Thursday, May 28, 2015

Will Aberrophile Bishop Bonny be the New Archbishop of Brussels and Primate of Belgium?

Bishop Johan Bonny, Known for His
Support for the Abberrosexual Lobby
(Brussels) "Catholics been irritated to note that high church officials can make statements with impunity  that depart from the Church's faith and moral teaching. Some are even promoted," said the website against hostility to  Christians, NoCristianofobia . Belgian Catholics can not say different since of all people, Bishop Johan Bonny of Antwerp is considered the leading candidate for the post of archbishop of Malines-Brussels and thus the Primate of Belgium.  Bishop Bonny's only previous "performance" was in a notorious public declaration of support for the aberrosexual ideology.
The reigning Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard has been  attacked publicly as no other Catholic bishop. When labeled "conservative", he was already the victim of brutal and humiliating attacks on camera by the members of political mercenaries topless Femen. Nevertheless, Pope Francis has  denied him the dignity of Cardinal, which is traditionally associated with the archbishop's See. Instead of strengthening the standing of an  Archbishop in an exposed position, this will weaken him.
Internal church pressure has since increased   on Archbishop Leonard. Progressive circles have registered that their chief shepherd is not in the favor of the Argentine Pope and acting cavalierly.

Cardinal Danneels  Mentor of Bonny in Rome

Cardinal Danneels in the Episcopal Ordination of Johan Bonny
The most influential churchman Belgium since 2013 is clearly the progressive Godfried Cardinal Danneels whose star had fallen into the void under Pope Benedict XVI., but radiates more luminously than ever since his resignation. As a member of Team Bergoglio he campaigned in the General Congregations and the Conclave for the election of the Argentine Jesuit and was successful. His influence has extended since then, again to the Vatican and from there, all the way to the top. Just a few weeks after the accession of Pope Francis, Cardinal Danneels spoke for the recognition of "gay marriage."
The Danneels  party in the  Archdiocese of Brussels thwarted Archbishop Leonard, wherever it was possible. Danneels was Leonard's predecessor. In 2010 Leonard was, at that time, Bishop of Namur, appointed by Pope Benedict XVI. as Primate of Belgium.  The headline read back then: "A Tridentine 'is new archbishop of Brussels". It's a decision that Cardinal Danneels is said to have never forgiven the German pope. Benedict XVI. had thus thwarted all of Danneels plans for a "progressive" Church. Since the election of Pope Francis Archbishop Leonard has been considered, however, only an "industrial accident" which is to be corrected as quickly as possible.

Homophile Bonny Declaration Remained Without Consequences

Leonard Consecrated Priests of the FSSP at Wigratzbad in the Traditional Rite  
Protesting Catholic petitioned Pope Francis about the homophilic statements of Bishop Bonny at Christmastime in 2014 p  (see Request to Pope Francis: "Are the gay statements by Bishop Bonny Catholic or not?" ). In it the Holy Father is asked to answer the question whether the words of Bishop Bonny are still Catholic or not. It was a petition that implicitly urged the pontiff to take punitive action against the bishop of Antwerp. Nothing like this, however, has been done by Rome.
Bishop Bonny  instead rejected a prize from a homo-affiliated association that wanted to reward him for his "courageous" words. Three weeks after his homophilic statements aroused worldwide attention from irritated  Catholics, the bishop wanted to know nothing more about it. A half-hearted detachment, pretending nothing had happened, and even the serious incident of his declaration of support for aberrosexuality forgotten in Rome itself?
Cardinal Danneels actively supports the promotion of  Bishop Bonny. In the context of Danneels in Brussels and in Rome he says triumphantly, that only Archbishop Leonard has stood in the way of   Bonny's appointment as archbishop of Brussels.
On May 6, Leonard has completed his 75th year and offered, as  the canon law requires,  his resignation to the Pope. Now the decision rests with Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons / kerknet /
Trans: Tancred

Monday, May 25, 2015

Argentinian Marian Shrine Defiled by Worldly Hammering

(Buenos Aires) On Saturday,  there was a silent, but no less painful form of persecution "with kid gloves" to pick an expression from  word from Pope Francis on June 30, 2014. This is ultimately about a passage from the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus says, "It is written, My house shall be a house of prayer. But ye have made it a den of thieves" (LK 19:46). The "robbers" are those who abuse, insult and for whatever reason and in what manner whatsoever, they desecrate the house of God in which they are appear.
Canon 1210 of the Code of Canon Law is one of the most forgotten provisions of canon law. Literally there is:
"In a holy place only that will be permitted, which is for the exercise or promotion of worship, piety and worship, and anything  that is inconsistent with the sanctity of the place is forbidden." The  last sentence doesn't change anything: "Yet the Ordinary may allow however, individual uses which do not conflict to the sanctity of the place."
A rule which applies to every holy place, even more so at a national shrine like the Basilica of Nuestra Señora de Lujánin, Argentina. Our Lady of Lujan is patroness of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. The city of Lujan is located 70 kilometers west of Argentina's capital Buenos Aires.

Materialistic Fixity to the World Instead of Transcendence

Marian shrine of Our Lady of Lujan
This past May 16, a musical was featured in the Basilica of Creyendo Lujan, for the completion of the renovations. The Argentine state television filmed the performance and will broadcast this on May 25th. More than 20 well-known Argentine artists appeared in the event,  not on a concert stage, but between the altars and in the aisles. Among them was also the leading gay propagandist Sandra Mihanovich. Likewise, Leon Gieco, an "icon" of the Argentine left, who  is seen not by chance in a video next to an image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The musical spectacle was directed by Lito Vitale, who is known for his longtime left political activism.
The program was a mixture of rock Christ, "wisdom books" and Pope Francis. The offered texts were "in the best case scenario imbued with a pronounced materialism, a hymn to a purely earthly justice, of bread and work exclusively as a social requirement, and all without any view of the transcendent, incapable of looking beyond  its own nose  and rid the head  of ideological stereotypes of the real breath of faith," says the website .

"Where Might God Be, Who Stole Him?"

In the cliche ridden texts was asked: "Where might  God be, who stole him?" More correctly other questions might have   been put to: Did the archbishop Augustin Roberto Radrizzani of Mercedes-Lujan and the church rector, Father José Daniel Blanchoud OFM Cap. really believe that such a spectacle is greater than the glory of God? Was there really nothing more Catholic which could have been presented on this occasion?
These questions would urgently require answers not only for Lujan, but also of some European church, basilica or cathedral, where "Events" are given place, which are incapable of being reconciled by Canon 1210  of the Church's. Which  neither serves the glory of God nor does it strength and spread of the faith, but merely entertains people. [Can it be said to even be entertaining?]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Wikicommons /
Trans: Tancred

Friday, May 22, 2015

Biennale of Venice: Authorities Close Mosque-Installation into Church

Mosque into a Church
(Venice) The mosque installation in a Catholic church is closed. After two weeks of discussions and government intervention by law suits,  the Municipality of Venice said on Thursday the directors of the Icelandic Art Center and the Biennale had their  licenses withdrawn for the Icelandic Pavilion.
A document shows that the use of the church is possible through the owner, "except for initiatives against the Catholic Church". The Icelandic Pavilion, which is responsible for the installation of a mosque in the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia, thus did not have the necessary permissions to set up the "work of art" by the Swiss artist Christoph Büchel (see the Icelandic sacrilege Venice Biennale: Mosque in Church Installed - "Invitation to Islamists to conquer churches").

Iceland Supports Islamization

Muslims who have been immigrating to  Italy for 25 years have quickly appreciated the anti-Catholic provocation by the Republic of Iceland as an opportunity and the greeted the installation  "The Mosque" as a conversion into a real mosque. All with the benevolent support of the leaders of the Icelandic Pavilion and thus the Icelandic Ministry of Culture.
In the church, an Islamic mihrab, an Islamic prayer niche, was built and obscured all Christian symbols by panels with quotations from the Koran. Carpets were lain all over and all visitors were forced to take off their shoes.

"What respect dares Iceland before an Islamic cult einzuforden where it has zero respect for a Catholic place of worship?"

The art historian Alessandro Tamborini protested and filed a complaint (see Venice: art historian protests against "mosque" in the Church and calls the police ). He wanted to know from the responsible director of the Icelandic Pavilion, why he should take off his shoes. "Out of respect," said the latter. "Respect  what?" Tamborini asked."Because it is a place of worship? What kind of religion? By whom?" The person in charge refused to answer. For obvious reasons.
There is a pavilion at the International Art Exhibition, it could not be a place of worship itself. But if it is a place of worship, it is not Islamic, for one would have to take off their shoes, but a Catholic one."  What respect does Iceland dare to demand before an Islamic place, where Iceland has zero respect for a Catholic place of worship?" Said Tamborini to the press.
The officially Lutheran Republic of Iceland had illegally usurped a Catholic church and turned it into a mosque."Irreverent and as contemptuous of all religious feelings as it gets. Those responsible lack any decency," said Tamborini whose media appearance and  interest had thus increased pressure on the authorities.

Church was Profaned by Walling in a mosque

With the authorities, who had  remained tacitly silent through all, have engaged in negotiations with the Patriarch of Venice, since the sacrilege with the opening of the Biennale on May 9 was revealed. These negotiations which led to the closure, which put an end to the sacrilege.
The church of Santa Maria della Misercordia has been private property since 1973. Although privately owned, it was never profaned. At the time of its usurpation as a mosque, it was a holy place was desecrated by Büchel's installation. Use of the Church had been settled at the time of the sale and must not involve initiatives  where attacks are made against the Catholic Church and the sanctity of the place.

Administrative decision rather than political confrontation

Although this is only a preliminary injunction, which could be challenged, reopening seems doubtful. As inspections of police and firefighters report  the "Pavilion" was in a breach of   a whole series of provisions. The construction of the makeshift mosque didn't even include required toilettes, while access restrictions had not been respected and above all Islamic prayer events were carried out and have been announced, although it is not an Islamic place of worship.
The authorities are trying to clarify the matter with administrative issues, thereby avoiding  facing the real question: the question of the relationship between Islam and Christianity, between Islam and Europe and its laws and customs. This debate currently does not seem to be possible in Europe. So fundamental political, social, cultural and legal policy questions are being handled by administrative channels.
And what about the European auxiliary forces of Islam, such as the Republic of Iceland, which has also abused the hospitality in another country?

Art historian filed charges against Swiss artist and Icelandic Foreign Minister

The pugnacious art historian Alessandro Tamborini is thus not satisfied. He reported on Thursday there will also be charges against those responsible for the sacrilege and the mosque installation of Swiss artist Christoph Büchel and against the Icelandic Foreign Minister, which was carried out by the Icelandic Pavilion, an official body of the Scandinavian country, for the desecration of a Catholic church.
With the fall and the relations with Iceland,  the Italian Parliament will soon have to deal because of urgent requests were introduced to Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (Democratic Left Party) and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano (New center-right).
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Venezia (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

"Unjust Laws and Civil Disobedience" -- Conference in Honor of Roberto Palmaro

(Rome) On May 11,   at the European University of Rome a conference was held on "unjust laws and civil disobedience". The conference was organized by the Faculty of Human Sciences at the University. The  administration invited the legal historian, Luca Galantini and the legal philosopher Tommaso Scandroglio.
The meeting took place as part of the "Week of the Law" by the Campus Ministry of the Vicariate of Rome. It was aimed at commemorating the legal philosopher Mario Palmaro, himself a faculty member of the European University of Rome and the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum. Palmaro had become  one of the internationally best-known critics of Pope Francis in his last months.
Speakers at the conference were numerous renowned legal scholars, philosophers and historians, among them Giacomo Rocchi, Supreme Court of Italy, the ethicist Marco Pagani of the University Ca 'Foscari in Venice, the historian Roberto de Mattei of the European University of Rome, the canon lawyer Romeo Astorri of the Sacred Heart Catholic University of Milan, the legal philosopher Elvio Ancona of the University of Udine, the legal historian Luca Galantini of the European University of Rome and many others.
The systematic treatment of the subject was initially engaged from an ethical and legal philosophical point of view, illuminating the definition of an "unjust act". Secondly the event was the to explore historically as a focus the facultas resistendi against unjust laws  as an expression of a legitimate and compelling social contradiction. Finally, a bridge to the present day was completed with  references to government efforts to introduce unjust laws in legitimate jurisdictions, thus exercising unacceptable coercion.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

It's Been Carefully Noted That the "German Front" of Kasper and Marx is Crumbling

Conscious of His Power, But no Longer the Controversial
German Voice in Rome 
(Bonn / Rome) South of the Alps it has been carefully noted that the "German front" in terms of "new mercy" is not as stable as it initially  appeared on first impression, or at least such an impression was conveyed. Is registered especially been noticed that six German bishops in the line of Kasper / Marx have been rejected. 
If the German cardinal Walter Kasper is considered head of the rebels, then it is  Cardinal Gerhard Müller as  the highest ranking of his opponents is also a German.  With Cardinal Walter Brandmüller and Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider, two more Germans of international weight  raise their voices against Kasper's attempt to bridge the gap between the teachings of Christ and the "real life" of many people by adapting to the latter by passing over the doctrine and mission of Christ over in silence.

More German Signatories of the appeal to Pope Francis as Answer to Synod Questionnaire

Bishop Stefan Oster of Passau
It is also closely noted in Rome, among some it is  welcome, while others greet it with unease that the second questionnaire of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops generated little interest in  the German dioceses. A lack of interest that the full-bodied announcement with a threat of schism by the President of the German Bishops' Conference, that there was a "state of emergency" for the German church's divorced and remarried is not supported. It is reported that more Catholics of the German-speaking countries have signed the Appeal to Pope Francis  then responded to the questionnaire. The appeal of faithful Catholics, whose first signatories include Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller, and  Bishop Athanasius Schneider who invite the Pope and the Synod of Bishops to reaffirm Catholic marriage and morality against attempts at erosion in no uncertain terms.
Faithful Catholics are simply motivated by the desire to follow Christ in fidelity to the Church established by Him.
Now in these days in Rome the news quickly made the rounds that six bishops of the German Bishops' Conference have renounced allegiance to the Cardinals Kasper and Marx. Six out of 27 bishops are not even a quarter of the German diocesan bishops. In Rome, however, the principle is still sound, that one can not change the word of God by majorities. It was first part of the Synod of Bishops in October 2014 where it was  Cardinal Raymond Burke, who recalled the essential elements of the Catholic Faith in an intervention. The formation of a counter group in the German Bishops' Conference thus represents an important step.

Six German Bishops Rehearse the Uprising

Five Bishops Support Bishop Oster
Bishop Stefan Oster of Passau, Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer of Regensburg, Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke of Eichstatt, Bishop Konrad Zdarsa of Augsburg, Bishop Friedhelm Hofmann from Würzburg and Bishop Wolfgang Ipolt of Görlitz have  renounced allegiance to the  BTB President and Munich Archbishop. Cardinal Marx has to feel encircled by dissidents in Bavaria. Here, the actual dissenters sit at the Palais Holnstein, while gathered around the Bishop of Passau Oster mustering chief shepherds  in full communion with Rome.
In this respect the hopes of the young Bishop of Passau are fulfilled.  Until recently it yet looked as if he would meekly submit to the powerful archbishop of Munich-Freising (see Passauer Distancing - And an Easter Bunny Crawled under Marx's Wing in German).
The bishops of Regensburg, Augsburg, Eichstatt, Würzburg and Görlitz announced three days ago in a public letter of thanks to a statement by  Bishop Oster where he defended  Catholic marriage and morality. Thus, a lone voice quickly became a chorus. It is conceivable that other bishops should come whose voices have yet remained unheard so far besides  the high-handed Cardinal of Munich.

Rejected ZdK Demands

In letters of appreciation for Bishop Oster, his five brothers wrote  last MAY 16:
"We live now in a highly secularized society in Germany. This fact should not discourage us and make us look at the guidance of the mainstream, but it should be seen as an opportunity to rediscover the uniqueness of the Christian vocation in the world today. Yours was a  frank and faithful proclamation of Jesus' teaching in the Gospels and the development of the relationship with Him as a reward that enriches our life, as you have done it in your replica, but it is an indispensable requisite.
We are therefore convinced that even many believers  are most grateful to you for your clear words. "
The letter was  a detailed opinion sent by Bishop Oster on 11 May from his Facebook page. In it he refuted point by point the 'reform' exposures, which they (ZdK)  collected at their plenary meeting on 9 May in Würzburg by the Central Committee of German Catholics (see BDKJ spokesman acting as Homo lobbyist - ZdK calls "unconditional acceptance" in German), The requirement of ecclesiastical blessings for homosexual couples is only one point in the long ZdK catalog.

From the Single Courageous Bishop Oster, the Lonely Voice Quickly Became a Group

Cardinal Marx Consecrated  Oster a Bishop
Bishop Oster was the brave one who reacted quickly and decided on his  own initiative and disagreed publicly with the Association of Catholics ZdK. He objected so implicitly also to his "Reformation" brothers in the episcopate, because Cardinal Marx had taken position in the ZdK paper. The Munich Archbishop remained so mysterious that the observers interpreted the reaction as expressions of sympathy towards ZdK which could  play to openly for tactical reasons.
Unlike Marx, Bishop had Easter then had to accept  some  irreverent criticism, particularly on the Internet portal that is funded by  the German Bishops' Conference. The internal church struggle  is quickly becoming a sniper's duel in Germany. Whoever defends  Catholic doctrine, must dress warmly. Rebels and renegades have occupied numerous key positions for many years, particularly in the official Catholic media. The tragedy of the German Church is also  that the bishops are hedged around by an exclusive church apparatus.
Oster's step will help to clarify the fronts. Six bishops have shown their Catholic color. Others conceal themselves in calculating silence. In Rome it has been noted  what is happening north of the Alps. Many prelates referred simply to  any representatives of the Kasper-proposal summarily as "the Germans".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image:özese Passau / Facebook bishop Easter (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Monday, May 18, 2015

Venice: Art Historian Protests Against "Mosque" in the Church and Calls the Police

Church to Mosque
(Venice) In  ongoing Venice Biennale, unbeknownst to the Patriarchate, a Catholic church was converted into a mosque (see Venice Biennale: Mosque installed in the church - "Invitation to Islamists to Conquer" ). During the Patriarchate protested with explanations,  the Catholic art historian Alessandro Tamburini, professor at the Institute of Religious Studies, engaged in  a far more efficient sign of protest.
The tax-financed "artwork",  a contribution from the Republic of Iceland to the art exhibition, has been used since then  by  the Muslims of the area as a mosque. Moreover, Muslims have usurped the church and "artwork"  and taken control of the building.
The "interaction" is welcomed as an "invitation to dialogue" by the Swiss artist and the Icelandic Minister of Culture. Neither the state nor the Scandinavian artist has expressed a word of apology or regret for the profanation of the Catholic Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia - Catholic churches are in contrast to Islamic mosques consecrated places. The Catholic Church seems to have a fictional duty which is put forward as a  matter of course, that it does not even need a mention.
The Patriarchate raised strong protest against the abuse. The fact that the church has been privately owned since the 1970s, complicates matters and limits the intervention of the competent diocese.

Access with Shoes in the "Art Pavilion" Denied

Inscription Above the Door of the Venetian Church, Which Was Converted into a Mosque
Alessandro Tamburini a religious scholar who is well-known in academic circles religious scholar  wanted to look at the "scandal" in person. At the entrance to the church, recte for "work of art", he was stopped by Muslims and asked to  take off his shoes, because he was setting foot in  "a mosque."  When Tamburini refused because it was not a mosque, but a Catholic church, he was denied entry by the Muslims. Tamburini called the police on the spot and made it  publicly clear that this is an abuse and an attack against the Catholic Church and Its believers.
"Professor Tamburini made his courageous decision as an example of how to react in such situations of more or less veiled attacks against Christianity in the context of legality," said  Messa in Latino .
Tamburini lives in Venice and teaches art history of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Foreign friends had informed him that they were refused entry to the "Icelandic Pavilion" of the Biennale, because they had refused to take off their shoes. Tamburini went on site to his friends and tried to enter the "Pavilion", where he was filming the entire process.

"Is This a Center of Worship? Respect for Whom and What" -  Iceland Refused to Say

"I was denied entry because I refused to take off my shoes. I asked the following question: which is this a center of worship? They agreed and denied me admission, out of respect. I asked, therefore, respect due to whom  and what: Because of the perhaps too expensive carpet? Or because it is an Islamic place of worship? Inside are  praying Muslims apparently. Or because it is a Catholic place of worship? Removing the  shoes is an act of worship. If this is an art pavilion, then this forced  action is severe. Who wants to visit a mosque of cultural or artistic interest in an Islamic country, will be adapted to the necessary rules, conversely, whoever in Italy wants to visit a church. But this can not apply for an art exhibition, which tends to be thought of as a provocation, for which the artist Büchel is indeed well known," said Tamburini.

"What right have Icelanders in Venice to ban access and convert churches into mosques?"

Reporters said Tamburini then: "It is to be rejected and condemned, that the fundamental rights of a citizen of this country can be restricted by Muslims and pseudo artists who encourage surely neither respect nor dialogue but unnecessarily provoke divisions and tensions. The headlines these days in the media speak for themselves: the sharp observations of patriarchy, because a church was converted into a mosque without permission. In addition, I did not know which authority would have the Icelanders to ban Italian or foreign citizens the access to a public place. And what right have the Icelanders to convert a church into a mosque in Venice? Because a mosque is in every respect. Muslims pray in it, forcing their rules keep them occupied in fact. They have already announced plans to celebrate in, Pavilion 'Ramadan. If this place of worship allowed by the prefecture? If the Treasurer informed? The city administration? I called the police and filed a complaint. "

After Protest, the Icelandic Pavilion Director Allowed Shod Access - art historian refuses: "Questions not answered"

Meanwhile, the Muslims have usurped a church with Icelandic assistance "on behalf of the freedom of art" and want to celebrate in Ramadan
After the art historians sharp words, and engaging the police lengthy discussions, the Icelandic director of the "Pavilion" granted Tamburini an "exceptional" permission, and was allowed to wear shoes to enter the building.  "I refused, because it was not just about my rights. Numerous other people  had already been banned access and the same thing would happen to me again. Above all, they refused to respond to my questions: Is this a religion? Respect for what and whom? Because of an obligatory attitude of refusal  they do not encourage dialogue, but provoke and cause division."
Tamburini continued: "We owe respect to  Muslims and the Icelanders, who are guests in our country. I share the opinion of the Patriarchate and can only regret that it is precisely a city like Venice, which has always historically been  a meeting place of different cultures and religious traditions, has become the scene of such a lack of respect for the identity of others, which has happened to us. Respect demands that you first knock on the door before it opens. Icelanders and Muslims have no respect and without asking permission, converted a church into a mosque. On this basis, it is difficult to engage in interreligious dialogue. The pseudo-artists are known for the fact that they do not ask. Islam is well known for the fact that it does not ask for permission. All the more surprising that the Icelanders still promote such an attitude."
Icelanders have the disrespect to convert a  church dedicated in a foreign city in which they are guests, and to transform it into a mosque, but the Icelandic pavilion director refuses to answer  Tamburini's question whether the pavilion is a place of worship and, if so, whose religion. "Because they misuse a Catholic church, therefore a place of worship, they dare not to answer this question, because by what right could they demand respect for a Muslim place of worship, if you have just desecrated a Catholic place of worship," said Tamburini , "I expect that the prefect and the competent public authorities will protect the Italian Constitution and the rights of Italian citizens."
Meanwhile, the art historian is filing a legal complaint against the owner of the church and the organizer of the Biennale.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Milo
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Evil Dominican Tapped For Important Post

Edit: interesting that these appointments are going out over the weekend so people can't comment as readily.

This is almost as hair raising as the Bishop of Rome's retainer of this the predator enabler, Cardinal Daneels.

Even EWTN put their foot down since his violent advocacy for sexual deviancy is so pronounced.

Crux reports:

[Crux] One of the Church’s most controversial theologians, and a strong ally of Pope Francis, was given a boost by the Holy See Saturday.

In a move sure to raise eyebrows among the Church’s traditional guard, Pope Francis named the Rev. Timothy Radcliffe a consultor to the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Vatican announced Saturday.

The head of the Dominican Order for nearly a decade in the 1990s and a professor of theology at Oxford, the English-born Radcliffe has repeatedly challenged Catholic attitudes toward women, gays and lesbians, and the divorced.

Modernist Monk in Collegeville Charged With Crime

Edit: this one will fall into the "Psychologically Well-Adjusted Modern Clergy" category.

It's the first time we know of that a monk from the evil monastery at Collegeville has been charged with a crime.
As usual, the way these stories go, the aberrosexual activism, Modernism and heresy of Collegeville are ignored, but Catholicism is blamed for these well-adjusted clergy.

[Saint Cloud Times] An investigator from the Hastings Police Department served a search warrant last week at St. John's Abbey in connection with the prosecution of former abbey monk Fran Hoefgen.

The investigator was seeking abbey personnel records on Hoefgen, who is accused of abusing an altar boy between 1989 and 1992 when Hoefgen was a priest at a Hastings church.
Hoefgen, 64, is scheduled to stand trial beginning Monday in Dakota County.
Read further:

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Biennale of Venice: Mosque Installed in Church -- "Invitation to Muslims to Conquer"

(Venice) Provocations are the "business" In the context of the Venice Biennale, a bi-annual international art exhibition. For the first time a sacrilege takes place  as part of the Biennale. "A mosque has not yet been added to the more than a thousand-year history of Venice,"  wrote the Venetian daily Il Gazzetino  just  a few days ago. That was yesterday. Today Venice has its first mosque and indeed this coming November 22, in the framework of the Biennale.

Profanation of a Church as "Art" - Koran Verses, Mihrab and Prayer Rugs

The real challenge, however, is that the mosque was set up in a Catholic church, namely in Santa Maria della Misericordia in Cannaregio district. Although the church is closed to worship, it is still a consecrated place of worship. Now, however, it has been desecrated. That the he Church of "Mercy" falls into these calculations may be a coincidence, but it meets with  the so-called "new Mercy", the not uncontroversial keyword of the current pontificate.
In the Church there is everything: the Islamic prayer niche, Arabic panels with Koranic verses, the floor is covered entirely with carpets, including small green prayer rugs facing Mecca. The mihrab, the prayer niche in mosques, was built so that it covers the large crucifix of the church.  The new adaptation of the church is to be disturbed by nothing Christian. On the Baroque façade only the inscription  "Allah u Akbar" is missing.  The original intention was to install it  so it is  visible far and wide. Ultimately fees were waived because the city administration, as they say, had exerted pressure to omit the words.

Mosque installation as a Contribution by the Icelandic Consulate

And who came up with the "brilliant" idea? The mosque in the church was organized by the Icelandic Consulate at the Biennale. Of course, everything strictly covered under "artistic" creativity and under the panacea "artistic freedom".
With the transformation of the church into a mosque, moreover   the Swiss artist, Christoph Büchel, was commissioned by the Lutheran Republic of Iceland. He called his "art concept" The Mosque . According to the official statement the "installation" is to be a "message against Islamophobia."   The only question is why the Catholic Church prefers  victims of such politically correct "messages". The Icelandic Minister of Education, Science and Culture, Illugi Gunnarsson, explained that the idea to bury a mosque in a church is in order "to stimulate dialogue" - as the Minister - which is "open" in Iceland.
Gunnarsson is representative of the Liberal-Conservative Independence Party, which together with the CDU, CSU (Germany) and the ÖVP (Austria) in the International Democratic Union (IDU), in the European Parliament but seated with the British Conservatives and the German AFD in the Group of European Conservatives and Reformers.

Muslim Representatives Enthusiastic about Büchel Installation

Born in Basel,  artist Christoph Büchel has become known mainly through provocations. He is known for "institutional critique", which seems highly unlikely if he accepts government contracts, such as those of the Republic of Iceland. In 2010 Büchel installed "an area for sex culture" in the Vienna Secession. He designed the room in a swingers club. During the day it was visited by museum visitors, and at night   a Viennese Swinger Club moved its horizontal activities in the museum.
Mohamed Amin al-Ahdabd, the president of the Islamic community of venice showed himself to be enthusiastic about the Büchel Initiative in Venice. Amin al-Ahdadb realized, probably before anyone else, the importance of the event. "This project surpasses,  in effect, a hundred conferences on dialogue between cultures," said the Islamic representative.
A mosque is not ordained like the Catholic Church and therefore not a religious building. It is a meeting place that can be intricately designed more or less. In theory, however, any room is suitable  as a mosque. Therefore, the Installation awakened not only the appearance of a mosque, but is for Muslims a mosque, as the zealous prayer activities show.

Patriarchate Protested Against Illegal Use and Profanation of the Church

Although a Catholic church is being utilized for the "dialogue artwork", the responsible Patriarch of Venice, Msgr. Francesco Moraglia was never asked for permission. There is great vexation in the patriarchate. There is talk of "abuse", which is made worse because the Church was not only made available without permission, but was profaned.
Art as a sacrilege? The church has been closed for worship since 1969. However, this does not matter, because the church was never profaned. "The church is closed to worship and is no longer part of the church. It has fallen since 1973 to private ownership,"  says the Patriarchate in an official statement. Nevertheless, it said in the statement, "each usage deviating from the Christian Catholic cult needs permission by the ecclesiastical authority, regardless of who is currently in possession of the church. This permission was neither requested nor granted."
The church of Santa Maria della Misericordia has been  in use since  the year 936, but could be even older. The original church was byzantine in design.  In the 13th century it was renewed church gothic. Around 1650, the Baroque facade was built. In the church are works of Bernini's pupil, Clemente Moli. During the Napoleonic domination, the church was, like many others, desecrated and left to decay. The second half of the 19th century was followed by renovation work. In1890 the church was rededicated and reopened for worship.

Biennale sat down randomly over patriarchy away

Patriarchy was also know that "was asked in February about asking other churches in the city for this mosque installation. The patriarch, however, refused. "was not even asked for the church of Santa Maria della Misercordia. Since there was no permission, the Biennale director set aside the very decision of the diocese. An "act of arbitrariness", says the Patriarchate. The attitude of the Church is not being respected.
The city administration emphasizes that the speech was only an "exhibition", but not by a church. The Directorate of the Biennale tried to pour water on the fire. The "project" it says "was approved as an artistic installation on condition that it was implemented in a exhibition that is accessible for all".
The Patriarchate accuses the city administration of rank superficiality. Such a matter would have "required greater attention in the test phase" and would " be considered and approved not only by its artistic aspect". The patriarchy also directed its criticism at the Biennale in charge: "The decision to use a church closed for cult, does not resolve this issue, as it is still effectively a sacred site, but this was ignored."

Catholic Organizations are Calling for "Immediate Evacuation" - "The Installation Isn't an Invtation to Dialog  but War"

Several Catholic associations and the media have meanwhile demanded the immediate evacuation of the mosque installation and the restoration of the church. "The fact that the art is used as a pretext to justify any ideological profligacy is not news. But the transformation of the church of Santa Maria della Misericordia into a mosque as an artistic expression of the struggle against Islamophobia goes to far.  Only an idiot can seriously think that the conversion of a church into a mosque could be understood as an invitation to dialogue. Rather, it is an invitation to war, the conquest and occupation of the churches and at a time when in several countries there rages a brutal war of Muslims against Christians  and ever day churches are conquered, repossessed and transformed into mosques," said the chief editor of the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana .
The Patriarchate has raised protest. Not only because the matter is contrary to common sense, but because it is against the law. The patriarch would have to grant his permission. He has not granted this permission. He was not even asked. That's why this installation is as if it 'does not exist'. This is noted but it's not enough. Such a provocation can not be dismissed so that they protested one day, but everything stays the way it is. The symbolism is too strong. The Patriarchate should demand the immediate removal of the installation. No ifs and buts. Should the Biennale defend this disgrace and false message, peaceful resistance  should be passed over  for active resistance, such as the way the Veilleurs occupy  a square and a church, or by holding a silent prayer vigils. Everything left as it is, would be to send a signal of unconditional surrender to Islam, which plays into the hands of  the most radical branch of Islam. It doesn't change the matter when th entire thing is packed as  "artistic"and "on behalf of the freedom of art" happens,  because these do not interest the Islamists in the least.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Nuova Bussola Quotidiana / Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Are Swiss Catholics Still Catholic? Bishops' Conference Again Publishes Core Document by Tendentious Institute

Controversial Core Document of the Swiss Bishops in
(Zurich) Cristina Vonzun, editor of the daily newspaper Giornale del Popolo for  Italian-speaking Switzerland, told the Catholic weekly magazine Tempi, why there is a gap between what the majority of Swiss Catholics think and what the magisterium says. The daily newspaper  51 percent the property of the Diocese of Lugano.
"The exclusion of remarried divorcees from the sacraments must cease"; "The sponsorship of gays and lesbians must be possible in the Church"; "The Holy Family is by no means an ideal example", such similar and the like are the opinions of Swiss Catholics, mainly German-speaking Catholics have reached the ear of the media. 6,000 have participated in numerous dialogue sessions in preparation for the Synod of Bishops in the autumn.
The occasion was the questionnaire, which was sent by the Synod Secretariat to all Bishops' Conferences. The Swiss Bishops' Conference handed it on to all the faithful in order to obtain the "widest possible" mood. The procedure is not without controversy. Among the participants were many church functionaries who often informed the discussion. Faithful Catholics have been marginalized for decades and stay away from official church activities.

Controversial Pastoral Sociological Institute Authored Core Document of the Swiss Bishops' Conference for Synod

In total 570 submissions were received, which were summarized in a "core document", which was transmitted by the Episcopal Conference to the Vatican. This corresponds to the Synod of Bishops in 2014.
Bishop Markus Büchel: has established the SPI  in his diocese
 In 2014   the Swiss Pastoral Sociological Institute (SPI) of the Swiss Bishops' Conference got  in the headlines. Philip Good, deputy chief editor of the Weltwoche accused the Institute of having distorted the Vatican's survey  by tendentious questions "in a political statement against the official Vatican doctrine."  SPI questions  were suggestively reformulated and additional questions for acceptance of homosexuality  and other issues were arbitrarily inserted in open contradiction to the Catholic marriage and morality. The Bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder, then addressed the Core Document of the Bishops' Conference earlier by publishing a document on his own, which significantly differed from the Core Document. Despite the  allegation of manipulation, the Bishops' Conference retained  SPI and has commissioned it in 2015 again to write the Swiss unit report to Rome. The result was actually clear from the beginning.
The Swiss Pastoral Sociological Institute has its seat in the diocese of Sankt Gallen, whose  Bishop is Markus Büchel, President of the Swiss Bishops' Conference.
38 percent, the majority of Swiss are Roman Catholic. 26 percent are reformed, 22 percent are no religion, 6 percent belong to other Christian denominations, 5 percent are Muslims, 1 percent belong to other religions, 0.25 percent are Jewish, 2 percent offered no details in the   2013 census of the Federal Statistical Office.

"Protestant Influence and Decades of Secularisation"

The majority of the Swiss population is still Catholic. But if you read the report of the Episcopal Conference, there seems to be a Catholicism that is very different from the one that is taught in the Catechism.
The report speaks mainly of "wider appreciation, enjoying the ideals of marriage proclaimed by the Church  of marriage and family". However, he also emphasized that there are "limits in the implementation".
But there are significant differences between the Swiss document and the Magisterium of the Church to almost all thorny issues which are dealt with by the Synod.
On various issues, the gap is clearly visible, but this is not an exclusive phenomenon of Switzerland. This applies to the entirety of central and northern European Catholicism.
What are the reasons in Switzerland?
Over the years, the phenomenon has developed mainly north of the Alps. I think that the Protestant influence felt here, for example, where the Reformed Church's Canton approves the blessing of homosexual couples. But the main problem is that decades of secularization that lead to this gap between the believed Catholic values,  the practical life and to the privatization of faith. The faith is not recognized as a real thing, but only on a personal level. A third motive is the increasing  pressure on the family and which may lead to a failure of a marriage.
The present socio-economic conditions, including the intense working hours, put family living in distress and complicate married life. Especially if the couples are alone and have no one who shows them a path of faith.
The consequences can then be read in the report of the Episcopal Conference.
Yes, if it has to be said, then the report came about in a special way. These are the opinions of about 6,000 Catholic men and women. In Switzerland, there are three million Catholics. The are no surveys that accurately reflect the views of the Swiss Catholics.
Are you saying that it was poorly done?
I think it reflects the trend of what the majority of Swiss Catholics think, especially German-speaking Switzerland. But it is not a real survey, but a free questionnaire.  Whoever wants, participates. Many did not take part and so we do not know their opinion and they will never know. The document is, however,  which can not be denied, the prevailing view again, which is why its publication has caused no particular reactions. This is the majority tendency, but by no means the only one. There are many Catholics who  live the ideal of marriage entirely.  The truth is that Switzerland is very complex.
What does that mean?
There are different linguistic and cultural realities. This report is primarily the reality of German-speaking Switzerland again, less those of Welsch Switzerland and Italian-speaking Switzerland. Here in Ticino, for example, the tendency is clearly another.
Why can you say that?
The Giornale del Popolo has evaluated a wide range of responses from Ticino Catholics and has additionally not found a trace of a demanding tone of voice or of opinions which would be contrary to the Church's magisterium. The focus of the answers are very different: the concern for couples who live alone in their surroundings without the possibility of living in common in the faith; even the question of how relations between older and younger families can be effected.
And the question of admission of remarried divorcees to the sacraments?
Also, there are no clear demand. The divorcees who have responded to the questionnaire said that they are going on a journey of faith in the Church and feel comfortable in their parishes. Regarding the communion for divorced and remarried, some expressed  hope  that the Synod could allow for a personalized way of penance approved by the Bishop for individual cases. In this respect, it much resembles the proposal of Cardinal Kasper.
Do the Swiss bishops think like the majority of their faithful?
The document was not written by the bishops, but are a sociological reading by the Swiss Pastoral Sociological Institute in St. Gallen (SPI) again. Our bishops think like bishops loyal to the pope, to the Magisterium and on the way to the synod.
Introduction: Giuseppe Nardi
Interview: Tempi / translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Tempi / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Vatican Recognizes Palestinian State

Edit: it will be interesting to see how Israel reacts, which had increasingly friendly relations with John Paul II's Papacy throughout the eighties.

[The Blaze] The treaty, which concerns the activities of the Catholic Church in Palestinian territory, makes clear that the Holy See has switched its diplomatic recognition from the Palestine Liberation Organization to the state of Palestine.

The Vatican had welcomed the decision by the U.N. General Assembly in 2012 to recognize a Palestinian state. But the treaty is the first legal document negotiated between the Holy See and the Palestinian state and constitutes official diplomatic recognition.

“Yes, it’s a recognition that the state exists,” said the Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi.