Monday, February 16, 2015

Gänswein on Benedict XVI.: "His Head is Working Fine" -- Resignation "Was Necessary"

Benedict XVI, Msgr. Gänswein, Lebanese Delegation Praying
Rosary in the Vatican Garden
(Vatican) Curial Archbishop George Gänswein has reported in an interview with Corriere della Sera from last February 15, about the life of Pope Benedict XVI. two years after his resignation. The frequency of such interviews indicates media interest for the unusual situation of an incumbent and an "emeritus" Pope. To Gänswein, equipped with the special authority of being the closest associate of Benedict,  it seems to fall  the task of emphasizing the "continuity" between the two pontificates. This insistence would not be necessary if this "continuity" were actually so evident. Most media representatives disagree, even among the faithful there is some doubt. Corriere della Sera refers to its formal legal nature, and less on the content.

Benedict himself was "sure": The resignation "was necessary"

"He plays Mozart, studies" and "loves to go for walks. He is very relaxed," said the Prefect of the Apostolic House.  On the question of how Benedict XVI. now sees his resignation, Gänswein replied, "Benedict XVI. is satisfied that the decision taken and announced was the right one. He has no doubt. He is sure of it: His decision was necessary"  He did everything with his conscience repeatedly tested before God and made the decision in the knowledge that his forces are dwindling and it is not about his person, but he goes "for the good of the Church."
"The reasons can be found in his declaratio," says Archbishop Gänswein with which Benedict XVI. announced  his resignation in a few words. "The Church needs a strong helmsman. All other considerations and hypotheses are wrong," said the former papal secretary, who then addressed the resignation by confirming:  "You are quite right: it was a great act of government for the Church."

Doubters Missing "Feeling with the Church" - Benedict Promised "Obedience" to Francis

Corriere della Sera turned the interview on the strong doubts about the continuity between the two pontificates. They were described as legal uncertainties that are primarily fueled by the Catholic journalist Antonio Socci. What is "be answered to those who are in doubt as to the validity of the resignation or the election of Francis?" Curial Archbishop Gänswein said this: "You can not form a hypotheses on things that are not true, but completely absurd. Benedict himself has said that he  made ​​up his mind freely and without any pressure. And has said to the new Pope, 'I promise' reverence and obedience.
Why there is then this doubt  about,  Corriere della Sera wants to know,  to include a possible answer yourself: "Does he feel absent from the Church?"  "Yes," Gänswein said, "doubts about the resignation and the election stem from the fact."
And how  was Benedict XVI. today? There are always reports of concern about his health, said Italy's  most important  newspaper. "There is a lot of malice, people who want to harm Benedict XVI., who is a man of almost 88 years. It is normal that sometimes his legs give him some problems at his age. That's all. He has his daily routine. He is very methodical. And his head is working fine. His spirit is great. Since the Urban University has asked that the Banquet Hall be named after him and Cardinal Filoni has asked him to Lectio in October for the opening of the academic year, he has written a beautiful text about the 'question of truth' and asked me to read it to him."

Benedict 'lives very methodically, receiving visits and corresponds "

How does Benedict XVI. spend the days? "His typical day begins with Mass in the morning, as always, a little later, at 7:45.  Then follows the thanksgiving, the breviary, a quick breakfast. In the morning he prays, reads, studies, drafts correspondence and sometimes receives visits. At half past one o'clock we have lunch and then take a walk on the terrace, two or three rounds before he rests. At a quarter past three we go to the Vatican Gardens. We walk to the Grotto of Lourdes, pray the Rosary and remain there in prayer. Then there is time for prayer and study. At half past seven clock we have dinner and watch the Italian news on television. Benedict prays evening Compline in the chapel and then withdraws. Sometimes he plays the piano. Especially in the past few weeks he has started to play again often! Mainly Mozart, but other pieces that just come to his mind. He plays from memory, without notes."
In allusion to his papal name after the great Benedict,  Father of Monasticism and the retreat to the monastery, Archbishop Gänswein said: "Yes, he has chosen a monastic life. Now he only goes out if Pope Francis asks him, while other invitations he does not accept."  Gänswein quoted the Pope literally:  "I chose this life, I have to be consistent in accordance with my decision."

Benedict and Francis "very different", but "united in substance"

The question of the substantive continuity has caused varying degrees of unease in the Catholic world is only nearly touched in the interview. Benedict XVI. and Francis, "are different, sometimes very different, in  expression. But they are united by  substance, of content, to proclaiming to propagation and defense of the deposit of faith," said Curial Archbishop George Gänswein.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: cristiano Umanesimo
Trans: Tancred

"Unbearable" Papal Populism and "Non-Catholic Thinking in Catholicity"

Brueger's the Blind Leading the Blind

(Rome) For the first time it has not been my lot to participate at St. Peter's Basilica in the public consistory with the CREATION of the new cardinals. I was not the only one.
Given the dismal decline of the faithful, even in the province, given the low point in the priestly and religious vocations, and given the silence at the Islamist massacre of Christians, lay and ordained, things have - shall we say - become extremely intolerable with the lean papal liturgies and their populist touch, which is stressed by the mass media (also Catholic).

Cleric harasses the Church with human "solutions" - and deadly for the faith

"Velociter currit ad finem" even if we trust as Catholics on the cleansing work that the Holy Spirit will also act on the dying Church, which is beset by those clerics who only propose human "solutions"  as they administer the  beleaguered believers administered with cocktails that are lethal to the faith, instead of bringing them the divine healing medicine.
One should mind his own front door, but one's right of residency is not served by  blindness. So instead of a European, I'm going to talk about a Latin American message that depresses me.  The Archdiocese of Cochabamba in Bolivia announces that the number of Bolivian secular priests  has shrunk in 20 years from 900 to the current 500. A country of nine million inhabitants, of which eight million are Catholics, there will be fewer priests than in the Diocese of Vicenza in northern Italy, from which comes the Acting Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin.
Some areas of Latin America have remained difficult   to access into the priesthood. Until 20 years ago, each year, there were 20 candidates in the seminary. In the past five years, there were on average only four. Ten years ago, the country had another 150 branches of women religious. Since then, 50  have closed down for lack of vocations. 20 years ago there were 50 male religious houses. Today there are still 20.

"When the Son of man returns to the earth will He still find faith?"

If I read sentences like these by Pope Paul VI.: "We are as a church on the way to a deep and global renewal. In order for this renewal to be truly catholic, they must intermesh all historical dimensions of the Church,"  I wonder what the Pope would be   led to say at this exact moment of such an assessment and what has become of this path. We experience in our own skin those clerics who are now so fashionable and lead the faithful to the abyss of loss of faith.[!]
From Paul VI. comes the sentence: "There is great unrest in the world of the Church and what is in question is the faith. So it happens that I find myself repeating  the dark sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of Saint Luke, 'When the Son of man returns, think ye he will still find faith on earth " (Luke 18.8)?.
It happens, not only today, that books appear, in which  belief is in decline in important ways, and that the bishops are silent, and that many clergy and laity find nothing strange about it. This, however, seems strange.
Recently, I sometimes read what the Scriptures say about the last times and realize that some characters are recognizable. Are we near the end? We will never know.  [Till it happens] The Lord says we should always be ready. This has been true for almost 2000 years. It may be to the two thousandth anniversary of His death on the cross. It may take a very long time.

Rise of the non-Catholic thought unstoppable? - The small flock

What moves me these days and has kept me from the halls in Saint Peter's Basilica Consistory, is what moved  Paul VI. to say in his speech of September 8, 1977. "What moves me when I consider the Catholic world is that within  catholicity occasionally a thought seems predominant, that is not Catholic, and it may be that  non-Catholic thought within  catholicity will even be the strongest tomorrow." 
Looking back over the past fifty years, this thought seems inexorably to seize the Church step by step. The various attempts to counter this development have not  been to be averted, only delayed. These experiments were important and correct, but not consistent enough to shortness of breath, too superficial, too tolerant and even itself made sickly by non-Catholic thinking. On the other hand: How should a faithful priest or layman who wants the best, give more, if he himself does not understand it any better because of an incomplete and incorrect training or education?
Paul VI. 1977 ended his reflections with the words: How  strong might this non-Catholic thought  in the church be. "It will never represent the thinking of the Church. It is necessary that a small flock persists, be it ever so small."
Let us pray for the Church, for the Pope and for all the faithful.
Text: Traditio Catholica 
image: The Blind Leading the Blind by Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1568), Naples
Trans: Tancred

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Apostolic Commissar Admits Guilt of Defaming the Franciscans of the Immaculate

Saint Peter in Chains
Edit: we were just wondering what had happened to this, as the wheels of Italian justice turned, however slowly.  We'd pointed out earlier that Father Volpi, the Apostolic Commissar of the Bishop of Rome's current persecution of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Heart, had libeled the same.  We'd also reported that the family Manelli had exonerated themselves and Father Manelli, citing Katholisches and Chiesa e post concilio) the founder of the FFI, in court.

Now it looks like Father Volpi may have to go to prison for libel, if he doesn't fulfill the requirements of publicly apologizing on all the websites he runs and paying a cash settlement to the Manellis, which is a criminal offense.  We wonder what will become of this as it plays out.  Surely, there wasn't much coverage of it when it happened, will this order be allowed, as Rorate asks, to survive and thrive as it once did in defense of the Church?

Chiesa e post concilio asks if this is the result of the prayers, fasts, rosaries offered.

Evidently, not all is lost.  Here's Rorate:

Rorate Caeli contributor Francesca Romana has translated the first report from Chiesa e post concilio reporting that Fr. Volpi will pay the family of Franciscans of the Immaculate founder Fr. Manelli a large cash sum for his "defamation and lies" and make public apologies on all websites he runs.  
For regular readers of this blog, you know that Fr. Volpi was brought in for just one reason: to crush one of the fastest-growing, traditional-minded religious orders in the world -- but not on his own: as he admitted in the past, he was "specifically ordered by the Vicar of Christ," Pope Francis to carry out his mission.
Our questions now are simple: 
Will Pope Francis now finally rein this man in and force his boot of the throat of an order that only wants to serve God as the saints have all served Him for two millennia?
And will Pope Francis finally end this unjust commissioning and allow the poor friars who have had to flee the grip of this cruel man to return to their sworn vows and live out the remainder of their vocations in peace? We pray to hear in the affirmative soon. 

Continue here...

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Visits SSPX Seminary in USA

Edit: Interesting news. More talk about an impending resolution.

Link to DICI...

Link to Rorate...

On February 11, 2015, Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of Astana in Kazakhstan, met with Bishop Bernard Fellay, SSPX Superior General, and also with several priests of the Society, at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona (United States). 
This was the second visit by Bishop Schneider to one of our seminaries. On January 16, 2015, he had visited the St. Cure d’Ars Seminary in Flavigny (France). Both meetings pertained to the question of the liturgical reform of Paul VI and the doctrinal presuppositions of the Novus Ordo Missae. 
On December 5, 2014, Cardinal Walter Brandmuller, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, had visited Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen (Germany), where the discussion focused on the magisterial authority of Vatican Council II. 
These meetings are a way of continuing the doctrinal discussions between the Society of St. Pius X and the Roman authorities « in a larger and less formal context than that of the preceding meetings », according to the decision made during the meeting of Bishop Fellay with Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on September 23, 2014.

Friday, February 13, 2015

France: Marian Statue Must be Removed --- It "Violates" the Separation of Church and State

Publier: statue of Mary on Lake Geneva
(Paris) In 2011 a statue was built in a park of the French community Publier dedicated to Our Lady of Léman (near Lake Geneva). High up on a slope  the statue has since looked down on Lake Geneva.  Now was the Administrative Court of Grenoble, says the statue of Mary "violates secularism". It has stood  on public land in France since 1905, but  strict "separation of state and the Catholic Church" has rules. And because this is so, the statue has to be "removed". According to the Administrative Court, the local government should never have to issued a permit for the erection of the statue.

France's Don Camillo and Peppone Could Erect Statue of Mary

Publier is a town with 6,500 inhabitants. The town is located on the south shore about 120 meters above Lake Geneva in the midst of a wine region. With a wonderful location, the sunny-mild climate and suitable infrastructure,  Publier has grown rapidly during the past decades. In 1962, the municipality  had only 1,871 inhabitants.
Amazingly, Mayor Gaston Lacroix, a non-party leftists who belongs to the  Divers Gauche in France. He has lead since 2002 the fortunes of the community. He was able to defend the mayor's office in the local elections in 2014. In the council, he has a lush majority of 22 seats, and is faced with only five representatives of the opposition UMP and two independent rightists. His current term ends 2020th
The Mayor with the pious name Lacroix (the cross) describes himself as a "freethinker" and socialist and a member of the Association de la Libre Pensée de Haute-Savoie , as Lorenz Jäger in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported.

"Our Lady of the Lake Geneva Watch over your children"

Publier: statue must be removed from the park
He is disappointed abou the decision of the Administrative Court: "I did not think it would come so far. The statue is a reference point for all. All have supported me, even the Muslims."  Pastor Robert COLLOUD is also disappointed. He had organized together with Mayor Lacroix moving  the statue. It is a modern remake of Don Camillo and Peppone.
The free thinker and the priest knew the perils of secular state doctrine, which applies in republican France as an untouchable taboo. Since there was broad consensus for the relocation of the statue, they were looking for a way to satisfy any applicable law and still be able to put up the statue. And they believed this path has also been found.
The municipality leased a few square meters of public parks with the symbolic rent of three euros per square meter at a private club. Then on the other hand priest COLLOUD could locate it on the parish. The club was set up to make the statue and the small area in the park with the pedestal inscription: Notre-Dame-du-Léman veille sur tes enfants (Our Lady of the Lake Geneva watch over your children).

"Free thinkers" Insist on Secular State Dogma

However, not all "free thinkers" and socialists think like Lacroix. The Fédération nationale de la Libre Pensée (National Freethinkers Association) went against the statue before the Administrative Court. It is a disgrace that non-Christians would have to pass the statue in the park. The Administrative Court agreed in their favor.  Of course, the judge did not address the question of reasonableness, but referred to the applicable rules. This prohibits the establishment of religious symbols on public property.
Mayor Lacroix is one of the "false" freethinkers club. Its Association of libres-penseurs de France (Union of Freethinkers of France) founded in 1901 was divided from the Fédération in 1995. The latter sees itself as the "guardian" of the law on separation of church and state. Its guiding principle is "to promote the rational and scientific principles to overcome the dogmas" led in fact to establish a secular dogma which the municipality Publier is experiencing.

"Je suis Marie"?

The freethinkers society   celebrated the verdict: "A victory for secularism. Now the mayor must remove the statue. This will be a good example for youth. I wonder if the Catholic religion is indeed compatible with the Republic," said the representative of the Federation of Upper Savoy.
For now, it is unclear where the statue is to be placed. The freethinkers have already called for "the mobilization of all the forces of the Republic", should  the mayor Lacroix not quickly implement the Administrative Court's decision. 
Lorenz Jäger recommends: "Don Camillo should order  buttons  at the expense of the municipality: Je suis Marie".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Old Ritual Dominicans in Rome -- Procession Into Saint Peter's Under the Eyes of the Cardinals

Pilgrimage of Old Ritual Dominicans With Graduates in
the Archbasilica in Rome
(Rome) On the 40th anniversary of their order, the  Dominican Sisters of Fanjeaux are making a pilgrimage to Rome at the mother of all churches and the grave of Peter. The School Sisters of the Mother House in France in the Languedoc Fanjeaux (Aude) serves eight girls' schools. Six schools are located in France, one in the US and since 2012, one in the Federal Republic of Germany, near Freiburg im Breisgau.
The pilgrims included more than 1,500 people, including over 200 nuns, teachers and graduates of their schools, who  were distinguished by their blue Basque berets. The first stage of the pilgrimage was last Tuesday at the Archbasilica San Giovanni in Laterano omnium urbis et orbis mater et caput ecclesiarum (mother and head of all churches of Rome and of the earth). The Lateran Basilica is the highest ranking among the four patriarchal churches and the cathedral of  the pope. There, the pilgrims sang the Creed, and prayed the Way of the Cross for the pope. In the morning they had participated a Mass  celebrated by Father Niklaus Pfluger. Father Pfluger is the first assistant to the Society of St. Pius X.

Ceremonial Entry in the Vatican Basilica Under the Eyes of Cardinals

The School Sisters Visiting the Patriarchal Basilica
On Thursday, the traditional pilgrims, sisters, girls and women moved in solemn order into St. Peter's Basilica to visit the grave of the Apostle Peter. An "impressive event under the eyes of the Cardinals just gathering for the Consistory, an improvement standing out from the otherwise hectic crowd of pilgrims and tourists stood out" as Chiesa e postconcilio reported.
According to Forum Catholique, despite repeated requests to the Pontifical Commission of Ecclesia Dei  by the pilgrims,  ​​no church was made available to celebrate the Holy Mass in the traditional rite in the city of Rome. It's a de facto ban that has allegedly, according to the French side, to do with the fact that the Holy Masses by priests of the SSPX had to be  celebrated to ensure the pastoral care of the Dominican Sisters for 40 years. Father Pfluger had to celebrate the Holy Mass in the church reach Rome in a rented hall.

No Church of Rome for the Sacrifice of the Mass and a Small Episode

Prayer of the Lateran Basilica, the 'head and the mother of all churches "
Prayer in the Lateran Basilica, the "head and the mother of all churches"
In the Holy Year, the SSPX had made ​​a pilgrimage to Rome with fellow religious and faithful. The pilgrimage drew "a solemn calm, and majestic dignity" in St. Peter's Basilica, Paolo Pasqualucci, who was then among the faithful at St. Peter's Square, as postconcilio Chiesa e reported. "Three young men of the uniformed police of the Vatican security service stood by. The latter were visibly upset at the sight of the procession of the SSPX, who moved toward St. Peter's Basilica. Probably they had been forewarned, since these  very bad heretics and enemies of the Pope were coming. The policeman watched a passing priest earnestly.  Then he turned and said to the young men from the security service in Roman dialect, 'This is the true Church and not that there'  and made ​​pointed with  his head in a movement toward the Vatican palaces. Twice he repeated it still,  while the priests, religious and faithful moved into St. Peter's."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Ciesa e postconcilio
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Austria's Minister Demands Gender Equality for Stoning --- Silent About Islam

Mrs. Minister Heinisch-Hosek Demands
Gender Equal Stoning
(Vienna) Austria's socialist Minister has been lost in the ideological gender jungle. Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek is concerned about disapproval of  a report by her Ministry. The SPÖ Minister and Senior Women's Representative of the Alpine Republic complains of alleged discrimination of women in stoning. The ministerial discontent is due to the fact that men  are buried upon stoning only to the waist, while women up to the shoulders.
As quoted in the report, "Tradition and Violence Against Women" the Ministry complained:  "Finally, the implementation of  stoning itself  clearly reveals disadvantages for women because men are, however, only buried to the waist, and women up to the shoulders."
Because, according to the brochure, which informs that stoning is practiced for example, in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Iran:  "This is significant because in the case of, 'self freeing'  the male or female convicted may receive a pardon. This is thus far more likely in men."
However, the ministry said, "on this subject"  the indexes and statistical material "are just as hard to find as scientific arguments."

"SPÖ Forcing Gender-Sensitive Stoning"

The incident became known through the officially distributed report by the Austrian Federal Chancellery through  a parliamentary inquiry of FPÖ-General Herbert Kickl. He wanted to get more information on the "SPO forcing gender-sensitive stoning" and accused the Minister of "lacking sensitivity to the death penalty."
The Vienna State Parliament Barbara Feldmann of the Christian Democratic People's Party said: "Gendering must not cause the forgetting of the basics of human rights." Publications such as these did not help the women's ministry. 
Mrs. Minister Heinisch-Hosek declined to comment. In the Ministry one is angry and feels misunderstood. The report was drawn up "for the protection of women," said the minister through her spokeswoman.

Context of Islam and Stoning Concealed

The Austrian Kronen-Zeitung commented: "The absurdities surrounding 'Gendering' i.e., the gender-neutral treatment of women and men, apparently knows no boundaries."
Although the publication of the Ministry of Women complained about stoning, it especially decried  "discriminatory" non-gender-equitable stoning, but does not mention that they take place in Islamic states and are directly linked with Islam. Any reference to the context and background is not reported. The brochure did not succeed in squaring the circle of ideological constraints. Austria's federal government seems to get lost between gender ideology and a pro-Islamic "culture of welcome".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Muslims Demonstrate With Pope Citation: “Whoever Insults My Mother, He Will Get My Fist."

Muslim Demonstration in London With
Pope Citation
(London) While on the German mainland freedom  of expression and  of assembly by Pegida is restricted by the State in Dresden, Leipzig, Vienna and Linz, under false pretexts and the peoples' resentment of politics and the media is attacked, Muslims may  in Britain unhindered and even appeal to Pope Francis.
Thousands of Muslims did this last Sunday in London is the front of the residence of Prime Minister David Cameron in Downing Street. They were protesting against the left-wing satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo which published cartoons about Islam. The rally participants condemned the abuse of freedom of expression by the satirical magazine. The right to freedom of expression of Charlie Hebdo , so say the Muslims, is  used as an excuse to insult Mohammed, who is "holy" to Muslims.  Above all, the cartoons against the “prophet”   was called an "assault on the norms of civil society". Their publication in the satirical newspaper was "a violation of Islamic law." As an added attraction point it was noted among the protesters that the weekly newspaper was owned by the Jewish Rothschild family since 2014.

Pope's quote: “If He Insults My Mother, He Will Get My Fist"

Among the slogan boards of Muslims many had a quote from Pope Francis,  that said after the  Paris terror attack: "Insult my mum and I will   punch you (Pope Francis) "(" insult my mother and I will punch you" ). This is what the  Pope is quoted as saying on the flight from Sri Lanka to the Philippines. When Doctor Gasbarri [the papal trip's marshal], who is my friend, insulted my mother, he gets one with my fist,”  is what Pope Francis said jokingly to the show the limits of free speech, is literally being claimed  ​​by the Muslim protesters.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Foglio
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Evil Jesuit University Fires Last Catholic on its Faculty?

Edit: in an ongoing battle, one of the last remaining conservative voices on the faculty of the allegedly Catholic, Jesuit, Marquette University has been fired.  We're linking here to an article by the estimable Austen Ruse who continues to do yeoman's work on this subject, on which no objective criticism is available apparently, at America's "Catholic" Universities.
Here's the article and here's hoping that at least one Marquette alum will stop supporting this intellectually impoverished institution which continues, despite all information to the contrary, that it's a Catholic school.
In future we're going to be linking more frequently to Professor McAdams pugilistic and unapologetic blog:
In a lengthy letter, Dean Richard Hotz told McAdams, “…your conduct clearly and substantially fails to meet the standards of personal and professional excellence that generally characterizes University faculties. As a result, your value to this academic institution is substantially impaired.”
For years McAdams has been a conservative thorn in the side of liberal Marquette. On his Marquette Warrior blog, he has chronicled the liberal foibles of Marquette faculty, staff and students.
At issue this time was a blog post McAdams published last November 9th in which he described a classroom situation where Cheryl Abbate, a junior faculty member, shut down a student who wanted to discuss his opposition to same-sex marriage because she considered it an unacceptable topic in her ethics class and would be on par with a discussion favoring racism or sexism. She also said such a discussion would offend any gay students in class.

Tomorrow the Cardinal Consistory on Curial Reform -- On Saturday Francis Creates 20 New Cardinals

Consistory Where Pope Benedict Announced His
(Vatican) On Thursday and Friday, the Vatican is having an ordinary consistory of the College of Cardinals, which Pope Francis has convened. The cardinals should in this case are informed by the previously laid plans for reform of the Curia, which was developed by the Council of Cardinal Advisers C9. This was announced by Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi.

In C9 Council there are just as many reform plans as members. It is generally believed that the reforms will be modest. The Roman Congregations are not, or hardly, to be touched. The number of the Pontifical Councils should be reduced by mergers. Completely unspectacular shifts are expected, with some melodious renaming of existing facilities. In short, it’s what every government is doing after elections. Ministries are regrouped, renamed, new placards are mounted on entranceways and paper is printed with new letterheads.

Number of Pontifical Councils Should be Reduced

"Reducing the cardinals of the Curia is neither bad nor good. Kasper was Curial, Baldisseri is still,” wrote the most famous Catholic blogger of Spain, Francisco Fernández de la Cigoña.

Bishop Marcello Semeraro of Albano, the secretary of the C9 Cardinal Council is to explain to the assembled Consistory the state of reform plans (see Church and Society of Pius X, confidant of Pope threatened excommunication of faithful) Most recently, the C9 Council plans to tap the Irishman, Msgr. Paul Tighe, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, to think of a better organization of the media of the Holy See. Last Monday there was also a meeting with Cardinal Ravasi, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, held in conjunction with the reform plans.

 "Exotic" Cardinals and Rauber’s Reward 

 On Saturday, February 14, an extraordinary consistory will follow at which Pope Francis will name 20 new Cardinals (see New Cardinals, Unknown Names and Old Europe ). Among them are a number of unknown names from exotic countries. As "exotic whims” of the Pope in the Vatican are also valid in appointments like those of the Bishop of Lampedusa. Among the new cardinals, albeit for reasons of age are no longer eligible to be papal electors, among whom is the former German Vatican diplomat Karl-Joseph Rauber.

The progressivist Titular Archbishop of Iubaltiana attempted as Apostolic Nuncio 1989/1990 to prevent the appointment of Wolfgang Haas as Bishop of Chur and contributed to his removal from Chur. To express disapproval of the Swiss resistance against Bishop Haas, Pope John Paul II. made Haas, the first Archbishop of Archdiocese of Liechtenstein in 1997. Rauber was appointed in the same year as nuncio to Hungary. In 2009 Rauber tried as Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium to prevent the appointment of Bishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Namur as Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. Rauber failed as Pope Benedict XVI. made Leonard archbishop and compelled Rauber to retire.

In parts of the church Rauber’s promotion to Cardinal by Pope Francis is evaluated as a reward for his controversial and hostile approach to faithful bishops. His advocate for the dignity of Cardinal was Cardinal Danneels, Leonard’s predecessor as Archbishop of Brussels. The Progressive [Can we just call him evil?] Danneels felt the appointment of Leonard as his successor as a personal slap in the face. The Cardinal appointment of Rauber is now seen as a slap in the face for Archbishop Leonard, who is excluded from the second Consistory, since Danneels has reached the age of 80, at the Cardinal Consistory. Danneels is part of the four-member team Bergoglio organized largely upon his election as Pope Francis. The Raubers elevation at the Consistory is seen as a thank you gesture by the Pope for Danneels.

On Sunday, he will celebrate Holy Mass with the new cardinals in the Vatican Basilica.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi image: Infovaticana Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches…

Monday, February 9, 2015

Muslim Invocations in Cologne Cathedral

Edit: it would be nice if people would shout this nonsense down when it happens, but also, the ordinary Mass goers are so stupefied by the unlovely proceedings, they probably didn’t notice.

Islamic prayer service at prayer service for soldiers in the Cologne Cathedral and no one is responsible. A celebration of the Eucharist is no inter-religious dialogue event. A comment by Johannes Graf

Cologne (

In the Cologne Cathedral on World Peace Day on 22 January, the traditional military service took place. Cardinal Rainer Woelki celebrated Holy Mass. In addition to representatives of the German armed forces, there were soldiers from other countries stationed in Germany who were present stationed. The bidding prayers were presented by military personnel of various nations in the local language. Previously, the German translation was read.

The third prayer was recited by a Muslim female soldier. The German translation was: "We pray for the people who oppose injustice and violence and risk their lives; especially for our soldiers and female soldiers and members of the Federal Police. For keen awareness and a heart open to men.” [The inclusive language is horrible, too.]

According to a translation presented to the soldier actually said: "In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The greetings be upon the Seal of the Prophet (ie Muhammad, n.). We ask God Most High, for all the people, who are exposed to violence and humiliation and all those who expose themselves with their lives to danger, especially the male and female soldiers and police, to be vigilant to the safety, protection and peace in communities.”

Maybe it's just a misunderstanding and the Muslim simply used a conventional petition used in her religion and that was self-evident for her introductory text for a prayer or a petition, which was not discussed with the promoters. Therefore, one should be careful with reproaches.  Objectively, a Catholic Eucharist   is lost  with a Muslim intercession. Muhammad is not a prophet for Christians. Even the following verse is again not acceptable for Muslims. The cantor sings: "God our Father,” while the people answer, "We beseech Thee, hear us". A father-child relationship between God and man is unthinkable for Islam. has made ​​a request to the Archdiocese of Cologne, our editorial was referred to the Cathedral pastoral office. The Cathedral pastoral office told us that the soldiers' worship had been prepared by the Military Catholic Deanery of Cologne, which is also responsible for the selection of lecturers for the intercessions. The Cathedral pastoral office has received the German intercessions and "noted with approval". Nothing wrong with that, if you look at the German translation.

Who was responsible for the missed intercession - this is so it should not be repeated. How was it that a Muslim woman read a prayer? Finally, the celebration of the Eucharist is not an inter-religious dialogue event. video of this Eucharistic celebration with prayer by a Muslim. The prayer begins at minute 37:00 with the German translation. Photo Cologne Cathedral ©

“The Gnosis to Power” -- Small Handbook, to “Survive” Historical Half-Truths in the Meantime

Masonic Lodge in Pavia
Edit: we have no idea when the book will be translated to English, and surprisingly she is a disciple of the Neocatechumenate, but this nevertheless looks like an impressive treatise.

(Rome) A new book "The Gnosis in Power. Why history seems to be a conspiracy against the truth"  (original title:" La gnosi al potere ") tries to bring through a series of brief but accurate and documented essays, to light  some dark spots in recent European history. Since this is a book published in Italy, the focus is on the history of Italy, but extends its bandwidth from the Italian unification in the 19th century to the European Union in the 21st century from Pope Pius IX. to Francis, from Count Camillo Cavour to Angela Merkel.
Angela Pellicciari  "Gnosis in power,"  has collected her essays in the book,  published in recent years by various media. She skillfully combines the reliability of a historian with the direct and understandable language of journalism. Released in a 304-page book in Fede & Cultura in Verona, is one of the foremost Catholic publishers, as Volume 42 of the Historical Series .
In the vintage  of 1948, Pellicciari was a 68er when she came to faith in Christ.  After graduating, she taught history and philosophy until 2008 at Universities.   In the 70s and 80s she was a freelancer for RAI, and studied early childhood neuropsychology at the University La Sapienza and in 1995 received her doctorate from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Church History. Pellicciari is one of those authors who does not hide her catholicity. In addition to its specialization in the 19th century, they dedicated their work, especially the correction of historical half-truths and false stereotypes, particularly for church history and history of Italy.
Over the years, Pellicciari has specialized in the topics of Risorgimento, Papal Hstory and Freemasonry. In her new book, the author reveals immediately that there is a common thread in the recent history of Italy, "since the mid-19th century, Freemasonry came to power." Behind it, says the historian, the ideals of the French Revolution, which came with Napoleon into Italy and were preserved by the supporters of the Italian unification movement as a seed that had been allowed to flower decades later.

The Gnosis and its  Claim to Be the Driver of the Nation

The Gnosis to Power
The author describes the historical facts without any politically correct embellishment. As a result, she exposes the red thread in the presence of Gnostic machinations of those who brazenly and boldly lay claim to want to control the fate of the nation, because they are of better, superior, higher quality and feeling as a jealous support for a higher truth and a special enlightenment. Common to the volume of  assembled  essays that have to do with the 'gnosis', is that philosophical-political mindset that masquerades as the charioteer of nations. Their most powerful instrument, however, the non or semi knowledge of the masses.
The Catholic Church, the Pope and Christianity in general are seen by Gnosticism as an irritating obstacle on the path to power. The Church with its authentic image of man, Her doctrine of human salvation through Christ, free will, human dignity, the sanctity of life, the equality of man and woman in their diversity, in defense of the family and of life from conception to natural death, the condemnation of a false nature of sex, is a wall against the Gnostic propaganda, over which they continuously attempt to deceive the masses by feeding them with false information, misleading from the essential to sideshows and  tries to tempt by a single way of thinking.

Masons of Italy unification project - "One Cubic Meter of Shit"

Pellicciari begins her journey with Pope Pius IX. (1846-1878), the Italian "national hero", who cursed the high degree Freemason, Giuseppe Garibaldi, as "one cubic meter of shit."  Pius IX. was the biggest obstacle to the Masonic project to unite the Italian peninsula under the banner of Savoy into a state. The charge against the Church  was that she impeded progress. Garibaldi, where his lodge brothers erected an equestrian statue on the Gianicolo Rome, which makes him look imperious and threatening to St. Peter's Basilica, accused the Pope of being "the most pernicious of all creatures" because he was "an obstacle to human progress and the brotherhood among individuals and peoples."
Freemasonry is the central protagonist of the Risorgimento , the "real inspirer and engine," said Pellicciari. The Risorgimento in turn is a fundamentally anti-Catholic movement. Not only because it would eliminate the temporal power of the Pope in the Papal States, but radically and definitely would blot the Catholicism most deeply rooted in the Italian people. For this reason, Protestant States provided generous financial, propaganda and military support. The paradox of the Italian national movement was that they calculated to combat the only real common denominator of the various parts of the Apennine Peninsula, the Catholic religion.

Gnosis, a "Master of Fraud"

So how could the Catholic masses be obtained for the idea of national unification, which aimed at the establishment of a new, previously unknown Liberal, Republican, but anti-Catholic fatherland? As "Masters of Fraud"   the actors of the Risorgimento fought their battle by disguising themselves as "meek and pious lambs," says the historian. So Pius IX describes the members of the secret society of the "Carbonari"  in a bull of excommunication. An accusation which applies to Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi and King Carlo Alberto of Savoy and the other revolutionary elites. They speak as believers and their speeches seem pious. Giuseppe Mazzini claimed that   "progress" was an "Act of God". God wants the new ideas. In reality, hidden behind the religious language, was the desire that all would lose the Christian faith and cease to be Christians. Behind it stands, says the author, the real goal of Freemasonry, "to collect all the free people in a big family" which will take the place of "all the churches founded on blind faith and theocratic authority, all superstitious, with cults warring against each other, to build the true and only Church of Humanity."
The Italian unity was therefore part of a larger project that went far beyond the constitutional question. The people should be "freed from the Church" and the masses are to be "removed from the influence of religion" to make them subject to a system of controlled freedom and training to a new awareness. This is a goal that is easier to achieve in an organized central government, through a unified state-run school and the army. The new indoctrination is, however, camouflaged by the same exuberant emphasis on "freedom" and "future orthodoxy."  Christianity is officially the state religion, but the Jesuits are persecuted and all the monasteries dissolved on the grounds that they are "harmful because useless." Of course the new state  failed as it could not to seize the property of the church  and enrich the  unjust state. "Freedom" is the motto of the new state, but the Catholic press is subjected to strict government censorship. The Christian holidays are abolished, so that the people will not be distracted from work and "surrender to idleness." "Progress" is the new religion,  to which all enlightened and liberal governments are committed.

US history as a Story of a Masonic Oligarchy

The book also describes our time. It tells of the 20th century, "the left and right were made into the playground of Gnosticism in power." Pellicciari outlines the long reign of Freemasonry in the United States by a small oligarchy that made ​​their symbols into symbols of the state, just as on the dollar bill and the Catholics persecuted in the US within itself and outside, for example in Mexico under the rule of Elias Calles. The tragic story of Cristeros tells of the struggle.
The book covers also the totalitarian ideologies and their similarities, despite their differences. Both Marxism and Nazism presented their utopia as a healing idea. Christianity an avowed opponent of the  two ideologies who was openly fought, or at best just tolerated. Both Communist and Nazi bigwigs sought the Church in vain. Pellicciari refers to the methods by which the one and the other, the Church, the priests and religious, and the Pope were discredited in public.

UN: New "Rights" and New Language

The author also writes about the UN, whose activities are governed by the new "rights" that are based on the "general consensus" and  moral relativism. Thus, the UN acted in international conferences in Cairo in 1994, in Beijing in 1995 and 2000 in New York created the the new "rights" of abortion, euthanasia and homosexuality  and created a new language  with birth control, reproductive health and gender identity. The underlying goal is a change in mentality in preparation for a one-world culture to be enforced, especially, in developing countries. This includes the implementation of a neo-Malthusian policy that aims to stop  "overpopulation", by in fact decimating humanity. This falls into the category which includes the promotion of homosexuality, due to infertility, to  spread a hedonistic and materialistic way of life, which closes the transmission of life directly or indirectly.
Pellicciari also highlights the work of non-governmental organizations as an extended arm of the UN, which has shed its "Christian roots" and attempts just such for  international mergers, including the European Union. The EU envisions the idea of ​​creating a super-state, which is to serve the economic interests of a few, who themselves are also hardly at home on the European mainland.

Gender Theory and Communication Control

The author also discusses the gender theory to be imposed from above as well, and finance laws that resemble more a gigantic redistribution mechanism. Through state health and education programs disseminate the gender ideology.  The international institutions constitute the political and economic sponsors and there are also the substantial funds of the LGBT lobby. The aim is the struggle against the family and the natural law as outdated facilities.
If this all so easily finds dissemination and seems generally accepted, then it is recognizable behind  "enormous communication control of power circle.” In the extensive access  to control opinion-forming media,   there has been no real competition of opinion. The rest is accomplished  by technically studied marketing campaigns.The subliminal, often unconscious, positive message conveyed is firmly established in minds. This attractive language emphasizes individual rights and is based on the key words "freedom" and "tolerance". The individual will be flattered, so that  there will be no resistance to  the desired development and does not notice that it  strips away the larger bonds,  such as nation, community and family, and is powerless and defenseless, even only an uninfluential individual among billions.
Tthe “red thread” Pelliacciari exposes leaves the reader a rather oppressive feeling. However, the author recalls at the end of her book that history also teaches that in  long struggle with Gnosticism, that whenever the truth is attacked someone gets up, ready to defend the truth and even for them to die for it. This is why ultimately nothing is lost.
Angela Pellicciari: La gnosi al potere. Why the story seems to be a conspiracy against the truth (collana storica 42), Fede & Cultura, Verona 2014 304 pages, € 18, -
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Publisher / Paviaon
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches…

Festival of Saint Remo: After "Gay Messiah" Follows "Conchita Wurst"

(San Remo) From the 10th-14th February the 65th Festival della canzone italiana will be held in  San Remo. Italy's most popular event of  light music is being broadcast by the Italian state radio RAI. Conditions of participation: All songs must be sung in Italian. Recently, however, the festival is becoming a stage for the gay indoctrination.
The gender ideologues have tried to capture  the festival for several years. Since this is an event by public television, it is not possible without political support.
2013 It "pleased" the organizers to broadcast an "anti-homophobia" commercial.
2014 San Remo Festival was "the scene of an outrageous gay appearance" says Corrispondenza Romana. The largely unknown, but all the more perverse Canadian singer Rufus Wainwright, who sings  obscene and blasphemous songs like "Gay Messiah" or "Baptist", was invited for a guest appearance. In the song "Gay Messiah" the aberrosexual singer announces the coming of a deviant "Messiah", "who comes from a porn movie of the 70s". Wainwright even appears  as a "homo-Messiah" on stage and is "crucified". In the song "Baptist" the Canadian sings acting out  perverse fantasies of a baptism by sperm. In 2012 Wainwright concluded a "gay marriage" in New York  and announced that a friend would  carry a child as "surrogate mother". 
Since moderator Fabio Fazio was to make his appearance, who is known for his radical left-wing activism, protests from the audience and the Italian Association lawyers for the life were of no avail. The organizers stuck to Wainwright.

From "Gay Messiah" Follows Drag Queen

In 2015, the Austrian aberrosexual Thomas Neuwirth, also known drag queen "Conchita Wurst" will appear as a guest star in San Remo. Although the Festival 2014 was a flop in  audience attendance, which is why Fabio Fazio was replaced by  moderator Carlo Conti, but with the lavender agenda, nothing changes. 
"Würst" is the product of a deliberate homosexualization made possible with public funds. ORF 2013 ignored the usual disapproval of the audience  preliminary and unilaterally appointed the mediocre singer as the Austrian representative at the Euro Vision Song Contest. There he was, despite a meager musical performance and audience, an allegedly "miraculous" decision to appoint the winner of the 59th edition of the Grand Prix Euro Vision Song Contest. "Würst" sees himself as a fighter against "discrimination" against aberrosexuals.
The bearded "woman" has since been passed around as a "man of the hour". Since  television stations can hardly tear  his musical performances from the Styrian world, there are  motives that give him invitations upon invitations, they must look elsewhere.
To show that Italy also can produce the new gender-neutral unisex chimera, Mauro Coruzzi was also invited, who is also known as Platinette, who has appeared already, dressed in an evening gown as a drag queen and appeared normally dressed at another evening. Is the Festival of San Remo to be a stage of dubious sexual fantasies and disturbed identities?

Catholic Associations Protest

The gay indoctrination by the state television RAI has caused considerable protests this year among Catholics. A number of websites at the Catholic Counter-Information have called for a boycott of the festival. The Association of Catholic viewers Aiart said: "The decision to invite the drag queen Conchita Wurst,  who is to  receives a lush 120,000 euros, proves once again that the RAI does not want to invest in the quality of  music, and decent performances, but public money for doubtful guests to produce an ideological program."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: San Remo Blog