It is a double-cross: The new Mass doesn't want beautiful music and doesn't produce therefore any musicians. Actually without exceptional artists there is no support for church music.
(, Rom) The Church music finds itself today in a crisis. The Honorary Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci (93) said this in his interview for
The Cardinal and composer was dismissed from his job after forty years as Director of the Cappella Sistina in 1997 by John Paul II († 2005).
His naming to Cardinal has been observed as a sign of Benedict XVI's love for Church Music.
In an interview Cardinal Bertolucci explained that music once was known as the soul of the Liturgy.
Today there are still talented youth, but the musical education is poor.
John Paul II Had Been Defenestrated Behind his Back
The Cardinal described his personal way to Music.
His father was an enthusiastic singer in the church choir.
In the Seminary, the music had been very important. Actually his inclinations had put him far from music. They had to be managed with special care that his study of old languages wouldn't suffer.
After that the Cardinal directed various choirs in the Roman Basilica.
In 1956 Pius XII. († 1958) named him the Director of the Sistine Chapel for life.
Pope Pius XII. loved sacred music and played the violin to rest -- said Cardinal Bartolucci.
His ouster under John Paul II was not honorable: "I found it out as my successor was named."
Today Church Music Lives on Hope
The Cardinal praises the efforts of the Choir of the Sistine Chapel up to the second Vatican Council.
Actually, things changed then: "After the liturgical reform our contribution to Papal liturgies decreased."
For this reason the choir began to take concert tours throughout the whole world.
To the question, if Church Music would be restored to its former glory, Cardinal Bartolucci said, that it will take time:
"The Masters of earlier times are gone, because the necessity of heir existence isn't seen any more. We live only in hope."
Benedict XVI loves the Gregorian Choral very much and wants to promote the Latin language.
The Pope knows that the repertoire of the past without Latin, will be archived.
Cardinal Bartolucci is promoting a return to a Liturgy which makes room for music. More importantly, the Prince of the Church longs for a return to a truly holy Art.
Cardinal Bertolucci identified his favorite musician as that master of polyphony, the Italian Composure, Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina († 1594), and the German Johann Sebastian Bach († 1750).
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Also Repoted here:
Rorate Caeli
Inside Catholic