Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Case of the Vanishing Preface of Benedict XVI

Where's the Preface?
(Rome) The defenders of the Catholic doctrine of marriage and family are currently facing a bitter wind of late. Pressure  is exerted on publishers who have published their books in defense of the marriage sacrament. Books for the defense of the Catholic marriage and morality, on the way to the synod at the Vatican disappear . Public attacks against the Cardinals, who oppose the Kasper proposal approved by Pope Francis to damage their reputation. Law suits and dismissals.
How much of this is anticipatory obedience, and how much  is a direct order from above, can not be said easily. There is much to indicate a firm command center around Pope Francis. You have a goal in mind and wants to achieve in October 2015. In the background is the rich German church has increased its pressure on Rome. Cardinal Reinhard Marx sent word that Germany can change church practice by itself, should Rome buck the synod again as in October 2014. Marx is a shadow Pope in Munich? In argentinian Rome one wants, were it not for the annoying "conservatives", who do not want to comply to progress.
Among them is the African Cardinal Robert Sarah. The French publisher Fayard submitted a conversation book by Cardinal Sarah in recent days. In it we find the statement: "The idea to leave the profession of doctrine in a pretty box and thus detaching it  pastoral practice, and then, depending on the circumstances,  may develop according to the fashions and passions, is a form of heresy, of pathological schizophrenia. I solemnly affirms that the Church of Africa will oppose any form of rebellion against the Magisterium of Christ and the Church."

A book with a mystery

A book that provides a mystery. The publisher announced it with a "Letter to Pope Benedict XVI Emeritus." And already the front page of the book is published (see picture). Benedict XVI. but is now gone. The book was published without the preface by him. "In all likelihood, Benedict XVI had. written the preface, which was provided for the book, the title page otherwise would not have been designed with the book notice and may have been used for advertising," said Benoit et moi . Why the preface was withdrawn, remains a mystery. "What politically correct ideas gained the upper hand in the publishing house of Fayard to consider the publication of a preface to the Pope Emeritus in the new book unwise?" asked Benoit et moi with the hope that Cardinal Sarah would make public the preface written by Benedict XVI.
The reasons for the missing preface must of course not lie with the French publisher. What remains for the time being, is the suspicion that pressure and intimidation to school those whose defense of Catholic doctrine and order are denounced as "attacks" against the Pope.
Cardinal Sarah has worked 22 years as archbishop of Conakry in Guinea. He knows how to deal with difficult situations without immediately losing his nerve. His predecessor had been imprisoned by the then ruling Guinea Communists for nine years. In 2001 he was appointed by Pope John Paul II. to Rome, who then made ​​him Secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples . In 2010 Pope Benedict XVI appointed him President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum and  created him the same year a cardinal. Pope Francis at the end of 2014 appointed him as the new Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Divine Worship . As he was seeking for a successor to Cardinal Canizares,  the Ratzingerianer in origin, and for to be of use in the context of the Church's need for the black African with a serious expression. The determinant seems that after the verbal gaffe by Cardinal Walter Kasper at the synod, Pope Francis endeavored  gestures of good will towards black Africa. The Presidency of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum has since been vacant, which is foreseen in the proposed amalgamation of the Pontifical Councils as part of the reform of the Curia.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Benoit et moi (montage)
Trans: Tancred

Father Timothy Scott Fired

After telling Cardinal Raymond Burke to "STFU" on Twitter, Fr. Timothy Scott has deleted his Twitter account and has been fired as the Spokesman for The Basilian Fathers.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Fabian Vasquez of Radio Cristianidad Dies in Fatal Car Crash

Edit: it's with sadness and hope that we report the death of blogger and broadcaster Fabian Vasquez, a great Argentinian who tragically died, as we learned from a good friend of ours from South America. He was a vocal critic of Pope Francis, as well.
He was the director and main broadcaster at Radio Cristianda, the voice of Catholic tradition. and led a fruitful apostolate on the internet.

He was a very disciplined and cultivated man, fond of fine humor as he loved making people laugh.

He was a faithful and staunch Traditional Catholic man, who was devoted to seeking and revealing the True, One, Holy and Apostolic Church.

He lived peacefully in the town of San Luis in Western Argentina along with his wife and son, Vivian and Ignacio.

He died in a car accident which took place at 06:30 (Argentina time) on the Route 188 near the municipality of Coronel Granada, Buenos Aires Province

May he find Peace and Forgiveness in Our Lord, and let us storm heaven with prayers for his soul.


"The Plot Against the Pope"

Bishops' Synod
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", borrowing from  a cartoon from the late '80s  Lorenzo Bertocchi points out that behind the scenes, significant activities are underway to break the resistance against the "new Mercy" and exercise pressure on those  that stand in its  way. Just yesterday  the Vatican expert Manfred Ferrari reported on the Vatican Mysteries - The Lost Book .
 Bertocchi is also about the same book. The story began in the summer of 2014. Shortly before the Synod of Bishops on the family, the first part was published the anthology "Remain in the truth of Christ." The driving force behind it was the American Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke. The book gathered together essays by five cardinals, and four other articles by renowned theologians. These are the Cardinals Walter Brandmüller, Carlo Caffarra Velasio De Paolis, Gerhard Müller and Burke himself. The book was published simultaneously in several languages, the German version is by publisher Echt. 

The Book of Five Cardinals

All authors are defending Catholic marriage  and family teaching at the highest level against the thesis that the Cardinal Walter Kasper at the Consistory in February 2014 put forward that "remarried" divorcees can, under certain conditions, have authorization granted to receive the sacraments. The Augustinian Father Robert Dodaro OSA, editor of the anthology, explained it in a nutshell: "The 'merciful' solution Cardinal Kasper represents was not unknown in the early church, but no recognized churchman or theologian  defended them. On the contrary, when it is mentioned then, it is to condemn it, because it is contrary to Scripture."   The  admission to the Eucharist for "the remarried" divorced is therefore impossible, unless the couple would exercise abstinence. This could summarize the main thesis of the book in its Italian edition issued from the publisher Cantagalli.
The book immediately aroused strong opposition, the representatives of the Kasper thesis knew but now that the "new Mercy" at the Synod of Bishops could not expect an unimpeded march. Thesis and antithesis are part of the discourse and are nothing out of the ordinary. But recently the head of the progressivist school of Bologna, Alberto Melloni  fired an arrow in the newspaper Corriere Fiorentino. He did it in the middle of a book review to a very different book released by  Cantagalli.

Melloni's arrow: "Conspiracy against the Pope"

Melloni's arrow says that the publishing house has lent themselves as a base of operations for the opposition of the cardinals.  The left historian: "The publishing house had  with the backing of Cardinal Müller, Prefect of the Congregation of Doctrine and the Faith, in good or bad faith God only knows (...) to foment a plot against the Pope and against the Synod, a few hours before it started, in order not to  discuss the things that Francis  wanted to discuss."
In short: According to Melloni, Cardinal Tagle's former boss,  with whom he participated in the School of Bologna, had accused  five cardinals under conspiring under the leadership of the Prefect, Cardinal Müller,  to "plot" against the Pope and to use the publishing house  as a base of operations. Strong stuff, considering that the book was published at the same time not only in Italy but in five languages ​​and five publishers. Strong stuff even if you know the expiry of the Synod of Bishops, where the Cardinals had openly defended their position and if someone else was playing with marked cards. As a "revelation" of sinister plans, Melloni's arrow is not good, that must also have been clear. What is it about then?

Cardinal Kasper: "Nothing was done by me"

The book, which was a commercial success, provided a significant contribution to the Synod debate. This is exactly what had been repeatedly claimed by Pope Francis. But Cardinal Kasper responded irritably. He felt personally attacked. In interviews he said he was "surprised" by the book with which an "unprecedented situation" had been created. In short, what the five cardinals had dared, was outrageous. In addition, the German cardinal hastened to emphasize, that everything had been arranged with the Pope.
However, this was truly a revelation. Until then, it was officially known, Pope Francis wanted an honest discussion, but not express itself in fact. It could be argued, we do not know what position the Pope took regarding the Kasper thesis. Now, however, says Kasper seven months after the Cardinal Consistory, that everything was discussed with Francis and the Pope had "agreed to everything. They [the five cardinals] knew that I have not done these things of my own accord. I have arranged it with the Pope. I have spoken to him twice. He was satisfied."
Attentive observers could not escape the fact that Pope Francis sought by a whole series of gestures and words, a striking proximity to Kasper and his thesis.  Kasper's revelation provided the confirmation.

Cardinal De Paolis, "I will have the freedom to say what I think"

That was more interesting than the five Cardinals with their essays in no way criticizing the Pope, but at a high level put forward their arguments for the defense of the marriage sacrament. Cardinal De Paolis clarified it in an interview with the daily newspaper La Repubblica : "Not a major operation.  We wanted to make our contribution to the discussion, as we have had our say."   He also adds that there is no question of it being "unprecedented," because the positions had been repeatedly made ​​previously in other settings and  published on another occasion.
Melloni's arrow is reminiscent of the method, where  Soviet bloc dissidents were accused of  "anti-Soviet agitation". "I want to have the freedom to say what I think without becoming  accused as a conspirator" replied Cardinal De Velasio in his interview. In fact, this does not seem to be obvious to some.
Also, the publisher Cantagalli must have the right to be able to do its job without receiving cryptic messages from Melloni. So it is absurd to talk of conspiracy, so it is also true that there have been significant attempts to exert pressure on the publisher not to publish the book. The honest dialogue on the topic: "Speak with boldness" (Pope Francis). Melloni's arrow confirmed five months later that there are important people, according to whom this book ought not have appeared. "You understand Roger Rabbit?" Asks Lorenzo Bertocchi. "Bold" dialog? Of course, but please do so unanimously.
Text: NBQ / Giuseppe Nardi
image: NBQ
Trans: Tancred

200 Copies of Cardinals' Book in Defense of Orthodox Teaching Got Lost in the Mail Before Synod

Guest Post by Manfred Ferrari
There were five brave musketeers, all of the ecclesiastical rank of cardinal. Their great concern was that in the Synod of Bishops in 2014 things were being decided, and they themselves could not accountable to God for it, so they forged a bold plan.
They decided in haste to write a book in which they would lay down their (conservative) opinion. In der Wahrheit Christi bleiben“ [Remaining the Truth of Christ] Thus the book has been translated into several languages, as well as in German language, a seemingly impossible task, since the date of the synod was approaching. In Germany there was the Echter (Real) publishing house, which was up to the task. As the saying goes "Nomen est Omen" ... Those who today find the book in their publishing prospectus, which has so cleverly hidden the work of 5 cardinals that only historians seem to find it.
The five prelates, among whom Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Prefect of the Congregation,  is recorded as an author, prepared themselves to send their books to the * 200 addressees in the Synod Hall *. Diligent priestly hands laced together the packages and handed them over to the foresight not of the Vatican post, but the Italian government post. A brave decision, but the latter is considered to be rather sluggish and unreliable (As an example: ... the writer received two weeks before had received a letter back that he had sent Cardinal Roger Etchegaray three months earlier, with the comment: unknown recipient). But the agile Cardinals did not calculate their bill with the host, ie with the Synod Secretary Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, who did not approve of the action of the illustrious Cardinals.
The 200 packs disappeared mysteriously, in any papal cellar archive or were perhaps even destroyed. Only two or three prelates found the book in their post. The enterprising Synod secretary was even compelled to complain to the governor of the Vatican, with the polite request to dismiss the director of the Vatican post ...
To make it clear once again it should be noted: This episode took place in the Vatican and not in the Kremlin. As I have told a friend who has traveled back in those days back to Africa this story, he smiled at me and said mildly, "Manfred why  are you angry. In South Sudan it's  not doing better ... "
Text: Manfred Ferrari
Image: Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Expressive Photos -- The Anomaly Since February 28, 2013

Bishops of the Ukraine Before the Pope (emeritus) 2015
(Vatican) The Catholic Church had entered into a state of anomaly  on the evening of 28 February 2013 at * o'clock.  The pictures of the end of a pontificate are unforgettable. The departure of a revered Pope. The gates of Castel Gandolfo   close with a haunting sense of loss. But death was not what had  occurred. The pontificate which began on 13 March 2013 is only the second part of the same anomaly. The Church has since lived on successive waves of a rollercoaster of emotions.
Chiesa e postconcilio has published images of two recent scenes documenting this anomaly two years after its commencement. Both show the homage of bishops and cardinals, as are owed to a pope. What is not true: it is not, this is not the Pope, but an entity not existing ecclesiastical law, which is the theologically unexplained figure of a pope emeritus.
Consistory 2015: Homage to the Cardinals before the Pope (emeritus)

Obeisances to the Pope (emeritus) in 2015

In the first place, the Pope,  all seem to agree,  is not Benedict XVI anymore. After offering their homage  the Pope blesses the Ukrainian bishops in the Vatican Gardens. They just came straight from their ad limina visit to the Pope, but to another Pope. 
The  Cardinals bow in homage at the Consistory in St. Peter's Basilica before the Pope. While he stood several meters away and just created new cardinals.
One  anomaly follows another. When this condition will have an end is not in sight. What seems certain is that the "emeritus" Benedict XVI. as under normal circumstances is still Pope, while the reigning Pope would be the Emeritus Archbishop of Buenos Aires. He still could indeed take part in a conclave until December 2016  to elect a new Pope . But when he retires he would not be papabile any more.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Chiesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Monday, February 23, 2015

Pope Raises Armenian Saint to Doctor of the Church

Catholic Christianity gets a new Doctor of the Church - According to observers, the Pope's decision of Gregory of Narek could be made in the context of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide.

Vatican City ( In the anniversary year for Armenians, Catholics worldwide will receive an Armenian Doctor of the Church. Pope Francis has confirmed this weekend the raising of St. Gregory of Narek as a "Doctor of the Universal Church", as the Vatican announced on Monday. It will follow shortly. The Armenian monk, mystic and writer, was born in 950 in Armenian Andzevatsik in the former kingdom of Vaspurakan. He died around 1005 in Narek. Both towns are located in eastern Anatolia in modern Turkey.

The Holy Catholic Church, honors Saints who make significant contributions for the Doctrine of the Faith. In total there are 35 Church doctors so far. From the German-speaking comes Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), Albertus Magnus (1200-1280 to) and the Jesuit, Peter Canisius (1521-1597).

Christians world wide will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. According to observers, the Pope could be making this decision on Gregory of Narek in this context. As part of the commemoration of the genocide, the victims of the 1915 massacres in the former Ottoman Empire will be canonized by the leadership of the Armenian Apostolic Church on 24 April in Etchmiadzin. Pope Francis wants on April 12 to celebrate a memorial service in the Armenian rite in St. Peter's Basilica with the Armenian Catholic bishops.

Gregory's life fell into a more peaceful era in Armenia shortly before the Turkish and Mongol invasions, when the country experienced a golden age in literature, painting architecture and theology. Gregor's father Khosrov was later bishop and author of the first commentary on the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church, his mother Anania Vartabed, who died young, was abbess of the convent of Narek. Like his two brothers, Gregory was already a monk in early adolescence and at 25 ordained to priesthood. He taught at the convent school of Narekavank at Narek and wrote major writings on music, astronomy, geometry, mathematics, literature and theology. Gregory's letters, liturgical chants, songs and sermons were also widely spread. Many prayers written by him have been included in the Armenian Rite of Mass.

A masterpiece of the mystic is considered to be the book of Lamentations, a well-known also as "Narek" collection of 95 prayers, each of which bears the title "Talk to God from the depths of the heart." They are read today by faithful Armenians.

Trans: Tancred
Link to

Pope Francis Going on Penitential Retreat?

VATICAN CITY — according to AP international, Pope Francis is fleeing the Vatican for a retreat along with trusted members of his household to work "correcting the many defects we all have." We assume this means he's going to deal with some of the public relations disasters accompanied by many of his problematic statements.

They insist that Francis addressed tens of thousands of Romans, tourists and pilgrims in St. Peter's Square for his Angelus address that later he and top aides were starting a spiritual renewal retreat that Sunday. They will be gone until Friday morning spending time till the. To meditate, and listen to reflections in Ariccia, a Rome suburb. What about fasting?

He didn't list the "defects." But in the nearly two years since becoming pontiff, Francis has put Vatican prelates on guard against careerism, arrogance, hypocrisy, corruption and being too judgmental instead of merciful.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

"Aberro-Tolerance": Marian Statue Vandalized

(Rome) The face and chest have been smeared with blood. It seems that some have taken the statue of the  Most Pure Virgin  to heart. The blood flows down her white robe.Thus, the large statue in front of the church of San Giovanni Battista was found on the outskirts of the Italian city of Lecce. The statue had been bombarded with red paint. On the outer walls of the parish church, blasphemous slogans were smeared in the same "bloody" color: "God is Trans", "pedophile priests", "Mantovano Taliban."
The judge Alfredo Mantovano was from 2001-2006 and 2008-2011 State Secretary at the Ministry of Interior. In 2012 he left politics and has been a judge at the Higher Regional Court of Rome. He is regarded as a leading expert in family law. Since 1976 he has been part of the Catholic Alliance.  Last week he was speaker at a meeting in the parish of the Catholic Alliance's "War Against the Natural Family Gender Ideology, was Organized Gay Marriage ". A current, but also dangerous subject.

Gay Intolerance

Virgin Mary statue in Lecce
There are left-wing groups that do not accept the human right of free speech and assembly for others if they do not  like the topic.  The intolerance of aberrosexual groups has  left a trace of verbal and physical violence  more recently in Italy: from the assaults on the Italian Veilleurs, whom they describe as "standing guard." The original just like the French hold silent protests in places and minister against the "gay agenda" and the destruction of the family; or the political and media lynching of any organization or initiative, which promotes the natural family, mother and father, a union of man and woman. That violence is possible because there is more and benign neglect by "moderate" circles. Lecce is located in Puglia. The Italian region of Apulia is governed by the avowed homosexuals and leftists attacks WikiLeaks since 2005.
Now the usual violent offenders have struck in Lecce. The Association LeA - freely and openly wrote the day before the attack that events such as the meeting in the parish "in a democratic, secular and advanced society are harmful to the dignity of all people, not just homosexuals because they are opportunities to incite homophobic hatred, not to spread correct information on LGBT issues and to promote a climate of psychological terror."  For this reason, the union announced a counter-rally -  which was supported by a vast number of large and small groups of the homo-, left, and feminist spectrum, including anarchists and sectarian Communist groups - as always.

Virgin Mary statue "Crying" - blasphemous vandalism

The translation of the statement meant that the Catholic rally was intended to be prevented by occupation of the conference hall. In fact, the left-reinforced aberro hordes tried to storm the room, they threatened and insulted the conference participants. However, the pre-warned police managed to push them back and keep them at an appropriate distance.
A week later an attack was perpetrated on the statue in front of the church and spray painted messages were written on the church wall. The revenge for the foiled attempt on the meeting. An action against the Blessed Mother under cover of darkness and anonymity. The State Security has launched investigations, while parish faithful cleaned the walls.  Purification of the Virgin Mary statue is proving to be difficult. The face of Mary was the main target.
"God is Trans" has been sprayed by aberrosexual activists in Lecce. It commemorates the slogan "God is woman" by the unspeakable political mercenaries of Femen. Both are expressions of ideological delusion and cultural stupidity.
The Catholics today are the main target of the new totalitarian gender thinking and the new kingdom of alleged rights. A totalitarian and intolerant thinking that will sink in the name of human rights, to attacking Christianity and the resulting civilization, the values themselves ​​that have led to human rights. It's a dangerous game.
The statue of Lecce seems to cry even if it is only just color.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: LeP / AC
Trans: Tancred

Veilleurs in Paris protesting against embryonic research:

Director of Canadian Basilians Curses Cardinal Burke on Twitter: Apologizes, Calls for Director's Resignation

Edit: this tweet was taken down, but not before someone at, or someone who sent it to them, made a copy of it and republished it. It's from Father Timothy Scott, the official spokesman of the Basilians and Executive Director of the Canadian Religious Conference. He has since apologized, but there are some who insist he follow up that apology.

Christine Niles writes on her twitter:

 He's probably not going to sue anyone, but then, it's doubtful that he'll resign either.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Commissar Volpi's Credibility --- Judicial Agreement With Manelli Family Burst

(Rome) Father Fidenzio Volpi, with the approval of Pope Francis in July 2013, has surprised again and again as Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, although rarely in a positive way. The Apostolic Commissioner has changed his mind and withdrew his signature on the agreement with the family of FFI Founder Father Stefano Maria Manelli.
This past February 12 Commissioner Volpi and the family Manelli had agreed following a mediation in civil matters (mediazione civile). The blog Le pagine di Don Camillo, who first reported on the agreement, falsely wrote about a "patteggiamento", a specialized institution of the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure, and has since apologized.  Since 2010, Italy has recognized in implementation of an EU directive mediation in civil matters, which serves to resolve disputes wherever possible on a voluntary basis, without letting it come to a trial. The mediation takes place before court-appointed mediators at the registered office of the competent court.

FEBRUARY 12: The Admission of Guilt by the Commissar

This past February 12  at 11 clock before the Court Mediator at the District Court of Rome, the family members of Father Manelli and their lawyer Davide Perrotta as plaintiff on the one side and on the other side the Apostolic Commissioner Fidenzio Volpi and his lawyers Alessandra Böcklin and Edoardo Boitani as defendant. The mediation took place in the proceedings pending before the District Court of Rome, First Civil Chamber of litigation for defamation of Manelli family by Commissioner Volpi (see Commissioner Volpi admits a slander ).
At the end of the mediation, both parties signed an agreement with  Commissar Volpi who apologized and explained that with respect to the family Manelli  nothing applied to what he had written in his circular letter dated 8 December-2013. The Manelli family had "absolutely nothing to do with any unlawful act."

The obligations of the Commissar

This public apology would have until March 3rd according the agreement, to be published on the message news agency AGI and on the website of the Order On the website it would have to be visible for at least three consecutive months in a clear presentation as other published notices on the issue.   In addition, the Commissar was to have informed all monks and nuns, with his apology in a circular. Volpi undertook all attorneys' fees and agreed to pay the family Manelli a compensation of 20,000 euros. Everything by 3rd March. "Can there be even more guilt?" Said Riscossa Cristiana.
Volpi's admission is legally and morally significant. In addition to the legal question before a court of law, the Commissar admitted with having violated the Eighth Commandment. Thus, the credibility of the Apostolic Commissioner is badly hit. Many blogs have pointed this out following the mediation agreement.

February 18: The anger of the Commissioner and an incendiary  letter

But that seems to have so annoyed the Apostolic Commissioner because of the damage to his image that is  now breaking like  porcelain. Referring to the report, he has withdrawn his signature to the agreement again. Instead of writing the court warranted apology, Commissar Volpi has sent  an new urgent letter on the 18th February  to all members of the religious order.
In the newsletter, he withdrew his admission and told the brothers and sisters of his "will" that he would  "not to comply with the signed statement" because he "no longer considers it valid because of serious non-compliance by the other party."  But Volpi  does not say just what the "serious non-compliance" with the family Manelli happens to be. In the written mediation agreement (copy of the original document 1 )) of 12 February 2015, there is no statement obliging the family Manelli as the complainant in the proceedings. Unlike in the mediation agreement, the Commissar has now returned to his initial allegations and is shooting fire arrows at the family Manelli.

"Little credible" Justification of the Commissioner

The Commissar, as is evident from his incendiary letter, is incensed  because the matter became public. "The fact that the news of the agreement signed by Commissioner Volpi would reach the public, was easily foreseeable," said Corrispondenza Romana. However, Volpi may have hoped that certain details, such as the payment of € 20,000 to the family Manelli, would not become known. In addition, the Commissioner was faced with new demands for his resignation. In the circular letter of 18 February he writes now that he has always been considered "innocent". He only agreed "pro bono Pacis" and  "in a spirit of brotherhood seraphic" the agreement of 12 February, which was just for the sake of peace. "A statement of little credibility," said Riscossa Cristiana, given the clear and unilateral commitments into which he entered.
The fact is that Commissar Volpi has not been convicted by any court. The mediation was voluntary. "However, the agreement of 12 February exists and is signed by Father Volpi. The signature may indeed be withdrawn, so is no longer in effect," said Cristiana Riscossa.
Commissioner Volpi is receiving a monthly € 5,000 allowance for his provisional activity, according to Italian media. A message that has never been disowned. The sum is to be paid by the Order of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate.  Soon, the Commissioner will have to stand trial. With his circular letter, he made it clear that he wants it to come to a trial in this dispute. There, too, the mediation agreement will play a role. The legal costs of the Commissioner shall be borne by the Order.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pilgrimage Church Mentlberg: High Mass with Ashes in Traditional Mass

Pilgrimage Church Mentlberg near Innsbruck
(Innsbruck) On Sunday, February 22   High Mass will be celebrated in the traditional Roman rite with the conferring of  Ashes in the pilgrimage church Mentlberg near Innsbruck.  Mentlberg is on the heights over the Inn valley southwest of Innsbruck. The church has a miraculous image of Our Sorrowful Mother on the Gallwiese.
The statue dates from around 1500 and was originally worshiped in the church of Holzheim near  Ulm. When Protestant doctrine gained ascendancy there during the Thirty Years War, it was brought to Innsbruck in 1638.  On Mentlberg soon arose a new pilgrimage to Our Lady of Sorrows with the Saviour taken down from the cross on her lap. The magnificent baroque church was consecrated in 1770.
For several years the faithful who attend the Immemorial Roman Rite have found a home in the Diocese of Innsbruck at Mentelberg. They are supported by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter.  The celebrant next Sunday will be Daniel Kaplan Kretschmar, priest of the Archdiocese of Vaduz. Kretschmar who was consecrated in 2011 by Archbishop Haas in Rome, is a trained church musician. Since then, he has been involved in the establishment of the Fraternity of St. Peter in Salzburg.

Celebrant: Kaplan Kretschmar - vocal ensemble Sonoritas sings works for two choirs

At High Mass on Sunday at the beginning of Lent, the vocal ensemble is Sonoritas for the glory of God, will sing works for two choirs: the Missa Salve by Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) and the cantata I will not leave you, for you bless me (BWV 157 ) by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750). The ensemble Sonoritas , is dedicated in a special way to the care of Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony , and came into being parallel for the sacred liturgy in the old rite in Innsbruck.
Whoever did not have the opportunity to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday,  can catch it up on Sunday. The Sanctuary of the Seven Sorrows of Mary on Mentelberg is completely dedicated to the passion and cross of Christ.  This is concentrated in Lent on  penance in preparation for the Easter Vigil.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons

Vatican Suing Bloggers? Why Do People Who Promote Dissent Object to Being Called Dissenters?

Edit: We thought being called a dissenter would be a badge of honor?

It  looks like Father Volpi is attempting to do the same. The blogger received a threatening letter insisting that he remove blog posts covering the Synod on the Family.  How can you sue someone who says things about you that you've said about yourself?

This blogger sounds absolutely terrified.

Here's a portion of an article in response to Father Rosica's call for more civility in the blogosphere back in 2011 in support of the evil Father Gravel, a Pro-Abort, aberrosexual,  Canadian priest then suing Life Site News, also had all kinds of nasty things to say about faithful bloggers.  Maybe this aberrosexual enabling, Ted Kennedy supporting priest may have bitten off more than he could chew?

[Life Site News] It is in good keeping with Christian charity to seek out and to emphasize the legitimate good that others, including our opponents, may have performed. But how strange it is that the Salt & Light CEO reserves no such kind words for LSN. Surely it is a curious form of “civility” that would rather take the side of one of Canada’s most prominent self-professed “pro-choice” priests in a potentially crippling lawsuit against a pro-life, pro-family news service that has done nothing but report what that priest has said and done during his highly public career. 
The open secret is that much of the talk about “civility” we hear nowadays is too often only a ploy to silence, dismiss, and ultimately condemn those with whom one happens to disagree. We saw this clearly in 2009, when Fr. Rosica chastised many pro-life and Catholic leaders for the position they took on the grandiose Catholic funeral given to Senator Ted Kennedy.

There was, of course, plenty of room for legitimate disagreement on the issue. However, in almost the same breath that Fr. Rosica lamented the loss of “civility, charity, mercy and politeness,” he labeled those who had criticized the public funeral for the late pro-abortion senator as “not agents of life, but of division, destruction, hatred, vitriol, judgment and violence,” and described them “as little children bullying one another around in schoolyards - casting stones, calling names, and wreaking havoc in the Church.”
Here's where Rosica lauded dissenter and ex-priest Gregory Baum [PDF Lifesite]:

TORONTO, 22 October, 2012 ( - Liberal Catholic press-people have recently touted a man some call Canada’s leading dissenter since the 1960s - former Catholic priest Gregory Baum - because of his role as an expert, or peritus, to the Canadian bishops at Vatican II. Baum, an advocate of homosexual ‘marriage’ and sex outside of marriage and contraception, was lauded by Fr. Thomas Rosica of Salt and Light TV, Michael Swan of the Catholic Register and also given free reign in the pages of the Scarboro Foreign Missions magazine. 
Rosica objects to the term "intrinsically disordered".

Does The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains “expressions or terminology that are offensive or that ordinary people cannot grasp”? So implied Thomas Rosica, CSB, at his lecture on the Synod of the Family broadcast on Salt and Light TV, this past Tuesday, 19, 2015. Apparently the use of “intrinsically disordered” in reference to homosexuality, is an, “expression[s] or terminology that are offensive…”. Fr. Rosica claimed that the Synod did not try to change the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. (For a moment, were we being told that the mid-term relatio was a myth?). He said that the Catechism was not being undermined. But, he then informed the sparse audience that this same relatio contained: “new language that is respectful of people, and avoids expressions or terminology that are offensive or that ordinary people cannot grasp. For example the document

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

In cauda venenum -- Cardinal Pell and the Czar's Favor

Cardinal Pell and the Czar
(Rome) On 14-15th  February there appeared a full wave of interviews  of the  increasingly important Australian Cardinal George Pell, Prefect of the new Economy Secretariat in the Vatican. From the Boston Globe to the Corriere della Sera up to La Croix, everything was represented, as the Vatican expert Sandro Magister represents. The cardinal announced that had prevailed on his proposal at Cardinal Consistory a "general consensus" all directions "from the left, right and center", control and management of the moveable and immovable property of all Vatican agencies to submit to the new Pontifical Council.

Roman Coordinates

The consistory was informed by the C9 Council of Cardinal Advisors on the plans for reform of the Curia and discussed this. George Pell belongs in the C9 Council as a representative of Oceania. He is considered the "most conservative" and traditional friendly member. When Pope Francis formed the Council of Cardinal Advisers for the reform of the Curia and to assist him in the management of the universal Church and from every continent appointed a representative, Cardinal Pell was the sole representative for Oceania. He was "slid" in, as it was said then in Rome. A few days ago Francis was concerned about assistance. He appointed Archbishop John Dew of Wellington, who is, so to speak, Pell's progressive counterpart. Moreover, even an unknown Bishop of Tonga. The axis on the top of the hierarchy of Oceania is moved with it. In addition, Cardinal Pell could now be replaced any time in the C9 Council, especially since he was called to Rome by  Francis and thus no longer acts on his continent.
The Cardinal did not deny to the press that he had experienced   "resistance" in some parts of the Secretariat of State and of the Governorate of Vatican City against his reform proposal, however, he was convinced that they were overcome.
At his side, the South African Cardinal Wilfrid Napier appeared before the press, a member of the Economic Council.The South African had   been appointed following Cardinal Kasper's racist belch during the current Synod of 2014 by Francis for the third Co-President. It was a gesture to calm the excited African minds who defended  Catholic teaching on marriage and family in Rome. Cardinal Napier is described by the press conference with Cardinal Pell as being among the "resisters" along with the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, and especially the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, headed by Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio. The Pontifical Council had rejected the draft of the Articles of Incorporation of the new Economy Secretariat  precisely in those parts which provided for a centralization of the administration of goods.
Nevertheless, Cardinal Pell was confident of achieving his goal, as the Economic Council denied the objections of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.

Pell's Account Without his Landlord? From Tsar and boyars

"But maybe Pell makes the reckoning without the landlord, which in this case, is the Pope," said Sandro Magister. On Monday the House and Palace Vaticanista of Francis, Andrea Tornielli, published  an article point by point seeming to reflect the thoughts of the Pope in Vatican Insider.
Tornielli recalled that the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts acted in the express order of the Pope. He remembered also that the Pope is entitled to make "the final decision to the statutes." In other words: "About Cardinal Pell there is one, Tsar  named Francis who is more powerful than he, and does not want to withdraw the power claimed by the  'boyars',  to use  the terminology of the Russian Empire, which has become common in English-language media," said Magister.

"The poison is in the tail"

But that is not enough, because "in cauda venenum," said Master, the poison follows to some extent at the end of Tornielli's article, which is the plea against Cardinal Pell.
"In light of what has happened in these days, it is worthwhile to read the words of Francis in his speech to the Roman Curia last December. The fifteenth and last illness  the Pope described was "worldly profit, display, when the apostle turns his ministry into power and his power was turned into merchandise to gain worldly benefits or more influence. It is the disease of people striving insatiably then to multiply powers, and which are capable of slander for this purpose, the other to defame and discredit,  even in newspapers and magazines. Of course, in order to excel and to prove himself better than the other.   Also, this disease damages the body a lot, because it leads people to justify the use of any means, just to achieve this goal - often in the name of justice and transparency."
Thus, the last paragraph in Tornielli's article is about Cardinal George Pell. Two hours after Sandro Magister expressed the belief that Tornielli directly reflects the thoughts of Pope Francis, thus confirming that Cardinal Pell is not in the Pope's favor, the last paragraph had been deleted (see also Slinky maneuver against Cardinal George Pell in progress  & Here.) The last paragraph "was published verbatim as it's here to read  and bore the title: The disease of worldly profit, " said Sandro Magister in a supplement to his article.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo

Apostolic Conmissar Says He's Been Libeled, Threatens to Sue

Edit: contrary to what we've been told, (and found entirely credible) we have been alerted to the following letter in which Father Volpi, if it is he, has explained on the Franciscans of the Immaculate website that he was unjustly maligned and never lied about the Manelli's when he accused them of receiving property of the order being signed over to them by Father Manelli, basically accusing him of stealing. As far as we can tell he doesn't address that allegation and insists he has done nothing wrong.

So he's not going to apologize?

He claims that the sole source of the accusation is a "Don Camillo", but Rorate insists its seen the court order.

Moreover, Volpi, or whomever penned the letter is threatening to sue.

Here's the letter, as it appears on their website:

Letter of the Apostolic Commissioner of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate to All the Religious of the Institute

Object: Clarification concerning the civil lawsuit brought against the Apostolic Commissioner and some comments published on the subject

Dear Confreres

Pax et Bonum!

I wish to address you paternally, aware of the concerns that the dissemination of news concerning me may have aroused in your minds. This information has been spread with the clear purpose of harming fraternal communion in the Institute—a communion that distinguishes our common, united effort to restore among the Franciscans of the Immaculate the original charism that has characterised the service the Institute has rendered to the Church.

I ask you, therefore, to give your careful attention to the following account of events in which I have been involved, and in respect of which there is a malicious attempt to generate scandal.

The divine Master said: “Oportet ut eveniant scandala—It must needs be that scandals come”; this principle certainly applies to us all, so long as we are capable of discerning the truth from falsehood, and we know how to draw the correct lesson from the events we encounter.

On the occasion of the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception in 2013, celebrating our Heavenly Patroness, I wrote a circular letter to all of you, summarizing the events that had taken place since my appointment as Apostolic Commissioner.

In that letter I could not fail to address one of the more difficult trials that, together, we have tackled and overcome, in a Franciscan spirit and with the heavenly protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary: I refer to the subtraction from the Institute of the capacity to use the temporal goods conferred upon it that are necessary for the accomplishment of our mission.

Referring to changes made to the Statutes of the two Associations with legal personality under civil law which own the physical assets of the Institute, I stated that these goods had been placed under the control of persons that include some family members of Fr. Manelli. This statement was no lie, and could easily be verified.

However, the brothers and sisters of the Founder (I mean, brothers and sisters according to flesh and blood), together with a brother-in-law, considering themselves offended by what I asserted in my circular letter, took up a civil action against me to obtain compensation for the damage which they had allegedly suffered.

According to current civil procedural regulations, any action may give rise to a judgement only after mediation between the parties has been attempted.

In these circumstances, on February 12 this year, “pro bono pacis” and in the fraternal spirit of our Seraphic Father, I reached for a settlement agreement with the opposite party which did not involve any acknowledgment on my part except by way of a clarification, and which had the sole purpose of avoiding further civil proceedings before the Court of Rome, with consequent additional costs to the Institute.

On the basis of this agreement, I committed myself, among other things, to publish on the official website of the Institute a clarification, agreed with the counterparty.

I was about to do what had been agreed, when, on 15 February, an article appeared in an electronic publication, whose “sole source”—in the words of its editor—was a certain “don Camillo”, qualified as “close to the Manelli family”.

In this text, it was stated verbatim as follows:

“Padre Volpi, dopo avere ammesso il suo reato di calunnie e menzogne, il 12 febbraio è stato condannato… — Father Volpi, after having admitted his crime of slander and lies, was sentenced on the 12 February...”

The intention of the author, identified expressly as linked to the family of Fr. Stefano Maria Manelli, seems clear enough: to diminish my prestige and the authority conferred upon me in the sight of you all, dear Confreres.

I have not, in fact, been convicted of any offence, nor subjected to any criminal proceedings; nor have I ever—in court or outside—admitted committing a crime, or uttering slander or lies.

I have therefore instructed my lawyers to prepare a lawsuit for the crime of defamation through the press against those responsible, and I have made known to the members of Fr. Manelli’s family my intention to no longer comply with the terms of the agreement signed on February 12, 2015, which I consider no longer valid on account of a severe failure of compliance by the counterparty.

Dear Confreres,

I know I rely on your “sapientia cordis” in considering you partakers of the sentiment that makes me regard the campaign of defamation waged against me once again—taking advantage of the Franciscan spirit with which I had resolved to put an end to the dispute with certain relations of Fr. Manelli—as an attempt to undermine the harmony which, until now, has animated all of us in promoting the good of the Institute and the Church.

I invite you therefore to strengthen further the bond of solidarity that unites us with the Holy Father and with the whole Church militant, just as it unites us among ourselves, under the mantle of the Virgin, Mother and Patroness of the Institute of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate. Let us raise to Her our united prayer for heavenly grace in a particularly difficult moment in our history.

I embrace you all, reminding you of the saying in the Gospel: “NON PREVALEBUNT!”—and I bless you.

Rome, February 18, 2015

Fr. Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap

Apostolic Commissioner


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Neo-Cardinal: "We Must Fight Capitalism, As We Fought Communism."

(Rome) The  Vatican expert, Giacomo Galeazzi   conducted an interview with the previously little-known Archbishop of Ancona, Msgr. Edoardo Menichelli, whom Pope Francis has made a cardinal this past Saturday. The interview was published by  Vatican Insider. Cardinal Menichelli is considered a "veteran of the Progressives" (Huffington Post).He was for many years the personal secretary of Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, a "herald of Ostpolitik" (Huffington Post). Now is following the critique of capitalism which coincides with papal statements and the reception of Alexis Tsipras by Pope Francis.

"Rewarded" for "Intervention for the Least"

As the  Italian weekly magazine Famiglia Cristiana, which lists in the same direction, wrote, Pope Francis wanted to "reward"  the elevation to cardinal  for those who show "commitment to the least" in a special way. Who is meant by the "least"? Menichelli is 75 and has already submitted his resignation. For which services he was rewarded left some observers to employ some guesswork. The hint maybe have even been provided by the Pope himself: Francis had appointed  Menichelli  personally at the Synod of Bishops Synod in October 2014. There, the Archbishop,   who took part in the sometimes heated debate, put in the word to give communion to "remarried" divorcees  and for the aberrosexuals. Four months later, he is a Cardinal and papal elector. 
Also, toward the faithful of the traditional rite,  the Archbishop of Ancona is considered "liberal".  Since all the other bishops of that brand  have disallowed the celebration in the Roman Rite,  he has  granted it generous hospitality.

Critique of Capitalism Evangelii Gaudium to Tsipras?

The responses from the interviews are similar to those of professional politicians in the back benches, making it difficult to attempt a substantive classification. Or is it superfluous because it remains unclear whether the baggage handler  thinks so or only repeats what the superiors want to hear. So the assembled slogans seem urgently meant for certain ears, perhaps the papal ears. Francis had received last October 28,  the Greek leftist Alexis Tsipras in the Vatican and  thus conveyed a "higher consecration."  The signal was not for the tiny crowd of Greek Catholics, but a political direction in Europe and worldwide. Tsipras is now prime minister in the country of the Hellenes.
What aggravates the crisis?
If the money is at the center, the person loses importance and society becomes a desert of values. Society reduced to the mere finance kills and the damage is visible for all to see. The politicians should remember the people and not their parties. It requires solidarity and sobriety: a policy of work for all. One must start again, restore the dignity of the person and eliminate injustices in the last.
More involvement in the social?
The social dimension is part of faith. In "Evangelii gaudium" Francis warns against the ideologies that defend an absolute autonomy of markets and financial speculation. Already Benedict XVI. called for a political institution which returns the financial and monetary system to function, granting credit to the workers, families, businesses and local communities.
What more can the church do?
Charity must guide every action to rush to the aid of those who have lost their jobs, experience human suffering and risk losing their social identity. The Church is called to appear sensitive and attentive. It must not  support political oligarchies who disregard the needs of civil society and create a distance between ruling class and the people. Globalisation is to align the common good. And the Church, "which goes forth," must always intervene against selfishness and relativism.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred
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