(Stockholm) On October 10, at exactly 11 o'clock the Nobel Peace Prize winners for 2014 will be announced. A favorite is Pope Francis.
Five of the six Nobel prizes are awarded in Stockholm, only the Nobel Peace Prize is in Oslo. The awards ceremony takes place every year on 10 December, the anniversary of the death of the founder Alfred Nobel (1833-1896).
A Catholic Church leader, who is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize? The idea set Catholic hearts aflutter during the tenure of Pope John Paul II. who were undaunted to think: who, if not he, is a worthy candidate for the award. But what would have the founder and Freemason Alfred Nobel think of that? The composition of the prize committee, which can be described comprehensively as left and Masonic, has - as a quick look through the list of Nobel Peace Prize shows - honored their peers especially, but few Catholic personalities (see separate report Pope Francis Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014 in German). The Popes were simply ignored despite their significant commitment to peace efforts by the prize committee.
Last March Geir Sundestadt who was secretary of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, announced that Pope Francis was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. In each year the Peace Research Institute in Oslo PRIO (of the founded by Johan Galtung) published a list of favorites and Francis is at the top.
Francis Gives "New Hope for a Reform of the Catholic Church"
Kristian Berg Harpviken, the Director of PRIO typed in the awarding of this year's Nobel Peace Prize to Pope Francis. His conjecture based political scientist with the "tireless commitment to the fight against global poverty." Poverty, says Harpviken, is the main reason for armed conflicts. The reference to the images of the Pope on the Italian Mediterranean island of Lampedusa off the coast of Tunisia comes to mind. A few days ago, the Pope met with survivors of a shipwreck off Lampedusa, whose ship was capsized while trying to immigrate to the EU.
On the grounds of "combating poverty" Mother Teresa of Calcutta has already been recognized, although she was exceptional as a Catholic nun. But then Harpviken is concrete: Another reason for his assumption that Francis could be awarded the Nobel Prize, Harpviken sees in the "new hope for a reform of the Catholic Church." Is the award of the Nobel Peace Prize a distinction for certain internal church decisions? Who would interfere in internal Church affairs in the spirit of the Masonic founder, but a left-liberal prize committee?
Liberal Coloring
In 2013 the International Anti-Chemical Weapons Organization (OPCW) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, in 2012 the European Union. Unwieldy laureates, with little ability to evoke emotion during their ceremony. Particularly controversial, even grotesque, was the granting in 2009 of the newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama. The otherwise subdued ideological coloration shown in the idea behind the award ceremony has rarely been revealed so blatantly.
Also mentioned by the Pope introducing PRIO-top group of five favorites is the revealer of the NSA wiretapping scandal, Edward Snowden, the Putin-critical Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta and two "neutral" applications, of the Congolese gynecologist Denis Mukwege and Pakistani children's rights activist Malala Yousafzai. All in all, a new record was achieved with 278 applications, among which is also the application of the International Gay Lobbyists ILGA.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Fromiche / Rolling Stone
image: Fromiche / Rolling Stone
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com