Thursday, October 2, 2014

Will Pope Francis Receive the Nobel Prize?

(Stockholm) On October 10,  at exactly 11 o'clock the Nobel Peace Prize winners for 2014 will be announced. A favorite is Pope Francis.
Five of the six Nobel prizes are awarded in Stockholm, only the Nobel Peace Prize is in Oslo. The awards ceremony takes place every year on 10 December, the anniversary of the death of the founder Alfred Nobel (1833-1896).
A Catholic Church leader, who is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? The idea set Catholic hearts aflutter  during the tenure of Pope John Paul II. who were undaunted to think: who, if not he, is a worthy candidate for the award. But what would have the founder and Freemason  Alfred Nobel think of that? The composition of the prize committee, which can be described comprehensively as left and  Masonic, has - as a quick look through the list of Nobel Peace Prize shows - honored their peers especially, but few Catholic personalities (see separate report  Pope Francis Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014  in German). The Popes were simply ignored despite their significant commitment to peace efforts by the prize committee.
Last March   Geir Sundestadt who was secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, announced that Pope Francis was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. In each year  the Peace Research Institute in Oslo PRIO (of the founded by Johan Galtung) published a list of favorites and Francis is at the  top.

Francis Gives "New Hope for a Reform of the Catholic Church"

Pope Francis 2013 on Lampedusa
Kristian Berg Harpviken, the Director of PRIO typed in the awarding of this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Pope Francis. His conjecture based political scientist with the "tireless commitment to the fight against global poverty." Poverty, says Harpviken, is the main reason for armed conflicts. The reference to the images of the Pope on the Italian Mediterranean island of Lampedusa off the coast of Tunisia comes to mind. A few days ago, the Pope met with survivors of a shipwreck off Lampedusa, whose ship was capsized while trying to immigrate to the EU.
On the grounds of "combating poverty"   Mother Teresa of Calcutta has already been recognized, although she was exceptional as a Catholic nun. But then Harpviken is concrete: Another reason for his assumption that Francis could be awarded the Nobel Prize,  Harpviken sees in the "new hope for a reform of the Catholic Church." Is the award of the Nobel Peace Prize a distinction for certain internal church decisions? Who would  interfere in internal Church affairs in the spirit of the Masonic founder, but a left-liberal prize committee?

Liberal Coloring

In 2013 the International Anti-Chemical Weapons Organization (OPCW) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in 2012 the European Union. Unwieldy laureates, with little ability to evoke emotion during their ceremony. Particularly controversial, even grotesque, was the granting in 2009 of the newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama. The otherwise subdued ideological coloration  shown in the idea behind the award ceremony has  rarely been revealed so blatantly.
Also mentioned by the Pope introducing PRIO-top group of five favorites is the revealer of the NSA wiretapping scandal, Edward Snowden, the Putin-critical Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and two "neutral" applications,  of the Congolese gynecologist Denis Mukwege and Pakistani children's rights activist Malala Yousafzai.   All in all, a new record was achieved with 278 applications, among which is also the application of the International Gay Lobbyists ILGA.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Fromiche / Rolling Stone
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fellay and Müller: Doctrinal Preamble Versus Dispute on Grace 2.0

Bishop Bernard Fellay and Cardinal Gerhard Muller
Edit: I think the important thing here is that no Preamble was offered for signature.  We'll try to post the link as soon as it appears.
(Berlin) On 23 September, a meeting between the head of the CDF and the Fraternity of St. Pius X was held in Rome, including in the first place Gerhard Müller as Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith and Bishop Bernard Fellay as Superior General of the SSPX. For this reason Clement Victor Oldendorf published  the article "Doctrinal Preamble versus Grace Dispute 2.0" at
There  was some censoring of the document arbitrarily undertaken and subsequently  it was "too spicy" and this was supposedly justified by "too few formulations true to pope and Rome."  The author then wished  the deletion of the essay, which had been  dismissed as "speculation".
On September 27 after this call took the contribution offline.. has now published, with the consent of the author, the full post in an unabridged version.

Doctrinal Preamble Versus Grace Dispute 2.0

by Clement Victor Oldendorf
Since the beginning of September   information on September 21, 2014  has been circulating that there will be a meeting between the Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, and the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay. The forecasts were rather skeptical and hesitant, with what appeared to be by no means irrational pessimism even from the time when he was Bishop of Regensburg in the face of Mueller's relevant statements. So it was expected, for example, Müller would require Fellay, but without ifs and buts, to accept the last submitted version of the so-called Doctrinal Preamble. Something Fellay had previously excluded, after he was confronted in 2012 with a complete surprise in its text version.

Message of Vatican Radio

For a few hours now a message has appeared on the website of Vatican Radio,   that the encounter did not take place on Sunday, but  took place today and lasted two hours: Add link to the message of Vatican Radio!
This text no longer mentions the Doctrinal Preamble. An insistence on the adoption of its final version would probably also proven to be an impasse and conceived as a deliberate provocation on the part of Rome if the contacts collapsed. 

Incomplete Theological Thinking Then and Now

If you read today's news from Radio Vatican, it suggests rather a more open modus vivendi to recognize the parallels to be the "solution" in the so-called disputes on grace  of the 16th and early 17th century. At that time,   theologians of the Jesuit and the Dominican orders were disputing over questions of the doctrine of grace, namely about the right relationship between divine grace and human participation in the process of justification, and they accused each other of being heretics. In 1607, Pope Paul V ruled that everyone should provisionally retain his theological position and collect arguments to refute the other side, but that it was forbidden to denounce each other. The Apostolic See will, as it was then be called to decide the question of content   "soon". To date, no Pope has decided this question. Actually, this is a fine example that Pope Francis has repeatedly called for "unfinished, theological thinking" in the church already has a long established tradition.

Grace dispute 2.0 Appeared in 2009 as a Thought Experiment

If it were, now here come to a recurrence of such, as it were open solution, it is tempting to recall   interesting and little-known details from the year 2009. At that time, after Benedict XVI. had just withdrawn the Decree of Excommunication on the original four auxiliary bishops of the SSPX in January,  Fellay continued ordinations in the summer at Zaitzkofen, on the territory of the Diocese of Regensburg, which increased media interest.
Many were present at the ceremony, journalists of various newspapers, from radio and television and almost besieged the  celebrations with cameras and microphones. Subsequently, the reporters were invited to a press conference.This allowed each of the media representatives asked a question of the bishop. Almost all the questions were just about the unspeakable Holocaust remarks of his confrere [Bishop] Richard Williamson. However, one journalist present for the Wiener Zeitung set a question that was completely out of this frame. 
Namely, he broached   the historical dispute on grace just outlined here and asked Fellay, if there were not possibly an analogous result could be in the best solution for the doctrinal disputations about Vatican II between Rome and the Society. After an initial surprise, he wasn't being asked about  gas chambers or Williamson, the Superior General of this idea described then these corresponding things as very clever and interesting and confirmed that such a solution could actually be possible.
Introduction: Giuseppe Nardi
image: SSPX / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Kasper: Synod Will Model "Listenimg Magistrrium"

Edit: but deaf to faithful Catholics. You guys need to get with the program.

(Vatican Radio) The first Synod of Bishops of Pope Francis' pontificate, which opens here in the Vatican on Sunday, will model a more open and vibrant discussion on family matters that reflects the practical realities of men and women around the world today. That’s the view of Cardinal Walter Kasper, who was asked by the Pope to open the discussion through a speech to the world’s cardinals at a consistory last February. Entitled ‘the Gospel of Life,’ that speech caused controversy by raising the possibility of changes to pastoral practice, including allowing some people in second marriages to be able to receive Holy Communion.

Cardinal Kasper, who formerly headed the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, compares the heated debate prior to the Synod with the atmosphere in the Church ahead of the Second Vatican Council. Just as there were sharply conflicting views ahead of the Council, the cardinal says he believes the two year Synod process will result in “a very large consensus” over changes in Church practices to support people facing difficulties in their family lives.

Philippa Hitchen sat down with Cardinal Kasper to talk to him about the Synod process and about the Pope’s desire to listen more closely to the views of ordinary Catholics in the pews….

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

As Bergolio Was Sent As "Brilliant, But Crazy" into "Exile"

Aquele Francis -- This Francis-- New
Book, "little light"
(Buenos Aires) "Aquel Francisco" ( This Francis ) is a book which appeared last week in Argentina in the publishing house Raiz de Dos of Cordoba.  It is dedicated to the life Jorge Mario Bergoglio, particularly his "exile" in the Argentine province of Cordoba. It will bring a new "light to the time", in which  Father Jorge Mario Bergoglio  had  "fallen out of favor and been exiled" within the Jesuit Order.The priest was then referred to as "crazy and almost irresponsible". An incident that had affected not only the superior of the Jesuits in Argentina, but also  other Latin American countries and also the General house of the Order in Rome. A "series of defamations under which the Pope had suffered more than 20 years ago," write the authors of the book.

Four Years in Cordoba

In  four years in Cordoba Pope Francis had two key moments of his religious life. From 1958-1960 he visited Cordoba in the novitiate with the Jesuits and 1990-1992 he spent time in an "exile" to which his order had  "sentenced" him.
The main source for the book is Pope Francis himself, with  two journalists from Cordoba, Javier Cámara and Sebastián Pfaffen, with whom he carried on  multiple telephone conversations. Archbishop Carlos Ñañez of Cordoba had informed the Pope about the book project, so the contact with the writing team was born.
On September 26, the authors personally presented Pope Francis in Santa Marta, a copy of the book, which is to be presented to the public in Cordoba on 9 October.

Everywhere He Went There Were "Bergoglians" and "Antibergoglians"

The authors, with their wives on St. Peter's Square
Cámara and Pfaffen looked  for answers as to why Bergoglio was appointed auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires. An appointment that became the initial event of an ecclesiastical advancement that led to his election as Pope.  They also explore the question of why, wherever the current Pope appeared there were always groups of "Bergoglians" and "Antibergoglians" formed about him: "Whether his relationship to the religious, to the Argentine State to Peronism, to Marxism, related to Domingo and Eva Peron."
Asked about his "exile" in Cordoba, he did not want to speak of a "Noche oscura", a dark night, it was  "something for saints." He was "just a poor guy". For him it was more "a time of inner cleansing."

Meteoric Rise, Brief Case, Even Higher Rise

There were lonely years, thoughtful and hard for the future pope, the authors write. Bergoglio had initially experienced a "meteoric career". He was hardly an ordained priest appointed to be the novice master of the Province of the Order. At the age of only 36, he was already Provincial of the Society of Jesus for Argentina and rector of the  Order's University  of San Miguel.
Then there was a radical break.  In 1990 Bergoglio was relieved of all offices and duties and transferred  700 km away from  Buenos Aires to Cordoba. There he was for two years in a room in the religious establishment, but given "no task". He was not routinely called upon to celebrate Mass in the church of the Order, but for  Penance.
The authors write that Father Bergoglio was "demoted" from the new  Provincial leadership to Cordoba. For the exile the new provincial, Father Victor Zorzin, was responsible. He had already been Vice-Provincial under Bergoglio and did not agree with "many decisions that Father Jorge had taken both pastorally as well as in leadership." (page 176).

"Smear campaign"  in the General House in Rome

Father Victor Zorzin was Provincial from 1986-1991. He was succeeded by Father Ignacio 1991-1997 Garcìa-Mata.The authors write that there was "a smear campaign" against Bergoglio during the tenures of Zorzin and García-Mata, which assauled "across the borders of the Argentine Province of the Order and the Jesuit lines of other countries in South America and even the Generalate in Rome." This was reconstructed from a series of conversations with members of the Order.
In an interview with Radio Maria Argentina Pfaffen said that already the simple priest Bergoglio had become recognizeable for a  "special pastoral style."

"Pity he's crazy!"

Aquel Francisco, new book on Pope Francis from Argentina
The authors tell an anecdote of Father Ángel Rossi, a spiritual son of Bergoglio, who describes how much the current Pope had suffered: "The Order had related parties, who were responsible for the spread of rumors, which came from Jesuit sources, that the man who was Provincial of the Order, who was so young and so brilliant, had retired to Cordoba, because he was sick because he was crazy. When my mother died,  a layman who was very close to the religious establishment, approached me and pointed to Bergoglio, who knelt at the coffin and prayed! Pity he is crazy ' I looked at him and said: 'If this man is crazy, what am I?'"
Then, the authors propose a wide berth to the Present Time: Bergoglio as Archbishop had the impression that in some Roman dicasteries still, albeit with "low intensity" that a war had been fought against him. One of them, say Cámara and Pfaffen was "undoubtedly" the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza.Therefore, he was one of the first to be removed in this pontificate from their office. But Francis Pope had granted them a "dignified exit". Cardinal Piacenza was "promoted" to the Penitentiary. In its place, the Pope appointed his confidante Beniamino Stella, who then rose to cardinal.

"Iron loyalty"

The dismissal of Cardinal Piacenza was in no way an "affront" against Benedict XVI.,  nothing is "further away from reality than that." Pope Francis had his reasons. The Congregation has completely changed its face within a year.  More than half of all the employees had been sent back to their dioceses and replaced by other priests. Apparently, according to the authors, most of them had not enjoyed the confidence of Stella, who was a "very different type" from Piacenza. Stella calls it "iron loyalty".
The idea of the radical structural intervention at the Congregatino  is still said to be a development by Pope Benedict XVI., but only just implemented under Francis. Pope Francis  may have gotten the "dissatisfaction" in the offset, because the majority of the deposed, according to the authors, it was "natural" that they had not been satisfied.
The book presents key issues and offers interesting approaches. As to their claim that their  self-interjections  bring "light" in some contexts,  the two authors are, however, not correct. The declared intention to dedicate the book to the Pope,  already makes objectivity impossible from the outset. The dual authors  provide interesting details, but no coherent and above all coherent analysis that would offer better understanding of particular importance about this pontificate. The parts on the conclave and pontificate remain at the level of obsequious and uncritical reporting. It is amazing that it just barely distinguishes the publications about the Pope from Argentina and from those in Europe, where hardly anyone knew until the evening of March 13, 2013 about Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Sacro & Profano / Radio Maria Argentina (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

The Real Reasons the Abuse-Hoax is Being Instrumentalized to Destroy a Catholic Bishop

Edit: we've got a dissident "Catholic" Education guy and a would-be traditionalist from Kansas City coming around saying that the Bishop really was out of his depth and that this pending dismissal with a Visitor from Canada, is being done for all the right reasons  Here are some thoughts from Keyser Sose at La Nueva Primavera.

On the other hand, the Visitor is himself something of an outspoken opponent of Gomorrism.  This will be a real test of Archbishop Pendergrast's integrity if he resists what we assume is a foregone conclusion. 

Since there are so few of them, the Vatican is making little effort to hide its contempt for Traditionally-minded bishops.
 The latest target is Kansas City-St. Joseph's Robert Fiinn, who is under investigation by the Vatican. While the secular media tries to paint Bishop Finn as someone who protected a child-molester, it doesn't take a genius to see what really irks the Vatican about this bishop:  
 • He promotes Summorum Pontificum and regularly offers the Extraordinary Form of the Mass • He published a pastoral letter about the dangers of pornography
 • He has lifted new vocations to a 40-year high, packing his seminaries with 110 new seminarians • He has publicly warned Catholics that they cannot be Freemasons
 • He cleaned up the mess he inherited from his predecessor, "company man" Raymond Boland, by: • Slashing funding for diocesan bureaucracies
 • Revising the diocese's adult catechesis program
 • Firing a lay chancellor and replacing him with a priest
 • Ordering the editor of the diocesan paper to stop publishing columns by dissident Richard McBrien
• He took an oratory slated for demolition and transformed it into a thriving Latin Mass parish
• He publicly prays rosary vigils in front of abortion clinics

No Room For God in Aachen Diocese's Dialog Process

(Aachen) In the post-Conciliar Church  "dialog" is one of the keywords that can be extremely tolerant person now can not hear themselves. What comes out of a post-Conciliar "dialogue" is not necessarily surprising, but still significant.
The Diocese of Aachen will serve as an example, because there was, about a month ago, the publication of "Documentation of Focus Groups COMMUNITY and POWER" - why such lurid terms? -   In his preface to the comprehensive 46 pages of paper, Aachen Bishop Heinrich Mussinghoff nebulously writes: "The dialogue thrives on  no one claiming  a space alone for himself, but that between the various stakeholders a new, communal space is opened up in which dialogue can develop as communication and as a search for truth."  Remarkable is also the explicitly political approach of the dialogue process, should produce "both in width and in depth, a deeper dialogue among members of the local church and between bishops and faithful,"  which  does not speak of "heights", but namely the relationship with God.

"Keeping open the Question of the Admission of Women to the Ordained Ministries"

The reader should be able to form an opinion based on the following quotes, which remain largely without comment, even as regards the state of affairs in the church. The first "recommendation" of the "focus group POWER" -  we simply omit the "focus group COMMUNITY"  here - is concerned, as might be expected, with the theme of "keeping open the question of the admission of women to the ordained ministries".
In order to keep the question of the admission of women open to the ordained ministries, we recommend the following practical measures: 
- the celebration of the day the deaconesses in the Diocese of Aachen;
- use our Bishop and the auxiliary bishops in the Episcopal Conference, keep the question open. [...]
- the recognition of the diaconal praxis in the local church, which is mostly undertaken by women.

"More Women in Leadership Positions in the Diocese"

A similar orientation, the second "recommendation" is to demand "More women in leadership positions of the church in the diocese of Aachen."
Is recommended:
first to update the recommendations from the above study on the employment situation of women in church ministry in the Diocese of Aachen and implement it,
The second to develop mentoring programs and conduct;
The third set targets, in what period what proportion of women is to be achieved in leadership positions;
Fourth establish the position of an equality officer under the Episcopal Vicar General
and provide them with decision-making powers.

"Culture of Power- Abuse of Power" in the Church

While the first "recommendation"  at least  had a dissenting vote,  all members voted  the "focus group POWER" for the second "recommendation", which is fixed only on structures and sounds like the colorless program, a replaceable political party. Under the heading "Culture of Power - Abuse of Power" then we find the following "recommendation":
In the training for future in pastoral  will treat the essential contents of the prevention concept of the Diocese of Aachen (child welfare, dealing with sexuality (even their own!), Perpetrator strategies, victim behavior, action steps for suspected abuse).

Pastoral Collective: "Management in Community"

Again it comes to structures in the fifth "recommendation", this time in relation to the management of parishes or "Pastoral Collectives" or what's left of it, again with only a single dissenting vote.
In order not to jeopardize the positive results lying just behind structural reform, instead of the new pastoral units  in order to fill them with necessary and new life, we recommend to the bishop, all line managers and committees, for the future of our diocese to consider and pursue a stronger principle of "leading in Community."

"Benevolent Encounters" with "Re-married Divorcees" and Homosexuals

To put an end to the misery, there followed a final "recommendation" addressing "remarried" divorcees and homosexuals, which were also honored again, with one vote against. Incidentally, in the next "recommendation" a spongy "benevolent approach" is required for such persons, if they are paid by the Church.
We recommend that you:
1.   make a proposal for pastoral remarried divorcees comprehensively known and expand in the sense that there will be a specific mandate. The responsible contact person, who should be available for victims, will be straightforward and reliable. A range of tasks from personal counseling, mediation and other tasks are to be determined.
2.  make the  pastoral proposal "Episcopal Commission for homosexuals and their families" known to all employees to open up a greater degree of ways to use this pastoral offer. It is, among other things, also helpful to place a note in the schema on this proposal.

What the "Dialogue Process" Does not Want to Hear

An exception in the series numerous "recommendations" of the "focus group POWER" is remarkable, but all "recommendations" were adopted with a large majority, often with only one dissenting vote. The following "recommendation", however, was rejected by the majority and received with only one positive vote. Why? Let the text speak for itself:
With the advocacy for attempting changes in the  organization and structure of our church with our human logic should never be the measure of our decisions.
It is promised to our Church, to last for all time, despite all the weaknesses and sins of Its human representatives. But there have never previously been considerations that were aligned in this sustainability and expression to adapt the elementary truths of our faith to the apparent needs of our time.
Hence, our aim should be to know the will of God in accordance with the teachings of our Church and for us  to be open to His will. If we "Lord, thy will be done" with then we should look for this mandate and reminder and not make of our own human perspective the measure of all things.
The term "God" appears  about 15 times in all the recommendations of the "focus group POWER".  Of this amount, 13 mentions on those "recommendation", comes from the last quote, the other two cases the term "God" was used not just in a particularly meaningful way. A sign of the new orientation of the Church after the Second Vatican Council? Let the reader decide.
Text: Benedict M. Buerger
image: (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, September 29, 2014

Cardinal Burke to Celebrate Memorial Mass at the Grave of Pope Pius XII -- International Conference

(Rome) in Rome in early October are two events related to Pope Pius XII..  A second international conference will take place at the nationally recognized private university, Guglielmo Marconi, in Rome in October on the theme of  "Pius XII. and the Second World War: Events, theses and News from the archives." On October 4th, Cardinal Burke will celebrate a memorial Mass at the grave of this pope. This according to the official website for the beatification of Pope Pius XII. (1939-1958).
The focus of the scientific exchange of ideas is the pontificate of Pius XII.during the Second World War. It will have particular emphasis on Vatican diplomacy, analyzing peace efforts, relations to the warring parties with National Socialist Germany, the Communist Soviet Union and liberal- capitalist United States, as well as the role of the Catholic Church during the war, those of the Allies, the Shoah and the use of the Holy See to the rescue of persecuted Jews.
Speakers have been gathered from a broad range of Catholic and Jewish experts (the full program of the meeting ). Organizers of the conference are the Vicariate of the Diocese of Rome, the Knigths of Columbus and initiated by Gary Krupp 2003  of Pave the Way Foundation, which is significantly involved with historical research on the pontificate of Pius XII. and in connection to the historical profession, even more so in the political field and contributes to the collective consciousness, a rethinking of the person and the work of Pius XII..
Pope Benedict XVI. wanted to perform the beatification of Pius XII at the beginning of his pontificate, since the corresponding regular procedure was completed successfully.  But he refrained because Jewish protests and the urgent requests of several leading church officials. At the same time he ordered a re-evaluation of the archives in order to avoid possible criticism. Since his resignation, the beatification process has largely remained a construction site.

Memorial Mass for the 56th Anniversary of the Death of the Servant of God

Two days later, on Saturday, October 4, Cardinal Raymond Burke, Prefect of the Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signatura, will celebrate a memorial Mass for Pope Pius XII. at the grave in the Vatican grottoes under St. Peter's Basilica.The Mass will mark the dies natalis, celebrating the 56th anniversary of the death. Pope Pius XII. died on October 9, 1958th
Believers who wish to attend the celebration have to be present at 10:15 clock at the Porta del Petriano in Piazza del S. Uffizio. The celebration begins at 11 o'clock.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Visitor Assigned to Axe Bishop Finn

Edit: after reading the petty accusation against +Finn, one can only conclude that Opus Bishops are no longer needed in leadership, especially when they dare to teach the Catholic Faith. NCR should be sued for even calling themselves a Catholic newspaper.

[NCR] Canadian archbishop visited the Kansas City-St. Joseph, Mo., diocese last week on behalf of the Vatican to investigate the leadership of Bishop Robert Finn, the first Catholic prelate to be found criminally guilty of shielding a priest in the ongoing clergy sexual abuse crisis.
Ottawa, Ontario, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast visited the Midwestern diocese for several days last week, interviewing more than a dozen people about Finn's leadership, several of those interviewed told NCR.

According to those who spoke with Prendergast, the main he question asked was: "Do you think [Finn] is fit to be a leader?"

Sunday, September 28, 2014

German Bishops Want a "Pastoral Aggiornamento" at the Bishops' Synod

Cardinal Marx at Discussion Forum in Magdeburg
(Rome) In a few days in Rome, the Synod of Bishops on the Family will begin. The unofficial theme is, according to the specifications of Cardinal Walter Kasper: "Communion for remarried divorcees". On which side the great majority of the German bishops are,  is already clear. The Rhenish alliance stands behind Cardinal Kasper and whose  bishops it wants to take things in their own hands at the Synod of Bishops.  The President of the German Bishops' Conference, Archbishop Reinhard Marx of Cardinal of Munich and Freising said that quite frankly at the "Discussion Forum" in Magdeburg two weeks ago.
Cardinal Marx  has experienced a boost in his career under Pope Francis. He has been DBK President for a few months, and starting in 2015  he will be Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community  (COMECE) and belongs, since April 2013, as  the representative of Europe to the C-9 Cardinal Advisory, which advises the pope on the management of the universal Church and the reform of the Curia. Also, the Pope also made him the coordinator of the new Economic Council of the Vatican.

German Bishops Want "Pastoral Aggiornamento"

Cardinal Marx belongs with the German church, as a weighty spokesmen for a "pastoral aggiornamento"  in order to bring justice within the family which have been in "situations unknown until a few years ago". The allusion refers to the Synod of Bishops on the Family, held under Pope John Paul II. in 1980 and was reflected in the Apostolic Exhortation Familiaris Consortio. It will  say that the majority of the German episcopate is of the opinion that Familiaris Consortio  is no longer on  "timely" because of how quickly and radically people  change  behavior.
This  Marx was told also by his German brothers of Cardinal rank, Gerhard Müller, Cardinal, Prefect of the Congregation, very directly and candidly. The meeting was "cordial" held in a  "benign" atmosphere. Head of the delegation, said Marx modestly,   was not he, but Bishop Franz-Josef Bode of Osnabrück.
Cardinal Müller  is considered, due to his position, as well as his German origin, as the main opponent of Cardinal Kasper's theses. Müller points out that the "mercy is  the completion of justice" and that therefore it could never be used to to remove the Ten Commandments or weaken the meaning and scope of the sacraments or even to override them. Otherwise there  would be a "serious manipulation of true charity." A hard accusation by the CDF Prefect of Kasper and Marx in the meeting without Müller calling them by name.

The Attempt, to Put Reigns Action on the Synod Itself

Marx announced in Magdeburg, however, that he personally, as soon as the Synod will have begun, as President of the German Bishops' Conference  has an already revised document he will present that will explain the position of the German bishops at the Synod. In any case the majority. The minority will probably have no voice at the Synod. Those German bishops who support the position of Kasper, Marx and his predecessor, Zollitsch, all are notable signatories of the document, so says the DBK-chairman. The ranks of the German bishops will be pretty close.
Marx left no doubt in Magdeburg that the document that was presented the front line of   the cardinal consistory by Cardinal Kasper in February. The announced document seems to be another part of a deliberate and planned strategy to  take control, one that harks back to the year 2013. In calculations perhaps up to the conclave. The detailed document prepared by Kasper and Marx seems to want to steer the discussion of the Synod of Bishops in a certain direction.
Excited about the prospects, are progressive organizations like "We Are Church". The President Martha Heizer who was excommunicated with her husband for arbitrary imitation of  Holy Mass, said: "Just a quick, compelling and anthropocentric reform" could help in its resultant sexual morality, could contribute to the  shortening of the distance between the traditional teaching of the Church and the reality of the lives of the Catholic faithful.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Diocese of Magdeburg (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Pope Celebrates the 200th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Society of Jesus at the Gesú

Edit: just got this from the heretical Thomas Reese SJ, where the Pope is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Society of Jesus since its restoration by the truly humble Pius VII.  The Pope, echoing one of his predecessors of happy memory exhorts his Jesuit brothers to row.  Row? How about steer. Steer away from the rocks?

He praises the Jesuits of old for "not resisting" the humiliation that came with their dissolution, citing the Father General of the time, Lorenzo Ricci, he praised the Jesuits for their "obedience", despite the fact that the Order continued on in Russia, thanks to a rejection of Papal authority by Catherine the Great, whom the Pope praises along with a "Protestant Monarch" the evil Frederick the Great.

Let us remember our history: the Society “was given the grace not only to believe in the Lord, but also to suffer for His sake” (Philippians 1:29). We do well to remember this. 
The ship of the Society has been tossed around by the waves and there is nothing surprising in this. Even the boat of Peter can be tossed about today. The night and the powers of darkness are always near. It is tiring to row. The Jesuits must be “brave and expert rowers”(Pius VII, Sollecitudo omnium ecclesiarum): row then! Row, be strong, even with the headwind! We row in the service of the Church. We row together! But while we row - we all row, even the Pope rows in the boat of Peter - we must pray a lot, "Lord, save us! Lord save your people." The Lord, even if we are men of little faith, will save us. Let us hope in the Lord! Let us hope always in the Lord!

Link to Radio Vaticana...

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Pope Refuses to Receive Dismissed Bishop -- As If -- "Dialog, Mercy and Respect"

Bishop Livieres Hard Answer From Rome
(Rome / Asuncion) For days, Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano has been in Rome and asking to be received by Pope Francis. Vain. Instead, the bishop was removed from office. This  bishop responded  to this treatment with a harsh response. Meanwhile there is public celebration in progressive church circles in Paraguay for his removal.
Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este is not a man who minces  words. This has made him disliked among Paraguay's bishops, to which until a few years ago, Bishop Fernando Lugo belonged,  the "red bishop" of San Pedro, who preferred to be candidate for a broad leftist coalition as president against the will of Rome and he gave up his episcopate and priesthood. Bishop Livieres is now the victim of an equally surprising and brutal "decapitation" and because he is not a man of arbitrariness, he responded with a  savory letter to the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet.
On the website of the diocese of the dossier from last summer was re-released, with which the diocese had responded to all the rumors and accusations, passed behind closed doors by word of mouth or addressed by the Apostolic Visitor Cardinal Santos Abril y Castello, a personal confidant of the Pope Francis.

Bishop Has Asked for Days to be Received in Rome by the Pope - in Vain

The letter to Cardinal Ouellet and the dossier discloses the ethical, but also formal irregularities of a campaign to discredit a bishop, aimed at his deposition,  that has taken place now. "An operation that has an ideological connotation," the Vaticanist Marco Tosatti.
As a "true son of the Church," he accepts the decision, says Bishop Livieres, even if it is "unfounded and arbitrary, for which the Pope must be answerable to God". The bishop's letter continues: "Apart from many human errors that I may have committed, and for which I ask  pardon from God and those who may have suffered, I ask once more firmly that the core of the case is an opposition and an ideological persecution."

Inner-Paraguayan  "Opposition and Ideological Persecution"

Msgr. Livieres who belongs to Opus Dei, was the only "conservative" bishop in Paraguay. A fact that will say something about the situation within the Episcopal Conference and with the reference to the "opposition"  as the bishop says. When Bishop Livieres had by far the largest seminary in the whole country and for miles around, then it depends not least with the attitude of the other bishops. The promotion of priestly vocations has  in much of Latin America  long been in disarray. Cultural barriers to the indigenous population have not been  resolved, the subliminal strong currents of liberation theology is in a "ideological" contrary to the priesthood. Liberal bishops  do their worst.
"The real problem of the Church in Paraguay is the crisis of faith, life and morality, which was further supported and extended by poor training of clergy, together with the laxity of the shepherds," wrote  Bishop Livieres to Cardinal Ouellet.
The bishop never once received the report of the Apostolic Visitator so he could not concretely address  Rome  to justify or defend himself. "If you think the problem of the Church of Paraguay is a problem of the sacristy, which one solves by exchanging the sacristan, one errs fundamentally and tragically."

Dismissal "In Contradiction to the Many Speeches of Dialogue, Compassion and Respect"

Bishop Livieres was never told at any time  of any wrongdoing or even complaints held by Rome, which made it impossible for any reply.. Out of the blue it was carried out without any reason specifying the impeachment. "Contrary to the many speeches of dialogue, compassion, openness, decentralization and respect for the local churches, I was given neither an opportunity to speak with Pope Francis or  the possibility  to make clear doubts or worries. Consequently, I was also not paternally rebuked  by him - or fraternally - how things were seen."
Bishop Livieres ends his letter with the words: "Such a procedure without any formality or undefined and abrupt nature appears to be not very fair. You do not offer room for a legitimate defense or for a reasonable correction of possible errors. From Rome I only obtained pressure to resign. "
Bishop Rogelio Livieres has been in Rome for several days  and asks to be received by the Pope - in vain. In Paraguay, the news of the dismissal was made known in the absence of the bishop. While in his diocese, guesswork and frustration prevail, in other parts of the country the progressive church circles does not hide their joy and  is celebrating the dismissal publicly.

Ex-bishop Lugo Celebrates Dismissal: "Livieres has not worked for the unity of the Church"

Senator and Ex-Bishop Fernando Lugo 
In Paraguay where the episcopate which is thoroughly embossed with liberation theology, Bishop Livieres is an anomaly. Attached to this episcopal row, is also included Fernando Lugo, who a few years ago  preferred, against the will of Rome, to hang up the dignity of Bishop and priesthood, in order to run for a broad leftist coalition. As President, he failed within a short time. Among other things, it was learned that he, as a bishop, had a relationship with a woman and fathered a child.
That was yesterday. Today the  Ex-bishop Lugo, who maintained good contacts with high ecclesiastical dignitaries of Paraguay after his laicization, celebrated the dismissal of Bishop Livieres. The senator said this in an interview for the newspaper ABC."  Pope Francis just does not tolerate any form of irregularities, be they  doctrinal, moral or in personal style" said Senator Lugo even bring up the much-discussed case of the Argentine priest Carlos Urrutigoity, who then years before in the United States was accused of "suspected sexual abuse", but does not see this as the reason of dismissal, because the declaration of the Vatican speaks of "pastoral reasons" and "unity," said Lugo.

Crux of Understanding of the Church and Liberation Theology?

What Livieres is being blamed for, "and what I also have criticized him for," said Lugo, was the fact that he had not contributed  "to the unity of the Church" in Paraguay. Ex-bishop Lugo was among the sharpest of Bishop Livieres' critics among church officials in the country. Bishop Livieres fought  liberation theology as "harmful" and several times raised the criticism that at the seminary of Asuncion, the liberation theology will continue to spread. For this reason, the Bishop decided to pay special attention to an independent priestly formation, which occurred exclusively in his diocese and to peel off from the Archdiocese of Asuncion and the Bishops' Conference in pastoral matters.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: ABC Color (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bishop Livieres: "Pope Francis Will Have to Answer Before God For The Dismissal"

Bishop Livieres: "I am the victim of ideological persecution"
(Asuncion / Rome) Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay, dismissed yesterday from his office by Pope Francis,  sees himself as a victim of an intrigue, which he describes as "ideological persecution." In an open letter to the Prefect of the Roman Congregation for Bishops, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, the bishop wrote that Pope Francis will have to answer for his decision before God.
At the same time Bishop Livieres announced that he has as yet no knowledge of the contents of the investigation report of the Papal Visitor, Cardinal Santos Abril. As a "son of the Church,"  he added,  he will abide by the arrangement of the Pope. The letter to Cardinal Ouellet was published by the Paraguayan daily ABC yesterday.
The Vatican  justified  the resignation for "pastoral reasons" and the "unity of the bishops."  Specific allegations against the bishop dismissed were not disclosed. The Bishop sees himself as a victim of an intrigue of the Paraguayan Bishops. Pope Francis arranged for an Apostolic Visitation in Livieres' diocese  after he publicly accused the Archbishop of Asuncion of homosexuality and demanded his removal from office.
The leading group of the Paraguayan Bishops makes no secret of their satisfaction with the dismissal of Bishop Livieres.  Livieres was considered a militant defender of the orthodoxy. In almost every parish of his diocese the Holy Mass was celebrated in the Old Rite. His seminary  altogether has many  more seminarians than any other of the Paraguayan dioceses and about seven times as many seminarians as the much larger Archdiocese of Buenos Aires.
With the statement that he is "a victim of ideological persecution," Bishop Livieres gave an indication of the reasons behind the sensational impeachment.
Bishop Livieres like  Pope Francis is from Argentina.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Aciprensa
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

German Bishops Planning Beerhall Putsch at Synod

Other than Cardinal Müller, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, it seems that the Bishops of Germany are preparing a United German Front behind the ideas of Cardinal Kasper.

Read Mattuzi's report at Rorate:

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pope Francis Suspends Bishop Lovieres -- Intrigue Against Faithful Bishop Continues

Bishop Lovieres Suspended
Edit: basically, if the Pope himself were held to these standards, he would have to suspend himself.  

Of course, the media, and ambulance chasing, political activist attorneys love him too much to bring him down.

(Asuncion) Pope Francis has dismissed  Bishop Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay today. At the same time, he has appointed Bishop Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela Ríos of Villarrica del Espiritu Santo as Apostolic Administrator of the vacant episcopal chair.
The decision had already been signed off last summer, when the attention of Pope Francis  fell obtrusively upon  the Latin American Diocese and an Apostolic Visitor was sent.
After completion of the Visitation, soothing and friendly explanations of the transferees were indeed given, but whoever knows internal church practices, already feared the peace before the storm.
In a statement, the Vatican press office states:
After a careful examination of the findings of the Apostolic Visitations made ​​to the Bishop, dioceses and seminaries of Ciudad del Este, by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Clergy, the Holy Father has proceeded with the replacement of Bishop Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano. He has appointed Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela Ríos, Bishop of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, as Apostolic Adminostrator of the now vacant diocese.
The grave decision taken by the Holy See, under the weight of serious pastoral concerns, is for the greater good and unity of the Church of Ciudad del Este and episcopal communion in Paraguay.
The Holy Father, in the exercise of his ministry as "the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of unity of both the bishops and of the faithful" (LG 23) calls for the clergy and the entire people of God of Ciudad del Este to accept the Holy See’s decision with the spirit of obedience, docility and an open heart, guided by faith.
Moreover, he invites the entire Church of Paraguay, led by its pastors, to a serious process of reconciliation and to overcome any factionalism and discord, so that the face of the one Church "purchased with the blood of his own Son" is not wounded and the "flock of Christ" is not deprived of the joy of the Gospel (cf. Acts 20: 28).
The serious decision of the Holy See, judiciously because of serious pastoral reflections is governed by the higher good of the unity of the Church of Ciudad del Este and the Episcopal Community of Paraguay.

The combined Vatican statement in understandable words

Bishop Livieres celebrates Old Rite
The Vatican statement must be translated into understandable words: faithful bishops disturb the "communion of bishops" and will continue in the name of an ominous "peace"  be sent into the desert.  Msgr. Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela Ríos, Bishop of Villarrica del Espiritu Santo, who is appointed by the Pope, is one of the most liberal bishops of Paraguay, as the Apostolic Administrator. An additional slap in the face.
The faithful Bishop Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano constituted an exception among Latin American diocesan bishops. Within a few years his Diocese of Ciudad del Este had flowered. In almost every parish of the Diocese  the Holy Mass is celebrated in the Old Rite. The seminary of the diocese has more than 200 seminarians, more than the seminaries of all other dioceses in Paraguay together.  Bishop Livieres was thus among the bishops what  the Franciscans of the Immaculate were among  the Orders. He showed that faithfulness in doctrine and liturgy brings great blessing. He became a bone of contention for the other bishops, who had very different "track records" to show.  Large archdioceses such as Buenos Aires and Montevideo have less than 30 seminarians (see report Latin Mass Boom in Paraguay - Causes Pope Francis to arrange visitation ). "That explains why the development in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este was interfered with by progressive parts of the Church," said Messa in Latino.

Bishop Livieres: Annoyed by Tradition and the Old Rite

Visitor Cardinal Abril and assistant in Ciudad del Este
Bishop Livieras also did something  else that did the Franciscans of the Immaculate did, they lifted up their voice, equally among the others. However, a voice that was heard outside of the choir.
Now he is the victim of an intrigue which was quickly threaded together. The scattering of some unsubstantiated rumors, and the denunciations in Rome, which conspired to send a visitation.  The diocese refuted the rumors disseminated point by point in a detailed dossier. Bishop Livieres saw through the game quickly, and named the Archbishop of Asuncion Msgr. Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga as one of the main schemers, which he did publicly in a speech at the March for Life, where he accused him ofb "homosexuality"  and complained that he had still not been removed from office . [Of course, this happens all the time, but bishops rarely say anything in public.]

Visitation Ordered by Pope

Bishop Livieres indictment that he openly raised  and not in the form of a denunciation, as his opponents  characterize it  had totally different kinds of consequences. Pope Francis sent a Visitor from 21-26th July, not to Asuncion, but to Ciudad del Este. The Episcopal Conference of Paraguay announced the impending visitation with obvious satisfaction at a specially convened press conference, of course, without  Bishop Livieres knowing about it.
If the impression  is awakened in the Vatican statement that the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Clergy had separately or even independently performed "visitations", this is not true. There was only one visitation and it was decided by Pope Francis personally. He also sent for the Visitor, Cardinal Santos Abril, Archpriest of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. Cardinal Abril, served from 2000-2003 as nuncio in Argentina and has been a close friend of Pope Francis (see report Pope suspended Ordinations in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este - A Deja-vu? ).

Believers demonstrate for Bishop Livieres

Catholic Tragedy

In Ciudad del Este is an oft repeated  Catholic tragedy,  one which has been experienced  the last 25 years  several times in the German language area. The attacks and intrigues were not always, but too often, successful. Not only bishops were deposed. In Austria a revolt of the progressive clergy and full-time employees of the Church,  rose up and put fraternal pressure and the interacted with the religion-hostile media already to prevent the consecration and inauguration of a bishop who'd just been  appointed.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Eco Ciudad del Este / Diocesis de Ciudad del Este
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...