Sunday, January 23, 2011

Two killed, 8 injured in Baghdad bombing

BAGHDAD: Iraqi authorities say a roadside bomb has killed two people and wounded eight during Baghdad’s morning rush hour at the start of the local work week.

The bomb exploded at 7am on Sunday in southwest Baghdad as a police patrol was passing by.

A security official said a policeman and a civilian were killed. Another four policemen were injured.

The casualties were confirmed by a medical official at Baghdad's Yarmouk Hospital.

Both officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk with the media.

Associated Press

Bishop Calls for a New Syllabus

"Keeping in mind the now decades-long experience of interpretations that are doctrinally and pastorally mistaken and contrary to the bimillennial continuity of the doctrine and prayer of the faith, there thus arises the necessity and urgency of a specific and authoritative intervention of the pontifical magisterium for an authentic interpretation of the conciliar texts, with supplementation and doctrinal clarifications; a sort of "Syllabus" of the errors in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.

There is the need for a new Syllabus, this time directed not so much against the errors coming from outside of the Church, but against the errors circulated within the Church by supporters of the thesis of discontinuity and rupture, with its doctrinal, liturgical, and pastoral application.
Such a Syllabus should consist of two parts: the part that points out the errors, and the positive part with proposals for clarification, completion, and doctrinal clarification."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cardinal Ranjith is Talking about the "Elimination" of the New Mass

In Old Liberal Vienna, a Pius-Priest may not enter any ecclesiastical buildings. Thirty Diocesan Priests from Catholic Italy have spoken against this.

(kreuz, Paris) Dated, 13. January 2011: A very large part of the post-Conciliar love-Church "hates" the Society of Pius X.  The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X., Msgr Bernard Fellay, said this the Sunday before last in Paris.

He explained that in the current discussions with Rome, discretion is very important.

The Society will go very intelligently with the negotiations.  They must make no false concessions.

The Bishop is pleased that Rome is generally prepared to discuss the non-dogmatic Pastoral Council.

Longing for the Catholic Teaching

In the lecture he mentioned that he was able to speak with almost thirty Italian Diocesan priests in the Diocese of Albano near Rome.

He is said to have asked the priests what they expect from the SSPX and figured they would say "the Mass".

Actually, the priests wanted "the Doctrine" from the Society.

Msgr Fellay is convinced that priests  who return to the Immemorial Mass of All Ages, will also come back to the Catholic doctrine -- but "from far away".

For they knew despite years of academic study nothing of God.

The "New Mass" has Outlived Itself

In Rome Bishop Fellay also met "very good people" -- priests, even Bishops and apparently Cardinals.

The Bishop named none.

Msgr Fellay cited however a word from Cardinal Malcom Ranjith of Sri Lanka.  He said to him: "one can not eliminate the New Mass with one stroke."

It takes more levels and will require twenty years, a whole generation.

As a step in the direction of improvement Bishop Fellay indicated the Motu Proprio, 'Summorum Pontificum'.

Not all is good with that, already: "But, a beginning has been made."


Even Here the Celebrated Abuse-Hoax is Instrumentalized

The Old Liberal decline nibbles at the tradition rich Munich Benedictine Abbey of St. Boniface. Translated from Lukas Meisner's German.

Wreckovated Benedictine Chapel

( Benedictine Cloister of St. Boniface in the center of Munich has been a bulwark of filthy Oldliberalism for decades.[In German]

The decline began with the former Abbott Odilo Lechner who was praised highly in anti-Church circles.

The Cloister directs the parish of St. Boniface.

There is usually on Sunday, taking place around 11.30, the so-called "Weisswurst" Mass.

The Priest loves to abuse the Mass, to engage in polemics against the Church hierarchy, which secures for him a living.

In a recent Pastoral Letter Fr. Benedict was praised as "Art Replacement Man" for the recently deceased in July, tie-Jesuit, Fr. Albert Keller or for the Philosopher of Religion, Fr. Eugen Biser (91).

Both were active year around as anti-Church agitators in Munich.

Useful Abuses

The Pastor of St. Boniface, Fr. Korbinian Linsenmann, was in high spirits in the introduction of the new Pastoral Letter about the abuse-hoax:

"The overriding theme of the last year was naturally the discovery of the various cases of violence and sexual abuse by clergy and employees of the the Church."

In reality, according to the abuse report of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, from 1945 to 2009  there have been only 26 priests who were credibly condemned for reasons of serious sexual sins of varying degrees of severity.

Among the condemned there isn't a single living Diocesan priest.

The Archdiocese found that in a total, 159 had been "conspicuous".  It is in any case difficult to determine what that means.

There the complete number of priests in the time covered was not named, so it is impossible, to estimate its relationship to the abuses.

It is, however, possible to estimate that over 99 percent of those priests active in this time period were not guilty.

There is where Fr. Korninian used the abuse hoax to promote the Old Liberal ideology, which is the first basis for abuse itself:

"We may perhaps still hope that there will still be more consequences in the Church, than only paper from the Bishops Conference."

The Benedictine would like to use the abuses, in order that "much" can be reconsidered - as one  the Bishop considers, who determines the suitability of priests or who undermines the office of the priest. German

Marrying in Church is a right only for those who believe in Christian marriage, says Pope

Marrying in Church is a right only for those who believe in Christian marriage, says Pope
The importance of the canonical and pastoral preparation for marriage focus of words addressed by Pope Benedict XVI to the Roman Rota. The bride and groom should be aware of and want this act that ultimately aims to holiness of life. This also to avoid future annulments.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Getting married in church is a right only if you believe in "true marriage” that is, an act for the realization of the “integral good, human and Christian, of the spouses and of their future children, ultimately projected towards the holiness of their lives".  From here, follows the importance of preparation for Christian marriage, also to avoid annulments, which were at the heart of Benedict XVI address delivered today to members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, received at the beginning of the judicial year.

"The canonical dimension of marriage preparation – began the Pope - is perhaps not an immediately perceived element" both because the preparation phase holds "a very modest, if not insignificant, place ", and because "there is a widespread mentality that the examination of the spouses, the publication of banns and other appropriate means to carry out the necessary pre-marital investigations, of which marriage preparation courses are a part, are purely formal obligations. In fact, it is often assumed that, in admitting the couples for marriage, pastors should proceed with speed, as it regards the natural right of people to marry".

The fact, however, is that "there is no marriage of lives and another of law: there is only one marriage, which is constitutionally a real legal bond between a man and a woman, a bond based on the true dynamics of conjugal life and love. The marriage celebrated by the spouses, the marriage that is dealt with both pastorally and in canonical doctrine, are one single natural and salvific reality, the wealth of which certainly gives rise to a variety of approaches, however without ever losing its essential identity. The legal aspect is intrinsically linked to the essence of marriage. This is understandable in light of a non-positivistic concept of law, but considered from the perspective of relationality according to justice.

H/t: Pete F

Victory in the Kulturkampf: Saarland Schools Stay Open, for Now

"Gloria in excelsis Deo -

Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth to men of good will."

Dear Friends and Benefactors of the Don-Bosco-School Association in Saarland!"

The Saarlouis court has reviewed the suspensive effect of our complaint: the schools in Saarland will remain open according to the ruling of the judge who could find no shortcomings in the operation of the schools.

Full of joy and relief the students, teachers and staff have intoned the "Te Deum" -- "Great God we praise Thee"!

To all of you we wish to express our hearty thanks, for those of you who've supported us with your prayers, with advice and deeds of solidarity.

 Praise God!

With thankful joy we greet you warmly from Saarbrücken-Fechingen!

Father Christian Schneider

Harald Messmer. Director of the Realschule Heart of Jesus

Johannes Adamski. Director of the Grade School St. Arnaul.

Translated from SSPX's German District site, here.

Related Articles:

German Chicanry Against SSPX Schools.

Saarland Closes Two SSPX Schools

H/t: Ignis Ardens, link to thread with comments by well-informed individuals who have been on the ground at the schools, here.


Sometimes fools go to far.

January 19, 2011
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[Catholic Defense League] On January 16, Comedy Central aired "Denis Leary & Friends Present Douchebags & Donuts." On January 18, Comedy Central Home Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment released the DVD nationwide. The opening segment of this video is addressed by Bill Donohue today:

The standup special opens with a clip of Pope Benedict XVI talking to a crowd. But there is a voice-over that is dubbed in to make it seem like he is discussing priestly sexual abuse. Leary then appears on a stage with a large illuminated Cross in the background; he prances around extending his middle finger at it. On stage with him is a singing trio of women dressed as nuns in habit wearing short skirts.  

The clip of the pope has him screaming, "Heil Hitler," proclaiming, "Oh yeah, I'm the f***ing pope, for Christ's sake, the god**** Fuehrer." The pope then introduces Leary as Father Denis Leary and he proceeds to mimic confession. Here are some of the lines:

Judge: Breakaway Episcopalians must surrender property

[AP Texas News] A state district judge has ordered Fort Worth Bishop Jack Iker and a conservative, breakaway group of Episcopalians to surrender all diocesan property to the national church.

The Episcopal Church filed a lawsuit seeking to regain control of church property from the Diocese of Fort Worth in April 2009.

The Iker-led group, which split from the national church over issues including gay clergy and women in the priesthood, voted in 2008 to join a more conservative province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The Episcopal Church maintained in the suit that its rules prohibit dioceses from breaking away and that church properties are held in trust for the denomination, and the court ruled in its favor.

The Iker-led group said it will appeal.

Link to original, here.

Diocesan Priest Joins the SSPX: Italy

A pubescent parturient Church and Liturgy aims more toward including people than to making them holy.

(, Italy) At the end of the last year Father Massimo Sbicego (38) quietly, but suprisingly left his assignment.  This was according to the regional paper 'Corriere del Veneto' on 12 January.

Fr. Sbicego belongs to the Old Liberal Diocese of Vicenza in Northern Italy.

Since September 2009 he was assigned in three outlying parishes in the vicinity of Val d'Astico -- south east of the city Trent.

The ground for his departure remains unclear.  Some in the parishes even suspected a romantic affair.

Actually, on the 11th of January the clergyman sent a litter to his Parishes and another letter to the Vicar General of Vicenza.

Therein Fr. Sbicego made known the reasons for his departure to the Society of Pius X.  he criticized at the same time the Liturgical situation in the Conciliar Church.

He could not bear that the Holy Mass of today which some would subordinate it, that they find it "boring",  and who want "more creative" forms or knew nothing of our Lord and Savior.

"For this reason it's clear to me that this problem with the communal nature of the Mass is connected to the use of the national language."

For the clergyman there is the danger that today a Liturgy and a Church will be constructed, that is pubescent and aims more "to include" than to make holy.

He regreted that the past church catechesis substantiates this claim -- "above all, where the Catholic teaching is forgotten, not instructed and sometimes even held to ridicule, in favor of "human aspects"
which don't come penetrate reality.

His decision to join the Society, was a "painful" one for the clergyman.

 He had considered his decision for a month: "In the Society I have found a deep sense of the Catholic priesthood."

Many prefer the impression that he left the Diocese: "Actually as a Catholic, I'm coming back home."

Translated from

Diocese of Regensburg Wins Libel Case against the 'Spiegel'

The Spiegel may from now on may no longer maintain or awaken the impression that the Diocese of Regensburg desired to conceal cases of abuse and to criminally intend to make monetary payments.

Regensburg ( The Diocese of Regensburg has won a case against the news magazine "Spiegel".  According to the Bishop.  In the main the conflict concerned whether a damage claim could be considered hush money.  The Spiegel may no longer maintain this or give the impression that the Diocese of Regensburg  has concealed cases of abuse and did this with the criminal intent to make payments.  This decision came from the Federal Court of Hamburg on Friday.

Diocesan spokesman Clemens Neck said in an statement:  'The legal case was necessary because in all of Germany this was being described as concealing abuse.  For this reason authors are reproved as an example in the case of the Diocese of Regensburg and the article by Spiegel as well as other publications.  All documents -- like the writings of parents and their attorneys -- prove however unmistakeably that in no moment was any attempt made to effect anyone's silence.  This legal battle concerned the question if the Spiegel may have published an untruth.  It doesn't have this privilege. And it is good that this is so."

The Diocese published information about the case on Friday background information as well,  the following, an excerpt from the written meeting between the parents of the children concerned, the perpetrator and the Diocesan Ordinary on 30.06.1999.  The excerpt is the following words:  "Between the participants there is agreement that negative psychological consequences for the children concerned ... will be treated as possible, respectively, ameliorated through therapy.  In the considered interest of the children and the expressed desire of the parents that silence shall be respected".  And further: "Mr ... [name of the perpetrator omitted] is bound, to that which originated from the event of 31.3.1999, and where applicable, to compensate for material and immaterial damages.  He is bound also to pay the following damages..."

In another excerpt from the writing of the attorney of the family to the legal representative of the Diocesan Ordinary of 18.05.1999 is indicated: "1. The Episcopal Ordinary  expressly manifested that it will not stand in the way of an assessment for punishment against Mr. .....   The proceedings of 31.03.1999 could and should therefore, if the offended children and their parents desire, be brought before the responsible state authorities and completely revealed.  2. With a view to the well-being of the children, ...,  the husband and wife prescind from the possibility of a criminal complaint. This occurred from their own desire, not on the request or pressure of the Diocesan Ordinary.  The right of criminal complaint is expressly reserved..."

Translated from the German,

Friday, January 21, 2011

First Pontifical High Mass by Primate of Brussels in Forty Years: Rorate

A reader sent Rorate the following significant announcement:
A Pontifical Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop André-Joseph Leonard, Primate of Belgium.
The Mass will take place on the 30th of January at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of Minimes (Minimenstraat 62, 1000 Brussels). In November, he erected in this church a new FSSP mission in Brussels. This will be a unique occasion in Belgium as it will be the first Tridentine Mass celebrated by a Primate of Belgium over 40 years.

Without Latin There Can't Be Any Decent Music: Zenit Interview With Cardinal Bartolucci

It is a double-cross:  The new Mass doesn't want beautiful music and doesn't produce therefore any musicians.  Actually without exceptional artists there is no support for church music.

(, Rom) The Church music finds itself today in a crisis.  The Honorary Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci (93) said this in his interview for 'Zenit.'

The Cardinal and composer was dismissed from his job after forty years as Director of the Cappella Sistina in 1997 by John Paul II († 2005).

His naming to Cardinal has been observed as a sign of Benedict XVI's love for Church Music.

In an interview Cardinal Bertolucci explained that music once was known as the soul of the Liturgy.

Today there are still talented youth, but the musical education is poor.

John Paul II Had Been Defenestrated Behind his Back

The Cardinal described his personal way to Music.

His father was an enthusiastic singer in the church choir.

In the Seminary, the music had been very important.  Actually his inclinations had put him far from music.  They had to be managed with special care that his study of old languages wouldn't suffer.

After that the Cardinal directed various choirs in the Roman Basilica.

In 1956 Pius XII. († 1958) named him the Director of the Sistine Chapel for life.

Pope Pius XII. loved sacred music and played the violin to rest -- said Cardinal Bartolucci.

His ouster under John Paul II was not honorable: "I found it out as my successor was named."

Today Church Music Lives on Hope

The Cardinal praises the efforts of the Choir of the Sistine Chapel up to the second Vatican Council.

Actually, things changed then:  "After the liturgical reform our contribution to Papal liturgies decreased."

For this reason the choir began to take concert tours throughout the whole world.

To the question, if Church Music would be restored to its former glory, Cardinal Bartolucci said, that it will take time:

"The Masters of earlier times are gone, because the necessity of heir existence isn't seen any more.  We live only in hope."

Benedict XVI loves the Gregorian Choral very much and wants to promote the Latin language.

The Pope knows that the repertoire of the past without Latin,  will be archived.

Cardinal Bartolucci is promoting a return to a Liturgy which makes room for music.  More importantly, the Prince of the Church longs for a return to a truly holy Art.

Cardinal Bertolucci identified his favorite musician as that master of polyphony, the Italian Composure, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina († 1594), and the German Johann Sebastian Bach († 1750).

Translated from

Also Repoted here:

Rorate Caeli

Inside Catholic

ZENIT - Vatican Official to Join in Ceremony With Lutherans

While Pope Benedict's humanistic gestures of "good will" to the persecuted Copts of Egypt are being hailed in the Islamic world as dangerous to ecumenism, he's reaching out to the dying sect of Lutheranism for an ecumenical gathering.

ZENIT - Vatican Official to Join in Ceremony With Lutherans

Hommage à Louis XVI

Diocese of Essen: A Farewell Toast for the Church

The Old Liberal, tired and secularized Church in Germany is giving  itself away.  translated from Valeria Kurz's original German.

( In the Diocese of Essen they are intensivly occupied with harvesting the bad fruits of the Second Vatican Council.

Ever since the conversion of German it's been unheard of that a Bishop should preside as a bankruptcy attorney.

The most recent victim was the church of he Redemptorists, Maria Hilf in the down town of Bochum.

It has been for decades a church where many of the faithful go for confession and penance.

Actually last Sunday, it was closed after 143 years.

Bishop Franz-Josef Overbeck celebrated his last Holy Mass in the cloister church.

The remaining Redemptorists have been moved away.

In Bochum at present there are still five priests.  In the gold old days there were eleven. There wasn't a single young priest in sight.

On Sunday no one responded to the question why there is no growth in the Order -- Msgr Overbeck, neither.

Only some words of gratitude were sufficient -- garnished with some shibboleths: "Out of all that is history, is a new departure."

Actually, considering departure, is the Old Liberal, tired and secularized Church in Germany is hardly to be seen at all.

Both clergy and faithful have lost their will to live.

Instead of fighting for the church, one celebrated a Requiem for the Redemptorists -- with a farewell toast. is the original...

Durex Advertises "Gay" Mass

Giving the lie to the idea that these Masses are merely meant to minister to homosexuals without condoning illicit activity. 

Read further at "True Catholic".

Bishop speaks out on Neo-Cats

Bishop speaks out on Neo-Cats

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anglican Church to Remove Christian Language From Baptism

(Time) A group of clergymen have submitted documents to the General Synod, the governing body of the Anglican Church, calling on it to prepare alternatives for the Common Worship baptismal services, which are used at the majority of Anglican christenings. It's their hope that doing so will make them more accessible and interesting to non-churchgoers—including the many "unchurched" parents and godparents who participate in the 139,000 Anglican baptisms conducted in the country every year.

Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight is Pro-Abort

Editor: We've been telling you about these two-faced types for a long time.

An Open Letter to Knights of Columbus Members and All Pro-Lifers, about a Shocking Scandal in the Knights' National Leadership Contact: Kenneth M. Fisher, Concerned Roman Catholics of America, Inc., 714-491-2284,  

WASHINGTON, June 18 /Christian Newswire/ -- Delegates to the Knights of Columbus's upcoming Supreme Convention in Washington, D.C., August 3-5, have been briefed on the meeting's tone by Supreme Knight Carl Anderson in a 10-minute videotaped message that covers the Knights' growing membership, multibillion-dollar insurance programs, and works of charity.

But, shockingly, Anderson made no mention whatsoever of two issues vital to the Faith and family of every Knight: Defending preborn babies and true, man-woman marriage. These omissions are grave -- and peculiar, given that Anderson belongs to six Vatican bodies, including the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Pontifical Council for the Family.

He is also a consultant to the U.S. bishops' Pro-Life Committee. As Supreme Knight since 2000, Carl Anderson has failed to expel or suspend pro-abortion and pro-homosexual politicians, despite pleas from rank-and-file Knights. In one case, at least 16 state senators and representatives in Massachusetts, 10 of whom received top ratings from Planned Parenthood, negated a petition drive by 170,000 citizens to put traditional marriage on the ballot

H/t: Barb Krallis
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Head of CCHD Was Treasurer For Pro-Abort Candidate

January 20, 2011 A.D. | Author Donald R. McClarey  

In a dog bites man story, and an example of good blog journalism, Creative Minority Report has broken the news that the head of the CCHD, Ralph McCloud, while he was head of the CCHD, was the campaign treasurer for pro-abort Wendy Davis in her successful run in 2008 for the Texas State Senate:
 While the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) has come under well deserved scrutiny for supporting groups such as ACORN and groups with ties to promoting abortion, CMR has uncovered that Ralph McCloud, while heading the CCHD in 2008, was simultaneously working as a highly placed campaign official for a pro-choice politician seeking to unseat a pro-life politician.

According to public records, McCloud also worked as the Treasurer for Planned Parenthood endorsed Democrat Wendy Davis.Annie's List,raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Davis in 2008 while McCloud worked as Treasurer. The group even gave a spirited endorsement of the pro-choice Davis, who succeeded in defeating her pro-life opponent.
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