Monday, March 21, 2011

A New List of Three Episcopal Successors for the Archdiocese of Berlin

Editor: Bishop van Elst was the favorite last time we heard about this to replace the Old Liberal Archbishop Georg Sterzinsky. So that's two major Archdiocese up for new Bishops, including Milan right now.

Berlin Air

Germany. Either the Nuncio or the Berlin Cathedral have compiled a three list for the selection of the new Archbishop of Berlin, which should have the following three names: Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst (51) von Limburg, Archbishop Ludwig Schick (61), or Berlin's current General Vicar, Msgr Ronald Rother (67)

According to

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Russian Orthodox Church hierarch calls for strategic alliance with Catholics, Protestants

Editor: The only course is through true ecumenism. The problem will be highlighted by the fact that most protestant organizations don't find abortion, birth control or the dissolubility of marriage to be problematic.

Moscow, February 28, Interfax - Russia's moral and demographic situation raises a question about its future, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, head of the Synodal Department for External Church Relations, said.

"I often say that today there is a bad need for a 'strategic alliance' between Orthodox believers and Catholics, members of the ancient eastern Churches, traditional Protestants, that is to say all those who defend true Christian values - the family, children's upbringing, indissolubility of marriage, the value of human life from inception until death," the Metropolitan said in an interview published in the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily on Monday.

All these notions are being "totally reviewed, and we must oppose this," he said.

"Otherwise, both Russia and the Christian civilization in general will over [not so much] time lose their 'salt,' lose their image and remain just a subject of study for historians and archeologists," the hierarch said.

Russians "are beginning to get used to their country's "severe demographic crisis," he said.

Asked what the Church can suggest to change this situation, he recalled the recent major initiative by Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, involving a set of proposals to fight abortions, to support families with many children, to help children left without parents and to pass new legislation to protect families and childhood.

Link to interfax...

Anniversary of Msgr Lefebvre's Death

The Society of St. Pius X’s District of Switzerland invites all the faithful to come to Econe on March 25, 2011, for the 20th anniversary of the death of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

10:30 Sung Mass. Fr. Franz Schmidberger, District Superior of Germany and former Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X will preach in French and in German.
12:00 Ceremony at the grave.
13:00 Picnic lunch (a warm soup will be served to all)
14:00 Memories of the life of Archbishop Lefebvre

Séminaire International Saint-Pie X
CH-1908 Riddes
Tel: (0)27 305 10 80

Read article, here at DICI.

H/t Marie at AQ

George Weigel Defends Americanism: Again.

Once again George Weigel proposes something for the reasonable consideration of Roman Catholics in the USA. He banks on the fact that most Americans are unaware of what was at stake when the Masonic Garibaldi finally triumphed over the Papal forces to unify Italy in that fateful year of 1870, while the Prussians trounced the French further north, and he does not fail to disappoint in that he adds more confusion than clarity in the bargain while running rough shod over Church teaching in the bargain. In his latest article for the National Review he says, after piling some well deserved abuse on the Masonic republics that have ruled Italy since 1870, that the Church somehow benefited from the loss of its temporal power. He even gets a few licks in on the old Soviet Union, continuing to try to convince us that Communism was overcome and that John Paul II had something to do with it. Perhaps what he's selling is favored with a few in the modern Papacy, but his verbiage would have been regarded unfavorably by sensible churchmen before 1965.

Weigel is aware of these things, but he explains sentences like this away by an appeal to a historical argument, suggesting a decided Modernist cant to his daring do.
76. The abolition of the temporal power of which the Apostolic See is possessed would contribute in the greatest degree to the liberty and prosperity of the Church. —Allocutions "Quibus quantisque," April 20, 1849, "Si semper antea," May 20, 1850. (Condemned as error).

He even makes a citation of good old Evelyn Waugh writing in his Sword of Honor, citing the incomparable Norman, Guy Crouchback:

News of the King’s flight came on the day the brigade landed at Salerno. It brought Guy some momentary exhilaration.

“That looks like the end of the Piedmontese usurpation,” he said to his father. “What a mistake the Lateran Treaty was. It seemed masterly at the time — how long? Fifteen years ago? What are 15 years in the history of Rome? How much better it would have been if the Popes had sat it out and then emerged, saying, ‘What was all that? Risorgimento? Garibaldi? Cavour? The House of Savoy? Mussolini? Just some hooligans from out of town causing a disturbance. Come to think of it, wasn’t there a poor boy whom they called King of Rome?’ That’s what the Pope ought to be saying today.”

Mr. Crouchback regarded his son sadly. “My dear boy,” he said, “you’re really talking the most terrible nonsense, you know. That isn’t what the Church is like. It isn’t what she’s for.”

It's interesting reading, but is that really what Evelyn Waugh had in mind to reconcile the Papacy's concordat with Italy in 1933? He leaves this unanswered and proceeds on to defend the erroneous notion that the Papacy need not have had its temporal power, and that this temporal power was an impediment.

George Weigel is in love with the State, but like Frederick II of Prussia, he knows the importance of religion to the run of the mill out there, and he writes for them, he influences them in terms they appreciate and understand, even if he leads them down the wrong path in the end.

You can have the Church as the institution She claims to be, with the rules she's always had, or you can deny that she has those rights ascribed to her in the Syllabus of Errors, but you can't have it both ways. If you're not a Catholic of all times, you're not really a Catholic at all, you're just an apologist for Modernism and Freemasonry, which is what Weigel has always been. No friend of the Church is he.

Next thing you know, old George Weigel will be saying that the Church was wrong about there being no separation of Church and State, cheeky devil.

Read further...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Evil Nun to Receive Award from Fake Jews

Editor: If St. Patrick could chase all the snakes out of Ireland, can he chase all the Modernists out of Minnesota? No sooner have we been talking about the Visitation which is supposed to straighten dysfunctional elderly Nuns than this pops up. Also prominent is part of the "theology" department at the University run by the Modernist Monastery and the heretical Fr. Micheal O'Connell. It's a love fest involving all of the evil forces in the Midwest. Be sure to contact the number below and the Archdiocese of St. Paul to let them know how much you appreciate the fact that they've made a comfortable zone for evil and Modernism.

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis
226 Summit Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55102

Map & Driving Directions

Phone: (651) 291-4400
Fax: (651) 290-1629

Sister Marge Boyle to receive interfaith award from Temple Israel

By Larry Etkin
Free Speech Zone
March 17, 2011

On March 25, 2011, Minneapolis Reform Jewish congregation Temple Israel will bestow its 2011 Interfaith Award to Sister Marge Boyle, Minneapolis. The award is given to exceptional leaders who have worked to build bridges and facilitate dialogue and interfaith understanding with the Jewish community.

Created in 1990, during the tenure of the late Rabbi Max Shapiro, the award recognizes individuals in other faiths who have worked tirelessly toward interfaith understanding. It's symbol is a "shofar," a ram's horn, given to award recipients. The shofar is used to symbolize the Jewish call to listen to the voices of others.

"In her Catholic community Marge is an incredible advocate for the Jewish people," said Temple Israel Senior Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman. "She is devoted to the study of Judaism and has been a part of our Temple family for many years." Sister Boyle has been heavily involved with Catholic-Jewish reconciliation activities for more than 30 years.

She will blow the Shofar Horn

Past award recipients have included Father Michael O'Connell, current pastor of the Church of the Ascension in North Minneapolis, College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University professor of theology John C. Merkle, and most recently, in 2009, Reverend James Gertmenian of Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis.

The award will be presented by Rabbi Zimmerman during the Friday evening Shabbat service, which begins at 6 p.m. Sister Boyle will deliver the evening's sermon. The service will be followed by a Congregational Dinner, requiring reservations and for which there will be a charge, and that will be followed by a discussion session with Sister Boyle which will begin at 8:15 p.m. Contact Temple Israel for more information: 612-377-8680.

Sister Boyle is a graduate of Stanford University, and earned a Master's Degree from the University of California at Berkeley, where she was involved in various social justice issues and interfaith activities, particularly Christian-Jewish activities.

In 1982, while in Israel, Marge encountered the Sisters of Our Lady of Sion, a small Roman Catholic international congregation. The primary work of the Sisters of Sion is Catholic-Jewish reconciliation.

Known formally as The Congregation of the Religious of Our Lady of Sion, the order was founded in 1843 by an Austrian convert from Judaism. Their principles, notes their website, include "a particular responsibility to promote understanding and justice for the Jewish community, and to keep alive in the Church the consciousness that, in some mysterious way, Christianity is linked to Judaism from its origin to its final destiny."

Sister Boyle's passion for interfaith work includes regular participation in interfaith and adult learning activities at Temple Israel, such as the weekly Saturday morning Torah Study. She also contributes her time an energies to broadly working for justice and equality in many arenas of society. She actively supports worker rights to collectively bargain and society's need to assist the disadvantaged.

The Interfaith Award Program is supported by the Knelman Family Fund for Interfaith Relations at Temple Israel.

H/t: Tom at AQ

Article Source, here...

Requests to Flyer Cardinal Mahony's Love Fest

Catholics Urged to Leaflet Cdl. Mahony's Giant Pro-'Gay,' Pro-Radical-Feminist, Faith-Subverting Dissent-Fest   L.A.'s Cardinal Archbishop to Host Many Speakers Who Undermine Catholic Teachings on Key Issues

ANAHEIM, Calif., March 17, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- "This is an emergency -- we're calling all Catholics to come join us and leaflet Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony's latest dissent-fest," says Kenneth M. Fisher, chairman of Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc. (CRCOA). "He'll make tens of thousands of Catholics hear Faith-subverters, dissenters who get people to defy the Church on abortion, homosexuality, contraception, New Age practices and ordination of women."

Fisher announced that on Saturday, March 19, 2011, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., his group will leaflet Cardinal Mahony's annual Religious Education Congress, the world's largest training event for Catholic schoolteachers.

(The Congress will take place at the Anaheim Convention Center, March 17-20. The Saturday leafleting will be outside the Center's main exhibit hall.)

Fisher said, "Many of the presenters aren't objectionable, and Cardinal Mahony does have a few well-known 'token' orthodox Catholic speakers. But he's also bringing in speakers with long track records of dissent from Catholic doctrine." 

H/t: Tom AQ

Read further...

Viennese Disco Masses are at an End

Editor: Sugar and spice, everything nice...

It says "Mass" outside. But it's a Rock concert on the inside. This thief's pastoral initiative doesn't serve the youth, rather it serves the blathering of the official Bishops, providing them a diversion from the shattering glass of their Olde Liberal Church destruction.

(, Wien)The sacrilegious Viennese Rock Eucharist "find-fight-follow" are at an end.

DISCO With Auxiliary Bishop

This was according to the Old Liberal Viennese youth pastor, Fr. Gregor Jansen, for the Austrian news agency 'kathpress'.

In the last nine years there have been over fifty such Rock events with pancake "Eucharists".

The Viennese Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn stood for two of these sacrilegious, pancake disco Eucharists.

On 29 May the last sacrilegious disco Eucharist will be held in the open air.

Fr. Jansen has named no reason for the end.

Celebrate, why?

The disco-Eucharists have drawn massive criticism. They also hardened the reputation of the Viennese Cardinal as an Olde Liberal Church destroyer.

All the same it is yet to be seen if any reproof from Rome had brought their end.

It's probable that the organizers of the event up until now have lost their desire and there are no successors in sight.

Fr. Jansen explained that the originators only desired "a break".

They have to install for each and every Disco-Eucharist their own text in alleged "youth speech", find Rock Bands and install lighting in the various church spaces.

Fr. Jansen laments that the ending project had brought "much Holy Ghost".

The Rock Eucharists would have struck the "nerve of the time and the youth".

He believes that they would had "simply begun celebrating" -- he neglects to mention just what they were celebrating.

Mandatory Program

There are relatively many youth who come to these Disco-Eucharists.

Actually there's a reason for that: the events belong to the Mandatory Program for Confirmation of the Archdiocese of Vienna.

Now Fr. Jansen wants to make a request about the "Know How" to give Rock-Eucharists.

Ideas about how music or light effects of the Disco-Order of Mass were catching on in many Viennese Parishes -- so said Fr. Jansen.

Rock-Eucharists can also be organized in future without the motto 'find-fight-follow'.

Vatican Removes Head of Chile's Ursuline Sisterhood

Editor: We eagerly await what will happen in other Monasteries where the Nuns have been running amok for over forty years as the Visitation makes its recommendations. Of course, the Vatican is being vague about what has happened. At least in the good old days an auto de fey could provides some much needed light and warmth.

Written by Ignacio Gallegos   

Wednesday, 16 March 2011 21:45
[Santiago Times] Isabel Margarita Lagos of the Ursulinas sisterhood in Chile, better known as Mother Paula, was removed from her position by Vatican authorities, who alleged "illegitimate use of her power as Mother Superior."

Parents of schoolchildren at the Santa Úrsula were called for an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, where Mother Angela Gandner, headmaster of the school, read a letter from the Archbishop of Santiago. The letter mentions the "illegitimate use of power as Mother Superior ... which has lasted longer than it is established by the Ursulinas constitution."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Patriarch of Venice is in the Running for the Diocese of Milan

Naturally all questions fall under the seal of papal secrecy. In other words: everyone knows everything.

( Patriarch of Venice, Angelo Cardinal Scola (69) and the prefect of the pointless Pontifical Council for Culture, Gianfranco Cardinal Ravasi (68)are the front leading candidates for the Archdiocese of Milan.

The Milan paper 'Il Giorno' reported this on Saturday.

With 4.9 Million Catholics Milan is one of the largest Diocese in the world.

The current office holder, Dionigi Cardinal Tettamannzi is 77 years old now.

As of March 2009 his age of retirement arrived, and Benedict XVI lengthened his mandate for two more years.

But 'Il Giorno' points out that the appointment of his successor is imminent.

In the beginning of March the Nuncio of Italy sent a letter to all Diocesan Bishops of Lombardy, Auxiliary Bishops of Milan, the Presidents of the regional Bishops Conferences and all Italian Cardinals and even lay representatives of the nation.

Among the lay representatives are members of the left leaning 'Catholic Action' and the neo-Conservative movement 'Communion and Liberation'.

They were all asked to recommend candidates for Milan.

From the applied names the Nuncio produced a list of three which was put to the Vatican Congregation of Bishops.

The prefect of the Bishops Congregation, Marc Cardinal Ouellet, compiled a definitive list of three which is sent to the Pope.

Then finally he makes a decision completely independently.

Actually the consultation till now has proceeded under the so-called "papal secret".

But that doesn't mean anything.

Because 'Il Gioarnno' knows the names which are on the list of three: Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, Cardinal Angelo Scola and Bishop Gianni Ambrosio (67) of Piacenza-Bobbio.

Cardinal ravasi and Cardinal Scola were ordained in Milan as priests.

Original, translated from

Church in England to be restored by Catholic priests dedicated to Latin Masss, says Spero News [sic]

Editor: We heard earlier how Muslims are trying to occupy churches abandoned by the effete and ineffective types who generally control the Church in France. It's not like Muslims harass women or anything. We did see an SSPX priest take over a French parish in 1977, why not? Now we're hearing about a different kind of occupation taking place in blighty. It's as if the tabletistas have finally acquiesced to superior and more virile claims of authenticity.

The Catholic Diocese of Shrewsbury, England, is in negotiations with the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest – a Catholic order that propagates the Latin Mass - to re-open a landmark church in the borough of Wirral. Located in northwest England along the Mersey River and adjacent to Wales, the church of Ss Peter and Paul's in New Brighton was closed by the Diocese of Shrewsbury in 2008 because it was deemed too large and expensive for its congregation. However, its side chapel was recently reopened to the public after a local campaign.

Now the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, a group which has experience of reopening churches, has expressed an interest in the site. Based near Florence, Italy, the order boasts approximately 70 priests and mainly concentrates on missionary work by running parishes and schools in 12 different countries.

Read at neo-Conservative, Spero News...

Also at Rorate.

Future prospects of marriage, democracy go hand-in-hand

Editor: Feh, Democracy. Your position as a Prince of the Church makes your sanguinity about it ring somewhat hollow. Irony here that so many on the left actually despise democracy when it goes against their pet projects: desegregation, gay marriage, woman's rights...etc...

This is the new neo-Conservative Bishop of Oakland. An improvement upon his predecessor.

By Bishop Salvatore J. Cordileone

It is a curious irony that in this moment of history, when people in a number of countries in the Middle East are agitating for change from dictatorship to democracy, here in our own country, the oldest democracy with a written constitution in the world, there is a movement of the ruling class toward taking more and more power into its own hands. The flashpoint for this movement? The hot-button issue of our day: marriage.

The comparison of the Middle East and the United States, though, is just irony No. 1 among many others in the ongoing saga of the inter-relation between the marriage issue and democracy. The examples are legion, and it would not be possible to list all of them here. I will, though, mention some of the more salient ones.

Read further at The Catholic Voice...

Father Jolie Takes German Colleagues to Task

Editor: Father Jolie is head of the German Network of Catholic Priests, which has a wide membership. It supports initiatives coming from Rome, particularly concerning the new translation of the Mass which contains the words "pro multis" for the Consecration. He was also a signatory of the petition which is now being presented to the German Bishops in a room at a Hotel where they are meeting. Never mind that.

Why Celibacy Looks Rigid, Anachronistic and Bizarre.

Father Hendrick Jolie: In sex-crazed Germany priests are viewed with a mixture of consternation and sympathy.

The German battle against celibacy always leads back to the laicization of the country's clergy. This was according to Pastor Hendrick Jolie (47) at the beginning of February in an interview with the Catholic portal ''.

Today a priest in sex-crazed Germany is viewed with a "mixture of consternation and sympathy".

Father Jolie warns that this expression appears to be exaggerated:

"I experience it on location where it happens and I tell it factually firmly and without a trace of self-pity."

The Old Liberals Gentrified

The clergyman maintains that many priests are not convinced of the holiness and value of their station:

"You could recognize that already in the outer manner of many priests."

Most don't want to be "anything special", let people call them "Mr. XY" and lead average lives that can be hardly distinguished from an unmarried single burger bachelor.

Fr. Jolie tallies it off: "Home, car, vacation, free time, television, hobby -- most are into sports or a trendy hobby."

The address "Reverend" is painful to most priests:

"One of my colleagues, who upon seeing, for example, that I wear the soutane, makes a deep bow and insists on taking every opportunity to joke about it."

Just Not Priestly

The worst allegation in priestly circles is calling a colleague "clerical" -- "whatever that might mean".

Today a Catholic priest can be anything: "Homosexual, a masher [lecher], an apostate, a bird of paradise or a fantasy priest, just not: clerical."

Fr. Jolie continued: "Then they are socially complete."

In Liturgy he becomes fawning and takes great pains to avoid all appearance of distance or Sacrality:

"The more human, worldly and -- as people say amongst us -- "more charming" the priest's appearance the more beloved and folksy he is supposed to be."

Not a few priests go on vacation in the most common areas without the daily celebration of the Mass and not bringing priestly clothing.

What Father Jolie says then is conclusive:

"In the back ground of this manner of life celibacy appears in fact as extremely rigid, anachronistic and close to bizarre.

Link to original

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Editor: Here's a piece by Tom Roeser which is concerned with the overhasty beatification of the late Pope. It's unfortunate that he refers to it as "pedophilia". Pedophilia among Catholic religious is extremely rare, even rarer than the event of homosexuals preying upon minors which is presently being used by the media and the forces which promote that, to destroy and discredit the Church. They're being successful too because too many people are eager and willing in their sanctimony and righteous anger, that they don't see the numbers.

If you want to be outraged about something. Stop going to Hollywood films, buying cheap, mass produced media culture and supporting these people. They've done more to corrupt and abuse children in a hundred years than the Church has or ever will in its entire history.

In the midst of another round of pedophilia scandals involving the U.S. Catholic Church…with the archdiocese of Philadelphia putting on leave 21 priests accused of sexual abuse of minors—and this following a blast to Philadelphia ecclesial authorities by a local grand jury which accused the hierarchy of allowing 37 deviate…the only proper word to apply to their behavior… clerics to remain around children despite “substantial evidence of abuse”—came a highly revelatory revelation that turned up in a discussion I had last week with Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke. Yes, she and I are often to be found on different pages of theology—but this, my friends, is not theology but moral conduct.

Monday, March 14, 2011

German Bishops Wallow in the Hysteria

Editor: There are far greater crimes than the very rare cases of sex abuse which have been manipulated by the enemies of the Church. Like howling with the enemies of the Church and helping them, for example, by capitulating to their false assertions.

Germany's Roman Catholic bishops kneel down, ask for forgiveness over clergy's abuse

By The Associated Press (CP) – 7 hours ago

BERLIN — Germany's Roman Catholic bishops say they are "deeply ashamed" by the abuse of youth by clergy men and the church's failure to hold the perpetrators to account.

The country's bishops kneeled down in a symbolic gesture Monday and asked for God's forgiveness at the beginning of their annual spring meeting in the western city of Paderborn.

The head of the German Bishops Conference Robert Zollitsch said in his prayer that men of the church have abused youth and damaged their lives.

Link to AP...
H/t: pewsitter.

German Bishops Conference Snubs Catholics Loyal to Magisterium

"The Foundations of the Church must not be made subject to dialogue"

Editor: The Pro Ecclesia statement was made against the signatories of the Memorandum proposing married priests, women priests and relaxing the rules against divorced receiving Communion. The signatories of Pro Ecclesia stand against them and in fidelity to the Magisterium alongside the Bishops and the Pope. To date, 12,000 from all walks of life have signed it.

Petition Pro Ecclesia: Review in a Room at Welcome Hotel in Paderborn

Zollitsch will not personally accept the petition "Pro Ecclesia" -- The initiator of the petition maintains that the dialog article of over 12,000 Catholics is being considered as a "burden to the course of the Plenary Meeeting".

Paderborn ( More than 12,000 Catholics of all kinds, including prominent philosophers like Prof. Robert Spaemann and Prof Hanna-Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, have signed in the meantime the "Petition Pro Ecclesia" for the Bishops, since it was initiated last month in response to the "Memorandum" of alleged Catholic theologians desiring a change in Church teaching to suit the changing times.

This petition will reach the gathered Bishops at their Spring Plenary Meeting. The president of the German Bishops Conference, Archbishop Zollitsch, will not personally accept the petition. His secretary, Father Langendorfer SJ, has explained this. He will propose the "Dialog Article" on Wednesday "in a room at the Welcome Hotel" in Paderborn where representatives of the German Bishops will receive it. It is, as Langendorfer wrote to the Team of Petition Pro Ecclesia, customary as usual, that the secretary receives such petitions, as "not to burden" the course of the plenary meeting. The initiator of the Petition Pro Ecclesia, Peter Winnemöller expressed his "frustration and surprise" that the Dialog Article of 12,000 Catholics should be described as an imposition.

Link to

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Modernization in Russia to base on moral norms - Patriarch Kirill

Moscow, March 3, Interfax - Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia urged to modernize Russia basing on moral principles and historical experience.

"True modernization always bases on modern principles... Modernization without moral dimension turns to unrestrained pursuit of temporary goods and pleasures, heartless technocracy, results in perverted relations between people," the Patriarch said on Thursday at a ceremonial session dedicated to 150 anniversary of serfdom cancellation in Russia at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow.

According to him, a lesson of the 19th century reforms is that even most sensible and logical reforms "didn't resonate with ordinary people if they were performed impetuously, without looking back to the previous experience and traditions."

Read further...Interfax.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Graz Priest, "By 2050 Austria Will be Muslim"

Karl Tropper directed a sharp criticism against Islam: "The Koran is the purest inflammatory pamphlet. By 2050 all of Austria will be Muslim. Graz Bishop Kapellari is not amused: Uncultivated style.

Karl Tropper, the Pastor of St. Veit am Vorgau in the Diocese of Graz-Seckau has made severe criticisms of Islam according to Media Reports. In his most recent pastoral letter as per a "Kleine" news, he said that a Swiss Author had omitted that Muslims can not be buried with non-believers. The pastoral letter reads: "it's not only pure racism, this is also a backward step to Hitler and Stalin -- they have resolved to extinguish and extinguished, easily, millions of 'lives unworthy of life'." In another article he is asked by an author if Islam makes you sick and if "Islam" twists "the psyche of people into the completely absurd." His answer to the author: "You have to suspect it".

Pastor Tropper stated his critical positions against Islam and spoke per "KLeine" word for word, of "pure racism" or "the Koran is the purest inflammatory pamphlet.. Muslims can't be integrated... Islam is intrinsically aggressive.. In 2050 Austria will be completely Islamic..." And: "Islam is the most repugnant." Tropper says Mosques can never be a house of God, because they produce nothing but war.

There is irritation at the Graz Chancery over the words of Pastor Tropper. Bishop Kapellari said to the "Kleinen" - Times: "Those who are in positions of responsibility in the Church do not bring a solution to these problems when they make horrible oversimplifications and offer such an uncultivated style. This touches also on the theme of Islam, which the Church will meet neither with naivete and certainly not with raw aggression either." Pastor Tropper himself shows himself unmoved by the Bishop's displeasure: "At first the Bishop grouched at me again, but from the evidence I can see he remains guilty. I have to follow my conscience."

Pastor Tropper also caused a stire last year. While preaching at a first Communion
according to the "Kleine" newspaper that those who leaves the Church, will count themselves in the company of Hitler, Stalin and other criminals. He received a reprimand then in 2010.

Original, at

Friday, March 11, 2011

Talks With SSPX to End in Spring: Bishop Williamson's Letter

Editor: this is's version. We haven't seen it anywhere else but on

Society of Pius Bishop Richard Williamson has criticized the "untrue Romans". The Conciliar Church will fall because it is not concerned with reality.

( The speech between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X will "in all likelihood" come to an end this Spring.

That was explained by St. Pius X Bishop Richard Williamson last Saturday in his weekly e-mail column.

Actually there is no "prospect for an understanding".

Accordingly Msgr Fellay had explained in any case only that the talks "are coming to an end" -- without naming a date.

Is the Church Like Christ going to the Cross?

Msgr Williamson recalled then that the life of the Church is formed on the life of Christ.

The Catholic must subject himself like Christ in the Passion to the divine will.

That is for Msgr Williamson: "As no other institution in the world is built inherently on the truth like the Catholic Church that its continuity and its truth is dependent on reality."

He was critical in that the Conciliar Church has placed human interests on the same place with divine truth. This is also wherein he foresees the fall of the Conciliar Church.

The Society of St. Pius May Dissolve Itself

Msgr Williamson underscores that most people can hardly recognize the truth.

Actually he makes himself dependent upon "the right and the capability" of the Roman Clergy to order the Church, precisely from their fidelity to this truth.

The Society is concerned for its side only in the truth of reality in the right and its obligation to "stand against the untrue Romans".

If the Society remains true, it will outlive it.

Of course the Pius Bishop hopes that Rome, through a "return to the truth", will persist and make the Society of St. Pius X unnecessary.

Read original,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Orissa: For Christians, the Terror Returns

New wave of anti-Christian violence in India -- no trace of police reaction in the most recent incidents.

Bhubaneshwar, India ( A new wave of violence sparked a renewal of fear and terror in Christian Communities in India: as on the scenes observers of Fidesdienst report since last December in the last year in the district of Malkangiri in the State of Orissa, renewed attacks have been made against Christians by the local tribal people of the region. In the last month the attacks have become more serious: there have been a total of 10 assaults reported, at which a number of faithful were wounded, including even women and children. As the Pastor Vijay Purusu of the Evangelical "Betel Church" reports, Christians were attacked in nightly assaults: at least four Christian families have fled their homes in fear.

The East Indian State Orissa and in particular the district of Khandamal were already in the years of 2007-2008 showplace for a long series of attacks and aggression against Christians, where at least 6.600 homes of Christians were destroyed and over 56.000 people lost their homes. According to reports by local observers from these communities there are feared to be new episodes coming, it is believed that the Hindu formed Militias of the "Rashtiriya Swayamsevak Sangh" (RSS) are concealed behind these attacks. This will mean the spread of renewed fear and terror that will lead many Christians will leave the region, should the local authorities not take action.

The Christians reported the episodes in the recent weeks to the police, but have received in any case no official response. In the mean time, the faithful of have formed "peace committees", which will attempt to defuse the situation. The cause of these recent tensions are the conversions of some of the tribal people inhabiting the villages to Christianity, which the Hindus do not approve of. "The attacks also come because some Hindus do not value to know Christianity in the area of Social and Public Health," said an observer from Fidesdienst.

in the mean time Orissa is further in the middle of the public interest of India: the "All India Christian Council" AICC have delivered a memorandum to persuade the Indian Interior Minister P. Chidambaram and the Premier Minister of the State of Orrisa, Naveen Patnaik, to allow the Christian formation of a "National Investigation Agency", whose intent is to demonstrate the responsibility of the radical Hindu network "Sang Parivar" in connection with the anti-christian violence in Orissa in 2008. John Dayal directing member of the AICC, explains: "There is no doubt that the members of Sang Parivar participated in the violence."

A further more heavy episode of violence has been reported from the State of Rajasthan in Northewestern India: in Jaipur a Christian pastor from the people of Adivasi was forced to run naked through the main street of the city, while Hindu youth followed him on motorized bicycles and ridiculed him. Concerning the incident, about which the local media have not reported, occurred on the 1st of February and for over a month since it was reported to the police, who have still failed to apprehend those responsible.

Link to


Hindu Convert to Christianity Slain.

Elephants of Orissa.

Video of the Brutal Beating of Christians by Hindus in Orissa.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jaruzelski confirms he will not go to Vatican For Mayday Celebration

09.03.2011  Editor: Wow, has anyone noticed that this "Beatification" is to take place on May Day?

Here's the story.

Former Oppressor of Poland
Former communist leader General Wojcciech Jaruzelski has announced that he will not be attending the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II in Rome on May 1.

[]The news follows heated debate in Poland as to whether it is appropriate for the former president to attend what is the penultimate stage of the process by which the late pontiff is made a saint.

Referring to “certain voices in politics and the press,” Jaruzelski told the Polish Press Agency (PAP)  that  he wanted to avoid creating  ‘a pretext for yet more sensationalistic information and tendentious interpretation.’

Jaruzelski added that his health was likewise not at its best, a further factor in prompting him to make the declaration.

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Shall we forget Kaytn while we're celebrating the Beatification?