Friday, March 20, 2015

Cardinal Caffara: "Insult of Christ on the Cross by Diabolical Perfidy"

Most "Harmless" Photo From Blasphemy
(Bologna) The Archbishop of Bologna, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra strongly condemned the action of the local gay organization Arcigay. The organizers spoke of a "heretical and superstitious" evening with "Enttaufungsstelle".
Cassero  calls itself Arcigay -Local in Red Bologna. The recent initiative of the gay organization is called "Venerdì credici", a "heretical and superstitious" evening which was advertised for with posters, flyers and advertised on the Internet with photos in which three men can be seen that are dressed as Christ and the two are thieves, but commit degenerate acts and mime the abuse of a cross. A reproduction of the image is impossible. The most "harmless" was  selected.
On a "ponta sbattezza" (debaptism place), visitors of the event could be "debaptized". (It's a formal process of renouncing one's religion, usually Catholicism, in Italy.)

Blasphemous photos end up at the prosecutor

There were many protests against these blasphemous representation, including the right-wing opposition parties, but also the Catholic wing of the ruling Democratic Party (PD). It especially caused offense hat the homo-organization is funded by the city government under Mayor Virginio Merola with public funds for "cultural" events.
The homo-associations showed zero sensitivity and understanding, much less consideration for the injured religious sentiments of Christians. Franco Grillini,  President of Gaynet only made more insults and taunts on Facebook with "Hands off the Cassero! The religious police of our Ayatollahs have run to the prosecutor's office because of a banal satire against religious oppression." Grillini continues: "A month ago, they were all Charlie Hebdo, but today all Al-Baghdadi!"
Only after fierce criticism came did there come a half-hearted apology from the person in charge of Cassero, which reveals little insight: "Some people felt offended by those photos: out of respect for these people - and not for an ideology or a command - we apologize. Those who call for sanctions  by taking advantage of an opportunity to strike Cassero, they are the real blasphemers. "

The Opinion of Cardinal Caffarra

Bologna archbishop, Cardinal Caffarra, strongly condemned the images and the event: "The photos of the evening edition of 'Venerdì credici' in Cassero of Bologna are an insult of unprecedented baseness and diabolical perfidy of Christ on the cross. For such a contempt of the Christian religion and of those who profess it, did not even spare the death of Jesus on the cross, which is represented by a despicable vulgarity. It hurts, but not surprisingly, it attempts by these means by trying to spread the idea that Christianity, and especially Catholicism, are the enemies of freedom, justice, scientific progress, secularism and democracy. Any ideology that does not manage to subdue the Church, they brutally persecute, either by killing Christians,  or ridiculing what is most precious to them. And it looks correct: in a Church that is faithful to the Gospel, they would not find the unconditional and blind support needed for their every lie, in order to survive. And what is to be said at this moment when the Cassero drama is desecrates  Calvary and the cross and other Christian symbols, and  on the other   shore of the Mediterranean, the Islamic State has destroyed churches? If one refers to the freedom of expression to justify a freedom to insult, one has to wonder if the end of democracy is near. And one also wonders under what title the city government can provide free public buildings to groups, which they use to turn them into places of insult and mockery,"  said Cardinal Caffarra.

The display

Today, several opposition councilors of Bologna and members of the regional parliament of Emilia-Romagna have filed a complaint with the public prosecutor. "It is unacceptable that such kinds of events with which the Catholic Church and the Christian religion are ridiculed, are financed with public funds from community funds and a building is provided free of charge to the value of EUR 100,000 annual rent," said Galeazzo Bignami, the Group President of Forza Italia in the regional parliament.

Homo-association involved for years in programs of school sex education

Manif pour tous Bologna declared in a press release that the aberro organizations should no longer be allowed to participate in school programs. "Whoever despises the values of others, has no place in our schools." The leftist  city government has allowed the aberro organization Cassero, "access to public schools, to teach our children about sex education for years" and "to enable them to deconstruct the stereotypes of sexual identity" and "provide accurate information about sexual orientation, to mediate  gender identity and gender roles," cited Manif pour tous from the self-promotion literature of the homosexual group.  "Such an attack against the family by promoting homosexualization may no longer be tolerated," said the family rights organization.
Text: tempo / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bergoliata or Scalfariade -- Scalfari's New Editorial With Pope Francis' Pearls

Eugenio Scalfari and Pope Francis
(Rome) The "interviews" by atheist and Freemason Eugenio Scalfari with Pope Francis have become as famous as infamous. On the 15th of March it was time again. Eugenio Scalfari has published in his house journal La Repubblica,   an editorial about Pope Francis. He's cited actual or alleged statements  which Pope Francis is said to have expressed  in one of the conversations between the Catholic Church and head of the left, anti-clerical opinion makers. Scalfari would not be  Scalfari, if he did not present himself in his editorial as the main interpreter of the Argentine Pope's thoughts and actions. This is only one page. The others are homework assignments that Scalfari is giving the Pope on the way. Tasks that  the Pope would have to do in the atheist's terms. A new Bergogliata or new Scalfariada?

Scalfaris parallel magisterium with increased destructive power

The duo Scalfari-Bergoglio has appeared again on March 15 in the daily newspaper La Repubblica.  Whether virtual or real, who knows? It means it is difficult to distinguish which are reported as a direct playback of quotes  being in fact from Pope Francis and which are from  Scalfari in the role of a more or less accepted papal prompter. Above all  this says nothing about the broad impact.  It is at Scalfari's disposal and it's international. If he ascribes to the Pope something,  many readers will take it unquestioningly at face value. All the more so, the more clearly they are close to Scalfari's positions.Yet it also plays hardly any role to point out that such private opinions expressed are not from the Pope of the papal Magisterium when the "unofficial" teachings are much more widespread than the official one.
The fact is that Scalfari's Bergogliades promote a parallel magisterium, the ever deepening furrows in the sensus fideieats of the faithful. The following excerpts from the editorial require no comment. They are of a certain caliber, aimed at the Catholic doctrine and ecclesiastical discipline, whose destructive power has reached a new level.
If the allegations are put to the Pope in his mouth, not be immediately and unambiguously denied and corrected, by the Pope, or by those who are engaged to the Holy See, they will cast an even darker shadow on the Argentine Pope and  pontificate. It is a Pope, for the masses who are so prone to idolatry, who is becoming more and more a stumbling block and irritation for believers.

"That which Francis Can Tell the Europe of Non-believers"

Eugenio Scalfari
[...] Whoever has had the grace to meet Pope Francis knows that the egoism of the most dangerous enemy of our species.  The animal is selfish because it is only guided by his instincts, the most important thing is their own survival. Man is also driven by socializing and he therefore feels love towards the other, in addition to the survival of the species to which he belongs. If egoism wins the upper hand and the love for others is suffocated, it darkens the divine spark which is in him and condemns himself.
What happens to these extinct souls? Will they be punished? And how?
Francis' answer is unambiguous and clear: There is no penalty but the annihilation of that soul. All others live on to share the  the happiness in the presence of the Father. The extinguished souls have no part in this feast, with the death of the body is its end and this is the motivation of the missionary Church: to save the lost. This is also the reason why Francis is through and through, a Jesuit. [...] "

Francis: "There is no penalty. The souls are extinguished "

This "extinction" of  souls poses "a big problem," said Chiesa e postconcilio . "With the death of the body ends earthly existence, but immortality continues to participate in the glory of God (paradise) or eternal damnation as a result of rejection and rebellion against the Creator and Lord, universorum Rex.
 What more do you expect from Pope of Mercy, who has banished  justice and the sacrifice of Christ? Of which he does not speak and do not even celebrate? What else does  that "there is no going back" than its permanent reform?" asked the Roman Catholic blog.
"In any case, there are serious allegations that, even be they  distorted, will be publicly attributed to the Pope. For this reason it would be to deny a unique way to denounce it and that with maximum visibility. Just as serious  appears the inertia of that part of the clergy, which does not follow him without hesitation, as they have not done with any other pope  in the past 50 years,  but to actively wait for a solemn act of the Magisterium, that will never come. In the meantime, the confusion increases and with it, gives "darkness" free reign,  because certain Church leaders break down the Church equity entrusted to defend the mystical body. This is absolutely serious and really dramatic. It is useless to wait for formal acts of government. The dissolution has  become a part of the practice and the words of permission," said Chiesa e postconcilio .

Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope I: abolish the Priesthood

The actual or alleged statements by Pope Francis are remarkable. You also remember the refusal of Francis to correct statements made ​​once before, let alone such as Scalfaris. Instead, the previous interviews, although Scalfari was revealed to have formulated the answers of the Pope himself,   have however kept faithful in content to the Pope's statements, which  the Vatican publishing company published in book form.
Also noteworthy is Scalfari's addition with which he publicly issued the Pope homework. As tasks "Francis needs to address now," said Eugenio Scalfari,  "very difficult problems, which have rarely been addressed." The first problem  the atheist described, "that nobody has asked, even though it is obvious", implying something fundamental: "the presbyters, that is, the priests, who administer the sacraments and have the power to absolve or punish those who are judged to be sinners." Scalfari then claims that priests and a priestly hierarchy "is the only one prohibited marriage,  in the Catholic Church."
Scalfari continues: "In no other religion are there  priests called to celibacy and no other religion's doctrine was converted into a codex. The Jews have their writings and their rules, but the rabbis are teachers, they have neither a sacrament nor celibacy obligations. They represent and interpret the Scriptures. That's their job, nothing more.
The Muslims have their writings and their teachings, but no trace of priests. But beware: the different Muslim sects have teachers who interpret the Koran, but also oppressive laws, because they have named the  infidel an enemy. Potentially, these are theocracies, sometimes direct, as in Iran, sometimes indirect, so that the temptation of fundamentalism is strong and often destructive. And not otherwise, although they are Christians, in the various Protestant denominations, where there is no priest, but pastors. [...] "

Scalfari's "Homework" for the Pope II: abolish the personal God

The second point Scalfari asks is for "contact to modern culture, which has its roots in the Enlightenment. This intellectual movement that had its greatest development in England and France in the 18th century and in Diderot, Voltaire, Hume, and Kant found its highest representatives, did not believe in absolute truth, but a relative, which excluded the existence of God or saw him as  a motor of the creation of life, who is the means of an autonomous evolution and determined by autonomous laws.
The God of theists did not have any attribute that is similar to the Christian God: he was neither merciful nor vindictive, neither generous nor did he intervene in history and destiny, he did not interpose in the question of good and evil. He was a motor, a cosmic force that had kindled the light of life in some places of the universe and then withdrew, is asleep or busy with the creation of another life.

If an atheist Masonic coincides with the Pope - which in any case he claims

"Europe has the Enlightenment as the basis of the modern age. The theme of the Second Vatican Council, that Pope Francis has close to his heart, is that,  to understand its wavelength, which can be spoken of with a Europe that is  becoming  de-Christianized and therefore the mission area (Including North America). It is very likely that the Holy Year  desired by Francis will be  the beginning of this missionary action, with all its implications, terribly current storm of terrorism, wars and local conflicts, increasing violence, family breakdown and desperate children and the worst of all sins, overlooking inequality, poverty, the supremacy of power and war  instead of love and peace. The theme of mercy is therefore not only religious, but also socially and economically appropriate in order to regain the peace, love and hope in the face of power, war and despair. "
 Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Society of St. Pius X Six Years After the Letter of Benedict XVI Between Vocations and Schism

(Menzingen) The Catholic monthly magazine Il Timone has published the following article about the traditional Society of St. Pius X (SSPX)  not presently   in unity with Rome.
"Six years ago, on 10 March 2009, Pope Benedict XVI wrote the "Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church Concerning the  lifting of the excommunication of the four bishops consecrated by Archbishop Lefebvre."  It was one of the most moving and vibrant documents of his magisterium and at the same time also one of the most dramatic. It was created to respond to a wild campaign, which was sparked by the media and parts of the Church against him, to give in to the  "biting and devouring" as St. Paul complains in his letter to the Galatians, and what Benedict XVI. then pointed to describe the climate of those days.
In his letter, which is worth reading in its entirety because of its clarity and depth,  Benedict XVI wrote. amongst other things:
'Can we be totally indifferent about a community which has 491 priests, 215 seminarians, 6 seminaries, 88 schools, 2 university-level institutes, 117 religious brothers, 164 religious sisters and thousands of lay faithful? Should we casually let them drift farther from the Church? I think for example of the 491 priests. We cannot know how mixed their motives may be. All the same, I do not think that they would have chosen the priesthood if, alongside various distorted and unhealthy elements, they did not have a love for Christ and a desire to proclaim him and, with him, the living God. Can we simply exclude them, as representatives of a radical fringe, from our pursuit of reconciliation and unity? What would then become of them?'
The letter  has new relevance these days because of two events. The first  is that Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X has announced that the Society has a count, this year in its history, of more than 600 priests for the first time. More than 100 priests in just  six years. Today, the Society maintains permanent establishments in 35 countries. However, their Apostolate extends to 70 countries. Its spread is particularly strong in the US, where it is building a new seminary, which will become its largest seminary. 'Shall we let them drift farther from the Church?' asked Benedict XVI. in his letter.
The second message is extremely fatal, published   yesterday by Rorate Caeli. One of the four bishops consecrated by Lefebvre, Richard Williamson,who was expelled in 2012 from the SSPX,  wants to at least consecrate one new bishop: Father Jean-Michel Faure, former superior of the Latin American District of the SSPX and former rector of the seminary La Reja, Argentina. He also belongs with Williamson, to those who have left the Society. The ordinations are to take place in the monastery formerly associated with the SSPX  of Santa Cruz in Nova Friburgo, a city in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With the episcopal ordination  Williamson would again incur excommunication , as well as for the new illegitimate bishop, and it would form one of those runaway lines of apostolic succession that Rome has tried to avoid in all circumstances, because they are able to produce schismatic groups, because it is a sacramental Potestas  they can claim for themselves.
Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Timone
Trans: Tancred

Voris Assaulted by Aberro-Grandmarshal's Goons at "St. Patrick's Day" Parade

Edit: we can just imagine Cardinal Dolan drawing a forefinger across his neck and motioning his lavender thugs to usher Catholic journalist Michael Voris out of the press room.

More to come.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Serbian Orthodox Church Dismisses Controversial Bishop

According to Serbian media reports, the highest governing body of the Serbian Orthodox Church has decided to dismiss the right-wing nationalist Bishop Filaret (Micovic). An official statement of the Church did not exist initially
Belgrade( The Serbian Orthodox Church has dismissed the bishop of Milesia in the southwest, affected by several scandals. According to Serbian media reports from late Thursday evening, the highest governing body, Patriarch Irinej I. who heads the Holy Synod in Belgrade, has decided to dismiss the right-wing nationalist Bishop Filaret (Micovic) against his will. An official statement of the Church is not forthcoming.

Recently there were protests in January protests against Filaret, because he had given an ecclesiastical distinction to anf the alleged Serbian war criminal, Vojislav Seselj. Three human rights groups, including the Serbian Helsinki Committee, called on the Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Irinej I, to distance themselves from the bishop. A person like Seselj, who was responsible for genocide, should not be worshiped as a model. There has been a process against Seselj before the International Criminal Court in The Hague for years.

Filaret, who has been bishop for more than 15 years, posed during the 1991 Balkan War for photographers with a machine gun in front of a tank. He has repeatedly emphasized his sympathy and solidarity with Serbian defendants in The Hague. Last summer, Filaret said he no longer belongs to the church. IRINEJ I admonished him and then asked him successfully to withdraw his statement. In addition, the bishop has been accused of sexual abuse of children.

His followers praise him, however,  among other things, that his episcopal palace, which originates from the 13th century monastery Mileseva, is a stately residence and has also established a radio station.

Link to
Trans: Tancred

Breaking: Bishop Williamson to Consecrate Bishop

[Rorate] It was only a matter of time. Ever since Bishop Richard Williamson eventually caused the Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX / SSPX) to force his own expulsion from that Society in 2012, the watch has been on for him to consecrate one or more bishops. This became even more inevitable as he has failed to recruit any significant number of clergy or faithful away from the SSPX in a so-called "Resistance" attempt.

Rorate can now report at least one consecration will occur on March 19 (Feast of St. Joseph).

"So it will lead to Schism" -- The "Impossible Revolution" of Pope Francis

Pope Francis' Impossible Revolution
(Rome) "There is a revolution looming in the pastoral care of families in terms of communion for the divorced and remarried and homosexual relationships." Two years after the election of Pope Francis, the well-known historian and Catholic intellectual Roberto de Mattei describes the pontificate of Argentine Pope as "enigmatic" and "full of paradoxes".
The author of a standard work on the history of the Second Vatican Council ("The Second Vatican Council. A hitherto unwritten history") provides a large gap between the desiderata of Francis and the sentire the Catholic world.
"For the most sensitive thinkers of the Italian traditionalism," said Alberto Melloni, his historical counterpart and head of the progressivist school of Bologna, "the Church has ventured with this Pope into a schism by those progressivist bishops, like the German, who want to continue with their 'openings', even if the Synod rejects their 'reforms' in the fall. "
Three Italian newspapers (Il Giorno, La Nazione, Il Resto del Carlino) published at the same time an interview with Roberto de Mattei:
Roberto de Mattei
Even the ultra-conservative Cardinal Raymond Burke has promised resistance at any price.
Roberto de Mattei: But he has not  promised schism. He just said that he will oppose any change in the Synod against the truth about marriage. This seems to me to be  honest and transparent behavior.
Will the Pope really attack the Doctrine of the Faith?
Roberto de Mattei: Francis pretends to be conservative. He says nothing against the dogmas. But his pastoral strategy is revolutionary in itself because it subordinates the truth to practice, especially in such a burning hot topic as the family. In this way, it signals a fundamental break in the history of the papacy as  has not been seen for 50 years.
The Church is not ready for this change?
  I do not want to endorse such a change.  I think it is correct to say that Francis has confused the cardinals, bishops, priests and parishes. It is sufficient to recall the petition of 120,000 Catholics from around the world, which asked Francis to finally to say a clear word about the indissolubility of marriage. A mere toleration of the second marriage by opening  Communion for divorced and remarried would already be an attack on the traditional teaching of the Church.
At this point, it has come to a slugfest at the last Synod  between progressives and conservatives.
I would call this a tear. The paragraphs of the final document to homosexuals and remarried divorcees had not obtained the required two-thirds approval. The real novelty of that meeting was the strong opposition to the reforms by the African and Eastern bishops. Precisely the bishops of the margins that Bergoglio never gets tired of praising. This is one of the paradoxes of this pontificate.
Who are the others?
Last October, the Pope received representatives of the radical left, from the so-called popular movements. From him he gave  a very Peronist impression that he is closest to social concerns. Who commissioned the Vatican under this pope to check the budget of the Vatican Bank IOR? A globalist-capitalist institution such as Ernst & Young
Or Bergoglio talks about the decentralization of power in the Church, but in his decisions he shows himself as a strong centralizer.
He still enjoys broad appeal in any case?
Yes, the media and outside the Church, where he has even surpassed Wojtyla in popularity. But in the Catholic world he is far less popular. Also, participation in the Angelus and the General Audiences at St. Peter's is in decline.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana / MiL
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Pope Francis Names Theological Consultants for the Bishops' Synod

Eleven of the twelve consultants teach at papal or Catholic universities run by religious orders or research institutes in Rome.

Vatican City ( KAP) Pope Francis has appointed twelve theological consultants for the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops on Saturday. There is one exception only to teachers at papal or Catholic universities run by religious orders or research institutes in Rome. In addition, there will be a member of the Pontifical Academy is also based in Rome at St. Thomas Aquinas. Most are represented by the Jesuit run Papal Gregorian University, with three consultants. Among them is the Rector of the University, Francois-Xavier Dumortier.

The new consultants will be involved in the preparation of the Annual Synod of Bishops on the family this coming autumn, also include the deputy head of the "Pontifical Institute of John Paul II For Studies on Marriage and Family," Jose Granados. In the context of the recent Synod of Bishops there was criticism that the Pope had not appointed a member of this prestigious research institution as a member of the Synod. The presumed reason is the conservative orientation of the institute. Granados had spoken on the occasion of the Synod of Bishops in a published article against a change in the official Church practice in dealing with divorced and remarried.

Link to
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cardinal Müller: Pope Is Not Above the Word of God and the Catholic Faith

Edit: Rorate tends to understate things.  They want a sober response.  We'd like to offer this translation of Giuseppe Nardi's appreciation of their take on Cardinal Müller's recent letter appearing in the Osservatore Romano and additional commentary from other important Italian blogs.

(Rome) The extremely progressivist French newspaper Golias has sounded the alarm because of the "danger" that churchmen like the Cardinals Burke, Müller, Ranjith, Cañizares, Ouellet, Sarah and other "young cardinals" could prevent further "liberalization" of the constitution of the Church  with support of older cardinals like Scola, Pell and Caffarra.
The traditional  website Chiesa e Postconcilio contrast wrote: "God allows evil only so it is good bring about an even greater good. The immense disorder in the Bishops'  Synod on the Family led to wonderful declarations of faith by high-ranking prelates, the signs of hope for the future of the Church."
Cardinal Gerhard Müller is prefect of the Congregation and one of the five cardinals who wrote for the anthology "Remain in the Truth of Christ" along with the other bearers of the purple,  Brandmüller, De Paolis, Burke and Caffarra for the Synod of Bishops on the family in 2014.  Recently he had made ​his lecture public ​on the website of the CDF,  the referendum on the 13th of January by the Hungarian Esztergom on "The Theological Nature of the Doctrinal  Commissions and the Office of Bishops as Teachers of the Faith."

Put things into place

"In a very Ratzingerian way" says Rorate Caeli , "Cardinal Müller (referring to the Motu Proprio Apostolos Suos of John Paul II.), puts things in their place." He distinguishes between the supplementary authority of the Bishops and their organs, such as the Commissions on Faith, which are tasked to harmonize the various pastoral orientations, and the divine right of the successors of the apostles, that is of a different nature, and to the  extent makes them  teachers and guardians of the faith for their local churches, as they accept at the same time, the universal Church in union with the supreme pastor, the Pope.
The Cardinal recently wrote about this: "So the predicates of the Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in the Roman Church  are realized a fortiori. Since ancient times it has called forth the Holy Roman Church - not because of the subjective holiness of her head and her members, but because of the holiness of its specific mission which is to pass down and preserves intact the apostolic tradition, the deposit of faith.".
The following passage in the speech by Cardinal Müller on the papal magisterium held some attention in Rome:

Cardinal Mülller: The Pope 'like all believers - is subject to the word of God and the Catholic faith "

"At the level of the universal Church the special mission of the Successor of Peter is especially mentioned to strengthen his brethren in the faith (cf.. Lc 22,32). This is not the place to deal with the doctrine of papal infallibility, but the characteristic and ultimate responsibility of the Roman Pontiff  emphasizes protecting healthy doctrine. In its "Considerations on the Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the Mystery of the Church "of 1998, the Congregation declared: 'The bishop of Rome is - like all believers - subject to the word of God and the Catholic faith. He is the guarantee for the obedience of the Church and in this sense servus servorum. He decides according to his own will, but it is voice  the will of the Lord who speaks to man in Scripture lived and interpreted by tradition. In other words, the episkope of primacy has limits, resulting from the law of God and contained in   revelation  in the untouchable divine institution of the Church. The Successor of Peter is the rock that against arbitrariness and conformism, he guarantees a relentless fidelity to the Word of God: It also follows the  martyrological characters of his primacy.'"

Cardinal Sarah: "Some want to sacrifice Christ's message for relativistic ideology of the West"

Cardinal Robert Sarah
Cardinal Robert Sarah, the new prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments made ​​it clear in his recently published book, "God or nothing" (Dieu ou rien) in France this week that he is on the "same wavelength" (on Rorate Caeli ). Cardinal Sarah explained in moving detail from his life and shows his solid theology and spiritual claims that he is a priest and pastors of the Church.The language of the African bishop and cardinal, who risked his life more than once, "reached a formal level, when he speaks of the relativistic ideology of the West, to which some want to sacrifice the message of Christ" and all there - as it is now fashionable - to adorn this  with winning quotes from Pope Francis, says Rorate Caeli.

Cardinal Müller: "Clean the Temple"

On February 8,Osservatore Romano published under the title "Purifying the Temple" a above-cited article by Cardinal Müller in Italian, in the German edition has appeared under the official title " Theological criteria for a reform of the Church and the Roman Curia", [Our translation, no idea where the English version is right now, will continue to check.] Müller points to the fact that the real reforms in Church history were always spiritual and not political reforms. The Curial reform must therefore, if it is to be of real importance for the renewal of the Church, be a spiritual reform in the first place. Its organizational structure and its operation must be subordinated to the special mission of the Successor of Peter.
In the words of Cardinal Müller: "The Curia is not a secular administrative structure, it is an essentially spiritual device that is rooted in the special mission of the Church of Rome, which is sanctified by the martyrdom of the Apostles Peter and Paul. (...) The structural organization and operation of the Curia has its measure in the specific mission of the Bishop of Rome. This [officeholder?] is defined as the Successor of Peter, the gift of Christ to his Church "the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity of the multiplicity of both bishops and of the faithful" (Lumen Gentium, 23). "

Cardinal Müller's criticism of permanent synod as part of the church leadership

Cardinal Oscar Maradiaga
He continued: "As we can differ only in the light of revealed faith from a purely human religious community, the Church, so we understand only in faith that the Pope and the bishops have a sacramental and healing supreme power  that connects us with God. This  distinguishes them from leaders those  religious community springs from sociological and organizational foundations," Cardinal Müller.
One  sentence rings forth with especial clarity: "The Synod of Bishops, the Episcopal Conferences and other coalitions of bishops belong to a different theological category than the Roman Curia." It's a direct criticism of a new idea that has formed in the circle of the C9 Cardinal Council, which is mandated to propose suggestions for the reform of the Curia. According to the new idea, ​the Synod of Bishops should become a sort of permanent institution that is part of the Roman dicasteries by a permanent delegation and should thus have a direct stake in Church leadership. [Like a sort of Universal Catholic Council of Bishops?] The spokesman for extending the influence of episcopal collegiality with a new Synodality is the Honduran, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga.
"In definitive words, the Cardinals Miller and Sarah  express that which differs from figures such as Baldisseri, Marx, Tagle and Kasper," said Rorate Caeli.
Text: Giuseppe Mardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Pope to Kiss the Feet of Prisoners Again on Holy Thursday -- to the Exclusion of the Faith

Pope Washing to feet of Juvenile Delinquents of
Different Religions in 2013
Edit: who cares about liturgical norms and rubrics?
(Rome) On Holy Thursday, Pope Francis will visit the Roman prison Rebibbia and wash and kiss the feet of twelve prisoners.  After the Holy Thursday liturgy in the youth prison in Rome in 2013, and a center for the disabled 2014, Pope Francis will visit the great Roman prison Rebibbia on April 2, 2015. There are pre-trial prisoners and prisoners serving sentences or under five years.
At 5:30pm   he will celebrate the Lord's Super in the prison church. It takes place in the framework of the foot washing,  which dates back to the direct model of Jesus Christ at the Last Supper.

Pope is to wash the feet of twelve male and female 

As the chaplain of Rebibbia, Don Sandro Spriano, told Vatican Radio, the Pope will wash the feet of twelve male and female. "We are very happy that the Pope has accepted our invitation which we have spoken of at a meeting at a Mass  in Santa Marta last September. He told us that he would like, if possible, to come to us on Holy Thursday. We will repeat the experience of three years ago with Pope Ratzinger in a different context and with another person," said Kaplan.
"For the prisoners it is certainly an important sign of attention by the Church of Rome to their situation. We always say that they are the most unhappy. To show them that they are children of God who are loved by the Church and especially of the Pope, is very very important for them. Moreover, in this celebration, male and female prisoners will come together for the first time. The occupants of the women's prison will be  brought to us. This has not been done before.It is a beautiful thing," said Don Spriano.

Meeting with Benedict XVI. in other settings still vividly remembered

"I have vivid memories of the meeting with Benedict XVI. because it was a dialogue with questions and answers of the Pope himself at the time. It was a truly fraternal meeting," said the chaplain.
From politicians he expects  that "the prison is simply not a place of punishment and revenge by society  on those who commit crimes, but - as required by the Constitution - is a place of rehabilitation and reintegration,  a basis in order to live better when you come out," said Don Sandro Spriano, the prison chaplain Rebibbia in Rome, where Pope Francis will visit the prisoners on April 2, on Holy Thursday.

Concerns: overshadowing the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood by reduction to the social aspect

The  Lord's Supper is one of the few important events in the church year in which the popes have traditionally celebrated in the cathedral church of the bishop of Rome, San Giovanni in Laterano, the mother of all churches. Considering the change of location, which Pope Francis is making on this day, there are significant concerns within the Church.  This includes the discomfort that the Pope celebrates a central Liturgy of the Paschal Triduum, the three holy days, again excluding the faithful.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Pope Francis to Dispense with Castel Gandalfo

Castel Gandolfo, Papal Palace and Garden With View of
Lake Alban

(Rome) The papal summer residence of Castel Gandolfo could soon be transformed into a museum and will be made available to the public for the payment of an entrance fee. According to the Spanish news site InfoVaticana  Pope Francis has been fostering concrete plans in this direction. Shortly after his election, Pope Francis was aware that he did not intend to make use of Castel Gandolfo as a summer resort.

In fact, the Argentine Pope hasn't spent  a single night in the castle in the Alban Hills. Only three times has he visited the place. The first time, to visit his  retired predecessor, Benedict XVI., the other two times each on August 15 on the Solemnity of the Assumption. A festival that has been traditionally celebrated in the city in the presence of the reigning Pope, who is at this time at the retreat  there. In order not to disappoint the people of Castel Gandolfo too much, Pope Francis has come at least once to this festival in the city.

Gardens of Castel Gandolfo

Favorable climate in a fantastic area

The area of the Castelli Romani in the Alban Hills is valued for its mild climate. Castel Gandolfo is one of those places that is majestically above the steep slope to a crater lake, the Lake Albano, an extinct volcano. The great families of the Empire who were in ancient Rome, built villas here to escape the summer heat of Rome. The villa of the emperor Domitian (81-96) forms the basis of the current Pope's summer palace. Soon after 1100, the Gandolfi, a noble family of Lombard descent, hence the name Castrum Gandulphi, purposed a castle around which arose the present town.

Benedict XVI. prays the Rosary in the garden of Castel Gandolfo

In 1596 the castle and land went over to the Holy See. In 1624, Pope Urban VIII. used it to create today's Palais des Papes. In the Lateran Treaty, it is recognized as the Papal Palace and thus extraterritorial area. Several Popes, including Pope Pius XII. and Paul VI. died there. While Benedict XVI. often appreciated the climate and the rest in Castel Gandolfo, Pope Francis  has taken little pleasure of the plant with magnificent baroque gardens, and since 1936, the seat of the Specula,  in the Vatican Observatory.He is of the opinion that the Vatican is "the last Royal Palace of Europe" which is what he wants to leave.

The castle and gardens include an area of ​​55 hectares. In March 2014 Francis had opened the gardens open to the public. Now he wants to also open the keep and turn it into a tourist attraction and relieve the revenue the Vatican finances.

In the Vatican, there are some concerns. If future popes  might otherwise regard Castel Gandalfo than  Francis and again want to use it as a summer residence, a recovery would be difficult.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana

Trans: Tancred

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Beatification of Oscar Romero on the 23rd of May in San Salvador

(Rome / San Salvardor) Curial Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia could not wait. Compared to some of the media he was  unofficially making known the date for the beatification of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero  before an official announcement was made by the Holy See. The beatification of the Archbishop of San Salvador, murdered in 1980, will be held in the capital of the Central American country this coming 23th of May.
Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia of the Community of Sant'Egidio , since 2012 President of the Pontifical Council on Family, since 1996, postulator for the beatification process and thus, has been concerned almost 20 years with the Causa.  After the procedure came to a halt under Pope Benedict XVI., while  Pope Francis indicated immediately after his election, he wanted to raise Salvadoran Archbishop to the altars.

Martyrdom Recognized

Early January the Theological Commission of the Congregation of Saints recognized the assassination of the Archbishop on 24 March 1980 in the Church as martyrdom in odium fidei. Pope Francis confirmed the decision on 3 February, paving the way for the beatification.
Paglia is currently staying as special envoy of the Pope in El Salvador and will also meet with President Sanchez Ceren. The journey is preparing for the solemn beatification.

Pope Francis comes to El Salvador?

So far as known, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Prefect of the Congregation for the Saints and Beatification Process will preside on behalf of the Pope over the ceremony for the beatification.
Postulator Paglia announced today at a press conference after visiting the grave of Archbishop Romero in the Cathedral of San Salvador. In El Salvador, they cherished the hope that Pope Francis would personally come to San Salvador and celebrate the beatification.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Orbán Sees Increasing Conflicts With the United States

BUDAPEST. For Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán conflicts with the US are inevitable in the future. "We have to get used to it, that the interests of Hungary and the United States do not always coincide," said the right-wing conservative politician in a speech to the ambassadors of Hungary, according to the news agency dpa . This is also true for other countries such as Germany for instance.
"To pursue an independent foreign policy is often uncomfortable, but you must become friends with this idea." There were issues where the diplomats would have to take a different line than their respective host country. At the same time he defended a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin in February. "We are not an enemy of Russia" Orbán had criticized and left open whether he would agree to a further tightening sanctions against Moscow in recent months.
He also brought the Hungarian participation in the fight against "Islamic state" into play. It was possible  that a contingent might be sent  for support to Iraq. "Hungary is part of the Western integration," said Orbán. (Ho)

Bugnini-Student Piero Marini Confirmed by Pope Francis

Piero Marini (left) at His Ordination in June,
1965 in Concelebration According to the Missal of 1965
(Rome) Pope Francis today confirmed Curia Archbishop Piero Marini in his position as  President of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.  Msgr. Marini was from 1987-2007 papal master of ceremonies. In 1998  Pope John Paul II. appointed him the Titular Bishop of Martirano, In 2003 Titular Archbishop of Martirano.In  2007 he was replaced by the new Pope Benedict XVI.  with Msgr. Guido Marini as master of ceremonies and  Piero Marini was appointed  the head of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses.
New members of the Pontifical Committee appointed by Pope Francis were Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Council for Laity, Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation of Divine Worship, Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy , and Father Juan Javier Flores Arcas OSB, Rector of the Pontifical Athenaeum of Sant'Anselmo in Rome ,

Piero Marini was discussed over two years for other offices

Curial Archbishop Piero Marini had been, since the election of Pope Francis, because of his liturgical sensibility persistently discussed to again become papal master of ceremonies or the successor Cardinal Antonio Canizares as Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. This was because, among other things, that  the Pope neither confirmed Piero Marini  in his previous office, nor Cardinal Canizares in his. There was considerable resistance against the appointment of Piero Marini in  one of the two offices.
A few days before the start of the Synod of Bishops in the fall of 2014  Francis appointed Cardinal Canizares as the new Archbishop of Valencia, and on 26 November appointed Cardinal Robert Sarah as his successor at the head of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Now the confirmation of Piero Marini follows on his previous term of office.

Piero Marini's Participation as Secretary of Annibale Bugnini on Liturgical Reform of 1969

Piero Marini was ordained a priest on June 27, 1965 and subsequently served as secretary of Msgr. Annibale Bugnini, the "architect"  of the post-conciliar liturgical reform. The solemn Mass at Marin's ordination took place, as the picture shows, concelebrating according to the new 1965 Missal.
On February 22, 1965, two weeks before Pope Paul VI., in the course of the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council would first celebrate the Mass according to the new Missal of 1965 in Ognissanti, he promoted Curial Archbishop Enrico Dante, the papal   to cardinal. Msgr. Dante had been in the Office of Ceremonies since 1914 and  since 1947,  Papal Master of Ceremonies. With the elevation to Cardinal he was automatically exempted from office.
Paul VI. apparently appointed instead, with a view to the introduction of the new 1965 Missal, the Lazarist Priest, Annibale Bugnini ad interim, as acting master of ceremonies. On March 7, 1965, the pope celebrated the liturgy of the word in the vernacular, facing the people for the first time under the new 1965 Missal. 
Bugnini had been secretary of the Consilium ad exsequendam constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia that Paul VI. created in 1964 on the implementation of the liturgical reform, which   the Council had defined in the Constitution on the Liturgy,  Sacrosanctum Concilium. It was an office which he held until 1970, until the Missal of 1969 when a radical liturgical reform was implemented, which went far beyond the desired for reform of the Council.
The new priest, Piero Marini was Bugnini's personal secretary  and worked in the Consilium ad exsequendam constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia  in 1965. He played a leading role in the Bugninine liturgical reform of 1969. With Bugnini's  departure from office of papal ceremonies, Marini entered the office, which he took over in 1987. Msgr. Piero Marini acquired a doctorate in liturgical sciences in 1970 at the Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm  in 1981 at the LUISS University in Rome, another in political science.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Liturgy Papali
Trans: Tancred
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Faithful Indian Priest Being Chastised in Irish Press On "Equality"

Edit: John 6:66. The rhetoric in the Irish vote to legitimize deviant and sinful behavior is heating up. Apparently, 12 or so faithless Catholics walking out on a sermon by a faithful priest is news.

[independent] Indian-born Carmelite priest Father John Britto spoke in favour of a ‘No’ vote during the weekend sermon in Annagry, west Donegal, criticising Donegal footballer Eamon McGee who has backed the ‘Yes’ camp in the marriage equality referendum.

Fr Britto said he didn’t see anyone leave during the sermon.

“I won’t talk to the media because the media will only twist what I have to say; I speak to the people in church and I only the speak the truth and the Word of God,” he said.

Monday, March 9, 2015

New Traditional Friendly Bishop for Martinique

(Paris) The new Archbishop of Fort de France in the French overseas department of Martinique in the Caribbean is the Dominican, David Macaire. Pope Francis appointed the former prior of the Dominican convent of Sainte Baume and exorcist of the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon on 7th of March.
According Riposte Catholique, Archbishop Macaire belongs to a new generation of priests in France. Along the lines of Benedict XVI, he shows sensitivity to the traditional Roman rite. Father Macaire was chaplain of the Catholic Pathfinders and worked closely together with the traditional Bishop Dominique Rey of Frejus-Toulon in Provence.
Colonized in 1635 by France, the area  came under French rule in 1664. Approximately 390,000, of which 85 percent are of black African descent. They came in the 17th / 18th Centuries as slave labor on the plantation systems. Slavery in Martinique was abolished in 1848. In 2010, a majority of the electorate voted against greater independence from France.
In 1850, Pope Pius IX. made the Diocese of Martinique a suffragan of the Archdiocese of French Bordeaux. The diocese comprised the entire island. In 1967 it was raised by Pope Paul VI. to the Archdiocese of Saint Pierre and Fort de France with two suffragan sees in the territory of the other French West Indies.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Riposte Catholique

Baltimore Archdiocese Celebrates Same-Sex Marriage

Edit: Baltimore Archdiocese has a lot of problems, a poorly catechized canon lawyer, a laity in whose hearts the Catholic Faith in this once Catholic capital has faded. Here's the report from Rorate:

Crisis of Bishops: Archdiocese of Baltimore allows (fake) same-sex "marriage" announcement
We have chronicled the sacrilegious "liturgies" that have taken place over the years at Calvert Hall College High School. What's different with this report, if the brother in question was telling the truth, is that the Archdiocese of Baltimore has tacitly approved fake same-sex "marriages" by formally approving of their announcement in Catholic publications.
A report below, from a reader: Link to Rorate...