Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A Photographic Comparison --- Urbi et Orbi: Easter 2010 and Easter 2015

Photo Comparison of Urbi et Orbi
 (Rome) The Italian journalist Antonio Socci, known for his book "Non è Francesco" (He is not Francis), in which he questions the legality of the papal election, published a comparison of two photographs of the image service of the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano.
They each show identical perspectives from St. Peter's Square at the blessing Urbi et orbi by Pope Benedict XVI at Easter 2010, and by Pope Francis for Easter 2015. These two years were chosen by Socci because the same weather conditions were present. At both Easter Sunday it was raining heavily in Rome.
One can question the usefulness of such a comparison. More should take care not to try to interpret into it too much.The pictures should speak for themselves.
The comparison may recommend  that  the nexus of attraction because of the "openness"  is stage managed in connection with the ruling Argentine Pope, while during the tenure of Pope Benedict XVI., they moderately campaigned representing the Pope as a "minus", indeed an obstacle to the Church, who is supposed to have deterred believers and those interested because "conservative."

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Antonio Socci (Facebook)/vatican.va
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

The Pope and the Transgender --- Scandal or No Scandal?

Transexual Receiving Communion at Prison Liturgy
(Rome) "The Pope and the transsexual", is how the media similarly described  the Holy Thursday liturgy of Pope Francis in the Roman prison Regina Coeli. On the first day of the Triduum Paschale, the Pope again followed his practice of having deserted the liturgically provided cathedral church of Rome and went to the "margins".
This year the Pope visited the Roman prison Regina CoeliHe washed the feet  of male and female prisoners and celebrated in the "Lord's Supper" in the prison hall.

Vatican Television rendered images all over the world

Among the prisoners, whose feet the Pope washed, there was also a transsexual. He then also received Holy Communion from  another priest. The Pope's visit was accompanied by numerous television cameras that transmitted the Liturgy on  Vatican Television and on other television stations around the world.
The sight was for pious Catholic, and perhaps unbelievers, a scandal.  "At first glance", the most famous of Catholic bloggers, Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña did not make it out.  De la Cigoña is known for his direct language and has already even criticized Pope Francis "with respect for his office  and  his dignity."

In prison one  meets the prisoners

"The Pope has celebrated the Last Supper  in prison. There are even murderers, robbers, pedophiles, cheaters, rapists, prostitutes ... " The Pope could not count on anything else "and we could expect nothing less in a prison."
"This time it was just a transsexual offender. Is it worse than a pedophile, rapist or murderer?  Innocent convicts are rarely found in a prison," said de la Cigoña. The Church doesn't go on the Penal Code, but the soul of man. " The transsexual has been excommunicated? Can they not be pardoned for  sin? Even a transsexual can become a saint."

Transsexuals are not the problem, but the impression

"It has even me, a little astonished," said de la Cigoña, "that one of the persons whom the Pope washed in prison, is a transsexual." But Jesus washed the feet of Judas Iscariot. The problem was not that person or other offenders. The question is whether those who were invited for Communion, were in a state of grace. However, the Church doesn't require a statement of confession. Why would they need one in a prison?
Precisely because of this connection: penitence, confession, contrition, forgiveness are not conditions for receiving Holy Communion and even faithful Catholics often are familiar with the scandal of the offense of images from prison that were carried into all the world. The Church has helped sinners at all times. She  has done well, not to broadcast certain things  out loud. Not to excite or give offense, but to avoid confusion. "We do not know what happened in the prison. But the wrong impression, however, should always  be avoided: all were able to unconditionally receive the Lord."
We are in a period in which the gender ideology and the homosexualization are imposed by force, nor is this a  question of whether there was an accidental or deliberate play with gestures and pictures. Someone had chosen those who were to be admitted to the washing of the feet, like two years ago someone had selected prisoners of various religions in youth prison in Rome. It is difficult to accept that it was done without consultation with the Vatican.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: La Cigueña de la Torre
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Rome Informed by Nunciature --- Till Now No Reaction to Illicit Ordination

Bishop Williamson and Jean-Michel Faure, Dressed
as a Bishop
(Brasilia / Rome) This past March 19th, Bishop Richard Williamson, who is excluded from the SSPX, has confected an illicit episcopal ordination in Brazil. The Nunciature in Brazil informed the Vatican in advance. To date, it has not received any response from Rome.
Even before the consecration took place, Msgr. Gouvêa Mattoso Edney, Bishop of the Diocese of Nova Friburgo, informed the clergy and faithful in his diocese in a pastoral letter informed and invited them not to participate in any way in the illicit consecration.
At the same time the Brazilian Diocese informed the Apostolic Nunciature about the illicit episcopal ordination by the "British Bishop Richard Williamson" in the convent of Santa Cruz. The Nunciature immediately passed  the report to the Vatican.
As the Brazilian press agency Estadao reported, no response was given to the Nunciature "from the representatives of the Catholic Church" in Rome and there has been no reaction to date on the diocese message.
Bishop Williamson also consecrated the  priest Jean-Michel Fauré without the permission of the Pope as Bishop. The Fraternity founded by Archbishop Lefebvre distanced himself by the illegitimate episcopal ordination of their former brethren.
As Secretum meum mihi reported, meanwhile, Fauré has offered his first priestly ordination on Saturday as a bishop and has ordained a monk, André Zelaya as a priest.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana

April Fool's Joke and Serious --- Good Friday Processions in Paris and Munich

Pope Francis Blesses Political Stunt Prop
(Paris / Munich) From April Fool's back to serious. As a number of readers immediately realized  that the report on the Prohibition of the Good Friday processions was an April Fools joke. The French Blog Salon Beige wanted to illustrate the latent to open aversion shown by the French Government against Christianity in a joke. A serious issue was packaged into a joke.
At  several Parisian parishes, Good Friday processions are held as usual again this year.
So back to serious. Tomorrow is Good Friday, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, the most influential supporter of the Kasper theses among the diocesan bishops is leading the Good Friday procession in Munich. He will wear the so-called "Lampedusa Cross", which was made on the Italian Mediterranean island to bring attention to the "fate of asylum seekers." This was announced by the archbishop's press office  yesterday.

Cardinal Marx's politically correct Good Friday procession

In July 2013, the island of Lampedusa was thrown in the spotlight when Pope Francis made his first trip abroad there.
The "Lampedusa Cross" is made of two planks of a ship, with which immigrants from North Africa came to the island, which belongs to Italy.  Lampedusa is off the coast of Tunisia and is the first destination of migrant vessels coming today mainly from Libya to bring illegal immigrants to Europe. Lampedusa is the first place where the arrivals are first received by the Italian Government  before being sent to  Sicily or the European continent.
The 60 kg cross was made by the carpenter Franco Tuccio of Lampedusa and shown to Pope Francis on April of 2014 at St. Peter's Square and blessed by him. It is apparently the symbol of a "spiritual relay race". "Whoever requests it,  gets it," said Emmanuele Vai, Casa dello Spirito, Director of the Foundation e dell'Arte, which supports the action.

"Lampedusa Syndrome"

Cardinal Marx and the Cross
Cardinal Marx thus leads a "crossroads of peoples", who are gathered in "the various linguistic and ethnic groups", said the press office of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising. The motto of the Good Friday procession is "I was a stranger, and ye took me in." It will provide the focus,  on the "often life-threatening exodus of asylum seekers."
In Italy, critics speak of a "Lampedusa syndrome", which had been introduced into the political debate. In this escapees and refugees would be interwoven with migration and migrants and generalized into the extreme example of immigrants in fragile boats in  distress off Lampedusa and stylized into a symbol that serves as a taboo for the immigration debate in Europe.
In reality, distress tragedies - thank God - even off Lampedusa, are a rarity. In addition,  only a tiny part of Europe's immigration comes by sea to Lampedusa. It is therefore inappropriate to give the impression to make Lampedusa a synonym for millions of migrants to Europe.

"The Cardinal always has the pulse of the times and the State"

Cardinal Marx thus puts the accent on Good Friday by manipulating a politically-correct issue. "The Cardinal  always has the pulse of the times and the State," said a Bavarian canon, who wishes to remain anonymous, with an ambiguous smile. "He's  taken a heavy cross to bear" in reference to the weight of Lampedusa Cross. 
The SSPX spoke in connection with the Pope's visit to Lampedusa 2013 of a "slant-progressive simplification" of a complex issue.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Famiglia Cristiana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

BREAKING NEWS! Cardinal Nichols Changes His Tone!

As many of our readers know, Cardinal Nichols of Westminster isn’t always the most honest, tasteful, or concise member of the College of Cardinals, and recently many of his priests have offered him a vote of no confidence by publishing a letter in which they demand that the next Synod in Rome remain firm on doctrine. (You can read about the letter and his Eminence’s response thereto here.) Such a response is not surprising insofar as the Holy Father has now opened the floodgates for public debate and thereby granted conservatives and traditionalists license to imitate their liberal brethren by publicly airing their minds. Happily, it happens that Cardinal Nichols has now himself learnt a lesson from the priests of his diocese who were bold enough to sign the letter and has in fact changed his tone. In October last year, Nichols published a pastoral letter in which he speaks of the Synod approvingly and with relish. (It may be read here.) Now it seems his Eminence has learnt something of the preconciliar art of concision, precision, and brevity, and publicly changed his mind by publishing a revision, which may be read below. 

The full, revised text of Cardinal Vincent Nichols’ Pastoral Letter is as follows:

To all our brethren and spiritual subjects in Christ, both laics and clerks:

During this season of Lent wherein our holy Mother the Church ever exhorts her children unto increased vigilance, prayer, and penance, our grief and sadness compel us to make known unto you, dear brethren, the machinations of the recent Extraordinary Synod of Bishops held in Rome on the theme of the tribulations afflicted upon the family in these foul days of ours. Although fain would we have abstained from such a conventicle of many who have fallen from the sweetness of truth, duty bade us stay and offer unto God the sacrifices of a heart contrite and pierced by the infidelity of so many of our fellow churchmen.

As you have heard or read, many of the Synod fathers were intent upon changing the teaching of the Church (which God forbid!) on marriage and family life. Such, alas, is the case. Superficially, the enemies of truth discussed questions of ‘pastoral care’ that the Church with maternal solicitude ever owes to repentant sinners. Such was all for the good. The primal error afflicting nearly all, however, was the intentionally willed ambiguity whereby almost none distinguished between the repentant and the unrepentant. Whereas the Church must always offer care for the sick of soul, that she might cure the spiritually infirm all the more, from time to time she must rebuke the proud and prod the unrepentant to turn and believe. The universal call to repentance was, we must report, sadly lacking from the Synod Fathers, especially those from Germany. Such widespread lack of faith, is especially disheartening as we consider the ever increasing number of listless souls for whom Christ died, yet who know him not; or who know him, yet love him not.

You may also have heard that the Holy Father was disappointed at the Synod’s outcome. At present, we are not altogether sure what the Supreme Pontiff’s attitude towards the Synod proceedings were or whether he was satisfied with its work. We were, however, taken aback at his refusal or at least unwillingness to reveal his own mind as to what precisely he would have done.

At Synod’s end, Pope Francis spoke at length about his joy, satisfaction, and frustration with its work. He told the assembled Fathers to take to heart how Divine Providence had touched the Synod through its proceedings, and to see how we may have been tempted to reject the promptings of the Holy Ghost. The Synod, he insisted, must needs be a spiritual journey, not a debating chamber. Yet debating is so often all we did. Our “journey” was nothing but a facile glance and glib perusal at some of the trials afflicting the family in the contemporary world. With the desultoriness of chimpanzees, certain speakers moved from topics like concubinage, polygamy, and whoring, to fornication, adultery, and even the sin against nature, with seemingly little cognizance that for sins such as these, innumerable sinners fail to attain salvation. The vagueness of the proceedings and the sins it refused to name was, at times, intolerable.

In the course of the proceedings, the Synod Fathers contributed to the veritable deluge of mindless dribble that passes these days for so-called ‘magisterial’ texts, which seek to appease all by saying little. By the end, it seems, the German revisionists and their allies had hit their mark and drafted the 'Synod Report' on which the Synod Fathers voted, paragraph by paragraph. Quite simply, the votes indicate the gap between the many who have rejected the faith once delivered and those who have remained firm. Unfortunately, this Report now constitutes the matrix from which will emerge the next Synod to be held this October on the predictably ambiguous theme of 'The Vocation and Mission of the Family Today'.

At the end of the Synod, in his closing address, Pope Francis said this: 'Dear brothers and sisters, now we still have one year to mature, with true spiritual discernment, the proposed ideas and find concrete solutions to so many difficulties and innumerable challenges that families must confront; to give answers to the many discouragements that surround and suffocate families......May the Lord accompany us and guide us in this journey for the glory of His Name.'

That, apparently, is what our loyalty to the Supreme Pontiff requires of us in this present moment. It is our earnest hope, in the meanwhile, to exhort you, faithful souls, during this Lenten season to join your hearts and minds to our Crucified Lord, stretched and nailed, rejected, dying, and alone, who is offered in every Mass and ever present in the Blessed Sacrament, that he avert from us the full measure of the Father’s wrath stirred up by the willful impenitence of wretched and degenerate men who prefer the path of perdition to peace.

With our Apostolic Benediction, we remain

Yours devotedly,
X Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"No Mercy Without Truth" -- Cardinal Müller on the Holy Year and the Synod of Bishops

Prefect Müller:  There are no secret pathways or shortcuts to
(Rome) The proclaimed by Pope Francis extraordinary Holy Year of Charity begins next December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception Virgin Mary. "The Holy Year is to serve the people to remember that mercy can not be without the truth," said Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation. Man and the Church "are often tempted to separate one from the other," the cardinal said.
The love of God is closely bound up with the truth. The same applies to the so-called broken families, those who are in an irregular situation. They need  the attention of the Church,  not in new pastoral ways, but by the truth.  Cardinal Müller led a discussion with the Italian news agency ANSA about the upcoming Holy Year. Cardinal Müller belonged to the most ardent defenders at the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops last October, of the Catholic teaching on marriage. In preparation for the Ordinary Synod of Bishops on the family next October,  he  always returns to take a position on the world stage for the sacrament of marriage as it has been taught by the Church of Christ and how this is why the Church has taught it  for almost 2000 years.

God does not intervene to "keep everything as it is"

In an interview with ANSA, said the cardinal,  the extraordinary Holy Year must "include all." God loves, "as he intervenes in history through His grace." But this is not just a "favor" as the cardinal used the Latin expression. So this is not just a favor- or proof of sympathy, a privilege or an acknowledgment. God does not grab one, "to let everything be as it is", but that the people "experience a renewal, a conversion, so we ever renew our hearts and truly change our lives. Therefore, we must remember also in the Holy Year, that we can not speak of mercy without truth," said Cardinal Prefect Müller.
In view of the Synod of Bishops in October, the German cardinal added that this also applies to the family. "We must accept  all,  especially sinners, because we are all sinners, but according to the instructions of God and not by human considerations. Because sometimes people see things a little differently as God sees them."

"We can not preach the resurrection without the cross"

It was important to show that there "is still sacramental marriage" and that the lifelong, indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman is not only possible, it will be a boon for both spouses and their offspring. "The mercy of God accepts us as we are, but it will not leave us as it finds us," said Cardinal Müller.
Always with a view to the forthcoming Synod of Bishops, in the interest particularly to the question of communion being valid for the divorced and remarried, the cardinal said that the goal of any intervention of divine grace is "salvation", and the  path to repentance. "We can not preach the resurrection without the cross. There is no second or third way," said the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, who made it to be understood so that there can be no short cuts on these topics or abbreviations.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Radiosanmartin
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Vigil for the Feast of Blessed Charles of Austria, an Inspiration and a Hope

Edit: we have a devotion to Blessed Charles, and a hope for the restoration of a Catholic America.
Born August 17, 1887, in the Castle of Persenbeug in the region of Lower Austria, his parents were the Archduke Otto and Princess Maria Josephine of Saxony, daughter of the last King of Saxony. Emperor Francis Joseph I was Charles’ Great Uncle. 
Charles was given an expressly Catholic education and the prayers of a group of persons accompanied him from childhood, since a stigmatic nun prophesied that he would undergo great suffering and attacks would be made against him. That is how the “League of prayer of the Emperor Charles for the peace of the peoples” originated after his death. In 1963 it became a prayer community ecclesiastically recognized. 
A deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus began to grow in Charles. He turned to prayer before making any important decisions.
Link to nobility.org....

Jacobins to Punish French Bishop for Daring to Describe Abortion in Accurate Terms

Edit: Hollande's France really is fast becoming a joke unto itself.
His Excellency, Bishop Luc Ravel,a Catholic bishops in the French Military Ordinariate is to be "punished" by the French Ministry of Defense, for his writings. He has also been told to cease using any emblems identifying himself with the army. The bishop apparently in his words and actions, contradicts "republican values". No doubt, as a good Catholic he does. But then, so did the thousands who were slaughtered by the Revolution... 

The bishop wrote: 

"...Christians feel shackled between two ideologies. On the one hand an ideology that is a caricature of God, which has contempt for man. On the other hand, an ideology that manipulates man, despising God. On the one hand, we have those who are declared and known: the terrorists of the bomb, the Prophet's avengers. On the other hand, we have terrorists of thought, the proponents of secularism, the admirers of the Republic. In what camp is a Christian to find himself"?  

"We do not want to be held hostage by Islamists, but we also do not want to be slaves of correct thought. Islamic ideology has led to 17 victims in France, but the ideology of thinking correctly [political correctness] creates annually two hundred thousand victims in the womb of the mother.Abortion has become a fundamental right and a weapon of mass destruction "

Link to source... 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Victim of Modernist Abbey's Prior Died by Own Hand

Edit: there's so much that's wrong with this place, it's sometimes hard to know where to begin, and it's difficult to understand why nothing has been done. In most other parts of the world and walks of life, if there were  individuals devoted to a profession, a vocation, no matter how hallowed their institution was, who did not act according to the standards of their profession, its best practices and guidelines, hopefully, society would respond by correcting violations  of the rules by disciplinary, and even criminal proceedings.  But imagine if  a doctor violated ethical rules surrounding his practice and even broke laws? What if that doctor willfully murdered his patients and society did nothing to stop him?  That would indeed be a very corrupt and degraded society.

St. John's Abbey in Collegeville is a place where the spirit of the rules adumbrated by the Rule of the founder of the order of St. Benedict are routinely ignored,  but they're not content to ignore the rules, they vitiate them as well.  As for the dogmas of the Catholic Faith, these are routinely held in scorn by the monks through their public witness and their impudence and disobedience.  It's doubtful that the Masses said there are licit, they have often been blasphemous.

In contrast to the obedient and chaste Franciscans of the Immaculate, who have been going through their own Golgotha, and are charged with no known infractions of their own charters and rules, or any ethical violations, (Indeed, it's their Commissar, Father Fidenzio Volpe, who has broken Italian law by slandering the Manelli family.)   St. John's Abbey has a sickening catalog of sins, heresies, abuses and criminal acts of the most wicked kind.

Yet despite the public nature of the scandal surrounding St. John's Abbey, there is no visitor being sent, no coadjutor appointed.  St. John's Abbey is "in good standing".

We heard about this in mid-February, and have just now gotten around to putting it here.   A young man who attended the high school run by these "Benedictines" has killed himself, and the man who abused him is the Prior of the Abbey.  (The accusation was very solid by the way, since the Predator Prior wrote love letters to his victim.) What that poor young man described as a "culture of hypocrisy" thrives on in its festering malignancy, as reported on January 23rd of this year by the Pine Curtain. (The man's untimely death was announced in a warning to Kettler residents whose children were to be attending an event at St. John's Abbey.)

Despite all the time that's past, we haven't heard much about this, nothing has happened.

Father Tom Andert is not only a priest in good standing, but he's the Prior of St. John's Abbey.  It's arguably one of the least Catholic places in the world.

Josh Guimond is also still missing.

Bishops' Synod: Is Kasper's Star Sinking?

Is the Star of Cardinals Kasper and Marx Sinking?
(Rome) Cardinal Walter Kasper OR Cardinal Carlo Caffarra? "Even Pope Francis is distancing himself from the first and moving closer to the second.  And holding on to Cardinal Müller. And promoting the African, Sarah. All are resolute defenders of the Catholic teaching on marriage." With these words, the Vatican expert Sandro Magister introduces his latest analysis of the upcoming Synod of Bishops on marriage and family.
Magister is one of the most attentive observers of Rome.  Is there a reversal taking place in Rome? Is a door being flung open, which will now be closed again? In time? Or too late? Magister does not identify the reasons for an apparent shift in the attitude of Pope Francis.
The fact is that the statements of the President of the German Bishops' Conference (DBK), Reinhard Cardinal Marx, at a press conference on 26 February to the end of the DBK Spring Assembly were not only criticized by CDF Prefect Gerhard Cardinal Müller, but by completely "unsuspected" high and highest Church representatives, including those in the circle of  Pope Francis. Whether it is something personally felt by the Pope, is not known.
Cardinal Marx established a blatant schism threat as leverage to force the forthcoming Synod of Bishops of him and Cardinal Kasper formulated "opening" to the admission of remarried divorcees to Communion and the recognition of homosexuality. Since not the Synod, but the Pope makes decisions following the Synod, the threat was ultimately the Pope. It is therefore in early March, Santa Marta have come to a vociferous displeasure outbreak of a Latin American Pope's confidant in the presence of Francis.
Here's the official translation from Magister's site. 

Synod Exchange: Kasper falling, rising Caffarra

by Sandro Magister
ROME, March 20, 2015 – “This does not resolve anything,” Pope Francis has said with regard to the idea of giving communion to the divorced and remarried. Much less if they “want” it, demand it. Because communion “is not a badge, a decoration. No.”

In his latest big interview Jorge Mario Bergoglio threw cold water on the expectations for substantial change in the doctrine and practice of Catholic marriage, which he himself had indirectly fostered:

Los primeros dos años de la “Era Francisco” en entrevista a Televisa

 “Overblown expectations,” he called them. With no more references to the innovative theses of Cardinal Walter Kasper, which he had repeatedly extolled in the past but now seems to be keeping at a distance. On the other hand, for some time now Pope Francis has looked with growing attention and esteem at another cardinal theologian, who upholds ideas on the “Gospel of marriage” that are perfectly in line with tradition: the Italian Carlo Caffarra, archbishop of Bologna.

As a professor of moral theology, Caffarra was a specialist in marriage, family, procreation. And this is why John Paul II wanted him at the head of the pontifical institute for studies on marriage and the family that he created in 1981 at the Lateran university, following the 1980 synod dedicated precisely to these themes. So a stir was created last October by the exclusion of any representative of that institute - which since its foundation has spread all over the world - from the first session of the synod on the family. But now this gap has been filled, because last March 14 Pope Francis appointed among the advisers of the general secretariat of the second and last session of the synod, scheduled for October of this year, none other than the vice-president of the pontifical John Paul II institute for studies on marriage and the family, Professor José Granados."In order to solve anything," said Pope Francis in relation to the idea of ​​giving communion to divorced and remarried.  Especially not when they "want," they say.  For the Communion is not "a cockade, an award. No." 

[Continued at link below]
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo / MiL / Caffarra.it / portals Famiglia

Link to Sandro Magister...

Link to Katholisches for German translation...


Sunday, March 29, 2015

It's Official, Bishop of Albenga-Imperia Stripped of His Powers

Edit: we reported on this on October 23rd, citing from Katholisches and Messa in Latino, and here in January 22nd.  Rorate just confirmed it:

What was predicted by Italian media in October last year, as reported by Rorate at the time, has taken place exactly as foretold: Msgr. Mario Oliveri, 71, the exceptionally Traditionalist-friendly Bishop of Albenga-Imperia, has been stripped of all powers and is now Ordinary of the diocese in name only.
The appointment of his Coadjutor Bishop, Guglielmo Borghetti, was announced on January 10, but the full extent of the powers given to him was not reported at that time.

This has now been publicized thanks to a series of articles in the Italian media and blogosphere in the last few days. The full text of the bull appointing Msgr. Borghetti was read out to the Consultors of the Diocese on March 25, and published on the diocesan website (h/t Messa in Latino). The bull specifies that he is nominated Coadjutor Bishop "with special faculties" consisting of no less than the same jurisdiction that a diocesan bishop has according to Canon 381 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law.  

The new Coadjutor Bishop himself confirmed to the Italian news agency ANSA that he now has full powers. ANSA also mentions that "the priests who attended his first celebration in the seminary have expressly said that for the Diocese of Albenga 'begins a Copernican revolution.'"

Read the full report here...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

A Requiem For a Monarchy

Edit: it wasn't Sarum though! It's not the end of the world, but one of the occasional commenters has suggested that the Franciscans who originally buried Richard, would have used the Roman Missal. Perhaps Richard would have been more involved in Liturgy if the choice were left to him, and we balk a bit at Father Simon's suggestion that concern for the Sarum Rite is also a vote for a hobby like historical renacticism, but it sounds like this was a wonderful and holy event attended by the local people, many of whom weren't Catholic, and got to see the Mass of All Ages, celebrating one of England's mighty Scions.

[Offerimus Tibi] Thought I'd post some photos of Mass last night - our Requiem for King Richard III. There was a great turnout, with people coming from across the Pennines in Yorkshire, local folk who had heard about it but were not Catholics and members of the Richard III Society, as well as LMS members and parishioners. After Mass - with full Umph! from organist David-Scott-Thomas - we all thoroughly enjoyed singing a rousing rendition of Jerusalem! Followed by a themed buffet with such tasty morsels as Yorkshire pudding with venison sausage or duck in port sauce, Pye of pork meat made with paest royall, Ribbes of beef, Quail eggs and roasted chicken calf. So together with Traditional Latin Mass and good food and wine, we felt that we gave King Richard a properly Catholic send off. This was rather the point of the exercise, as my own stand is that wherever he was re-interred, it should really have been in a Catholic setting. He lived as a Catholic (including whatever sins he may - or may not have committed) he died as a Catholic and was exhumed from a Catholic burial site.

Please see the photos:


Tears Because of the New "Sobriety" in the Pilgrimage Church of Muxia

(Madrid) On Christmas Day, the 25 December 2013 the Sanctuary of the Marian Shrine Virxe da Barca was burned down in the far west of Spain.  With tears in their eyes believers are lamenting "winner!" for the restoration of their Marienkirche   (Faro de Vigo) was carried out.
The Marian Shrine is located on the Costa da Morte, the Galician coast of death, which is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. During a storm a lightening bolt hit the church of the Nativity of Jesus Christ.
For many, the Santiago de Compostela pilgrimage church is yet another step to Finis terrae to achieve and the Atlantic Ocean. The pilgrimage church dates back to the 11th century. Marian devotion there is of still an older date, which is why Muxia is considered one of the "oldest and most important pilgrimage sites in Galicia".
High altar before  the fire

Where the Mother of God appeared to the Apostle James

According to popular piety, the Mother of God appeared to the Apostle James  here. The apostle had retired here at the extreme end of the known world to pray. He had fallen into deep sadness because of the people who did not want to put away their paganism. It was then he had discovered a boat in the distance in the sea which came closer and closer. Finally he managed to recognize the Virgin Mary, who brought him comfort and straightened him to continue his missionary work. Hence the name "Virgin of the Boat."
It was the Benedictine monks of the former,  nearby Abbey of San Julián de Moraime and the pilgrims who built the Mother of God, the present church. The miraculous image of the Virgin is attributed to the 15th century. By 1700 the sanctuary was in the Baroque style.

Popular piety shows other needs

The destruction
Now believers are complaining about the new "look" that has appeared in the church after the fire. They did so most recently, loudly at the Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela, Maroño Victor.  The repair cost around 740,000 euros. Mayor Felix Porto, himself a critic of the restoration, could hardly calm tempers. 
The faithful do not like the new "sobriety". Popular piety shows other needs. The magnificent high altar, built in 1717 by Miguel de Romay  in the style of the Spanish Baroque was completely destroyed by fire. Some side altars were partly saved. The miraculous image also remained  intact, which is shown only on feast days in solemn procession, while there was a replica on the high altar.
The Blessed Mother was visited throughout the centuries by countless women who want children.

Church Crisis With Iconoclasm in Train?

The statue
Just a month before the fire rennovations had been completed. They had become necessary for structural reasons. In particularly stormy seas waves   directly wash upon the sanctuary. Recently, this happened in 2005, a few days after the fire.The salt water had attacked the bearing masonry as it was then reported.
Opinions differ about "sobriety", not only since the Calvinist iconoclasm of the 16th century. Iconoclastic relapses took place in the East in the 8th / 9th Centuries, which are interpreted as a response to the ban on images in Islam. Popular piety also differs from people to people. What is too much for one already, may be too little for others.  The Church respects these expressions of different people's souls.
A Calvinist / Baptist contempt of images has also won the upper hand in some diocese and monasteries of the German-speaking world. Required Restorations are a popular gate of entry to present the faithful with the surprising "sober" facts.  The art and cultural critic, Francesco Colafemmina who examined the phenomenon seen in the modern emptying of Churches, sees a metaphor for  inner emptiness and thus an expression of the current crisis of faith and Church.

"Our Lady does not deserve this"

The ancient glass windows remained
"Our Lady does not deserve this." The believers said this and much more to the Vicar General and the architects who had come with him to Muxia. Mayor Porto finally made himself the mouthpiece of the population: "What we want is a high altar, which is worthy for Our Mother of the Boat." Pastor Manuel Linero "suffers the most," under the new situation, the mayor said. He, too, was not included in the renovation project.
The Sanctuary of the Virgin Mother of God "belongs to the Church, but it also belongs to every house in Muxia and every single person here," said the mayor. Generation after generation of inhabitants of Muxia and thousands of pilgrims have supported the church through the centuries with their donations and foundations. This must be respected, says Felix Porto.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / Diario galego / Luisde-Panoramio
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Cardinal Müller: "Diocese Are Not Branches of the Bishops' Conference"

Prefect of the CDF after recent statements of DBK-President Marx: "The President of the Episcopal Conference is no more than a technical presenter, this title is not linked to any specific teaching authority."

Vatican (kath.net) The claim that a Bishop's Conference was "not a branch of Rome", "gives me the cue to remind you that the dioceses are not branches of the Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference or [branches of] the diocese, whose bishop President of the Bishops' Conference is." This was Gerhard Müller Cardinal (photo), Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, for the Catholic French magazine, Famille Chrétienne. He had been previously asked what he thought of a statement "where a German bishop had stated that the Bishops' Conference, which he was presiding, was no "branch of Rome," he was referring to remarks by Reinhard Cardinal Marx, President of the German Bishops' Conference . Müller explained further: "A Bishops' Conference is not a Particular Council, [it is] a lot less than an Ecumenical Council. The President of the Episcopal Conference is no more than a technical presenter, there is no special teaching authority linked with this title. "The attitude that a Bishops' Conference is not a branch of Rome," brings with it the danger to revive a certain polarization between the local Churches and the Universal Church which had come rest in the First and the Second Vatican Councils. The Church is not the sum of national churches whose presidents would choose a boss on a universal level."

On the question of whether some teaching or disciplinary decisions about marriage and the family could be delegated to the Bishops' Conferences, the Prefect of the CDF replied: "This is an absolutely anti-Catholic idea that does not respect the catholicity of the Church. Bishops' Conferences have authority in certain topics, but they possess no magisterium against  the magisterium without a pope and without communion with all the bishops."

"The Church is not a philanthropic organization. It is not enough if we say that we respect the views of all and wish good for all," Müller explained further. Indeed it is not too difficult, only present the gospel as a therapeutic agent, but this does not correspond to the requirements of Jesus. "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and receive all manner of slander because of me, said Jesus. The first Apostles, the Church Fathers, the great bishops of the Church had so often to sail against the wind. Why should this be any different for us? Link to kath.net... Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com AMDG

Jesuit Dismissed from His Academic Position --- Kasper Faction Loses a Member

Cardinal Ezzati Shows Jesuits the Door
(Santiago de Chile) The "New Mercy" of Cardinal Kasper, which at present is generously supported by Pope Francis, has lost a not insignificant wheel.  500 Catholic priests in England and Wales have called for a clear affirmation in the Synod of Bishops for the traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and to match  pastoral practice with this doctrine. Almost simultaneously, Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Ezzati of Santiago de Chile in Latin America, dismissed the famous Jesuit Jorge Carrasco Costadoat from his professorship of theology at the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. The Archbishop is Chancellor of the University.
As InfoCatolica reported the Dean of the Faculty of Theology, Fredy Parra, had asked the Archbishop to reconsider his decision again. There had also been a meeting. But the Cardinals politely showed the Jesuits  the door.

Synod of Bishops Keywords: Homosexuality - Remarried divorcees

Father Jorge Costadoat SJ
The reasons for the dismissal can be divided into two key words summarized of the Synod of Bishops in Rome:  homosexuals and divorced and remarried. Father Costadoat publicly supported the theses of the Bishop of Antwerp, Johan Bonny, who already worked for  Cardinal Walter Kasper when he was in Rome  still directing the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Bonny demanded that the church will grant full recognition of homosexual relationships and homosexuality.
The Jesuit Costadoat also sent clear signals for the "opening" to the divorced and remarried and demanded admission to the sacraments. Therefore, he tried Kaspers thesis of the "case by case" that rejects a fundamental rule. Father Costadoat represents the so-called theology of circumstances, which is by no means new in reality. He considers it "pastorally negative," to tell the person concerned the truth, that they are in a state of "grave sin" because "if I put myself in their shoes and I suffer, I feel humiliated." To deny remarried divorcees  Holy Communion, poses "a denial of the 'truth' of the Gospel," according to the Jesuit.

Cardinal: Jesuit contrary to Holy Scripture, Magisterium and Tradition

There Cardinal Ezzati called upon  the plan that actually is considered very cautiously. The Archbishop then accused him of, among other things, of taking no account of the suffering and humiliation of the abandoned spouse and the marriage sacrament and to ignore that we are dealing with a divorce and a civil remarriage as the result of a deliberate and conscious breach.
These and similar statements and considerations brought the Jesuit theologians in complete contradition  to Holy Scripture, the Magisterium and Tradition whereupon Cardinal Ezzati took action in order not to feed the confusion. 
A circle of progressive theology students published a press release after the dismissal in which they represented the  action as an advantage, because now Father Costadoat would enjoy academic freedom to spread his "rebel opinion".

Abuse of Catholic Structures for the Dissemination of Personal Theories

As an entry shows in his blog, Father Costadoat seems to actually have not understood the meaning of the archbishop's action: "If we confuse the mission of a university with the needs of the Christian religion, it is the catholicity of the university, which is despised."
This prompted No Cristianofobia to write: Father Costadoat seems to have  "neither understood the blatant schizophrenia nor his still intolerable and cowardly fraud, inherent to his  actions,  using a Catholic institution, such as the University, to disseminate his own personal academic theories contrary to Catholic doctrine."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
image: InfoVaticana
Trans; Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

500 Catholic Priests in England and Wales Demand the Synod Remains True to Traditional Teaching and Praxis on Marriage

Edit: despite some attempts at intimidation, this is quite a number, about 10% of all priests. Admittedly, it's probably not as high as the number of priests who would sign a position advocating an opposing position in the usual Liberal diocese, where people have too much leisure time and are occupied with frivolous things, but it should encourage those of us who want to be faithful.

Cardinal Nichols had already admonished priests not to discuss the Synod with the public, which is his right to do, but in fairness, this is also something Pope Francis has himself done on several occasions.
[Catholic Herald] Almost 500 priests in Britain have signed a letter urging those attending this year’s family synod to issue a “clear and firm proclamation” upholding Church teaching on marriage. 
In the letter, published in this week’s Catholic Herald, the priests write: “We wish, as Catholic priests, to re-state our unwavering fidelity to the traditional doctrines regarding marriage and the true meaning of human sexuality, founded on the Word of God and taught by the Church’s Magisterium for two millennia.” 
Last year’s extraordinary synod provoked heated debate on the question of whether remarried Catholics should be permitted to receive Holy Communion – a proposal presented by retired German Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Link to Catholic Herald...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Catholics in Santiago Publicly Denounce Unworthy Bishop?

Edit: an unsympathetic reader provided this as an example to put Catholics in the rest of the West to shame. Are we actually certain that this reaction comes from faithful Catholics? If these are indeed faithful Catholics outraged at an evil Bishop, which he seems to be, we really ought to feel ashamed.

There was once a time when Catholics would reject an unworthy ordinary by force.

The New York Times reportage isn't very encouraging.

CH 21, 2015
SANTIAGO, Chile — Hundreds of demonstrators dressed in black barged into a cathedral in a city in southern Chile on Saturday and interrupted the installation ceremony for the city’s new Roman Catholic bishop, Juan Barros, whom they accuse of complicity in a notorious case of clerical sexual abuse, blocking his passage and shouting, “Barros, get out of the city!”

The scene inside the Cathedral San Mateo de Osorno was chaotic, with television images showing clashes between Barros opponents, carrying black balloons, and Barros supporters, carrying white ones. Radio reports said several protesters tried to climb onto the altar where Bishop Barros was standing. After the ceremony, he left the cathedral through a side door escorted by police special forces. Outside, about 3,000 people, including local politicians and members of Congress, held signs and chanted demands that he resign.

Weeks of protests, candlelight vigils and letters to Pope Francis were not enough to persuade him to rescind his decision in January to appoint Bishop Barros to lead the Diocese of Osorno, 570 miles south of the capital, Santiago. Bishop Barros was a close associate of the Rev. Fernando Karadima, a prominent Santiago priest whom the Vatican found guilty of sexual abuse in 2011. Father Karadima, now 84, was ordered to retire to a “life of prayer and penitence.”


Metuchen Bishop Persecutes Catholic Teacher

Edit: a Catholic teacher has been fired from her job for saying uncontroversial, Catholic things that are nevertheless a scandal to the Bishop.

We'd encourage all of you to muster as much indignation and respect as you can and denounce this disgrace. Thanks.

Here's the letter from the Bishop, attempting to justify his act:

March 20 at 5:46pm ·
Bishop Bootkoski's statement on status of teacher at Immaculata High School, Somerville

20 Mar 2015

My dear brothers and sisters,

We are a compassionate Catholic community committed to treating our students, faculty and parishioners with respect. We have never wavered from our traditional Catholic teachings.

To that end we need to correct some misstatements with regard to the teacher in question.

The teacher’s comments were disturbing and do not reflect the Church’s teachings of acceptance. However, she has never been terminated, as some media outlets have reported. She has been put on administrative leave. There has been no interruption in her pay and benefits.

Pope Francis reminds us that we are to accept all of our brethren. We must ensure that our educators steer away from harsh and judgmental statements that can alienate and divide us.

We regret that certain individuals and groups are using inaccurate media reports to push their own agendas. [The only agenda we see at work here is a modernist one on the part of Your Lordship.]