Thursday, July 31, 2014

Christians Bear the New Yellow Star -- Courageous Shi'ites Take Their Side

(Baghdad) The Islamic State (IS) has a new yellow star to identify the Christians. The identification of the members of the other "religions of the book" of Christians and Jews is an invention of Islam, where it has an old tradition that goes back to the late Early Middle Ages. Jews and Christians had to each carry their own clothes, so that they were recognized by all Muslims. Therefore, the yellow color is due in clothing for the Jews, which was first documented in the 9th century in  Islamic occupied Sicily.The yellow Star of David in the Nazi Reich to designate  Jews was borrowed from with Islam.
The Islamic State  identifies the houses of Christians in Sunni Islamist occupied Iraq with the Arabic letter N. It stands for "Nazarene", the followers of Jesus of Nazareth.
The Iraqi journalist Dalia Al-Aqidi (Fig. 1), made a dramatic gesture. The spokesperson for the Iraqi television station Al Sumaria  intentionally put a chain with a cross around her neck and criticized the "political-Islamist fascism" before the camera.  She took a  position against the anti-Christian genocide by the Islamists. Already, several Iraqi Muslims are putting their own life on the line to defend the Christians publicly against persecution. Because, "who is silent on the question of justice is a mute devil", said Dalia Al-Aqidi about  her demonstrative step.

"The Exodus of Christians is a Loss for All"

Dalia Al-Aqidi  demonstratively  wears a cross around her neck on TV
Al-Aqidi explained why she appeared on television with the cross around her neck: not only because in the city of Mosul, which has since June been in the hands of the jihadists "Caliph" Al-Baghdadi, a large Christian community has recently disappeared, that shrank recently to a few thousand members. She did it, as the journalist explained, "for the good of the whole country" because the Islamists are a threat to all.
In an interview with the Lebanese daily Al Nahar, the journalist urged her compatriots and the West, to ask the question: "What benefit could  history and culture draw from a return to a dark past?" The exodus of Christians who are faced with the alternative of flight or death, is a heavy loss to all. "The Christians are a part of the indigenous population of this country. Without them we can not go on. "
The Islamists accused Al-Aqidi of  being a "non-believer". The journalist replied that she "firmly believes", that "Islam is a religion of tolerance." Therefore, the Islamists are the "infidels." The journalist said: "The unbelievers are you. You are the apostates, you are the head hunter and executioner. I am a simple person who defends the rights of children of her own country. "
According to Al-Aqidi, Islamism has led  "moderate Muslims like me, to be ashamed for their religion."  It was true that "the fear has led many to silence, but I will not be silent in the face of injustice." The journalist called on all to follow her example.

The "N" of Christians

The journalist Dim Sadek, a Lebanese Shiite appeared on TV with the "N".
Another Shii'te is  now  sending a comparable signal. This is the well-known Lebanese TV presenter Dima Sadek (Photo 2). The Lebanese television station Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International (LBCI) showed  her ostentatiously wearing a T-shirt imprinted with the Arabic letter ن (N), with which the Islamists characterize the Christians.  Before Sadek began with the reading of the news, she said: "From Mosul to Beirut, we are all Christians."

The Logo of the TV channel

To support the initiative of Al-Aqidi and Sadek, the Lebanese television station has changed its logo in LB ن and launched a campaign to draw attention to the plight of persecuted Christians who was supported immediately by thousands of people on Twitter and Facebook. "The darkest place in hell is for those who remain neutral in times of great moral crisis," said Al-Aqidi  in her TV appearance. The letter "N", with which Christians are marked, has become an outcry.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Traditio Catholica / LBCI /
Trans: Tancred

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Was Karl Rahner a Freemason?

Father Paolo Maria Siano of the Order of Franciscans of the Immaculate and excellent connoisseur of Freemasonry addresses the question as to whether the well-known Jesuit and theologian of the 20th century was a Freemason.  "Freemasons not, but Masonic minded" 

Father Siano wrote on the subject in 2007 an essay: Karl Rahner, massonico '? Il pensiero di Karl Rahner e la Cultura Massonica a confronto (The "Masonic" Karl Rahner Karl Rahner's Thought and the Masonic culture in comparison?), In: Fides Catholica 2 (2007) 2, pp. 315-360 . An English translation is not yet available. Could this be but one reason why the Order is being broken today?

Link to Katholisches....

Edit: it doesn't seem to be available on Amazon, either.

Pope Accepts Resignation of Cardinal Rouco Varela -- Who Will Be the New Archbishop of Madrid?

Cardinals Rouco Varela and Canizares:
Vacant Chair of Archbishop of Madrid
(Madrid) The Apostolic Nuncio to Spain, Archbishop Renzo Fratini has informed the Archbishop of Madrid, Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela, that Pope Francis has accepted his resignation offer.
Thus, the most important episcopal throne of Spain is vacant and waiting for a replacement. Cardinal Cañizares Llovera  Antonio, the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has been called for several times in the previous year.  He is the only head of a Roman Congregation, who has not yet been confirmed or replaced by Pope Francis in his office. A non-confirmation, which increasingly appears, of course,  in the context of a "deportation" back to Spain to a senior bishop's throne.
Cardinal Cañizares was appointed in 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI.. For six years, he was in charge of Sacred Liturgy in the Congregation for Divine Worship. Previously, he was the Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo and vice chairman of the Spanish Bishops' Conference.
Cardinal Rouco Varela was appointed by Pope John Paul II as Archbishop of Madrid in 1994. From 1999-2005 and since 2008 he has been the chairman of the Spanish Bishops' Conference. In 2011 he hosted the World Youth Day in Madrid, in which two million young people joined Pope Benedict XVI. in  Eucharistic Adoration. In 2014 the Archbishop of Madrid was attacked by the unsavory political mercenary group FEMEN, which then wanted to demonstrate for the "right" to kill unborn children.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons
Trans; Tancred

Troika Over the Franciscans of the Immaculate -- Who is Mario Castellano, Really?

Mario Castellano, Member of the Troika, Which Oversees
The Franciscans of the Immaculatee
(Rome) A year ago, on 29 July 2013, the provisional government of the Franciscans of the Immaculate (FI) was announced.  Nine days before, had just reported on the opening of a new monastery that the Order was still in flower. The decree of the Congregation of Religious was signed with the approval of Pope Francis on July 11th.  Since August 11, the Order has been prohibited the celebration in the traditional form of the Roman rite. Its fate now lies in the hands of a triumvirate: which was set up by the Congregation of Religious' Apostolic Commissioner Father Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap, the Franciscan "parricide" Father Alfonso Bruno (FI) and a hitherto barely visible, but the more active eccentric figure, who was active as a consultant with the criminal action against the Order: "Professor" Mario Castellano. Who is Mario Castellano? This question was asked by Emmanuele Barbieri for Corrispondenza Romana. What he was doing is astonishing as  summarized here.
Mario Castellano came into the world in 1949 in Imperia on the Italian Riviera, the son of a well-off Catholic family. Father Adolfo had come into prosperity as a representative of the rice brand Scotti. During the German occupation of Italy, he joined the  "whites", i.e. Catholic partisans, and after the war on the council of the Christian Democratic party in his hometown. Uncle Ismaele Mario Castellano was Archbishop of Siena.The young Castellano studied law and was admitted as a lawyer, a profession he never exercised, however. His political sympathies were always to the left. To be precise, he belonged to the left wing of the Christian Democrats (DC).In Imperia where he was known as a Cathokommunist. It is said that he belonged to the Grand Orient of Sanremo since the 90s. We wait for the person who denies this news.

Support For The "Nicaraguan Revolution"

Although he never completed his habilitation, he adorns himself with the title "Professor". Castellano taught law  immediately after the takeover by the Marxist Sandinistas at the University of Managua. For ideological reasons, Castellano had moved to support the "Nicaraguan Revolution" to Nicaragua, where he married a Nicaraguan woman, from whom he separated after a few years. After returning to Europe, he worked with various esoteric and pro-Islamic websites before it was the "right hand" or perhaps better to the "left head" of Father Alfonso Bruno. Castellano moved into the convent of the Franciscans of the Immaculate on the Via Boccea in Rome. Into the house that can be viewed as the center of dissidents who originated the order's internal subversion. From this house from the the Sacristan service also  supports   the Papal Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore. It's the appropriate place to come into close contact with various points in the Vatican. From there, Castellano accompanied Father Bruno as the new Secretary General of the Order in its inspections of the monasteries and religious houses.

Sympathies for the Left, Esotericism and Muslims

Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception as they were allowed to celebrate the Old Rite
Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception as they were allowed to celebrate the Old Rite
Starting in 2005 Castellano wrote passionately for the rights of Muslims in Italy and the EU; for multiculturalism; for the adaptation of European laws on the rights of Muslims and even for believers and non-believers and believers of all religions.
2008 Castellano stood against the traditional rite and everything that might offend "Jewish sensibility". The author named the esoteric as one of three positive reasons why the Catholics are not "damned forever"  to fight against the Muslims and the Jews. On the website Islam Online he raved of mosques as a "factor of stability and security."
In 2011 he held, at a conference  organized by the Lions Club Sanremo  for the Italian Risorgimento,  a lecture on "The timeliness of Cavour," the notoriously anticlerical Italian statesman, who reeked of English Freemasonry.

From the French Revolution to the EU Superstate

In 2012 he was on the website run by Father Alfonso Bruno  with the anonymous essay " Europe on the way to a federation?," but this actually was by Castellano.
The author gives himself to be an enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution and of a centralized unitary state of Europe. The crisis that Europe is currently experiencing, he compares with the crisis in France shortly before the outbreak of the revolution. At that time the crisis was voiced in a revolutionary act by which the Estates-General proclaiming the Constituent Assembly and thus nudged the revolution. Today, the takeover of the sovereign debt of some EU Member States and the private debts of some banks by the EU constitutes a revolutionary act, which will make the  way free to a European federal state.

Castellano's Masonic Mind Games

In the wake of the French Revolution, the clergy was divided on the issue of the schismatic Civil Constitution between  constitutionalist and priests true to Rome. Castellano's sympathies include the schismatic priests as he wrote in the  article "France and the Positive Secularity": "When Napoleon concluded the Concordat of 1801 with Pius VII, the clergy true to Rome was pardoned and allowed to exercise their office again, while the work of the clergy loyal to the constitution  had been recognized in the previous decade from the canonical view. It had therefore acted properly both from the point of view of the state as well as from the point of view of the Church in France, who had decided to remain faithful to the nation. "
Mario Castellano has made himself known, beside his sympathies for the left (first left, always to the left), mainly by his wild attacks against traditional Catholics, who are not willing to  make cheap and lucrative compromises with the spirit of the times and the respective power. Perhaps it is therefore such considerations by Commissioner Volpi and the Congregation of Religious that made him a consultant.
He is a remarkable figure who may have a say in the Order, which was obliged to  Catholic tradition and the Old Rite and dared to join the struggle against the influence of Freemasonry. The goat has been appointed to be gardener.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Vatican Publishes Pope's Caserta Speech to the Pentecostals

(Caserta / Vatican) The meeting with Pastor Giovanni Traettino was announced as a "private visit" by the Vatican. Subsequently, the Holy See doubled the visit so as not to  snub the Catholics of Caserta.   The visit to his "friend" Traettino was conceived as  an international meeting with leading evangelicals and Pentecostals from around the world. More than 300 selected guests had been invited by Traettino to Caserta. The presence from the USA was particularly strong.  Not present was the Celtic-Anglican Bishop Tony Palmer, who suffered a fatal motorcycle a week previously.  Palmer was a significant architect of the "private meeting" in Caserta.
Meanwhile, the Holy See published the text of the speech, which the Pope gave  before the assembled evangelicals. It in any case is becoming difficult to distinguish between official and private acts of the Pope, as well as between the papal Magisterium and private statements. This is an unusual duality, which Pope Francis introduced, being discussed, which of the two parts is the authentic one.

"Private Conversation" or Part of the Magisterium?

With the publication of the text of the Vatican obviously wants to counteract speculation about what the Pope actually said and what he did not. Such speculation has already repeatedly triggered the papal crisis line, as well as the no less numerous non-protocol-related audiences granted by the Argentine Pope along side the official, and whose contents are only reported from the side of the visitors. Without mentioning  the controversial interviews with the atheists Eugenio Scalfari.
In fact, KNA and KAP published speech excerpts  yesterday    that exceeded in their accentuation from what the Pope actually said (see separate report Pope Asks Pentecostals for Forgiveness: "Catholics who were possessed by the devil" ) .
The official text confirmed that Pope Francis reduces all heretical schisms within Christianity on envy and jealousy caused by the devil. Martin Luther as a jealous envious? The Pope directed no blame and weighed them all equally.

Schisms in the Church's History Reducible to Envy and Jealousy?

According to the newly published text of the Holy See, the Pope said, among other things, (translation Zenit):
When one walks in God’s presence, there is this fraternity. When, instead, we are still, when we look too much to one another, there is another way … which is bad, bad! -- the way of gossip. And we begin to say, “but you, don’t you know?” “No, no, I’m not for you. I’m for this and that …” “I am for Paul,” “I am for Appollos,” “I am for Peter.” And so we begin, and so from the first moment division began in the Church. And it isn’t the Holy Spirit who creates division! He does something that is quite similar to it, but not division. It’s not the Lord Jesus who creates division! He who creates division is in fact the Envious One, the king of envy, the father of envy: the sower of darnel, Satan. He interferes in communities and creates divisions, always! From the first moment, from the first moment of Christianity, this temptation was in the Christian community. “I belong to this one,” I belong to that one.” “No! I am the Church, you are a sect.” And so the one who wins over us is him, the father of division – not the Lord Jesus who prayed for unity (John 17(), he prayed!

What does the Holy Spirit do? I said he does something else, which perhaps one might think is division, but it isn’t. The Holy Spirit creates “diversity” in the Church. The First Letter to the Corinthians, chapter 12. He creates diversity! And this diversity is truly very rich, very beautiful. But then, the Holy Spirit himself creates unity, and so the Church is one in diversity. And, to use the word of an Evangelical whom I love very much, a “reconciled diversity” by the Holy Spirit. He creates both things: He creates the diversity of charisms and then He creates the harmony of charisms. Therefore, the early theologians of the Church, the early Fathers – I am speaking of the 3rdor 4thcentury – said: “The Holy Spirit is harmony,” because He creates this harmonious unity in diversity.

On this path we have very often done the same thing as Joseph’s brothers, when jealousy and envy have divided us. Those who arrived first wanted to kill their brother – Ruben succeeded in saving him – and then sold him. Our brother John also spoke of this sad story. That sad story in which the Gospel was lived by some as a truth who did not realize that behind this attitude there were ugly things, things that were not of the Lord, a terrible temptation of division. That sad story, in which the same thing was done that Joseph’s brothers did: denunciation, the laws of these people: “it goes against the purity of the race …” And these laws were sanctioned by the baptized! Some of those who made these laws and some of those who persecuted, denounced their Pentecostal brothers because they were “enthusiasts,” almost “madmen “ who ruined the race, some were Catholics … I am the Pastor of Catholics: I ask forgiveness for this! I ask forgiveness or those Catholic brothers and sisters who did not understand and who were tempted by the devil and did the same thing that Joseph’s brothers did. I ask the Lord to He give us the grace to admit and forgive … Thank you![...]
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Lettera43
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Heresies and Schisms Are an Expression of the Holy Ghost for Francis?

(Rome) Is  ecumenism so easy? Pope Francis explains the various Protestant denominations as part of the Church's "diversity" and reduced the Catholic Church to such as part of a manifold among countless others. The chairman of the Anglican Communion, Justin Welby, meanwhile, wrote to the pope a letter: "women as bishops do not separate us." In other words: No matter what we do, ecumenism continues. The question of truth is not suggested by Welby, while Pope Francis  the truth merely arose in Caserta in the plural and an expression of the Holy Spirit in diversity.
The Anglican Primate holds it for true in his letter to the pope that the decision of the General Synod of the Anglican "Church of England" is an "added difficulty" for rapprochement with Rome. However, the admission of women bishops will create a roadblock to an eventual reunification with the Church of England, which split in the 16th century from Rome, and the Catholic Church. Welby is trying to say that the Catholic Church has to accept woman bishops.  Welby sent just such a letter also to the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople  and the Russian Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow. As for the Pope, he emphasizes the fact that the things that "unify", are more important than those which "separate".

Welby to Pope Francis: "Female Bishops Don't  Separate Us"

Welby to Pope Francis: Female Bishops not separate us
Welby did not address the question as to why the Church of England, if she is interested in ecumenism and Christian unity, decided in 2014 for such a serious split that  clearly leads away goal of unity. If "women bishops" do not separate, then what does?
Assuming, however, taking the words of Pope Francis in Caserta at hand, provided the papal statements are not to be denied in the next few hours by no less than Vatican spokesman Father Lombardi, the situation of separated Christianity would be quite different. Accordingly, divisions, schisms and  schisms of  schisms are not a result of errors, heresies and human failings, but a fruit of the Holy Spirit.   An official announcement of the Pope's address has  not been made by the Vatican and should not be done either, since it was a "private visit". [Since this was written, it has been made public.] So, once more the speculation floodgates are opened because it is a "private" teaching alongside the official papal teaching that seems authentic and especially since it's public exerts a far greater influence.
The statement is a bomb of such magnitude to the Catholic Church, which has survived hundreds of the toughest battles against heretics and schismatics, including the Protestant "Reformation"  will blow in the air  after two thousand years. Is the Holy Spirit as far as  the Pope is concerned, a juggler, who makes fun of the truth and the people?
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican Insider / Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred

Monday, July 28, 2014

Pope asks for Pentecostals Forgiveness: "Catholics Who Were Possessed by the Devil"

Pastor Traettino Pope and embrace
(Caserta) Upon the  "private" visit of the Pope by his "friend", the evangelical pastor Giovanni Traettino there were  more than 300 selected guests in Caserta. Pope Francis asked the Evangelicals and Pentecostals for forgiveness for the "assault and slander" that were committed by Catholics.  Literally, the Catholic Church's leader said: "Among those who are members of the Pentecostals were prosecuted or convicted, as if they were madmen who would destroy mankind, were also Catholics." Next, the Pope said: "I am the shepherd of the Catholics, and therefore ask you for forgiveness for those Catholic brothers and sisters who were possessed by the devil and did not understand anything."
Pope Francis said nothing about the timing, nature, and those responsible for the alleged persecution of Pentecostals by the Catholic Church. He also said nothing more about the "possession" of Catholics. The Pope's visit was based on the evangelical "brothers" visit with him at the Vatican. That's why he came to Caserta to meet the "brothers".
It is "a temptation to say: I am the Church, you are the sect. Jesus prayed for unity. The Holy Spirit creates diversity in the Church. He makes the differences. But then Holy Spirit makes the same unity and the church is one in diversity. A diversity reconciled through the Holy Spirit," said Pope Francis according to Lettera43.
It was the first time in a little more than the one hundred year history of the Protestant Pentecostal movement that  the first visit of a Catholic pope at a Pentecostal community took place. The Vatican stressed that the visit of the Pope is  "strictly private", but attached great value to the fact that the meeting is known. As mentioned at the meeting at the Vatican a number of leading evangelical preachers from the U.S. and other countries came to the meeting with the Pope to Caserta.
Following his address Pope Francis prayed the Our Father  with Pastor Traettino and the invited guests. This was followed by a lunch at the community center of Traettino's Denomination.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi 
image: Settimo Cielo / Asianews
Trans: Tancred

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Pope Francis Suspends Priestly Ordinations in Paraguay: The Fate of Courageous Local Bishop in the Balance

The first step has been reached after the apostolic visit to the Paraguayan diocese. Francis will soon decide the future of Bishop Rogelio Livieres 

The following is part of a report by Andres Alvarez at the Neocatholic Vatican Insider at Italy's anti-Clerical La Stampa. There's no discussion that the courageous Bishop Livieres' accusations of aberrosexuality on the part of one of his brother bishops, or his denunciations of Liberation Theology had anything to do with this as reported earlier here. Surely there are worse Diocese in Paraguay who produce no vocations, house Old Liberal Bishops and confuse the faithful endlessly with their heterodoxy? Nope, sorry, too much Catholicism it seems.

[VATICAN CITY, Vatican Insider] An immediate and forceful measure was undertaken in the Paraguayan Diocese of Ciudad del Este. In recent days two envoys of the Pope to the government conducted an audit of Bishop Rogelio Livieres Plano and, before leaving the country, dropped a bomb: Francis has all sacerdotal and diaconal ordinations in the diocese. So far no one has reported on the reasons for the freeze, but it clearly responds to a serious situation in the local seminary. [Like too much Catholicism, Latin, apostolic charity...]

The news was reported by the apostolic visitors, Spanish Cardinal Santos Abril y Castelló and Milton Luis Troccoli, Auxiliary Bishop of Montevideo (Uruguay). They concluded their investigations "in loco" on Saturday July 26. Investigations conducted during intense week, in which they passed around. It included fainting and subsequent hospitalization of the cardinal. 

According to the practice of the Holy See, the apostolic visits are usually reserved audits are often carried out in absolute discretion. But the case of Ciudad del Este was different. First of all because the conflict between its bishop and other members of the Paraguayan Bishops is public domain several years ago.

Will There Be a Visitation at Melk After Apostate Drewermann's Retreat?

(Rome) Pope Francis is making strong inroads in Latin America, especially Argentina dioceses. However, what about Austria abbeys?
Pope Francis appears to be settling, according to the opinion of some Latin American observers, old scores with bishops. Specifically, this means the "reassignment", "retirement" or "visitation". According to Sitio Andino, the bishop of the Argentine diocese of Puerto Iguazú now suggests that y Zarate-Campana is being "targeted the Pope". "Not very merciful," said the Catholic blogger Francisco de la Cigoña of the papal operation. "There are other bishops who are much worse without anyone intervening,"  says the church historian. "Will you take action against them too? Then I would not mind. Or is it only those who are not well aquatinted with Cardinal Bergoglio? Is this mercy or revenge? Let us hope that this is just the imagination of a few."

Drewermann Retreat Makes Melk a "Casus"

Among  "others" where a visitation of Rome would be more urgent is the Melk Abbey and the local Abbot Gerhard Wilfinger. After the scandal became public knowledge recently, there seems little stir. Abot Wilfinger had commissioned ex-priest, Eugen Drewermann to direct the annual retreat at the Benedictine monastery.  Drewermann cashed in for 8,000 euros. The result of his "spiritual instruction" can at best be fruitless, but is probably more subversive.
The Benedictine Abbey of Melk is renowned as the  "Austrian Escorial", but less famous, however, is the spiritual radiance of the monastery in its surroundings. After the Drewermann retreats were made public by, informed believers complained to the Apostolic Nuncio and the Congregation of the Faith in Rome about the abuses. Abbot Wilfinger denounced the monks who dared to criticize the Drewermann Invitation with sharp tones.

Abbot's Clique Mainly Engages in Zeitgeist's Criticism of the Church

Wilfinger belongs to a glorious little clique of Austrian abbots, who distinguish themselves especially by criticism of bishops and priests who are more precise with the truths of faith and church order than themselves. The battles which were waged by the late Bishop Kurt Krenn of Sankt Pölten, who passed away in February,  against some abbots of his diocese, threw an unpleasant shade. This clique also includes the newly elected Speaker of the Men's Orders of Austria, Abbot Christian Haidinger of the Benedictine Monastery of Altenburg. In his monthly statement he calls for a "change in the Church's sexual morality," which is "the abolition of priestly celibacy" or the "admission of women priests," while the Church's doctrine of the indissolubility of marriage is for Abbot Haidinger a "disaster".

Abt Wilfingers Fashionable Lifestyle Tolerates Monkish Vices

That Abbot Haidinger has become spokesman, demonstrates that his dissenting opinions are in a majority in the Austrian Orders. Wilfinger Abbot of Melk is an example of this. He nurtures the suggestion of the little beloved Pope Benedict XVI. for  "detachment from the world" and the expectation of Pope Francis to court a "low church" despite a sophisticated baroque lifestyle. At the same time he tolerates the scandalous behavior of some of his monks.  Recently a milker monk was known to live without any embarrassment with a woman in concubinage. Yet he has little to fear from Abbot Wilfinger. In the Austrian Church.  In their zeal to be critical of the Church there is little awareness among Austria's abbots that  their conduct and that of their monks may affect the  credibility of the Church and of Christianity.
Will Rome act? A Visitation of Melk Abbey would be a startling signal having an effect far beyond the Danube monastery, since Melk is not an isolated case. [Collegeville?] So far,  the visitation efforts were successfully repelled. In Benedict's Rome  the highest ecclesiastical office in Vienna  warned before each intervention, that this would result in "schism". This is a myth that has caused serious damage in the past 20 years the Church. [Longer, for good or ill, Collegeville and other Benedictine Monasteries were never reigned in for their questionable liturgical practices and doctrine, see the Liturgical Movement of Parsch, Michel and Beauduin.]
Text: Martha Weinzl
image: tempos / Vebidoo
Trans: Tancred

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Europe Between Sodom and Gomorrha

(Rome) The historian Cristina Siccardi wrote for the Corrispondenza Romana a review of the book " L'Europe tra Sodoma e Gomorra " (Europe between Sodom and Gomorrah) by Danilo Quinto (Arkadia, Cagliari in 2014, 188 pages, € 15). [Ed: The book is not in English yet as far as we know.]
The foreword to the book was inspired by the late legal philosopher and papal critic Mario Palmaro. The last, that he published.  Danilo Quinto was for 20 years a militant representative of  the Radical Party of Italy, from which the former European Commissioner and abortion activist, Emma Bonino began her efforts. Ten years ago he found the Catholic faith through  his present wife and broke with the Radicals.
Is the title of his latest book, pure provocation, or does it really recall today's Europe to the two biblical cities that were punished by God because of the spread there of aberrosexuality and razed to the ground? "Danilo Quinto proves in this book with insightful and well-documented arguments that the comparison is entirely legitimate," Mario Palmaro writes in his preface. "It is a shockingly objective judgment, which not a few contemporaries will be thrown by the concept, who are used to a gentle and lulling politically correct language. And by that, I mean not only those engaged in the construction of a new world in which the criteria  of true and good  are turned on their heads, and work for this project of moral devastation. I also think of many people who are sensitive to the so-called non-negotiable values, whether individuals or institutions that would oppose this destruction of value."

Increase in Sexual Freedom, Loss of Mental powers

In the 70s a crisis of values was spoken of by the substitution of being with having, from the generation gap between children and parents. The idea of ​​the Christian family, with God and His laws into the center, broke down. With a loud voice, on all fronts freedom was proclaimed by the rules: sexual freedom (licentiousness and immorality) to have freedom of divorce, to use freedom of contraceptives, freedom of abortion (murder), female emancipation (Feminism), gender equality, class hatred (envy) were very concrete, while the spiritual powers, those which allowed people to do the best in tests, to make sacrifices,  practice renunciation for a greater good, to perfect oneself, which baptism calls one to sanctify one's own life, was getting weaker and has almost completely lost its meaning and raison d'être.
Just as the good brings forth goods, evil brings out evils: in  2003 the European Parliament called on the Member States, to give same-sex pairs  equal rights. Simultaneously, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (Nice, 2000) recognized  for all the right to marry and form a "family". "These are the results of several decades of European secular culture that encourages the human dynamics, rather than to curb and steer. That should be their job, to serve the public good, which is not an abstract, but a thoroughly concrete category, it is the part of life of a community or at least should be. To be used for the common good, i.e. to act in the sense of ethics. Abortion and divorce are considered by the European policy as social phenomena. As such, they are perceived and accordingly can be covered using laws. It's exploitation. The policy uses the things of life, making of it a political instrument," says Quinto.

Race Between the Governments to Make "Demonic Decisions"

The author makes understandable, explained and presented with great expertise. Not only because he knows the history of Europe, not only because he detailed its various problems and the legislation of the various States shows they  try to outdo each other in ruthless and demonic choices, but because the destructive system that is directed against the Christian Civitas, he knows from the inside. Through his years of work in the Radical Party at the side of  radical secularists like Marco Pannella and Emma Bonino 1 he got to know the policies and strategies used in the field, followed by its flagellant machinery.

The author concludes his strikingly truth telling book with the commitment to trust in the intercession of the Mother of God and Virgin Mary, to whom he appeals as a militant and pious son.  "If our God-fearing, Catholic ancestors had seen today's world, they who were aware of the seriousness of the earthly as well as of the supernatural life,  would have been horrified and would have asked Christ  to punish this perverse society, just as Sodom and Gomorrah were punished, "  said Cristina Siccardi.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondeza Romana
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches...

Friday, July 25, 2014

The "Secret" Meeting of Pope Francis With Pentecostals in Caserta

Unity in Diversity. Report From the Evangelical Side
on the Meeting with Pope Francis
(Rome) On 26 and 28 July, Pope Francis  has been in Caserta twice already. On Saturday as a public visit for the Catholics of the southern Italian diocese. Then to meet on Monday for a "private visit" with his "friend" Giovanni Traettino, an evangelical pastor (see separate report Pope Francis in Caserta twice - Once for the Evangelicals, Even for Catholics in German). On the question of Catholic-evangelical dialogue, the lawyer, sociologist of religion and former OSCE representative against the discrimination and persecution of Christians, Massimo Introvigne, wrote an essay, which contains some interesting information on the historical development and current issues. The intertitles are from the editorial staff of Katholisches.

The "Secret" Meeting of Pope Francis in Caserta

by Massimo Introvigne
In 1996 I published for the publishing house of the Friars Minor, Messaggero Padova, a book entitled "Aspettando la Pentecost. Il quarto ecumenismo "(waiting for Pentecost. The Fourth Ecumenical Movement), including an interview with Giovanni Traettino. The interview-book found a considerable response in the Catholic charismatic circles and among the Protestants of Italy. In it, I did a public dialogue, of course, in consultation with the interviewee,  in which I had participated in the previous years and had taken place away from the media spotlight and the "official" ecumenism between a significant part of the Catholic Charismatic world and some Protestant Pentecostals. In the same year, Pastor Traettino made known ​​the dialogue in the magazine Charisma, the most widely read publication of the Pentecostal and Charismatic world of the United States.
Thus began a long road that led from the Buenos Aires of the then Cardinal Bergoglio and  will culminate on July 28th in the first private visit of a pope to a pastor of the Pentecostals. On this day, Pope Francis will go to a "Tutorial" with Traettino in Caserta. There he will pay a visit two days in advance to the public on July 26, which had been agreed, according Vatikanistas, so as not to convey the impression that he would be rude to the Catholics of Caserta.This could give the impression that the Pope is thinking mostly about the Protestants of their city.
Why the Pope visits a pastor of the Pentecostals and risks the chance of displeasing some Catholics, but also some Pentecostals and ultra-conservative Protestants, whose negative attitude towards ecumenism and on the internet are already speaking of a "scandal" and a "disgrace" and an implicit recognition of the role of the Pope by Traettino? In order to answer this question  a story must be told in which - as indicated - I also played a small role. But above all, it is important to remember who the Protestant Pentecostals are.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

80th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Dolfuss, Chancellor of Austria

by Wolfram Schrems
"Dollfuss was not a dominant figure in a Europe that was overshadowed by Hitler and Mussolini and Stalin and a sleeping Baldwin. But among all these men he brought the noblest character to his high office, he went against the most overwhelming superiority with the greatest courage and yet he met the most tragic end. He also encountered the worst slander. (...) This distortion has therefore taken place, because what is considered to be a  confused time of history, actually is a one-sided historiography. (...) But almost all his former enemies spread throughout  the West weighed their arguments against him in a tirade, which is particular to the intellectuals of the left, and with the frantic energy that is understandable for refugees." 1
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the murder of the hero Chancellor and has given the diverse and permanent soiling of his memory by secular and Church authorities, this has earned him a few words of tribute, and rebuke to those who deserve reproof.

Defilement of Memories

The defilement of memories of one of the most important Austrian statesmen was made drastically apparent in the paint bomb attack on the Dollfuss-relief in the tower chapel of Vienna's Michael Church about four years ago. The Congregation of Salvatorians, which oversee the Church has not made this sacrilege public - for whatever reason. Unfortunately, it has become common for Church desecration simply move on to the agenda. Maybe  you might  encourage a copycat with by mentioning the incident.
But this is a false calculation. Attacks on churches are getting worse.
In the case of the Salvatorians they will also have played into  the symbolic of the madness of the current church scene -  as is very strongly associated with the Viennese social democracy. After all, the Salvatorian Albert P. Gabriel on April 12, 2013, received the  Prof. Dr. Julius Tandler  medal from the hands of Councillor Sonja Wehsely ( pater-albert-gabriel / , with the wife of the City Councillor: ). (For those readers who are less  familiar with   Austrian contemporary history, for information: Julius Tandler, 1869-1936, was a native of Moravia, a doctor of Jewish origin, who was  as a professor of medicine and social democratic member of the Vienna State Government with sociomedical pioneering achievements, but at the same time was for the sterilization or destruction "life unworthy of life"  and thus favored the "euthanasia" of the Nazi regime. He died as a consultant for hospital reforms in Moscow, one notes [!] in Stalin's time.  So one is not estranged to the ideological nuances in Marxism.  Viennese Councillor Wehsely is a social democratic politician and vehement proponent of abortion and late term abortion.)
Emblematic of the defiling of the memory of Dollfuss are the nefarious additional panels that are displayed at the Christ the King Church in Wien - Fünfhaus  and at the north portal of the Linz Cathedral (the latter in 2006). In the latter case, a willing exponent was found in a left council cathedral minister. Particularly reprehensible is the overpainting ordered on behalf of young socialists  of the  fresco funded by the faithful n the St. Pölten Prandtauerkirche (in 2007).
Finally, the grave of honor in the city of Vienna in Hietzinger cemetery was demoted a few years ago from the stage of a "historic tomb" (or it was said that there had never enacted in any case to a grave of honor).
The permanent rewrite of history as George Orwell in 1984 prophesied, has become a common practice.
What is it about them that they defile the memory of the martyr Chancellor?

Chinese Defend Church Against 500 Police -- "Ready for Martyrdom"

(Beijing) In China, the state is moving with force against churches and especially against "too visible" crosses. Christians have defended the cross of their church. 500 police officers took violent action against them. The bloody police action occurred last Monday at 3 O'clock in the morning in the district of Pingyang (Prefecture Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province). The number of injuries, including serious injuries, is considerable. However, the police had to withdraw.

"We are ready to go to prison and die for our faith," say the Chinese Christians and these are not empty words, as evidenced by the images of the defense of Shui Tou Church of Pingyang. Christians have formed a living shield to protect their church from destruction by the state. Many of them were beaten by the police and went to hospital for treatment. Some lives are in danger.

Wave of destruction against churches and crosses

The Protestant Church in Shui Tou is one of the officially recognized churches. Nevertheless, it is to be demolished because the communist regime for several months has engaged in a major campaign against Christianity. In some provinces of the People's Republic of China, Christianity is spreading rapidly. "Too quickly," according to the opinion of the dictatorial ruling Communist Party. For this reason, churches, crosses and other symbols that are "too large" and "visible" and other are to be removed. The Church of Shui Tou has also gone straight to the attention of authorities because of the large cross, which dominates it.

Therefore, Christians have guarded their church for 33 days around the clock. In the early morning hours of July 21st, it was time. At 3 clock in the morning, a large contingent of 500 police with a demolition squad prior drew around the believers. With batons, truncheons, fists and kicks, the police tried to disperse the Christians and to clear a path to the church. The attack lasted an hour. In the end the police had to withdraw. But there remained numerous injured Christians, many of whom had to be rushed to hospitals.

"In anticipation of martyrdom"

The pastor of the church left in protest, from the Protestant organization, loyal to the regime and began a hunger strike "in anticipation of martyrdom." In an open letter he writes: "My heart bleeds at the sight of hundreds of crosses, which are removed one after another in Zhejiang Province. Given the fierce attacks [the police], we are not sure that we can protect the church from destruction. I pray to God that he gives me the strength to be a martyr. "

"The growth of Christianity in recent years is excessive and disorderly," according to the Communist Party. The party is threatened by the increase of the Christians and their influence. The Wenzhou prefecture was an important Christian center of China before the Communist takeover. Before 1949, there were 115,000 Christians, almost one in ten of all Chinese Christians. Today the number of baptized Christians is, despite government persecution and oppression, estimated at 15 percent of the more than nine million inhabitants. It's a fast growing trend. Text: Giuseppe Nardi Bild: International Christian Concern AMGD

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"False Prophet" Enzo Bianchi is Appointed to Ecumenical Council

Enzo Bianchi und das horizontale Christentum

(Vatikan) Pope Francis named a new member and Consultant of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Unity Among Christians. No one would have seriously considered that the Argentine Pope would have also called traditional Catholics to such an important board. That Enzo Bianchi the non-clerical Prior of the ecumenical based group he founded "Monastery of Bose", would be shown the Pope's special favor is truly astonishing.

Bianchi belongs to the progressive a-dogmatic part of the Church, who interpret the Second Vatican Council and the popes after it according to their own fancy. Msgr. Antonio Livi, who has criticized Bianchi's theology in several essays did not hesitate to call the Prior of Bose a "false prophet." For Bianchi as the member of a horizontal, anthropocentric, Christendom, the only way to salvation "is imposed by by a demagogic quest for peace, an illusory universal friendship, and laicistic solidarity", so says Catholic historian Cristina Siccardi. One part of the Church which appears to have been neglected by Pope Francis. Under Pope Francis the Cardinal Martini-friend and Left wing media darling Bianchi is accordingly made a Consultant for Ecumenism.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Evangelical Pope-Friend Tony Palmer Dies in Motorcycle Accident

Tony Palmer had become widely known through a video message from Pope Francis to the American Pentecostal churches London

( / KAP) Tony Palmer, bishop of a group of evangelical Anglicans and friend of Pope Francis, died on Sunday in England from the consequences of a motorcycle accident. The English-born South African was in the Pentecostal churches most recently as one of the world's most prominent figures for dialogue with the Catholic Church. Palmer, during his contact with the Holy Father, described him as one of his "spiritual fathers," which came into being in its time as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, where Palmer worked for the charismatic renewal.

Great deal of attention was given to the video message from the Pope to a meeting of American Pentecostal churches that Palmer had recorded during a personal meeting with Francis in January 2014 in the Vatican with his smartphone. In his introduction to the video the minister referred to the papal message of brotherhood, unity and love. "Brothers and sisters, Martin Luther's protest is over. And yours?" said Palmer. Pope Francis had explained in his video message that he longed for an end to the separation between the Christian denominations. During the evangelical meeting, he spoke of "brothers" and called for a "mental hug" and prayer for one another.

 Edit: In case you haven't seen the video, here it is:

Leo XIII Published Riddles Anonymously in His Latin Newspaper

Going by the pseudonym “X,” Pope Leo XIII anonymously crafted poetic puzzles in Latin for a Roman periodical at the turn of the 19th century.

The pope created lengthy riddles, known as “charades,” in Latin in which readers had to guess a rebus-like answer from two or more words that together formed the syllables of a new word.

Eight of his puzzles were published anonymously in “Vox Urbis,” a Rome newspaper that was printed entirely in Latin between 1898-1913, according to an article in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

A reader who submitted the correct answer to the riddle would receive a book of Latin poetry written by either Pope Leo or another noted Catholic figure.

The identity of the mysterious riddle-maker, however, was soon revealed by a French reporter covering the Vatican for the daily newspaper Le Figaro.

Felix Ziegler published his scoop Jan. 9, 1899, a year after the puzzles started appearing, revealing that “Mr. X” was, in fact, the reigning pope, the Vatican newspaper said July 20.

Link to Catholic Spirit..

FSSP to Take Over Baroque Church in Munich

On behalf of the Archdiocese of Munich from September 1st, the complete pastoral care will be taken over the already existing for many years at the Munich Damenstiftskirche worshiping congregation from 1 September. Hl daily. Planned fairs in the old rite

Munich ( The Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) will take on behalf of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising the entire pastoral care of the Damenstiftskirche congregation from the 1st of September, which has already been existing for many years. This was announced by the community that celebrates Holy Mass in the old rite, in a press release. The Society therefore is sending a second priest to Munich, for the offering of the Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form [Immemorial Mass of All Ages]. It is planned that a celebration of Mass in the old rite is to be offered daily.

Notice for Mass times from the 1st of September 2014: Sundays and public holidays: 9:30 hours, Monday: 8:00 hours, Tuesday to Friday: 17:30 hours, Saturday: 8:00 hours. Photcredit, Merkur...

Stift Melk -- A Visitation is Long Overdue

How Catholic is Melk Abbey? A papal visitation could clarify this issue. At the latest after Eugen Drewermann has held the annual retreat for the Convention, it would be timely.

A commentary by John Graf

Melk ( / jg)
The announcement was so implausible that you could easily have taken it for a joke at first glance. Eugen Drewermann has held the annual retreat for the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Melk. Meanwhile, reports have been confirmed.

 Drewermann has already lost the authorization teach in 1991  at the Catholic Faculty of Paderborn and to preach in 1992.. In the same year the Paderborn Archbishop Johannes Degenhardt suspended him suspended from the priesthood. In 2005 he resigned from the Catholic Church. In the program "People in Maischberger" he described this step literally as a "gift of freedom to myself" on his 65th birthday. In the same year he signed a public call to vote for the Left Party.
Nevertheless, Melk Abbot Georg Wilfinger invited him to hold the annual retreat for the monks of his monastery. Exercises, said spiritual exercises are there for faith, to deepen their relationship with God, to find clarity about one's personal journey with God. How is it that a retreat preacher like Drewermann could succeed, who felt his withdrawal from the Catholic Church as a liberation?

According to reports, Drewermann has even   celebrated the Eucharist in the context of the retreat. Abbot Wilfinger must have  at least known that if he has not even been there. The Rule of St. Benedict says of the abbot: "Therefore, the Abbot should only teach and preach that which is the law of the Lord" (Chapter 2) Georg Wilfinger has not met this point  and thus also has not complied with his responsibility towards his brothers.

Involuntarily there is a comparison with the Franciscans of the Immaculate. In this community, sectarian or schismatic tendencies are suspected. Therefore the need for an Apostolic Commissioner as part of a visitation was assumed. 

A similar approach seems appropriate in the case of Melk Abbey. Which hired an apostate priest from the church for the guidance of an annual retreat and who  also celebrated the Eucharist, should at least  be placed under guardianship as mentioned against Franciscan Congregation. Anyone familiar with the current spiritual and disciplinary situation of Melk Abbey a little, will find more reasons for a visitation.   

Since the monastery does not belong to the diocese, the local bishop has no direct handle on this. But there are points of contact between the Stift and the diocese. The Abbey serves 23 parishes in the diocese of St. Pölten and Vienna. The bishops Küng and Schönborn can not be indifferent to what  the monastery in their parishes. The Rule of Benedict even provides an involvement of diocesan bishops, if an abbot does not meet the requirements. "But if (which God forbid) the whole community should agree to choose a person who will acquiesce in their vices, and if those vices somehow become known to the Bishop to whose diocese the place belongs, or to the Abbots, Abbesses or the faithful of the vicinity, let them prevent the success of this conspiracy of the wicked, and set a worthy steward over the house of God. "(Chapter 64) It was time. © Photo: wikipedia/ludger1961/gemeinfrei