Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Very Strange Things Happen in the Diocese of Chur, Switzerland

Sign the Petition:

At the moment, Swiss media are grinding an axe against the excellent Bishop Vitus Huonder of Chur.

Some dissenting priests of his diocese – including a former director of the seminary and a former vicar general – together with some state sponsored church-tax administrators cry out for “effective steps” and a “focused campaign” against the bishop.

Their aim is to make the bishop quit his position.


• Bishop Vitus Huonder holds a doctorate in Old Testament and a doctorate in liturgy. He has been for many years the vicar general of his present diocese.

• Bishop Vitus Huonder is a Catholic and faithful to the magisterium of the Church and faithful to the Pope.

• Bishop Vitus Huonder is a proponent of the Reform of the Reform, which is so close to the heart of Pope Benedict XVI.

• Bishop Vitus Huonder has faithfully implemented the motu proprio ‘Summorum Pontificum’ in his diocese and has himself celebrated on some occasions the Traditional Latin Mass.

• Bishop Vitus Huonder has defended seminarians who ask for a truly priestly formation in the Seminary.

• Bishop Vitus Huonder has welcomed a studio of Gloria.TV in his diocese. He has written a letter of support for Gloria.TV.

Gloria.TV calls on every Catholic of good will to sign a petition letter and to show support for this faithful bishop who, in this moment, is attacked by the wolves. 

Sign Petition, Here.

H/t: AQ

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Istanbul: Possible Attack Against Ecumenical Patriarch Thwarted

Editor: Good work by the Turkish police, and the individual who made this known to them, thus preventing it from happening.

Two youthful perpetrators are in custody.

Ankara ( The police have thwarted an attempt to attack one of  the most highly positioned Christian leaders in Istanbul, possibly against the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomaios I.   As the Turkish press reported on Monday, there were two suspects apprehended of the age of 17 and 18 .

Both men, who were armed when they were apprehended, explained afterward their intention that they wanted to become famous.  The media was expected to encourage parallel  murders of other Christians in Turkey, which would in any case have been encouraged by the youth.

The police were alerted about the plot through an anonymous E-Mail.  An acquaintance of the suspects alarmed the authorities that both young men wanted to murder an "important" Clergyman in the district of Fatih.  In Fatih, the Armenian Patriarch has his seat as does the Ecumenical Patriarch, the spiritual center of Orthodox Christianity.

A number of newspapers recalled the Priest Andrea Santoro, the Armenian journalist Hrant Dink and three protestants in east Turkish Malatya, as well as a German missionary:  they were murdered by men between the ages of 16 and 20.

Read further... 

Other Articles about "Religion of Peace"

-Attack against Orthodox Church in Java

-Turkish Hackers Attack Cyrpus Companies

Ewald Stadler's Speech about Turkey in Parliament:

Coptic Protests in front of Egypt State TV Building

Catholic leaders join condemnation of Ivory Coast mosque burnings :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Catholic leaders join condemnation of Ivory Coast mosque burnings :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Still More Hundreds of Anglicans Will be Catholic by Easter

Hallelujah -- More Hundreds of Anglicans Will be Catholic this Easter

Around 20 priests and 600 laity are entering into the newly structured Peronal Ordinariat "Our Lady of Walsingham".

LLondon ( Great Britain, beginning this Ash Wednesday, there are in total 33 large groups of Anglicans which will make the step to cross over to the Catholic Church in Easter.  It is consists of around 20 Priests 600 Laity, which  will enter the newly structured Catholic Personal Ordinariat "Our Lady of Walsingham", according to the Italian Catholic News Agency 'SIR' this Tuesday.  After additional weeks of preparation the converts could receive the Sacrament of Confirmation by Easter Sunday or Holy Thursday in the Catholic Church.  The first priestly ordination for the new Ordinariat should fall on Pentecost.

The Vatican decree of 2009 "Anglicanorum coetibus" made a church structure, created to enable  Anglicans who wanted to come over. They allow the converts the maintenance of a series of Anglican Traditions.  In the middle of January 2011 the first Personal Ordinariat was erected and the earlier Anglican Bishop Keith Newton was named as its leader.  Further Ordinariats could be erected next in the USA, in Canada and Australia, according to Rome.

The Vatican has repeatedly explained that the new structures will not disturb the ecumenical dialog between Catholics and Anglicans.  It does not constitute active wooing away of members of other churches; in any case one wants persons, who for their part, are seeking a new spiritual home.

Link to

New Clarifications Make Immemorial Mass Required Reading in Seminaries

Wow, when you're right you/re right.  Paulo Rodari was right about Summorum Pontificum not being anything for "Traditionalists" to fear, as reported here by Rorate Caeli., and Messa in Ladino.

The Immemorial Mass of All Ages, founded and celebrated by the Pope Gregory the Great, will now be required reading for Modern Seminarians as reported in Messa in Latino and translated by Hans Coessens.

All seminaries will have to celebrate the extraordinary form according to a future Motu Proprio to be released by the Curia and all dioceses will have to acknowledge any regulations on Summorum Pontificum as null and void.

This will mean that Seminary Rectors won't be technically able to undercut the Immemorial with petty concerns and dissembling.  It's an explicit order and it starts to make Cardinal Ranjith's ominous prediction more encouraging, prophetic and even clear.

German "Far-Right" Politician Leaves Political Party For Church But Reprimands SSPX

'National Democratic Party Germany' politician from Regensburg, W.W. [known to the editor of, who's revealed himself Willi Wiener and authored a clarification for which follows further below, where he challenges the SSPX for using his conversion to support the CDU] has decided to leave the "far right" NDP Party which some consider fascist, because he feels it conflicts with his Catholic\Faith. This story underlines a certain tension going on within the Society regarding ways and means about how much to participate in politics.  Mr. Wiener hasn't said the Church has no role to play in politics, but he's sure that it shouldn't be contributing to the debate.

In the past, Wiener was the President of the NPD-District Chapter of Regensburg and active in the Right organization, 'Free Resistance Regensburg'. This is according to the Landshut print edition of their 'Weekly Paper'  [German] on the 26th of February last month. He gave the following statement:

"On 30 November I have put down all of my responsibilities with the NPD and have left the party."

Here's his statement to a baffled "Wochenblatt' which seems to understand the murky world of fascism even less than it understand the Catholic religion:

"The reason for my leaving is based in that I want to return again to my old Faith, and also that the new Party Program of the NPD no longer professes itself that it no longer belongs to the Christian West or its values."

W. took with that the consequences: "As a believing Catholic I can no longer serve as a member of the NPD."

He will not forsake his political engagement in the future, however:

"There I mean to fight for the love of the one true, triune God and my German Fatherland, against the creeping Islamicization, the dissolution of National States, the mass murder of unborn children, homosexual marriage as well as against social injustice and to protect the rights of disabled people."

Pleasantly Surprised

The German Nazi-crazy media had revealed in June 2010 W's presence at the SSPX ordination in Zaitzkofen in Regensburg in order to use it against the Society.

The German website of the Lefebvrists commented on the conversion of the politician:

"Even if Mr. W.W. were not personally known to the editorship: if his conversion is sincere, then therefore we'll go out and can only congratulate him!"

The article noticed that this turn of events brought a "remark of praise" from the decadent German Bundestag:

"The Society of St. Pius X has helped to bring about a reduction in the extreme right scene."

Why the Society of St. Pius X will never adjust itself to the Zeitgeist. A few clarifications to my resigning from the NPD. by Willi Wiener.

Fear Makes a Terrible Adviser

( I have been unwillingly been turned into grist for the mill of the Media after my exit from the NPD.

Ex-NPD Politician Willi Wiener

The Society of St. Pius X has given a prominent place to a corresponding report from the 'Regensburger Wochenblatt' and under the addendum of an unhappy politically fawning commentary [referred to above].

For that reason my Damascus experience and return to the Catholic Church was already in January 2009 -- and actually not to the Society of St. Pius X, rather to the Holy Mass in the Old Rite in the so-called official Church.

Naturally I am aware of the media campaign against Bishop Richard Williamson in the Society of St. Pius X.

I recommend the SSPX and it brought me there but have come to appreciate -- clearly later -- completely normal believers, who themselves happen to practice their Faith there.

I did not want to damage the Society by my presence as an NPD Functionary and received the encouraging news that Jesus died for NPDer's also, as I made my first Exercises with them at the end of December 2009.

It was at first with these Exercises that I began to attend Holy Mass regularly.

I left the party at the end of November in 2010 -- in any case not from any compulsion or even suggestions from the side of the official Society of St. Pius X.

The motives for my exit were and are completely from my own personal belief and understanding.

My basic political coordinates, which I had given in interview with the 'Regensburg Wochenblatt' are the same as given:

"The reason for my leaving is based in that I want to return again to my old Faith, and also that the new Party Program of the NPD no longer professes itself to no longer belongs to the Christian West or its values."

The 'Wochenblatt' did not cite my next statement: "I am now completely departed in any case from Party Politics."

I made it very clear to the 'Regensburger Wochenblatt' that there are no alternatives for me as a voter among the established political parties.

On the contrary: "The Left, Greens, FDP, SPD and also the supposedly Christian CDU/CSU are putting our land in danger, because they are standing for Islamicization, for the dissolution of our Fatherland in the EU, abortion, homosexual marriage as well as in general for values-- and the diminuation of the Faith.

Well it was with bewilderment and deep disappointment that I came to understand that the Society had taken it upon themselves -- initially they took it directly over the report of my exit from the Party -- to use this as a means of a voter initiative for their members and sympathizers to shamelessly call for an open vote for the CDU in Baden-Württemberg.

From this point forth I want to completely disassociate myself from its Press representative, Father Andreas Steiner.

It is clear to see from this that a Catholic Organization should never campaign, when there is more than effective and sufficient grounds that the CDU is undeniably anti-Catholic.

One thing must be clear: I did not leave the NPD in order that I can now be turned into a quasi campaign society for the CDU.

The Society of St. Pius X is become my pure spiritual home -- when they fancy from naked fear of persecution -- fear of the closing of their schools, fear from being taken to through the federal courts -- that they can seek favor politically and align themselves, then I will not follow in this.

Fear is always a poor adviser. And your political opponents sense this fear, so they use it -- just like a priest stumbles on the other, like falling dominoes.

As a believing Catholic and from my political experience I can only warn the Society of this.

For from political and cultural alignments will come softening and leveling in the religious area.

Kreuznet original, here.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Schönborn: Liturgical Reform is the Reinforcement of Old Traditions

Editor: The evils of the gathering space.

The Viennese Archbishop at the Altar Blessing in the Viennese Parish Church of Schottenfeld: The people's altar of the Liturgical Reform has now pushed the altar space in the foreground and posited another symbolism.

Vienna ( The liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council is not the weakening of traditions, rather their reinforcement. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn preached this on Sunday at the consecration of an altar in the Viennese parish church in Schottenfeld.

Before the reform the priest prayed at the high altar facing the same direction as the faithful to the east -- toward the rising of the sun which Christ symbolizes. The people's altar of the Liturgical Reform has now pushed the altar space in the foreground and posited another symbolism, said Schönborn: "We gather around the altar, around Christ." With this reform it is brought more clearly to expression, "that Christ is our center". That is the reason that the consecration of an altar has a special meaning, explained the Cardinal.

Schönborn preached among other things about the abuse cases in the Church and acknowledged the misdeeds "even of us priests". Above all the Church is concerned in the fugure to gather itself around Christ and focus its life on Him. Then one doesn't have to be afraid of the future, said the Cardinal.

Link to original,

Decaying "Catholic" Educator Defends Sodomy

Back in the tumultuous and revolutionary days of sixty eight, this man and his fellow innovators were viewed as the vital new face of the Church by their abettors in the media. Now they're nearing the last thing, and clinging to the vain hopes of yesteryear, fulfilling the Faustian bargain they made. Like Knight of Columbus Teddy Kennedy, he's supporting depravity and Socialism to his dying day.

For all of my 81 years I have absorbed, lived and taught the doctrines and spirituality of the Roman Catholic Church. My Church has directed me well to love what is right and just. Not only to stand up for the oppressed but to search my own soul lest it harbor prejudice or hatred toward anyone. Being true to one's conscience is an essential teaching of the Catholic faith.

Same-sex marriage Maryland: A Catholic's case for gay marriage -

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Jesuit Priest Hired by Catholic School After Allegations

Edit: Jesuit for starters and Berkeley educated and he's credibly accused of abuse but you hired him anyway?

And the list of accused Philadelphia priests grows. The Rev. Thomas F. Gleeson, who is a Jesuit priest and part-time chaplain at St. Joseph's University, was the target of a civil sexual-harassment lawsuit in 1999 in California.

John Bollard alleged in the suit that Gleeson and two other priests harassed him for five years while he was a seminarian at the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, where Gleeson was president. The suit was settled in 2000 out of court, with the priests denying any wrongdoing.

Want to read the most biased news article of the year?

Apparently the people who run the Canton Reporter have no idea how to cover a story. The following is the first sentence of a news item that a Ms. Charita Goshay reported on today:

[] On Monday, a group of black clergy organized an anti-abortion picket outside of the Planned Parenthood of Northeast Ohio's clinic at 2663 Cleveland Ave. NW, in conjunction with the Black Pro-Life Coalition's "National Day of Mourning."

Unfortunately, the rest of the article tells us nothing more of the "black clergy" who organized this event. Not one of them was quoted and (I imagine) not even interviewed. We learn nothing from Ms. Goshay's story about how many they were or why they organized this protest. In the rest of the article, all we hear are the critics of these pastors quoted ad nauseam. Who gave this women a job and where is the outrage that she seriously abused her power?

It is high time that such shoddy, non-journalism be held up to contempt. And our enemies would have us believe that there isn't actually a culture of death and that it doesn't control the mainstream media.

4,000 Muslims Attack Christians in Egypt

Edit: Contrasted with the fawning reports about the benigninity of this Revolution on approved media outlets like National Public Radio, this latest Arab uprising is serving to help erase the Orthodox and Catholic character of the East where it began.

Thanks to American social studies, most people in the States have no idea that up until the end of World War II that a vibrant Catholic world existed on the shores of the East Mediteranean long after the last Crusader citadel fell in Acre in the 14th Century.

Even the Army has gotten involved, "helping" as it were. After watching these scenes it is to be hoped that no one again questions the motives that drove the Crusades in the first place.

(AINA) -- A mob of nearly four thousand Muslims has attacked Coptic homes this evening in the village of Soul, Atfif in Helwan Governorate, 30 kilometers from Cairo, and torched the Church of St. Mina and St. George. There are conflict ing reports about the whereabouts of the Church pastor Father Yosha and three deacons who were at church; some say they died in the fire and some say they are being held captive by the Muslims inside the church.

Witnesses report the mob prevented the fire brigade from entering the village. The army, which has been stationed for the last two days in the village of Bromil, 7 kilometers from Soul, initially refused to go into Soul, according to the officer in charge. When the army finally sent three tanks to the village, Muslim elders sent them away, saying that everything was "in order now."

A curfew has been imposed on the 12,000 Christians in the village.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Police Release Confidential Documents to Media

Editor: The Brimfield Police released a video of an intoxicated priest on line after a DUI arrest. Understandably, you can be reported when you've broken the law, to the media, but this has gone too far. Is there no reason why the Diocese and the Eparchy shouldn't be demanding an apology and settlement for damages from the City of Brimfield for releasing video footage of the priest, and giving a misleading and calumnious report of the priests's behavior.

[Ohio News: theblaze] OH Priest Delivers Wild Drunken Rant After Arrest: offers to be 'Sexual Slave' When police arrested a local priest in Brimfield Township, OH Sunday night for driving drunk, they never expected to be threatened and propositioned. But that's exactly what happened. Father Ignatius Kury was arrested after police found him lying down in the back of his car on the side of the road. His blood-alcohol level was three times the legal limit. That's when police took him to the local jail and put him in a cell while he sobered up. That's also when he started ranting wildly: "I sum it up as unusual at best," Brimfield Township Police Chief David Blough told WJW-TV. The station explains: Police rolled a video tape of the incident to protect themselves and use it as evidence in court.

"Because of the fact that one of my officers walked by the holding cell and he was exposing himself," said Chief Blough. Kury is heard on the tape saying, "I'll give you a sermon on the mount." According to Chief Blough, the priest's rant lasted over 20 minutes during which he threatened and propositioned officers. Kury is heard saying, "I'll pay you whatever you want. What do you want? Want me to give you a [expletive]? Is that what you want?" "Do you want me to be a sexual slave?" Eventually, Kury was released on bond.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Irrelevance of Pope's Remarks

Edit: Perhaps people don't know, or care, for a couple of reasons. One is that effectively, despite these ecumenical efforts, Jewish figures seem more hostile to Catholics than they ever were. See the media coverage the Pope has been getting, for example. Secondly, is probably that these gestures and ststements are fairly meaningless. If Catholicism is true, don't Jews have to forsaake their false religion, after all?

So, if it doesn't matter to "youth", perhaps it's because the substance of both religions have been degraded in people's minds by the very ecumenical gestures being ignored in the first place. People don't care about Catholicism or Judaism because they are largely perceived as hypocritical social service organizations, and who can blame them when there are prelates like Cardinal Sean roaming around?

[Ynetnews] Jewish and Roman Catholic leaders reviewing their dialogue over the past four decades expressed concern on Wednesday that younger generations had little idea of the historic reconciliation that has taken place between them.,7340,L-4037705,00.html
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thieberville Revolt Against the Modernists Continues

Editor: You'll remember the situation the village of Thieberville in Evreux, France, where a courageous people circle around their beloved shepherd against a clerical wolf who arrives to confront them in a rainbow chasuble. Their struggle was even covered favorably by the Economist. Well, now they're being threatened with interdict. Probably not a bad idea at this point for them to approach the SSPX.

Agence France-Presse
Posted at 03/02/2011 8:10 PM
Updated as of 03/02/2011 8:10 PM

EVREUX, France - A rural French priest and his flock are facing excommunication after the Vatican became involved in his two-year battle to remain in the parish, the local bishop told AFP on Wednesday.

Father Francis Michel, 62, has been the priest in Normandy's Thiberville in north-western France for 24 years. The priest, who often says mass in Latin, has the support of his parishioners and local officials, mayor Guy Paris said.

The simmering conflict between the priest and the archbishopric came to a head after the Vatican's Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura in December rejected Michel's appeal against an order he go to another parish. \

Read further...

H/t: secretman at AQ

Polish Church Gets Back its Property Stolen by the Communists

Poland: The Polish State will return property stolen from the Church by the Communists. The current State Commission ruled on this after a twenty year study. The final ruling was made on Wednesday. The Church will receive 65,000 Hectares [160,615 Acres] of Land and 36 Million Euros back.

It's about 251 square miles, or about 20 Percent of the land area of Luxembourg.

Link to

Image from, here. It's in the comments section in a discussion about the meaning of Communism.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Portal -- CDF Says the Goal of Ecumenism is Unity with the Catholic Church

In an interview with The Portal-- a new publication devoted to the ordinariate of Anglican communities received into the Catholic Church-- an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith emphasized that the goal of ecumenical dialogue is the restoration of full communion between non-Catholic Christians and the Pope.

“The ordinariate is very important to the Holy Father,” said Father Hermann Geissler, the Austrian priest who leads the Congregation’s doctrinal office. “The ordinariate promotes unity and is a powerful instrument for unity, it will help Christians to be evangelists.” Noting that “we must cooperate and grow together,” the priest said that the Church will be enriched by the Anglican patrimony of music.

“The goal of the ecumenical movement is complete visible union with one Christ and with Peter in one Church,” Father Geissler emphasized.

Read further, here.

Video of the Egyptian Army's Attack on St. Bishoy Monastery

We'd reported on the death of a Coptic Priest who recently died from multiple stab wounds last month on the twenty third, well, here's the video documenting the related attack on the Bishoy Monastery walls.

These people have a sense for patience and hope as they sang Kyrie Eleison as Egyptian Army APCs battered down the protective wall surrounding their Monastery.

H/t: DG for video.

Cardinals: liturgical abuse weakens the faith |

Cardinals: liturgical abuse weakens the faith |

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Theology Professors Are Completely Irrelevant: Celibacy Memorandum

Manfred Lutz about the Theology-Memorandum: The great intellectual debate in German takes place without Theology professors in place.

Rome ( The famous psychiatrist and Catholic theologian Manfred Lutz rejected the suggestion in an interview with "Radio Vatican", that he had encouraged the authors of the controversial Theology Memorandum to leave the Church and become protestants. "That really didn't happen. What I -- psychologically actually -- found very interesting: I wrote an article for the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung in the beginning of February which was intentionally unpolemical in an admittedly polemical debate and finally made the impression, that really wasn't the case. The people understood even an unpolemical article in a polemical debate, polemically."

Lutz insisted during the interview that the Theological Memorandum is about power and powerlessness. "I believe that theology professors in Germany have a lot of power -- if they really are at once professors, they could actually do, what they want, and teach, what they want. They don't know anything else. On the other said there is the problem that these professors, that theology professors are not taken seriously an more. They are completely irrelevant. The great intellectual debate in Germany is taking place without theologians present. They are not being cited in the big papers and in talk shows either, the talk shows want Catholic positions and so they invite the Bishops."

For the theologians, it is certain that themes in the Church do not appeal to young people, but here we have an entire generation always bringing up the same concern. Lutz said of this: "I think this is the conservatism of the progressives in the Catholic Church". For the psychiatrists there are two conservative milieus in the Church. The one conserves that which they call "the Catholic". "And the other is always against, but always has proposals which the people well know they won't eke through. Then one can be hardened in
conservatively in a complaining ritual, and nothing changes."

For Lutz it is clear that everyone who has signed, actually knew that celibacy won't be overthrown by the debate. "And thus that we are now thoroughly angry about this, that which can't be overthrown, things aren't going to get better. Everyone knows that. One can hardly hardly exchange more arguments in the hope that the other side will take that as a real argument and not an attack. If they looked through the Memorandum once, psychologically: then the discussion would be worked out and pummeled into the Church, which isn't very fun, then to speak with such aggression." A dialog always begins on one side. Always begins with one speaking to another person, and the more meaningfully he does it, the more respectful he does it, the more the other will have the desire to answer. So begins the dialog", concluded Lutz with certainty.

Related Articles:

Link to

Rome calls thinking behind Theological Memorandum, "provincial"

[Catholic Vulture] German Bishops Respond to Memorandum.