Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Bishop Galantino: The Prelates, For Whom Unborn Children Are Just a Millstone Around the Neck

Bishop Galantino: Handpicked "Man of the Pope"
in Italy's Church Has bergolian difficulties
with the Unborn 
(Rome) The Secretary General of the Episcopal Conference of Italy distanced himself from the defense of life. Therefore, he was heavily criticized, and is now attempting a self-pitying correction, which was in reality a criticism of his critics. It's another signal as to how annoying some prelates find  the struggle for life, when John Paul II led the struggle to the last and Benedict XVI. declared it a non-negotiable principle.  But then came Pope Francis.
Bishop Nunzio Galatino Cassano all'Jonio made a brilliant career move under Pope Francis, however, he became known simultaneously in a controversial, perhaps scandalous manner. Until his discovery by Pope Francis, the Bishop was completely unknown to the world outside of Calabria. As bishop, he stands at the head of an old dwarf diocese, as they actually exist only  for historical reasons only in Italy. The new pope made unilaterally the Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference at the end of 2013. Although Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco is still chairman, the real "man of the Pope" has been Msgr Galantino ever since.
On May 12, the Bishop gave an interview in which he distanced himself from the strange way he addressed pro-lifers  who perform prayer vigils in front of the modern death camps and there pray the rosary for the protection of life and for an end to abortion (see separate report Bergoglio Effect: Secretary of the Episcopal Conference Distancing Himself From Pro-Lifers  ). It's not a random statement, but a deliberate signal to the dominant forces for the killing of unborn children as a "right", to which you must not be challenged.

Pontifical Galatino

The interview was made ​​in Catholic circles, but especially crated among life advocates an international sensation. It fit into a series with a no less irritating interview, that Pope Francis gave in September 2013 for the Jesuit journal La Civilta Cattolica. The head of the church said that  Catholics  were "obsessed" with the right to life and that one can "not always" speak out about issues such as abortion  (see separate report And he wept over his Pope - Pope Francis is silent on abortion and homosexuality, and finds it a good thing ). The irritations were more violent, as the Catholic Church is the last major, global institution that still opposes the abortion dictate, and the popes have raised their voices courageously against the murder spree charged from the Encyclical Humanae Vitae to Pope Benedict XVI. Ten months had to pass and  ever stronger murmurings rose within the Church, till Pope Francis for the first time brought the word "abortion" in his mouth in January 2014 (see separate report "The Horror of Abortion" - Francis Pope calls abortion for the first time by name ).

All Just a Misunderstanding on Which the Media are to Blame?

Now  Bishop Galatino laments in a recent interview for the monthly magazine  Sempre, the fierce criticism that hit him after his first interview. The Secretary General of the Italian Episcopal Conference saw no need for a correction of his first interviews. The criticism he described as "aggression, which in reality hurt me a little." Monsignor Galatino is of the opinion that it had all been a misunderstanding which goes back to an instrumentalization by the media. "The said interview was developed in a specific context: the influence of social communications. On this occasion I warned for vigilance, especially with regard to television, where images are used only to support one's own message. I gave the example to those who then only blank faces of those show who pray the Rosary against abortion in front of clinics. It was a method of the media, who don't  just want to invalidate the rosary prayed in front of the clinics  but also the large and unusual movement that stands behind it."  According to Bishop Galatino he wanted to warn you to be vigilant against such media manipulation.

From the "Malice" of the Rosary

The reason for the misunderstanding  was that his statement was taken out of context. "Sometimes the representative of certain of our movements don't read the interview completely, but only the titles and headlines of the media, who of course, have every interest to write something sensational and create problems. So it came to 10,000 tweets and 15,000 Facebook posts "Against Bishop Galantino, who showed himself to be  " impressed"  by this wave of criticism from within the ranks to dismiss the "malice of certain people who claim to pray the Rosary."  It is  "worrying to know that someone who prays the rosary, then is able to express himself in such tones and with such verbal aggression." Pro-Lifers shake their heads. Bishop Galantino has thus proven just one more time to have little idea of ​​the reality of war, which is against under way against the unborn children worldwide, and the protection of life, about which he speaks, however.
Pope Francis seems  to be satisfied with the thesis of this "misunderstanding" at any rate. This past June 21st he paid Bishop Galantino and his mini-diocese in Calabria a visit. To see an homage, which was unanimously interpreted by observers as a signal to the Italian Bishops for Bishop Galatino as the new powerful man in Italy's Church (see separate report A question of priorities - Corpus Christi procession without Pope Francis ).

What Exactly Had  The Secretary-General Said on May 12?

Quotidiano Nazionale: In recent years, the Bishops' Conference established itself  (life, family, education) for the non-negotiable values. The Pope does not have this concept at heart. Do you not also? 
Bishop Galantino: When we think of the sanctity of life. In the past, we have focused exclusively on a no to abortion and euthanasia. This goes not, in between there comes to the existence, develops. I do not identify myself with the motionless faces of those who pray the rosary in front of  clinics, where abortions are carried out, but with those youth who reject this method and fight for better quality of life for the people of their rights to health and work.
In the new interview, Bishop Galatino spoke of the "influence of the media" and "instrumentalization by the media." In the original there is nothing of the sort, but a whole precise question to which the bishop replied which was just as clearly irritating.
Bishop Galantino has tried an old game, where the blame is always pushed to the journalists. An attempt that often succeeds in this particular case, however, as the bishop has neither denied up until today his former statement  nor demanded a rectification of the daily newspaper. A substantive correction of his position would offer more suitable for the  "man of the Pope" in the Italian Episcopal Conference. Above all, it would  provide the only correct answer to doubts and criticism. Therefore, Pro-Lifers believe that Bishop Galantino has exactly said  is in the interview: A distancing from  the right to life scene that is seen by some prelates as just a more than annoying millstone that impedes an arrangement with the Zeitgeist.
Sometimes the attempts to plug a hole are worse than the hole itself
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Corrispondenza Romana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cardinal Laments the Silence Over the Persecution of Christians

Four out of five were Christians persecuted for religious reasons.
  Vatican City (kath.net/CBA)  I think we are silent too much," Koch said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper "Osservatore Romano" (Sunday).  An estimated 80 percent of those persecuted for religious reasons are Christians, said the Swiss cardinal. There are now more Christians suffering persecution than in the days of the early church.

At the same time the Vatican Ecumenical Minister emphasized the importance of Christian martyrs for a rapprochement between the Christian denominations. They are "the seeds of ecumenism and the future unity". The "ecumenism of suffering" will form the deepest foundation for the conversation between the confessions. 

Sufi Rituals in Salzburg's Kollegiekirche

(Salzburg) on Sunday, 20 July, in the context of the Salzburg Festival, there is a  profanation of the famous Collegiate Church scheduled on the program.
One focus of the festival, the "Spiritual Ouverture" is in 2014 under the slogan "Christianity and Islam."  On Sunday, the appearance of the Sufi is to start at 9 O'clock of the Islamic Order of al-Gazoulia (al-Dschazuliya al-Husayniya al-Schadhiliya) from Cairo provided, who will perform  for the "his rites and ceremonies for the first time in a public space with us in the Collegiate Church,"  as the outgoing Festival Director Alexander Pereira thrilled to the Kleine Zeitung. "We are all incredibly excited" about the Sufi appearance. A Catholic church and the public space are obviously all the same for the Austrians Pereira. The "Ouverture Spiritual" is one of the inventions of director Pereira and is the prelude to the festival. After the 2012 Christianity and Buddhism in 2013, the focus in 2014 is on Islam.

Four Sufi Events WIth the  Slogan "Christianity and Islam"

Sufis from Egypt, result in Salzburg Kollegienkirche "rituals and ceremonies" 
In all the  four points of the  program will be focused upon the slogan "Christianity and Islam."  in the Collegiate Church.  July 24, will begin with Sufi chants 1 after which the Sufi chants 2 will follow.  On the 22nd and 26th of July, a Sufi choir sings lyrics from Sufi mystic Mansur al-Hallag (858-922), by a commission by the Festival of Hossam Mahmoud  and set to music by Samir Odeh-Tamim.
"Religion is like a river that flows through many countries. Each country gives this river a different name and claims this possibly also for itself. Here, the flow is independent of the countries and springs also from one source,"  it reads according to the performances on the website of the Salzburg Festival . Even the obligatory reference is not missing, that  the offer of "dialogue"  [Inevitably as it always does] follows.

Sufi Rituals "About Mohammed Connected to the Divine Source of Knowledge"

"At the heart of their teaching, love stands as the only way to God, whose name Allah is composed of four Arabic letters", insist the organizers of the festival in their announcement. And further: "Each of their rituals, as it rises in  silence, with the invocation of his name, rising in singing and with the gradually interjecting oriental musical instruments to a music that serves to connect with the Divine. These rituals are led by the Master (Sheikh) of the respective order (tariqa), where the Sheikh is connected by a chain of narration from the Prophet Muhammad with the divine source of knowledge. The rituals, of which not one is like the other, mostly take place at memorials of a late Sufi master. "

Church Confused with "Public Space" 

Salzburg's Creepy New Altar
The Sufi Order has  "spontaneously declared themselves immediately prepared," the rituals for the "first time" in order to  carry them out in a "public space". For the festival management a Catholic Church is obviously indistinct from a "public space" like a concert hall or the Grosses Festspielhaus.
The Kollegienkirche of Salzburg, consecrated in 1707, is not only a historical monument and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, but is primarily and exclusively a Catholic church. As such, it was built by Prince Archbishop Johann Ernst von Thun-Hohenstein for the University  in 1622 and consecrated to the Holy Trinity. During the war the church was desecrated by Napoleonic troops and served the French occupation  as a stable and magazine. After the university was abolished in 1810 by Bavaria and re-consecrated under Austria, it found a new job as a garrison church. Since 1922,  it has been used as the venue for the Salzburg Festival. 
With the re-establishment of the University in 1962, the Collegiate Church was again a University Church and in 2008 made a parish a personal parish established for the University. The baroque church, built by Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach is considered, next to the cathedral, as one of the most important churches of Salzburg.
The Collegiate Church is the seat of the University Church Catholic Student Community. Recent renovation work completed after the orphaning of the high altar, being displaced,  and the establishment of a "people's altar"" in the nave underlined  the final loss of the importance of the presbytery. The new "community" gathers in a circle around the altar, while the presbytery, was reduced to a meaningless relic of past times in the church building. 
The Catholic Church categorically rejects the   use of a church for the rites of other religions. Their enactment leads to the desecration of the church and requires its own rite of purification in order to be used  again for the Catholic liturgy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Image: Muslim in Egypt
Trans: Tancred vekon99@hotmail.com

Saturday, July 19, 2014

RIP Stratford Caldecott

Edit: we just received the following announcement:

Dear friends,

Stratford Caldecott died on July 17 at the age of 60, after a long struggle with cancer.
He was a treasure to all who knew him or were otherwise touched by his life and work, and we will feel the world a lesser place now for his absence. His has been and will remain a guiding light for all of us at Angelico Press. Please keep Stratford and his family in your prayers in the coming weeks.

For those of you in the UK, the funeral requiem Mass will be at the Oxford Oratory Thursday 31st at 10.00 am.

Requiescat in pace, Stratford.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Bishop WIlliamson: Rome Agreement With SSPX Here

Agreement here

On December 13 of last year, in St Martha’s House in Rome where the Pope is currently living, the Pope met briefly with Bishop Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St Pius X. The Society officially denies that the meeting had any significance, but an Italian commentator having some familiarity with how Rome operates, one Giacomo Devoto (G.D.), argues that the meeting was proof that a Rome-SSPX agreement has been reached. See www.unavox.it . In brief:—

On the morning of the 13th Bishop Fellay and his two Assistants at the head of the SSPX met in the Vatican with the heads of the Ecclesia Dei Commission at the invitation of Monsignor Guido Pozzo, restored to the Commission by Pope Francis to deal with the problematic relations between Rome and the SSPX. An official publication of the SSPX, DICI, claims that this meeting was merely “informal,” but G.D. says that even being informal it cannot have taken place without there having been beforehand a series of discreet contacts to repair the public breach of relations in June of 2012. Also, says G.D., such a meeting is the necessary preliminary to any “formal” meeting.

In any case after that meeting Msgr. Pozzo, Msgr. di Noia and the three heads of the SSPX repaired to St Martha’s House where the Pope also happened to be lunching. When the Pope stood up after the meal to leave, Bishop Fellay went over to him, they exchanged a few words in public view and the Bishop kissed the Pope’s ring (or knelt down for his blessing, according to Rome’s Vatican Insider). DICI again minimised the encounter as nothing more than a chance meeting with a spontaneous exchange of courtesies. On the contrary G.D. reasonably maintains that even such a “chance” encounter cannot have taken place without the Pope’s previous knowledge and approval.

Priest Arrested at Cocaine Party

Edit: this is the diocese of Don Antonio Secci, who has had such resistance to his attempts to restore and nurture the Catholic Faith in his own parish.  They also hosted the Society of St. Pius X.

Investigators accuse priest Stefano Maria Cavalletti of drug trafficking and possession of narcotics. This is not Cavalletti's first conflict with the law according to the report. 

Rome (kath.net / CBA) A Catholic priest has been arrested by the Italian police at a cocaine party in Milan. Investigators are accusing the priest Stefano Maria Cavalletti of drug trafficking and possession of narcotics, says the daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera" (Thursday) reports.

The pastor of Carciano di Stresa in the northern Italian Piedmont was therefore caught in the act at the house of friends. He had even tried in vain to get rid of cocaine and his identity card, to escape identification, the newspaper said.

In a hearing by the judge of the 45-year-old had made ​​a confession. Cavalletti, according to the report, has not been in conflict with the law just this once. A year ago, the priest had been condemned by a court of first instance for fraud in an inheritance. His diocese of Novara is hoping for  an early resolution  of the recent allegations. You maintaine "Don Stefano is in prayer to the Lord and waits for the incidents to be resolved," says the newspaper quoting from a statement by the diocese. (C) 2014 Catholic News Agency KNA GmbH. All rights reserved.

Link to Katholisches..
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Stift Melk: Abbot Complained About to CDF by Local Laity

Edit:  We’d reported last week that a defrocked priest was to be the retreat director at a dying Benedictine Monastery in Austria, Stift Melk.  St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville regularly engages in this sort of thing, but the local laity of St. Cloud only grumble, perhaps, or are resigned that nothing will ever be done about the Modernist Monastery.  Well, we criticize the bishops of Vienna and St. Pölten all the time, like the Abbott of Melk.  We’re shocked to hear that there are monks opposed to this sort of thing.  It’s still more astonishing that the neoconservative kathnet has reported it.

What will be interesting to hear is if anything is done.  Could Collegeville be due for a visitation?

Eugen Drewermann has held the annual retreat for the monks of the Abbey of Melk at the invitation of the abbot. Believers have complained to Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller.

Vatican / Melk (kath.net / jg)
The affair of Eugen Drewermann's appearance at the annual retreat of the Benedictines of the Abbey of Melk has led to complaints at the CDF. Believers have informed Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the President of the CDF,  in a letter about the annual retreat held by Eugen Drewermann at the invitation of Abbot Gerhard Wilfinger. kath.net has reported .

The kath.net This letter mentions further transgressions of the abbott of Melk. This claims that ​​monks who had criticized the invitation to Drewermann were "silenced". Wilfinger has shown little of a Catholic attitude in public  and regularly criticize the bishops of St. Pölten and Vienna. On the other hand, he did not respond to grievances that relate to his monastery.  One of the monks of the Stift  lives with a woman and has confirmed this in the media. 

Complaints from the faithful to Abbot Wilfinger have simply ignored, it says in the letter. The Diocese of St. Pölten did not want to comment about the request from kath.net on the matter. Bishop Küng, however, has no direct right to give instructions about the responsible person of Melk Abbey.


Cardinal O'Brien's Retirement

(Edinburgh), the Scottish Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien, who had to give up because of a sex scandal to participate in the conclave is, again, "back", as British media reported.

Cardinal O'Brien was a resolute defender of the non-negotiable values under Pope Benedict XVI. A few days after Pope Benedict XVI. had announced his resignation from office, the cardinal had called with a glance at the next pope for a "rethinking" of celibacy. In the Catholic Church, we already have "once" married priests, said the Archbishop of Saint Andrews and Edinburgh.  The address reached some priests and former seminarians on the scene, who accused the cardinal of  improper behavior and sexual advances. Then things went fast.

Retirement and Renunciation of Council Participation

The Cardinal had to forgo participation in the conclave, and to his archbishopric. [But +++Mahony didn't.] In April, the Vatican's top lawyer and former Auxiliary Bishop of Malta, Monsignor Charles Scicluna had been appointed to investigate the allegations. Even before Scicluna had submitted his final report, the Press Office of the Holy See published in May 2013 a declaration that the Cardinal and Archbishop Emeritus of St. Andrews and Edinburgh "for the same reasons why he decided not to participate in the recent conclave, in consultation with the Holy Father, will leave Scotland in a few days to spend some months in prayer and penance and spiritual renewal. Any decision on the further determination of the Cardinal is made in accordance with the Holy See ".

Cardinal O'Brien's Retirement Home in Ellington on the North Sea Coast

The time of "spiritual renewal, prayer and penance seems to be over," said Infovaticana. Like The Scottish Daily Record reported on July 16, the Archdiocese of Edinburgh, he has  purchased a home in Ellington on the North Sea coast of England, Northumberland for 208,750 pounds. Cardinal O'Brien has lived there since last January.

The Cardinal was not ready for comment to the media. A spokesman for the Archdiocese of Edinburgh said that the property has been provided to the Cardinal for retirement, but is owned by the diocese. The residence of the cardinal "is in accordance with the agreement between him and the Holy See". The details of the purchase act is publicly available to the competent authority. "The purchase price was in line with costs for other purchases for retired clergy," the spokesman said.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Infovaticana
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Update: Vatican Removes Rainbow Flag from Its German Language Site

Edit: Yesterday, the Vatican German site posted a picture of two gomorrists holding a rainbow flag and kissing along with an article where the aberrosexual enabling bishop of Trier was lending his support to a same-sex lobbying group and their agenda.  The picture has been removed.  Someone at the Vatican news service must have an interest in promoting such ideas.  They should remove him or her too.

We also wish they'd remove Bishop Ackerman of Trier along with most of the bishops in the German speaking areas of Europe, but that is probably a bridge too far, or a pontiff too far.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Vatican Website Proudly Waves the Rainbow Colors

Picture as it appears on Vatican website.
Homosexuality Must Not be "Cured"

Bishop of Trier, Stephan Ackermann views offers to "cure" homosexuality critically. For such initiatives, there is no official Church backing, Ackermann said on Wednesday evening in Saarbrücken. 

Recently, the newspaper "Die Zeit" had reported among other  about physicians that advertise in order to change sexual orientation, and apply it strictly in some Christian circles as an "insider tip". Ackermann addressed himself to the Lesbian and Gay Association (LSVD) a publicly  organized discussion in Saar, attended by around 100 people who took part. The two-hour meeting was the first of its kind in Germany.  On a smaller scale similar discussions have taken place with representatives of gays and lesbians, for example, in the diocese of Essen and Germany ahead of the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. which took place in 2011  in the Archdiocese of Berlin. 

Contested control in Employment Law for Church

The meeting in Saarbrücken addressed questions about the Church's handling of sexuality and the Church employment. A topic was the so-called loyalty obligations. Thus, employees in the ecclesiastical ministry, who live in a gay marriage and wish to register the partnership law, must expect a dismissal. The LSVD Saar called Ackermann for a "Saarbrücken appeal" to publicly state that "in his diocese, employees of the Catholic Church need no longer worry if they enter into a registered partnership about a termination of their employment." This should apply at least those "not identifying any professions," [If they're not officially Catholic for purposes of German law and State tax]  such as for doctors and nurses in Catholic hospitals. 

Ackermann called for understanding that the loyalty obligations for the Church as an institution are important. At the same time he acknowledged in some areas there is a  "tension", "which is not good." Currently, the bishops were in-depth discussions on how the loyalty duties were to be conceived in the future. The conversation in Saarbrücken hailed the Bishop of Trier as "honest". He wanted to be a "listening presence" and to contribute to mutual understanding on controversial issues. The organizers stressed that it would  serve to build bridges and to engage in conversation with each other. In that way, the way to dialogue [Destruction of Catholic doctrine and practice, to say nothing of lay confusion.] is still open. (kna 7/17/2014 mg) 

Dieser Text stammt von der Webseite http://de.radiovaticana.va/news/2014/07/17/d:_homosexualit%C3%A4t_muss_nicht_%E2%80%9Egeheilt_werden/ted-813772
des Internetauftritts von Radio Vatikan 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

With the Second Scalfari Interview, The First Interview Reappears on Vatican Webpage

(Vatican) "Another interview of Pope Francis - and a correction by the Vatican" was the headline at Riposte Catholique in France. "New Interview by Eugenio Scalfari with the Pope. New manipulation. New denial by Lombardi” wrote Religion en Liberdad  in Spain. Catholic journalists can only shake their heads these days only  in disbelief about papal "press relations". The recent "interview" with Eugenio Scalfari, the known written  interviews itself, is an elusive sense of déjà vu, you do not want a priori to assume that these media "slips" of Pope Francis  are planned and are intended to be.
The Catholic website La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana (NBQ) wrote in Italy: "Scalfari has relapsed. For the second time he has published a fake interview with Pope Francis. This raises the question of why the journalist chamber which is so eager in other cases, has not yet intervened to condemn this kind of journalism. "But this is at best a side of the coin. What NBQ from inappropriate respect not ventured to ask: How is it that Pope Francis granted an interview for a second time after the experience of the previous year Scalfari? Obviously, Francis was quite satisfied with the “fake” Scalfari  statements attributed to him. Anyway, he is so happy to accept the same "fake" one more time.

What is the True Teaching of Pope Francis?

What actually corresponds to the actual teaching of the Argentine Pope? The officially published statements by the Vatican statements or the published interviews and phone calls in which the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires seems to feel far more in his element?
The first unconventional, rather irresponsible Interview of Francis with the Pope Eugenio was with atheist Scalfari, which was published on October 1, 2013, and printed in Osservatore Romano from full content. Without comment, it was first published on the website of the Holy See, which had  given the impression that it was part of the ordinary magisterium of the Pope. Only after one and a half months and severe irritation was it finally deleted in mid-November.

The Vatican Spokesman is Forced Into Egg Dance

Last Sunday Scalfari published a new "interview" with Pope Francis.  Even without knowing the content, not a few prelates in Rome were pulling their hair at the news.  And with good reason. The interview came into being in the same unusual and irresponsible manner as the first. This time, though, the Vatican responded promptly with a corrective statement. However, Vatican spokesman Lombardi had a breathtaking limbo between different degrees of confirmation and denial, partial acknowledgments and partial denial, accomplishing to simply amplify what the interview already had created: to cause more confusion.

First Interview Has Resurfaced on Vatican Page

Suddenly with the publication of the second interview, the first interview has appeared again and finds itself eight months after its deletion from the website of the Vatican yet again, being  put down under the "speeches" of the Pope. Who would not believe it, you can see for yourself ( here ). In the next few days of the release  will the new interviews  be put there  with the doctrinal statements of the head of the Church? Are the papal interviews ultimately part of the official Magisterium? What is  official reality, and what is real reality? The papal confusion shows its quirky side. Above all, there are creeping circles in the Vatican that support the papal reconstruction of the Church, its practice and thus insidiously, also its doctrine of belief.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Vatican.va (screenshot)
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Archdiocese of Saint Paul: Agitator Shows Signs That She Sympathizes With Aberrosexuality

Edit:  Currently, there's a significant media attack being levied against the Archdiocese of St. Paul, its Archbishop, loyal priests and laity.  A look into the background of those making the charges and who is associated with whom should give even a casual reader insight into what is behind this attack, and the sheer vindictiveness of it.

Father Michael Tegeder, long-time dissident who is also close to an accused sexual abuser himself, Deacon Joseph Damiani, has an interesting advocate in the form of the canon lawyer who blew the whistle against the Diocese, Jennifer Haselberger. (An investigation was reopened in June against Damiani and he was removed from ministry pending the investigation.)

Despite the fact that there are more sexual predators at large in Collegeville, Minnesota, than in the Archdiocese, Jeff Anderson's efforts are focused on the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of St. Paul who himself opposed same-sex marriage.  Could it be that Anderson's own sympathies for "marriage equality" are determining the targets of his righteous indignation?

Haselberger was among voices who unjustifiably accused Father Paul Marx OSB of anti-semitism during an HLI Mass at the Cathedral, where she essentially joined herself to gomorrist counter-demonstrators  who carried signs with blasphemies and committed indecent acts in 1997 on the Cathedral steps. The attorney, Jeff Anderson himself is a very significant donor to the American Civil Liberties Union.  Their championing for the destruction of the family is well documented.

Whistleblower Haselberger, who is collaborating as a witness for Jeff Anderson's crescade against the Catholic Church, recently issued an affidavit about Father Tegeder and the Archdiocese which strikingly demonstrate where her sympathies truly lie.  Bishop Cozzens merely says that her views don't necessarily coincide with the Archdiocese.  As reported in Columbus, Ohio's, The Republic:

[Minneapolis] In a sworn statement released Tuesday, Jennifer Haselberger alleged that a former top deputy to Archbishop John Nienstedt proposed declaring the Rev. Michael Tegeder disabled to silence his opposition to the archbishop's efforts to promote a constitutional amendment against same-sex marriage. She said in her affidavit that the archbishop is the only person with the power to declare a priest disabled, and no medical diagnosis is necessary. 
Tegeder told The Associated Press that the affidavit was the first he'd heard of the idea of silencing him.
"It's laughable. ... That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard," [Not as laughable as misrespresenting yourself as a Catholic priest in good standing.] said Tegeder, who serves as pastor at St. Francis Cabrini Church in Minneapolis and has been calling for Nienstedt to step down for some time.
Surely, traitors merit the hottest places in Hell?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

"Who Am I Not to Judge?" -- Pope Francis Dismisses Diplomat from Service

Father Lorusso, Removed
Without Charges or Trial
(Rome) Pope Francis  has removed the  number two of the Apostolic Nunciature in Italy not only from his post, but dismissed him completely from the diplomatic service. It's an unusual decision because there is nothing against the diplomat  and priest. Neither was he accused of anything, nor has he been  sentenced for anything, yet, in any cause. As a canon lawyer, he defended a former priest in a fairly unsavory matter. But nothing more. The Vatican expert Sandro Magister wrote about the incident an article with the headline: "Who am I Not to Judge." It also seems to be a matter of the Apostolic Nuncio to Italy, Archbishop Bernardini to meet the Pope is not very friendly together.

"Who am I Not to Judge"

Monsignor Luca Lorusso, 52 years old, is not only leaving the Apostolic Nunciature in Italy, but the diplomatic service of the Holy See, where he is to return to his home in the diocese of Taranto in Apulia. Or rather, he is gone. Monsignor Lorusso has been the number two papal diplomat  to the Republic of Italy, which is headed by Archbishop Adriano Bernardini. Archbishop Bernardini was from 2003-2011 nuncio in Argentina, where he had a notoriously bad relationship with the then Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Cardinal Bergoglio.  Lorussos' successor at the Embassy in Rome, the 44-year old Monsignor Giorgio Chezza from the diocese of Nardo-Gallipoli, had previously been in  service at the Apostolic Nunciature in battered Syria, where he had been sent in 2012.
The dismissal of Msgr Lorusso from the diplomatic service is the most striking movement during the annual personnel decisions of the Diplomatic Corps of the Vatican.

Pope Announced Dismissal

Blatant, but not unexpected. It was publicly announced by Pope Francis personally last March 6 in the Aula Nervi of the Vatican before the bishops and the clergy of the diocese of Rome, who came together for the traditional meeting in Lent with the Pope.
On this occasion the Pope surprisingly said right after the welcome by the Cardinal Vicar Agostino Vallini and even before the actual speech:
"I was very concerned and felt terrible not only for some of you, but on account of the entire priesthood divided on account of the accusations that have been leveled against a group of you. I have spoken with some of you who have been accused and have seen the pain of these unjust wounds, madness, and I want to say publicly that I am close to the priesthood because here the defendants are not seven, eight or fifteen  but the entire priesthood. I want to ask your forgiveness, not so much as your bishop, but as head of the Diplomatic Service, as Pope, because one of the accusers works in the diplomatic service. That was not forgotten.  We studied the problem so that this person will be removed. It involves  a grave injustice and for that I beg your pardon. "
Pope Francis then named no names, but the instructions were clear. These remarks by  the Pope are not included in the official release of his speech.

Lorusso Provided Legal  Counsel for a Pedophile Ex-priest

In the spring of 2013 was Patrizio Poggi, an ex-priest who had been returned to the lay state and already convicted of sexual abuse of five minors aged between 14 and 15 in the 90s for which he was sentenced to 5 years, according to the Italian police. He was released after serving his sentence in prison, when he then made accusations against a dozen Roman clerics, including the personal secretary of the Cardinal Vicar and accused them of the same crimes. Also in this context was  talk of a "gay lobby" in the Vatican.
The  accusation  was supported by Msgr Lorusso,  his canonical counsel on the question of his re-admission to the clerical state, which is pending before the CDF.  Lorusso claims that his accusations were credible and substantiated. When the police investigated,  the opposite was revealed. The prosecutor saw them as false accusations, which were part of a "shabby conspiracy". The ex-priest had wanted to force his return to the clerical state by extortion. In addition, he had feloniously presented himself as a judge in order to attract young people for sexual intercourse.  Poggi was therefore remanded into custody on suspicion of serious defamation and attempted blackmail. The accuser was convicted, among other things, of being on record of claiming to have been abused during his student days at a minor seminary in Florence by the former rector.

Icy Air

Because Poggi had been defended by Msgr Lorusso, it came unexpectedly, that the Apostolic Nunciature  was included with the Republic of Italy in the maelstrom  which rocked the Diocese of Rome for a year back then. The icy relationship between Nuncio Bernardini and the Pope is not to be underestimated.  Bernardini was in his time in Argentina, the leading opponent to the Archbishop of Buenos Aires. The nuncio had appointed 35 bishops for Argentina in this period against the wishes of Bergoglio. In addition, Bernardini urged steadvfastly directly   to the non-negotiable values. Bergoglio has never forgiven him for that and seems resentful.
Poggi's unseemly notice seemed at first hand, to involve no ecclesial consequences. Several months later it happened when Pope Francis unexpectedly, personally addressed  before hundreds of astonished priests and bishops together with the announcement that Monsignor Lorusso would be removed from his office,  An amazing act, to act against the legal counsel of a perpetrator, defendant or prosecutor.
Monsignor Lorusso took part as an envoy with Nuncio Bernardini last February 18 at the traditional reception at the Italian Embassy by the Holy See, where   the signing of the Lateran Treaty was commemorated. Then, on March 6, the unusual public condemnation by the Pope took place. Then the  papal condemnation was executed.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cardinal Kasper Distorts the Church Fathers, In Order to Allow Divorced and Remarried to Communion

(Rome) Another theologian explained that Cardinal Walter Kasper Cardinal at the consistory in late February distorted the Church Fathers and manipulated quotations to justify the allowance remarried divorcees.
According to the Prefect of the CDF, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, according to the former President of the Pontifical Committee of Historical Sciences, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller, according questions about marriage that John Paul II's most esteemed theologian on matters of marriage and the family, Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, according to a leading canonist of the Roman Curia, Cardinal Velasio De Paolis and according to Cardinal Thomas Collins, a "rising star in the College of Cardinals," says Vatican expert Sandro Magister, and now also took one of the most important voices of the Australian theology, Adam G. Cooper, member of the International Association for Patristic Studies even made a statement.

Patristic Scholar Cooper Dismantles Kasper's "Theorem"

Cooper dismantled Kasper's "Theorem" and disagreed with the assertion of the German emeritus Cardinal that there is a possibility to allow remarried divorcees to receive Communion. A thesis advanced by Kasper at Cardinal Consistory from privileged position allowed by Pope Francis  with a view to the October 2014 and 2015 Synods on the family. 
In a lengthy essay in a respectful, but unambiguous tone that was published by the Catholic World Report , patristics expert examined the quoted Cardinal Kasper in support of its argument places of the Church Fathers: Origen, Basil, Gregory of Nazianzus and the Canon 8 of the Council of Nicea.

"Unfortunate that Cardinal Kasper, has distorted the testimonies of the early Church"

Cooper can prove that none of the references cited by Kasper's points can infer admission to  Communion for remarried divorcees. Cooper's conclusion reads: "It is unfortunate that Cardinal Kasper has distorted the testimony of the early Church to this extent for a pastoral solution he seems to represent". For the overall question, says the Australian theologian,  the subject is complex and is not to say that there are answers exactly  to the problems of today which must follow from what stands in the writings of the Church Fathers. These can not derive  in any case  an admission of remarried divorcees to Communion. But this breaks down the whole argument of Cardinal Kasper, who justified his thesis in a misleading manner by reference to the Church Fathers.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Timone
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com
Link to Katholisches...

Vocations Boom Via Old Mass in Paraguay -- Pope Francis Orders Visitation

Pope Francis' Bull
(Rome / Asuncion) Pope Francis has ordered an Apostolic Visitation of the Diocese of Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. The Diocese of Alto Paraná on the border of Brazil and Argentina is one of the most traditional and has an above average number of priestly and religious vocations. Why the Pope has ruled for the visitation of a comparatively thriving diocese, while in the capital Asuncion, the Archbishop is a nuisance, the news about aberrosexuality is all over town?

Pope Francis has paid special "attention" to diocese, orders and communities that are connected to tradition, since the beginning of the pontificate. Ciudad del Este is one of these dioceses. The bishop's see is located in the second largest city of the Latin American country. It covers an area of ​​nearly 30,000 square kilometers and holds 700,000 Catholics. This represents 98 percent of the population.

Under Bishop Livieres There is a Big Boost in the Diocese

The Bishop of Ciudad del Este is the Argentinean Rogelio Ricardo Livieres Plano, whom Pope John Paul II had appointed in 2004 at the head of the Paraguayan Diocese was only established in 1993. Since then the diocese has experienced an amazing recovery. The majority of the clergy consists of  priests from religious orders. By 2007, the diocese only had 12 diocesan priests and 70 religious priests. Today, they are preparing in the seminary more than 250 candidates for the priesthood. Almost all parishes of the diocese celebrate in the Old Rite.

As Blogonicus reported, it was confirmed by the Apostolic Nuncio to Paraguay, Monsignor Eliseo Ariotti, that the Holy See will conduct an apostolic visitation of the diocese. Pope Francis has instructed so that the former Vatican diplomat, Cardinal Santos April y Castello, archpriest of the Patriarchal Basilica since 2011, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome. Santa Maria Maggiore has been in the spotlight since the election of Pope Francis because the miraculous image of Our Lady Salus Populi Romani is a favorite church of the Argentine Pope, which he has already visited several times. In Santa Maria Maggiore, oppressed brothers of the Order of the Franciscans of the Immaculate perform the altar service. There was the seat of the dissident group, which carried out a radical upheaval in the Order with the help of the Congregation of Religious. At the beginning of the month celebration of the Immemorial Mass of All Ages established since the Jubilee Year 2000, was abolished by Cardinal Santos Abril without replacement. Pope Francis has been friends with Cardinal Abril from the time when he was 2000-2003 nuncio in Argentina.

With Cardinal Abril, Bishop Milton Luis Troccoli Cebélio will perform the visitation from Montevideo. The Paraguayan Episcopal Conference announced the upcoming Apostolic Visitation at a specially convened press conference.

Diocese of Ciudad del Este "Oasis in the Modernist Morass"

Bishop Rogelio Liveires at March for Life in
Ciudad del Este

"The Diocese of Ciudad del Este is an oasis in the theological modernist morass of Latin America," said Messa in Latino. Bishop Livieres helped settle many traditional communities and start-ups in his diocese, which he offers "fatherly protection and spiritual retreat," said the tradition associated website. A diocesan priest from Ciudad del Este has written about the announced visitation by Rome: "It seems important to me, be noted that the prosecution does not proceed against the clergy of the diocese, where Don Rogerio Livieres is a popular and highly respected chief shepherd, but by other bishops who do not have his zeal. The attack comes from the commissions of the Episcopal Conference, led by progressives and where tradition and the Catholic faith is guided by the Bishop of Ciudad del Este, this is unbearable."

More Seminarians Than all Other Dioceses

Ten years after the appointment of Bishop Livieres, the fruits of his pastoral ministry are obvious. The Diocese of Ciudad del Este, which includes only twelve percent of Catholics, today with about 250 seminarians, has more seminarians than all other dioceses in Paraguay. Training in the diocesan seminary is know to be "truly Catholic in its doctrine and liturgy." As well known that other bishops are nervous about how demand the religious congregation in the case of the Franciscans of the Immaculate, and "counter-measures"?

Press Conference Announcing Pope Francis' Measures
Large archdioceses such as Buenos Aires and Montevideo have less than 30 seminarians. "That explains why the development in the Diocese of Ciudad del Este progressive parts of the church interfere," said Messa in Latino.

Bishop Complained to Archbishop of Asuncion About Aberrosexuality

The immediate occasion in which the visitation takes place right now, is likely to be a speech by Bishop Livieres which he gave in early June at the March for Life in his city. In it, he lamented with harsh words that the incumbent Archbishop of Asuncion, his Metropolitan, Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga has still not been removed from his office, despite the "existencia de pruebas concluyentes y coincidentes" [proven and demonstrable existence and coincidence] for his aberrosexuality. Archbishop Cuquejo, belonging to the Redemptorists, was still a Cardinal contender in 2002. He was appointed by Pope John Paul II as Auxiliary Bishop of Asuncion, first as interim from 1982 to 1889, and then officially appointed as archbishop in 1992. With the election of Pope Benedict XVI. this was withdrawn because of initial suspicions levied against Cuquejo, and a coadjutor was placed at his side in 2006. According to Bishop Livieres there was now no doubt. All Paraguay forms an ecclesiastical province. This attack on the highest representatives of the Catholic church in the country was strongly condemned by the General Secretariat of the Episcopal Conference and it demands an apology from Bishop Livieres. Which he refuses to do.

Not Two Months Later If a Visitation in Ciudad del Este Does Not Take Place in Asuncion

The Apostolic Visitation arranged by Pope Francis is set to take place from the 21-26th in July. One might entertain the hope that the Pope wants to make an accurate picture about why the diocese experienced such a bloom in vocations in order to eventually derive a model for the universal Church. Roman circles are trying to appease and to stress that the Apostolic Visitation is only serving the purpose to learn the diocesan relations and the local reality. A direct connection with the liturgy was not given. In traditional circles of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, however, they are harboring fears. The announcement of the visit has rekindled painful memories of the Vatican action against the Franciscans of the Immaculate.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
 image: Pagina Catolica / Messa in Latino
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Provost Jean-Marie Lovey, New Bishop of Sitten

Edit: this looks like another bad appointment.

(Sitten) Pope Francis has appointed the 64 year old Jean-Marie Lovey, as successor of Bishop Norbert Brunner at the head of the Swiss Diocese of Sitten. Lovey was previously Provost of the Augustinian Canons Regular Friary at Great St. Bernard. Since the Canton of Valais consists of German-speaking Upper Valais and French-speaking Lower Valais, the management of the diocese goes to the Upper Valais Norbert Brunner, which now have  French-speaking prelates. Bishop Brunner has headed the diocese since 1995 in the canton of Valais. The [Old Liberal} chairman of the Swiss Bishops' Conference, Bishop Markus Büchel of Sankt Gallen, was delighted with the appointment of Provost Lovey is "in the spirit of renewal of the Church," which was begun by  Pope Francis. For nearly 1,000 years the Augustinian Canons have been active in Great St. Bernard. There, in the Lower Valais at 2,475 meters above sea level, they built a hospice for pilgrims and travelers. For 200 years they also supervise the situated at 2,000 meters above sea level a hospice on the Simplon Pass in the Upper Valais. The dog bred by the canons for mountain rescue, the St. Bernard, is world famous. 


The Mother of God Against Freemasonry -- Church Crisis Prophesied 400 Years Ago

(Quito) Between 1582 and 1634, the Mother of God and Virgin Mary appeared to  Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, a cloistered in Quito, located in today's Ecuador. The Blessed Virgin foretold to the nun, the devastation caused by the Freemasonry in the 20th century.
The present capital of Ecuador, San Francisco de Quito, where Mother Mariana de Jesus lived and had the visions, was founded in 1534 by the Spanish. Ecuador made at the time of Mother Mariana de Jesus founded its  own Audiencia (Provincial administration) in 1563   within the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Castile (Peru).
1577 brought five Spanish Sisters of 1484 by the Holy Beatrix da Silva Meneses in Toledo, founded in 1511 and recognized by Rome as the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, better known as Conceptionists to San Francisco de Quito on to found the first convent in America.  Mariana de Jesus Torres was one of the young religious women. In the apparition of January 16, 1599 the Mother of God urged her to create a statue exactly in their own image, which was finally consecrated by the Bishop of Quito on February 2, 1611. The statue has since been revered as "Our Lady of the Good Success of Purity."  Mary is holding the infant Jesus in her left arm and her right a crosier.

The Mother of God Prophesied a Great Apostasy in the 20th Century

The Mother of God prophesied to Mother Mariana de Jesus that the Catholic Church would haunted by the influences of the devil and described these future events in all their details. For the 20th century, she announced to her a great apostasy and many heresies that would obscure faith. But Mary also predicted that those who remain faithful to the faith and honor with contrite hearts  the Mother of God, would receive grace and forgiveness for all sins.   Our Lady said: "The consoling name, 'Mother of Good Success' will strengthen the faith and  protect it against all kinds of heresies and errors, lurking around in the 20th century."
In Ecuador and Spain, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated on February 2. On this day, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, better known as "Candlemas", was the Mother of God appeared  Mother Mariana de Jesus, accompanied by the Archangel and St. Francis of Assisi.

Some Excerpts From the Visions of the Nun Mariana de Jesus Torres:

"Because in this poor country there will be a  lack of Christian spirit, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction will be hardly noticed. Many people will die without receiving it, either through the negligence of their families or because of their false feelings because they want to protect the patient from seeing the true seriousness of their situation, or because they are driven by the malice of the devil, rebelling against the spirit of the Catholic Church. So many souls of countless graces and consolations will be deprived and the force they need to make the great leap from time to eternity. "
Conceptionist Cloister in Quito
"The sacrament of marriage, which symbolizes the union of Christ and His Church is attacked and profaned in the fullest sense of the word.  Freemasonry, which will be at that time in power, will enact evil laws with a view to abolishing this sacrament in that it is made ​​easy for everyone to live in sin and the procreation of illegitimate children will be encouraged without the blessing of the Church. The Christian spirit will rapidly fade as the precious light of faith goes so far that it almost comes to a complete and general decline of morals. "
"The effects of secular education will increase, which will be one of the reasons for the lack of priestly and religious vocations."
"The Sacred Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised."
"The devil will follow the priests of the Lord in every possible way and will proceed with cruel and subtle ruses to dissuade them from the spirit of their vocation, and many of them will perish. These corrupt priests who will be a scandal to Christians, will cause the hatred of the bad Christians and the enemies of the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church will fall upon all the priests."
"This supposed triumph of Satan will bring the good shepherd of the Church great suffering."
"There will be almost no more innocence in the children, nor shame in women and in this moment of great need for the Church, those who should speak will remain silent.  
"But you should know, beloved daughter, if your name is made known in the 20th century, many will not believe and affirm that this devotion is not desired by God. 
"The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Without the divine compass, they will depart from the path marked out by God  for the priesthood and depend on the goods and riches."
"The Church will have to suffer a lot in this dark night! In the absence of a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit and bring their own souls in great danger. This will show the hour of My coming. "
"By gaining control of all social classes, the sects will try with great cunning to invade  the heart of the families  and destroy even the children. The devil will boast to feed with insidiousness on the hearts of the children. The innocence of childhood will almost completely disappear. Thus, the religious vocations will be lost. And that will be a real disaster.The religious will give up their sacred duties and leave the way God has marked for them. "
"Satan will gain by the errors of the faithless people in control of this earth, which will darken the sky like a black cloud on the Res Publica consecrated to  the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Regis saeculorim immortalis / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Father Paul Schindele New General Superior of the Society of the Servants of Jesus and Mary

Edit: the founder of this order was expelled from the Jesuits for being Catholic.
From 7th-11th July 2014  the General Chapter of the Community of the Servants of Jesus and Mary (SJM) has taken place  in Blindenmarkt (NE).  Every six years the regular General Chapter meets to select a Superior General for the next term. Already on the first election day, Father Paul Schindele SJM was elected by a large majority to be the new Superior General. He succeeds  Fr. Anton Bentlage SJM in this office, who has led the Congregation since 2008, the year of the sudden passage home of the founder Andreas P. Hönisch SJM.
Fr. Paul Schindele was born on 27 March 1968 in Karlsruhe. He is one of the founding members of the Congregation and has worked closely for over 10 years as Secretary General governing the order, first with Fr. Hönisch and most recently with Fr. Bentlage. In 2008 he was elected Society Chaplain {Bundeskurat] of the Catholic Scout Association of Europe (KPE) and was also intensely active in youth work.
The community of Jesus Servi et Mariae was founded in 1988 by Father Andreas Hönisch and recognized in 1994 by the Holy See as a congregation of pontifical right. It currently has about 50 members, including 30 priests, and is active in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Kazakhstan.
PM / image: Archives
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com

Friday, July 11, 2014

Cardinal Woelki is New Archbishop of Cologne -- “ A Bad Decision"

(Cologne) Pope Francis has appointed a new Archbishop for Cologne, which is, next to Milan, one of the most important and influential diocese of the world, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki. Woelki has been, since 2011, Archbishop of Berlin. Previously, he was from the Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne from 2003.  A decision about Cologne has been eagerly awaited In Germany, but also in interested and informed parts of the world Church. The Spanish Church and Catholic historian Francisco de la Cigoña is unenthusiastic.
"A bad decision in Germany. Now the important see, vacant since the acceptation of the resignation of Archbishop Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne Archdiocese.  Pope Francis has appointed the Archbishop of Berlin, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki  for the See of Cologne.  He is 57 years old and suspicious in doctrine. He is the fifth youngest cardinal of the Church and now holds  a archdiocese outside of  Catholic tradition like Berlin, where Catholics represent a small minority. He changes from 400,000 Catholics, or about ten percent of the residents of the German capital, to two million Catholics, or 40 percent of the inhabitants of Cologne. This is not an appointment that makes the bells ring. It is rather worrying. "

Woelki Disappointed in Berlin by Colorless and Getting By

De la Cigoñas comments relate to the fact that great hopes were placed in the pupil of Cardinal Meisner, as archbishop of Berlin and cardinal. But Woelki disappointed and proved to be a quite colorless, quickly adaptive to the mainstream  prince of the Church.  Woelki doesn’t even come close to the stature of Meisner.  In the spring of 2012, less than a year after being appointed Archbishop of Berlin and shortly after his appointment as Cardinal, the Cologne Cardinal noticed an unpleasant  "openness” towards aberrosexuals in  Catholic  Mannheim. Subsequent "corrections" that were not real, were not able to correct the confusion. Will the Cardinal present an edgier Catholic profile as  the successor  in Cologne of Cardinal Meisner?
Cardinal Woelki was born in 1956 in Cologne. His parents were expelled at the end of the war from Ermland, the Catholic part of East Prussia. He was ordained a priest in 1985 for the Archdiocese of Cologne, where Woelki worked in parish ministry as a military chaplain and as Church President of the Kolping Society. In 1990 he became secretary to Cardinal Meisner. From 1997 to 2003 he served as director of the Woelki Theological Collegium Albertinum in Bonn and completed his doctoral studies. In 2000 he received his doctorate at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Opus Dei in Rome.  In 2003 he received  episcopal consecration as titular bishop of Scampa (today the city of Elbasan in Albania), Pope John Paul II then had appointed him on the proposal and request of Cardinal Meisner, to be auxiliary bishop of Cologne. The Cardinal is a member of the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education and a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Pope Francis appointed him last April, also as member of the Congregation for the Clergy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: De la Cigoña
Trans: Tancred vekron99@hotmail.com