Thursday, January 20, 2011

Vatican Irish Abuse Coverup?

More Communard agit-prop.

Vatican Irish Abuse Coverup?

Catholic Bishops support net neutrality - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

Once again, the USCCB shows its true colors.

Catholic Bishops support net neutrality - The Hill's Hillicon Valley

"Kill the Cathlics" spray painted on area Catholic Churches

"Kill the Cathlics" spray painted on area Catholic Churches
("Examiner," January 18, 2011)

Anaheim, USA - Two Orange County Catholic churches had "Kill the Cathlics" spray painted on their church walls last week. Vandalism using the misspelled phrase was reported by church personnel at St. Boniface in Anaheim and St. Thomas More in Irvine early Tuesday. Both churches are within 20 miles of each other.

"The graphic graffiti saddened parishioners, and church officials are working with police to find whoever is responsible for the crime," explained diocese spokesman Ryan Lilyengren.

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H/t Traditional Catholic Interests, here...

Abortionist Uses Forceps to Kill Babies, Says Austrian Radio

Socialism with a human face?  Today the "Austrian Red Radio" had an unexpected bout of humanity.

( The website of the left-leaning '‘Österreichischen Rundfunks' [Austrian Radio] is the largest internet medium of the land.

For years they have defended the violence of abortion against unborn people with macabre bitterness.

The reason was the criminal and abortionist Kermit Gosnell (69).

Butcher Gosnell murdered innocent children for years in a abortuary in Pennsylvania, USA, -- completely legally.

The 'Österreichische Rundfunk' called him a "doctor" and his slaughterhouse a "clinic" in any event.

Actually then the broadcaster made a sudden pirouette:  "Abortion doctor kills babies with forceps."

That has gripped the entire Country with "horror".

There, the broadcaster has nothing against the murder of unborn children, the problem for them appears to be the "forceps".

Really, it's how the Red Radio pampered doctors murder their devalued victims.

Perhaps caresses?

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One Third of Aachen Diocese's Real-Estate May be Sold

Disintegration in record time.  In the Diocese of Aachen every third church building will be put up for sale.   The Catholic Faith has long ago been bartered away.

( Monday the General Vicar, Manfred von Hotum of Aachen is unveiling the Diocesan support project with the beautiful name "Church Property Management".

This was reported by the Diocese of Aachen.

In the Diocese of Aachen there are over 900 churches as well as  450 rectories and parish offices.

Actually, there isn't enough money for the support of the buildings.

The Diocese would need 18 million Euro.  There's a ten million dollar shortfall.

In other words:  over a third of the ecclesiastical structures must be closed down in the near future.

The General Vicar explained that the Diocese must economize because of significantly "declining donations by the faithful" in previous years and the narrowing church tax income.

The number of the rectories have already been slashed in the Diocese of Aachen.

Since last year there were still 71 so-called church communities.

All of these "church communities" is decreed over several churches, rectories, pastoral bureaus and chapels.

With that there is the question about which these guildings are not being used for.

As a "good example" for this conversion, consider the former Parish church of St. Josef in Aachen.

It is used today as a burial church.

Even the church of St. Mary in Düren has a new purpose.  The rectory here was integrated into the church building.

Actually the plans of the Diocese go still further.

Unoccupied rectories will be closed.

Where small communities don't need a rectory, a corresponding space could be set up in the church and the community center could be sold.

Churches that are seldom used will be put on the real-estate market.

"We're going to take these churches into serious and lengthy consideration" -- said a conciliatory General Vicar.

It is conceivable could be closed for fifteen to twenty years, "till a suitable solution is found."

In other words:  One will wait to sell the churches, till there won't be fear of any more resistance from the remaining Catholics against the desecration of God's house.

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The Leftists Are All About Sexual Abuse: Another Jesuit Liberal Accused in Belgium

He is an Old Liberal Secular Jesuit and Green Party Member.  That he is also guilty of sexual abuse, suits his political convictions very well.

( The Belgian media bosses have their next abuser who is supposedly associated with the Church arena.

It is a question of the Old Liberal, left-leaning, civil Jesuit, Father Luc Versteylen (83).

Before his entrance into religious life the later left-ideological figure was a member of the extreme-right 'Verbond der Deutsche Natinonaal-Solidaristen'  which had existed till 1941.

In May  1970he founded an organization in the area of Viersel -- which belongs to the north Belgian community of Zandoven -- under the name of "Leven in de Browerij", Life in the Brewery" a leftist, so-called "alternative-Christian society of life".

It was established in a former brewery.  It was made up of a class of fourteen year olds, who belonged to the Jesuit-run Xavieriuscollege in Borgerhout near Antwerp.

In this milieu there were various -- at the time decisively left-extremist  -- moved to pedegogical adventures and sexual shamelessness.

Here was one of the first 'green' --ideological parties in Europe.  They called themselves 'Agalev'.

The extreme-left Flemmish homosexual and abortion party "Groen!’ also arose here.

The anti-Church media are as expected completely enthused about all of this.

Actually in the Community of Life it was -- then held for normal-- to initiate two abuse of two fifteen and sixteen year old sexually mature boys.

In an open letter Father Versteylen answered the charges, that he had in those times "engaged in a quest for a new relationship to the body" surely gone to the limits.

He insists, however, that he never crossed the line and insists that he never intentionally hurt a person through his conduct.

The left-Jesuit is, after the extreme-left Fr. Francoi Houtar (85) and Bishop Roger Vangheluwe of Brügge, the third suspected sexual predator, who without exception, belong to that left- and homosexual friendly wing of the Church whom the media bosses love to celebrate.

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Marking week of prayer, Benedict XVI cites four 'pillars' for Christian unity

.- Improving the unity of Christians today requires the same elements that united the first apostles in Jerusalem, Pope Benedict XVI said Jan. 19.

Pope Benedict met with pilgrims to Rome in the Vatican's Paul VI Hall for his weekly general audience. In observation of the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Jan. 18-25), he based his message on "the gift of full communion."

Christians take part in the week of prayer for unity "to bear witness to the profound ties that unite them and to invoke the gift of full communion," said the Pope.

"They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers" is the theme of this year's prayer week for the unity of Christians. Pope Benedict said that this passage from the Acts of the Apostles offers a vision of four characteristics that defined the first Christian community in Jerusalem "as a place of unity and love."

In the teaching of the apostles, in fraternal communion, in the breaking of bread and in prayer are four "pillars" that continue to be the foundation of Christian life and build Church unity, he explained.

Every effort to increase unity must involve increased faithfulness to the teaching of the first Christians, the apostles, the Pope said. "Even today," he explained, "the community of believers recognizes the norms of its own faith in that reference to the teaching of the Apostles."

Fraternal communion was "the most tangible expression of unity between disciples and the Lord, especially for the outside world," he pointed out.

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Belgium extradites sex-abuse priest wanted in Canada

BRUSSELS — A convicted Belgian-born priest who faces complaints of sexual abuse in Canada was expelled Wednesday, sent back to Montreal when police discovered he had taken Canadian nationality and had lived illegally in Belgium for years.

Eric Dejaeger, 63, a Flemish priest who worked as a missionary with Inuits in the 1970s, was escorted by police on a 10:30 am (0930 GMT) flight from Brussels airport, and was to be handed over to Canadian authorities on landing, foreign ministry spokeswoman Katrien Jansseune said.

Dejaeger, who was sentenced in 1990 to five years behind bars for the rape of eight children before being released after 18 months, had returned to live in Belgium after nine new sets of victim allegations came forward in 1995.

He was living in Blanden, in northern Flanders, and escaped extradition following a 2001 Interpol arrest warrant because he retained Belgian nationality at the time.

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Egyptian MP Says Copts Face no Persecution, Blames Mossad

The People's Assembly launched a scathing attack against the European Parliament accusing it of disseminating false reports about the "repression of Christians" in Egypt, reports Gamal Essam El-Din  Egyptian MPs, belonging to the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) and opposition, opened fire on the Brussels-based European Parliament, accusing it of interfering in Egypt's internal affairs.

Speaker of the People's Assembly Fathi Sorour told MPs in a session on Monday morning that he condemned the way in which the European Parliament had "tried to exploit the attack which hit the Two Saints Church on the New Year's Eve in order to imply that there is a systematic policy of repression against Coptic Christians in Egypt". Sorour said that in a meeting with a delegation from the Bundestag (German parliament) yesterday, he had stressed that "the terrorist attack against the Alexandrian church targeted Muslims and Christians alike and the European Parliament's statements about repression of Christians in Egypt are entirely unfounded"

Supporting Sorour, senior NDP MPs accused the European Parliament of propagating lies about Egypt. Abdel-Ahad Gamaleddin, NDP spokesman in the People's Assembly, insisted that "the European Parliament's statement claiming that Coptic Christians face persecution shows how most European institutions are completely ignorant of the situation in Egypt."
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Homily of Father Nichols on "Primiz" Mass of Father Andre Burnham

We are, at this Mass, on a cusp, or boundary, or threshold.  What I have in mind is in the first place the ritual calendar we're using.  We are on the cusp between, on the one hand, the Christmas season, which celebrates the Theophany, the manifestation of God the Word as a human being to other human beings, and, on the other hand, so-called 'Ordinary Time', a time which is far from ordinary because it consists in the telling of his story, the story of the public ministry of the Christ as it unfolds in all its dramatic action.  Appropriately, then, today's Gospel-reading points both backwards and forwards, and its key is the identification of Jesus as the 'Lamb of God'.  Twice, actually, within a few verses of the Fourth Gospel, when the Baptist wants to identify who Jesus is, to locate him (so to say) on the map of salvation geography, these are the words he comes up with.  The best explanation of that, I think, is that John the Baptist is rehearsing what it was his cousin told him.  At the Baptism, the heavens were opened for Jesus, and in the open heavens he saw… well, what did he see? He saw himself as the Lamb, sent by the Father to make the atoning sacrifice which will reconcile to the Father Israel and all the world, and bring humankind home to the Father's house.   Jesus would go on to comport himself in just this fashion in his public ministry, in the strength of the Holy Spirit whose descent on him in the form of a dove verified what it was, in the opened heavens, that he saw. The Lamb of God: that is the One we follow, it is how the God-man wishes to be known and loved.  He came to make sacrifice for us. That is the impetus that drives his ministry forward till it reaches its climax in the Paschal Mystery of his Death and Resurrection.  It is the attitude in which he still stands before the Father, showing the marks of his now glorious wounds.  And it is why the continuing sign of that sacrifice – the Mass – is the true centre of the Christian religion.
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Anglican Bishop Questions Elton John's Suitability as Father

The former Bishop of Rochester, Dr. Michael Nazir Ali has raised ethical and moral concerns over the artificial insemination of an American woman to produce a child for Sir Elton John and his civil partner, David Furnish.

Speaking to the Daily Telegraph, Bishop Nazir Ali questioned the wisdom of the arrangement and its baleful consequences for the child: Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John.

"I believe that surrogacy, inevitably, introduces a 'third' party to the legal parents," the bishop said and "will affect the welfare of the child, psychologically and in other ways."
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Fidelity of Syrian Catholics Recognized by Pope

Cardinal Consecrates Cathedral in Aleppo

ROME, JAN. 17, 2011 ( Benedict XVI is thanking the Catholic community of Syria for its "fidelity to the Lord and to his Church and fidelity to the Bishop of Rome and to his ministry as Successor of Peter." The Pope affirmed his gratitude in a message sent to the community by his secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone.

The message marked Saturday's consecration of the cathedral in Aleppo by Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches. "The Holy Father is well aware of the fidelity of the Catholic community of Syria," the message stated, as reported by L'Osservatore Romano. "He thanks the community for this fidelity and for its prayer for the fruitfulness of his service of the truth and of unity."
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Chinese Christian Discuses One-Child Policy

In an interview with Aid to the Church in Need, Bob Fu, a student leader at Tiananmen Square who subsequently became a Protestant pastor and fled China, discusses the realities of police repression and forced abortion in the People's Republic of China. Fu is the founder and president of the China Aid Association. "When you want to have your first child after marriage," he recalls, "you are required to get a pregnancy permission card-- a yellow card before your wife can legally get pregnant-- otherwise you are arrested and are forced to have an abortion.
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Monday, January 17, 2011

Walter Cardinal Kasper in Restlessness

Absolutely full schedule:  The Cardinal Emeritus Kasper is working hard again, scientifically in Rome. Right now he's writing a book about the Catholic Church.

Rome [] After his Emeritization as Cardinal Walter Cardinal Kasper is a much sought after and honored man, who is again working in the fields of Theological science.

The occasion of his release from his service to the Office of Unity had brought him to a discussion in London at Lambeth Palace and to a formal meal in Church House.  Participants will also be Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O'Connor, the former Archbishop of Westminster London, and its current occupant, Vincent Nicols, as well as other invited and distinguished guests.

His twenty honorable doctoral degrees will grow by two more this year:  In January St. Joseph's in Philadelphia, PA, and in February at the Universidade Católica Portugese, Lissabon, Portugal. 

In February Cardinal Kapser must complete two important events.  On the 21st of February will be the Paul Wattson lectures in San Francisco, California, and on 22 February in Sacramento California, will be a lecture on the current ecumenical situation.

Next to his Roman and international obligations, Cardinal Kasper is returning to his theological work.  At the moment he is fulfilling an old plan and desire still from his Tübingen times and is working on a new book, which is entitled, "Catholic Church".

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Purgatory Still Exists, Says Pope: Chiesa

ROME, January 17, 2011 – In illustrating the life of Saint Catherine of Genoa, at the general audience last Wednesday, Benedict XVI took the thought of this saint as a point of departure to explain what purgatory is.

During the second half of the 15th century, the time of Catherine, the contemporary image of purgatory was like the one depicted above. It was the mountain of purification sung of by Dante in the "Divine Comedy."

That purgatory is a physical place is a very ancient conviction, which endured until recent times.

Read further at Chiesa...

Against "hi-jacking" of King "Legacy"

Atlanta, Ga., Jan 17, 2011 / 02:12 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- On the observance of Martin Luther King Day, African-American leaders noted the slain civil rights figure's Christian position on cultural issues like abortion and sexual ethics. Illinois religious and political leaders also organized to challenge the "hijacking" of the civil rights movement by homosexual political activists

Athens goes on security alert for trial of suspected militants

Law enforcement snipers will watch from rooftops. Motorists will be checked at roadblocks across Athens. And at the courthouse, inside a maximum security prison on the eastern outskirts of the Greek capital, hundreds of plainclothes officers will patrol surrounding streets to shield against militant attacks.

Riot police armed with percussion grenades and tear gas will also be on alert as part of the security measures planned for the trial scheduled to begin Monday of 13 suspected members of the Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire, a militant anti-authority movement known as SPF.

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"We are prepared for everything," said Athanassios Kokkalakis, spokesman for Greece's National Police.

The accused — 12 men and a teenage girl — are charged with terrorism counts related to a series of attacks on Greek politicians, which caused no fatalities or serious injuries. Under a new terrorism law, the defendants will be tried by a three-member panel of judges instead of a jury to avoid intimidation. Nine of the defendants, who are in custody awaiting trial, face up to life in prison if the court determines that their alleged activities could have resulted in the deaths of their targets. The remaining suspects, who remain at large, will be tried in absentia, officials said.

Hindus, Jews Ask Pope to Abandon Double Standards on Roma Apartheid

Hindus and Jews claim that Pope Benedict holds double standards on the issues of Roma (Gypsy) apartheid in Europe.

Hindu statesman Rajan Zed; and Rabbi Jonathan B. Freirich, prominent Jewish leader in Nevada and California in USA; in a statement in Nevada today, said that despite their repeated requests, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI had not come out openly to support the 15-million European Roma who faced apartheid conditions. But in a message for "19th World Day of the Sick, 2011", posted on Holy See's website on January 15, Pope says (as per translation): "...know how to recognize and serve him also in those brothers who are poor, sick, suffering and in difficulty, who have need of your help".

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blog Latest Post RSS * Recent * Featured * American Papist Church Law says Permanent Deacons, all clerics, are obliged to abstain from sex, notes Canonist Edward Peters

[vote america] I have been struggling to decide the appropriate way to help bring this issue before the Church’s attention.

Canon Lawyer Ed Peters
This little point, illustrated my father Canon Layer Ed Peters, has huge potentially consequences for many thousands of men already serving as permanent deacons in the United States (and around the world), and it also promises to impact the growing number of married Anglican and other protestant clergy coming into the Church through the ordinariate established by Pope Benedict and similar, previous provisions.
Simply put: the law of the Church says that permanent deacons, because they are clerics, are obliged to observe “perfect and perpetual continence.” In simple terms, permanent deacons are obligated by law to refrain from sexual relations with their wife once they are ordained.

H/t: EENS Blog

Ukrainians to build an Orthodox church in Antarctica

Kiev, January 14, Interfax - Church-chapel of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church will be built in Antarctica this spring.

"When we send polar explorers to the South Pole we don't ask about their confession. But every person can have a wish to stay alone, to pray. Why don't we build a church?" Director of the National Antarctic Scientific Center Valery Litvinov was quoted as saying on Friday by the Ukrainian website.

It is not the first Orthodox church on the ice continent: Russian carpenters built a 15-meter Orthodox church from Siberian cedar in 2004 that is dedicated to the Holy Trinity.

"When you pray there you get unspeakable impressions. It is zero altitude, but you have such a feeling that the church almost fly above Earth," Archbishop Augustine of Lvov and Galicia and said as he had celebrated a Liturgy in the church in 2007 and is going to consecrate the Ukrainian chapel in spring.

The chapel is made in Chili and is much smaller than the Russian church. It will be sent to Antarctica late in March with a new group of polar explorers. Works on building and installing the chapel will be paid by philanthropists. Byelorussians intend to erect the similar chapel on the continent as they plan to open their base in Antarctica this year.

Besides, Ukrainians will present Russian church of the Holy Trinity a bell cast by the Donetsk metallurgical plant. According to the polar expedition head, Chili customs officers were perplexed to find the bell in their luggage. Besides, they found salo (traditional Ukrainian lard - IF) in their luggage while bringing food in the country is subjected to $300 fine. Customs officers appeared to be believers and turned a blind eye to salo and the bell.

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