Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Mother of God Against Freemasonry -- Church Crisis Prophesied 400 Years Ago

(Quito) Between 1582 and 1634, the Mother of God and Virgin Mary appeared to  Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, a cloistered in Quito, located in today's Ecuador. The Blessed Virgin foretold to the nun, the devastation caused by the Freemasonry in the 20th century.
The present capital of Ecuador, San Francisco de Quito, where Mother Mariana de Jesus lived and had the visions, was founded in 1534 by the Spanish. Ecuador made at the time of Mother Mariana de Jesus founded its  own Audiencia (Provincial administration) in 1563   within the Spanish Viceroyalty of New Castile (Peru).
1577 brought five Spanish Sisters of 1484 by the Holy Beatrix da Silva Meneses in Toledo, founded in 1511 and recognized by Rome as the Order of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, better known as Conceptionists to San Francisco de Quito on to found the first convent in America.  Mariana de Jesus Torres was one of the young religious women. In the apparition of January 16, 1599 the Mother of God urged her to create a statue exactly in their own image, which was finally consecrated by the Bishop of Quito on February 2, 1611. The statue has since been revered as "Our Lady of the Good Success of Purity."  Mary is holding the infant Jesus in her left arm and her right a crosier.

The Mother of God Prophesied a Great Apostasy in the 20th Century

The Mother of God prophesied to Mother Mariana de Jesus that the Catholic Church would haunted by the influences of the devil and described these future events in all their details. For the 20th century, she announced to her a great apostasy and many heresies that would obscure faith. But Mary also predicted that those who remain faithful to the faith and honor with contrite hearts  the Mother of God, would receive grace and forgiveness for all sins.   Our Lady said: "The consoling name, 'Mother of Good Success' will strengthen the faith and  protect it against all kinds of heresies and errors, lurking around in the 20th century."
In Ecuador and Spain, the Feast of Our Lady of Good Success is celebrated on February 2. On this day, the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, better known as "Candlemas", was the Mother of God appeared  Mother Mariana de Jesus, accompanied by the Archangel and St. Francis of Assisi.

Some Excerpts From the Visions of the Nun Mariana de Jesus Torres:

"Because in this poor country there will be a  lack of Christian spirit, the Sacrament of Extreme Unction will be hardly noticed. Many people will die without receiving it, either through the negligence of their families or because of their false feelings because they want to protect the patient from seeing the true seriousness of their situation, or because they are driven by the malice of the devil, rebelling against the spirit of the Catholic Church. So many souls of countless graces and consolations will be deprived and the force they need to make the great leap from time to eternity. "
Conceptionist Cloister in Quito
"The sacrament of marriage, which symbolizes the union of Christ and His Church is attacked and profaned in the fullest sense of the word.  Freemasonry, which will be at that time in power, will enact evil laws with a view to abolishing this sacrament in that it is made ​​easy for everyone to live in sin and the procreation of illegitimate children will be encouraged without the blessing of the Church. The Christian spirit will rapidly fade as the precious light of faith goes so far that it almost comes to a complete and general decline of morals. "
"The effects of secular education will increase, which will be one of the reasons for the lack of priestly and religious vocations."
"The Sacred Sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised."
"The devil will follow the priests of the Lord in every possible way and will proceed with cruel and subtle ruses to dissuade them from the spirit of their vocation, and many of them will perish. These corrupt priests who will be a scandal to Christians, will cause the hatred of the bad Christians and the enemies of the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church will fall upon all the priests."
"This supposed triumph of Satan will bring the good shepherd of the Church great suffering."
"There will be almost no more innocence in the children, nor shame in women and in this moment of great need for the Church, those who should speak will remain silent.  
"But you should know, beloved daughter, if your name is made known in the 20th century, many will not believe and affirm that this devotion is not desired by God. 
"The secular clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will be careless in their sacred duties. Without the divine compass, they will depart from the path marked out by God  for the priesthood and depend on the goods and riches."
"The Church will have to suffer a lot in this dark night! In the absence of a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit and bring their own souls in great danger. This will show the hour of My coming. "
"By gaining control of all social classes, the sects will try with great cunning to invade  the heart of the families  and destroy even the children. The devil will boast to feed with insidiousness on the hearts of the children. The innocence of childhood will almost completely disappear. Thus, the religious vocations will be lost. And that will be a real disaster.The religious will give up their sacred duties and leave the way God has marked for them. "
"Satan will gain by the errors of the faithless people in control of this earth, which will darken the sky like a black cloud on the Res Publica consecrated to  the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son."
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Regis saeculorim immortalis / Wikicommons
Trans: Tancred

Father Paul Schindele New General Superior of the Society of the Servants of Jesus and Mary

Edit: the founder of this order was expelled from the Jesuits for being Catholic.
From 7th-11th July 2014  the General Chapter of the Community of the Servants of Jesus and Mary (SJM) has taken place  in Blindenmarkt (NE).  Every six years the regular General Chapter meets to select a Superior General for the next term. Already on the first election day, Father Paul Schindele SJM was elected by a large majority to be the new Superior General. He succeeds  Fr. Anton Bentlage SJM in this office, who has led the Congregation since 2008, the year of the sudden passage home of the founder Andreas P. Hönisch SJM.
Fr. Paul Schindele was born on 27 March 1968 in Karlsruhe. He is one of the founding members of the Congregation and has worked closely for over 10 years as Secretary General governing the order, first with Fr. Hönisch and most recently with Fr. Bentlage. In 2008 he was elected Society Chaplain {Bundeskurat] of the Catholic Scout Association of Europe (KPE) and was also intensely active in youth work.
The community of Jesus Servi et Mariae was founded in 1988 by Father Andreas Hönisch and recognized in 1994 by the Holy See as a congregation of pontifical right. It currently has about 50 members, including 30 priests, and is active in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium and Kazakhstan.
PM / image: Archives
Trans: Tancred

Friday, July 11, 2014

Cardinal Woelki is New Archbishop of Cologne -- “ A Bad Decision"

(Cologne) Pope Francis has appointed a new Archbishop for Cologne, which is, next to Milan, one of the most important and influential diocese of the world, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki. Woelki has been, since 2011, Archbishop of Berlin. Previously, he was from the Auxiliary Bishop of Cologne from 2003.  A decision about Cologne has been eagerly awaited In Germany, but also in interested and informed parts of the world Church. The Spanish Church and Catholic historian Francisco de la Cigoña is unenthusiastic.
"A bad decision in Germany. Now the important see, vacant since the acceptation of the resignation of Archbishop Joachim Cardinal Meisner of Cologne Archdiocese.  Pope Francis has appointed the Archbishop of Berlin, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki  for the See of Cologne.  He is 57 years old and suspicious in doctrine. He is the fifth youngest cardinal of the Church and now holds  a archdiocese outside of  Catholic tradition like Berlin, where Catholics represent a small minority. He changes from 400,000 Catholics, or about ten percent of the residents of the German capital, to two million Catholics, or 40 percent of the inhabitants of Cologne. This is not an appointment that makes the bells ring. It is rather worrying. "

Woelki Disappointed in Berlin by Colorless and Getting By

De la Cigoñas comments relate to the fact that great hopes were placed in the pupil of Cardinal Meisner, as archbishop of Berlin and cardinal. But Woelki disappointed and proved to be a quite colorless, quickly adaptive to the mainstream  prince of the Church.  Woelki doesn’t even come close to the stature of Meisner.  In the spring of 2012, less than a year after being appointed Archbishop of Berlin and shortly after his appointment as Cardinal, the Cologne Cardinal noticed an unpleasant  "openness” towards aberrosexuals in  Catholic  Mannheim. Subsequent "corrections" that were not real, were not able to correct the confusion. Will the Cardinal present an edgier Catholic profile as  the successor  in Cologne of Cardinal Meisner?
Cardinal Woelki was born in 1956 in Cologne. His parents were expelled at the end of the war from Ermland, the Catholic part of East Prussia. He was ordained a priest in 1985 for the Archdiocese of Cologne, where Woelki worked in parish ministry as a military chaplain and as Church President of the Kolping Society. In 1990 he became secretary to Cardinal Meisner. From 1997 to 2003 he served as director of the Woelki Theological Collegium Albertinum in Bonn and completed his doctoral studies. In 2000 he received his doctorate at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Opus Dei in Rome.  In 2003 he received  episcopal consecration as titular bishop of Scampa (today the city of Elbasan in Albania), Pope John Paul II then had appointed him on the proposal and request of Cardinal Meisner, to be auxiliary bishop of Cologne. The Cardinal is a member of the Roman Congregation for Catholic Education and a member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Pope Francis appointed him last April, also as member of the Congregation for the Clergy.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: De la Cigoña
Trans: Tancred

Vatican Bank: Ernst von Freyberg’s Parting Statements on Resignation

(Vatican) In the long and detailed farewell statement by the former President of the Vatican Bank IOR, Ernst von Freyberg, which was released on July 8 in advance of the expected change in leadership at the bank top, "not a few curiosities” were found, said the Vatican expert Sandro Magister.
The most striking thing is the "meager net profit" in the annual balance sheet of 2013.  Only  2.9 million euro instead of the 86.6 million last year.  As a reason for the slump, there are among others the decline of the gold reserves of the IOR (minus 11.5 million euros) and  the poor performance of investment funds (minus 28.5 million). Ernst von Freyberg had also hinted what appear to be “favors” that the Vatican Bank has yet to answer for.

8.3 million for Consulting Firm Promontory

But then there are the costs for the staff of Promontory, the international financial consulting firm, which was established to review the banking institution, which could increase the expenditure side by 33 percent. In other words, the Promontory consultancy cost the Vatican Bank 8.3 million euros. The new Director General Roberto Marranci also comes from Promontory (November 2013). The eldest son of the new IOR-President, Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu works for Promontory. One could almost say Promontory advised and has “taken over” the Vatican bank.

Loan for Bishop of the Community of Sant'Egidio

In the statement by Ernst von Freyberg one also reads that 3.2 million euros were paid in  “financial assistance to the Diocese of Terni". The payment is related to the financial collapse of the Umbrian diocese where Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia was as bishop there. Paglia, a leading representative of the Community of Sant'Egidio, is now President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The diocese had to be managed by a commissar and the Vatican Bank had to take over half of the more than 20 million euro debt.

Given Away 15 Million Shares to Film Production Company

"When would this not be enough," said Magister, appearing under the loss of the Vatican Bank and the free "transfer" of shares worth 15.1 million euros to a "Foundation of the Holy See". It is a stake of 17 percent of the film production company Lux Vide by Ettore Bernabei and Sons who were  acquired by the IOR at a high price, but was then given away to a unspecified "foundation" of the Holy See.  According to media reports, that are not denied, this is the foundation Scienza e Fede (science and faith), which is connected to the Papal Cultural Council, which is headed by Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.
In winter 2011/2012, the then President of the Vatican Bank, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, rejected the application for financial assistance from the Lux Vide. After his opaque resignation in autumn 2012, however, the application was approved.

The Minus of the Holy See

While the Vatican Bank is almost in the black, the Holy See ran in 2013 into the red. Although the Vatican Bank contributed 150 million euros to the Holy See, the first year of the pontificate of Pope Francis ended with a loss of 24.5 million euros.
This included the Peter's Pence for the 2013 of $ 78 million in donations for the Holy See, while  last year with Pope Benedict XVI. it was only 65.9 million. The best result has been achieved in 2009 with 82.5 million. This was according to a statement by Archbishop Angelo Becciu, substitute of the Cardinal Secretary of State on 28 June in an interview for the newspaper Avvenire.
Text: Settimo Cielo / Giuseppe Nardi
image: Settimo Cielo
Trans: Tancred

Thursday, July 10, 2014

A "Silver Fish” For “Un Dios prohibido” -- Catholic Film Festival Swims Against the Flow

(Rome) The feature film "Un Dios Prohibido" (A Forbidden God) by Spanish director Pablo Moreno was honored at the 5th International Catholic Film Festival Mirabile Dictu for "Best Film" award and was awarded the "Silver Fish 2014". The award ceremony took place on June 26 in Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome.

The "Silver Fish" is reminiscent of one of the oldest Christian symbols.   The award was presented by director and film producer Liana Marabini,  president and founder of the International Catholic Film Festival. The aim of the festival is to give space and visibility to  producers and directors of feature films, documentaries, docu-fiction, television series and short films, to promote  the "positive models and universal moral values”  which are therefore consistent with Christianity.

In 2014, 1.600 Productions From 120 Countries Were Presented

More than 1,600 Catholic productions from 120 countries took part in this year's Festival and competed for one of the seven prizes awarded. An international jury in 2014, chaired by the Austrian producer Norbert Blecha, assessed the submitted projects and awarded prizes for Best Film, Best Documentary, Best Short Film, Best Actor and Best Director.

The "Silver Fish” for 2014’s "Best Film” which was the Spanish feature film "Un Dios prohibido" was excellent. The film tells the true story of 51 Catholic martyrs who were killed during the Spanish Civil War by Anarcho-Communists. The historical facts took place in August 1936 soon after the outbreak of the conflict in the wake of the April 14, 1931 proclamation of the so-called Second Republic of Spain, a freedom-destroying Popular Front regime, which began a brutal persecution of the Catholic Church.

"Un Dios prohibido": Is The Story of the Murder of 51 Missionaries in Spain

In Barbastro, a small market town in the Aragonese province of Huesca, 51 peaceful and defenseless "Sons of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, better known as the Heart of Mary Missionaries or Claretians 1  were killed by militia members of the ruling People's Front out of hatred for the Catholic faith. This "beautiful film,” says Corrispondenza Romana is told in a successful and touching way, about the last few weeks and heroic moments in the lives of the missionaries before their execution.

The prize for the best short film went to the Italian Alessio Rupalti. In "I Was Looking for Something Else," he tells a story about the importance of human and family relationships.

"Voyage" to Unknown Places in the Vatican - Film About Mother Teresa of Calcutta

In the category of “Best Documentary Film” was the Frenchman Stèphane Ghez with the exceptional “Voyage au cuer du Vatican”. It was an extraordinary journey of discovery in the most beautiful and least known places in the Vatican. The Englishwoman Juliet Stevenson won the award of "Best Actress" for the masterful embodiment of Mother Teresa of Calcutta in the American film "The Letters". The film tells the story of the famous Albanian nun who  founded the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, which was on the basis of an exchange of letters between the sister and her spiritual advisor. "The Letters" was also awarded the prize for best director, which went to the American William Riead.

Special Prize: Best Movies for the Evangelization

The Capax Dei Foundation also awarded a special prize to the two films, the most convincing as a means of evangelization. It is "Catholicisme", a documentary series by the American priest Robert Barron and to "L'Apôtre" (The Apostle) of the French Cheyenne Marie Carron, a film that tells the story of a young Muslim conversion to the Catholic faith.

Finally, the prize of "Friends of the Festival" award was presented for the best educational film that was named among the finalists. The prize went to the Italian, Giuseppe Tandoi for the docudrama "Nolite Timere" on the figure of Pope Celestine V.

Film Festival Is Counter-trend to the Dominant ideological Diktat

The Festival of Catholic Film "Mirabile dictu" provides a unique and valuable initiatives in the international film sector. It forms a counterpoint to the usual commercial, but also many alternative film festivals. The International Catholic Film Festival swims against the current of the ideological mainstream diktat of the prevailing culture. It represents heroic lives, values, sacrifices and the search for truth at the center. “All categories that are incomprehensible to today's thinking and out of fashion in a wealthy, relativistic society," said Lupo Gori about "Mirabile dicta".

SSJ Part of Investigation of Paraguay Diocese

Edit: the Society of St. John isn't an innocent group of shepherds at work in the fields of The Lord. Let's pray that the treatment unjustly meted out for real Traditionalist societies is justly given here.

CIUDAD DEL ESTE, Paraguay — Pope Francis will send an apostolic delegation to the Diocese of Ciudad del Este to investigate the vicar general, who has a history of sexual-abuse accusations.

Archbishop Eliseo Ariotti, apostolic nuncio to Paraguay, announced July 2 that the Pope will be sending an apostolic visitation to the diocese July 21-26 “to determine not only what has happened recently, but all there is to see in the house of Ciudad del Este.”

Cardinal Santos Abril y Castello, archpriest of the Basilica of St. Mary Major, will lead the investigation; he is to be assisted by Bishop Milton Troccoli Cebedio, an auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Montevideo.

Read more:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Nomen est omen -- Rahner Calls For Women Priests

From Rahner to Rahner
(Tübingen) The German theologian Johanna Rahner considers “women priests" in the Catholic Church as "possible", which when translated means that "priestesses" are desired.  Rahner took over the chair of Dogmatic Theology, History of Economic Thought and Ecumenical Theology at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, which Hans Küng held until 1996. The inaugural lecture takes place on Thursday.
Nomen est omen: Johanna Rahner is related to the theologian Karl Rahner (1904-1984), who is supposed to have put his stamp on the so-called conciliar spirit. The theologian who was  welcomed by the Central Committee German Catholics, was previously Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Kassel. In addition to "priestesses" Rahner calls for a “renewed dogmatic theology” in the issue of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit. 

Church a "Chaste Whore" - Priestesses as an Act of Equality

 Rahner said, "I want to open the classical dogma to the outside. We can simply assimilate  people to the rules, but the rules need to be understood humanly."  In this context, the theologian said also:  “... When the Church shuns the world, it is esoteric.”  Her understanding of the Catholic Church  brought Johanna Rahner at one point  to see the Church as a "chaste whore."
"The apostles themselves may have been male,”  but this in no way prevents the Church today,  according to Johanna Rahner, from introducing "priestesses". "Male Apostles are therefore a weak argument against women's ordination,” said the theologian.

Blessing of Homo-pairs and Recognition of a “Second Marriage"

At the same time Rahner called for the blessing of homosexual couples in and through the Church and called for the admission of divorced remarried to the sacraments and the recognition of the second marriage. "When the Guilty Will recognized the sins against his first marriage, a second marriage is possible,” said Rahner in a quote from Die Zeit.

"Enlightened" Theologian “Prefers Half-empty Churches"

Citing Pope Francis, Rahner sees herself in the tradition of "enlightened Christianity" of the West, for which also always has a “but” for every “Amen”. For without doubt there is no faith. Rahner also sees the emptying churches in Germany in a positive light: “I’d rather have half-empty churches with enlightened Catholics, than full Churches [in Africa and Latin America], exploiting the plight of the people."

"Heritage of the Reformation is a Common Heritage"

  Rahner also criticized the Protestants, that they can not define themselves as before, “without  referring to  Catholicism". At the same time she calls for a rapprochement between Protestants and Catholics, because: "The Heritage of the Reformation is a common heritage. (...) We should emphasize what is common. "

Institutional Equality for Women as a Way to Ordained Ministries

In 2011 Rahner held a presentation at the plenary session of ZdK. (Central German Catholics) In it she explained why the "use of an institutional equality of women perhaps could for the particular importance of the ordained ministry of women is not be negligible for the actual question  - precisely those questions of women in management positions, about  women in finance and decision-making powers , about  women in science and teaching, etc. "Rahner thus presented  the ZdK a strategy plan, which states, in other words: The demand for "institutional equality” of women in the Church is only a forerunner of the “actual" objective, to grasp the ordained ministries for women. The way there, said Rahner, should not be too long and patience should "not be overused, because time is short." So far we have "wasted almost 35 years with the lack of implementation of the preconditions. It is indeed high time,”  said the theological to the  ZdK General Assembly.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Wikicommons / church newspaper (screenshot and assembly)
Trans: Tancred

Monday, July 7, 2014

New Archbishop For Rosario, Argentina -- Pope Francis and EpiscopalAppointments

Left Archbishop Mollaghan -- Right Bishop Eduardo Martin
(Rom/Buenos Aires) Pope Francis has just accepted the resignation of a Metropolitan at his 75th birthday. Pope Benedict XVI. lengthened the time in office of Archbishops, as a rule, by at least two years. That is till now the most noteworthy alteration which the Pope has undertaken for Bishop appointments. The appointment of new Bishops also proceed under Pope Francis in the familiar "Roman tempo". Some exceptions are noteworthy in Argentina, the homeland of Pope Francis. There has taken place in the last nearly 15 months of this pontificate already a growing exchange of offices at the head of Dioceses' and -- as it appears -- without any input from the Prefect of the Bishops' Congregation, Marc Cardinal Oullet.

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio had exerted significant influence on numerous Episcopal appointments in Argentina as Archbishop of Buenos Aires. Most of the appointments appeared to be poor. And so some appointments took place against his will. These were not friendly to the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires and present Pope.

Papal "Purge" Among Argentine Bishops

Above all, Nuntius Bernardini did not promote Bergoglio's candidates, rather attempted to appoint Bishops, who were close to the ecclesiastical sensibility of Pope Benedict XVI.. A "defect", which did not win him Bergolio's amity. Among the ones who got appointed past the Archbishop of Buenos Aires was the "conservative" Archbishop of Rosario, José Luis Mollaghan (see our earlier translation "Pope Francis Promotes Critic to Useless Position").

On 19. May the Diocese of Rosario found itself without an Archbishop over night again. Pope Francis "promoted" his former rival to Rome and appointed him to lead a department in the Congregation for Doctrine and the Faith, that really didn't exist. Also it was a way of running someone out on a rail. Msgr. Mollaghan was born in 1946.

In the 4th of July ernannte Pope Francis named Msgr. Eduardo Eliseo Martin as the new Archbishop von Rosario. Archbishop Martin, Born in 1953 is a priest of the Diocese of Venado Tuerto. After ten years as a pastor he was named Vicar General of the Diocese in 1990 and at the same time became Cathedral pastor of Venado Tuerto in 1993. In 2005 Pope Benedict XVI. Appointed him Bishop of Villa de la Concepción del Río Cuarto.

The new Archbishop had good contacts with the community Comunione e Liberazione (CL), which he was introduced to while in seminary at La Plata. The monthly magazine 30 Days of CL published interviews and sermons of the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, then little known in Europe, Jorge Mario Bergolio.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Photo: José Francisco de la Cigoña/Wikicommons (Montage
Trans: Tancred


Douville is The New President of Vatican Bank

(Vatican) The French management consultant Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu will be the new President of Vatican Bank IOR. De Franssu may be announced in the next few days as the successor of Ernst von Freyberg. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung had already reported the name of the new IOR President on 2 July. Last Saturday the first meeting between the Frenchman and Pope Francis took place. It is rumored that Von Freyberg had "communication problems" with Pope Francis. Even so "differences" with the controversial Household Prelate, Gian Battista Ricca, induced the German business executive to finally return to Germany. While Ricca, despite his troubled past, has earned the trust of Pope Francis, this did not suffice for von Freyberg, to maintain direct contact with the Pope.

The new Chief of Vatican Bank, Douville de Franssu, has been incipiently active in international business consulting. He is additionally a partner in the American Advisor Firm, Guardiola. Both undertakings do not belong to the first class of consultants internationally. This could, as long as Pope Francis is in office, broaden their influence in the Vatican. McKinsey and others have made "proposals" for Curial reform and their words have influence.

The Influence of Msgr. Vallejo-Balda on Pope Francis

De Franssu is supposed to have earned the trust of the new Economics Advisor of the Holy See, George Cardinal Pell. His appointment seems to belong more to the influence of Msgr. Lucio Vallejo-Balda. Vallejo-Balda is the number two in the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Vatican. The industrious Monsignore enjoys the trust of Pope Francis despite some curious events.

The eldest son of the upcoming Vatican Bank President, Louis Victor Douville de Franssu, had worked till now for Promontory Financial Group. The Financial Consultant has been active on the Vatican since 2013. Previously, Louis Victor de Franssu was employed with Goldman Sachs. From Promontory comes also the new General Director of the Vatican Bank, Rolando Marranci, since 2013.

The practicing Catholic, Jean-Baptiste Douville de Franssu, is married to the Belgian native Hélène de Gerlache de Gomery and the father of four children.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Pruvest
Trans: Tancred

Dissident Ex-Priest Gives Retreat at Melk Austria for 8,000 Euro

Ex-Catholic and Ex-Priest Drewermann
Edit: Stift Melk is more than 900 years old with a dwindling number of monks.   Truly a decadent community as caretakers of one of the most beautiful churches in what’s left of Christendom.  So this doesn’t come as a surprise.

(Melk) every year in the Benedictine Abbey of St. Lambrecht in Styria there is a so-called annual retreat for the entire convent of the famous Benedictine Abbey of Melk, set in Lower Austria. For several days, all the monks of the Austrian "Escorial" take spiritual exercises at St. Lambrecht.
This year, the retreat took place from 2 July to  29 June.  The guidance of the retreat, which will serve as spiritual exercises a deepening and renewal of faith of the monks was entrusted to the former priest and psychotherapist Eugen Drewermann in 2014.
Eugen Drewermann left the Catholic Church in 2005 and had been suspended in 1992 as a priest after he  had been deprived from his  teaching and preaching  license by the bishop of Paderborn. The starting point were the measures in 1986 by the then Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who expressed his concern about Drewermann's increasingly radical departures away from the Catholic doctrine. For his 65th birthday, Drewermann announced his withdrawal from the Catholic Church.

What Brings An Ex-priest and Ex-Catholic and Benedictine Monks Together?

What might the Melk Benedictine in "spiritual exercises” learn exactly in spiritual exercises from an apostate priest as beaten from the Church?  Certainly not the Catholic Doctrine and the  Catholic Faith, anyway.
Eugen Drewermann is to have received an 8,000 euro fee for the four days of "retreat" from Melk Abbey and celebrated the Eucharist at the daily services in the Abbey of St. Lambrecht. The ex-priest and ex-Catholic was hired on behalf of the Melk of Abbot Georg Wilfinger by Father Jeremiah Eisenbauer who is also a psychotherapist and is also involved with Helmut Schüllers Pfarrer initiative of dissident priests.
A reaction of the Diocese of St. Pölten where the Melk Abbey is located, and the Apostolic Nunciature in Vienna is not yet known.
Text: Martha Weinzl
image: Wikicommons (assembly
Trans: Tancred
Link to Katholisches…

Sunday, July 6, 2014

"Islamic State" Will Conquer Rome and Win World Mastery

The Self-Proclaimed Caliph
The self-proclaimed "Caliph" Abu Bakr al Baghdadi of the "Islamic State," which now covers several provinces of Syria and Iraq, announced the intended conquest of Rome.  Already, a few days ago  a published map that shows the area that is to be subjected to the new Caliphate was published  by the sympathizers of the Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamist Militia of the Islamic State on the Internet. This includes large parts of Europe as well as the entire Iberian Peninsula with Madrid, Southeast Europe, and even the south and east of Austria with Vienna. Now "Caliph" al Baghdadi  has also added Rome, the capital of Christianity, and  the seat of the Pope.  Rome and Italy were not included in the published map last Sunday.
"Caliph" al Baghdadi appealed to  Muslims all over the world to immigrate to the state erected under his command as a bastion of orthodoxy and to join the jihad under his leadership. "Those can emigrate to  the Islamic State, it should do well, because  immigration to Dar al-Islam, the House of Islam,  is a duty, said the "Caliph" in an audio message on the website of the Islamists. The combat force has become known under the name of "Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant."  With the proclamation of the Caliphate few days ago, the organization was renamed "Islamic State" .

The Islamic State is The True "Dar al-Islam", the Land of All Muslims

"Hurry, Muslims,  come to your country. It is your country. Syria is not for the Syrians and Iraq not for Iraqis. This land belongs to the Muslims, all Muslims,"  said al Baghdadi as published by  the online service of The Telegraph. Abu Bakr al Baghdadi describes himself as the rightful first caliph since the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.
"That's my advice for you. If you follow him, you will conquer Rome and become masters of the world by the will of Allah." With these words, the message ends. The Islamists are calling for the conquest of Madrid by 2020.  Rome, which was excluded on the map of conquest, has now been expressly declared by the new "Caliph"  as the chief target  and key to world conquest.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
image: Tempi
Trans: Tancred

The Great Error of the Modernists: For Them, There Is Nothing Unchangable

St. Pius X wrote in his encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis of 8 September,  1907 to his "venerable brothers", the "patriarchs, primates, archbishops, bishops and other local ordinaries, who have peace and communion with the Apostolic See” when wrote about the Modernists:

Thus then, Venerable Brethren, for the Modernists, both as authors and propagandists, there is to be nothing stable, nothing immutable in the Church. Nor indeed are they without precursors in their doctrines, for it was of these that Our Predecessor Pius IX wrote: These enemies of divine revelation extol human progress to the skies, and with rash and sacrilegious daring would have it introduced into the Catholic religion as if this religion were not the work of God but of man, or some kind of philosophical discovery susceptible of perfection by human efforts.' (Encyclical Qui pluribus, November 9, 1846)

These men are certainly to be pitied, and of them the Apostle might well say: They became vain in their thoughts. . . professing themselves to be wise they became fools (Rom. i. 21, 22); but, at the same time, they excite just indignation when they accuse the Church of torturing the texts, arranging and confusing them after its own fashion, and for the needs of its cause. In this they are accusing the Church of something for which their own conscience plainly reproaches them.”

  Link to Katholisches...

Friday, July 4, 2014

Is the Vatican Bank President to Resign?

(Vatikan) The President of the Vatican Bank, Ernst von Freyberg, will resign next week according to a Vatican source.  The resignation comes in connection with reforms introduced by Pope Francis last year. It is unclear of the resignation is voluntary or not. According to the Vatican source the Vatican expert is leaving the post by his own wish.

In the coming week the bank's yearly report will be published. In connection with this publication his resignation will be expected. Ernst von Freyberg, since 26 February 2013, has been President of the Oversight Committee of Vatican Bank, is resolved to return with his family to Germany.
The Vatican Bank has been increasingly in the midst of actual scandals, and more and more alleged scandals and above all by sensational novel writers. 

A few months previously, Pope Francis has revised the entire business, finance and administrative areas of the Vatican. The reform has not been completely enacted. Three months ago Cardinal Pell was appointed to the newly created Economic Secretariat. In this "super ministry" of the Holy See all of the financial and economic aspects are included.

Ernst von Freyberg was names by Pope Benedict XVI. in the last days of his Pontificate on February 15th and thus aroused wild speculation upon his resignation a few days later. In the second half of the year 2013, he was also in a leadership role as the IOR General Secretariat. His predecessor, Ettore Gotti-Tedeschi, was named by Pope Benedict XVI. as president of the oversight board. In May 2013 Gotti-Tedeschi resigned after a vote of no confidence by the IOR committe. The Italian State Attorney General was against him. The investigation proved to be groundless and was suspended. Gotti-Tedeschi spoke of an "intrigue" which was supposed to have brought about his fall.
A speaker for the Vatican Bank rejected any speculation about the resignation. Ernst von Freyberg , did not announce any future plans it said. It was said that Freyberg is supposed to have fulfilled his central mission, above all the establishment of transparency requirements and zero tolerance for money laundering and tax evasion.

Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Bild: Infovaticana

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Vatican Recognizes International Association of Exorcists

Rom, 3.7.14 (Kipa) The Vatican has officially recognized the International Association of Exorcists. The Congregation of Clergy has approved their statutes on July 13th, reports «Osservatore Romano» (3. Juli). The Association has about 250 Exorcists from 30 lands.

It's president, the Italian Franciscan, Francesco Bamonte, is pleased with the Vatican decision. He hopes only that ore priests "who often are unaware or underestimate a dramatic situation" , give their attention, he said, regarding possession by the Devil. Exorcism is also a form of charity for suffering people, wrote «Osservatore», citing him.

The Association Doesn't Speak for the Church

The Exorcist Association only has the status of a "private association of the faithful" and is a legal entity, which means it can assume legal rights and responsibilities. It has no official character, and doesn't "speak in the name of the Church".

The international gathering of Exorcists was established in 1994 at the initiative of Gabriel Amorth, the previous Exorcist of the Diocese of Rome. Previously there was the founding of an Italian Association of Exorcists in 1991. Amorth was the first president of the Association till 2000. (kipa/cic/bal)

Cardinal Zen Warns Francis About Chicoms

[SCMP, Hong Kong] Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun, Hong Kong’s outspoken former bishop, has asked Pope Francis not to visit China, saying the pontiff would be “manipulated”.

Improving ties between the Vatican and Beijing has given rise to speculation the pope could reach out to China.

But Zen told the Corriere della Sera, an Italian newspaper, in an interview: “I would tell him now: ‘Don’t come, you would be manipulated.’”

“The few courageous [Catholics] could not meet [the Pope], and the Communist Party would show him the illegitimate bishops, including the three excommunicated ones,” the 82-year-old said in the interview.

The comments come as ties between the Vatican and China have improved in the early days of the pontificate of Francis. When he rose to the helm of the Catholic Church last year, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs congratulated Francis on his election.

Pope Francis conducts a mass after presenting archbishops with their palliums in Saint Peter's Basilica at the Vatican June 29, 2014. Photo: Reuters

In an interview in March, also with the Corriere, the pope said he had exchanged letters with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“We are close to China,” Francis reportedly said at the time. “I sent a letter to President Xi Jinping when he was elected, three days after me. And he replied.”

The Vatican and China have not had formal talks since Beijing severed ties 63 ago over allegations of espionage. Informal talks were last known to be held in 2010.

Yet Beijing’s unsanctioned ordination of bishops in 2010 and the house arrest of Thaddeus Ma Daqin, the outspoken auxiliary bishop of Shanghai, two years later have soured ties.

Ma, who gained widespread popularity by publicly resigning from the state-sponsored Chinese Catholic Patriotic Association, has since been under de-facto house arrest at the Sheshan Seminary in the city’s Shanghai’s outskirts. Only one public appearance has been reported, in October 2013.

Since January, authorities in Zhejiang province have demanded Christian communities to take down crosses from their churches or else these would be demolished.

Hundreds of churches or crosses have so far been torn down in the province under the campaign, which local officials say only targets structures that violate building codes.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Dozens of French Clergy Say: I Have Already "Married" Divorced and Homosexuals

(Rome) 75 French priests and deacons say they are prepare to ecclesiastically marry divorced. No, even aberrosexual pairs. In the clergy there are liturgical trapeze artists. They purport they are entitled to Christ, the Church and the Sacraments, finally even human happiness itself. "Behind this hide the same methods, which are applied to hand communion," says Riposte Catholique. Will Pope Francis react as Paul VI?

Whoever still didn't know it, knows it now: dozens of Catholic priests are outspokenly saying they have already "married" divorced and homosexuals.
This was the shocking assertion of the
Conférence catholique des baptisé-e-s francophones (Catholic Conference of French Speaking Baptized Men and Women). The assertions were clear. 75 priests and deacons maintain, they are breaking Church law and giving the Sacrament of matrimony according to their own discretion. The disobedient priest and deacons are getting a head start with a view to the Bishops' Synod on the Family in October. They clearly have an expectation that their "abuse of the Sacraments" (Corrispondenza Romana) will be officially imposed and raised to the level of normalcy . In this manner, they are attempting to put pressure on the Bishops' Synod. One of the many progressive and heretical attempts to extort the current ecclesiastical leadership.

Invalid Nuptials in Churches

The 75 French deacons and priests are celebrating "weddings" between two people, of which one or both are objectively barred a Church wedding, because they were married in the Church,
even though they were civilly divorced. Civil marriages do not involve the Church. Ecclesiastical marriage, thus a Sacrament, is valid for life. A divorce is not possible. An ecclesiastical annulment can only determine, if an ecclesiastical marriage was validly consecrated and if there were no objective impediments at the time of marriage. In this case the marriage can be declared invalid. It had never existed.

Similarly invalid are "marriages" of people divorced in the Church, and likewise if aberrosexuals It is considered merely as a mockup of a Church act without any validity. That raised the question why these are generally being addressed at all. Then there is also the more pressing fraud deacons and priests engage upon, when they fool such people with marriage. On disciplinarian questions there is another question, as to how much guilt they bear in which they are engaged in such blasphemous mockeries of the sacraments. In stead of an advantage, such a farce of marriage does serious spiritual damage to those participating in it. Not least is the damage to the Church's image and the confusion such acts, n
Which go unchecked, cause among the faithful, those of other confessions and non-Christians.

Just as the sacramental marriage is indissoluble, every "marriage" of persons who are objectively hindered, and in such an impediment, as it is known to be a concrete case is null and void from the very start. Canon law leaves not the slightest doubt on this case: "The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility; in christian marriage they acquire a distinctive firmness by reason of the sacrament."(Canon 1056)
For Some Clergy No Rules Are Valid
– How is it With Reality?

Actually for some priests and deacons there are no rules that seem to be valid. Because ultimately, the sacrament have no validity? The shocking suspicion, that they themselves have fallen from the faith, won't be hard to discount. More than 60 percent of priests have reported that in contentious situations, or in those where there are clearly objective impediments to marriage, neither appeal to the competent pastor, nor bishop. They "celebrate" much more for customer inquiries, as requested like service persons, and they're done. The next request. The word "celebrate" is flexible anyway. One "celebrates" a party. That's what it's all about. To celebrate a party is fun. Every opportunity is good for that, even in the Church, even if for "heterodox" reasons, like the instrumentality toward the Bishops' Synod to have the wishes of the baptized addressed, to put the sacraments of the Church in question, which can not be applied in the Church, nor binding.

Slight of Hand: "Blessing" Instead of Sacrament

The "Liturgical Trapeze Artists", says Corrispondenza Romana, are not embarrassed. They are trying to employ euphemisms to their abuse, so that their "celebrations" are "only" simple blessings in the Church, but not a Sacrament. For that priests and deacons make excuses for the "Farce", which is just a game. There isn't a sensible doubt: what these disobedient priests and deacons mercilessly injure, that they would also if there was an opportunity, even mercilessly abolish and alter. Which in turn raises the question of their personal faith.

Through the slight of hand of a supposed "blessing", which is only a simulated ceremony that looks like a wedding, the disobedient priest and deacons assume completely for themselves the pretension, of being completely within the bounds if Church law and not to have crossed any ecclesiastical limits. Dialectics make much possible. The question of intellectual honesty is not considered. And not only that. macht viel möglich, sehr viel.

They Haven't Read Familiaris Consortio

In Familiaris Consortio Pope John Paul II wrote to the remarried and divorced:

"However, the Church reaffirms her practice, which is based upon Sacred Scripture, of not admitting to Eucharistic Communion divorced persons who have remarried. They are unable to be admitted thereto from the fact that their state and condition of life objectively contradict that union of love between Christ and the Church which is signified and effected by the Eucharist. Besides this, there is another special pastoral reason: if these people were admitted to the Eucharist, the faithful would be led into error and confusion regarding the Church's teaching about the indissolubility of marriage.

And addressing the entire question still more clearly:

"Similarly, the respect due to the sacrament of Matrimony, to the couples themselves and their families, and also to the community of the faithful, forbids any pastor, for whatever reason or pretext even of a pastoral nature, to perform ceremonies of any kind for divorced people who remarry. Such ceremonies would give the impression of the celebration of a new sacramentally valid marriage, and would thus lead people into error concerning the indissolubility of a validly contracted marriage."

"Arrogant and Sacrilegious Audacity"

Seven of the 75 polled disobedient asserted that they had also already "blessed" aberrosexual couples. 39 respondents admitted that they are prepared, if the opportunity presents itself. "The arrogant and sacrilegious audacity of these disobedient priests and deacons requires a clear and immediate answer from competent Church authority," so says Corrispondenza Romana.

The situation is, however, not that as it is, as when they would be attending their competent positions. The Catholic French daily, La Croix, owned by the Bishops' Conference, limited it's report to the laconic observation that the "question of 'second marriage' which is one of the sensible questions, which will be addressed by the Bishops' Sunod from the 5-19th of October in Rome.

Same Methods Accompanied the Introduction of Hand Communion

According to Riposte Catholique, there is an intended strategy behind this, to influence the Bishops' Synod according to the motto: since some are already doing it at present it would be better to make it a rule. That is, says Riposte Catholique, exactly the method that introduced hand Communion. In order to hinder Paul VI from strengthening hand Communion, the "Rhenish Alliance" intervened with the statement that such a step would do more damage to the Church than good, because this praxis is already in general use in many parishes and tacitly accepted. Paul VI. "The sorry results of this decision, to interpret it as harmless, is well known. And how will Pope Francis act?," asks Corrispondenza, leaving the question hanging in the air.

Text:Giuseppe Nardi
Trans: Tancred

Friday, June 27, 2014

New Spanish King Invites Aberro-Lobby to Palace

(Madrid) Spain's young king forgets God in his coronation speech and is inviting the aberro-associations in the royal palace. Is that the "renewed monarchy for a new era"?
Spain's monarchy has been under attack for more than two centuries. The first time in 1873, the Republic was proclaimed. Monarchists and Republicans have been mutually hostile, but also there is a different monarchist camp. Behind the question of the form of government itself,  deep ideological divisions have opened up between Catholics and Liberals, which was a Popular Front opposed to Catholics, which was drawn between the Liberals and the Communists against the conservatives and  Fascists.  This was followed in 1931 by the Second Republic, the Civil War and 1939, the victory of the Nationalist conservatives.

Monarchical Stability or Republican Captivity?

Francisco Franco made Spain a Catholic Monarchy in 1947, but remained regent himself up to the investiture of a king. To preserve the established anti-Communist order and give it generational   stability, he specified that with his death, Juan Carlos of Bourbon would be King of Spain and the Two Sicilies.
Since the end of Franco's rule, the restored monarchy has fought against strong Republican attacks. In 1981, the king turned against the military coup.. That soothed the opponents.  But they were not made, therefore, into monarchists.  In a democracy, the monarchy remains latent and the threatened king is not only just a prisoner of prevailing currents, as it were, but in a precarious Republican servitude.  This forces the monarchy to act out of self-preservation and to take more and other compromises. Juan Carlos I as he xwas a member of the Club of Rome. Queen Sophia refused during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI. in Madrid when receiving Holy Communion. Small gestures, which have addressees.

Coronation speech without any reference to God and Christianity

On June 19, a change of dynasty took place. From Juan Carlos I, his son followed as the second monarch since the restoration of the monarchy. The gestures and speeches of the new king on the throne are an indicator of the current climate in Spain.
King Felipe VI. held a meticulously balanced coronation speech in which he tried the whole "democratic" vocabulary of a Republican president, including some flattery of the Left. The speech was mainly a speech in defense of the monarchy, which already emphasizes its latent frailty. Striking was that throughout the speech, the Catholic Church, the Christian faith and God played no role. You do not belong to a nameable general consensus?
The speech could have been an atheist "Presidente" on his inauguration. It would have been enough to replace the word "monarchy" and all derivations by "Republic". Felipe VI. spoke only of the need for "the recovery of humanistic and ethical values", in any case with the restrictive purpose to speak against any form of "discrimination". In contemporary parlance this can mean a lot, but it's obviously meant as a deep bow to political correctness, as all the events show.

First State Visit to the Pope in Rome

The bishops of Spain were invited to call and welcomed the young king joyfully. You have access to the new monarch, and seems to be content with it. To compensate for the "godless" monarchical "neutrality" of the "renewed monarchy for a new era" led to Felipe's first foreign trip to the Vatican. The head of the Catholic Church has invited the young king to pay his first visit. A policy of gestures. And Felipe VI. pursues it.  continued.

For the First Time Aberrosexual Associations Invited to the Royal Palace

The royal family has organized on the occasion of the accession of a meeting with associations that are active in the social sector. Among those invited were found last Tuesday, the most important LGBT groups in Spain. The aberro-movement has found it's first introduction to the palace on the British model. Under Juan Carlos I it was not given.Is the "renewed monarchy for a new era" adapting to the times?
With the Invitation of King Felipe VI. and Queen Letizia, a clear message of discontinuity is being sent.   With amazing rapidity they responded to media criticism that the young King had spoken in his coronation speech about the whole world, but had not mentioned the homosexuals and their "rights".

"This country has changed,"

because the currently prevailing homo-hype devoted by the media, therefore, gets added acceptance now with the invitation. "We hope that this gesture will be an important step to normalize the situation of part of the citizenry that has been forgotten in the past, and to this day never found support by the heads of state, although it is a highly stigmatized and excluded group," said Rodrigo Boti, president of the Spanish Federation of Lesbians, gays, transsexuals and bisexuals (FELGBT). Jose Nunez of Homo Foundation Triangulo also commented:  "A clear sign of development in a royal family that has always been farther away in recent years from its citizens. It must be acknowledged that this country has changed as far as the acceptance of diversity, gender identity and sexual orientation. "

Is Felipe VI. a "Catholic Majesty"?

Is quite different to see Catholic circles in Spain. "The invitation of the Royal Palace, the new King Felipe VI. to the lesbian, gay, transgender and transsexual , is a child of the current decadence and general ideological cultural climate. We hope that Felipe VI. at least has the sense and decency, to renounce his title as 'most Catholic' which the kings of Spain had always received traditionally from the Pope," writes Corrispondenza. Romana wrote.
Text: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Corrispondenza Romana

Trans: Tancred

Yes or No? Pope Francis is Causing Headaches.

(Rome) Should we condemn someone,  evaluate or judge someone? Yes or No? Pope Francis is causing, and not for the first time, a headache with his statements. Some papal statements appear even contradictory for the inexperienced observer.
Sometimes a statement saying the exact opposite of another or at least  gives  the impression of internal inconsistency or ambiguity.The problem is not small, because the Vatican is silent on which to provide instead of a clarifying and explanatory interpretation. At the recent "headache" that Pope Francis prepares, draws the Vatican expert Sandro Magister's attention.

Judgments: Yes or No?

Sandro Magister
In less than two days Pope Francis  uttered a first  harrowing condemnation, which became the headline on the front pages of all the newspapers, and then the  whole his morning sermons in Santa Marta was used to exhort the Christians to never judge and condemn anyone, but always to be only a defender and advocate for others.
The judgment,, better the condemnation, he pronounced  on June 21 against the Calabrian mafia `ndrangheta. His words were: "If you're not worshiping the Lord God worship, you become a worshiper of evil, as there are those who live by  bad reputations and violence ... The `Ndrangheta's  worship of evil and contempt for the common good. This evil is to fight to remove, you must tell him no ... Those who go in their lives this way of evil, as the Mafiosi, are not in communion with God! They are excommunicated "
The  chroniclers reported that the 200,000 in attendance broke out at this point in a rousing applause. A round of applause, followed by an even bigger worldwide applause from the media.
But the fact is that Pope Francis is laughably giving equally general consent whenever he says not to make judgments, from that memorable "Who am I to judge?", which is probably the most widely cited and acclaimed worldwide message of this pontificate.
This leads to a headache. Francis is a Pope, who judges, evaluates, acquits, demands, apprehends. At the same time he preaches incessantly, that one should never judge, neither accuse nor condemn.
Whoever judges is "always wrong," he said in his sermon on 23 June in Santa Marta. He errs, the Pope continued, "because he puts himself in the place of God, who is the only judge." He claimed "the authority to judge everything: people, life, everything." And "Judging with the ability," he said he has also to have the ability to "condemn".
With the excommunication of the Mafiosi, two days earlier, everything sounded quite different. Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, Bishop of Cassano all'Jonio and favorite of Pope Francis who was made the Secretary of the Italian Bishops' Conference, translated the words of the Pope: "The excommunication means that the mafia life is locked from the Church. You have chosen evil over a system of life. And when that happens, you're out of the community. You can not receive the sacraments, not baptism or sponsor confirmation, can not belong to a patronage committee, nothing. It's not your community. And it does not matter that you have the image of the Mother of God or a family altar or the Bible in the rat hole where you hide: that means absolutely nothing."
Do not judge, no way! However, there is a caveat: If the affected mafioso is hiding in a "rat hole", which is a sign that he is volatile and has been condemned by earthly justice, while if he is not convicted, it is not so easy for the Church to condemn him.
Even harder it is, the condemnations of the Pope against the mafiosi to bring "corrupt" and all the others over which he imposes the judgment every day with uninterrupted calls, never to judge anyone. These statements astonish the more so since they come from a successor of Peter, to whom the keys were entrusted to bind and to loose and everything he binds on earth and triggers will be bound and loosed in heaven. A supremacy which he holds over the whole Church.
To be precise, Pope Francis added on June 23 in Santa Marta that "the only one who judges is God and those to whom God gives the power to do it." But he did not say who they are, which is why the rate went down. The mystery continues.
Introduction / Translation: Giuseppe Nardi
Picture: Settimo Cielo

Thursday, June 26, 2014

What Feminism Is All About

Edit: there's not the slightest trace of irony.

Counter demonstration agains the "March for Family", Vienna, Stepensdomplatz, Saturday, June 14th, 2014. [Bild: PRO VITA]
