60s, he was preying on his Novices, men we can be assured, later went on to prey upon others in their stead. In a testimony to human credulity and indifference to evil, St. John's Abbey has honored this man with a very public display of praise, irrespective of the innocent lives he'd irrevocably touched by his depravity.

So, not only was he responsible for preying upon his inferiors, but he was given an award as well, and played no mean part in the destruction of the Liturgy where his pupils, those who no doubt acquiesced to his treatment of them, went on to work their own destruction of the Liturgy, of Catholic religion and education, which is evident from the work accomplished over the years by Father Virgil Michel's "Orate Fratres", which is now called "Worship" whose assistant editor, and Liturgist, is a man who systematically preyed on his students over a period of five years in the early eighties. Like Eric Gill, the man who executed the cover art for the first Orate Fratres, Father Dunstan Moorse is a vicious and heretical reprobate who continues to this day, carrying out the work of Godfrey Dieckman, Frank Kacmarcik, James Moudry and so on.

The deeds of these men is only part of the puzzle, which reveals a massive campaign aimed at the destruction of the Catholic Church's influence in this country and throughout the world.

Interesting photo brought to you by the purveyors of heresy in stone, McGough Construction.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bishop Morlino Says No to Sentimentalism at Funeral Masses

Editor:Most people don't know how to act in a variety of situations. Especially at a Requiem Mass. Most of them don't know what it's for. Not entirely their fault. Their parents didn't tell them what Catholicism was about, their Bishops were busy attending the theater or having Zen workshops.. Generally, people in suburbia get up and cover themselves and their families in shame by giving eulogies. Heaven forbid that you call them on it either. This is a very good sign for orthopraxis, and a sign of orthodoxy.

Of course, there's going to be a mealy mouthed jackass who's going to whimper bitterly about this and how he's going to join the Ba'hai or some such thing.

The Badger Catholic: Bp Morlino takes heat for correcting funeral liturgies in his diocese

Pope Benedict Tries on New Hard Hat

Vatican.  At as brief audience Pope Benedict XVI received a hard hat as a gift.  This was according to the Hamburg news 'Morningpost'.  The Pope put on his hardhat for the camera.  The helmet bears the inscription.  "Benedict XVI".

Link to kreun.zet.

New Bishops For Japan

Vatican.  On the feast of the Annunciation Pope Benedict XVI named two Japanese prieests as Bishops.  Msgr Eijiro Suwa [63] will be the new Bishop of Takamatsu in the South of Japan.  His Diocese has 26 Parishes containing around five thousand Catholics.  Additionally, the Pope named a priest from the Archdiocese of Nagasaki, Msgr Paul Hamaguchi [62], at the new Bishop of Oita -- also in the south of the Land.  This Diocese contains 26 parishes with six thousand Catholics.

Link to original...

Father Mike Tegeder is Paddling into Dangerous Pastoral Waters

Stolen From Father T's FB

Father Mike Tegeder is paddling into dangerous pastoral waters on behalf of liberal ideology -- the popular, freeze-dried, liberal, Alzheimer's theologian is crossing the line when it comes to the new rules about unlettered old women lecturing the laity. He's going for broke. Pulled out all the stops.  He is being praised by the liberal media and chastised by the local ordinary for sitting back and letting the laity do all the work, "preaching" in this case. Of course he's not the worst priest in the Archdiocese, is he? He's been brought to us out of the theological backwoods of Collegeville, a runoff byproduct, as it were, where you can watch avant garde plays minimizing the moral severity of pederasty. But who needs the priesthood anyway, someone to moralize to us about right and wrong? We're being Church now. [Isn't that creepy?]

Let us sing Mike's Newchurch into being.

Liberal reporters love to harp on "the priest shortage". They imagine it's been caused by the demands placed on the priest by an unyielding, dogmatic male-centered power structure which is anti-woman and dehumanizing. Freeze dried women and their defeated husbands in tow were "vital" in undermining this understanding as they left behind their children for careers and other forms of "fulfillment" as they tended to move out to the suburbs, practice birth control and send their children to liberal Colleges where they would leave behind the Catholic Faith.

Father Mike Tegeder has created a "ministry" for his gals where they can "preach" like Gloria Steinem on various abstruse subjects...

Archbishop Nienstedt, for his part, has been very adamant about this suburban pastor following the rules. It's been a wait-and-see approach. When Father "Mike" decided to have a Zen garden where people's cremation urns were placed, the Archdiocese acted and Father "Mike" Tegeder dodged a bullet and presented papers indicating that his Zen cemetery garden is canonically and civilly legal.

The article below talks about an alleged "priest shortage". Actually, these kinds of illicit pastoral initiatives, including altar girls and women lectors, are surefire vocations killers. It's why comparatively few men go to Mass in the first place. Take a look around you next time you go to Mass. You'll see a few young women, small families with a few children and a bunch of freezedried, Alzheimer's theologians who are busy running the parish, into the ground, behind the scenes.

Young women who are looking for a good husband at church probably aren't going to find him. He's fast asleep at home on Sunday morning, probably because Father "Mike" told him that the institutional isn't all there is. Probably because some priests, possibly Father "Mike", told him that it doesn't matter what religion you belong to. Not much of an incentive, and why get married anyway? That involves rules, don't it? Father "Mike" don't follow the rules. He even insults his boss and gets away with it. I think I'll stay in bed on Sunday to recover from last night.

[CBS Minnesota] So why did it take the archdiocese four years to begin enforcing the 2004 Vatican policy change?

Tegeder said he believes the new archbishop had a hand in ending lay preaching. Archdiocese spokesman McGrath said Flynn's letter had nothing to do with Nienstedt, whose adherence to orthodox church doctrine has engendered fierce criticism from Tegeder and many Catholic lay people.

"We're a 2,000-year-old institution and sometimes things move kind of slowly," McGrath said. "I don't know what the pattern was in other archdioceses and dioceses. It just takes a while sometimes to implement changes."

Related Articles:

Minnesota Pastor Challenges Archbishop's DVD

Where Heresy and Dissent Abound [Father Mike Tells the Guys upstairs off]

Friday, March 25, 2011

Father Corapi Exonerated?

Editor: It's starting to look like all the pusillanimous types secretly crying for this man's blood, and posting strange time-lines of his supposed metamorphosis into Anton Levey are going to be kind of disappointed. It is to be hoped that Father's bishop goes to bat for him and sends this harridan packing.

KALISPELL, Montana, March 25, 2011 ( - A leader of the company that manages Rev. John Corapi’s media has claimed that the recent accusations against the popular priest were launched by a “disgruntled” former employee who vowed to “destroy” Corapi’s reputation.

Corapi, a well-known Catholic personality and member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) who has been extremely outspoken on the life and family issues, has been placed on “administrative leave” in consultation with the diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, where SOLT is based.

The move was in reaction to a letter by a former employee of the media company sent to several bishops and claiming that Corapi was addicted to drugs and sexually involved with multiple women.

Read further...

H/t: Stella Borealis

The White Tree of England Will Return

Last December just before Christmas, one of the most enduring and fantastic pilgrimage sites in England was brutally vandalized. It is the site of the place where St. Joseph of Arimathea traveled whose wooden staff was planted there and took sprout into this ancient tree. He brought with him the Holy Grail.

[the daily mail] As a Christian symbol, it seems appropriate that its resurrection took place in time for Easter.

Glastonbury's Holy Thorn tree began to show new buds this week, three months after it was savagely cut down by vandals.

According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea – who some say was Jesus's great-uncle – travelled to Wearyall Hill after the Crucifixion and stuck a wooden staff belonging to Jesus into the ground before he went to sleep.

Read more:

Photo taken from, here.

Irish Bishops Are Fasting During Lent

Editor: Wow, good job you Bishops. You're supposed to be fasting on Fridays during Lent already. And you should be fasting and praying for promoting homosexuality and modernism.

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin and Cardinal Sean Brady at a launch event for the international Eucharistic Congress Related news: • As Vatican probe nears end, officials see signs of repentance and renewal in Ireland • Irish bishops say this week's election crucial for country's future • Letter from 1997 shows Vatican concern to ensure abuse verdicts, officials say • Papal appointees begin apostolic visitation of Irish Church

The Catholic Bishops of Ireland have committed themselves to prayer and fasting on the first Friday of each month in reparation for abuse by clergy and the failure of Church leadership to respond to the crimes. These actions will "renew our commitment to the tradition of Friday penance with a particular emphasis on remembering the suffering of those who have been abused," the bishops wrote in their March 19 pastoral letter

"Towards Healing and Renewal." The abuse of children by some priests and religious was "an appalling wrong," they said, adding that the inadequate response from Church leaders has "left a deep wound that may never be fully healed."

"We are deeply ashamed of this and we are profoundly sorry for any failures on our part," the bishops said. Bishop Colm O'Reilly of Ardagh and Clonmacnois, in his March 19 homily at the Cathedral Centre in Longford, also discussed the letter.
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