Editor: The traditional friendly Bishop of Chur is attempting to defend his position against the counter diocese, the bureaucratic councils that control the Church tax. He's going to Rome to defend the firing of a controversial his seminary rector. According to
kreuz.net, one of the flash points between the two Bishops was the Old Mass. +Huonder is a strong advocate for the Mass of All Ages.
Will the Bishop Himself Resign?
The explosion of the Chur resignation has reached the Congregation of Bishops. There one learns: The slightest problems make Bishops who can't stop the decline.
(kreuz.net) Yesterday morning Bishop Vitus Huonder (68) of Chur directed comments to his fellow bishops, priests, deacons and pastoral assistants in an e-mail.
The letter stands in connection with the most recent resignation of the Rector of the Chur Seminary and General Vicar for the Canton of Graubünden.
"I sense there is great sense of dismay regarding the events of the last days in the entire Diocese" -- explained the Bishop: "I agree with that at this point too".
There have been different levels of "injury" that have taken place in the last months which had at once resulted in dismissal.
Msgr Huonder maintains that the Diocesan leadership has not succeeded in giving a "picture of unity" in this situation.
The Bishop did not mince words: "In the current hour I ask myself, what is to be done."
He has already contacted the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Francesco Canalini (74) and asked for advice.
He has even received an appointment in Rome:
"I will then have the opportunity to come to together with the Prefect of the Bishops Congregation in order to discuss the situation."
Msgr Huonder has pointed out that this is "not for the expediency" of the Chur "Old Liberal" priest council or the not more precisely "Council of Lay Female Theologettes, Lay Theologians and Deacons" to use this as an opportunity to engage in a palaver.
He wants to solicit the Roman Council in this case:
"I wanted to consult antecedently with the Congregation for Clergy about what I have undertaken in the given circumstances and will make known then about any further actions."
In conclusion he cited a word from Pope John Paul II († 2005)from his book,
"Memory and Identity":
"What does forgiveness mean, if it does not call on the good which is greater than any evil."
Msgr Huonder invites everyone, "to see the good that is always and manifold and to appreciate the
the interconnectedness."
Link to article, kreuz.net,