Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pope Suspends Bishop for Being Too Catholic

Edit: it's not like there aren't other bishops out there who've put predators in charge of things and even expose children to their influence. It's just that other bishops, like +++Daneels, don't have the requisite political and religious views.

By his own ruling here, the current Pope should suspend himself.

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis has decided to remove the Bishop of Ciudad del Este, Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano.

Below please find a Vatican Radio translation of the official Holy See statement:

After a careful examination of the findings of the Apostolic Visitations made ​​to the Bishop, dioceses and seminaries of Ciudad del Este, by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for the Clergy, the Holy Father has proceeded with the replacement of Bishop Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano. He has appointed Ricardo Jorge Valenzuela Ríos, Bishop of Villarrica del Espíritu Santo, as Apostolic Adminostrator of the now vacant diocese.
The grave decision taken by the Holy See, under the weight of serious pastoral concerns, is for the greater good and unity of the Church of Ciudad del Este and episcopal communion in Paraguay.
The Holy Father, in the exercise of his ministry as "the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of unity of both the bishops and of the faithful" (LG 23) calls for the clergy and the entire people of God of Ciudad del Este to accept the Holy See’s decision with the spirit of obedience, docility and an open heart, guided by faith.
Moreover, he invites the entire Church of Paraguay, led by its pastors, to a serious process of reconciliation and to overcome any factionalism and discord, so that the face of the one Church "purchased with the blood of his own Son" is not wounded and the "flock of Christ" is not deprived of the joy of the Gospel (cf. Acts 20: 28).

(Emer McCarthy)
Pope FrancisBishopsParaguay25/09/2014SHARE:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"The Pope is No Leftist, But He Talks Like a Leftist" -- Francis Receives the Radical Left of Europe

Alexis Tsipras before meeting with Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square
(Rome) "The Pope is not a leftist, but he talks like a leftist." Under this title devoted the left-liberal Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard not Pope Francis in its issue of September 19 in a full page, not under the headings religion or feuilleton, but International policy.
The occasion is indeed a "premiere" at the Vatican. The radical left in Europe was received by the Pope. That the "non-negotiable values" have been downgraded by Pope Francis for the world is down on the priority list, to facilitate the discussion. A further meeting for all official protocols is over.
No less than Alexis Tsipras, President  of the "reform communist" which came into being following the fall of the Soviet Union, the successor party to the Communist Party of Greece, Synaspismos (SYN), was received by Pope Francis in Santa Marta. In 2004 Tsirpas formed together with other radical left-wing groups led by SYN a Coalition of the Radical Left, briefly called SYRIZA, whose  President he is also.

Alexis Tsirpas Led Europe's Left-wing Radicals in European Elections

After the Greek default and the implosion of the Socialist Party (PASOK), the radical left managed in the general election in 2012 with nearly 27 percent of the vote and 71 of 300 seats in Parliament, to ascend to the second strongest political force in the country.
In the European elections in May 2014, Tsirpas was the candidate for the presidency of the European Union, the European Left , as is the name of the concentration of communist and other radical left-wing parties, which could send MEPs from eight EU Member States  to the European Parliament, among them The Left  from Germany.
Alexis Tsipras, says the standard , "wants with Francis  - despite completely opposite beliefs - a fight against the economic crisis and the threat of war."

"Tensed" in the Vatican and "Unleashed" Out 

Tsipras after electoral success in 2012
As Standard correspondent Peter Mayr reported,  the left-wing delegation descended on the Vatican at 9.45. Tsirpas, who says of himself, he's an atheist, had, according to Mayr in entering the Vatican  was "tense". After two hours,  Tsirpas left  the Vatican "acting unleased." Tsirpas.There was talk of a "historic meeting".  The private audience lasted 30 minutes. The Greek government had exerted pressure to cancel the meeting. But Pope Francis received the head of the European radical left. "The Greek government doesn't like what I'm doing," said Tsirpas then to Standard.
Since the meeting took place with the "unofficial" form which Francis Pope preferred, there is no explanation from the Vatican. There remains, therefore, only the information by  Tsipras. In conversation with the pope the range of topics was "very broad". You span "poverty, migration, economic crisis and the prevailing threat of war". "The dialogue between the left and the Church is important. While there are different ideologies, in many respects, we want the same thing," said the Standard  citing Tsirpas.
The Pope had recognized the "importance of initiatives to fight against injustice". Greek domestic policy was also briefly treated: "The rich got richer, the poor poorer. We have rescued banks, not the people," Tsipras describes his summary to the Pope.

 Pope's Audience "Threaded" by  Former Communist Party President Walter Baier

Walter Baier, 1994-2006 KPO Chairman
The meeting was "threaded" as the Standard described the meeting of Austrian communists Walter Baier. Baier is a communist veteran. Coming from a communist family, he was the 1977 President of the Vienna Communist Students Association (KSV) and Central Committee Member of the Communist Party of Austria (KPO). In 1987 he rose to the Politburo and his ideology remained loyal even after the collapse of the Eastern bloc. 1991-1994 he was Federal Secretary and 1994-2006 National Chairman of the Communist Party. Since then, Baier is Coordinator of transform! a network of 25 Communist and radical left-wing magazines in 18 European countries. For this network, he also sits on the International Council since 2001 as a left counter-organizer to the Davos World Economic Forum, and the World Economic Summit founded World Social Forum (WSF).
Seven months had passed in prepartion until the meeting with the Pope. Thus the radical left was "faster" than Vienna's Social Democratic mayor Michael Häupl. Its reception by the Pope is still pending for the radical left, but Baier is satisfied with the prestige of the success over the moderate left in the eternal struggle between Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.

"Pope is Open to the  Concerns on the Left"

Tsirpas remained true to his ideology even after the end of the Soviet Union 
Walter Baier has been active15 years  in the "dialogue" with  Catholic Church, but also the Protestant church and always finds open ears and doors for common "social" initiatives. Also, "the Pope is open to the concerns of the Left - social justice, critique of capitalism ," said Baier  to the Standard . Baier sees in the "prevailing crisis of institutionalized politics and political landscape" two institutions in a particular role: "the religious communities and the trade unions".
"Messages like acts of Francis  have this  reading" seconded the Standard correspondent. In the Gospel Gaudium the Pope said a "No to social inequality - brings the violence,". He also had criticized a "deification of money."

Evangelii Gaudium is a "biting critique of capitalism"

Baier and Tsipras agree: In the Gospel Gaudium the two communists  read a "scathing critique of capitalism". In it, the radical left wants to sense a "new tone". Ex-Communist Party leader and transform! President Baier are already dreaming of a "broad-based alliance". This could "build more pressure." As a litmus test, the radical left has been to the World Climate Summit of 2015 in Paris in its scope.
How it will go with the dialogue between leftists and Pope Francis, Tsipras does not know. This dialogue is still "important" because one had thing had become clear to him by the encounter, Tsipras told the Standard: "The Pope is not a leftist, but he speaks like a Leftist".
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: SYRIZA / KPO / Esatchos (screenshots)
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholishes...

Untouchable Hippie Priest In Deep With "Gay Subculture" Where Sexual Abuse Was Common

Edit: the following is part of an exchange where the heretical and disobedient pastor of St. Frances Cabrini church in Minneapolis insults his Archbishop and publishes their correspondence on his blog rather than address the liturgical abuses. Father Michael Tegeder has been reprimanded for having laymen give sermons before, invoking pagan gods or worshipping rocks, or lecturing the Archbishop on sexual abuse.

He'll probably keep his job.

We'll also recall that Tegeder hasn't held his alma mater, St. John's University and Abbey in Collegeville to the same standard  he holds Nienstedt.

When Tegeder was at St. John's, he was pretty familiar with the "gay subculture" there. Did he know about the sexual abuse that's been all too frequent there too? From the City Pages article:

He shares stories, stories beyond those bag boys, those fag-beaters. He talks about the gay subculture he saw when he was a student at St. John's, shared between teachers and students alike. [Many of whom were preying on their oftentimes minor students.] He mentions that one of those students had to move to New York to find some acceptance, only to be murdered in a Manhattan bar by another man looking to beat some fags. [Or maybe it was a drug deal gone bad?]

Did Tegeder cover for Deacon Joseph Damiani when the two worked together at St. Kateri's as presiders over a pagan "Indian" ceremony? Damiani is currently suspended by the Archdiocese, and the lawsuit he filed against his nephews and their countersuit were settled out of court.

Here's Tegeder's blog entry.  We're going to post it before it disappears. How does he get away with this?

September 21, 2014

DOING SOMETHING RIGHT Early in my ministry I had a wise pastor who said that if you do not occasionally get some flak you probably are not doing something right. I occasionally take some flak, not that this necessarily means I am doing something right, but sometimes, as Jesus said to the young man who responded from his heart, I may not be too far from the reign of God.

This came to mind with the following letter that I received from our local Ordinary:

Dear Father,

I am in receipt of a communication from a gentleman presently living in Texas, who was visiting his mother recently in Minneapolis and attended Mass at St. Francis [sic] Cabrini on the Feast of the Assumption with his son. He made the following observations:

1) The homily was provided by a lay person.

2) The content of the homily struck him as problematic. At one point the woman preacher said something to the effect that: "The centuries' old theological debates surrounding whether Mary was or was not assumed into heaven are not really important today."

3) The Eucharist was confected using leavened bread.

4) The sacred vessels used were stoneware.

He added, "Sadly these deviations were extremely distracting. Normally the moment before communion is a very peaceful time. However, I felt that my rights as a Catholic as well as those of my son, were being violated. Given my state of mind, I refrained from receiving Our Lord. I received a blessing from the presiding priest who gave the following blessing: "You are the Body of Christ." I'm not sure this is an appropriate blessing or what message it is meant to impart--especially as a blessing tied to the reception of the Eucharist."

As is my policy, I write to ask you to respond to these concerns that the writer raises, seemingly in good faith.

With every good wish, I remain…

Here is my response:

Dear Archbishop John

I was not the presiding priest nor was I present on the said occasion. However, I take full responsibility for it, something all church leaders should consider doing. By the way, your public condemnation of Father ______ ______'s "crimes" was a good example of not taking responsibility. Your violation of respect for due process owed Father _______ was stunning.

Regarding the actual communication I would have to say that things must be pretty good in Texas if this poor soul was "extremely distracted" by the things that he relates. I would have referred this troubled Texan to the wise advice of Pope Francis who calls the church to stop obsessing about "small minded rules."

But what is most amazing to me is that with the concerns in the Archdiocese these days you would take the time to relay such concerns from a complete stranger. What did Jesus say about the splinter in your brother's eye?

He and you seem so concerned about his so called rights as a Catholic being violated. I am more concerned about children being violated under your watch. You still owe us an explanation for your decisions involving Wehmeyer.

As it turns out, the Sunday after I received this letter, the gospel reading was about handling differences in the church. Jesus says first of all go to the person and work it out. He says nothing about first reporting back to the local ordinary. If the man wants to discuss his issues please give him my address.

I do have a concern over his state of mind as I do for yours. Indeed, I do not see how you can continue in your position. It cannot be good for you. Even Cardinal Burke has apparently seen the light and is moving on.

I will continue to pray for you.


Link to Frances Cabrini blog...

Archbishop Fires Aberrosexual Choir Director

Edit: hence the reason he's been so frequently attacked in the media. If he were approved by the consensus, he wouldn't have these kinds of problems. He wouldn't have all of these media types, who despite not being Catholic, are experts in theology, talking to fakes like Father Michael Tegeder.

Archbishop John Nienstedt (Pioneer Press: Jean Pieri)
A popular [Really? I'm sure Waiting for Guffman was a popular movie too.] music director at a Catholic church in Victoria has been asked to resign after marrying his longtime same-sex partner.

Jamie Moore was asked to resign by Archbishop John Nienstedt, the Rev. Bob White told his parishioners at St. Victoria Catholic Church.

Moore agreed to the archbishop's request, White said.

In a statement, Nienstedt said that the teachings of the Catholic Church must be upheld. He said public conduct contrary to the teachings and law of the church is a reason for immediate dismissal.

Parishioner Doc Schmieg tells KMSP-TV ( the Catholic Church has more serious problems with which to be concerned than whether a gay or lesbian person is in the church.

East Ukraine: Russian Orthodox Firing on Protestants

Christians from Germany visited oppressed evangelical churches

Slavjansk / Schorndorf ( idea ) National Russian Orthodox circles have also become involved in the fighting in eastern Ukraine. They have attacked targeted Protestants. This was reported by former entrepreneur Karl Schock (Schorndorf near Stuttgart) after a trip to the region. The 80-year-old visited, together with the Eastern European missionary, Hugo Kleinknecht (Tostedt near Hamburg) and a translator to six municipalities in Slavjansk and Kramatorsk belonging to the Ukrainian Pentecostal union. In eastern Ukraine, since September 5, a ceasefire has been in effect. "We wanted to be the first Christian group immediately after the armed conflict, after the liberation of the oppressed communities, to convey our support and assistance," said Schock to the Protestant News Agency, idea. The separatists, who had attacked Slavjansk, have been composed, among others, of Russian Orthodox radicals and regular Russian soldiers.

An Orthodox priest allowed shooting from his church

An Orthodox priest named Vitaly had set up an ammunition dump in his church and allowed firing at houses. In addition, he had caused the destruction of two factories of Protestant entrepreneurs. Here people were severely injured. On the same evening Russian television had accused the Ukrainian army, of being responsible for the attacks. The troops were not even involved at this point in the fighting.

All evangelical pastors and church leaders had to flee or fear for their lives and had been robbed in part. In the battles alone, 200 civilians were killed. The occasion for the solidarity trip was the murder of four Ukrainian Christians by radical nationalist, Russian Orthodox separatists on 8 June.

The victims are the deacons, Vladimir Velitschko (father of eight children) and Viktor Barodinsky (three children) and two sons of the church leader Alexander Pavenko, Ruben (three children) and Albert (single). They have been exhumed said Schock, later with 15 other victims from a mass grave and buried at the memorial of the Revolution in the center of Slavjansk.

The wife of the President of Ukraine, Marina Poroshenko, have laid down flowers there a few weeks ago with a silent prayer flowers for the martyrs [sic]. Germans can afford to contribute to the reconciliation in view of the conflict Schock said: "The long history of unholy alliances between nationalist power politics and regime-supporting ideology - where here the Russian Orthodox claim to be the sole representation - repeats itself tragically. Germany has to make an important contribution to reconciliation through its experience with totalitarian regimes here."

Link to Kathnet... Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Talks Between Rome and the SSPX Resume

Bishop Fellay in Rome
(Rome) In the late morning of the day the meeting between  the Prefect of the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith,  Cardinal Gerhard Müller and the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Fellay, was held in Rome. For the first time Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay had personally met since the former Bishop of Regensburg had been appointed early summer 2012 to be Prefect of the CDF. 
Since the election of Pope Francis there have been no lack of voices that take a hard line in Rome  and say  they  want the bishops and priests of the SSPX  to be excommunicated. Pope Francis did not follow this "advice". The talks between the SSPX and Rome were resumed today instead.
The statement published by the Vatican press office did not appear  in different languages, but in German. The following translation leans closely as possible to the relevant Italian text.
"On the morning of Tuesday 23 September from 11 am to 1 pm, a cordial meeting took place at the premises of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, between Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Muller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and Bishop Bernard Fellay, superior general of the Society of St. Pius X. The meeting was also attended by Archbishops Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, S.I., secretary of the same Congregation, Joseph Augustine Di Noia, O.P., adjunct secretary and Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, along with two assistants from the Society of St. Pius X, Rev. Niklaus Pfluger and Rev. Alain-Marc Nély.
During the meeting, various problems of a doctrinal and canonical nature were examined, and it was decided to proceed gradually and over a reasonable period of time in order to overcome difficulties and with a view to the envisioned full reconciliation.
Two aspects of the Declaration catches your eye. First, the emphasis that the encounter in a "warm climate" was held. A formulation that sounds very strong in German translation, in the flowery Italian language however, still would allow some increase of opportunities, but overall indicated a positive indication. Secondly, the content of the last sentence is most important, which shows that the direct communication between Rome and Econe are open again. That did not seem self-evident recently. 
The official statement of the General House of the SSPX in Menzingen largely corresponds to the wording of the Vatican. In addition, next to the "doctrinal and canonical problems" it said that the "current situation of the Church" was addressed. The explanation of the SSPX is reluctant to state a desired objective and speaks of "continuing to clarify the remaining controversial points."

A Brief Review

In spring 2012, the impression was generally accepted in the months previous on the part of the SSPX,  the impression that Rome accepted the arguments put forward in requests for changes to the "Doctrinal Preamble", whose adoption should form the basis for the canonical recognition. Then in May the General Assembly of the Congregation came together and annulled the results obtained. On June 13, 2012, Bishop Fellay thought to travel to Rome and return with the canonical recognition of the SSPX. Instead, it was Cardinal William Levada,  then Prefect of the CDF who didn't present the agreed text of the Doctrinal Preamble, but  the original version again, before the talks began. An unacceptable situation, which ended with an inconclusive departure of the Superior General of the SSPX. Because the turnaround came so unexpectedly, Bishop Fellay asked a few days later, expressly and in writing with Benedict XVI. according to whether it really is also the desire of the Pope. As this was confirmed on June 30, there was a hiatus. 
Some circles in Rome wanted to pass the buck to  the SSPX  for the failure of the talks and wanted from Bishop Fellay a written negative answer to the "preamble". When the SSPX, who felt betrayed in their view, was not to fall into this trap,  yet in the meantime there came into office, and thus not concerned with the new faith discussions, Müller, Prefect of the CDF who issued the Society  an ultimatum early in early 2013.
In one of his last decisions  Pope Benedict XVI. lifted the ultimatum, however, shortly before his resignation. The whole question therefore remained unanswered. The unification efforts of 2005, initiated by the German Pope, which should have resulted in a canonical recognition of the Society were placed on ice.
With the election of Pope Francis, the conditions seemed even less certain than ever of being able for the failed talks to productively resume. After one and a half years of official hiatus, the talks were resumed in a surprisingly benevolent climate today.
It is clear that there were voices in the Vatican, after the successful prevention of an agreement by the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation, the resignation of Benedict XVI. and the election of Pope Francis, to take the opportunity to draw a sharp line and say to adopt a Decree of Excommunication for the bishops and all the priests of the SSPX. An option that has been suggested to Pope Francis that the Argentine Pope, despite his barely manageable aversion to tradition and the traditional rite, did not own.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Cardinal Betori Forbids Immemorial Mass -- The Dilemma of the "Conservatives" Under Pope Francis

Franciscans of the Immaculate, Photo From Better Times:
1st Row in the middle are the two founders (Father Pellettieri,
Father Manelli). 2nd Row, 2nd from the right, Father
Serafino Lanzetta
(Florence) The "tragedy" of so-called "conservatives" in the Church under Pope Francis is currently being revealed emblematically  in Florence, says lawyer Carlo Manetti. This coming September 25, Father Serafino Lanzetta of the "Commissariat" oppressed Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Florence will his announce his latest book: "The Second Vatican Council: a Pastoral Council" arranged to be introduced in the context of this conference. Cardinal Archbishop of Florence Betori has prohibited the public celebration of Holy Mass in the traditional Rite by Father Lanzetta.
Father Lanzetta had been the Prior of the Order,  since the provisional administration, at its convent in Florence.  Since then he lives in "exile" in the monastery of Kitzbühel.
It was not only he and his brothers were forced to leave the city by the Apostolic Commissar Father Fidenzio Volpi.  Meanwhile, the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Florence  must vacate, who are currently affected by Apostolic Visitrix.

The Archbishop, the Old Mass and "Reasons of Expediency"

These days one of the decisions of the Archbishop of Florence has caused a stir. Because of the abnegation of Pope Benedict XVI's Moto Proprio by the Congregation of Religious,  the organizers presented Archbishop Giuseppe Cardinal Betori  the request for Father Lanzetta  to celebrate on the occasion of the meeting and for the participants in Florence, a Holy Mass in the traditional rite. The request was rejected by the cardinal.
In the book, which is at the same time a Doctoral thesis, Father Lanzetta outlined and analyzed, based on meticulous documentation of the main currents of the Second Vatican Council and its work in bringing about the conciliar documents (see separate report Mental Power of an Exile - Habilitation Thesis of Father Lanzetta Presented on Second Vatican Council ). The preface is by the famous theologian Manfred Hauke, who supervised Lanzetta's habilitation. A book of "incontrovertible orthodoxy," said Carlo Manetti in an interview. Manetti is the editor of the book:Un caso che fa discutere: i Franciscan of the Immaculate (Franciscans of the Immaculate: One Case that Provides Discussions, Fede & Cultura, Verona).
The lecturer in International Relations is one of the speakers at the conference, to be held in the ballroom of the Regional Parliament of Tuscany. Among others, the historian Roberto de Mattei (European University of Rome) and Pietro De Marco (University of Florence) will speak, as well as representatives of Catholic media, Guido Scatizzi (Riscossa Christiana) and Pucci Cipriani ( Controrivoluzione ). The organizer of the conference is traditional  association Communion Tradizionale of Florence, under its president, Ascanio Ruschi. Ruschi it was who put the motion to the Archbishop and received the written rejection from  him. The interview was conducted by Domenico Rosa for Il Sito di Firenze .

The No of Cardinal Betori to Father Lanzetta and Traditional Rite

Carlo Manetti on the "conservatives" in the new "climate" of Pope Francis
And yet seems Cardinal Betori, who is counted among the "conservative" bishops, does not consider the book by Father Lanzetta as "orthodox" ...
Manetti: Judging by the letter his lawyer Ruschi, President of the association Communion Tradizione has sent, in which he expressly forbids Father Serafino public celebration of the traditional Mass, one can see no doctrinal condemnation of the book content, but - if one may say  - it is a "political" condemnation of the text. It is said that a Bishop can not approve the theses contained there, without claiming that we are dealing with heresies, whereby the doubt arises that this impossibility is not caused by the thesis itself, but the position of the bishop; in other words. that it is not about doctrinal reasons, but "pastoral" considerations that cause the head of a Catholic diocese, to not comment positively in public on the great work of Father Serafino.
If you allow, I would like to extend the question still to the drama, not to say, tragedy, to present the situation in which the so-called "conservative" Catholics are: they would like,perhaps to return to the truth in their hearts, but  reasons of practical expediency, which are called "pastoral" today ," compels them to accept this and to confess as always, they are valid and immutable. So, to avoid the current widespread accusations of "traditionalism" or more recently even the "crypto-Lefebvrianism", they are forced to represent opinions and to put actions that actually represent the progressive Catholic extremism.
How do you explain the ban in the Church of San Gaetano to celebrate a Holy Mass in the traditional rite ... the church which is supervised by the Old Rite  Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest? How do you see this "turnaround" of the Archbishop of Florence, who generously supported the traditional Mass until recently and the Old Ritual community churches entrusted to his care?
Manetti: As the Cardinal himself stated in his letter, the reasons are not doctrinal, but pastoral, political, ideological. Today, after the accession of Pope Francis, the "most endangered" prelates, the so-called "conservatives" are exactly like that. case of Cardinal Piacenza example showed: the first defenestrated  by the new Pope. They are forced to show themselves as far more progressive than their colleagues to provide evidence of their loyalty to the "new course". For the progressives whose resistance acted against Benedict XVI., is today, however, like a life insurance policy, a guarantee certificate for the future that they believe in the so-called new "Church of Mercy". The Conservatives, however, who, offered assistance to Benedict XVI have aroused ​​"suspicions",  and are forced today, but also in the future, to provide evidence of their "reliability".  In particular, they may not afford the slightest relapse and that includes any concession to the "Traditionalists."

So you are, in a humanly speaking, very difficult situation from which there is a solution only if  they recognized the priority fully for themselves of the truth about the practice, recognize and accept the primacy of faith over the pastoral, the primacy of Jesus Christ through the hierarchy. This is not just a question of courage. After decades of the devaluation of truth in favor of the tactical achievement of practical results, it is hard to sacrifice everything you have built up personally and intellectually appropriated. Often it is difficult to be conscious of this necessity.
Father Serafino Lanzetta is not a dangerous heretic?
Manetti: Of course not. Father Serafino Lanzetta is not only not a dangerous heretic, but - despite his young age - one of the greatest living theologians, brilliant and profound at the same time, capable, as I said, to the depths of the errors, but also he has gathered the reasons and presented the actors of the Council.
How is the provisional administration of the Franciscans of the Immaculate to end, after most of the brothers have unsuccessfully made ​​the request to be allowed to leave the Order?
Manetti: Everything happening so far suggests that the deliberate intention is to "liquidate"  the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, both the male and the female branch. All measures, sometimes accelerated, sometimes slowed down, aim at that. It can be seen plainly that the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate reveal the violent face of modernism and show the way postulated by Gramsci of the primacy of practice leads over theory. 
I would therefore like to take the opportunity of this interview to prompt all, in the defense the truth about the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate founded by Father Manelli and Father Pellettieri, to persevere so that the silence about this sad state of affairs can  be spread, because of the silence can make profit only the persecutors.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Messa in Latino / Carlo Manetti
Trans: Tancred

Monday, September 22, 2014

Drug Cache Found in Cardinal's Car

Argentine Cardinals Jorge Maria Mejia and Jorge
Mario Bergolio
by Andreas Becker
(Buenos Aires) At a French customs checkpoint at Chambery in Savoy just at the Italian border, drugs were seized in the car of the Argentine Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia. The 92-year-old cardinal was not in the car. The car was traveling from Spain to Italy and transported four kilograms of cocaine and 200 grams of cannabis.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi confirmed the seizure of the vehicle, but could not provide information on how many and which people were present during the inspection on board the cars. "But I can say that it did not involve persons of the Holy See or  the old and sick cardinal. The police will continue their investigation. "

Vehicle for Transporting Drugs abused?

RTL radio reported, citing the private secretary to the Cardinal, that the car had been dropped off at a workshop a few days earlier. According to unofficial sources, police said two Italians, a 30-year and a 41-year  old had been arrested. The two men appear to have summarily abused the vehicle of the Cardinal to transport  drugs  from Spain. It was not clear at first whether the car was registered as a diplomatic vehicle.
The details are as yet   unclear as to whether the ailing Cardinal is the victim of random perpetrators or of bad employees. His private secretary, Luis Duacastella, for friends he is "Padre Lucho",  is apparently known in Rome for his relationships with young men,   "those with the taxi", so says Catolico Panorama Internacional .

Cardinal Jorge Maria Mejia

Today Jorge Maria Cardinal Mejia is advanced in years and barely known. But what was he like before?
As the still quite well-known in Argentina, anti-liberal-minded, Jesuit, Leonardo Castellani (1899-1981) wrote in his book "16 Lecciones sobre el Verbo Encarnado" (16 Lessons on the Word Made Flesh), his former student Mejia had been adorned with a doctorate, he had not. Castellani blames Mejia  that he was dismissed  from the Jesuit Order in 1949 because of a "heresy-denunciation". The subject matter dealt with the millenarianism-theses of the Jesuits. It was a censorship that was traumatic for Castellani.
Some years later,  Mejia discovered 40 "errors" in his commossion as an episcopal censor of  Castellani's book,  "The Gospel",  as Castellani  was seeking an imprimatur. The competent bishop threatened the ex-Jesuit with  excommunication. With third party verification, it was found that the 38 "errors" of Mejia were attributable to the fact that he had never mastered "either Latin or Greek" and had simply misread the passages. "The two remaining errors were because I had written Sinedrio instead of Sanhedrin and had given the height of a mountain at 2000 meters instead of 1970 meters," said Castellani.
Only in 1966 could Castellani again exercise his priesthood. In 1971 he was offered restoration by the Jesuit order, but he refused. During the military dictatorship, he intervened in vain for writer friends.

Council-Peritus and the "Right Circles"

Despite lack of language skills, Mejia was sent as a Peritus to the Second Vatican Council. For his other ecclesiastical career had, so the Argentine website Pagina Catolica says, developed because of his "open positions" and the editorial that appeared in the Left, national, Antonio Gramsci promoting, Catholic magazine Criterio for a "universal religion of all people".  Mejia corresponded then to the climate and attracted the notice of  influential people. Mejia thus became a key figure in the Latin American ecumenical movement thanks to the knot of  Council contacts.
In other Church representatives,  so says  Pagina Catolica, Mejia fell in with  the San Isidro (diocese) Circle because he was known for  his sympathy for homosexuality.  Mejia, and Bishop Justo Oscar Laguna (1929-2011) Bishop Emilio Bianchi di Carcano, they also belonged to this circle, and next to Archbishop Bergoglio, played an important role in inter-religious dialogue with Judaism, which reached particular intensity in Argentina.
Subsequently, Mejia  became secretary of the ecumenical office of the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM)1967-1977, where he was called to Rome by Pope Paul VI. as secretary of the Commission for Relations between the Holy See and the Jews.  In 1986  John Paul II. made him Deputy Chairman of the Pontifical Commission for Justice and Peace and Titular Archbishop. In 1994 he was appointed Secretary of the Congregation for Bishops . In 1998 he was Archivist and Librarian of the Catholic Church. In 2001 he was raised to the rank of cardinal. Since he was born in the year 1923,  he was not eligible to participate in the conclave of 2005 due to age nor that of 2013. The Cardinal lives in Rome and is in a very troubled state of health following a heart attack last year.
Text: Andreas Becker
image: Blog Francisco de la Cigoña
Link to Katholisches...

How Will I Manipulate the Bishops' Synod? -- Action Plan Against the Sacrament of Marriage

Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri Upon Receiving
His Red Hat
(Rome) The Vatican expert Marco Tosatti has reported a detailed plan for the manipulation of the Synod of Bishops for the purposes of Cardinal Walter Kasper's "New Mercy" approval of remarried divorcees to Communion. The definition starts from the civil aspect and is thus erroneous for the Church discussion. What  the state can call remarried divorcees, are adulterers for the Church.
Tosatti will not use the name of the senior church representative who divulged the plan in merry company. It was not  Cardinal Kasper, who would barely run with such frivolity  and would have no decision-making power in a simple Synod to perform procedural maneuvers.
Read from the context, and in light of his past and recent statements, there is some evidence for Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, the Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops.  Baldisseri is one of those Church leaders who have experienced under Pope Francis, sharply rising career. Francis made him a cardinal, and put him in an important position of trust. Assuming that Pope Francis is a key player for the softening of the sacrament of marriage itself and the Synod of Bishops is the central instrument for its implementation, then the General Secretary of the Synod has a key strategic role.
Marco Tosatti published its report in the daily newspaper La Stampa on 20 September.

Synod: how do I maneuver it ...

by Marco Tosatti
The Synod of Bishops will speak about many things, but the mass media will probably speak only about one: the opportunity for  married persons who are divorced civilly, whose marriage was not annulled by the church but still got married in a civil ceremony one more time, to be admitted never the less to communion. . And there is a plan to maneuver the Synod ...
It is already happening in a number of cases where priests, and "conservatives", consider the personal situation and take the responsibility to say: go to communion, but be discreet. So it has been  since the time of John Paul II.
Cardinal Kasper, who 20 years ago had his own idea in this regard, both in the pontificates of John Paul II., and Benedict XVI it was not accepted, saw with the rise Bergoglio the opportunity to re-submit this idea. Despite the fact that from Manila to Berlin, from New York to Africa, the vast majority of his colleague Cardinals reaffirmed the Church's teaching that - oh boy - is based on the word of Jesus. One of the few cases in which the statement unambiguously, clearly and definitely seems and is not even challenged by the professional  dismemberment pericopes in question ...
In short, the cause of Kasper & Co. does not seem to develop very well. But perhaps there is a way to help him. And to prevent the annoying votes against from being too loud.
The first point consists in the requirement that the contributions to the synod must be submitted in writing at an early stage. Which has already been put into action. Whoever wants to take the floor at the Synod, had to submit his text by the 8th of September.
Second: Carefully read all the posts. In the event that some should be particularly hot, then  another speaker shall be introduced immediately before the dangerous contribution by another speaker, the reply  which was prepared in advance to all or some points that are only raised in the previous presentation.
Third, if a post seems quite problematic, it will be censured,  and  not be granted, but that for lack of time, not all of the words will be included.  Of course, with the remark that he indeed accepted in writing and thus is part of the Synod files and he will of course take it into consideration in the drafting of the final document.
In fact, the Synod will not be of so much importance, but far more the summary that is worked in small groups and will bear as a "Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation" the signature of the Pope. It is very likely that there will not be a clear and definitive text, but a "fluctuating" interpretation, so that everyone will read from it what he wants.
Humble Note of a poor chronicler: But if one has such an elaborate and ingenious plan, why then would he talk openly in front of perfect strangers in a pompous dinner?
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Asianews
Trans: Tancred

Voices Are Coming to Agreement: Archbishop Piero Marini, New Prefect of Congregation for Divine Worship?

Piero Marini, New Prefect of the
Congregation for Divine Worship?
Edit: he is a declared enemy of Pope Benedict and the Catholic faith.

(Vatican) Will Archbishop Piero Marini (not to be confused with the current papal master of ceremonies Guido Marini) be the new Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments? Voices are coming to agreement. Some have no doubts any longer.

The Catholic monthly magazine Il Timone reported on its website that there is no longer any doubt for a certain "high prelate": "The decision has been made ​​on him. There is only a notice lacking."

1987-2007 Papal Master of Ceremonies With a Lack of Liturgical Sensibility

Piero Marini was papal master of ceremonies 1987-2007 under Pope John Paul II. He was confirmed by Pope Benedict XVI. in this office dismissed and replaced at the end of his regular term of office by Msgr. Guido Marini. Despite the similarity of names there is no relationship between the two. Especially the liturgical sensibility which is markedly different, which was the reason for the personnel reshuffle under Benedict XVI.

The now 72 year old Piero Marini never forgave Benedict XVI. for his removal from office and publicly made no bones about it after his resignation. Immediately after the election of Pope Francis it was first speculated there would be a dismissal of Master of Ceremonies Guido Marini and the return of Piero Marini in his old office. The reason for this was that Pope Francis summoned Piero Marini on April 4, 2013, just three weeks after his election as head of the church and received in audience. The content of the conversation was not known, but the audience was unusually early (see Guido Marini again instead of new (old) master of ceremonies - Piero Marini in audience with Pope Francis ).

Under Francis 'One Breathes Fresh Air After Swampy-stuffy Air"

Piero Marini said in an interview shortly afterwards, under Pope Francis "one breathes fresh air after the swampy-stuffy air" under Benedict XVI. At the same time the Curial Archbishop spoke of an "opening" of the Church For homosexuals (see Ex-Master of Ceremonies Piero Marini: Under Francis "one breathes fresh air after swampy-stuffy air" ). Soon afterwards there were Vatican rumors for Pope Francis to raise Piero Marini much higher and make him Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship (see Piero Marini next Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship? rumors about personnel changes at the Vatican? )

On August 28, Cardinal Antonio Cañizares Llovera the then reigning Prefect and the new archbishop of Valencia, which meant his removal from the Roman Curia. The appointment of a successor has not yet been announced, but is likely to be imminent. For more than one voice in Rome, the new prefect, the "choreographer" and "designer" of the event appearances and event vestments of Pope John Paul II. for which Benedict XVI. began, with the help of Msgr. Guido Marini, to reject the permanent new acquisitions and to exploit the rich fund the papal vestments of his (pre-conciliar) predecessors and recover sacredness.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred
 Link to Katholisches...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cardinal: There's No Conspiracy Against the Reform For the Remarried Divorced

De Paolis criticizes freedom of speech and debate within the Church.

Rome ( CBA) Two weeks before the World Synod of Bishops on the Family, the Italian media is fueling further debate about dealing with divorced and remarried in the Catholic Church. In an interview with the newspaper "La Repubblica" the retired Italian Cardinal, De Paolis Velasio, rejected on Saturday the claim that the opponents of a change in Church practice have come together to form a conspiracy.

He wanted to have the freedom to say what he thinks "without being accused of being a conspirator," said De Paolis, who was president of the Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See until 2011. He pointed out that he had first published an essay that deals with the subject months ago. The Italian Cardinal is one of five authors of a paper whose contribution expects adherence to the existing exclusion of remarried divorcees from receiving Communion.

The publication date of the book in Italy, will be four days before the start of the World Synod of Bishops, on October 1, which had fueled speculation in the media that it was a deliberate action by the opponents of reform. It is directed in particular against the retired German Cardinal Walter Kasper, who advocates a cautious change [sic] in the current practice in dealing with divorced and remarried, as speculated by some observers.

He wanted to make a contribution to the dialogue with his opinion, De Paolis said, continuing in the interview. At the same time he insists that he would also like to add an opposing vote in the Synod of Bishops. "So I would have no problem". De Paolis argued against the idea that one can only change the praxis without calling into question here previous doctrine. There should be no conflict between teaching and everyday pastoral care, says De Paolis.

The Cardinal pointed out that he had first released the essay question months ago. Among the other authors of this volume are also the prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine and the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller as well as the retired German Cardinal Walter Brandmüller. Their contributions have been previously published already elsewhere. (C) 2014 CBA Catholic News Agency. All rights reserved. Any media usage and forwarding only under written agreements with CBA allowed.

Trans: Tancred

Link to Katholisches... AMDG

French Justice: Prison for Insulting Islam -- Paid For Desecrating Notre Dame

Edit: it's hard to believe that for years, certain apologists of the French Revolution denied that a prostitute dressed as "Reason" was paraded to the High Altar in Notre Dame to sing ribald songs.
Surely French Justice will some day become a familiar oxymoron.
(Paris) Double standards of anti-Christian political correctness have been proven by French judge. They have condemned two women because they deposited a pig's head outside a mosque, but let nine Femen mercenaries free, although they had defiled the Cathedral of Paris.
The Cathedral of Paris and thus to violate important church in France is less severe storm than any mosque? Yes, says a French judge and precipitated acquittal and conviction.
Two women have been convicted in France for nine months of prison, because they deposited a pig's head in front of the Mosque of Mayotte.  For six months they were released on probation, but   three of those months they spent in jail.

Condemned for "Incitement to Hatred"

Judgment was given by the Criminal Division of Mamoudzou on 18 September. The incident occurred in the last New Year's Eve. After a night of drinking with much alcohol put a woman to redeem a lost bet, before the mosque a pig's head. The second woman was sentenced because she had put the pig's head available. The husband's first wife was also sentenced because he had brought the car in front of the mosque. The sentencing took place because of "incitement to hatred, violence and discrimination based on belonging to a religion."

Political mercenaries from Femen acquitted

The judgment of Mamoudzou carried out under existing penal provisions. However, it irritated many French. Many wonder why three people go to jail because they place two pig's heads in front of  a mosque - a mosque they never set foot in -  while nine Femen activists who several   times violated the Notre Dame Cathedral of Paris  be acquitted by a criminal senate in Paris. The political mercenaries of Femen, stripped to the waist and painted anti-church and blasphemous slogans invaded the cathedral, while shouting blasphemous-sexist slogans, completed sacrilegious acts, jumped on the altar and damaged a bell. The desecrated cathedral had to be rededicated, each by its own rite, before any rituals could be performed again.  Femen to see the article Who's behind Femen and their anti-Christian protest? Paid activists from the red light district .

The Damage also Scorn: Church Must Have Femen Pay Damages

The Parisian judges also ordered  that the "sex tremistinnen" as the anti-Christian political mercenaries called themselves, must be paid damages. The Archdiocese of Paris will have to pay each prostitute 1,500 euros in damages because the security service of the Cathedral had dared to carry the "ladies" against their will from the Cathedral.
Would the judgment have also failed if Femen had stormed a mosque? In France, there's good reason for doubt. It remains to be seen if   FEMEN-women will set  foot  in a mosque and dare  to attack Muslim representatives in any way, while the list of damages in church desecrations, including the Cologne Cathedral, and attacks on Catholic bishops and cardinals, including the Cardinals Leonard (Brussels) and Rouco (Madrid), is getting longer.
For a French judge the desecration of the country's most important Catholic Cathedral is less serious than an offensive act against any mosque. The varying standards of politically correct Christian hostility.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 Photo: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

Cardinal Ravasi's "Cunning", Allows For No Revelation About the Synod

(Vatican) Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi has introduced the event "Court of Gentiles", which begins in Bologna on 26 SeptemberOn this occasion, the President of the Pontifical Council of Culture asked what he makes of the question of the admission of remarried divorcees. Cardinal Ravasi does not come from the Diplomatic Corps of the Vatican, but he is known for his "diplomatic" skills that  it appears in this particular case it is not possible yet to say anything in its infancy. But what exactly?
The "Court of the Gentiles" has been developed by Cardinal Ravasi initiative, the implementation was begun under Pope Benedict XVI. It's about dialogue days in various cities around the world that promote the encounter between Catholics and atheists and to introduce the latter to the Church.
Pope Benedict XVI. however admonished it two months before his resignation, saying that the initiative could not be self-perpetuating in its own right.  Benedict XVI. could have described  the "Court of Justice"  with more genteel words, had it stopped at several cities, where the initiative offered the same old participants anointing themselves pretty fruitlessly on stage with incense. There can be no staged encounter without any real effort to openness to the faith of the Church, otherwise the initiative was fruitless, as the then head of the Church (see separate report Benedict XVI Brings the "Court of Gentiles" Back on Track. no Dialogue as an End in Itself, but Evangelization ).

Ravasis (comfortable) Retreat to a Role Super Partes

On the question of divorced and remarried, Cardinal Ravasi said that it was better not to give an explanation, because he had received a standing position on the task. Ravasi is automatically the President of a Roman Synod Congregation. Pope Francis has also entrusted him with the management of the "Commission for the Message," the Synod of Bishops on the Family.  Ravasis deputy in this function is Pope Francis' protegé, the Titular Archbishop Víctor Manuel Fernández, rector of the Pontifical University of Buenos Aires.
At the same time, the cardinal said that a "certain problem" had already been recognized with regard to the indissolubility of marriage in the early Church on the theological level, but was met with "practical difficulties". "Now is not the time to make a statement, especially because the synodal event has not started yet and I am the chairman of the Commission for the Message, a tricky thing, because it might be the only official document of the upcoming Synod.  If we present the message, I will try to explain how we worked," said the Cardinal.

The Remarried Divorcees and the Porneia Question

"I would only add that one can already see in the Gospel of Matthew, yet exegetes, however, do not agree on the exact content  that it was a problem in the early Church, though they have the absolute certainty that the indissolubility would be a message of Jesus." Specifically, the Cardinal describes the exegetes' debate falls on the interpretation of the word "porneia".
"Regardless of what this 'porneia' means, it shows that the Church had a problem and that what happens at the Synod on the Family, is not a thing of chasing for the pleasure of the time, but was a priority that was raised by a broad group of believers, yet it was already a problem in the early Church."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Catholic Herald (Screenshot)
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pope Receives Ecclesia Dei Secretary Pozzo Shortly Before the Meeting With Cardinal Müller and Bishop Fellay

(Vatican) Pope Francis has received Curia Archbishop Guido Pozzo, secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei in audience on 18 September.
There is nothing at present of the content of the meeting between the Pope and the Titular Archbishop of Bagnoregio on Lake Bolsena, north of Rome. The audience took place a few days before the meeting announced for September 21  between Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation, and Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. Both the Holy See and the SSPX confirmed the upcoming meeting,  but didn't give an exact date. Officially there was talk of a date in "near future".
The Commission Ecclesia Dei is part of the CDF. Its President is Cardinal Müller. He is one of the nine outstanding Cardinals, including some heads of departments of the Roman Curia, who came in these days with two international publications in defense of Catholic teaching on marriage against the theses of Cardinal Walter Kasper to the public.
Cardinal Kasper responded, insulted and is hiding behind Pope Francis. Everything he did, "is agreed to by the Pope."
Bishop Fellay had said last April to Kasper's theses: "We can not to wait until the Synod meets in the autumn in its  devastated spirit, which Cardinal Kasper wants to give it, without raising our voices. (...) A Pastoral, which suggests the express teaching of Christ about the indissolubility of marriage is not merciful, but insults God  Who imparts His grace sufficiently to everyone; moreover they are cruel towards   souls, who are in difficult situations and receive that Grace which they need to live a Christian life and to grow in virtue, even to heroism "
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: SSPX / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Old Liberal Bishop Appointed to Chicago: The Bernardin Legacy Continues

Edit: bars priests from participating in Pro-Life activities.  All of the major news agencies are describing him as a "moderate", which is code for just about anything but Catholic.

[Fox] Bishop Blase Cupich, a moderate who has called for civility in the culture wars and has embraced Pope Francis' focus on fighting poverty, will be named the next archbishop of Chicago, The Associated Press has learned.

Cupich will succeed Cardinal Francis George, according to a person with knowledge of the selection, who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity because the person wasn't authorized to speak publicly.

The Archdiocese of Chicago has scheduled a news conference for Saturday morning. A spokeswoman for the archdiocese would not comment. George, 77, has been battling cancer and has said he believes the disease will end his life.
