Saturday, October 11, 2014

Censorship of the Episcopal Synod? -- Kasper Refers to Pope Francis as Strategist of "Mercy"

Cardinal Gerhard Muller Warns Against Censorship of
the Episcopal Synod
(Rome) fears were heard already ahead of the Synod of Bishops as statements of Cardinal  were loudly told in a happy round, as they intended to direct the synod in the desired Kasper-direction (see How do I manipulate a Synod of Bishops - Action plan against the Sacrament of Matrimony ). Now  Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the Congregation, beats the alarm.  The specter of censorship and control is making concrete moves.
The Cardinal protested that the flow of information is subject to public censorship. The contributions of the synod were kept secret from the public. Thus Cardinal Müller is one of the spokesmen who defending traditional doctrine and practice, has sounded the alarm call, that a particular direction has been disadvantaged in order to provide a desired image.  
Worthless information through the Vatican Press Office
As AP reported, the German Cardinal gave free vent to his anger for a Rome Catholic television broadcaster in Rome: "All Christians have the right to be informed about the interventions of their bishops."
A significant criticism of the way the information is flowing in the Vatican was of Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi SJ and his two priest-assistants, one who handles  English and another for the Spanish-language media. What was  on offer to journalists is not really quotable and ultimately worthless (see separate report , the various synods - inadequate information policy of the Vatican ).

Kaspers proposal as "medicine is worse than the disease"

In particular, the statements by the synod, both on the doctrine of the sacrament of marriage and church practice by Cardinal Walter Kasper were defended by the German Bishops' Conference under the table. To collect their statements, one has to make the search and ask here and there.  That's impossible for a million dollar house. .   A small keyword collection. A Synod participant spoke up in the auditorium, the proposal of Kasper is a "medicine worse than the disease" itself. But during the daily briefing for the press, no word was heard of it.
They picked up just as little  from the synod participant, who pointed to an inconsistency of the term   "re-married divorcees". In fact, "we are talking about people who are married by a sacramental marriage", but this important fact will be embezzled in a distorting neologism that distracts them and steer the focus on divorce and remarriage.
 Still another countered the 'new mercy' postulated by Kasper and Pope Francis, and said that there were popes even before 2014 and you can not claim that these were not merciful.
As far as the key word of "mercy", a synod participant called to mind that everything has a place and the most important place for mercy was the confessional. There is where the  Church has always shown mercy. Whoever does not want to use this place, deprives themselves of the mercies God performs  through the Church, and can not simply demand that the Church should relocate the place of mercy to another, worse place.

Kasper Criticized Justifies Himself, In Which He References Pope Francis

Another synod participant  replied to Kasper and Marx that ought not constantly shout "Mercy, Mercy", but also make an effort and  needed to evangelize more.  There was  talk of formation and instruction of the faithful, yet this was neglected then, however, for fear they might be misunderstood. But in this way,  one is guaranteed not to understand.
Cardinal Kasper, becoming increasingly sensitive against the fierce criticism,  justified himself i and his proposal to  action on the grounds "that he had been already the one who took the initiative, but that he had previously requested it of the Pope ..." writes Vatican expert Marco Tosatti for La Stampa. The cardinal said bluntly, that the real strategist for the reversal of the  primacy of  practice before teaching and Communion for remarried divorcees is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.  Statements and gestures of the Pope since the conclave confirm Kasper's  statement. The German cardinal would hardly dare such a public statement if it were not true. 
Control over the flow of information provides the ability to guide public opinion. In this specific case, the Vatican press office seems more freely follow behind  the Kasper-party, so that it can direct the flow of information through their own channels and through direct media contacts.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

IS Fighters Encircle Turkish Troops

Kobane Under Attack
ANKARA. Troops of the "Islamic state" (IS) have encircled 36 Turkish soldiers in northern Syria.These guard the mausoleum of Süleyman Shah, the grandfather of the first Ottoman sultan, which is the extraterritorial property of Turkey. According to Turkish newspapers there are about 1,100 Islamists  deployed.
The grave is located about 30 kilometers south of the heavily contested Kurdish city Kobane.Thousands IS-fighters have been trying for days, to conquer the border city located directly on the Syrian-Turkish border. According to observers they have also employed  heavy artillery and tanks. Opposing them are a few hundred Kurdish fighters with light weapons. They are supported by air attacks from the United States and Arab countries.
The Syrian Minister of National Reconciliation, Ali Haidar, meanwhile, stressed that the government in Damascus could not support the Kurds with air strikes because of the proximity to the Turkish border. There was a risk that the machines would then penetrate the Turkish airspace.
Turkey pulls troops together
While the fighting continues, Turkey has begun to assemble  troops on their side of the border. As government Turkish newspapers report, nearly 10,000 soldiers and 35 tanks were mobilized. On Thursday the parliament in Ankara will advise about a possible deployment of ground troops in Syria and Iraq.
One suggested solution  is also a safety zone in the two countries where Turkish troops take control, to protect the inhabitants from the Islamists. Previously, Turkey has steadfastly refused to intervene against the IS   and has even tolerated activities of the terrorist organization in their own country. (Ho)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Veto Against the Nobel Prize for a Pope

(Oslo) This year's Nobel Peace Prize was awarded, but again not to a Catholic Pope. Neither Pope Francis, although there were significant rumors in this direction he was the first pope in the running. Not only the Catholic Church but especially the papacy is a stumbling block some circles. This also true of the Masonic founders of the Nobel Prize, and  also counts the trustee of its Foundation.
Year after year enthusiastic Catholics  brought the application in vain for the prize committee to bestow the Nobel Peace Prize on Pope John Paul II.   It  seemed  that in comparison to other awardees, nobody was a more appropriate candidate than the Catholic Church leader. Fundamental ideological prejudices they can not bring into account. This has described the history of the Nobel Peace Prize   since its first award in 1901 and the non-observance by the Prize Committee of the peace efforts of Pope Benedict XV.  speaking clearly to end of the First World War
In 2001 a little look behind the scenes was granted. At that time Gunnar Stålsett, Member of the Prize Committee and former Lutheran Bishop of Oslo, justified his refusal of John Paul II. Giving the Nobel Peace Prize.There will be no Nobel Prize so long as a Pope of the Catholic Church will  not change their sexual teaching.
So there was a formal veto against the awarding of the Nobel Prize to John Paul II., But not only against him but in principle to a Pope, because the Catholic Church and its teachings are rejected. I Gunnar Stålsett  afforded a look at the  cards of the prize committee, as he wanted to but refrained from saying anything that explains this fundamental hostility.
Stålsett incidentally boasts of its excellent contacts with Freemasonry. His father was Worshipful Master and his older brother is a lodge member. The Norwegian Frimurerbladet (1/2014) reported on a lecture by the Lutheran bishop in the circle of  aproned brothers on "religion of peace".
The veto which was announced by  Stålsett in 2001, was not repealed for Pope Francis.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Frimurerbladet (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Anniversary of the Battle of Tours: Another of the West's Victories Over the Islamic Threat Which Continues Today

Edit: On 732 the Battle of Tours took place at nearby Poitiers, France. The King of the Franks, Charles Martel and his men, defeated a large army of Moors, stopping the Muslims from taking over Western Europe. This would be an opportune time in the Synod to discuss the importance of raising properly catechized children in the face of threats from within and without both new and old.

Here's an excerpt from Front Page Magazine:

But at dawn, Charles and his men discovered that the Muslim army had vanished, leaving the booty stolen from ransacked churches behind, as well as 10,000 of their dead – including Abd-ar-Rahman himself. It was not the last Muslim incursion into Europe, but it was the beginning of the end.

Some contemporary historians downplay the magnitude of the Muslim threat, claiming that Abd-ar-Rahman’s force was only a raiding party. They minimize the significance of the battle’s outcome, too; at least one historian even claims that Europe would have been better off if Islam had conquered it. But Hanson notes that “most of the renowned historians of the 18th and 19th centuries… saw Poitiers as a landmark battle that signaled the high-water mark of Islamic advance into Europe.” Edward Creasey included it among his The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World. Many believe that if Charles – whom the Pope afterward dubbed Martel, or “the Hammer” – had not stopped Abd-ar-Rahman at Tours, there would have been nothing to prevent Europe from ultimately becoming Islamic. Edward Gibbon called Charles “the savior of Christendom” and wrote in The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire in 1776 that if not for Charles’ victory, “perhaps the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught in the schools of Oxford.”

If only Gibbon could see Oxford now. Not only is the interpretation of the Koran taught there, but Islam thrives in Oxford, thanks partly to the patronage of dhimmi Prince Charles. In his essay “Islam in Oxford,” faux moderate Muslim scholar Muqtadar Khan writes smugly that “Gibbon would have been surprised to learn the lesson that military defeats do not stop the advance of civilizations and the globalization of Islam is unimpeded by the material and military weaknesses of the Muslim world.”

Apart from his dubious suggestion that Islam has anything to do with the advance of civilization, Khan is right. Today the Islamic invasion of Europe and the rest of the West is of the demographic, not military, sort. The continent faces an immigration crisis from at least one generation of young Muslims, many of whom not only are willfully unassimilated, but who are waging cultural and physical aggression against their hosts, establishing parallel communities ruled by sharia and “no-go” zones of violence toward infidels. “Nothing can stop the spread of Islam,” insists Islamic apologist Reza Aslan. “There are those who would try, but it simply will not happen. Absolutely nothing can stop the spread of Islam.”

Link to Front Page Mag... Photo from Medieval Monday...

Anglican Bishop: Most Look to Rome to Stem Islamic MIlitancy

Edit: important that the Ordinariate in Union would bring this up, for there is surely a strong point of ecumenical interest involved.  
[Our Lady of Walsingham] The prominent Anglican Bishop, Michael Nazir-Ali, formerly the Bishop of Rochester, has spoken of the overriding importance of the Catholic Church's global voice for the future of Christianity in a world threatened by Islamic militancy and secularism. 
He said the Catholic Church potentially had "a great future and a huge opportunity" in the emerging world order and that it now had allies in upholding orthodoxy, even in unexpected quarters. However, he said that how effective it would be depended on how Rome viewed its own position and on its willingness to address its approach to certain issues. He identified these as culture and language and discipline. 
Bishop Nazir Ali, who has both a Christian and a Muslim family background and is now President of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue (OXTRAD), made his remarks to the clergy of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham - the structure set up by Pope Benedict to allow Anglicans to enter the full communion of the Catholic Church, bringing with them elements of their Anglican patrimony. He was speaking on the subject: "A Global Christianity in the Making" to the Ordinariate clergy's plenary session at St Patrick's Catholic Church in Soho Square, London (on 2 October).

Continue Reading at Our Lady of Walsingham...

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Black Pope: "There can be more Christian Love in An Irregular Pair, Than in One, Which Has Been Married in the Church"

The White Pope Embraces the Black One, Both
Come From the Jesuit Order
(Rome) Giacomo Galeazzi of Vatican Insider conducted an interview with Father Adolfo Nicolas, Superior General of the approximately 18,000 Jesuits worldwide. The General of the Jesuits provost is also called "Black Pope" because of the contrast to the white robe of the Pope, while the Jesuits have no habit, but wear the cassock of secular priests. At least that's the theory. But above all, for a fourth vow, the Jesuits owe allegiance to the Pope. "There can be a more Christian love in an irregular pair, than in one that was married in the Church,"  Nicolas said at the beginning of the interview. documented the full interview with the Superior General of the Jesuit order, which one of the three synod is participating as a representative of the Catholic Order of the Synod.
Will there be an "aggiornamento" of  family morality?
The free and open discussion is towards change, towards pastoral adaptation to the changing reality of our time.  This is of an epoch-making character, because there are forces  in these years that have attempted to return the Church to before the great season of the Council.
And Communion for the divorced and remarried?
You can not stop them from discussing this in the Synod, as some would like to stop them. The bishops were not summoned to reinforce abstract ideas with the blows of the doctrine, but to seek solutions to specific questions. Significantly, the Pope has participated and many Synod Fathers in their  addresses regarding texts of the Council. Here the Church of hearing is heeding the  expression of the Spirit, which was  hoped  for by Cardinal Martini until the end of his life.
The Conservatives say that the doctrine is in danger ...
It is wrong to make absolutes. Take the case of illegitimate partnerships. It's not like that with a lack of everything is bad. On the contrary, there is something good, where you can not hurt your neighbor. Francis has stressed: "We are all sinners." Life is to be supplied on all fields. Our task is to bring the people of grace, not dismiss them with provisions.  For us Jesuits, it is daily practice.  The Inquisition one  knew exactly this.
In what way?
Our founder, St. Ignatius underwent an examination by the Inquisition a total of eight times, after he had spoken of listening to the Spirit. Then, as now,  the Spirit comes to us again, because He comes from God, but not the rules and norms which, however, are the work of man. The morality of the family and sexuality need kindness and brotherhood. It is not to split it, but to harmonize. You can not evangelize the people, by beating them with the Gospel. Only the decision to focus on Christ,  will keep us from fruitless disputes, to abstract ideological disputes. Defects and imperfections do not invalidate the whole of the evolution of the family in society in recent decades. If there is something negative, it does not mean that everything is negative.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider
Tans: Tancred

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Episcopal Synod Has the Tendency "to Make a Friend of the World"

Pope Francis on the way to the Synod Hall.
(Rome) Cardinal Peter Erdo introduced  the beginning of the Synod of Bishops. In his opening speech, Relatio ante disceptationem , he signaled an opening in changing the direction of pastoral practice in matters of Church teaching on marriage and family. At the same time he set some milestones over which it is better not to go: Humanae vitae, the serious depression of the Orthodox practice or a separation of justice and mercy. To declare that "the divorced are part of the Church," as did Erdo, however, was not new. No one has ever doubted this. It was only recalled recently also by Velasio Cardinal De Paolis, one of the opponents of Kasper's thesis of a "new openness".
With the beginning of the discussion, it was really lively.The front of the proponents of "aggiornamento" immediately made the lions work. It's about the topic leadership. Of the 70 speeches on Monday and Tuesday, a large majority took in one form or another the thesis of Cardinal Walter Kasper as his own, which he brought up  at the Consistory last February.

Ratio of the  Preponderance of "Liberals" Against Intellectual and Rhetorical Brilliance of the "Conservatives"

But somewhat surprisingly they have thus at least numerically surpassed the other side in the first round. On this other side there stands out, buth intellectually and rhetorically,  the Cardinals Raymond Burke and Sebastian Aguilar. From the multilingual briefing  in the Vatican press hall  it was quickly understood that what was  discussed in the auditorium on the Doctrine of the Faith, that in several reports about the discussions in the Aula that the doctrine should be better explained to disoriented believers. All just a matter of style? The Synod Fathers reaffirmed therein at least all were in agreement that the family should be considered as a basic unit of society.
Among the first who spoke, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, representative of Central America in the C9-Cardinals' Advisory. He proposed a kind of catechumenate  for couples who also  should be subjected to a catechetical instruction spouses course. Cardinal Marx before the Synod introduced a sophisticated document of the German Bishops' Conference, which bears the signature of all German bishops, thus supporting Kasper's proposal.

Train Moves Towards Change: "Epochal Signs Because there Were Forces That Wanted to Lead Back to Before the Council"

After these first battles the words emerged in sum, that the train travels towards change in practice, as well shown by the words of the "black pope". The Superior General of the Jesuits, Father Adolfo Nicolas told Vatican Insider: "The free and open discussion is towards change, towards pastoral adaptation to the changing reality of our time." But not only that Nicolas put this development in a context that is implicitly directed against Benedict XVI, and John Paul II: "This is an epoch-making sign, because there were forces in these years that have attempted to return the Church to before the great season of the Council."
Nicolas words are confirmed by what the journalists' briefing was told. Many Synod Fathers have demanded that the Church should adapt their language "and make the world into a friend."  Because "if the church does not listen to the world, the world will not listen to the Church," is how the logic behind it was explained.

Australian Auditors Make Homosexuality  the Subject - Bishop Criticized Catechism

Although they had not begun with the "hot" iron topics like Communion for remarried divorcees, it was already clear from the first two Synod days   that the  application is at issue in Rome, which is much more extensive and fundamental.  Not by chance was the situation of aberrosexual couples was discussed on both days at length. This was initiated by the Australian Auditor-couple Romano and Mavis Pirola from Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council .  A Synod participant then followed who criticized  the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): The designation of homosexuality in Canon 2357 as "an objectively disordered inclination", only to leads people away  from Christ, said the Bishop.
The African bishops spoke mainly about the problem of polygamy, which is perceived more strongly there, but largely ignored in the West, despite the phenomenon occuring in the course of Islamic immigration, if for family reunification two, three or four women are allowed into the country, or of three or four widows receive a widow's pension. These are facts with which the majority of European countries are already confronted, but which are concealed because of the "culture of welcome".

Stricter Marriage Preparation

The predominant line of the first Synod days is summarized: the way the accompaniment of couples for marriage is to undergo a radical review. It must become  "longer and more individual". It should necessitate greater "rigor" and  make the couple realize that their marriage promise is something serious and real, that it is not only a fiction, which is done  only because of the beautiful spectacle of a wedding in church with many guests, flowers and photographers. There should not be a fear  to reduce the number of marriages in the church,  said English Cardinal Vincent Nichols at the official press conference.
Regardless, the opinions among the Synod Fathers about the Gospel of the family,  are very divided with a highly significant tendency to want to make "the world a friend".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Marx: "German Bishops Stand Behind Kasper" -- Schönborn Also

Cardinal Marx and behind, Archbishop Zollitsch
(Rome) "The majority of the German bishops are in agreement with Kasper's proposal," Cardinal Reinhard Marx said on Monday, and so made outright admission of remarried divorcees from Communion. He took in the Synod Hall     immediately after the Relatio of the Rapporteur Cardinal Erdo.  Austria's Cardinal Schönborn agreed with Kasper. The German-speaking bishops in the Synod of Bishops immediately went on the offensive and sought to assume leadership. The new edition of the Rhenish alliance has already taken place in the German language area. The "Liberal" party is well organized.
Cardinal Marx, Archbishop of Munich-Freising, Chairman of the German Bishops' Conference , soon also Chairman of the Conference of European Bishops' Conferences, representative of Europe in the C9-Cardinals' Advisory to advise Pope Francis for reform of the Curia and management of the universal Church and chairman of the new Economic Council of the Holy See. A man with influence and in full awareness of his power .

German Offensive

"The Synod has a very open atmosphere," said the German cardinal. Even his Austrian counterpart, Archbishop of Vienna, Christoph Cardinal Schönborn immediately signaled a readiness to be open  regarding the "positive elements" of civil marriage.
"We have discussed and deepened this topic and I've written the Secretariat of the Synod to inform him" about the German position, Cardinal Marx, whom Benedict XVI. named in 2008 as Archbishop of Munich-Freising, with which he has enabled his rise to his the current positions. Marx, born in 1953, has been Bishop of Trier since 2002  and before that  in 1996, he was Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn.  
"In Germany we have decided that the debate should be public. Pius XII. had spoken of the public opinion in the Church and we need to see the family as it is today and talk about all issues and all challenges with pastoral sensitivity. For Christians, the truth is not a system of ideas, but a living person with whom we are in  dialog," said  Marx at the press conference of Vatican Radio .
In the Synod Hall there is  no climate of conflict, just to listen and be respectful. One must look at the complexity of reality and also to the life stories of people who are or were not always all positive or all negative.

No to Faster Approval of the Nullity of Marriage Instead of Communion for Remarried Divorcees

Marx also added that the German bishops were not interested in an acceleration of the marriage annulment process.  Benedict XVI. had already called for an acceleration of  methods while dealing with the same content, as a possible answer to the drama of failed marriages, because it is lawful to examine the validity of the marriage.

Cardinal Schönborn stands behind Kasper: the new Rhenish Alliance
But the German bishops  do not want to keep putting it off. They demand as the only acceptable response to  current "real life", the approval of remarried divorcees to Communion. At least, this is the suggestion  of Cardinal Marx.  Because if the marriage foundered after many years, it is difficult to decide whether the marriage validly occured or not. Finally, want to "we do not want to think about   a kind of 'Catholic divorce'', said the Cardinal dialectically.

Cardinal Burke Spokesman of the "Conservatives"

On the afternoon of the first day   Synod,  after Cardinal Walter Kasper , Cardinal Raymond Burke also took the floor. He belongs with four other cardinals, as  the author of a book against Kasper's proposal. Cardinal Kasper is,  with papal benevolence, the spokesman of the "liberal" party, Cardinal Burke is regarded as the spokesperson of the "Conservative" party. In psychological guerrilla warfare that was tried before the Synod, to set the traditional to beset the Cardinal with rumors and threats of pressure. It is noticeable also that in the external perception of the Synod, what penetrates widely to the outside was represented as the opinion of the "Liberals", while those of the "conservatives" on the other hand,  should have been largely suppressed. The progressive Dehoniana journal Il Regno, which is close to the school of Bologna, set up a special website to continually report on the Synod's activity. A filtered reporting.

Cardinal Schönborn's (expected) Shoulder to Shoulder with Kasper

In the afternoon, Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn of Vienna and President of the Austrian Bishops' Conference and Ratzinger disciple, spoke up. He shared a number of Kasper's statements about the existence of elements of Christian marriage in the civil marriage: the public obligation, the duty to the spouse, the stability and more. As the Second Vatican Council has recognized that the true Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church, but it is possible to recognize elements of  Church also in the other churches and Christian communities, so it would be possible, given these positive elements of Christian marriage to recognize civil marriages. Therefore, with Kasper's  consideration, one could, for a time of penance, consider the situation of remarried divorcees on a case by case basis, and admit them to the sacraments.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Il Foglio / eponymousflower.blogspot
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches....

Never Forget: Today is the Commemoration of the Battle of Lepanto in 1571

And the Feast of the Holy Rosary, without whose urgent and pious use, the battle would have been lost, without which the Church and the faithful would be lost.

Bishop Synod Will End with the Beatification of Paul VI., the Pope of Humanae Vitae -- Partipation of Benedict XVI

(Rome) The current Extraordinary Synod of Bishops gathered in the Vatican concludes on October 19 with the beatification of Paul VI., The Pope of the encyclical Humanae Vitae . No document of the papal Magisterium of recent times created more hostility and brought open resistance and disobedience within the Church  as much as this encyclical. It represents the Church's response to the sexual revolution and was therefore anti-cyclical in open contradiction of the prevailing zeitgeist.
The sexual revolution had aimed at the disinhibition of sexual impulses, the targets were apparently taboo sexual behaviors, perversions and identity disorders. The ideological currents behind it, which provided the theoretical framework and pushed forward the enforcement may be named exactly. They are located in the left-wing spectrum, whether left-libertarian or Marxist, supported by "sexologists" who themselves suffered from perverse sexual pathologies.

Encyclical Humanae vitae: Response to Sexual Revolution

However, the core of the sexual revolution was the birth control pill, which sought to separate the sexual act between man and woman from conception and intruded in the relationship between the sexes, shook  marriage and the family. Its biggest promotion was experienced through the often racist ideologues of population control. Pope Paul VI. however, affirmed the openness of the sexual act for the transmission of life and thus the ban on contraceptives.
The encyclical is often referred to as "prophetic". Firstly, because it came in conflict with the spirit of the times. On the other hand, because it was written in opposition to the more common attitude in the Church that sought an arrangement with the prevailing zeitgeist and wanted to allow artificial contraception. A recommendation that was pronounced by both of the commissions appointed for its study by John XXIII and of  Paul VI..
The episcopate of the German-speaking world following the publication of the encyclical was in 1968, in open rebellion and refused obedience in the Königstein (Germany), Mariatroster (Austria) and Solothurn (Switzerland) Declarations. The above statements have not been lifted to this day. The reasoning behind it reminds me strangely of those of Cardinal Kasper to the weakening of the marriage sacrament: the gap between "practice in life" of the people and Church doctrine, which should be overcome by adapting the teaching to the practice. And the German episcopate is found again in the footsteps of disobedience as already in 1968's disobedience brings forth new disobedience?

Benedict XVI. participates in the beatification of the Pope, who created him a Cardinal

Meanwhile,  emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. has made it known that he will participate at the beatification of Paul VI. He participated at the end  of April in the canonization of his predecessor John Paul II., and John XXIII.
Paul VI. created Jospeh Ratzinger, then archbishop of Munich-Freising, Cardinal. The recognized miracles, with which the beatification process was completed successfully, relates to the healing of an unborn child early 90s in California.The doctors who discovered a serious health problem in the fetus, the young mother, recommended as the only remaining solution, to kill the child by abortion.
The mother refused and instead trusted in Divine Providence. As an advocate, they turned to Paul VI. because of his encyclical Humanae vitae for the protection of human life.

Approved Wonder Reaffirms Defense of Life

The child was born without problems and completely healthy. Meanwhile, the child without health complaints has come into adulthood. The postulator for the beatification process called the healing in "accordance with the Magisterium" of the Pope. A miracle in the "defense of life, family and marriage", which is dedicated to the encyclical. Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, who was just returned by Pope Francis as Archbishop of Valencia in Spain, former prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, told Info Vaticana that the Positio of Paul VI. was the most impressive was that he had read in his life.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: InfoVaticana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, October 6, 2014

Venetian "Second Marriage"? Surprise Coup at the Start of the Bishops' Synod With Distortion of Council of Trent

(Rome) The Roman Jesuit journal La Civiltà Cattolica has  launched a surprise coup and is rushing in time for the start of the Synod of Bishops  to help Cardinal Walter Kasper. For this purpose the magazine is distorting, with the special proximity to the reigning Pope, the Council of Trent.

To support the thesis of Cardinal Walter Kasper  the fortnightly magazine dug something from the basement with papal imprimatur  which had sat there, dusty for centuries. A gesture of the Council of Trent for the few Catholics of the Greek Islands, which were under Venetian rule, some of whom received a second marriage in the prevailing Byzantine rite.

In the article by Father Giancarlo Pani SJ in the latest issue of Civiltà Cattolica was drawn attention to by the Vaticanist Sandro Magister.

After praise for Kasper's "theology on its knees," the Jesuit magazine took this position entirely as its own

The Jesuit magazine settled on the 4th of October, the eve of the start of the Synod of Bishops,  to publish its essay. Apart from a post in which Cardinal Kasper's "theology on his knees" was praised, it is the first direct contribution to the theme "second marriage", which is  advocated by a German Cardinal for the approval of remarried divorcees to Communion.

Not only is the strategic timing remarkable, but how the renowned and lofty official papal character of the magazine broke its silence. It made Kasper's thesis completely its own. The German cardinal "is called by the first line as a landmark," said Magister.

The Civiltà Cattolica is not just any magazine, as the Vatican's censorship shows.

Since its inception, all posts are required to be submitted to the Vatican Secretariat of State prior to their publication and has obtained a license to print to this day. Hence conclusions can be drawn. The contributions come exclusively from the pen of Jesuits. Between Pope Francis, a member of the Jesuit Order himself, and the current editor of the magazine, Father Antonio Spadaro, there is "tightest agreement" (Magister). Father Spadaro is internally to the Church what Eugenio Scalfari is outside as the most important interpreter of the papal thought and action.

"Ecumenical" Opening of the Council of Trent for "Second Marriage"?

To move the Synod of Bishops to be "open" towards "second marriage", the Jesuit magazine continued with a surprise move. It dug out of the otherwise less noticed Council of Trent, that council which reaffirmed more than any other, the unity and indissolubility of sacramental marriage bond.

This Council does in fact contain a formal condemnation of "second marriage", as is common in the Eastern Churches, and not only among the faithful of the Orthodox Rite, but also among the Catholics of the Eastern Churches united with Rome.

"The Council Fathers of Trent had been moved to make this gesture, which the Jesuit Magazineconsiders as 'ecumenical' ante litteram, to allow the Catholics who lived in the Greek islands of the Republic of Venice and with the approval of their Latin bishops, to visit the Orthodox churches. The Venetian ambassador addressed the request to the Council, 'to allow these Catholics to maintain their rites, including the possibility of a second marriage if the spouse had committed adultery," said Magister.

After a heated discussion, the Council Fathers decided by 97 votes to 80, to match the application and formulate the new Canon. The new Canon affirmed the indissolubility of marriage, but no longer contained an explicit condemnation of the Eastern practice.

Jesuit Magazine Repeatedly Overhauled Kasper's One-sided Presentation

The author of the contribution in the Civiltà Cattolica is Father Giancarlo Pani SJ, Professor of Church History at the University La Sapienza in Rome. He reconstructs the debate at the Council of Trent with numerous details, including all references to the Council Fathers, to the New Testament and the Church Fathers.

In his own account of the ecclesiastical practice of the early Christian centuries, however, Father Pani follows exclusively the representation of Giovanni Cereti and whose book Divorzio, nuove nozze e penitenza nella Chiesa primitiva (Divorce, Remarriage and Penance in the Early Church) from 1977, which was reissued in August 2013  in time for the new debate. Cereti is the main, if not sole, source of Cardinal Kasper in his speech to the cardinal consistory last February. All recent studies on the subject, such as those of the renowned patrologists Crouzel Henri and Gilles Pelland, both also Jesuits who "literally destroyed" Cereti (Magister), Kasper ignored completely and as  Father Pani does now in this essay.

This results from the article in the Civiltà Cattolica gives the impression that the Council of Trent already gave a gesture of "evangelical mercy", which should be taken up and amplified now, as the Synod of Bishops meets and that the alleged benefit "of those Christians who are suffering a failed marital relationship life ".

Council of Trent Did Not Open by any Means to the "Second Marriage"

"In reality," said Magister,there was no "opening" by the Council of Trent towards the second marriage: "it was decided only in this point with that reservation, which was also in the centuries previously and was maintained thereafter, in no direct conflict to come with the Orthodox churches."

The exceptional situation that prevailed in the Greek islands of the Maritime Republic of Venice, was resolved  again by itself, as the islands were occupied by the Ottoman Empire and were lost for Venice. It never repeated, not even for those Eastern Church communities united with the Church of Rome. There was an advance profession of faith  required of them, with which it expressly recognized the impossibility of a second marriage.

The article in the Civiltà Cattolica reinforces the impression that there is strategic planning on the topic in the context of Pope Francis, which fosters the "opening" for remarried divorcees whose outward spokesman is Cardinal Walter Kasper.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Lion of St. Mark (Marco Boschini: Map of Crete, 1651) / Council of Trent
Trans: Tancred

Curial Archbishop Carballo Immortalized in a Church -- "Concerned About Pre-Conciliar Deviations"

(Madrid), José Rodriguez Carballo Archbishop Curia has been immortalized in a church of Santiago de Compostela. "Is this appropriate in the 21st century?" Asks Francisco de la Cigoña of La Gaceta .
Rodriguez Carballo is from Galicia and belongs to the Franciscan Order. The Spaniard was the first major personnel decision of the current pontificate. A few days after his election,  Pope Francis called the Franciscan at the beginning of April 2013 as Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life in the Roman Curia. Previously, Father Rodriguez Carballo from 2003-2013  was the119th General Minister of the Franciscan Order.
The Catholic journalist Francisco de la Cigoña was content to ask questions: "Is  that not too early? Is that excessive?"  The presentation in the church shows Father Rodriguez Carballo with crosier and pectoral cross as a bishop. His episcopal ordination took place on 13 May 2013.
Curial Archbishop Rodriguez Carballo, Titular Archbishop per hac vice of Bellicastrum is, with João Cardinal Bráz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Religious, responsible for the  restrictive measures against the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The appointment of the Apostolic Commissioner, Father Fidenzio Volpi from the Capuchin Order, took place a few months after Carballos took office on 13 July-2013.
Last May, the Curial Archbishop said in a speech to the Association of Catalan religious (URC): "For religious, the Council is a point that is not negotiable."   "Whoever sees in the "reforms" of Vatican II all the bad things of the religious life, denies the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church ". The Congregation for Religious   is  "very concerned" about this phenomenon: "We see real deviations" because "not a few institutes" have their growth "there is not just  a pre-conciliar, but even an anti-conciliar formation"... "not a few institutions" says Rodriguez Carballo. "This is not allowed, that is, to stand outside of history. This is something that has us very worried  in the Congregation. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: La Gaceta / de la Cigoña
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

500,000 At Pro-Family Demonstration in Paris

Edit: Tiberge reports on the Manif Pour Tous demonstration this weekend.  Once again, it's being downplayed by the authorities.

So far all I know is that it was a successful demonstration with about half a million in Paris and thirty thousand in Bordeaux. As always, these figures are subject to change. I know of no incidents yet. The Front National was there in force, with Aymeric Chauprade and Marion Maréchal Le Pen, without Marine Le Pen, but that is not new. One of Sarkozy's favorite ministers Michèle Alliot-Marie was there too, as were many UMP members. No doubt they are gearing up for a fight to restore the image of their party.

Pope Francis: "Wind of Pentecost" May Blow Over the Bishops, So They "Hear the People's Cry"

Opening of the Bishops' Synod of 2014 by
Pope Francis in St. Peter's in Rome
(Vatican) With two speeches Pope Francis was at the prayer vigil on the eve of and during the sermon at the opening of the Synod of Bishops of the 191 Synod Fathers has shown the way. This leads to two questions: What did the Pope say? And most importantly: What exactly did the Pope mean? What does he mean specifically in connection with the Synod of Bishops and their questions when he equates the "shepherd" with the "winemakers" from the parable of Jesus, God's "dream" of "confounding" his people  and  placing "intolerable burdens on the shoulders" of the people? And what if he says that the "cry of the people" sounds, and the shepherds acquire the "smell" of the people and explore his will and can finally touch the "wind of Pentecost" in  order to be "creative" (... ) to discover "new and unprecedented opportunities"?
 Pope Francis, opened this morning's  Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family with a Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica, For two weeks, 191 Synod Fathers and 60 consultants and observers will discuss on family and marriage. It is based on a working paper which was drawn up by the Permanent Secretariat of the Synod under the presidency of Cardinal Secretary Lorenzo Baldisseri, a close confidant of the Pope. There will be a press release daily to inform over the course of the Synod of Bishops.

Pontifical Mass in St. Peter's Basilica - The "Dream of God"

In his homily , the Pope spoke of the vineyard as a "dream of God". This "dream" was "his people: he hath planted it and he maintains it with patience and true love for it to be a holy people, a nation bringing forth much good fruit of righteousness." However, "both in the old prophecy as also in Jesus' parable   God's dream is confounded. "
Jesus turn with his likeness "of the ruling class": "That is the job of the leaders of the people: to cultivate the vineyard with freedom, creativity and diligence." With the "elite" says the Pope, the shepherds are compared these with the winemakers who the vineyard "usurped; in their greed and their arrogance they mean to do with him what they want, and they take the opportunity for God   to realize his dream for the people he has chosen for himself. "
The Pope goes even further in his charge to the shepherds: "For they bind heavy and insupportable burdens, and lay them on men's shoulders; but with a finger of their own they will not move them. (cf. Mt 23.4.). "
The Synod of Bishops was there to "cultivate the vineyard of the Lord better and to beware of his dream to work his plan of love for his people. In this case, the Lord requires us to take care of the family which was an essential part of his plan of love for humanity from the beginning. "

"Elite" - "Greedy Winemakers" - "Shepherds"

Then the Pope said addressed to the synod fathers: "We are all sinners, and for us there can be the temptation of greed that is always present in us humans, to take the vineyard for ourselves'. The dream of God always collides with the hypocrisy of some of his servants. We can frustrate the dream of God, 'if we do not let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit."  But what does he mean when Pope Francis says,  "guided Holy Spirit?"  "The Spirit gives us the wisdom that goes beyond pure knowledge to work generously in true freedom and humble creativity."
"Brothers, to cultivate the vineyard and it is well to beware, it is necessary that our hearts and our minds in Christ Jesus are kept by the peace of God, which surpasseth all understanding (Philippians 4.7). So our thinking and planning is consistent with the dream of God: to  form a holy   people that has heard him, and brings the fruits of the kingdom of God" (cf. Mt 21,43.).
Prayer Vigil at St. Peter's Square for the Synod of Bishops on the Family
Prayer Vigil at St. Peter's Square for the Synod of Bishops on the Family
The Pope actuated  no substantive comment on the hotly debated issues in the run-up to the Synod of Bishops, especially the approval remarried divorcees to Communion or the recognition of a second marriage by the Church.
Yesterday, Saturday, Pope Francis took  part  at a prayer vigil in part on St. Peter's Square for a "good send off" of the Synod of Bishops. The  Italian Episcopal Conference had been invited. More than 80,000 people had come, especially families.  Catholic doctrine shone in the testimonies. Among them was a coupled married in the Church   who had divorced civilly, but got together again after six years.
In his speech , the Pope said: "Already the convenire in unum to the Bishop of Rome is an event of grace, in the manifested episcopal collegiality on a path of spiritual and pastoral judgment. "

Perceive the "Smell" of the People of Today - to Give Ear to the Pulse of the Time

And he appealed to the Synod Fathers: "To explore what the Lord wishes for His  church today, we must give an ear to the pulse of the time and perceive the "smell" of people today, until we have penetrated   their joys, hopes, sorrows and concerns  (cf.. Gaudium et Spes, no. 1). Then we will be able to make the good news about the family with credibility."
He continued, "by the Holy Spirit, we ask for the Synod Fathers, especially the gift of hearing". The bishops gathered in Rome  should "listen to God, to hear the cry of the people with him"; "Listen to the people, until they breathe the will to which God calls us."

"Return to the Origins of Christian Experience Opens  New, Unexpected Possibilities"

At the same time for "listening", the Pope called for "willingness to honest, open and fraternal" dialogue, "which leads us to accept with pastoral responsibility implied, the questions that this period brings. Let it true that they pour into our hearts, without ever losing the peace, but with the serene confidence that the Lord in due time will not fail  due to lead to unity. The history of the Church tells us, as we know, not perhaps of many similar situations, where we learned to overcome our fathers with persistent patience and creativity?"
The "secret" lies in a "view", said the Pope, so that was "third gift" to which it applies ask, "if we really want to check our steps on the floor of today's challenges," let our "glance be directed to Jesus Christ." "If we think his way of us to live and work with people, make it our own, we will not have difficulties to cast the work of the Synod  informatively and find ways for the pastoral care of the person and the family. Because every time we return to the origin of the Christian experience, we open to new and unexpected ways. "

"Wind of Pentecost, May Give Us Creative Love"

These three things, the hearing, the synodal discussion about the family,  the same loved with the look of Christ, "will be an opportunity for Providence, with which we will renew the Church and society after the example of Saint Francis. With the joy of the gospel we shall find fall in the step of a reconciled and merciful Church, poor and a friend of the poor. A church that is capable of "defeating through patience and love, the equally inner and outer afflictions and troubles," (Lumen gentium, n. 8).
"May the wind of Pentecost blow across the Synod work, the Church, over the whole of humanity. Let him untie the knots that prevent people from meeting each other. May he heal the bleeding wounds and rekindle hope. There are so many people without hope! May he give us that creative love, which makes it possible to love as Jesus loved. And our preaching will regain the vitality and dynamism of the first missionaries of the Gospel. "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Giornalettismo / Avvenire
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Friday, October 3, 2014

"We Will Always Reply to Those Who Question Us About the Reasons For Our Fidelity to Tradition"


Cardinal and Bishop Fellay Müller
(Menzingen)  Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X (SSPX) has today addressed the press service of the SSPX  about the meeting on 23 September 2014, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Müller. In some ways there is nothing new to report, "the doctrinal differences" would continue, says  Fellay. This had already emerged in the context of formal talks between the SSPX theologians and a delegation of the CDF in the years 2009-2011, which led to the rejection on the part of the SSPX of   the signing of the doctrinal preamble.
At the same time the situation had also changed. So there is a new pope and a new Prefect of the Congregation. The conclusion of the talk  two and a half weeks ago makes it clear "that neither they nor we want a break in relations". Both sides also insisted  "on the fact that the doctrinal issues must be resolved before a canonical recognition". Because of the ambiguities in the doctrinal preamble it is impossible for the SSPX, however, to sign.
Fellay also pointed to the "intensification of the Church Crisis"t, which was initiated by Walter Cardinal Kasper. To the concerns expressed by a number of cardinals in criticism of Kasper Fellay said: "Since the criticism of the two Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci in the Short Critical Examination of the New Ordo Missæ in 1969, Rome has never seen the like. But what has not changed is that the Roman authorities take no account of our criticisms of the Council, because they seem to them secondary or even to be illusory in view of the acute problems that arise in the Church today. These leaders recognize the crisis, which has rocked the Church up to the highest level  - even among the cardinals. But they do not see that the Council could be the disproportionate or even the main cause of this crisis. "
Cardinal Kasper had proposed in his speech on the occasion of the consistory in February, "to do again what has already been done at the Council, namely to reaffirm Catholic doctrine, but at the same time,  offer an opening for the care of souls." This idea confirmed by the Cardinal is more widespread, such as in interviews: "He recalled that the doctrine could not change in the theory, but he also introduces the idea that there would be situations in concrete reality, where the doctrine can not be applied." For the SSPX Kasper is not the cause of this evil: "For our part we accuse  the council of making this artificial distinction between doctrine and pastoral care before, because the care of souls must necessarily flow from  doctrine. Due to various openings in the pastoral area, major changes were introduced in the Church and  her teaching was affected thereby.  This took place during and after the Council, and we denounce the same strategy, which today is applied to marriage morality. "Nevertheless, it was in the Conciliar texts," where there were major changes" in terms of doctrine, such as religious freedom, ecumenism and collegiality .
As to the question whether the recent discussions were good,   the dialogue from 2009 to 2011 have brought nothing, Fellay said, but that they wanted to follow the example of the founder of the Society, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, "who has never refused the invitations the Roman authorities. We always reply to those who question us about the reasons of our faith. We can not escape this obligation, and we do it in the spirit and with the commitments that have been defined by the last General Chapter. "Tradition is the answer to the current crisis," said the Superior General.
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
Image: forum

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Pope Urges Chad Bishops: Live According to Catholic Moral Teaching

Pope Urges Chad Bishops to Dialogue With Muslims

Exhortation to the faithful to live a life according to the Christian message and according to Catholic moral teaching - In addition, Francis criticized the "very simple religious proposals from all sides on a moral level" in his address.

Vatican City ( Pope Francis has called on the Catholic Church in Chad to dialogue with Islam. This could curb the spread of violence, with which Christians are exposed in the neighboring countries, said the Pope on Thursday to the country's bishops at the Vatican. He also called for stricter adherence to Catholic moral teaching. The way of life of Catholics in Chad must be based on the Christian message, said Francis.

Of the more than twelve million people of Chad, 56 percent are Muslim, the remaining 44 percent are divided equally between Christians and animists. According to Vatican reports, there are a million Catholics live in the country. Francis criticized "very simple religious proposals from all sides on a moral level" in his speak. The "weight of certain cultural traditions" was "very strong". He did not name a specific example. In some African countries even among Catholics, polygamy is still widespread. Copyright 2014 Catholic Press Agency, Vienna, Austria All rights reserved. Link to

Trans: Tancred AMDG